
It seems like a very healthy lifestyle.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Women need to be beaten publicly.

    • 9 months ago

      Its a man who wrote that. Unless theyre a lesbian couple

  2. 9 months ago

    Month of vegan eating isn't even a big deal, you'd have to be a total pussy to feel miserable. The kid can even buy other food with pocket money.

    I didn't know IST is for spoiling kids with no punishments these days, sounds like some gay shit to me.

    • 9 months ago

      >malnutrition as punishment

      • 9 months ago

        Vegan diet is an improvement over the average diet of processed foods that most kids are eating.

        • 9 months ago

          >vegan diet
          >not processed foods
          maybe if you actually only eat what grows and not the fake foods they created to take the place of meats

      • 9 months ago

        Oh no he'll become deficient in vitamins by eating the most vitamin rich foods

  3. 9 months ago

    I dislike vegans as much as the next guy but that is based. Honestly, should've beat the shit out of him too but thats a pretty appropriate punishment imo. What bunch of gay moronic family and friends, he should cut them off immediately

    • 9 months ago

      The actions described are based enough, but there is nothing based about posting that shit on reddit.

  4. 9 months ago

    Been a vegan for about 12 years now and started when I was 13 years old.

    I'm 6'4" 90kg and bench my bodyweight. No medical conditions, graduated HS valedictorian and now in medical school.

    Maybe at the highest levels of professional sport it has some detrimental effects but but for daily life it's great and it's the only diet where the average BMI is in the healthy range. Even vegetarians or overweight on average.

    Average life expectancy is far higher, most the vegan food is cheaper than regular alternatives now and you get to feel good about yourself.

    • 9 months ago

      >things that never happened. The Post

    • 9 months ago

      >it’s totally great
      >benching his body weight at the prime of his life
      Kek, if you’ve lifted for more than 2 weeks you just convinced me to never try a vegan meal in my life

    • 9 months ago

      >most the vegan food is cheaper than regular alternatives now
      Everything I buy over the year costs me ~8 euro per day in food.
      I do wonder what it would be if I went vegan.
      t. not-vegan

      • 9 months ago

        Yuropoor here. I've checked out vegan foods at my local market, they all cost more than the food they're supposed to replace, and the ground not-beef doesn't have as much protein as regular ground beef. Not to mention that every vegan meal I've had (which in fairness is like 6) has tasted like shit.

        Though to be fair, most of the vegan products are sold at -30% price. That's because their expiration dates are coming up due to no one buying them lol.

    • 9 months ago

      > Maybe at the highest levels of professional sport it has some detrimental effects but but for daily life it's great and it's the only diet where the average BMI is in the healthy range. Even vegetarians or overweight on average.
      Why does even vegan look either sickly or extremely obese? Seems like it’s impossible to maintain. Rather just eat a balanced diet than starve myself or resort to processed junk food.

      • 9 months ago

        They don't, which is why the average BMI is in the healthy range and the average vegan lives so long.

        I´m 6ft, 75 kg and bench more than your bodyweight. Stay weak veggieking

        >90kg and bench my bodyweight

        almost got me

        >it’s totally great
        >benching his body weight at the prime of his life
        Kek, if you’ve lifted for more than 2 weeks you just convinced me to never try a vegan meal in my life

        Average guy in the gym doesn't do this and 100kg for reps is stronger than 99% of people. I had a girl squidge my arms for the first time and tell me I was strong when I could one rep max 60kg lol.

        • 9 months ago

          Benching 100kg is stronger than 99% of men in their prime, not just people.

    • 9 months ago

      I´m 6ft, 75 kg and bench more than your bodyweight. Stay weak veggieking

      • 9 months ago

        I'm 6', 70kg and bench the same as you, stay mad corpse consumer.

    • 9 months ago

      >90kg and bench my bodyweight

      almost got me

    • 9 months ago

      Bro I've been lifting for less than a year and my bench has gone from 135 to 205, 20lbs more than my bodyweight. That's on a carnivore diet. You are a frail and weak man

    • 9 months ago

      If you take the average socioeconomic class and race of vegans and control for that, they have worse average health in every metric. They only live longer than average because it filters out poor morons who eat fast food constantly and don't take care of health. Any group that cares about health enough to adopt specific diets (not keto) has above average lifespan. You're comparing to the average when you should be comparing to similar peers.

