Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age? or at least took sports more seriously

Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age? or at least took sports more seriously

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  1. 12 months ago

    I don't often think about the past. I consider myself a completely different person. Do I ever wish that though? I guess sometimes yeah. I wouldn't say it's a thought I often have because I rarely think of the past. No point in getting upset over something you can't change

    • 12 months ago

      >I don't often think about the past. I consider myself a completely different person. Do I ever wish that though? I guess sometimes yeah. I wouldn't say it's a thought I often have because I rarely think of the past. No point in getting upset over something you can't change

      • 12 months ago

        I see you have attempted to make a fool of me, a complete act of mockery and disrespect, alas your attempts to upset me are in vain for I am a stowic

      • 12 months ago

        Criminally low effort bait
        >I will just quote him and put le nerd face next to it HE HE HE
        Do 50 pushups right now or post body

  2. 12 months ago

    absolutely, I was a total recluse during my teens and I would've been way better off physically and psychologically if I had just started lifting then. It obviously wouldnt have solved problems like my social moronation but things would've been better, if only because Id be healthier.

  3. 12 months ago

    I started at 30

    But was conditioned to hate PE because of muh soccer and shit

    • 12 months ago

      I hated PE cos all we did was football (soccer) and shit like fricking aussie rules instead of Rugby. I went to a fricking sports college ffs. The UK is moronic.

      Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age? or at least took sports more seriously

      Kinda, but my Dad bullied and forced me into sports, then would scream and shout and hit the car door and dashboard on the drive home whilst barrating me. He'd also mock me for playing badly infront of team mates/friends. He was an aggressive butthole and it put me off sports until I got into it independently at 18. I much preffered solo sports like boxing and mma, i think my Dad turning me into a pussy and forcing me into Rugby put me off team sports. I can't deal with stressy shitheads.

      • 12 months ago

        My dad pretty much made me played football. I hated it until 9th grade I guess I started hitting puberty. Anyways I ended up being good at it and really loved that shit some of my best memories. I'm happy he forced me to do it originally. Then again he never like chimped out at me I guess either so maybe that was different.

        • 12 months ago

          based dad forcing his kid to play a sport

        • 12 months ago

          based dad forcing his kid to play a sport

          Yeah my Dad was an aggressive kiwi-maori rugby lunatic. He was also 6ft and 15stone at 16 and I was 5'7 1/2 and 11 stone at 17, so worlds apart in physique.
          He would punch the door, he'd be spitting through his teeth 'WHY THE FRICK DIDN'T YA BLOODY TACKLE HIM?!!! YOU FRICKING IDIOT YOU COULDA EASILY SMASHED HIM!' - I was 9-10 years old.
          He'd do this over anything, like when I was 8 and tied my lases by making two loops and tying them together cos i didn't know the other way. He wohld insist I did know, i was just 'being stupid' then say 'you let yourself down badly boy' infront of his mates, who probably thought he was being a dick too.

          • 12 months ago

            So why didn't you tackle him?

  4. 12 months ago

    Nah not really. Started in college after being a band nerd in HS, came to IST maybe 2011? Lifted for about ten years and kinda lost interest as other hobbies took the front burner. Then I fell in love, got married, bought a house. I'm soft now but I can still bench lmao 2plaet whenever I get under a bar so w/e

    Idk man it don't really matter, none a this matters. you guys take this shit to seriously jus b urself lmoa

    • 12 months ago

      bro I literally could have been what baby gronk is today with all the added benefits if you catch my drift

      • 12 months ago

        >if you catch my drift
        for the first time with these kinds of posts i literally have no clue wtf you mean

        • 12 months ago

          livvy rizzed baby gronk

  5. 12 months ago

    I wish I started going to the gym earlier.
    I wish I stopped playing video games earlier.
    I wish I started applying myself at my job earlier instead of coasting.
    I wish I realized that I hated wageslaving and starting my own business earlier.
    I wish I bought a frickton of BTC in 2011 so all I could worry about now is lifting.
    But c'est la vie

  6. 12 months ago

    I wish that blonde bawd would pump my wiener every day.

  7. 12 months ago

    Idk maybe but if I changed my past I wouldn't be the same me I am today and I mostly like beeing me. I try to only think about the things I can change going forward.

  8. 12 months ago

    Why do so many “athletic prodigy” kids in football and baseball have this weird puffy face? Is it just being turbo-Southern?
    Rarely notice it in other sports.

    • 12 months ago

      its just being fat. chunby athletic kids have muscle mass advantage until puberty. Football and baseball yields many chunky prodigies

  9. 12 months ago

    No, only losers dwell in the past

  10. 12 months ago

    Yes, of course, can't really blame myself looking back though. I had no idea about anything and received no guidance. Better late than never I guess.

  11. 12 months ago

    lifting earlier but still after hs
    running however, wish i did that from like 10

  12. 12 months ago

    I wish my parents had somehow gotten me into wrestling since a young age. Though i don't beat myself up about it since amateur wrestling is basically non-existant in my country

  13. 12 months ago

    Not really. I was really happy with my life only playing World of Warcraft my entire youth, being a fat sack of shit, smoking cigarettes and sleeping in every day. Good times. Eventually I grew up and focused on my career and health, but I don't really think I should have started earlier. I am behind a few years, but who cares? I am still much more knowledgeable than most people and overall I have decent life.

