Does anyone have a simple and cheap(ish) body recomp meal plan?

Does anyone have a simple and cheap(ish) body recomp meal plan?

I’m a novice lifter and I’m looking to recomp, Im 174cm, weigh about 80kg and I’m about 20% bf, my TDE is about 2000 kcal not including exercise. Thanks in advance.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Who pays for that shit lmao hHahahhaha

    If you are a novice do whatever you want. You will most likely grow if you eat at least 150g of protein (easy) at 2200 calories

    • 1 year ago

      I’m not only looking to put on mass, I wanna stay relatively lean so I can box. But I’ll aim for 150g of calories.

      2% greek yogurt (10g of protons per 100kcal)
      Plain milk
      Hard cheese
      Egg white omelette
      Chicken and rice
      Carrots, kiwis and apples for fiber

      These cover all your bases. I can't write a proper meal plan cause I'm posting between sets but you can play around with these and make your own. Total cost should be around 20€ per week if you buy in bulk

      Thanks this is great, I’ll build something of this.

      • 1 year ago

        Happy to help friend, I can repost my own meal plan that I used to recomp at a similar height and weight to you, though that was more like 25€ before the prices shot up. Still you can work around it if you buy your meats, rice, oats and eggs in bulk

        • 1 year ago

          That would be much appreciated, I’m fine with paying a bit more honestly, I’m just trying to avoid breaking the bank too eat healthy.

          • 1 year ago

            eggs with 500ml of whole milk (around 30g of protein)
            Lentils OR green peas OR beans OR chicken OR lean beef with rice or whole wheat pasta and grated cheese (50g) and a veggie salad with lettuce, tomato, olives, green peppers and a carrot.
            Apple, banana, kiwi
            >pre workout
            2% fat Greek yogurt with oats and honey (20g)
            >post workout/before bed
            4 slices of toasted bread with goat cheese and 250ml of kefir (40g)

            • 1 year ago

              he wants to slim down homie why are you feeding him before sleep like some roiding Bodybuilder

              • 1 year ago

                That's what I eat and I've got visible abs year round. Eating before bed helps me sleep like a stone and keeps me satiated till morning.

                This seems easy and affordable, thanks!

                but why 4 pieces of toast before bed? Is it to add more calories or fibre?

                No problem brah, bread goes well with cheese and I could use the extra carbs for the next day's session. Just make sure to use what you need, all the foods I mentioned can be used both for cutting and bulking depending on the portions and variations. But above all, dairy and eggs are your friend

                oh shit hi gutsanon


            • 1 year ago

              This seems easy and affordable, thanks!

              but why 4 pieces of toast before bed? Is it to add more calories or fibre?

            • 1 year ago

              oh shit hi gutsanon

      • 1 year ago

        Just stop drinking water and only eat a tomato a day

    • 1 year ago

      >Who pays for that shit lmao hHahahhaha
      can't tell if moron or just a bad joke

  2. 1 year ago

    2% greek yogurt (10g of protons per 100kcal)
    Plain milk
    Hard cheese
    Egg white omelette
    Chicken and rice
    Carrots, kiwis and apples for fiber

    These cover all your bases. I can't write a proper meal plan cause I'm posting between sets but you can play around with these and make your own. Total cost should be around 20€ per week if you buy in bulk

  3. 1 year ago

    meal plan:
    breakfast: 6 medium eggs, any pickled veggie you can have sauerkraut, cornichons, the Korean sauerkraut, bulgarian turshia anything really and any fruit, preferably a different one every day i like pears and red grapes and plums and apricots
    then after gym or just as snack a yoghurt or skyr, put a scoop whey to get 40-50g total protons, if you can palate skyr without added taste you'd get 50g anyway, so ezpz
    for lunch every day you switch it up in a 3 day cycle
    day 1 fish(sardines by far the best), bread, tomato
    day 2 legumes bread tomato
    day 3 beef or animal organs bread tomato
    and then for snack 2 drink a litre of milk with a scoop of protons.
    this diet gives you every single vitamin, every mineral and high protein, it will stuff you well because of the fiber and protein
    and you'll have enough energy to do your job, work and you'll lose fat fast and if you're beginner lifter get big quickly
    have fun
    (if you drink coffee, don't 30 min before and after food, same with bread, dont eat whole grain. you don't want any anti nutrients when you're on caloric deficit, because you're low on nutrients already and just barely get everything with this diet. on day2 you have an entire meal with shitton of antinutrients because of the legumes, but it's still necessary too long to explain everything)
    i know this sounds boring, but if you stick to this simple diet you'll have everything you need.

  4. 1 year ago

    [x] Simple
    [x] Cheap(ish)
    [x] Body recomposition

    • 1 year ago

      Does this thing really work? How could the poundage universally apply??

      • 1 year ago

        You may need to adjust the amount of food up or down depending on your size, but I'd say for someone 80 kg with a TDE of 2000 as OP claims, that diet is about right. Read the website.

        • 1 year ago

          Tried the website, went nowhere. . .

  5. 1 year ago

    ippo lost

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