    • 9 months ago

      This homie's really trying to brag about a sub 2 pl8 bench

    • 9 months ago

      Post body. Also imagine bragging about a 90 kg bench.

    • 9 months ago

      You could gain some weight. At 6'4 you need to be atleast 100 kg.

    • 9 months ago

      Most obvious and shameless larper on this board. Kys

  5. 9 months ago

    I don't hate vegans, kind of respect it honestly. They attract a lot of self-righteous preachy c**ts though, and nobody likes those.

    • 9 months ago

      My sister is vegan but she never talks about it. Idk where the stereotype comes from.

  6. 9 months ago

    i hate vegans because they are usually women or homosexuals

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah mentally ill people.

      I always ask vegans what antidepressants they're on and they get really quiet.

      • 9 months ago

        That’s a good one I’m using now

  7. 9 months ago

    >homosexual broccoli head gets punished for homosexual broccoli head behavior

    • 9 months ago

      oh no meat eater chuds
      did we just lose?

      you guys are eating cardboard talking about "deficiencies" we're laughing at you irl
      don't get too mad meatboys, you might have a heart attack

      Black person

      Honestly, having your daughter be vegan is kind of based. Women should be weak, exceptionally kind/nurturing, and good at cooking. All things that letting her be vegan is reinforcing.

      Shes gonna force your grandsons to be vegan too you moron

      • 9 months ago

        >Shes gonna force your grandsons to be vegan too you moron
        If you can't stop a wife from doing that, you're weak and have terrible taste in partners.

        • 9 months ago

          What wife you Black person, he's talking about a daughter.

  8. 9 months ago

    >vitamin A not found
    >vitamin B not found
    >zink not found
    >calcium not found
    I'll pass bro, vegans have to eat more pills than food unless they want to sterilize themselves

    • 9 months ago

      oh no meat eater chuds
      did we just lose?

      you guys are eating cardboard talking about "deficiencies" we're laughing at you irl
      don't get too mad meatboys, you might have a heart attack

      • 9 months ago

        Try eating kale only moron, meanwhile you'll be fine just eating steak. Reminder, plants are indigestible matter that cannot be digested by any animal, some animals developed specialized/large digestive systems where bacteria break down to plants into fatty acids and protein, what would be in meat and fat in their base form without the need for the specialized/large digestive systems, it's these fatty acids and proteins that the bacteria create that is actually digested by the animal, not plants themselves. This applies to humans as well but we don't have the same capability herbivores do, compare or digestive system to other apes for example, pic related. Our cecum is a vestigial organ, and our small intestine is proportionally larger than our colon.

        • 9 months ago

          >only eat meat
          >dies at 30 from heart disease

          >only eat plants
          >longest living/healthiest population

          see the difference? do you think Lions get heart disease anon? Cancer? Scurvy?

        • 9 months ago

          >Humans cant digest vegetables
          Anon, I've never shit out an undigested eggplant or zucchini. I think you might be moronic.

          • 9 months ago

            >only eat meat
            >dies at 30 from heart disease

            >only eat plants
            >longest living/healthiest population

            see the difference? do you think Lions get heart disease anon? Cancer? Scurvy?

            Notice how none of you morons actually argued what I said, is your brain this degenerated from malnourishment? Plants are not digestible for any animal, even herbivores, some of your eggplant or zucchini was broken down by bacteria in the colon which turns into fatty acids/protein, these fatty acids/protein are digestible, and the rest was shitted out. If you'd bother to actually test this out for yourself you'd know that eating plants/carbs increases the volume of your shits. If you actually think eating easily assimilated food will kill you, you are a domesticated, brainwashed moron. Heart disease is a result of inflammation just as most modern disease is, if you want to treat autoimmune issues what do to you do? Just feed them only beef/fat and/or fast. The blue zones aren't real either you were psyopped.

