Do I unironically start with picrel?

Do I unironically start with picrel?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Yeah. Do it for 2-4 months.

  2. 8 months ago

    You don't provide any info about you (age, stress levels, fitness status) so I'm gonna say yes.

    • 8 months ago

      21 175lb 6ft tall. stress levels zero, fitness status is relatively untrained but still somehow got some muscle on me

      • 8 months ago

        The sure do SS, but soon switch to squatting twice a week. Also don't do the power cleans if you don't know how to do them. Go do some chest supported rows or one arm dumbbell rows instead.

      • 8 months ago

        If you actually do the program, you will definitely grow like crazy. It's very important that you actually read the book tho, there are different sections of the program. Like when you can't squat a new pr three days a week, you switch to a light day in the middle of the week, and when you can't deadlift every workout you switch to chins instead on one of the days. Just please read the book and bulk up like it tells you.

      • 8 months ago

        >stress levels zero
        Do SS into the Texas Method.
        You'll end up around 210lbs (more, and that's on you), a frickton stronger, and a lot more stressed.

    • 8 months ago

      >(age, stress levels, fitness status)
      Old, every moment is suffering, fat. What do?

      • 8 months ago

        Do it, start light, expect to move faster and with less gains theu the stages.
        At least you're fat, old twinks have it even harder.

        • 8 months ago

          Since I like having hardcopies of information, at (nearly 40) have any idea if I should pick up this over SS. I'm under the impression it's just SS with extra advice for coffin dodgers.

          • 8 months ago

            I haven't read that, so dunno, but Andy is legit.
            He's the Texas Method books guy.

  3. 8 months ago

    Yes, or StrongLifts because Power Cleans are for losers.

    • 8 months ago

      The sure do SS, but soon switch to squatting twice a week. Also don't do the power cleans if you don't know how to do them. Go do some chest supported rows or one arm dumbbell rows instead.

      Come on guys, power cleans aren't so hard to understand.
      If he can't find a good coach, he can learn from videos and a few hours with light weights.

    • 8 months ago

      power cleans will make your deadlifts feel 50% easier, its amazing conditioning and develops upper back and power way better than rows.
      t. lmao 4pl8 for reps dl

      • 8 months ago

        >and develops upper back [] way better than rows.
        That is just wrong.

        What is even power?

        • 8 months ago

          ok mr reddit spacer let me enlighten you.
          If strength is the display of force against an external resistence then power is force displayed quickly.
          You asking this makes me believe you have never done a clean since a clean cannot be done slow, why have an opinion if you havent done both as i have.
          can you jump slowly and still get the same airtime as if you focused all your muscles to contract and produce flight?
          its the same with the clean, its essentially a jump with a bar in your hands though youd know this if you read the book.

        • 8 months ago

          >and develops upper back [] way better than rows.
          >That is just wrong.
          He said UPPER back.
          If you're saying that rows are better than power cleans for traps, you must have never even tried a clean.
          Rows and chin ups will hit the lats hard instead, that's a good reason to do power cleans AND an one of those.

          • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Second StrongLifts, app makes it even easier

  4. 8 months ago

    Either that or this. Personally I do a weird hybrid of both.

  5. 8 months ago

    Yes, and be clear about your objectives. SS is not a bodybuilding routine, or a wholistic "fitness regimen". It's about getting stronger in a general sense in the most efficient way.
    If that's what you're looking for and are untrained, go for it.
    The book is more than you need to start - just check out the YT channel for how to do the 4 major lifts and understand the basics of the program (ABAB schedule, time between sets, sets/reps, etc).
    If you actually do it you'll get substantially stronger very quickly.

  6. 8 months ago

    yea I found it really useful pic related it's my current body

  7. 8 months ago

    >power cleans are hard

  8. 8 months ago

    I don't want to read the book lads. I want to get strong though. Is the routine laid out clearly in the book? Or is there an infograph from day 1 to 1yr of what i need to do? I don't think you understand i will probably commit suicide if one more person tells me to read that fricking book. Just please tell me the routine

    • 8 months ago

      Read the fricking manual.
      The book explains how to do the lifts. You need the info.
      AND there is an explanation of the routine from day 1 to 1 year.
      The starting routine is simple as frick
      >squat 3x5 everytime
      >alternate bench and ohp 3x5
      >deadlift 1x5
      But it doesn't last long, because you can't do deads 3/week unless it's your first week, maybe second.
      Now you have the routine, and 2 weeks to
      Go do it, I believe in you.

