Do you care more about your face or body?

Do you care more about your face or body?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    i care more about being funny. anyone can be hot and in good shape, but not everyone can be funny.

    • 8 months ago

      i wish i was funny
      i know guys who are short/fat/poor/dumb but can get laid just because they are funny, its painful to witness

      • 8 months ago

        That should count as intelligence. The fact that they can connect with people and make them laugh so easily is op

        • 8 months ago

          yea, for them
          i have to fake laugh at everything people say, i dont find their jokes funny, how do i fix this?

      • 8 months ago

        homie your broke and brown. All you get is chicks with fridge waists

      • 8 months ago

        >my whole life everyone tells me I'm funny
        >never get laid ever

        "funny" is just a cope

    • 8 months ago

      >everyone can be hot
      you sure ab8 this fricko? like positively sure about it, like 100% absolutely sure about it

      • 8 months ago

        lmaooo nah the one above bottom right has to be photoshop no?

        • 8 months ago

          no that’s me :((

      • 8 months ago

        unless youre genuinely deformed, you can probably pull by just being relatively well groomed, and funny. being hot just makes you funnier. all these gremlins you posted, if they were funniest guy in the room, they would get laid.

        • 8 months ago

          >jestermaxxing propaganda
          how many times do I have to propagate it to you dense motherfrickers, there is no alternative for attraction, this is not vampire the masquerade where you can put points in wits and dumb appearance or seduction, you either attract members of the opposite sex or you're a subhuman gremlin as you said

          • 8 months ago

            women can want to frick a guy without finding him particularily attractive. there isnt an alternativr to being hot, no. but for a large majority women it isnt as big of a deal. there are plenty of examples of hot women being with weird looking funny dudes. i currently work with a guy that looks like a fat paedophile, and he is currently dating a girl who left her 6'5 bodybuilder ex because he was too boring. the argument "abloo bloo but women wont frick a quadruple amputee with 3rd degree burns and a cleft lip" is not an argument. for 99% of dudes, being funny will increase your success with women massively.

            • 8 months ago

              >I know this guy bro trust he never lies to me bro fr fr
              it's funny how these stories are always unproven tales from the basement and it's funny how it's always the same fat frick who bangs hot b***hes left and right in every fictional online story. looks are reality Black person, you already know this simple proven fact through out your life and you're just trying hopelessly to convince yourself through arguing with me, stay safe out there

              • 8 months ago

                hey man i really dont care if you believe me or not. if it helps you to be a pessimistic loser that blames his failure with women on stuff you cant control, be my guest. i prefer not to be such a pathetic homosexual personally

                That bodybuilder ex is fricking other hot chicks. Your coworker gets the leftovers

                i know the guy. he's still not over her and stalks her when she goes out. she was leftovers from another guy for him, too. if youre trying to find a virgin to sleep with in 2023 then youre a lost cause anyway

            • 8 months ago

              That bodybuilder ex is fricking other hot chicks. Your coworker gets the leftovers

      • 8 months ago

        why is chestbrah in this collage? dude is handsome

        • 8 months ago

          we've been over this before bucko, you know we had, that de ja vu you're having isn't an anomaly, we discussed this

        • 8 months ago

          Chestbrah please..

      • 8 months ago

        Jumpin' frickin' Jesus - what a glorious collection of misbegotten creatures.

  2. 8 months ago

    Frick I wish I looked like this homie tbh. Life on easy mode
    ...damn I'm ugly.

    • 8 months ago

      left or right?

      • 8 months ago

        I meant left but either one really

        • 8 months ago

          nature is cruel, just gotta roll with it

        • 8 months ago

          there’s nothing stopping you from looking like either of them, anon!

          • 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    well i can do frick all about my face so i guess my body

  4. 8 months ago

    Guy on the right has better both.

  5. 8 months ago

    You can get fit anytime but you can't grow a jawline + good facial structure + hunter eyes + thick hair + aquiline nose after 18 so clearly face is the answer. An out of shape genetically(face) attractive guy at 5'9 will still be a preferable option to women than a 6'2 gym rat with a weak jaw and round features.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        mewing doesn't work and it's moronic orthotropics theory about eating hard food is not the reason people grow out to be recessed, ancestors and tribals develop large jaws due to child mortality selecting for people with rapid development for the immune system to catch up and protect the little niglet from death and allergies which in turn causes a rapid growth in bone structure, recessed subhumans either poor growth or weak immune systems which causes their nasal airways to atrophy by decease and trauma which in turn paralyzes oxygen and blood flow from your mid face and eventually turns your face necrotic from the inside. it's a classic case of swimmer's fallacy where people assume swimming makes you longer and have wider shoulders where it's just only tall people with wide shoulders who are excellent swimmers. the invention of vaccines truly is the cause of this hypergamy shit because most of you motherfrickers should've died at birth already

        • 8 months ago

          so a rapidly developing immune system causes/ shares an underlying cause with bone growth? brvtal if trve, and likely at least partially so, but I think better explanation is nutrition dictating the bodys constant internal posture, which actually requires a tremendous amount of energy to hold fully upright from the base of the pelvis, up the spine and through the neck/ toungue. Child and infant mortaliry during his/prehistorical civilisation was the same or higher than hunter gatherers and they still suffered the same gradually decreasing facial qualities.