            • 9 months ago

              we ignored that part because of how stupid it is
              >hurr durr y do you shit more when you eat plants? veganism debunked

            • 9 months ago

              >Literal YouTube Chiropractor tier schizo rant about how humans aren't omnivores despite the fricking obvious.
              Gee I can't imagine why no one is engaging you're stupidity. Enjoy your heart disease and untimely death, moron.

            • 9 months ago

              meat is not digestible raw
              that's why we cook it
              cooking meat isn't a biological process.

        • 9 months ago

          >meanwhile you'll be fine just eating steak

          Pic related is 2k calories of steak. Missing Folate, Vitamin A, C D, E K, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese.

          • 9 months ago

            >Le rdas!
            Eat your heart healthy canola oil and base your diet around grains like the science recommends.

            • 9 months ago

              >"veganism is bad because you can't get some vitamins"

              >"Lmao vitamins are actually a conspiracy and don't even matter"

              Which is it you moron.

              • 9 months ago

                Not what I said

                You'll live a shit load longer than the idiots pretending ribeyes are the only food group.

                Didn't say it was but if you ate a diet of meat and fat you'd be fine, healthy in fact

                we ignored that part because of how stupid it is
                >hurr durr y do you shit more when you eat plants? veganism debunked

                Not according to isotope analysis, but humans can eat plants if they prepare them and ferment it to lower the toxins and break it down with bacteria

              • 9 months ago

                Meant the last one for

                >Literal YouTube Chiropractor tier schizo rant about how humans aren't omnivores despite the fricking obvious.
                Gee I can't imagine why no one is engaging you're stupidity. Enjoy your heart disease and untimely death, moron.

            • 9 months ago

              You'll live a shit load longer than the idiots pretending ribeyes are the only food group.

          • 9 months ago

            So take a fricking vitamin.
            I eat salads, rice and potatoes when I have steak. Only carnitards say VEGETABLE BAD, but you have to realize that 99.9% of us who enjoy meat-centric diets still eat other shit as well.
            Besides, nothing is as deficient as vegan foods when it comes to the stuff you'll get the most fricked up on. No DHA/EPA for cognitive development or function unless you're into eating seaweed every fricking day, no Vitamin D3 only shitty inferior D2 that some people can't convert (myself included, which is why I'm no longer vegan), and no B-12 unless you literally eat the dirt on freshly-pulled vegetables.
            You don't want to know how bad a D3 deficiency can feel, I thought I was dying for nearly 2 months before I was diagnosed after 10 years of veganism, and if you get a serious B12 deficiency, that shit can frick you up neurologically for life.
            Veganism can eat deez nuts.

            • 9 months ago

              >No DHA/EPA
              >No Vitamin D3
              sunlight lol
              >No B12
              Vitamin or fortified foods

              >You don't want to know how bad a D3 deficiency can feel, I thought I was dying for nearly 2 months before I was diagnosed after 10 years of veganism
              You never went outside? lmao

              • 9 months ago

                Those foods do not contain DHA/EPA. General Omega fatty acids are NOT DHA/EPA, and if you weren't functionally illiterate, you'd know this.
                Which does not exist in plant matter except lichen moss and some species of mushroom you're definitely not eating. It does not exist in other foods that are vegan
                B-12 does not exist naturally in vegan foods, you had to say "fortified" because at least you were honest enough to point out you have to have vegan goyslop in order to get it.
                Dude, I was vegan for a decade and worked in product development for the market during that time. Don't think you can really outsmart me here, but at least you tried, even though you failed.

