does anyone have advice for getting over food addiction?

i hate myself so fricking much, all i want is to be skinny, but i can't stop choosing food and misery.

i started looking at thinspo just to motivate myself, nothing is working. it has been 6 years since i began trying.

all constructive advice is welcome, pls don't kick me while i am down, thank you

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  1. 10 months ago

    what are you eating and how old are you? find other things to occupy your time besides eating, preferably including exercise.

    • 10 months ago

      i am 19, i eat pretty much the same junk (rn, slice of pizza, protein milk, candy bar sometimes, water) everyday.

      i know everything there is to know about calorie counting. i just want to learn how to stop being addicted to food because that is what ultimately ruins any progress, i keep choosing that rewarding feeling only to get more makes calorie counting and fasting incredibly hard if i don't take stimulants.especially when it feels so damn pointless, because i have fricked up so many times that i cant even fathom being thin anyway

      • 10 months ago

        where are you getting all this junk food? ideally you replace it with something else at the very least

        • 10 months ago

          my bf supplies it for me, and i told him thousands of times that i seriously need to stop eating like that, but he doesn't change what he brings in. but i know it is ultimately my fault, not his, it is my decision to eat it. i just wish he would really understand that i have an addiction and keeping junk around me is like keeping heroin near a heroin addict.

          • 10 months ago

            is his name Hal?

          • 10 months ago

            how many calories do you eat a day and does your bf also eat like you do?

          • 10 months ago

            your boyfriend is a gains goblin and I don't think you can make progress in that situation

          • 10 months ago

            Just throw it away. Literally any time someone gave me junk food while I was losing weight, I would fricking trash it lol

            • 10 months ago

              yea, thats the hard part sadly, i am an addict. i will choose the food. i will choose it over my health. i will choose it for that brief rewarding feeling. its sad and pathetic but true. i used to be able to do that, but for the past few years it seems hard as frick to get back on the wagon and stay on it, and resist temptation

              Stop eating

              thats the plan

              • 10 months ago

                >i am an addict. i will choose the food
                Honestly, what do you want us to do? You need to discipline yourself, lady.
                Coming here and bawling about your food addiction won't help you in the long run. You're many step further than the morons depicted in the FPH threads for acknowledging that you have a problem, but you also need discipline to solve it.

                trying bro, just walked the furthest i have walked in probably 3 years, i kept pushing myself even when i thought i was done for, thought i couldnt go any further, i made myself keep going. i literally collapsed when i got home. i am really proud!

                I see you're actually making an effort to lose weight, but unfortunately the hardest part you'll have to change is your diet.
                Exercise is always good and welcome but without a diet is mostly useless.
                At the very least YOU HAVE to cut off carbonated drinks and sugary food.
                Not only processed sugar makes you fat, it also makes you have glycemic spikes which causes the hunger feeling, making you crave more food.

          • 10 months ago

            Found the problem

      • 10 months ago

        Fat people should not be drinking protein milk
        Regular milk is plenty calorie dense

      • 10 months ago

        Fat people should not be drinking protein milk
        Regular milk is plenty calorie dense

        wtf is protein milk

      • 10 months ago

        I'm sorry anon. I was in your spot 3 years ago. 28 bmi. Now I'm 20 bmi, have a six pack, very shredded.

        First off... Ozempic. Some people call it cheating, but if you can manage the side effects (some people have none, I had like.. mild tummy ache a couple hours after injecting).

        That helped me fix my relationship with food. you don't have a fat problem, you have a food relationship dysfunction problem, as you seem to indicate understanding of.

        Don't look at thinspo. Actually, go look up HealthyGamerGG and "why your habits always come back."

        Science somewhat supports this, and experientially monks and yogis support this a LOT: (this is boiled down, watch his vid for the full scoop):

        Buy your favorite food (non-perishable). Keep it on you at all times. When you feel the compulsion to eat, do it. Don't even try to go thinspo or eat ice or drink sugar free soda, just eat it. But do it with awareness. Notice what you're eating, what you're tasting, what you're craving. Are you salivating? Are you stressed right now? What are you feeling emotionally?

        Just give in immediately Do it every single time that craving comes up- But BE AWARE OF YOURSELF.

        I shit you not, I carried around cans of salt and vinegar pringles for months. Day 1, I ate 2 cans. I'm not going to try to boil down my months of struggle and therapy, but... it worked. I became aware of why I was eating and doing this.

        I suspect you're looking at thin people, wanting that, and then not getting there, and you give up.

        I'd ask you, as counterintuitive as it sounds, to give the above method a try, and that video a listen where he explains it.

        I know what its like, fat boy. I was there too with you- like all things, this will pass. Good luck.


        You got this, bud.

        • 10 months ago



          where are you getting all this junk food? ideally you replace it with something else at the very least

          said, your willpower to restrain your eating is actually DIRECTLY connected to your sensory input. Psychological studies were done, like where some participants were in a room with warm baked choccy cookies and another room with beets. People who were around the junk cookies had less willpower and self-control. You don't need to solve all of these underlying problems at once, anon. Even eating a salad once a week is a win. Don't burn yourself out.

          Your journey right now should be about incremental change, not overnight transformations.

          This is probably the longest post I've ever written online. I know what you're going through- I really do- and it sucks. But you can do it.

      • 10 months ago

        >i know everything is about calorie counting
        sorry there's no hope for you
        Keep watching your thinspo bullshit and eating "low calorie filling food" until you die

      • 10 months ago

        i hate myself so fricking much, all i want is to be skinny, but i can't stop choosing food and misery.

        i started looking at thinspo just to motivate myself, nothing is working. it has been 6 years since i began trying.

        all constructive advice is welcome, pls don't kick me while i am down, thank you

        lel just stop eating homie
        close your mouth hahaaha

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah bottom line this is an emotional problem not A logical one. I struggle with the same thing but am fit. good luck anon

      • 10 months ago

        It's all mental. Stop stuffing your face and watch yourself make progress. Enough of this pussy mentality.

      • 10 months ago

        You need discipline

  2. 10 months ago

    Stop tryna be thin, be strong instead. Exercise to be strong and have high endurance (low weights with lots of reps or intense cardio or whatever you are into) and you will get to a healthy size. You should eat without guilt because you made your body work hard, and then feed it healthy food instead of sugary or starchy junk.
    Stop trying to be thin. Be strong enough to climb or run or hit someone or throw things or dance all night. That's the route out of eating disorders.
    I believe in you anon.

