Doctors are useless

>doctor/vet prescribes medicine, tells me theres no side effects with total confidence
>do reserch
>turns out theres side effects
>ask doctor if there are any herbal or homeopathic stuff i can do to aid
>doctor/vet says he doesnt know
>turns out theres countless shit that helps
>turns out the medicine can do permenent damage or u have to stay on it forever
>90 percent of the time the doctor/vet is out of shape
>95 percent of the time the doctor/vet just got into the job for prestidgue beacause no sane person is really interested in spending 8 yeaes doing hard memorization and getting into perma debt
>100 percent of the time doctors havent heard of medical mushrooms like lions mane, cordycepts, reishi
>industry run by a race of people who's relgious book tells them we are cattle

I fricking hatw the medical industry. I dont think its evil, just primitive.

The reason the average age people used to die at was 40 is beacuse of all the infant deaths, there was no heating or cooling.. People lived till 80-90 without them just fine

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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  1. 12 months ago

    Where do you live? Most doctors I've met are in decent shape unless they're old-ass boomers with a small family practice. The type of driven person who'll go through medical school is going to generally stay somewhat healthy and seeing the results of an unhealthy lifestyle really reinforces that. Their main flaw is often that they're so sure of their intelligence that they don't think they susceptible to being influenced by pharmaceutical sales reps.

  2. 12 months ago

    I have never understood why people thought people dropped dead at 45 at that time, it’s like they don’t realize life span and life expectancy are two different things

  3. 12 months ago

    >The reason the average age people used to die at was 40 is beacuse of all the infant deaths, there was no heating or cooling.. People lived till 80-90 without them just fine
    lol I know you're upset but you don't have to be moronic too

  4. 12 months ago


    It’s the infant deaths, and during war. Bronze Age Japan average man’s life expectancy was 18. Purely because they were dueling on the spot if they thought someone breathed in a disrespecting way.

  5. 12 months ago

    So now you know look for a doctor who
    >isn't israeli
    >is in decent shape
    The other shit is a crapshoot because you have to actually build a relationship to learn their opinions but those two are easy enough.

  6. 12 months ago

    >I dont think its evil
    Oh your son plays with Barbies? Let's chop his dick off.

  7. 12 months ago

    You should only go to doctors for trauma or infections, where medicine can actually help

    If you have a lifestyle disease, you need to change your lifestyle

    • 12 months ago

      and how do you know about that lifestyle disease if you don't go to a doctor? read a selfhelp book> lmao

    • 12 months ago

      I'm starting to think this too. Of course go to a doctor for an infection, or something that only they can help with. But if you have high cholesterol or something you can fix with diet...just cook at home and read a book about it or something

    • 12 months ago

      I'm going to get my thyroid checked I think I have overactive thyroid or under active at times. I hear you take a pill a day depending on my case I'm going to try t3 t4 and t7 tests. I know iodine can help but what else natural stuff

  8. 12 months ago

    homie, it's just a $200 glass of water

    • 12 months ago

      >doctor says to take pill with water
      >pill is mostly filler with only a small amount of ingredient
      Enjoy having insurance pay for your $200 glass of water.

  9. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Oh that reminds me.
      How common is appendicitis in people that commit to meme diets?

  10. 12 months ago

    >>ask doctor if there are any herbal or homeopathic stuff i can do to aid
    maybe you really are cattle

  11. 12 months ago

    youre just realizing that doctors are subhuman and worthless?

    red pic related

  12. 12 months ago

    The last time I went to the doctor he diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis because my sinuses kept on getting inflamed and blocked up every day over the course of a year. His solution? Use salene nasal sprays and antihistamines every day for my entire life. That was his real suggestion to cure something that was very obviously a nasal polyp. The box literally fricking tells you not to do that and to seek a doctor if it doesn't do anything, which it never did.

    • 12 months ago

      >doctor/vet prescribes medicine, tells me theres no side effects with total confidence
      >do reserch
      >turns out theres side effects
      >ask doctor if there are any herbal or homeopathic stuff i can do to aid
      >doctor/vet says he doesnt know
      >turns out theres countless shit that helps
      >turns out the medicine can do permenent damage or u have to stay on it forever
      >90 percent of the time the doctor/vet is out of shape
      >95 percent of the time the doctor/vet just got into the job for prestidgue beacause no sane person is really interested in spending 8 yeaes doing hard memorization and getting into perma debt
      >100 percent of the time doctors havent heard of medical mushrooms like lions mane, cordycepts, reishi
      >industry run by a race of people who's relgious book tells them we are cattle

      I fricking hatw the medical industry. I dont think its evil, just primitive.

