Does anyone know how to get rid of tonsil stones that you can taste but not feel?

Does anyone know how to get rid of tonsil stones that you can taste but not feel? Sometimes i get them out but the deep ones i cant seem to get rid off.

I truly do take good care of oral hygiëne, i have a vaccum cupping glass to suck them out, tongue brush and tonguepaste to clean tongue, a low pressure irrigator to try and flush them out. I also use active oxygen mouthwas, gargle with salt water and flos and brush my teeth everyday. I manage to get a lot out but a few ones i cant get rid of. I dont want to remove tonsil (seems only right one gets more hut thats maybe cuz i chew with that) since they are a part of your ikmune systek and i never get sick or step throat. Any techniques or advice? I know about what caj contrivute to having them so 8ntry to avoid that.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Brush and floss regularly. Gargle with mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide in it as well.

  2. 2 years ago

    All I can recommend is Peroxyl mouthwash. Also speak to your dentist about getting surgery, they can take the tonsils out which helps some people or laser up the holes so shit can't get in there

  3. 2 years ago

    dont be a poorgay and go to the dentist intead of asking here?

  4. 2 years ago

    You want to buy Therabreath. Its the green bottle type and you can buy it on amazon. I used to get tonsil stones and even had bad breathe when I didn't stones. I started using therabreath after hearing about it on reddit and I have had no issues since.

  5. 2 years ago

    I've never had a tonsil stone. Is this something filthy fricks get from being unhygienic?

    • 2 years ago

      Genetics really, but definitely can be worse for those who are unhygienic. I've never had one and have admittedly poor oral hygiene

      • 2 years ago

        that or genetics. I brushed twice a day and flossed and still got them. Therabreath was the only thing that cured it for me.

        inb4 salesman

        It can be from poor hygiene or the anatomy of your tonsils

        >inb4 tonsilets become the next big -let thing

    • 2 years ago

      that or genetics. I brushed twice a day and flossed and still got them. Therabreath was the only thing that cured it for me.

      inb4 salesman

      • 2 years ago

        Like I said idk what your cause is but the only thing that triggers it for my is sinus issues usually cause by allergies.
        Treating allergies helped me.

      • 2 years ago

        Therabreath seemed to significantly reduce the occurrence of tonsil stones for me. Still get them occasionally, but not as often. Definitely wrecks self-confidence always wondering how bad your breath is.

    • 2 years ago

      It can be from poor hygiene or the anatomy of your tonsils

  6. 2 years ago

    Usually my stones are caused by allergies or sinus infections which is usually caused by allergies, so basically allergies are my cause.
    From what I read when the tonsils are over worked cleaning out bacteria or allergies they make pus which turn to stones. The other theory is good trapped but that BS imo.
    Flonase with the sensitive version twice daily, one squirt each nostril with out breathing in.
    Cleaning home regularly, removing mold, pan taps for AC and new air filter monthly. Recently got a air purifier for bed room. Run it at night and it helps.
    Idk if this is your problem but hope it helps

    • 2 years ago

      Also wanted to add how to remove the stones. Use your finger and nothing else. Something like a Qtip can puncture the tonsils and make it worse. Cut your nails all the way down first and wash hands.
      Rub your finger up and down the tonsil and this will usually dislodge them.
      Push a little if yah need but tonsils will bleed very easy so be careful
      If you ever need a doc to look at them go to an ENT specialist

  7. 2 years ago

    OP here, forgot to add i have the nasal drips too from Tonsilfresh. Thanks for the replies guys some useful advice in there. How would you guys feel about removing tonsils when its just the stone problem they never hurt or get inflamed. Idk if its worth removing that protective barrier from your body. Lasering seems better, have to look into that.

  8. 2 years ago

    I have the therabreath bottle i checked it was the green one and i also have the icy one. Been using it 2 days, it works pretty good ben when you like really deeply inhale/exhale in your throat with mouth closed i can still taste a lingering stone taste, not so much when i just breathe in and out normally so i hope that it wont smell like that. I will try the rubbing method with finger, i already tried pushing with finbger for most succes but never tried massaging/rubbing over it with finger. Gonna give it a day or two rest cause i have been poking at my right tonsil a lot with finger/irregator etc past days. Only time i got stepthroat is when i accidentally cut the tonsil being too rough. Other than that i never got sick.

    What is your guys ritual with the therabreath? do you do therabreath before salt water gargle or after

    • 2 years ago

      I just do what the instructions say. Swish around a cap full in my mouth for 1 minute then spit then a new cap full gargle for 30 seconds. I do this twice a day, sometimes three times if I am going out.

      The therabreath is to prevent stones, I am not sure if it will help remove them. You want to keep your tonsils moist and free of debris so make sure to drink water.

  9. 2 years ago

    If this is a returning issue, see a doctor.
    You should be able to get rid of those stones with proper mouth hygiene.
    If nothing helps, triggering my gagreflex helped me loosen them during brushing.

  10. 2 years ago

    you could try probiotics? something like k12/m18 or L. reuteri 17938/5289

    • 2 years ago

      Have no idea what this is, what does it do?

      Therabreath seemed to significantly reduce the occurrence of tonsil stones for me. Still get them occasionally, but not as often. Definitely wrecks self-confidence always wondering how bad your breath is.

      Yeah it is, tired of chewing gum.

      >Does anyone know how to get rid of tonsil stones that you can taste but not feel? Sometimes i get them out but the deep ones i cant seem to get rid off.
      drink more water, if you get these you aren't drinking enough water

      Gonna try upping my water intake but i already get 1.5-2.5L a day

  11. 2 years ago

    >Does anyone know how to get rid of tonsil stones that you can taste but not feel? Sometimes i get them out but the deep ones i cant seem to get rid off.
    drink more water, if you get these you aren't drinking enough water

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