Do you guys have anxiety?

Does exercising too much, or eating too little, or a certain diet heavy in say dairy and protein have any relationship to anxiety and cortisol? What do you guys think? Do you have a problem, and what do you do to manage
I dont really have anxiety attacks, but sometimes I feel them oncoming and I calm them down, but its always a thought in my mind and now it just appeared in my dream. What do you do, IST bros?

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  1. 2 years ago

    dubs and op explodes right now

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Evens and op accidentally sprains something from trying too hard
      Odds he has a x1.5 multiplier to this week’s gains

  2. 2 years ago

    forgot to mention, I am trans btw.

  3. 2 years ago

    The feeling you mentioned is extremely common, and letting it take control is what leads people to believing they have "Anxiety"; "solving it" by way of psych meds.
    Stay strong, bud.

    • 2 years ago

      >The feeling you mentioned is extremely common, and letting it take control is what leads people to believing they have "Anxiety"; "solving it" by way of psych meds.
      I definitely do not want meds. It do have my emotions in check, but its just a constant intrusive thought in my head. I know these thoughts have no power over me, but after a certain amount of time it's a brain drain. I've only had one attack and that was because I was having bad alcohol withdrawals. Before then, it wasnt even a thought in my mind at all, and I know it isnt a thought in the minds of many people. If you try to explain it to them they have no comprehension, because its never even had to occur to them this could be a thing.

      • 2 years ago

        I have been aware of the effects of diet and exercise too, but at a certain point I have to train to get stronger. I've been using to training at a certain volume and frequency, if I dont do it I have too much extra energy, if I do it in the afternoon I feel my stress levels through the roof. I've considered doing one of those at home cortisol tests.

        you take things too seriously. that's your issue

      • 2 years ago

        Does exercising too much, or eating too little, or a certain diet heavy in say dairy and protein have any relationship to anxiety and cortisol? What do you guys think? Do you have a problem, and what do you do to manage
        I dont really have anxiety attacks, but sometimes I feel them oncoming and I calm them down, but its always a thought in my mind and now it just appeared in my dream. What do you do, IST bros?

        What's that thought that comes in your mind OP? That's the most important part

  4. 2 years ago

    in my experience anxiety and depression get worse the less you eat, while exercise usually has the opposite affect although too much strain on the body mixed with not enough food will cause mental illness to get worse (think delirium ) so i would say chill on the exercise a bit and raise your calories a bit (like a couple hundred below what you use per day) then see if it helps or not and go from there

    • 2 years ago

      I have been aware of the effects of diet and exercise too, but at a certain point I have to train to get stronger. I've been using to training at a certain volume and frequency, if I dont do it I have too much extra energy, if I do it in the afternoon I feel my stress levels through the roof. I've considered doing one of those at home cortisol tests.

  5. 2 years ago

    >caffeine addict
    >can't function without coffee
    >shaky as frick with coffee
    >neck twitches more and more if I try to hold it stable
    >I look like a schizo when I just let it twitch as it pleases
    >people think I'm either insane or have parkinsons
    >get self aware about it and start shaking more

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Let it twitch. Make it twitch more when talking to people to overcome your fear.

  6. 2 years ago

    I find that my anxiety heavily correlates with stomach/digestion issues. Be it the cause or the symptom i haven’t figured out, but avoiding foods that make you gassy or bloated, and running (maybe because it shakes up the bowels?) seems to help me a lot. Serotonin is also produced like 80 percent so that might be a factor somewhere in all this.

    • 2 years ago

      *produced 80 percent in the gut

    • 2 years ago

      any other metrics for stomach issues? I have zero gas/bloat but I sometimes get acne and anxiety, usually same time when I eat out a lot and eat stuff like cake/cookies

      • 2 years ago

        Gluten and dairy sensitivity can be a trigger for people who may not have an explicit allergy. It may still activate an immune response leading to inflammation and stress.

        • 2 years ago

          Here's my exact diet. Anything you'd improve? I add in regular l-theanine and ashwagandha after my workouts too to lower stress hormone

          • 2 years ago

            There's nothing I can see that could be detrimental, though I've read a mounting anecdotal evidence that ashwagandha can in some cases have negative stomach and gastrointestinal effects.
            If this is something really bothering you, talk to your doctor and see about blood testing.