              • 9 months ago

                >Those foods do not contain DHA/EPA. General Omega fatty acids are NOT DHA/EPA, and if you weren't functionally illiterate, you'd know this.
                they are converted dumbass
                >Which does not exist in plant matter
                correct. it's synthesized in sunlight.
                >B-12 does not exist naturally in vegan foods, you had to say "fortified" because at least you were honest enough to point out you have to have vegan goyslop in order to get it.
                calm down lmao you admitted you needed vitamins earlier but now it's "muh hecking goyslop moron ass Black person reeee!" when vegans include b12 in their diet.
                >Dude, I was vegan for a decade and worked in product development for the market during that time.
                I've been vegan for 8 years and I design the roads that millions of people drive on
                >Don't think you can really outsmart me here, but at least you tried, even though you failed.
                k, you were wrong about everything and couldn't understand the simple point that i made because I didn't spell it out for you, but sure, i'm the lesser intelligence here.

              • 9 months ago

                No, general Omega-3s, 6s and 9s are NOT magically " converted" to DHA/EPA. I don't know what moronic source is telling you this, but you're full of shit. I was friends with the first guy who developed a vegan DHA because, as it goes, vegans were typically deficient even eating all the foods you listed in the pic. If everyone just magically "converted' Omegas to DHA/EPA, why was the first vegan DHA the best-selling supplement in the industry for over a decade? Because few vegans are getting any. Dumbass.
                Again, D3, can't get it from eating a vegan diet that's not fortified. Your argument is like saying "DUH, VEGANS GET OXYGEN FROM AIR, SO THE DIET IS PERFECT". Just moronic, the diet is inferior if it cannot provide all necessary nutrients from whole foods for all who participate in the gay diet.
                And you dodged the B12 thing again because you know you're not getting it from whole foods as a vegan. But I can see that asphalt-smoother brain of yours is really trying hard to be smart here, I suggest you pick up that shovel you hold for 8+ hours a day and get back to work before you look any more moronic than you already have.

              • 9 months ago

                >No, general Omega-3s, 6s and 9s are NOT magically " converted" to DHA/EPA. I don't know what moronic source is telling you this, but you're full of shit.
                >full of shit
                proceeds with anecdote
                >Again, D3, can't get it from eating a vegan diet that's not fortified. Your argument is like saying "DUH, VEGANS GET OXYGEN FROM AIR, SO THE DIET IS PERFECT". Just moronic, the diet is inferior if it cannot provide all necessary nutrients from whole foods for all who participate in the gay diet.
                I guess you're right, going outside isn't part of a diet, guess veganism was just debunked, congratulations.
                >And you dodged the B12 thing again
                I directly addressed B12 more than once now.
                >But I can see that asphalt-smoother brain of yours is really trying hard to be smart here, I suggest you pick up that shovel you hold for 8+ hours a day and get back to work before you look any more moronic than you already have.
                Believe it or not my IQ is ~145. Not a huge brag tbh, that's pretty common for City-Dwelling upper class white men.

              • 9 months ago

                not him but literally your link :
                >ALA can be converted into EPA and then to DHA, but the conversion (which occurs primarily in the liver) is very limited, with reported rates of less than 15% [3]. Therefore, consuming EPA and DHA directly from foods and/or dietary supplements is the only practical way to increase levels of these fatty acids in the body.

              • 9 months ago

                he said they couldn't be converted
                they can be converted, it's low but the claim that it's "impractical" doesn't make sense considering that Vegans aren't deficient in DHA or EPA despite this.

                No, general Omega-3s, 6s and 9s are NOT magically " converted" to DHA/EPA. I don't know what moronic source is telling you this, but you're full of shit. I was friends with the first guy who developed a vegan DHA because, as it goes, vegans were typically deficient even eating all the foods you listed in the pic. If everyone just magically "converted' Omegas to DHA/EPA, why was the first vegan DHA the best-selling supplement in the industry for over a decade? Because few vegans are getting any. Dumbass.
                Again, D3, can't get it from eating a vegan diet that's not fortified. Your argument is like saying "DUH, VEGANS GET OXYGEN FROM AIR, SO THE DIET IS PERFECT". Just moronic, the diet is inferior if it cannot provide all necessary nutrients from whole foods for all who participate in the gay diet.
                And you dodged the B12 thing again because you know you're not getting it from whole foods as a vegan. But I can see that asphalt-smoother brain of yours is really trying hard to be smart here, I suggest you pick up that shovel you hold for 8+ hours a day and get back to work before you look any more moronic than you already have.