    • 10 months ago

      thanks for your reply. i would like to be decently strong but not overly so, as a woman i have this desire to be very thin rather than strong, i don't know why. it's all i ever wanted and was taught to want to be seen as human.

      im really insecure to go to a gym, can i do these things at home? won't weight lifting make me gain weight and retain water? the scale going up scares me. i guess i have a lot to unlearn. i do need to change what i am eating

      • 10 months ago

        You can do it at home with bodyweight exercises/calisthenics and small weights. Lifting big weights of what makes people bulky because those power muscles do retain water. Light weights with lots of repetition will build hard tough muscles that will work you your whole life, but they won't make you blow up. Look at female athletes like swimmers and skaters, or ballet dancers. Are they huge? Generally no. Are they strong? VERY.
        You're gonna have to just ignore your boyfriend and his terrible food choices. If you wrote yourself out physically each morning and then make a nutritious meal (I like omelets) you will start to crave that instead of the sugar filled convenience food you've been raised on.

    • 10 months ago

      I forgot to say that when you make your body work hard physically it will scream for protein. Feed your self simple food like eggs, meat, veg, rice. Lots of water. When you place your body under serious physical stress and do it fast after day your tastes will change because your muscles will demand fuel to build themselves, not sugar to just stay awake. You will feel like a switch charged inside. Work your body, do it every day. The first week will be awful and demoralizing. By the third week you will begin to feel yourself getting stronger. Chase that feeling.

    • 10 months ago

      This this this, if you are active in some form every day and lift weights frequently your maintenance calories will go up which will help with weight loss, and your body composition will improve through a little muscle gain which can dramatically improve your appearance. A lot of girls just end up dieting themselves into being skinny fat because they have no activity.

  3. 10 months ago

    Find a hobby you like that you also can't eat while doing.

    Fix other things in your life, and it will help motivate you and satisfy the part of your brain that only gets stimulation from food. Shower more regularly, learn new hairstyles, anything that makes you feel better about yourself will also help keep you in line when it comes to reaching your goals.

    If you currently spend all your time inside, you HAVE to find a way to start spending time outside.

    • 10 months ago

      i genuinely believe as long as i am this weight or anywhere near it (i am about 100+lbs from my goal weight) i cannot and will never feel better about myself, i feel like a literal monster and i dont want to be seen, touched, or anything. its truly ruining my life. its really pathetic, i know.

      i would like to find a distracting hobby that i cant mindlessly eat while doing, not sure what to do though, i am pretty depressed so everything feels empty. i do need to go outside more, i am insecure about being seen by people honestly, it keeps me cooped up. i dont know what the hell to do with myself outside. i should start taking walks at the very least. i have done this, but i usually stop a week in

      • 10 months ago

        Walking is the best thing you can start doing again. If you keep at it and push yourself, you'll be surprised how fast you will actually lose weight.

        The reason you eat now is to feel some kind of joy, but once you start seeing results with weight loss that will replace the feeling for you and it will become much easier. You just have to hold out until you reach that point.

        Feeling less guilt about food is important too. The negative feeling causes you to want a positive feeling which leads to eating more and it's a cycle. It will take awhile to not feel guilty, but ironically it will help you not eat so much. I used to have a binge eating disorder, so I get that much.

      • 10 months ago

        I was in the exact same situation but one day I just stuck to the diet. CICO was like training wheels since I ate whatever I want but limited the calories. It was a good compromise to make but it still took willpower to stop overeating. 2 years later I'm still 20lbs away from my goal since I half-ass everything but I've finally started eating healthily and exercising too

        I made it to 10lbs from my goal the other month but started binging again because my routine was disrupted for several weeks. It's important to have a consistent routine where your body knows when mealtime is

  4. 10 months ago

    what's the mark on the neck?

    • 10 months ago

      Probably supposed to be from a tracheotomy

      • 10 months ago

        Thyroidectomy as well

        • 10 months ago

          Ah that makes more sense, all the tracheotomy cuts I’ve seen were vertical

  5. 10 months ago

    Noom app or whatever. Food addiction and psychology is its whole schtick basically

  6. 10 months ago

    What works for me is cooking all my food from high quality ingredients rather than junk. Eliminates binge eating due to time constraints, actually cheaper, and tastes vastly better.

    Other than that, good:
    Beef tallow
    Clarified butter w/ added food grade stearic acid
    Coconut oil

    Any other oil/fat

    Also try to eliminate on bad thing at a time, or reduce calories a tiny bit, and slowly increment

    • 10 months ago

      This anon has absolutely no education on fats. Disregard that nonsense.
      Still, he is right in that you should prefer high quality ingredients. Butter now and then wont kill anyone but keep on soft fats such as olive oil or even better, canola / rapeseed oil (the "rape" in the seed prob suits IST population's tastes better)

  7. 10 months ago

    This site is aimed at guys but don't worry about that. It's great because it's sort and too the point and he gives simple explanations of the exercises and how to warm up properly, stretch after exercise etc. Don't get overwhelmed with all the detail and complexity on a lot of fitness sites, you can pick that information up as you go. Just start with the most basic exercises here and work your way up and you get used to it. You'll feel terrible pain the first couple of days, like your muscles are made out of rubber. Repeating the exercises is paradoxically more effective than trying to relax it away. This will wear off by the third or 4th day. What worked for me was surrendering to the idea that if you think of doing an exercise, you have to perform it, like 10 reps or whatever. Whenever you think of doing an exercise it's your muscles wanting to improve. Give them what they want.

  8. 10 months ago
  9. 10 months ago


    Is your bf fat also? From what you wrote it sounds like he is keeping you fat on purpose, possible because of the insecurity that you're going to leave if you get thin

    • 10 months ago

      i weigh more than my bf embarrassingly enough. he is sorta chubby but not fat. he eats similar to me, not as much, and is more active overall. i dont think he is trying to keep me fat, sometimes he will offer to diet with me but doesn't stick to it. he just doesnt give a shit about his or my weight and likes food, and if i change my diet, he must too so i dont have access to junk, and he doesnt want that

      how many calories do you eat a day and does your bf also eat like you do?

      answered the second half above. i have 0 idea how many cals i eat a day but it objectively must be more than 1700 as that is my maintenance cals.i lose at 1200 cals a day. i probably eat like between 2-2.5k

      • 10 months ago

        When I lived with my gf who also drank I couldn't stop alcohol. And whenever we tried to get sober together it always failed. Just an anecdote

        • 10 months ago

          yea i dont think it is possible with him around, another semi food addict, to do this properly or long term. but i dont know what else to do. im tired of having 'the food talk' 100x 🙁

          • 10 months ago

            what are you two's hobbies? it's probably not helping if you guys don't do anything that requires a lot of activity or distracts you from eating

          • 10 months ago

            That's why you gotta listen to n the other voices in your body. You don't actually like the garbage you're eating, it's just flavored sugar that tastes good when you put it in your mouth but leaves you sad and hungry soon after. Your liver is working overtime converting it to fat because it's not being used/much good for anything else.
            You keep focusing on the calories in side of things. What you need to do is put a lot more calories out. Don't bother trying to count how many, just exercise to being tired and out of breath, get your breath back, repeat with different exercises until it aches. Then eat the least processed food you can find. Fatigue and hunger will make you eat like an animal instead of like a potato (where you just absorb nutrients and slowly increase in size).
            Doing this 6 days a week will flip switches in your body, because it will demand food high in protein and other nutrients.
            Instead of having The Food Conversation you say 'I'm not eating this shit' and eat high value food, eg steak instead of a cheeseburger, sushi instead of pizza. You're gonna need it because you're gonna wear yourself out again in the morning. The more you exercise the more exercise you are able to do and you'll start finding ways to outdo yourself well after week. Being strong is fun because you'll find you can do things with your body that practically didn't seem possible.

