Do not do OMAD long term

It is not sustainable. When I first started it was so easy, and after a few days I wasnt getting hungry outside my meal time at all. I started seeing results almost immediately, losing weight, mostly fat. I felt better, had more energy, less inflammation, my joint pain was pretty much gone. So I kept going. I didnt start to notice the problems until about 8 months in. I couldnt finish my workouts like I used to, and they were taking a lot more out of me, requiring more rest. Thats when I started noticing I couldnt eat as much as I used to, to the point where I could barely get 2000 calories down during meal time. Its a little over 1 year now and I have a full blown eating disorder. Not a mental one like anorexia or bulimia, I just physically cannot eat enough. My stomach has shrunk. I ended the experiment and started eating multiple meals a day again, but for the first week my body violently rejected food outside of meal times. Even easily digestible stuff like peanut butter and bananas and eggs would cause severe cramping and watery stool. Its subsided a bit but I still cant eat as much, I'm getting only about 1800 calories a day from 3 meals, having to waste a lot because I just cant get it down. The worst part is this is actually causing me to gain weight, because my body is literally STARVING so most of the food I eat is immediately deposited as fat.

Do not do OMAD. Just eat like a normal human being.

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  1. 7 months ago

    it seems like OMAD works according to your story
    commit to OMAD for around 6 months, then slowly spread your calories outward from that specific mealtime
    you probably spread the meals too far apart too quickly and didnt give your body enough time to adjust

  2. 7 months ago

    >meme diets done work
    You don't say. Just eat less. Its just mind boggling how much effort fatties will go through so they can keep stuffing their fat faces and feel good about it.

  3. 7 months ago

    It's just one meal a day, hardly a radical diet. Loads of people do it without even thinking of it.

    • 7 months ago

      This is the same anon that shows up to every cutting/lean thread crying about having low energy, low libido, hair loss and how he became a compulsive eater. He's never posted body to prove he was lean at any point of his life

  4. 7 months ago

    I understand that's bad but I can't eat like normal person so I eat a portion of oatmeal before going to bed at the very least. I recommend this to any weak mind morons like me

  5. 7 months ago

    Eat during morning and after a day of work at evening, no snacking.

  6. 7 months ago

    I've been doing OMAD for almost seven years and it's worked fine for me, but if it doesn't work for you that's fine too.

    • 7 months ago

      No it hasn't

    • 7 months ago

      I dont believe you, but you got trips so it must be true. Post body

      • 7 months ago

        Here you go.

        • 7 months ago

          >roiding for that

          • 7 months ago


            I don't use steroids, I just do a lot of calisthenics. Getting rid of the last layer of fat is really hard, and frankly, I'm almost 40 and I'm a healthy weight so going on a cut for aesthetic reasons only isn't worth it. My wife likes how I look, and my current lifestyle more or less guarantees I'll live long enough to see grandchildren and see them grow up, so that's good enough for me. But again, everyone is different; find a meal and workout system that works for you.

            • 7 months ago

              Your lower body looks better than upper, post legs lets see em.

            • 6 months ago

              Based I'm 40 and doing omad just to hopefully see my son grow up. I'll be dead before I see grandkids but 300lbs isn't sustainable. I'll take my chances with omad since it lowered my blood pressure, fixed my lab work all in normal range and lost a frick ton on weight. My body was fat adapted to use my fat for energy. Felt great and focused. Rarely even got a rumble from my stomach from hunger.

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Fix your posture.

        • 6 months ago

          What were you even trying to prove?

        • 6 months ago

          >7 years

          But when are you gonna start lifting?

  7. 7 months ago

    I misread the title and thought this whole thing was about GOMAD

    • 7 months ago

      No, GOMAD is great if youre trying to gain weight. Pretty much no downsides. Ive been trying to drink as much as I can every day to make up for calories but I can only get a half gallon down per day.

      It's just one meal a day, hardly a radical diet. Loads of people do it without even thinking of it.

      Loads of people do not consistently eat one meal at the same time every day. Forgetting to eat once in a while is not the same as OMAD.

      it seems like OMAD works according to your story
      commit to OMAD for around 6 months, then slowly spread your calories outward from that specific mealtime
      you probably spread the meals too far apart too quickly and didnt give your body enough time to adjust

      OMAD works but its not sustainable is what Im saying, and also should not be utilized just on the off chance that you could develop an eating disorder. It doesnt provide much better results than a standard healthy diet.

      >meme diets done work
      You don't say. Just eat less. Its just mind boggling how much effort fatties will go through so they can keep stuffing their fat faces and feel good about it.