            • 2 years ago

              you might be on to something. I've been thinking maybe having more anxiety after taking ashwagandha but haven't really confirmed if it's that or just the cortisol built up after my workouts. Already checked my bloodwork over the years and nothing is off, but I do sleep only 5-6 hours a night no matter how much magnesium I take or how regular my bedtime is

              • 2 years ago

                Ive read ashwagandha can have the inverse effect and cause anxiety by disturbing the gut. It is a very potent plant root after all. You take probiotics? Gut health is essential to mood and stability, they're linked.

              • 2 years ago

                do you have any resource linking this effect? Thought I was crazy for thinking this in my own experience. Would love to read more on it

                And I don't take anything since I eat 250 grams of fat free greek yogurt every night, but I might add another probiotic if you think it isn't overkill?

              • 2 years ago

                Its mostly anecdotal. It's going to be your judgment call. Sorry.

          • 2 years ago

            That's a decent amount of coffee/caffeine. Not sure what the exact conversion is, but looks like 11g is about 2 tbsp, so you are at ~200-250mg caffeine daily.

            It might be worth quitting for a month and seeing how that helps. Some people are very sensitive, you're triggering quite a bit of adrenaline and cortisol with the coffee, and it may help to remove it.

            I was running into a bit of anxiety and I got a lot of help from the book in my picture

    • 2 years ago

      This. Your gut produces a lot of different hormones that work with your brain and the rest of your body’s functions. I watched a Netflix show called your second brain or something like that and it opened my eyes at how important you gut health is and not many people put enough emphasis on it. After sleep I would say getting your gut in check is on like the top 3 things you should fix if your having problems with anxiety. You would honestly be very surprised at how effortlessly so many issues are corrected as a result of simply having a good gut micro biome.

    • 2 years ago

      Honest to god, removing plant oils and fats from my diet had a huge benefit to my ability to be satisfied with things I do. I love my veggies but I cook them with butter instead of olive oil.
      My theory is that they're more efficiently digested because of chemical similarities (animal fat, carbs, protein, and the minerals and vitamins bonded to them are naturally similar to what our bodies need), and they contain hormones which your body can use straight away instead of constructing them yourself.
      Then I completely obliterated factory and battery farmed produce from my diet (including ready to eat food like sandwiches because obviously the animals were treated like shit if it's so affordable), because that animal produce will contain stress hormones. You can taste the difference between battery and free range eggs so I'm certain your gut can tell the difference too.
      Dunno if my theory is sound, but it works for me.
      Plus it's definitely cheaper to buy expensive meat for home made packed lunches than constantly be buying ready made cheap food. And you can experiment and have a more varied diet. I made pork, plum, and chilli sausages and made my own sausage rolls last week. Far better than rotating through the five goyslop petrol station sandwiches on my way to work every day.

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I'm not that pepe. Hes looks classy, and put together. I'm so ashamed of my shortcomings i often times cant put myself in front of my family
      >hows work anon
      >hows school anon
      >do you have a girlfriend anon
      I'm uncomfortable under my own skin because I'm a failure and everyone else knows it. Sure theres a few people that dont care about what's in my bank account or what my relationship status is but the negatives stick out far more than the positives. If I had my own place and my own car and maybe a girl and a some friends that I knew we were all just chill no expectations maybe then I'd be comfortable with my own existence and could be like a boomer and just not care about anything other than grilling or the Sunday game but god damnit I'm a fumbling incompetent and socially inept so I dont have a good paying job or education and now I'm frick give me a drink

  8. 2 years ago

    Eating grass fed meat is heavily linked to depression.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you by any chance of ashkenazi decent?

  9. 2 years ago

    I've been anxious all my life especially at teens. Seems to get easier over time, I'm now 43. Probably no miracle will happen to you.

    ps. alcohol didn't work for me well

  10. 2 years ago

    >have inbalance in cortisol levels
    >work out hard
    >cortisol spikes
    >finish working out
    >cortisol reboots to normal range
    >get a batch of feelsgood hormones as bonus
    you can search for studies on the matter if you want

  11. 2 years ago

    Yes, fitness and diet play a big role. Exercising allows the brain to 'shut off' if you allow yourself to just do the lift. Certain foods can be triggering for anxiety. I have found that caffeine fricks me up completely and sends me into anxious spirals that can last weeks. The most important thing is to get your head in order, start journalling your thoughts every day, more if you want. It really puts the thoughts into perspective and lets you plan your escape from the mind. If you feel overwhelmed talk to someone amd have them sit with you, focus on breathing, the air entering and leaving your nose. Being present and looking at things directly amd objectively works far better to calm you down than anything else. Anxiety is associated with the anticipation sector of the brain aka the imagination. So stop imagining things and just look at a real object like a book. Don't think about how the book cam hurt you or be dangerous, just look at it and breathe. Look, don't imagine.