            • 10 months ago

              im eager to begin exercising again. i think it could really help even if im not actively losing weight, just to feel like i can move easier again

              Join the bodyweight fitness discord server. I don't hang out there anymore but they helped me stay engaged and aware of my nutrition.
              > i mean, i do give in and i am aware every single moment when i am binging or eating, i am constantly thinking about the consequences of what i am doing, maybe i will have to watch the person you suggested to full understand what you're getting at.

              I have a pretty good idea of what you were doing when you did that eating. A lot of doomthinking, or even kinda calmly "yep im increasing my weight and making a shitty decision here."

              Cultivating a different kind of awareness is key. If you start listening to HealthyGamerGG, I dont want to shill too hard, you will get that what you're doing right now and what that awareness looks like is different.

              ill check those things out

              if you're that big at 19 i'm afraid there's very little hope for you, see you on TLC in a few years

              ill try my hardest to avoid that route

              This anon has absolutely no education on fats. Disregard that nonsense.
              Still, he is right in that you should prefer high quality ingredients. Butter now and then wont kill anyone but keep on soft fats such as olive oil or even better, canola / rapeseed oil (the "rape" in the seed prob suits IST population's tastes better)

              thanks for the tip

              Well, that's a life attitude of not giving a shit about what the other people think. I was less fat when I started, but when I got over my anxiety (I'm AMAB) going to these classes... Sure enough, I didn't have a dancer's body at the time, I was a bit chubby, and I was surrounded by ballerinas, gymnasts, even some ex pros. Everyone had more flexibility, less fat (tho most had less muscle than me lol)

              You just gotta not give a shit about what they think. I don't want to trivialize that hurdle, but as soon as you just force yourself to take that first step into the studio, not knowing ANYTHING... it's so, so, SO freeing.

              You don't have to do something close quarters like that, though. although it's my passion now, you could do hiking, which you can fairly easily customize to your needs.

              But really, don't let yourself make excuses. Even just getting out into the STREET is enough. I promise you, what you're looking for in a fit body is not out of reach for you or for anyone else. I don't know you, but after reading your responses here, I believe in you!!!

              this is a very sweet response and very wise and correct. life is so short. i shouldnt give a frick and just do what i need to do to live more comfortably. thank you

              • 10 months ago

                good luck, anon. you seem to have the mindset so i think you should be fine.

              • 10 months ago

                i want to think so, but if i had the mindset, you'd think after 6 years of pointed effort i'd have gotten somewhere and not backtracked by 100 lbs lol

              • 10 months ago

                Keep posting anon, just use the same op pic. Check in tomorrow and tell us what you did. It doesn't matter how little it seems, what matters is how hard it was. You're gonna make it.

  10. 10 months ago


    >im gonna try again and keep trying as long as i am alive.
    That's the spirit. You are gonna make it anon.

    >do you mean that i should simply do what i feel capable of at that moment?
    Don't even analyze it that much (unless you have an injury to heal from). Like if you get the idea to do some squats, you have to just sigh and give in it to it and do 10 squats before doing anything else. The idea popped into your head because muscles felt like they needed to move.
    This is not that different from the impulse to snack, except that you will be listening to other voices in your body besides your stomach. If you activate your muscles for their v own sake they will tell you what they want.
    I do think it's very important to exercise to the point of real fatigue once a day. Walking is good and all but it's boring. Doing squats and pushups is agonizing at first but you will get an endorphin rush because it's intense. Intensity is what shifts your body from plodding through an exercise you 'should' be doing to 'holy frick I can't believe I did that'. That's where the magic happens.

    Again don't focus on your weight. Focus on strength and endurance. Your body will change itself to accommodate the demands you make upon it. Just feed it simple food instead of the triple sweetened food product that most corporations sell.

    • 10 months ago

      thanks for you advice bro. i really appreciate you and others taking the time to help me. starting asap.

      what are you two's hobbies? it's probably not helping if you guys don't do anything that requires a lot of activity or distracts you from eating

      all my current hobbies are typical introvert hobbies that require a computer. i do want to look into hobbies that get me out and about, not sure which atm, especially which ones can be done through summer and winter

      I'm currently losing weight and it fricking sucks. I started at 190 and i'm currently 178 right now. Still have 28 more lbs to go.

      The only thing that works for me is OMAD (and a 30-45 min light cardio cycle machine session at night). I loooooove to binge and feel my stomach stretch so I can experience that feeling once a day with zero guilt. I then reward myself once every 2 weeks with a cheat meal, like a bunch of pizza or something.

      Seems to be working so far.

      omad is the closest thing to working for me too. however unlike you i cant seem to handle cheat days or i turn it into a cheat month, cheat year. so it makes omad hard to maintain. good luck on your journey

      • 10 months ago

        how do you eat while you play vidya and whatever? i'm just wondering cause when i was addicted to cs i was too focused on that to eat.

        • 10 months ago

          i dont rlly play video games, nothing i do in life distracts me to that extent. i always have the time to eat. during the time of my lowest weight i had a friend group and went out with them, and had school and stuff, so i was always distracted, food wasnt a priority (though i was counting cals since age 15) not so much now,

          I would echo what everyone is saying on here about walking, but doesn't sound like anyone is talking about satiety what it comes to food...
          Added sugar and alcohol are your enemies. Fiber, protein, and healthy fat are your friends.
          The easiest way to do this is to make a hard and fast rule that you are only to eat food that you cook, and then control the ingredients that come into your home... it's really hard to overeat healthy stuff.
          Good luck, you'll do it.

          for sure, i want to cut added sugars out, i need to learn more about healthy eating and what kidns of foods to buy and cook, especially since i am limited (no kitchen, just air fryer + mini fridge)

          >make a hard and fast rule that you are only to eat food that you cook

          i might have to rework that to fit my particular situation in that i can't cook because i have no appliances, but i think youre on the right track about making a very strict rule. thats sort of how omad worked for me, i didnt over eat if i told myself absolutely no food past my 1 meal.

