Does anyone else feel completely EXHAUSTED after a workout?

Does anyone else feel completely EXHAUSTED after a workout?

I just did 3 exercises, but I'm still barely able to move 3 hours after.
It was bench press 5*5, chin ups 6*6, and dumbbell flys 3*15. All taken to failure.
It's 7pm.. i still haven't mustered the strength to even go shower

What's this bullshit when people say that exercising makes them feel energetic?? For me it just drains all my energy for the rest of the day and makes me sore on the following day

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  1. 7 months ago

    A good strength workout should make you feel exhausted. A light cardio session should make you feel energized. Different workouts for different results.

  2. 7 months ago

    >Does anyone else feel completely EXHAUSTED after a workout?
    I feel like taking a nap after a set
    >What's this bullshit when people say that exercising makes them feel energetic??
    Low intensity and low duration. You essentially do a warm up for the body and it feels more energized.

    • 7 months ago

      >I feel like taking a nap after a set
      Napping after a workout is comfy af

      • 7 months ago

        Never done this but sounds super comfy.

        This was my workout yesterday:
        BP 3x8
        Deadlift 1x5
        Incline dumbbell press 3x12
        Crossovers 3x13
        Pec Deck 3x12
        Hyperextension 3x17

        I felt good afterwards. Maybe could have done more if time permitted but overall I felt a little fatigued, sore but good.definitely not exhausted especially a few hours later.

  3. 7 months ago

    funny onion post
    I also get sleepy af after workouts. I have to have my 2-3h nap when i get home from gym in addition to 10h sleep every night

    • 7 months ago

      Whoa, now that's snooze-maxxing!!

      What time do you go to bed (for the night)?

      • 7 months ago

        >bed at 6am
        >10h sleep
        >wake up at 16, eat something and whatever until 17
        >gym for 2h
        >about 21h after shower and food
        >awake until 6 am
        My schedule is fricked

        • 7 months ago

          Haha the joys of being unemployed.

          Well you'll need to get out of this rut at some point, it might as well be sooner than later.
          Try staying awake all night long and all day long too. Then go to sleep at like 8pm and wake up at 4 or 6am. The early morning hours are just as peaceful as the night hours, but you have the benefit of being fresh and focused for whatever you need to do

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, im gonna need to find a job soon. Just want to reach 140kg bench before that

  4. 7 months ago

    I workout before bed.
    To be honest it's a little hard to get to sleep afterwards.
    Cutting pretty hard right now, but I'll try to save some calories so I can get some easy carbs after the gym to see if that makes sleeping easier.

    • 7 months ago

      I lift in the afternoon and I don’t have problems getting to sleep but I end up almost always waking up in the middle of the night and I’m awake for a couple hours. It’s weird but happens like 3/4 times I lift.

      • 7 months ago

        Same, it's getting worse the more progress I've made.
        If you find a solution let us all know cos' there are plenty more out there with the same.problem.

      • 7 months ago

        Nearly all day time mammals do this.
        Humans used to do it much more consistently before non-solar light became so ubiquitous

  5. 7 months ago

    if I lift I feel exhausted for the rest of the day but if I do cardio or martial arts (I guess counts as cardio) I feel energised and focused instead

  6. 7 months ago

    I do 16-18 working sets per workout, every single one to positive failure. I train 6x per week, I also do 4x cardio sessions right after lifting per week. slightly above 1/2/3/4 for reps if it matters all while being a 9-5 normie. everyone who tells me he is exhausted after just 3 exercises is lying or a cardiolet.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, I'm cardiolet.
      I did 14 working sets and was completely gassed.
      How long are your cardio sessions? How intense? And what kind do you do?
      I'm at 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps except deadlift

      Yeah, im gonna need to find a job soon. Just want to reach 140kg bench before that

      Lmoa, nice :DDD
      I actually put my lifts in my LinkedIn profile, but no one commented on them 🙁

      • 7 months ago

        I started with regular jogging for 20-25 minutes every other day being in zone 2. Now I use an elliptical for 20 minutes directly after push and pull days (not leg days for obvious reasons) . Elliptical or anything that you have at home for that matter is better than running because its cold outside atm and because I can watch youtube/netflix while doing it. It gets mind numbing af if you dont have some kind of distraction. I think its something like 100kcal burned per 10 minutes in terms of intensity so really mild.

      • 7 months ago

        >Lmoa, nice :DDD
        I actually put my lifts in my LinkedIn profile, but no one commented on them 🙁
        Im not that far off, hit 135kg last week. Im not sure if i should be happy or not, really dont see myself wage slaving

        • 7 months ago

          >really dont see myself wage slaving
          its not that bad and I am saying that as someone who used to be a neet for 8 years. the only reason why I gave up on being a neet is because there wasnt anything interesting to do. it's a nice feeling knowing you have 100k in savings and that you could neet out or straight up quit on mr.shekelberg any second without any worry in the world.

        • 7 months ago

          Idk man, try to find a jobby you'd actually LIKE to do.
          In my case it was 30yr old boomer meme.

          I had a bachelor and a masters in social sciences and then like 5 years of work experience in marketing/consulting. Then I was unemployed for like 2 years.
          I was DREADING to return to my old career. But then the meme came out and it made me remember that i always wanted to be like that guy. So... I learnt2code.
          It was 5-6 years ago, I'm still kinda shit at it, but that's what keeps it interesting. It's a job i respect and which i find challenging. Kinda like working towards a huge PR at the gym.
          Find a job/career like that and you won't feel like a slave

          >wfh code monkey
          >wake up at 8
          >go to the gym at 9
          >get back home at 10:30
          >after a quick shower and a post gym meal, sit at the computer by 11:30-12
          >too tired and sleepy to work
          >if I take a nap, I end up waking up at 2
          >goof around for a bit on youtube and ISTg
          >day is already over, haven't written a single line of code

          WFH life, I guess.
          I tried going to the gym in the afternoon but its too crowded.

          Wtf man, you put me to shame.
          And i thought *I* was lazy

          Are you backend? Years working? Are you actually good at your work, so you can finish up your tickets in a pinch?

          • 7 months ago

            Im 4th year IT, but money is getting tight so im gonna search for a job in the sector.

  7. 7 months ago

    >wfh code monkey
    >wake up at 8
    >go to the gym at 9
    >get back home at 10:30
    >after a quick shower and a post gym meal, sit at the computer by 11:30-12
    >too tired and sleepy to work
    >if I take a nap, I end up waking up at 2
    >goof around for a bit on youtube and ISTg
    >day is already over, haven't written a single line of code

    WFH life, I guess.
    I tried going to the gym in the afternoon but its too crowded.

  8. 7 months ago

    stay hydrated brother, you should be feeling like you are being pushed to your limits when that is how you train

  9. 7 months ago

    That article is wrong, feminist men are even stronger because they are not insecure and scared of girls. I can deadlift over 110kg and I'm just 2 years in. Feminism makes men strong

  10. 7 months ago

    This happened to my brother a couple of months ago. Went to the doctor and turns out he had leukemia. Early detection is key bros. Go get your bloodwork checked bros.

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