                >asphalt-smoother brain
                I don't touch asphalt, I design slopes and Right of way encroachments etc. in the comfort of Air-Conditioning.

              • 9 months ago

                >Vegans aren't deficient in DHA or EPA despite this.
                ...because they eat supplements

              • 9 months ago

                I doubt it. Do you really think if you asked the average Vegan (mostly women btw) what DHA and EPA is, they'll know?

              • 9 months ago

                No, but then most vegans give up within a few years at most, because it's a nightmare. So it doesn't matter. They have enough stored not to see any issues for when they eat meat or fish again.

              • 9 months ago

                so basically your argument has become
                >maybe this one nutrient is lacking in a vegan diet so frick veganism
                while meat eaters are dropping like flies from heart disease? That was the best you could do? Getting a vegan to admit that taking vitamins is healthy? Do meat eaters not take vitamins?

              • 9 months ago

                It hasn't become anything. It's not "one nutrient", it's a whole set of them. "Meat eaters" aren't dropping like flies from heart disease, fatties are, and this has nothing to do with meat eating (as humans have been eating meat for millions of years), and everything to do with the sugar, corn syrup, seed oil and processed grain/potatoes diet they're on.

                meat is not digestible raw
                that's why we cook it
                cooking meat isn't a biological process.

                Meat is absolutely digestible raw, moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >It hasn't become anything. It's not "one nutrient", it's a whole set of them
                You listed 4, 1 was dropped, 2 were your focal point, which I debunked, 1 I conceded.
                >"Meat eaters" aren't dropping like flies from heart disease, fatties are, and this has nothing to do with meat eating
                this absolutely has something to do with meat eating. Meat is well known to cause heart disease.
                >and everything to do with the sugar, corn syrup, seed oil and processed grain/potatoes diet they're on.
                >>it's the plants
                cake isn't a plant, nobody said twinkies are healthy.
                >Meat is absolutely digestible raw, moron.
                Why do other omnivores/carnivores not have to cook their food?
                > (as humans have been eating meat for millions of years)
                we weren't even the same species (homosexual sapiens) millions of years ago. We can't even eat raw meat without risk of death or severe ailment. What's your point exactly?

              • 9 months ago

                We have a stomach ph of 1.5 and isotope analysis suggests we were heavy meat eaters.
                Just.. lmao, did you really link some pop-health website? Are these the same sources you came to when you read that meat causes heart disease?
                >Why do other omnivores/carnivores not have to cook their food?
                We don't have to either but it tastes good and makes it easier to chew in some cases.

              • 9 months ago

                I didn't list anything, I'm not the same poster. The point is that availability of nutrients in plants is far lower than it is in meat, because in one case you're eating something that has evolved to defend itself against animals that eat it, in the other case you're eating something that's about roughly made of the exact same things as you are. While most plant nutrients are just hard to absorb and require nightmare-tier diet planning (if you actually lift, which I doubt, you're most likely on a crusade here because people eat a lot of animal products) - some are just impossible to get, like B12 and DHA.
                >cake isn't a plant, nobody said twinkies are healthy.
                It's all plant based. What's the issue? 70% of calories in the amerilard diet are plant-based. Most of the fats too, since nobody cooks with animal fats anymore (that should've made a dent in heart disease rates, did it? lol).
                >We can't even eat raw meat without risk of death or severe ailment. What's your point exactly?
                I don't know what shithole you live in, but you can buy steak tartare at the butcher in the first world and be absolutely fine. You can also eat freshly ground beef raw. In Germany you even find raw pork.
                > Meat is well known to cause heart disease.
                By what process? Please explain it. No garbage correlation studies. Explain the chemical processes that turn ingesting meat into heart disease, step by step, with proof.

                >We can't even eat raw meat without risk of death or severe ailment
                Have you tried not being genetic waste?

                Meat is well known to cause heart disease.
                I won't do whatever song and dance you're asking me to do because you can't be convinced and everyone else already agrees with me.
                And no.
                Eating raw meat IS bad for you.

                are you guys children? do i need to cook your food for you and google stuff for you? grow up.

