Does anyone here dose psychedelics for health?

I have pretty high levels of stress. I'm quite an anxious person and I sometimes fear that it's inhibiting my gainz by keeping my cortisol high and also impeding my sleep. This, in turn, makes me even more stressed out as it brings on feelings of death anxiety. I feel like I'm trapped in a never-ending stress cycle.

Some people say that their anxiety about stupid shit is lessened significantly after dosing mushrooms or DMT. Do any ISTchads do this for health? Would it be wise for me to try? Any reasons I should or shoudn't?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Go for it dude, mushrooms are great at performing the introspection needed to end self destructive behavior. Just remember that the mushrooms help, but you have to do the real work to make it stick.

    • 10 months ago

      I've been in couples' therapy with my girl for a few weeks now and it's been determined that pretty much all of my problems stem from childhood abuse. Freudian, I know, but the knowledge of this information isn't quite enough and it doesn't necessarily take away the stress I feel either. Are mushrooms another "revealing" agent or do they actually HELP you re frame your mindset to get rid of the stress and bad thoughts?

      • 10 months ago

        take the mushrooms when you not in overanalyzing mode,
        they being called magic for a reason try them and evaluate if they can help you or not

      • 10 months ago

        Tryptamines can help with trauma of course, but for the treatment of PTSD, MDMA has better results.
        Do whichever you want. Look up the MAPS protocol for doing them.

      • 10 months ago

        They're good for introspection but they can also be useful in the sense that they can provide a powerful emotional catalyst, which a lot of people need to change. I started doing cardio because I had a bad trip on acid and became really aware of my heart and the idea that it could stop at any moment. Starting good habits or dropping bad ones are such obvious things to do but it can be hard to motivate yourself to get started and for me psychedelics helped with that.

      • 10 months ago

        it could because micro dosing psilocybin acts as an antidepressant (SSRI), which means that it also promotes meuroplasticity, which can help an individual cope better, if it is paired with therapy.

        • 10 months ago

          Microdosing is a myth. You build up tolerance so quickly by week two its all placebo.

          • 10 months ago

            show me one study that concludes that your body builds tolerance to psy, and I'm not talking about tripping like other anon said you fricking worthless druggy.

      • 10 months ago

        dmt is dangerous you're a moron if you're doing that regularly for health sure try it a few times in your life but it should not be a monthly activity
        lsd and shrooms are safe though whether or not they help you is for you to decide but in the right environment and mindset they really are a great experience

        they literally alter how your brain works for a while which means you can have an entirely new perspective on things even if this perspective itself isn't valuable i think the experience of having an altered consciousness is
        it's what got me into fitness: i became truly aware that my body is me in a way i had just taken for granted before

        >People turning their lives around after one profond trip
        Who exactly? Already successful and rich talking heads who have made no changes to their life but still proclaim their experience as being life changing? Bottom rung wagies who continue to be bottom rung wagies? People who made basic changes that millions of other people make every single day without the need of drugs?
        Theres a special case where they may (MAY) be beneficial for people with severe psychological trauma, victims of abuse etc, when used in a controlled environment with an experienced psychologist overseeing the entire experience.

        Take this from someone who was a few years ago fully onboard the psychedelic hype train. They really are nothing special.

        >They really are nothing special.
        literally nothing else that exists can give you the same experienc as psychedelics how can you possibly claim they aren't something special?
        you might not find them profound or life altering or whatever and i'm not into spiritual mumbo jumbo but people claim going up a mountain is profound and life altering or going to a concert and they are decidedly less unique than psychedelics

  2. 10 months ago

    I've been microdosing on and off for around a decade. It's been beneficial, my wife can usually tell when I've been on a break for a long time because my attitude tends to shift to a more negative place/im less happy.

  3. 10 months ago

    Sure man taking CIA mind control drugs is based. Sure did them injuns a lot of good. You could also consider trepanning.

  4. 10 months ago

    Yes, but get in the habit of meditating or relaxing somehow first. Really, do it first consistently. Shrooms, DMT and etc help you unlock doors, it can be doors of your own will or the more destructive aspects of yourself and you may face some things you're not prepared to.

    But to answer your question, yes. If you microdose, find a protocol where you avoid it for a few weeks to a month after doing it for about as long. If you do larger doses, ask a friend to trip sit you. It's going to continue to get more mainstream at this point, same with ketamine therapy and other psychedelic therapies. Those are also options if you wanna be legal about it.

  5. 10 months ago

    Had irrational anxiety before taking it, over-analizing every scenario and just not being in the moment even while drunk. Took 1gr and it really did help, i'm present almost always now. Obviously you have to put in the work and get more confident but still would recommend.

  6. 10 months ago

    Been out of the drug scene for over 10 years. What's the best way to find a shroom plug without looking like too much of a boomer? Skateparks? Local high schools? Where?

    • 10 months ago

      Sup glowie

    • 10 months ago

      i just buy them in a store theyre legal where i love hehe

  7. 10 months ago

    I did shrooms 3 times to help with my depression and anxiety. It helped me immensely. I grew these little bastards myself from scratch too, because the journey is part of the process. Each dose (2-2,5g dried) was enough to get great introspection on my life and get my shit together. Its hard to describe the insights it gives you. Imagine looking at a picture of a forest and seeing just a wall of vegetation, but on shrooms you see each tree individually with its own traits and such. I did them with around 5 month break between each dose. Get a mushroom grow kit, get a good setting and do it at a slow pace and it will be good. Picrel

  8. 10 months ago

    reminder this thread is a PSYOP! psychedelics will ruin your life, you will dream of death as your only escape, without fail. anyone saying otherwise is a federal agent, and/or a literal demon from the underworld with one goal in mind. DESTROYING YOUR LIFE. You only get one life, no rerolls, what a dumb way to ruin it, trust me.