  14. 12 months ago

    All the time, but at the same time, what am I going to do about it?

  15. 12 months ago

    If my grandma had wheels she'd be a fricking bike

  16. 12 months ago

    Why would I? I started wrestling at 10 and have been training consistently ever since.

  17. 12 months ago

    Of course I do, but can't do shit about that. Just work on it now.

  18. 12 months ago

    I started at 14 to get as much high school pussy as i could while I could

  19. 12 months ago

    I've always practiced some sports, but with scarce results since I lacked interests. Honestly I'm okay with having developed a sensibility for sports later in my life

  20. 12 months ago

    In high school I would train with the football team and take advantage of lifting weights and running across the field during the summer but I would dip as soon as the year started.

    I don’t regret not playing football, but I do regret not trying different sports to figure out which one I liked. Thinking back I might have enjoyed basketball or wrestling but oh well.

    I’m an adult now and have the money to splurge on a nice gym and high quality mma instruction so I don’t really care to about what I missed out on my teens and early twenties.

  21. 12 months ago

    That kids necklace says 'Baby Gronk' kek

    shoot for the stars kiddo

  22. 12 months ago

    I just wishes i lofted. Everyone who lifted and got jacked got tons of pussy even if they didnt play a sport

    Also played hockey and they didnt have a lifting program and i was so skinny probably like 130 or so in high school. Just a twink waiting to be broken. Football had a lifting program at least

  23. 12 months ago

    Yes but I am glad I wasn’t too late

  24. 12 months ago

    When I played little league there was this guy (Derrick) who was giant and could run that fricking tater like you've never seen. Parents used to b***h and want to see his birth certificate.

    Anyways by the time we got to highschool he was still pretty strong but a similar size to everyone else just didn't have it idk competition got tougher and he just never quite had that same edge. He was s a good guy though. Alot of football is just developing a really good feel or instinct for a position and you just never really know if a kid will develop that later on or not. There are tons of guys who have the instinct for it but don't have the size. There are also tons of people with the size who don't have the instinct for it.

  25. 12 months ago

    Kinda, yeah. Didn't get into shape until my 30s. I had no interest in sports until I was in shape. Now it feels a little silly to pick up rec league whatever for the first time as a middle aged man.

    Also I was never an incel weirdo but I probably would have done a lot better for myself in my twenties if I'd been hotter and now that I'm wifed up that ship has sailed.

    But it's not worth dwelling on some alternate universe where I played baseball in highschool and had casual sex with prettier women in my twenties. Sports and women aren't why I spend time at the gym (not that it isn't fun to see my wife getting jealous of an attractive woman paying too much attention to me every once in a while).

    • 12 months ago

      >now that I'm wifed up that ship has sailed
      lol just have some casual hookups on the dl or you're gonna end up having an affair in your 40s/50s when it'll really frick you up.

  26. 12 months ago

    Sports? no. Training? Yes.

  27. 12 months ago

    All the goddamn time. But then I quickly remind myself that fretting over it will do nothing, in fact even thinking about that takes away time and resources that could be spent to better my current self.

  28. 12 months ago

    Actually I was training and into sports when young. But I was turbo autist and a schizo and I ended up a 44 year old virgin. I wish I wasn't a turbo autist and a schizo.

  29. 12 months ago


  30. 12 months ago

    Cliffs on the kid, why is he being spammed here

    • 12 months ago

      I think he is a good student athlete or something (I'm not an american so correct me if I'm wrong). It's apparently a really big deal that Universities get good recruits. So Olivia Dunne here managed to get this kid to sign up for her university. The fricked up part? University officials 100% told her to frick this kid to get him to sign.

  31. 12 months ago

    No I wanted to be a skinny nerd. Growing up my parents forced me to take swimming lessons for years far beyond what I needed, and play basketball/soccer/hockey, which I wanted to do at first but after the 1st year I hated doing them. I even got a special award for being the "most dedicated" kek because my parents always took me to every 5am practice and wouldn't let me miss it. They even had me take a power skating program for a few months where the entire time it was nonstop drills and suicides, basically stopping/starting into a sprint for an hour straight, each time I felt drunk afterwards from how hard it was and I was only 12 at the time.

    I was good at sports though, was probably in the top 10 most athletic in my grade of ~100 kids, but I didn't enjoy it. Once I hit high school they stopped caring and I quit sports, and gradually just got fat. Eventually I wanted to start going to the gym to get leaner/stronger, but I lived in a rural area and had no transportation. When I asked my parents if they would take me they just made fun of me and told me to just use their treadmill instead.

    I wish I got into lifting, my parents do frick all for exercise and I think that's partially why I didn't want to get into sports - I saw my dad (programmer) sit in front of a computer all day and so that's what I wanted too.
    One guy I work with has kids and a home gym and he's ripped and he's teaching his kids and helping them getting into lifting regularly and I'm so envious of that. I feel like things would have turned out better if I had that experience growing up with my dad, if he had an interest in being fit and helped instill that a habit with me.