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Caffeine causes anxiety, diets high in fat change gut bacteria and increase cortisol via cholesterol increase. High fiber and high carb low fat diets reduce cortisol and stress.
    t. Cortisol reducer

  13. 2 years ago

    Start by taking zinc and magnesium every day (separately) to see if that helps.
    Then, once you adjust to that, start taking rhodiola or panax ginseng twice a day to lower your cortisol. If you get lazy, take less. You want to be stress free but still productive.
    Protein shakes really frick with your hormones as well.

    Just eat 0.8g of protein (from meat) per pound of lean body mass and get plenty of good carbs and fats while avoiding sugar and alcohol. It's all you need to get fuarkin jooocy
    A lot of high intensity exercise with lack of calories make your cortisol skyrocket.

    I got to 274lbs @8% bf at 6'4" but only because I controlled my cortisol with rhodiola and ginseng.

    • 2 years ago

      Why take zinc and mag separately? I've been taking them together for years.

  14. 2 years ago

    yes really bad social anxiety
    I cannot talk to women or even look them in the eye
    There was a cute girl that came in at work today and I straight up couldn't look at her or talk to her because I started getting too shaky

    • 2 years ago

      I've tried every single mental exercise possible to beat my social anxiety and it's still only getting worse.

      Like I can try to pump myself up in the mirror of a bathroom before going to some whatever college class, rationalize to myself in every way possible that literally no one gives a shit and do every mental and breathing exercise possible like widening myself as much as possible with my arms wide open or whatnot and exiting the bathroom telling myself there is no reason to feel this way over and over again, but the moment I touch the door knob and open the class door my heart starts beating like crazy and my head feels like it will explode as if I'm in a near death situation. By the time I sit in my chair I am already sweating like crazy and afraid of the person closest to me literally being able to hear my heart bursting out of my chest because of how much I am stressed in that moment.
      Every time the same exact thing, even though I know it's not rational. At this rate I'll die in my 30s out of nothing but pure stress and anxiety.

      The only way you will fix this is by starting from square one you MUST get your basic health in order make sure nothing els is the cause. Make sure your getting proper sleep but like really focus on it and take it seriously second make sure your geting a diet that is good for YOU not someone els, although I think everyone should learn to eat kimchi or naturally fermented sauerkraut for there gut. Get good exercise that keeps you excited and motivated to keep doing it. I would strongly recommend bible reading and prayer above all els even if your not a Christian try it. Stay extremely motivated to keep these things going and get better at monitoring them in relation to how your feeling day to day. Also When you have a anxiety episode don’t dwell on it after the fact try and laugh it off and see it as battle won even if it was difficult to get through.

      • 2 years ago

        Fermented foods cause stomach cancer check out the increased rates in places like Korea where kimchi is common
        Just sayin it's not as healthy as you think

      • 2 years ago

        ahhhhh I'm trying man, I'm genuinely putting in effort but nothing works out for me... I do all of this except reading the bible I guess I could give it a shot.
        I'm still a giant sperg no matter what I do... I hate myself so much

        • 2 years ago

          Don't hate yourself man

    • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    I've tried every single mental exercise possible to beat my social anxiety and it's still only getting worse.

    Like I can try to pump myself up in the mirror of a bathroom before going to some whatever college class, rationalize to myself in every way possible that literally no one gives a shit and do every mental and breathing exercise possible like widening myself as much as possible with my arms wide open or whatnot and exiting the bathroom telling myself there is no reason to feel this way over and over again, but the moment I touch the door knob and open the class door my heart starts beating like crazy and my head feels like it will explode as if I'm in a near death situation. By the time I sit in my chair I am already sweating like crazy and afraid of the person closest to me literally being able to hear my heart bursting out of my chest because of how much I am stressed in that moment.
    Every time the same exact thing, even though I know it's not rational. At this rate I'll die in my 30s out of nothing but pure stress and anxiety.