          I'm sorry anon. I was in your spot 3 years ago. 28 bmi. Now I'm 20 bmi, have a six pack, very shredded.

          First off... Ozempic. Some people call it cheating, but if you can manage the side effects (some people have none, I had like.. mild tummy ache a couple hours after injecting).

          That helped me fix my relationship with food. you don't have a fat problem, you have a food relationship dysfunction problem, as you seem to indicate understanding of.

          Don't look at thinspo. Actually, go look up HealthyGamerGG and "why your habits always come back."

          Science somewhat supports this, and experientially monks and yogis support this a LOT: (this is boiled down, watch his vid for the full scoop):

          Buy your favorite food (non-perishable). Keep it on you at all times. When you feel the compulsion to eat, do it. Don't even try to go thinspo or eat ice or drink sugar free soda, just eat it. But do it with awareness. Notice what you're eating, what you're tasting, what you're craving. Are you salivating? Are you stressed right now? What are you feeling emotionally?

          Just give in immediately Do it every single time that craving comes up- But BE AWARE OF YOURSELF.

          I shit you not, I carried around cans of salt and vinegar pringles for months. Day 1, I ate 2 cans. I'm not going to try to boil down my months of struggle and therapy, but... it worked. I became aware of why I was eating and doing this.

          I suspect you're looking at thin people, wanting that, and then not getting there, and you give up.

          I'd ask you, as counterintuitive as it sounds, to give the above method a try, and that video a listen where he explains it.

          I know what its like, fat boy. I was there too with you- like all things, this will pass. Good luck.


          You got this, bud.


          As [...]
          said, your willpower to restrain your eating is actually DIRECTLY connected to your sensory input. Psychological studies were done, like where some participants were in a room with warm baked choccy cookies and another room with beets. People who were around the junk cookies had less willpower and self-control. You don't need to solve all of these underlying problems at once, anon. Even eating a salad once a week is a win. Don't burn yourself out.

          Your journey right now should be about incremental change, not overnight transformations.

          This is probably the longest post I've ever written online. I know what you're going through- I really do- and it sucks. But you can do it.

          this is an interesting idea. i feel like i have kinda already been doing this though? i mean, i do give in and i am aware every single moment when i am binging or eating, i am constantly thinking about the consequences of what i am doing, maybe i will have to watch the person you suggested to full understand what you're getting at. i do need to start replacing things bit, will probably be more effective than all at once trying to become a skinny queen in 5 months which will never happen lol. thank you for taking the time to write your post for me, it means a lot. i hope i can do it

          If you have the money for classes...

          Try trapeze, circus, aerial arts, anything. Not only is it incredibly fun, but you will have additional motivation to get healthy. You should't rely on this motivation, but its kept me going as I lost weight.

          3/2 continuing on from last posts: you look like you're in a tough spot. I was quite a bit fatter than you at 240. I was 300 and a couple inches taller, lol. Trust me, you can do this if you want to.

          how do you get over the insecurity of existing at such a weight though? i cant imagine taking classes because i just know id be the fattest fricker there. i tried sports as a kid, i was the biggest, and it was traumatizing.

          • 10 months ago

            yeah but what do you do at home then? buy some equipment to exercise or something, it'll keep you busy at home and you won't have to go out

            • 10 months ago

              i was considering the body weight exercise like someone suggested, and walking circles in my backyard lol. odd but its a step.ill have to find alternatives for equipment

              • 10 months ago

                Join the bodyweight fitness discord server. I don't hang out there anymore but they helped me stay engaged and aware of my nutrition.
                > i mean, i do give in and i am aware every single moment when i am binging or eating, i am constantly thinking about the consequences of what i am doing, maybe i will have to watch the person you suggested to full understand what you're getting at.

                I have a pretty good idea of what you were doing when you did that eating. A lot of doomthinking, or even kinda calmly "yep im increasing my weight and making a shitty decision here."

                Cultivating a different kind of awareness is key. If you start listening to HealthyGamerGG, I dont want to shill too hard, you will get that what you're doing right now and what that awareness looks like is different.

              • 10 months ago

                You don't need much equipment. Two 5 pound dumbells will cost you under $20. You probably have a straight back chair. Later you can get a pull up bar for the same price.

                Appliance wise, get a crock pot, or a rice cooker. And a couple of good knives and a chopping board. Get used to eating fruit and nuts, learn how to buy produce and buy lean meat like chicken breasts and stewing beef. Eat raw vegetables, they are delicious. Figure out how to boil eggs, they're versatile and full of nutrition.

                You just gotta get in the habit of wearing yourself out 6 days a week. It is your You time that you are investing in building a strong healthy body. It's fine to do pushups and collapse gasping on the bathroom floor. That is work that you are donating to future you. It's important to push your limits, that's what signals your body that Things Are Different Now. Gentle exercise that doesn't exhaust you won't have much impact.
                Like I said above, you will begin to feel strength gains within weeks, and soon after you'll see as well as feel things changing.

              • 10 months ago

                i hear good things about the diversity of what a crockpot can do, i might get one. i do like baked broccoli and i like raw cucumbers. huge fan of eggs too. i suck at cooking but i will look into some recipes that i can do with my current set up. tomorrow i will walk as far as i can possibly walk with my dog, i will try and do it nearly every day, i will push myself.

                Keep posting anon, just use the same op pic. Check in tomorrow and tell us what you did. It doesn't matter how little it seems, what matters is how hard it was. You're gonna make it.

                i will consider posting tomorrow with an update. tbh i dont think anyone is gonna remember or care by tomorrow, i think people will just find my thread annoying, but i might. thank you for the kind words of encouragnment.

              • 10 months ago

                Most of us visit every day anon, just keep showing up. You're gonna make it.

          • 10 months ago

            Well, that's a life attitude of not giving a shit about what the other people think. I was less fat when I started, but when I got over my anxiety (I'm AMAB) going to these classes... Sure enough, I didn't have a dancer's body at the time, I was a bit chubby, and I was surrounded by ballerinas, gymnasts, even some ex pros. Everyone had more flexibility, less fat (tho most had less muscle than me lol)

            You just gotta not give a shit about what they think. I don't want to trivialize that hurdle, but as soon as you just force yourself to take that first step into the studio, not knowing ANYTHING... it's so, so, SO freeing.

            You don't have to do something close quarters like that, though. although it's my passion now, you could do hiking, which you can fairly easily customize to your needs.

            But really, don't let yourself make excuses. Even just getting out into the STREET is enough. I promise you, what you're looking for in a fit body is not out of reach for you or for anyone else. I don't know you, but after reading your responses here, I believe in you!!!