      The reason the average age people used to die at was 40 is beacuse of all the infant deaths, there was no heating or cooling.. People lived till 80-90 without them just fine

      I feel like in America at least the type of people who would be the best at this type of stuff- independent minded, introverted types- are increasingly being excluded from the educational pipeline to become doctors. Even on the path to medicine there is tons of group work shit, favoritism for not just ethnicity but doing moronic shit like volunteer work and sports. I don’t fricking care if my gp played college lacrosse. So you have lots of group minded people who more or less unquestioningly go along with establishment dogma. It’s pretty brilliant from the elites point of view but it makes the quality of care inferior

      • 12 months ago

        Yes, all those people were censored and had their licenses stripped in 2020.

  13. 12 months ago

    The medical industry is a scam. Designed to treat the symptoms and not cure. You can thank Rockerfeller for that. He bought up all medical instititions and funded them as long as they stuck to his curriculum. If they did not they were de funded and individuals struck off. He made them treat people with his oil based pharmacuticals and were forbid to mention centuries old tried and tested cures. The pharmacutical industry is a multi billion dollar
    Concern and theyd lose all that if everyone was healthy. If theres only one thing you do today look into it. Google it now

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        The medical industry is a scam. Designed to treat the symptoms and not cure. You can thank Rockerfeller for that. He bought up all medical instititions and funded them as long as they stuck to his curriculum. If they did not they were de funded and individuals struck off. He made them treat people with his oil based pharmacuticals and were forbid to mention centuries old tried and tested cures. The pharmacutical industry is a multi billion dollar
        Concern and theyd lose all that if everyone was healthy. If theres only one thing you do today look into it. Google it now

        No idea about medicine but the idea that Rockefeller would absolutely frick the general public for his own benefit is absolutely not a crazy conspiracy theory. The dickhead, in a well documented manner, destroyed our education system just so he could have workers that more suited his purposes. Just absolutely insane in my mind. Couldn’t have been more than a few percent of the population that was working for him and he was already obscenely rich but he had no qualms about fricking over every single American child just to make a few extra dollars. We are still raised under his mind destroying educational model to this day btw. To be fair it would have happened with or without him though.

        • 12 months ago


          You obviously havent looked into it


          • 12 months ago

            Go back to re dd it

          • 12 months ago

            It's not a consipacy theory when it all eas done in the open. No one teies to hide it from you. They don't even have to do it because of imbiciles like you

      • 12 months ago

        You obviously havent looked into it

    • 12 months ago

      I eat 6 containers of raw organic spinach or mixed power greens a week.

    • 12 months ago

      >everything is le america
      frick off homosexual, 99% why half of you think your medical system is scam is because of none of you have normal fricking health care. Therefore the poorgays just started believing in this bullshit.
      >we are not pseudo medicine herb shit
      are in other countries just fricking hippies.

      • 12 months ago

        Quiet, Europoor, the adults are talking.

        • 12 months ago

          oh you had a cough? oh no worries you have a very mild cold. This costs 20k + tip thank you

          Don't pretend to be from any European nation when you decide to be moronic please.

          ah yes, let's take some globuli and we will beat everything you fricking homosexual.

          • 12 months ago

            Friend of mine broke their shoulder the other day. I took them to an urgent care. They saw a doctor in 2 hours and got opioids for the pain until he could see an orthopedist and likely get scheduled for surgery. Cost him $100. He saw his orthopedist in 2 days, got the surgery 4 days after that. Not even $1k.

            So, after paying €25k in taxes each year for just medicine, how many years will you be paying this until you could see 2 doctors and a surgeon in Europe?

      • 12 months ago

        Don't pretend to be from any European nation when you decide to be moronic please.

  14. 12 months ago

    Medicine is like any other profession, you have people who know their stuff, people who are really good and people who dgaf anymore or are kinda shit
    Doctor shop if you don't like your current one

  15. 12 months ago

    I just take raw garlic for everything. Chop my arm off, no problem

  16. 12 months ago

    Will see a nurse practitioner before a MD anytime that's an option.

  17. 12 months ago

    Unfortunately many naturapaths are useless grifters who will string you along and never really solve anything.

    My gf avoids real MD’s and goes to a series of witch doctors and eastern medicine practiicioner. Totally and utter thievery.