          • 8 months ago

            compared to the inbred hunter gatherers which entire generations consisted of a narrow gene pool you bet your ass the skulls were comparatively smaller but nothing recessed or bone depleted such as nowdays, inbreeding produces extremeties.

            as for teeth quality I'll give it to mew in that part, considering the introduction of alcohol and tobacco which is so common practice in Britain that it outpaces turd world countries in their consumption. second part which deals with particular skull shapes is very much region dependent, Caucasian cold winter didn't have as much dogshit deceases as Africa and neither were they particularly neotenous as Asia so you'd notice that Caucasoids have sharper, more angular bone structure compared to the Minecraft Steve inbred cousin fricking motherfrickers in tribes thanks to a more lenient development time which made a balance between asian neoteny and australoid acromegaly like protrusions.

            neoteny in and out of itself isn't unattractive but too much of it can signal little to no immune system development which in turn fricks up your body and face tremendously from the compounding decease effects, that's where the 'mascuiline vs feminine' debate comes from, ideally you want enough neoteny for your brain to keep developing but also for your body to be protected from deceases and grow at a steady pace. see picrel

            • 8 months ago

              How can you explain native Americans
              Many tribes were tall and robust. They mog whites

              • 8 months ago

                again, these Minecraft faces are inbred not beautiful, this is an overly developed face which left small room for brain development to take place. these inbred motherfrickers weren't conquered out of coincidence, robusticity + neoteny = genetic health, one or the other signals either moronation or weakness

  6. 8 months ago

    >Do you care more about your face or body?
    You stop caring when you grow up
    Adult male only cares for his strength

  7. 8 months ago

    Do you really think that leader of the pack thinks about his face
    You think that the alpha wolf is roaming around thinking about his waistline
    Only thing they care about is their strength. Their ability to apply force to external resistance. That's what matters since that's what got him there in the first place. That's what all of the female populai notices. How strong is this guy?
    >Uhmm stacy that guys seems strong dosnt he?
    >yeah im kinda wet already
    simple as

    • 8 months ago

      Please go touch grass

  8. 8 months ago

    Its true. Ive been having sex since age 16 just by being funny and charming, despite being a hungry skelly. Becoming jacked literally didnt change the amount of sex or the quality of women I get. Its easy bros, you gotta rizzmaxx.

  9. 8 months ago

    Anyone who says face doesn’t matter or isn’t important is just coping with their own butt ass ugliness lmao ugly ass homies

  10. 8 months ago

    Definitely face, but I can't do much about it. Human face is number 1 primary zone of attraction. Muscles and body are secondary, but either can interfere with the other. Thing is, body can be toned, no matter your genetics, but face is permanent. No changing it outside of surgery and I dont trust the science enough yet to make a move on that.

    • 8 months ago

      >but face is permanent.
      Not actually true. There are so many things you can do to improve and maintain the appearance of your face.

      -A lower BF% will significantly alter the shape of your face.
      -You can develop your jaw muscles with some special chewing gum/resin
      -Mewing kinda works, it also helps to stop being a mouth breather
      -Better grooming and shaving, skincare routines
      -Diet change to an animal-based with lots of cholesterol & saturated fat, which your skin desperately needs
      (vegans and vegetarians faces age like shit because of it, pic related)
      -As I in the previous post, quit all or most exercise. Avoid cardio and long-distance-running especially. Ultra-runners always look like shit.
      -Sunbathing. Get a *real* tan. Darker skin looks so much better, makes your face features more uniform, and the vitamin D will also turn around your health overnight.
      The darker skin will also give you better muscle definition. People that are too pale look ugly and sickly.

  11. 8 months ago

    >be me
    >go to tinder
    >upload 4 mid quality pics of me
    >be ver picky with my right swipes
    >45 matches few days in
    >all 7s or above
    >never message one of them

    Does this mean I'm objectively good looking, I think I am but you always have doubt?

    *for context I live in extremely sparsely populated area of smaller central European country, not big city where 45 matches is nothing

    • 8 months ago

      You don't need to humblebrag, no one believes you

      • 8 months ago

        Get fricked homosexual, answer the question or ignore it, you don't need to be butthurt.
        Asking because I usually get mixed reaction from girls irl

        • 8 months ago

          You short, ain't ya?

          • 8 months ago

            180cm about average

    • 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago

    Definitely face.

    Working out so much every day took a toll on my health, my skin started to look like shit, dark eye circles getting worse and worse, looked so sick and sleep-deprived even if I slept 10 hours.
    I've always had a youthful look and seemed to be many years younger than I actually was. After so much time working out I began developing some awful face wrinkles and my skin aged a lot.
    As soon as I stopped working out my skin improved. My dark eye circles -which I had most of my life- began to disappear, now, two weeks later, they're half the size that they used to.
    I've definitely noted a difference in how people treat me after I quit all working out and my face improved.
    Instead of exercise I focused on improving my looks with better grooming and dressing and the results are greater, immediate, and take 1/10th of the effort.
    Ever since that happened I decided that exercise in general is stupid, and I focused on stressing my body as little as possible. I don't even climb the stairs anymore and force myself to use the elevator even if it's just one floor.

    I also realized that the main reason I had been working out all these years was because of deep-seated feelings of self-hatred and un-deservingness. Which permeate everything you do and are perceived by others.
    I have decided I will no longer have these attitudes towards myself and will focus in improving my health and situation in life in other ways that do not include physical exertion.

  13. 8 months ago

    I care more about charisma, money and height. None of those other things matter if you have this.

  14. 8 months ago

    both matter equally. you can have an ugly face as a man but a nice body and get laid. or you can have a sloppy body and a handsome face/skin and get laid.

  15. 8 months ago

    Face because it's always on display all the time. You're constantly covering some parts of your body, sometimes all of it if you live in cold climate

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