          • 10 months ago

            Stop making excuses.
            >I don't really play video games, don't have anything to distract me from eating
            Fricking get a hobby. Go buy Dark Souls 1 and play it through. It's old and cheap, available everywhere, and it'll teach you not to drop at the first sign of trouble. Best played with a controller.

            • 10 months ago

              yea, im gonna research more about potential hobbies that dont allow me to eat mindlessly. i dont have an interest in video games, they dont keep my attention


              >i know everything is about calorie counting
              sorry there's no hope for you
              Keep watching your thinspo bullshit and eating "low calorie filling food" until you die

              whys that? is IST against calorie counting? genuine is mathematical and always correct but i know its not always sustainable, it gets old after a few months. open to thoughts on it

              • 10 months ago

                Do whatever you want, as long as it's not mindless scrolling. But get on a hobby ASAP.

                And not that anon you're replying to, but IST generally acknowledges CICO. He's not telling you that calorie counting is bullshit, he's telling you that you're bullshitting. Us and yourself.
                First, your problem is obviously not calorie counting, but impulse control. Knowing that you've eaten exactly 6000 calories won't help you.
                Second, many fat people like to hide behind calorie counting. "I don't know why I keep getting fatter! I'm calorie counting and I know how to do it right! I'm just eating 1000 per day, but I keep gaining weight at 400 pounds! Can't be my fault!". Fat guy who's losing weight calorie counting = great. Fat guy who's not losing despite calorie counting = a weak mind refusing to acknowledge its failures and making excuses.

              • 10 months ago

                oh i am 100% aware that i consume way too many calories, over my tdee, which is why i am obese. i am no delusional. i do not have any fta logic. i am fat because i eat like a pig and i have an addiction to food and 0 impulse control. i need discipline. i lost 40lbs once from cico, since then i have been struggling to keep on the wagon though. i never said in this thread that i believed i was gaining for no reason, not once.

                Do you live alone? Throw out all the food in your house except for beans, potatoes, and onions. Buy just what you need for your eating day and nothing else.
                Relying on drugs is a bad idea. You want to change your habits, not to just do a challenge.
                Start with the fasting right after your period ends.
                And while you're eating when you shouldn't, talk to yourself aloud about it. The extra awareness might be enough to help you break out of the impulse.

                Ultimately there's only two ways, discipline or pain. Either you get your shit together enough to just do it because you want to, or you keep failing until the pain of failing gets bigger than the pain of stopping it. Many people don't ever reach that point, though, so try the discipline.
                But like, properly. Again, you just need to hold three cycles of the fasting I described to feel massive improvement. That's one week. There's no excuses there.

                live with bf who lives off junk food as well. cant get him to stop bringing it in even with threats of making him leave. pathetic i know, but the situation is more complex than i can describe. i agree with you ultimately. i have to want it and need it or im going to keep failing. i will keep trying.

              • 10 months ago

                calories are wildly miscalculated by both people counting them and how are they measured in the first place
                calories don't take into consideration how the human metabolism handles different macronutrients and what effect do they have on the hormones regulating aforementioned metabolism
                calories don't take into consideration satiety, actual nutritional content, quality of the food and so on
                you will not lose weight by just counting calories
                you will regain it back and balloon up because you don't have a healthy relationship with FRICKING FOOD
                and don't @ at me ever again, stop posting and go to some psych or crap
                rethink your life because if even eating noemally is hard then you really are a moron

              • 10 months ago

                no one is against calorie counting at all. it actually works... if I was to try to categorize fit's overall nutrition advice, it would be a version of "if it fits your macros" where you get excommunicated from the church if you say that seed oils, processed carbs/ processed food, or the industrial food system is good...

              • 10 months ago

                Have you met the schizo/troll that sits in /fat/ all day?

                >muh unlimited calories
                >also makes fun of users for snacking on high protein snacks and claims snacking is bad.

      • 10 months ago

        If you have the money for classes...

        Try trapeze, circus, aerial arts, anything. Not only is it incredibly fun, but you will have additional motivation to get healthy. You should't rely on this motivation, but its kept me going as I lost weight.

        3/2 continuing on from last posts: you look like you're in a tough spot. I was quite a bit fatter than you at 240. I was 300 and a couple inches taller, lol. Trust me, you can do this if you want to.

  11. 10 months ago


    Is that you goblina?

    • 10 months ago

      yes that is me most unfortunately. do your worst. i genuinely deserve it

  12. 10 months ago

    I'm currently losing weight and it fricking sucks. I started at 190 and i'm currently 178 right now. Still have 28 more lbs to go.

    The only thing that works for me is OMAD (and a 30-45 min light cardio cycle machine session at night). I loooooove to binge and feel my stomach stretch so I can experience that feeling once a day with zero guilt. I then reward myself once every 2 weeks with a cheat meal, like a bunch of pizza or something.

    Seems to be working so far.

  13. 10 months ago


    i hate myself so fricking much, all i want is to be skinny, but i can't stop choosing food and misery.

    i started looking at thinspo just to motivate myself, nothing is working. it has been 6 years since i began trying.

    all constructive advice is welcome, pls don't kick me while i am down, thank you

    I would echo what everyone is saying on here about walking, but doesn't sound like anyone is talking about satiety what it comes to food...
    Added sugar and alcohol are your enemies. Fiber, protein, and healthy fat are your friends.

    yea i dont think it is possible with him around, another semi food addict, to do this properly or long term. but i dont know what else to do. im tired of having 'the food talk' 100x 🙁

    The easiest way to do this is to make a hard and fast rule that you are only to eat food that you cook, and then control the ingredients that come into your home... it's really hard to overeat healthy stuff.
    Good luck, you'll do it.

  14. 10 months ago


    if you're that big at 19 i'm afraid there's very little hope for you, see you on TLC in a few years

  15. 10 months ago

    Been there, done that. The key is fasting.
    >eat today. Try to go light on carbs
    >don't eat tomorrow
    >don't eat the following day
    >eat the next day
    >repeat for 4-8 weeks

    The first one or two cycles are hell. After the third is gets ridiculously easier: you'll barely crave food and when you do it's healthy stuff. Still, hold until your feeding days.
    During fasts, focus on staying active and distracted and drink a lot of water with some added sea salt.
    On your feeding days eat about 10% over your TTDE and keep the carbs low. Don't go keto, just eat low carb. Carbs will make you A LOT hungrier during the fast.
    You'll be saving lots of money and time by not needing food for 2/3 of your time. Invest it into buying high quality meat and produce and cooking high quality meals on your feeding days.
    No sugary crap. You'll likely not feel like it anyways after a couple cycles, but still.
    Also get some electrolytes, magnesium and phosphorus supplements to take during your fast. Together with the salt you add to the water, it'll keep brain fog away and it also protects your heart, in general and specially in case you frick up.