    • 12 months ago

      I would recommend you don't seed her. She'll kill your offspring with her stupidity

    • 12 months ago

      You'd think they'd be less gullible than that after getting fricked by regular doctors.

  18. 12 months ago

    >homeopathic stuff
    Sure, question a professional while asking about overly expensive sugar pills to care for your body.

    IST is just one charismatic guru away to start the first antisemitic, right wing hippie commune in bumfrick nowhere, guys.

    • 12 months ago

      it's called pattern recognition you homosexual
      also, go back

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, and everyone recognizes the pattern of an antisemite chicken shit skin.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean... Yes? But we also remember Ruby Ridge and Waco, and we know what the train derailments are. That's why we do things you don't know how to think about, shitlib.

  19. 12 months ago

    I am convinced that the entirety of IST is completely overrun with brownoid shitters. In all aspects of discussion you will see these pathetic envious rats shit talking about how the west does things. You subhumans can all go back to mouthwashing with cow piss for your tooth aches and eating ground ox penises for your erectile dysfunction anytime.

  20. 12 months ago

    doctors are useless but if you seriously think homeopathy has any merit whatsoever then you're just a fricking moron

  21. 12 months ago

    Why bother making all that shit up if anyone with half a brain discards your opinion immediately? Only thing I can come up with is being a homosexual shill.

  22. 12 months ago

    >dentist tell me to literally kill my tooth and put a cap on it, knowing damn well the shit will break or rot after x years
    >teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal itself

  23. 12 months ago

    >be 31 year old retina surgeon
    >read this thread

    brb doin a 360 and walking away

    • 12 months ago

      surgery, vaccines and antibiotics are the only useful things the medicine industry has done

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          there's been more than one vaccine in the history of the world. are you three years old? were you literally born in march 2020 and are now posting on the internet? or are you one of those mentally ill people who thinks smallpox didn't exist and it was all a israeli NWO UFO CIA conspiracy

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        - medical management of diabetes with insulin, metformin, glipizides etc. dramatically reduces the risk of end-organ damage like retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy.
        - antivirals to prevent herpetic outbreaks
        - screening imaging studies catching early malignancies
        - pediatric well checks in infancy and early childhood ensuring proper development and catching things like amblyopia, strabismus, socialization issues

        go to medical school if you want to have opinions kid.

        • 12 months ago

          Haha you wasted years and put yourself in debt for something you can google lmao

          • 12 months ago

            41 YO GP here. Graduated with about $250k in student loans. My net worth is now $2.5 million-ish and I live in a nice gated community. I also own a Porsche 911. I make about $350,000 a year working 4 days a week and I get 55 days off per year.

            • 12 months ago

              > has money

              As long as you do what the people who run the system want (not you), you'll continue to get a paycheck to never question anything.

              Hippocratic Oath: Do no harm.
              Keep confidentiality with the patient.

              How about those patent pharmaceuticals and their side effects?

              And sharing all that confidential information with insurance?

              Doctor: One who makes something natural, unnatural. To doctor: to pervert.

              Let me know when you stop practicing.

              • 12 months ago

                He won't.

              • 12 months ago

                I tell my patients, who are mostly BMI 25+, to go low carb (under 30-50 grams a day). About 15% actually try. The rest are useless eaters that don't make any changes.

                > And sharing all that confidential information with insurance?

                The patient consents to insurance paying for services/medications. It makes no sense that insurance would pay if it doesn't know what services the patient requires.

                > Let me know when you stop practicing.

                When I FatFire.

                Post body fatass lmao

                6'0" + 165 lbs + compound lifts twice a week + run 3x a week. Generally eat low carb (<30g) 5x a week, binge the 6th, and fast the 7th day (or lots of low cal veggies). I'm around 10-12% BF. Not going to post my pic b/c I have nothing to prove.

                My point was to state that $200-300k in debt to make $350k a year working 40 hrs a week is pretty solid. It's a better job than tech where you have no job security, high cost of living, and a goycuck.

              • 12 months ago

                >prices services high
                >insurance bargains him down
                And how is this not a protection racket again? You're scum. It's obvious. You call your patients useless eaters. You have nothing but revulsion for them. You literally are the kind of homosexual we despise. When I was a child you monsters kept losing my blood samples, and then an incompetent nurse swizzled a needle in my arm for 30 goddamn minutes! She scraped the fricking bone! I had to become ambidextrous because of how badly she hurt me!

                You're lucky I'm more interested in having a family than getting vengeance.