  16. 2 years ago

    caffeine for sure, gives me mad anxiety if I have too much. Lately decaff only and 0 anxiety at all.

  17. 2 years ago

    read no longer human. it's how i've felt since i could remember

  18. 2 years ago

    i can't pee if there is anyone around
    i have high cortisol and sky high ACTH
    i have ED and never had morning wood
    life is bad

  19. 2 years ago

    Yeah I got bad anxiety and depersonalize a lot. Running and lifting are best.

  20. 2 years ago

    I'm 30 years old and yes I have severe anxiety. Most of it is social related, but I also have a crippling fear of failure and rejection. I am basically terrified of everything and it has ruined my entire life. The thought of any guy or girl seeing how pathetically I live, and ultimately rejecting me because of it, terrifies me so making friends or trying to even go on a date is impossible. I lived on my own when away for college and it was a really anxiety-producing experience, mainly because I was living with people who were relatively normal so them seeing my loserness terrified me, and I now still live with my parents because at least only they have to see it. I got my driver's license 4-5 years ago but haven't driven since because the thought of actually driving terrifies me. I have a pathetic, humiliating job, but the thought of filling out my resume and doing a job interview and having to try to explain what I've done really terrifies me.

    I'm pretty certain that I have avoidant personality disorder. I want to kill myself every single day of my life, but of course the thought of having to commit suicide myself terrifies me as well. I'm a complete npc husk of a person and there's no reason for me to be alive.

  21. 2 years ago

    Maybe you need more rest days off
    Let's say 5 rest days
    Within the rest days no porn, no social media, soft video games, no music.

  22. 2 years ago

    Too many carbs and too little protein causes anxiety for me

  23. 2 years ago

    >complains about estrogen-based mental illness
    >on my fitness board

    • 2 years ago

      that's why I only watch solo fremboy porn

      • 2 years ago

        Oh so it's not jerking off to men if we call them "femenine boys", just how it's not acktually anime child porn if we call it "e-girl".

        • 2 years ago

          I love being an atheist because I can just jerk it to little boys and girls without feeling an ounce of remorse

          • 2 years ago

            haha u epically trolled le atheists, we all know no religious people have regularly been caught with little boys XDXDXD

            • 2 years ago

              this post sucked so hard im converting astagfirullah

  24. 2 years ago

    yes I think I have parcopresis. So diet very strongly affects my anxiety.

    >what do?

    avoid caffeine, try some nootrooics; I take noopept. You can also try Kava.

    • 2 years ago

      Ah yes, I forgot to mention the second main issue of mental illnesses like anxiety is porn-induced hypofrontality, which can only be treated somewhat by meditation or massive doses of daily nootropics (supposedly; I don't believe pills can save you).

  25. 2 years ago

    Try the physiological sigh. Two sharps breaths in through your nose, then slowly breath out through your mouth until your lungs are empty. The way you exhale is important though, it should feel more like you are deflating than forcing it out. Repeat as necessary.

  26. 2 years ago

    I'm practically scared 24/7.
    Going to the gym is scary, every time. Same for the bjj club. Every time I bench, squat, diddy etc etc I'm scared as frick.
    I do it all anyway.

  27. 2 years ago

    I got massive anxiety when covid started (I was made redundant, plus the loss of my social network because all my friends turned out to be complicity theorists and I was basically in solitary isolation for months). I found CBD oil helped massively in the short term but I built a tolerance to it very quickly. Vitamin D3 also has a major impact, about 4,000IU a day with K2 knocked my anxiety on the head.
    Really though your anxiety will be caused by personal factors, and while you can treat it chemically if you don't remove the stressors that are causing anxiety then you're just putting a band aid over the issue.
    Men need to be productive and socially valuable, and that's a core part of the masculine ego. Doing something that you enjoy and other people respect you for it is absolutely critical to managing mental health.

  28. 2 years ago

    Fix your gut bacteria. Fermented foods, especially fermented animal foods

  29. 2 years ago

    Doing HIIT cardio regularly made my panic attacks go away. I lost my routine for a bit and they came back, started again and they went away again. Dick works/feels better too.

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