  32. 12 months ago

    I did take sports seriously that's why I have bad knees lol

  33. 12 months ago

    >Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age?
    No, I started up exactly when it was healthy.
    >or at least took sports more seriously
    lmao frick no, why the hell would I waste my time being anything other than a hobbyist recreation player at absolute most? If you're not a pro, you're just fricking around, and you shouldn't waste your time trying to take fricking around seriously.

  34. 12 months ago

    I was really good at sports until high school hit and everyone started going through puberty and I never did. I became dogshit so fast. Everyone was bigger stronger and faster than me. I had to quit all competitive sports at 14

  35. 12 months ago

    Yes. I'm 6'1 with a fairly athletic build and big hands. I can toss the football around and catch okish, although it is obvious I never played sports. I also don't follow sportsball so there is about 20% of male interaction I miss out on. Could be worse I guess but sometimes I wonder, what would life be like if I had done sports? My cousin is nowhere as smart as me but he got a scholarship to college and ended up being an engineer and now he travels the world with his asian waifu all because he could play a bit of ball.

    • 12 months ago

      >i dont follow sportsball
      you are beyond hope

      • 12 months ago

        I get that if you played as a young man you have some emotional attachment to it, but I would feel like such a poser referring to a bunch of millionaires that just happened to live in my city as "we" and beating my wife when they lose.

  36. 12 months ago

    are these americans "white"?

  37. 12 months ago

    The earlier you start seriously training, the more of a manlet you'll be. Hormones are weird, but the one specifically responsible for fusing growth plates is estrogen which yes men have to small degrees. This is why zoomers are so fricking tall and lanky with brittle bones, they're chock full of estrogen and their growth plates fuse late. But too much testosterone when you're still growing and you'll fuse them early. I didn't start going balls to the wall until I was 24 and knew I was done growing.

    • 12 months ago

      Anecdotal but this happened to me.
      Worked my ass off playing sports my entire childhood and I'm only 5'9"
      Meanwhile my brother (2 years older), he never played any sports because he had some stomach issues and he grew to 6'4'" (our dad is 6'2").

      I didn't even want to play sports that much but my parents forced me to go.
      Frick I should have just half-assed it instead of giving 100%, it's crazy how different my life would have been.
      I never really thought about it but in hindsight there's so many differences in the way people treat us that it's easy to imagine what could have been.
      I went bar hopping with my brother one time and the way strangers treat us, guys and girls, they're very friendly and want to get to know him the moment they see him, before he even says or does anything. Then when they talk to me it's instantly a neutral/uncaring attitude even when I'm just as friendly.
      We went to the same high school together too, everyone wanted to know him, ask him how he's doing, and he effortlessly had dozens of friends cause he's the tall guy towering over everyone, not even doing anything and people go out of their way to make friends. Meanwhile all I got was some random older kid I didn't even know that went out of his way to violently shoulder check me in the hallway.

  38. 12 months ago

    yeah I'm 30 and reached 2/3/4/5 within 1,5 years of lifting as a natty and it makes me miserable thinking,that i probably had potential to be competitive had i started younger

  39. 12 months ago

    Yeah, I would've done wrestling starting as a kid

  40. 12 months ago

    >Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age? or at least took sports more seriously
    I've thought about it a lot. I come from a family that loves football (Slavic immigrants in a western country). Well when I was 6, I was never any good at it. Terrible actually. It was really obvious that I never improved no matter how many times I went to training or played matches. It was also really obvious I didn't want to be there. I was a lot worse than every other player and didn't make any friends. I would sigh when either of my parents told me we have to leave for training. After the season was over my parents asked me if I still wanted to play football and I said no. I thought they were going to put me into another sport. They actually just gave up on me completely, and not just for sports. I should have just said yes.

  41. 12 months ago

    No, not really. I do wish I started lifting when I returned to college at 30 to finish my bachelor's though. I'm 32 now and gained about 40lbs in the process, but in my defence I also had a couple near death experiences and a ton of traumatic events in a result I got absolutely steamrolled by depression. Maybe lifting would have helped. I started lifting a week ago to melt off the weight and am already starting to feel a lot better even though I'm pretty much just picking up empty bars and putting them down.

    • 12 months ago

      >in my defence I also had a couple near death experiences
      sorry for you that they weren't full death experiences. you would have been so lucky

    • 12 months ago

      Don't worry about Black folk, you are among men after all

  42. 12 months ago

    Early specialisation in sports results in a greater frequency of burn out and more importantly injuries. Kids should be encouraged to have fun and try a range of sports. Once they are getting to the ages of 14/15 and show promise in a certain sport, then you can pursue it.

  43. 12 months ago

    >Do you ever wish you started training at an earlier age?
    All the time. I realize now it would have taken so little effort to drastically improve my teenage years. If I had done even 20 minutes of exercise and eaten an extra chicken breast a day, my life would have been so much different

  44. 12 months ago

    I don't. There are other more serious shit I would deal before that.

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