              • 9 months ago

                >almost everyone eats meat
                >some people get heart disease
                I thought you homosexuals were all about correlation not being the same as causation? maybe you should realise there are tonnes of stuff that correlate more with prevalence of heart disease

                I've not said anything about raw meat so don't think you can use that against me, gay boy

                >trusts israelitegle

              • 9 months ago

                >some people get heart disease
                wrong. Everyone that eats meat gets heart disease, not everyone dies from it.
                >I've not said anything about raw meat so don't think you can use that against me, gay boy
                I replied to three posts. Not only you. Please remove the plaque from the arteries around your brain, it's really annoying to respond to you guys.
                >invokes israelites for no reason
                are the israelites in the room with us right now anon?

              • 9 months ago

                >still doesn't understand
                that was the first time you replied to me, because guess what, first time I posted, you're doing a great job right now, pal
                >for no reason
                you brought up google, you willingly believe whatever is pushed by le algorithm because you're brain slopes at the front too soon

              • 9 months ago

                Except it's not, repeating it a bunch of times doesn't make it true. Appealing to the popularity of the theory doesn't make it truth, appealing to the authority doesn't make it truth. You are a domesticated moron. You took the vaxx and you eat schlop just like all your pop science golems tell you to do.

              • 9 months ago

                please rediscover every established fact for yourself while the rest of us get on with our lives.

              • 9 months ago

                Don't need to, because I haven't neutered my instinct, intuition, and common sense like you have, absorbing and regurgitating pop science garbage. Domesticated, over socialized cattle, that's what you are.

              • 9 months ago

                >instinct, intuition, and common sense
                You talk like my GF lmao. Common sense is definitely listening to YouTube grifters who "have it all figured out" while thinking every major health organization is secretly trying to kill you.

              • 9 months ago

                You took the vaccine, no refunds.

              • 9 months ago

                >vaxxcucks drop in 3 2 1

              • 9 months ago

                if you want to convice people you should have plenty of links to back it up

              • 9 months ago

                I don't have to convince anyone, my position is the majority opinion. You can't be convinced, so I would be doing it for no reason.

              • 9 months ago

                >majority means im right
                the state of homosexuals
                >doesn't understand the bell-curve

              • 9 months ago

                Actually the majority opinion means I don't have to spend 40 minutes rehashing a well known position to someone who isn't going to listen for an audience that already understands and agrees with me, all in a dying thread on IST. Somehow you don't understand.

              • 9 months ago

                >a large number of midwits say one thing therefore it is correct
                still doesn't understand

              • 9 months ago

                I understand that you're a troll and that you are wasting my time.

              • 9 months ago

                i dont think he wants to. leave it

              • 9 months ago

                I didn't list anything, I'm not the same poster. The point is that availability of nutrients in plants is far lower than it is in meat, because in one case you're eating something that has evolved to defend itself against animals that eat it, in the other case you're eating something that's about roughly made of the exact same things as you are. While most plant nutrients are just hard to absorb and require nightmare-tier diet planning (if you actually lift, which I doubt, you're most likely on a crusade here because people eat a lot of animal products) - some are just impossible to get, like B12 and DHA.
                >cake isn't a plant, nobody said twinkies are healthy.
                It's all plant based. What's the issue? 70% of calories in the amerilard diet are plant-based. Most of the fats too, since nobody cooks with animal fats anymore (that should've made a dent in heart disease rates, did it? lol).
                >We can't even eat raw meat without risk of death or severe ailment. What's your point exactly?
                I don't know what shithole you live in, but you can buy steak tartare at the butcher in the first world and be absolutely fine. You can also eat freshly ground beef raw. In Germany you even find raw pork.
                > Meat is well known to cause heart disease.
                By what process? Please explain it. No garbage correlation studies. Explain the chemical processes that turn ingesting meat into heart disease, step by step, with proof.

              • 9 months ago

                >We can't even eat raw meat without risk of death or severe ailment
                Have you tried not being genetic waste?