      • 8 months ago

        I know how to lift. I thought i did ss 10yrs ago but i stopped after a few weeks. Did greyskull same thing happened. Did some machine workout, did 531 for some reason. I seem to stop after a few weeks, not go to the gym for a couple years then go again for a few weeks. I want to go to the gym today and stick with it i just need to know what i should do on the first day. I know how to lift. I can prob squat 80kg, dead 130kg, ohp 35kg, bench 70kg. I work with my hands and i do bjj. I just want to get stronger. I'm ready to focus on the gym and stick to a program. I don't care about aesthetics anymore which is why i fricked around so much and stopped going.
        Do i go in and keep doing reps of 5 squats, bench, ohp, deads until the bar slows down and use that as my starting weights on Monday? I keep seeing people mention cleans, since when am i meant to do that in ss? Tell me what to do today and I'll download the book this evening and read it over the weekend I promise

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, check when you start to feel the weight, them inch the load up everytime.
          You'll start doing power cleans pretty soon, as soon as you can't do deadlifts every day (immediately , if you start with 130kgs) you alternate deadlifts and power cleans.
          Since you have some experience already, and will proceed faster, maybe starting on some technique work with the empty bar for those power cleans would be a smart move too.

          • 8 months ago

            Ok I'll inch up all lifts today ready for Monday. I think I'll start in phase 2 then. I could swear pendlay rows were part of this program

            • 8 months ago

              pendlays ARE a part of the program, since cleans are much harder they are kept until later when you know how to correctly do the deadlift.
              cleans are just better as a lift to support your deadlifting which the rows arent as good at doing. you can combine both if you feel your upper back can take it, but as the lifting sessions approach 2> hours it gets tough with energy.

              • 8 months ago

                I found this online shall i stick to this

              • 8 months ago

                that just the outline, way simplified.
                i really recommend you read the book as for why its setup this way.
                it will also make it easier for you to transition into whatever you want to do as an intermediate at the end of starting strength.

              • 8 months ago

                Just stop lying, you'll confuse him

    • 8 months ago

      just watch rip's videos on form and do the routine

      Read the fricking manual.
      The book explains how to do the lifts. You need the info.
      AND there is an explanation of the routine from day 1 to 1 year.
      The starting routine is simple as frick
      >squat 3x5 everytime
      >alternate bench and ohp 3x5
      >deadlift 1x5
      But it doesn't last long, because you can't do deads 3/week unless it's your first week, maybe second.
      Now you have the routine, and 2 weeks to
      Go do it, I believe in you.


      Second StrongLifts, app makes it even easier

      I'm against stronglifts because mehdi is a frickhead who just stole SS and made a gay marketing site out of it

      • 8 months ago

        I know form i just want to know what the routine is I'll read book over weekend
        Shall i do this

        I found this online shall i stick to this

        • 8 months ago

          That's the routine, yes.
          If you want to be safe from internet frickheads, here's a link you might trust more.
          It's longer to read, but it's not the whole book.

          • 8 months ago


            that just the outline, way simplified.
            i really recommend you read the book as for why its setup this way.
            it will also make it easier for you to transition into whatever you want to do as an intermediate at the end of starting strength.

            I'll read this weekend but I'm not a genius i hope the book is easy enough to interpret

  9. 8 months ago

    >ever taking any advice from this fricking clown

  10. 8 months ago

    It's dogshit but go ahead and do it and don't come b***hing here in 6 months when you end up looking like shit and being weak at anything besides squatting

  11. 8 months ago

    Since we are at it: how much for the four big should one be able to lift more or less before ditching SS and switching to a hypertrophy program?

    • 8 months ago

      That's not how it works.
      You do SS for time, about a year (more if you can hold all those gains, but that's not happening).
      When you stop growing linearly, move on.
      You'll be lifting impressive amounts, by normies standards, but you'll also have gained a lot of weight.

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, I get that it works according to how the linear progression is going, but I am still interested in some minimum weight guidelines.
        I don't want to stop too early because of a few weeks of stress halting me for a while and me interpreting it as having ran out of gains.

        • 8 months ago

          Not him but it is defined by when you start getting stuck and your progress stalls. Which really can differ from person to person based on multiple factors. That’s when you bring in a different regimen with more varied lifts to work specific muscles with more intensity
          For myself I’d say it was around a two plate squat maybe a little less when I did it through years ago

    • 8 months ago

      I think tittenhoe says you should switch to Madcow etc. after you have deloaded squat 3x times in row and still fail to break plateau

    • 8 months ago

      After second herniated disc

  12. 8 months ago

    Get the Greyskull LP book instead. It will make you big rather than just T-Rex mode.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't want big i want strength

      • 8 months ago

        Just train mostly with weights 80% of 1RM and up, until you need a day off and lift 30% just to move.
        That's how you get stronger with minimal hypertrophy.

  13. 8 months ago

    If you want to actually be successful then yeah. Run it for six months.

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