Do you stay lean all year around?

Do you stay lean all year around?

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  1. 6 months ago

    winter bulks are tempting

  2. 6 months ago

    yeah, i fell for the bulking meme once and will never fall for it again lol

    • 6 months ago

      how it is meme when 100% of pro body builders do it?

      • 6 months ago

        100% of the bodybuilders are on gear while i am not

      • 6 months ago

        lets be honest, pro bodybuilders tend to stay lean when bulking due to all the HGH and Insulin - the average joe just gets fat.

      • 6 months ago

        pro bodybuilders have more ripped abs at their peak bulk than 100% of natty lifters at their peak cut. like you are right that its not necessarily a "meme" since you need a surplus, but at that point i guess we are just arguing semantics. technically a 1 calorie surplus is a "bulk" also. im talking more in traditional sense. basically all pro bodybuilders are doing is leangaining/maingaining whatever you wanna call and not "bulking". where natties ballooon 30-50lbs and only 5-10 lbs of that is muscle at most and then you need to spend 8-12 months cutting and losing most of that 5-10 lbs muscle you gaine dto begin with.

        • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          A big bodybuilder would bulk to 300+ in the off-season, or at least the high 200s. They do bulk a LOT. The "maingaining" bullshit is just what body-dysmorphic influencers who call themselves bodybuilders because they use steroids do. The IFBBs look so lean because they have so much muscle, but they can get up to at least like 22% in the off-season, and they have to be more concerned about being closer to stage-lean than any other type of lifter or athlete does. So if you're 22% and 300 lbs, that's 66 lbs of bodyfat. For comparison, I'm currently a little down on muscle in legs due to injury, but I'm 19.3% bodyfat and that's 35 lbs total. For the 300 lb bodybuilder to get down to 5% bodyfat, he needs to get down to 12 lbs of bodyfat. That's a huge loss of 54 lbs and they do this sort of stuff all the time. Skin-tightening topical steroid creams and other such things are super common. Sure, the stage weight ends up being lower because of loss of water weight, blood volume, and some small amount of muscle (but much less than you'd lose doing it natty).

    • 6 months ago

      How long have you been lifting?

    • 6 months ago

      Same. I don't regret it because it made me train harder and more frequent alongside managing diet.

  3. 6 months ago

    No that's dumb.

    • 6 months ago

      Why is it dumb

      • 6 months ago

        Because it is not within the body's nature to put on meaningful amounts of muscle without being in a meaningful caloric surplus. It's a lot more efficient and a lot more fun to do a 300-500 calorie surplus and put on 25-30 lbs of lean mass, likely 15-20 lbs of contractile tissue, in 5 years, including the cuts you do just to keep you roughly in the range of 12-22%, than it is to train for 20 years and make those same gains, if you're lucky. Bulking and cutting is how all your fitness idols made their gains, and when they sell you maingaining, they keep you small and dependent. You're wasting your time. Hell, many people, especially men, don't put as much fat or weight on as the calculations would say at a given calorie intake. The body is not a closed system. Cutting isn't very hard anyway. It's not as fun as bulking, but both are much more fun than "maingaining", aka treading water.

        I was lean (dyel) at 135
        I was lean at 155
        I am lean at 165
        I will be lean at 185 and 200 etc

        If you are not lean you are on the spectrum of fatty

        You're on a whole different spectrum, buddy. You've got ED. Eating disorder.

        • 6 months ago

          I have an eating disorder because I am gaining weight and muscle through healthy diet and exercise. Yeah you don’t sound like a total moron at all but go off sis

  4. 6 months ago

    I was lean (dyel) at 135
    I was lean at 155
    I am lean at 165
    I will be lean at 185 and 200 etc

    If you are not lean you are on the spectrum of fatty

  5. 6 months ago

    >sex with the sexy skin walker

  6. 6 months ago

    Eat at maintenance?

  7. 6 months ago

    The muscular body and the pigs head really gets me going, i dont care its anime whatever its still hot

  8. 6 months ago

    Meg is hot when you hider her face ngl

  9. 6 months ago

    Yeah. I use the weighted pull up test. If my weighted pull up isn't increasing while I gain weight then I'm bulking wrong.

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