    Once you're done, you'll feel like a new man, with barely any cravings and shit, and the cravings you get will be much easier to control. Now, the effects will vanish after 2-3 months if you just go back to normal eating. Adopt a 5:2 fasting regime (eat 5 days a week, fast 2) to keep it up.

    In case you're a woman, you have to be more careful due to your cycle. Follow these instructions after your period is done, for two weeks. The following two weeks and during your cycle you need to eat properly because you're building stuff in your womb. Experiment and be cautious.

    • 10 months ago

      i rlly wanna get into fasting more, OMAD got me the furthest. do you have tips for not giving in during fasts? water doesnt do anything, i have adderall and it helps me fast, is it ok to rely on it to get through it? if there is food around i go at it like an animal when i give in if i have been fasting. also yea i am a woman.

      • 10 months ago

        Do you live alone? Throw out all the food in your house except for beans, potatoes, and onions. Buy just what you need for your eating day and nothing else.
        Relying on drugs is a bad idea. You want to change your habits, not to just do a challenge.
        Start with the fasting right after your period ends.
        And while you're eating when you shouldn't, talk to yourself aloud about it. The extra awareness might be enough to help you break out of the impulse.

        Ultimately there's only two ways, discipline or pain. Either you get your shit together enough to just do it because you want to, or you keep failing until the pain of failing gets bigger than the pain of stopping it. Many people don't ever reach that point, though, so try the discipline.
        But like, properly. Again, you just need to hold three cycles of the fasting I described to feel massive improvement. That's one week. There's no excuses there.

  16. 10 months ago
  17. 10 months ago
  18. 10 months ago


    wtf is protein milk

    why are you drinking that stuff if you don't exercise anyways? if you can't put it down you could try developing a habit of exercising before or after

    • 10 months ago

      because i dont get protein elsewhere, and if im not wrong, you need protein whether you exercise or not. im 240lbs and that drink is only 23g of protein, nothing crazy. plus it was to help me feel fuller with OMAD. its not necessary, i just thought it was better than nothing idk

      • 10 months ago

        yeah but you should probably try something more filling for your protein anyways. i don't really know either but i'm just saying because liquid calories probably aren't helping you.

        • 10 months ago

          with omad i would eat less than 1200 cals total, the drink is only 170. it was all calculated when i would fast. other than that i dont drink calories. i am fat as hell but thats the one thing i wont do lol. i get all my calories from the junk food

          • 10 months ago

            oh i thought you were drinking a bunch of them. that's good but then focusing on replacing the junk food with something more filling is probably a good to priority have then.

            • 10 months ago

              ohhh yea no, only 1 and no more than that. yes i absolutely want to work on that. it is nearly morning for me, gonna go for my first walk in a long time and get a healthy meal, maybe omad. i really want to succeed.

              • 10 months ago

                alright, keep at it, anon.

  19. 10 months ago


    I'm going to bust a nut and come back, those juggs making me acting unwise and I can't really give any advice like this.

  20. 10 months ago


    >do you have any tips if i dont have access to a kitchen?
    In what kind of house do you live that you don't have a kitchen?

  21. 10 months ago

    junk food companies needs to be purged from the earth and the CEOs guillotined.

    • 10 months ago

      tbh agreed. its kinda sick the kinds of foods that are available for cheap and in large runarounds. small portions packed with shit tons of calories

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >for cheap
        This is another psyop the junk food companies succesfully put in everyone brain: thinking that their food is actually cheaper than a healthy alternative.
        If you question every fat person, they'll tell you sooner or later that the fast food is cheaper, they'll make a comparison with a bag of rice or something else, without even factoring in that a bag of rice usually is for more servings.
        Nobody ever divide the price for the total servings.

        Thining of it, you could tell your bf you can also save money buying healthy food alternatives.

  22. 10 months ago

    I'm a feeder, and I want you to know that your post turned me on so much. You should post some pics of your stuffed belly

  23. 10 months ago


    I have struggled with food addiction as well. I never had the self control to stick to the diets I tried. The only thing that finally worked for me was fasting. I started easy. Literally just ~8 hour periods, most of which I was asleep for. Then 10, then 12, ...
    I found fasting would work because I struggled so much to eat the RIGHT thing on diets. When it was just a question of whether or not to eat at all, I found it much easier.

    Eventually I worked up to 20 hour fasts 3x a week and ended up sticking to it long enough to hit my goal weight. There are a few things I did that made it tolerable:
    >high protein foods
    Not just for the gains. High protein foods will keep you full
    >meal prep healthy food you enjoy
    Enjoyable, healthy food meal prepped for the week means that you will have healthy food readily available to eat all the time. And it's very easy to prepare so you can pick it over whatever else you would impulsively eat. I meal prep on Sundays for monday-friday. Weekends I wing it.
    >don't get rid of everything you enjoy, as long as it is within caloric deficit
    Just because you're eating healthy most of the time doesn't mean you should give up all the scandalous stuff. If you can figure out your calorie budget for the day and fit in a candy or whatever, definitely do it. If not daily, every other day, or maybe once a week. It will help with morale to keep going.
    >make time for sleep
    I aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. If you don't prioritize sleep already, you should. Being irritable due to being tired makes self control much harder.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh yeah, also
      >go for walks
      Find a park near you if you can and walk for as long as possible. Listen to music, audiobooks, etc. You can get outside, enjoy your time, and burn calories doing it.

      • 10 months ago

        doing this in about 2 hours!

        I have struggled with food addiction as well. I never had the self control to stick to the diets I tried. The only thing that finally worked for me was fasting. I started easy. Literally just ~8 hour periods, most of which I was asleep for. Then 10, then 12, ...
        I found fasting would work because I struggled so much to eat the RIGHT thing on diets. When it was just a question of whether or not to eat at all, I found it much easier.

        Eventually I worked up to 20 hour fasts 3x a week and ended up sticking to it long enough to hit my goal weight. There are a few things I did that made it tolerable:
        >high protein foods
        Not just for the gains. High protein foods will keep you full
        >meal prep healthy food you enjoy
        Enjoyable, healthy food meal prepped for the week means that you will have healthy food readily available to eat all the time. And it's very easy to prepare so you can pick it over whatever else you would impulsively eat. I meal prep on Sundays for monday-friday. Weekends I wing it.
        >don't get rid of everything you enjoy, as long as it is within caloric deficit
        Just because you're eating healthy most of the time doesn't mean you should give up all the scandalous stuff. If you can figure out your calorie budget for the day and fit in a candy or whatever, definitely do it. If not daily, every other day, or maybe once a week. It will help with morale to keep going.
        >make time for sleep
        I aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. If you don't prioritize sleep already, you should. Being irritable due to being tired makes self control much harder.

        agreed on fasting, only thing that seemed to kinda work besides when i could stick to cico. its easier for me to just straight up not eat rather than meticulously balance out meals over the day with a 1200 cal allotment.

        im kinda worried about meal prepping tho, i think i might binge on it no matter what it is, it would be as easy as a bag of chips. could give it a shot tho.