              • 9 months ago

                So, basically, you admit you have to get adequate sun (which isn't a vegan food) to get D3 unless you eat fortified goyslop or supplement, that you don't know where DHA/EPA come from, and that you have to supplement with fortified foods to get B12.
                Basically, admitting that I was right all along and that there are gaping holes in the vegan diet that can't be filled without supplementing. I appreciate your understanding.

              • 9 months ago

                >LE HECKING GAPING HOLE
                the gaping whole in the vegan diet costs $2.95 and it lasts a week, I drink it every morning.

              • 9 months ago

                >Just buy the goyslop protein shakes because it's the only way you can get all you need as a vegan, and it's SOOOO good for you!
                Kek, no, I'll just eat meat, vegetables and starches and be fine without any pills or gay ass supplements.
                Sucks to be you, dependent on processed shit just to not have your health decline.

              • 9 months ago

                >Drinks pasteurized and fortified milk every morning

              • 9 months ago

                So, basically, you admit you have to get adequate sun (which isn't a vegan food) to get D3 unless you eat fortified goyslop or supplement, that you don't know where DHA/EPA come from, and that you have to supplement with fortified foods to get B12.
                Basically, admitting that I was right all along and that there are gaping holes in the vegan diet that can't be filled without supplementing. I appreciate your understanding.

                What is the mechanical difference between buying and drinking onions milk and cows milk? Basedmilk is cheaper too.

                I could just say "ahahaha you meat eaters HAVE to buy expensive meat and waste time preparing it when I can just take a supplement which takes seconds to down and costs less than 5 cents."

            • 9 months ago

              I like how you open up saying "take a fricking vitamin" Then go on saying how miserable you are on a vegan diet....When you could have just taken a vitamin. Lmao you even knew what the problem was, but of course you're just false flagging and were never vegan.

        • 9 months ago

          Black person
          Shes gonna force your grandsons to be vegan too you moron

          Haha now do it by gram

          oh no meat eater chuds
          did we just lose?

          you guys are eating cardboard talking about "deficiencies" we're laughing at you irl
          don't get too mad meatboys, you might have a heart attack

          is a bait post counting indigestible fiber as a nutrient

          • 9 months ago

            there's more fiber, soluble and insoluble in chicken than tofu but it ranks higher, why is that anon? maybe it's time to consider that you're wrong

            • 9 months ago

              >fiber in chicken

      • 9 months ago

        Haha now do it by gram

        • 9 months ago

          Or g protein/$

          • 9 months ago

            200 grams of protein

            • 9 months ago

              >2000 grams of gut blasting fiber
              >0 grams of bioavailable protein (glycoproteins and toxic amino acid analogues)

              • 9 months ago

                >earth shattering BRAPS
                >sleep like a log

  9. 9 months ago

    The guy deserves to be punished, but putting him on vegan dies seems kinda stupid?
    Give him proper punishment and not those fancy pantsy psychological bullshit.

    Also, it lowkey suggest eating vegan food is punishment, which I find ironic.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah this shit's probably going to backfire and make him hate his sister more.

  10. 9 months ago

    >Does IST hate vegans?
    No. I don't form opinions of people based on sensationalist tabloids and reddit posts.

    I judge people by their character.

  11. 9 months ago

    >bullying your imouto

  12. 9 months ago

    Honestly, having your daughter be vegan is kind of based. Women should be weak, exceptionally kind/nurturing, and good at cooking. All things that letting her be vegan is reinforcing.

    • 9 months ago

      Also their daughter is way less likely to get fat.

      • 9 months ago

        I've never knowingly met a vegan that wasn't overweight. How this happens is a mystery to me. You would think it would be a lot easier to not be a fatass when you're vegan.

        • 9 months ago

          selection bias. people who are already having an issue seek alternative lifetstyles, thusly, those in high genetic mutational load will be proportionately overrepresented in said lifestyles (vegan, carnivore, etc).
          that took about 15 seconds of critical thinking. cmon you can do it buddy.

