>do pull ups until failure (about 10). >muscular overload.exe. >only able to do 4 pull ups the next set

>do pull ups until failure (about 10)
>muscular overload.exe
>only able to do 4 pull ups the next set
>following set barely able to do 1
the frick is this shit i never have this with other excersizes. should i stop going till failure? i wanna be able to do 20+

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  1. 1 year ago

    your work capacity is dogshit and/or your rest times are way too short

    • 1 year ago

      Also, don't go to failure. If 10 is max, aim to see if you can get 3 sets of 8. Then 3 sets of 9, and so on. Go to failure on the last set if you absolutely must.

  2. 1 year ago

    rest longer between sets

    • 1 year ago

      your work capacity is dogshit and/or your rest times are way too short

      how long should you rest? i usually rest like for like 20-30 seconds

      • 1 year ago

        2-3 minutes, sometimes even 5.

      • 1 year ago

        >20-30 seconds
        lmao, do you want to get strong or just tired?

      • 1 year ago

        Longer if your goal is strength, less if it's hypertrophy. Either way 30 seconds is way to fricking short for anything. I do 1 minute rests between my sets and that's probably as low as you can get away with. As others have said, somewhere between 1-3. 20-30 seconds is moronic

      • 1 year ago

        90 secs

      • 1 year ago

        2-6 minutes

      • 1 year ago

        Max sets I usually rest a couple minutes, 50-60% max territory 30-60sec. What I would do is do a max set close to failure (in your case around 9-10 reps). Then I would set a timer for 5min. At 5min hit your next set. If you can do another 9-10, slowly reduce the amount of time between each set and you'll find how long it takes you to recover fully. If you can't get close to max again, you could wait longer, but what I would do instead increase the number of sets and not push as close to failure. Do instead 8-10sets of 4-5 pull ups with 30sec-1min. Use the extra volume to increase your time spent under tension.

  3. 1 year ago

    Yeah it be like that, just keep going until you improve. It's not different from anything else. You are weak now, you don't get stronger from not doing it. Maybe try to bring it up to three sets of ten, and then do the first set to failure again next time. Let's say you get 15 this time, then try to bring it to 3x15 in future... Etc.

  4. 1 year ago

    >Should I stop going to failure? I want to be able to do 20+
    Yes. If your max in one set is 10 reps you should be doing like sets of 5-7 and you will be able to do a lot more and after a few weeks you will be able to do more than 10 in a set. Pullups 101

  5. 1 year ago

    >maxed out at 10
    You should switch to weighted, something like +5kg.

    • 1 year ago

      Why when the goal is to do 20?

      how long should you rest? i usually rest like for like 20-30 seconds

      1-2 min

      • 1 year ago

        >Why when the goal is to do 20?
        It actually helps a ton
        Doing weighted pull-ups for sets of 5 helped me get to a 15 rep max, despite never working in that high a rep range

        • 1 year ago

          how much weight did you use?

          • 1 year ago

            Started with 5kg, added 2.5kg every time I could do four sets of five
            I got to 20kg in a couple months

            • 1 year ago

              yeah, if you can rep out 10 at body weight, surely you can do a 3x5 with 5kg. increase weight each workout until you can't, then increase rest between sets, increase quality of rest between workouts, eat more, etc.

  6. 1 year ago

    Also if your goal is hypertrophy, try drop-setting with a band or doing negatives when you reach failure for added volume.

  7. 1 year ago

    I have the exact same problem, also only happens with pull-ups and chin-ups
    But it only happens when I go at 8+ reps, when doing weighted for 5ish reps, this is never a problem

  8. 1 year ago

    >doing chin-up until failure
    >muscle cramp on the bottom of my foot

    How the hell? Fricking bugged body mechanics.

    • 1 year ago

      are you kipping like a homosexual?

  9. 1 year ago

    Once you can do 10 bodyweight with good form, start adding weight.
    I was stuck at 15 reps for a while, doing like 150 reps per workout 3 times a week with no result.
    After that i said frick it and added a 10 kg plate. Within 3 months i was doing 25 reps max set, now i can do like 40 reps.

    Start with something like this:

    7x4 or 5 reps, use weight that allows you to do that number of reps/sets, you should be failing at the last 2 sets ideally but still being able to complete them. Rest 2 minutes between sets. You can go as high as 10 sets if you can, but no lower than 7, volume is needed
    After you fail with weighted, rest 1 minute and do 1-2 sets to failure just bodyweight
    Rest 2 days and repeat, if you feel tired you can even rest 3 days
    Aim for around 50-60 reps per workout.
    Once you can do 10x5 with a certain weight, increase the weight and reset.

  10. 1 year ago

    That's pretty normal with pullups. First set for me is always about double what I can do in the following sets. Also either add weight or if the ceiling is high enough try going higher, getting chin above bar is much easier than doing the full rowing motion.

  11. 1 year ago

    can take over 5 minutes for your creatine pathways to be ready for another set. 2-3 minutes between sets is for gays. rest until your heart rate stabilizes if you want maximum results out of your next set.

    you don't notice this with your other sets because it is hard to cheat your way through a pullup without swinging around like a total moron. even legit lifts like bench and squat, you'll bounce out of the bottom to get through long sets.

    dramatically increase your rest time, live in the gym like a true rat.

  12. 1 year ago

    I had a weird pullup day too.
    I wanted to do some pause plus slow negative sets to failure.
    Each time the last rep felt like a true failure because once I lowered myself down I couldn't even start back up.

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