  24. 10 months ago

    Stop eating

  25. 10 months ago

    Jumping rope developed (not the double dutch one) as a way to kick back addictions in US if I'm not mistaken by the history, try jumping rope.

  26. 10 months ago


    >i am posting this as a way to self harm to be transparent, i am fricking disgusting and i deserve to be berated and shamed for what i have done to myself

    That's hot, do you have a humiliation fetish?

  27. 10 months ago

    Don’t lose weight women should be fat
    *plap plap plap plap*

  28. 10 months ago

    You dont have a mental illness. You have no discipline, fix it

    • 10 months ago

      trying bro, just walked the furthest i have walked in probably 3 years, i kept pushing myself even when i thought i was done for, thought i couldnt go any further, i made myself keep going. i literally collapsed when i got home. i am really proud!

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah thats the oppossite of what you should do. Youll be in this ride for a few years and having that as your routine will burn you out and make you quit in a few weeks i can garuantee you. Do 80% of that and increase distance/intensity REALLY slowly. WAGMI and you seem to have a good mindset though, just dont let your bf gaslight you into eating more, and DONT treat yourself/planned relapse. The longer you eat well the easier it gets.

  29. 10 months ago

    As a fatgay, I lessened my food addiction by just making my own food, also a big protip is DO NOT BUY SNACKS.
    >oh but maybe just that one bag of chi-

    • 10 months ago

      i def gotta call quits on all snacks

      • 10 months ago

        Once you stop buying them, you'll stop craving them. Just make meals that are large enough and only eat one meal a day.

  30. 10 months ago

    Unironically stop jerking off.
    That helped me a lot. I tend to say frick it and slip off the wagon after nutting

    • 10 months ago

      im a femanon i dont really do that v often but glad it could help you

      >i am posting this as a way to self harm to be transparent, i am fricking disgusting and i deserve to be berated and shamed for what i have done to myself

      That's hot, do you have a humiliation fetish?

      I'm a feeder, and I want you to know that your post turned me on so much. You should post some pics of your stuffed belly


  31. 10 months ago


    Operation ghostbulk successful

  32. 10 months ago

    adderall will solve all your problems

    • 10 months ago

      i have an adderall prescription, spoiler alert, if you have a food addiction it will not save you and relying on it to get thin wont be sustainable

      Operation ghostbulk successful


  33. 10 months ago

    have you tried a fast or carnivore or ketovore?
    whenever i tried to diet i could never bring myself to make healthy choices in the long term. i would reward myself and go on to continue craving sugar and salty snacks.
    my first "fast" i was chugging green tea in the am hours like mad (i would like to note at that point i had quit caffeine about 3 months prior. weened off by mixing caffinated and decaf drinks)
    i lost about 10lb in 4 days and was feeling quite hype due to the caffeine. ofc i gained back 9 of those pounds after refeed but it was the start of actual progress for me, and super motivational.
    later i started buying like... huge slabs of salmon and just eating it raw with onions sauce and green onion and lost a lot of weight in 3 weeks that actually stayed off. i was eating my fill of that even if it meant 3lb of salmon in a single day, and it was great until i got sick of it.
    before all of this, i would try to exercise and just become breathless and super inflammed. i could never stick to exercise very long, but after 3 or 4 fasts i was able to walk for 45 without breaking a sweat, and now thats up to 2 hours (or 1 at a brisk pace)
    sadly im currently in a plateau since as i said, i struggle with maintaining a diet (esp on my period), although fasting is quite easy for me, but i started at 220lb and am now 170lb. i really dont mind that much even though im still fat, my lifestyle changes made me feel so much better than i ever did before. still hoping to reach 150lb one day.
    currently on day 8/9 of a fast and the scale says 159. its like a sneak preview of what my body will look like once that becomes my base weight and way more motivating than any thinspo out there.
    even if my story doesnt help you, i wish you the best of luck hitting your fitness goals 🙂

  34. 10 months ago


    Man even this slampig makes me want to PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT her.

    Nofap is hell.

  35. 10 months ago

    Hey, if you have an addiction, why not try a specific therapy for this? My gf dropped 40+ lbs 10 years ago by "just" writing down everything the ate, leaning towards a vegetable starter at every meal, choosing between cheese and chocolate and finding a physical activity she enjoyed. She did not go to therapy but to a nutritionist who also did the psychological job. She never regained it but still see herself as fatter than she is. By the time I didn't believe in food addiction. The Wikipedia entry for obesity has a lot of information about some overlooked metabolic aspects, would recommend reading.

  36. 10 months ago

    Here's what worked for me. First, I went on Dr. John McDougall's Starch Solution diet. I did not buy his books. I used his YouTube interviews and free information on his website. The color picture book PDF is the best diet summary ever! Second, after doing this for a few years I lost a lot of weight and I really started to dislike eating meats, fatty, or oily foods. However, my weight stopped going down. So, I cut down my portion sizes and was surprised that I wasn't anymore hungry between meals than I was before. Weird. I dropped fifteen more pounds without any effort. It was the fastest I'd ever seen weight drop off. Third, once my weight stopped going down again I realized I needed to do something else. I heard about fasting. I started with a short fast because I had never not eaten for a day before. I found I liked fasting. I started doing it often. I am now 138 lbs down from 240 lbs! The lower your weight the trickier it gets to lose and maintain. One tip is that I do not count calories burned during exercise. I find most people are miscounting calories. They often use the excuse that they can eat a chocolate bar because they went for a walk. This is a good way to stay fat. You need far less food to survive than you probably think you do. You do not need to eat every day. Though like always you should listen to your chosen doctor.