          • 9 months ago

            you're an idiot
            you don't choose who you meet, your reasoning is flawed
            c'mon buddy you can do it

        • 9 months ago

          I know multiple vegans and vegetarians and they are all dainty and extremely waif.

          • 9 months ago

            So its fat frick or corpse?
            What a choice...

            • 9 months ago

              Basically. The amount of women in this generation with a healthy relationship with food is marginal. Vegans can be healthy if they take supps and properly manage diet though.

        • 9 months ago

          >I've never knowingly met a vegan that wasn't overweight. How this happens is a mystery to me.
          Simple: Carbs, carbs, carbs, and yet more carbs. Vegans aren't eating nothing but salads and fruit. Pasta is vegan. Sugar is vegan. Bread is vegan. Fricking Oreos are vegan. Veganism is a diet that excludes basically everything except the foods that you can eat and eat and eat and still be hungry. It's a wonder that any of them aren't fat.

          • 9 months ago

            And you go to fricking vegan restaurants and all they have are processed imitation meat products instead of fresh food. A fully loaded burger and fries and some form of sugary drink is the standard vegan "meal".

      • 9 months ago

        Or they could teach her self control.

  13. 9 months ago

    I forgot, everytime there is a vegan thread on IST I buy a package of veal and throw it in the garbage. I’m hitting the store this afternoon.

  14. 9 months ago

    get with the time chud IST only hates veganas

  15. 9 months ago

    I don't hate vegans. I hate preachy people, and there's a lot of overlap, but it's not a strict subset. Plenty of vegans shut the frick up about it, not that you'd know because you'd never ask. Pretty sure this is how most people feel about it.

  16. 9 months ago

    Based punishment imo. Kid was being a bastard, whether to a vegan or not. Also it’s not inhumane, kids eat what I eat, if I don’t want meat for a month, zero fricking chance I’m buying meat just for them.

  17. 9 months ago

    why not just slap the kid?

    • 9 months ago

      >why not just slap the kid?
      Is that even legal, nowadays?
      Also, at 16 yo it's kinda late anyways.

    • 9 months ago

      Sometimes the solution is hiding in plain sight

  18. 9 months ago

    Veganism is always a punishment, just that most self-hating leftists inflict it on themselves the same way as inviting Black folk into their neighborhoods only to be robbed, raped and murdered. It makes them feel good to destroy themselves.

  19. 9 months ago

    Based son knows that veganism is for homosexuals and wants no part of it.
    Jesus, siblings torment each other ALL the time, but because mom is a c**t and will always side with the daughter as is apparent by her tone in the post, she'll frick her son over just to "prove a point" where she probably wouldn't punish the daughter if she did the same thing in reverse.
    Modern women are cancer, pure and simple.

    • 9 months ago

      it was the dad, can you believe it?

  20. 9 months ago

    not a vegan but based tbh, if you ever managed your own meals in a family home youd understand the son is a little homosexual that should have been beaten

  21. 9 months ago

    If having grey dry skin and always being tired is healthy, I don't want to be healthy.

  22. 9 months ago

    I hate vegans (actually I hate all restrictive diets), but I honestly don't see a problem with this punishment
    Better than beating the little shit

  23. 9 months ago

    I don't hate vegans in general, but I do hate Moxyte. And veganism is starvation.

  24. 9 months ago

    Bro is forcing his son to be a skinny c**t

  25. 9 months ago

    Why hate someone who makes you laugh?

  26. 9 months ago

    I dont like that homosexual of a son who doesnt respect his parents and siblings

  27. 9 months ago

    Vegansism can serve as a great fast for a month or two. If they pick healthy, low-carb foods then this could potentially do him some good. The pitfalls of veganism tend to manifest after a few months or years.

    Endorsing their daughter's poor decision is bad parenting, though. They should help her to understand her place on the food chain, and what her species is evolved to eat. They should do the same for exercise, reading, community, and spirituality but I'm sure they allow her to live like a sloth in those ways, because it's current year.

  28. 9 months ago

    A low-fat vegan diet can cut your testosterone by 26%. Anyone who's talked to a /fraud/ knows what a 25% change in test does to you physically.

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