              • 12 months ago

                > >prices services high

                Learn Econ 101.

                > You're scum. It's obvious. You call your patients useless eaters.

                The average BMI for men is 29 and women is 29.6. Obesity is 30. Overweight is 25+. Majority of patients don't want to change their habits. I've already explained I advocate for lifestyle changes. Most patients don't want to. Not my problem. They are indeed mostly useless eaters. Rejecting the reality is your choice.

                > You have nothing but revulsion for them. You literally are the kind of homosexual we despise.

                I'm married with kids. Ofc I have revulsion for fat American slobs that make no effort to change their lives around. I RX medications b/c they will die otherwise. Patients do not want to change their lifestyles around.

                > You're lucky I'm more interested in having a family than getting vengeance.

                You don't strike me as very intelligent. Stay poor and salty though.

              • 12 months ago

                No thanks that will mess with my normal meds.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh so you’re a twink

            • 12 months ago

              Post body fatass lmao

        • 12 months ago

          Nah. I'll have opinions anyway. It's free and you can't stop me.

        • 12 months ago

          >'Wellness' Baby visits

          About the same as a 'Happy' Meal from McDonalds. How do you explain, that the lack of Wellness baby visits to the doctor, coincided with a exactly the same percentage drop in SIDS?

          You can't because you're just another cookie cutter f****** shill.

          'You're smart, yes you are. You're just not as smart as you think you are.'

      • 12 months ago

        Don't you get tired of the taste of shit coming from your mouth?

  24. 12 months ago

    i agree with your post but holy shit

    • 12 months ago

      If I'm not mistaken some people do go into medicine for Prestidgue. They were born into it, it's not their fault. They have to compete with those Capulet doctors. Shakespeare wrote about them.

  25. 12 months ago

    I figured this out when I realized they were giving insulin to diabetic type 2 patients, the whole system is broken

  26. 12 months ago


  27. 12 months ago

    This is almost the exact same experience I had that really set me off and giga red pilled all coincided with Covid bullshit so it really flipped me totally against those useless morons. To put icing on the cake the doctor was a perv telling me how attractive I am and asking about my dick size and insulting ex gfs of mine it was obvious he was a frickin psycho homosexual

  28. 12 months ago

    Doctor coming through!

  29. 12 months ago

    Great article on ~~*american*~~ medical industry:

  30. 12 months ago

    >>ask doctor if there are any herbal or homeopathic stuff i can do to aid
    Why would you want to knowingly take a placebo with literally no actual benefits?
    The thing about modern medicine is if something like herbal medicine or homiohomosexualry actually works then they refine it and make it part of modern medicine.
    Everything that isn't modern medicine is a scam.

    • 12 months ago

      >take a whole food
      >rob it of its virtue
      >sell it back to the people who grew it at an insane markup
      Yes, that is exactly what happens. You're right on the money!

      • 12 months ago

        >>rob it of its virtue
        Black person what the frick are you talking about?
        Food doesn't have "virtue"
        Do you think vegetables have souls or something? Fricking schizo

        • 12 months ago

          I think there's a reason why eating bananas won't give you potassium poisoning, but potassium supplements will. The proportions are wrong. They're literally gross. Any basic research into vitamins will tell you this.

  31. 12 months ago

    Agree with OP.

    They have a limited mindset, beyond all the other obvious reasons, which already mean that 95% are meh, not worth shit..

    Doctors can only prescribe what insurance will pay for. If insurance doesn't cover it because it's non-invasive and works permanently to resolve XYZ, there's no point in an M.D. getting educated in that area, taking classes etc. Because insurance won't pay him, and it won't pay for the prescription. That, is the reason for insurance: to control medicine, and get it completely out of the hands of independent physicians.

    If the physician pushes to continue to do that stuff outside of the envelope, he loses his license. It's extremely tightly controlled nonsense.

  32. 12 months ago

    it's very simple

    >no, you don't have any comorbidity related to aggravating a flu, you don't need to take any experimental gene treatments, you'll be fine
    good doctor

    >just take the vaccine !
    bad doctor

  33. 12 months ago

    i hate morons so much you have no idea

  34. 12 months ago

    >Hey Lois look, I'm a freakin' docta!

  35. 12 months ago

    Just give me opioids.

    • 12 months ago

      I prefer ghost peppers, but I guess if you want to overpay...

  36. 12 months ago

    >doctors are useless
    >asks if there is any homeopathic shit i can do

    enjoy drinking piss you fricking moron homosexual

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