    • 10 months ago

      >psychedelics will ruin your life
      Anything done improperly will ruin your life. No one says "beer will ruin your life" but if you binge drink for life or drive while drunk you will cause your body and surroundings more harm than doing psychedelics.
      >anyone saying otherwise is a federal agent, and/or a literal demon from the underworld with one goal in mind.
      Top fricking kek. Look reasearch done on mushrooms and you'll see that it's the literal opposite. People turning their lives around after one profond trip, getting drug resistant depression cured etc. If anything feds want you hooked on manufactured medicine, and demons want you miserable. What is wrong with consuming dried mushrooms that you geew yourself? You know there is no foul play by a third party like spiking your stuff with random shit.

      I used to. I got some mushrooms by mail order and I would grind some up with my coffee beans and take it that way. Started out microdosing but I ended up increasing the dose to around 500 mg a day which is more than a microdose but not enough that I had dilated pupils, hallucinations, or behaved oddly. No one noticed anything and I felt great, had more motivation and energy, felt like my brain was sharper. I only stopped because I ran out and I live somewhere else where I don't trust my packages to arrive.

      High temperature decomposes the psylocibin in mushrooms. You placeboed yourself. Do your research. "Mushroom tea" is prepared with 50 C temp. Water at most. Boiling water ruins it.

      Microdosing is a myth. You build up tolerance so quickly by week two its all placebo.

      I've heard conflicting opinions on this. Sure, you build up tolerance, but some say it's only trip tolerance, and other benefits remain.

      • 10 months ago

        >Look reasearch done on mushrooms and you'll see that it's the literal opposite

        Literally proving my point moron

      • 10 months ago

        >People turning their lives around after one profond trip
        Who exactly? Already successful and rich talking heads who have made no changes to their life but still proclaim their experience as being life changing? Bottom rung wagies who continue to be bottom rung wagies? People who made basic changes that millions of other people make every single day without the need of drugs?
        Theres a special case where they may (MAY) be beneficial for people with severe psychological trauma, victims of abuse etc, when used in a controlled environment with an experienced psychologist overseeing the entire experience.

        Take this from someone who was a few years ago fully onboard the psychedelic hype train. They really are nothing special.

        • 10 months ago

          >Who exactly?

          me and plenty of others. anecdotal evidence? well yeah, that’s sort of how it works when people self-medicate. 2 trips in 1 month dragged me out of a deep depression that had lasted for 5 years. that was 10+ years ago and i never touched it since then and never fell back into depression

          • 10 months ago

            met many people through the years who said they used to have social anxiety and then took molly in a social setting and were cured of it. luckily a lot of western countries are beginning to allow medicinal use of mdma to treat a variety of mental disorders

            • 10 months ago

              meant for


              doing psychs alone alone in my room did frick all to my anxiety
              going clubbing on half a tab of acid for the first time and making crazy eye contact with everyone fixed me for good, doing emma at another club a couple weeks after that took it even further

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not claiming none of the psilocybin is lost in the process but it's literally not possible that I didn't get any effects from it, way too noticable.

        • 10 months ago

          Also I tried doing larger amounts the same way and got the expected effects, dilated pupils, etc.

  9. 10 months ago

    I used to. I got some mushrooms by mail order and I would grind some up with my coffee beans and take it that way. Started out microdosing but I ended up increasing the dose to around 500 mg a day which is more than a microdose but not enough that I had dilated pupils, hallucinations, or behaved oddly. No one noticed anything and I felt great, had more motivation and energy, felt like my brain was sharper. I only stopped because I ran out and I live somewhere else where I don't trust my packages to arrive.

    • 10 months ago

      Forgot to mention, I would take 1 or 2 days off per week. Also I am 6'3 so what is not too much for me may be for you.

  10. 10 months ago

    Not for health but I occasionally do it for fun. Anyone who has life changing experiences on psychedelics is a brainlet.

  11. 10 months ago

    I did some last week and I have barely drank a drop of alcohol in the past week after being an easy two drinks a day type. Also have the music I saved really fricking sucked listening to it sober

  12. 10 months ago

    I'm vary of microdosing. I understand why people in tech and finance do it because it keeps them thinking outside the box which is an incredible edge to have in their industries, but I don't like the idea of losing who you are. What happens when you stop microdosing after 5 years? Will you stop feeling like yourself and feel like an idiot all the time?

    According to research by some of the best hospitals in the world, 1 or 2 psilocybin trips (in conjunction with a few therapy sessioins) was enough to cure severe depression and anxiety in 80% of the patients with the effects lasting more than 12 months. If you're going to use psilocybin for mental health then I think this approach is much better than microdosing

  13. 10 months ago

    It can help, but you need to be in a good mood before taking shrooms because they enhance your feelings. I did magic truffles yesterday and just chilled at home and walked my dog, no visuals but I couldnt stop smiling, also makes you really introspective

  14. 10 months ago

    doing psychs alone alone in my room did frick all to my anxiety
    going clubbing on half a tab of acid for the first time and making crazy eye contact with everyone fixed me for good, doing emma at another club a couple weeks after that took it even further

  15. 10 months ago

    Mushrooms are not a magic pill that automatically fixes your life. In the right setting they just force you to confront and deal with whatever issues are making you depressed or anxious. A lot of people compare 1 trip to 1000 hours of regular therapy.

    It’s entirely up to the user whether they choose to act on whatever ephinanies they had during the trip and make changes in their life when they become sober or if they just continue down the same path as before

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