      I mean I wasnt fat to begin with, which is part of the problem. I just wanted to lose 15 pounds to get shredded. I lost that in about 6 months while maintaining muscle until the problems started.

  8. 7 months ago

    Did you even count your calories or did you just think "well, I can eat whatever I want because it's just one meal?" Because you probably just ate too few calories for months. I'm talking beyond the recommended deficit amount. It's not sustainable to be in a huge caloric deficit for so long, but it does work if you're packing some serious weight. But eventually you need to go into a regular deficit because you'll frick up your metabolism otherwise

    • 7 months ago

      I wasnt obsessive about it with scales and everything, just using a fitness app to track roughly what I ate. Started out at around 2800 calories per day and eventually bottomed out at 1800 because I could no longer eat enough.

  9. 7 months ago

    the red chord rules

  10. 7 months ago

    what a moron.

    • 7 months ago

      This is the same anon that shows up to every cutting/lean thread crying about having low energy, low libido, hair loss and how he became a compulsive eater. He's never posted body to prove he was lean at any point of his life

      I dont frequent this board you chode

      Here you go.

      Lookin thick, solid, tight.

  11. 7 months ago

    thats why 2MAD or 16/8 is better.

  12. 7 months ago

    >blah blah blah I beat being fat permanently
    shut up & drink your calories

  13. 7 months ago

    >do not do omad long term as i'm not able to and feel insecure about other people succeeding where I fail.

    • 7 months ago

      Go give yourself an eating disorder then you fricking ninny.

  14. 6 months ago

    This is a demoralizing word morons use. I lost almost 100lbs in 4 months of omad. I did start to feel weak after doin my work shift so I went off it but didn't get sick. I don't plan to do it forever but I'm back on omad until I lose 30-40 more and then I'll eat to maintain and scale watch. But omad has worked effortlessly for me really.

    • 6 months ago

      Current weight?

      • 6 months ago

        240 last I weighed

        • 6 months ago

          Nice, keep it up.

  15. 6 months ago

    Why the frick would you voluntarily starve yourself for no good reason?

    Get some help son.

    • 6 months ago

      For science. I experiment on my body all the time. Ive taken every drug known to man in order to catalog their effects, side effects, short and long term withdrawal effects, etc. My mind is a compendium of knowledge and Im better for it.

  16. 6 months ago

    You don't need to starve. You need to eat small cal deficit of your maint and just train hard with heavy weights for a while. These big guys who think they need cardio just need to lift heavy for a while and actually train. Log your data and you will meet your goal.

  17. 6 months ago

    I've been doing OMAD for years because it's great for my work schedule.
    Maybe you're just eating wrong foods.

  18. 6 months ago

    This is bs, I've been doing omad since August, 6ft SW:250lbs CW:190lbs GW: 184lbs

    I just eat one big meal a day , but before I eat I always do like 40-50 minutes of jump rope exercise, after showering and changing , I try to keep it around 2000 calories but I have a big meal and always desert afterwards as well, I also drink lots of green tea and coffee as well to help keep my metabolism high, cardio exercise is a must doing omad or any kind of fasting, once I reach my GW I will swap my speed rope for heavy rope's to start building muscle and also start using kettle bell and exercise wheel roller, then once I'm used to that I will start doing press ups and pull ups , my point is you can eat pizza or other junk food in omad and still make good results, you must not exercise or just have really shit genetics

  19. 6 months ago

    You just stuffed your face like a moron and got an upset tummy because of it.
    >I could barely get 2000 calories down during meal time
    You're not supposed to, dumbass. OMAD is for cutting, specifically because you can't go over your TDEE with only one meal.
    Also what the frick did you eat to get 2000 kcal in one meal, lard and oil smoothies?
    >My stomach has shrunk.
    Stomach can't shrink. It just gets used to not stretching as much during a meal. And because of that, stuffing your face leads to indigestion.
    Go google the symptoms of dyspepsia lol
    >muh I'm literally STARVING
    If you were genuinely starving you'd be busy raiding the kitchen cupboard, not writing shit on IST. You have no clue what starvation actually feels like.

  20. 6 months ago

    Buddy it's winter. You're literally just hitting a hibernation wall. Same thing for me. You're gaining weight because it's fricking winter.

    Was eating 12-15 eggs, Ramen and a 12oz steak for like 8 months straight. Had about 4 pieces of toast for the last week or so.

    Gained some weight like you. It's cold homie. Sleep some sometimes. Fr no cap my Black folk. When you're ancy for some youtube or game dopamine take a nap instead.

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