  37. 10 months ago

    First of all, you're not going to make any progress if your boyfriend keeps bringing you shitty food. You've mentioned that you've asked him to let you diet several times and he won't. So either he is architecting you, doesn't respect you, or is just generally aloof and doesn't realize how important this is to you. None of those are good, and you're going to need to figure out how to solve this because you won't make progress until it's resolved. If you were an alcoholic and your bf was bringing you home a fifth of liquor after you told him you were trying to quit, wouldn't that seem kind of fricked up and unhealthy? You have a BMI of 46.9, you are morbidly obese. You NEED to change your eating/activity habits if you want to live a full and healthy life. So decide how you're going to fix his enabling, first of all. Second, looking at thinspo and hating yourself isn't going to work. It hasn't worked for you so far, so it probably won't in the future either. What will make you feel better is taking concrete actions to improve your health instead of fantasizing about your dream body. Don't drink your calories, if you want to drink something sweet, try Pure Leaf Subtly Sweet Tea, diet sodas, etc. Your BMI is 46.9, you should not be DRINKING calories under any circumstances it's completely counterproductive to your goal. Find healthy replacements for what you like. You like pizza? There are things like Healthy Choice Protein Pizza that's a huge slab of pizza made with healthier ingredients for like 350 calories. Way better and more filling than eating 3 slices of gas station pizza or whatever for 900 calories. Candy? Find the lowest calorie one you enjoy and keep it as a TREAT, not something you give yourself every day just for existing. For me its Sprees or popcorn with m&ms, I have it maybe 3-5 times a month at most. You will eventually need to raise your activity level, but at your weight you can make a significant amount of progress by just (1/2)

    • 10 months ago

      sitting on your butt and eating less consistently. Use a TDEE calculator, put your stats in and use the sedentary option, and eat 500 calories below whatever it spits out. Ideally you'd eat 1,000 less but you're already struggling with the willpower to commit to a cut so I'd say you should stay at a 500 cal deficit until you gain progress and confidence. Once you've lost some weight, add in some activity. Don't start a 5 day hour long lifting/running routine right off the bat like some people do, that's idiotic and something that I failed by trying to do multiple times. Add in a bit of walking each day at first for however long you're comfortable, then slowly rachet up the duration and intensity of it. Once you're used to that, consider starting a lifting/running routine but remember to keep it simple and relatively easy so you stick to it! The consistency is what's important. People on here will say I'm wrong about this but weigh yourself every day, at least at first. If you do all these things and hold yourself accountable, you will see insane progress on the scale for a good while and it was really psychologically motivating, at least for me, to see my weight going down somewhat nearly every day. Eventually it will slow down, and even at the beginning there may be a day or two where you stay the same or even gain a little due to water weight fluctuations, just don't catastrophize and stick to the plan. This works and I know it works because I've been where you are and I never wanna be there again. I was 298lbs with a BMI around 45, and life fricking SUCKED. Getting in and out of a car made me out of breath. My heart skipped beats bending over to grab a towel. I literally wouldn't look at myself in a mirror or take pictures of myself. I still have a long way to go but now at 220lbs I even fit into medium shorts (picrel). It's possible and you will feel so much better even just being halfway towards your old weight. Embrace the failures and try again!

  38. 10 months ago

    i just started, but carnivore diet seems to do the trick.
    Six pack summer body, here i comeeee

    >day 5, lost almost 10 pounds and i dont feel any hunger

  39. 10 months ago

    Everyone is addicted to food dipshit it came free with your fricking existence.

    Fr, it's literally how we survive. But like, its all about willpower. Dont have it? Too bad. You do. Everyone does. Just don't get weak

  40. 10 months ago


    Oh dear fricking goodness. Its too late. You really are addicted gosh darn wow

  41. 10 months ago

    If you have a legit addiction/disorder medication helps.
    Look into a glp1 pen like ozempic or mounjaro. I know this post will get (you)s from unhinged anons who will rant about the israelites or pharmaceuticals or how youll gain the weight again but they will never understand what living with a disorder is like.

    • 10 months ago

      seconding this.

      Also, op....

      Don't listen to these crabs. They have crab mentality. Many of these people have issues with empathy or compassion with other people, and they don't want people to be the best version of themselves and they want you to fail.

      Please don't listen to all these naysayers. Do listen to criticism, but take everything here with a lot of salt.

      Everyone is addicted to food dipshit it came free with your fricking existence.

      Fr, it's literally how we survive. But like, its all about willpower. Dont have it? Too bad. You do. Everyone does. Just don't get weak

      based fricking quote lol

      • 10 months ago

        It's pretty much why I shill ozempic. I'm on it and have had 0 side effects. I post photos/body and it's kinda amazing seeing my weight go down and not having to think about food nonstop everyday.

        self harm doesn't help girl.
        make a habit of being active or lifting weights. you will thank yourself later

        You. Fat loss thread and ozempic.

  42. 10 months ago


    self harm doesn't help girl.
    make a habit of being active or lifting weights. you will thank yourself later

    • 10 months ago

      love what you've done with the place

  43. 10 months ago


    Walk unironically, if you have nothing going on and you have some money for a treadmill just walk on it while watching something, easy 600-700 cals burned an hour
    I also hate to be the one to tell you this but you're past the point of no return for loose skin, if you do manage to lose say 100 lbs you'll be left with a portable wingsuit

  44. 10 months ago

    Simply count your calories

    Find joy in other things

  45. 10 months ago

    eat dogshit, just less dogshit.
    you can lose a lot of weight eating taco bell or slimjims.
    if you try to go healthy from being a lardass it isn't going to work out. if you eat the same shit but fast it's possible.

    have no food in your house/apt.

    • 10 months ago

      i dont really recommend this method but it can work if you follow
      "drink your foods, eat your liquids" otherwise known as fletcherism
      chew until the food in your mouth is a paste and blending it is not a valid shortcut.
      when you drink liquids unless its water, do not chug it. leave it in your mouth for at least 10 seconds before swallowing.
      this will slow down your eating enough that you will feel satiated with less of the same foods.
      however very few people who try it really stick to it so i recommend still trying to change your diet, but any "reward" food/drink should be treated this way.

  46. 10 months ago


  47. 10 months ago

    Check out Dr. Robert Cywes "the Carb addiction doc" on Youtube.

    He is a bariatric surgeon who realized it is a crappy approach to weight loss, and he instead treats his obese patients using a carbohydrate addiction model. It is a keto type approach, but it is CICO as well. Basically, his approach is to restrict carbohydrates as a way to manage to your food cravings, so you are better able to follow all the basic diet advice.

  48. 10 months ago

    Unfortunately it sounds like your bf doesn't want you to succeed and he's sabotaging you

    When I tried smoking, while dating a girl that smoked daily I found that she sabotaged several of my attempts because she didn't want me to stop smoking, because it made her feel bad about herself.

  49. 10 months ago


    Get ready for a black hubby big chungus

  50. 10 months ago


    I’m the same age and I look like left pic at 135. What’s ur routine?
    Also work slowly to 72 hours straight fasts, you’re fat so it should be easier to do it physically. Water and 0 calorie Diet slop only. Drink shit tons of water and make sure you’re still somewhat active during the day and it should be like cake. It will be slow but not eating will put you in a different state and might help your food addiction. Break every fast with something simple and light and then a fat heavy protein heavy food like whole eggs or beef or something. You can do it easy with 16+ hours everyday at a 500 calorie deficit but extended is more fun and really gets you to deny the goyslop

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