Does fitness get any harder at +30? Is the metabolism meme true?

Does fitness get any harder at +30? Is the metabolism meme true?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Is that real?
    If that's real that has changed my entire perception that japs cannot be funny

    • 12 months ago

      japanese use metrics, so 30 years is like at least 70

      • 12 months ago

        Not bad clap-lad, not bad at all

    • 12 months ago
      I hate w*men

      You clearly have not seen Kaguyasama Love is War

      • 12 months ago

        That show sucks and you will never get a girlfriend

        • 12 months ago
          I hate w*men

          >you will never get a girlfriend
          only women think this is an insult

          • 12 months ago

            Cope fatass

      • 12 months ago

        If you want to post examples of funny romcoms at least say something like "my monster secret"

  2. 12 months ago

    >Does fitness get any harder at +30
    You recover slower and you'd be better served by high rep sets. It's also harder to build your work capacity if you haven't been athletic before so you have to be more patient with increasing your volume
    >Is the metabolism meme true?
    Yeah you move around less and your movements are more efficient. You expend less energy overall so you just need to set aside some time for taking walks or going for a swim or something like that. It's not as life ending as some cope with
    t. 30+ y/o former fatass

  3. 12 months ago

    The real issue with 30 is it separates those who spent the past ten years being healthy and those who didn't. 60% of my peers have absolutely degraded, those who kept active in their 20s seem to not feel much different at all

    • 12 months ago

      30+ military member here. It is a meme- to some extent. You have to accept the fact that you aren't 20 anymore and you probably would have to put in more effort to do the same at that age, but it can be done. Your body will take comparatively longer to metabolize fuel but it can be mitigated with more exercise than your 20's. I am able to keep up. If I fought my 20 year old version of myself, I will be able to annihilate him. The reason this goes around is because people in general become busier as they get older with more responsibilities and with less time devoted to physical fitness. You have to put in the work- which many of my peers just outright gave up on. Like says. Shit, I even see it with dudes at age 24.

      • 12 months ago

        >You have to put in the work- which many of my peers just outright gave up on.
        I am absolutely stunned how many people our age are convinced that they are "old". Like frick, even my wife is convinced that we're basically middle aged and shouldn't put in the effort to try and improve our health (something I am NOT standing for, but that's another story). Like fricking hell, where did this dumbass idea that "30+ = life over" come from?

      • 12 months ago

        >you probably would have to put in more effort
        Yup this. Also, priority 1 is to avoid injuries. You don't want a 6 week layoff. Frick that.

        Plus side is as you get older, your will should get stronger, unless you're a total infantile pussy.

    • 12 months ago

      accurate post, its true you arent able to reach your theoretical peak anymore, but if you werent training like an olympic athelete during your teens and 20s you werent going to do that anyways.

    • 12 months ago

      No, I would say maybe 40 which I'm getting close to. If you're fat and unfit by 40 you're most likely on the lower end of society and never cared about anything IST related. I can't talk about after 40 but certainly there are people who have kept fit their whole lives. It's true though that a lot of people get much fatter, especially women, others don't at all.

      I would also agree with this

    • 12 months ago


      So many people I knew in my 20s were complaining about feeling tired and old.
      I am nothing exceptional but never really stopped pushing myself. I turn 37 this year and I feel no different to how I was at 27 except I’m more muscular.

      • 12 months ago

        In my late twenties and 4 years ago I realized shit was going south and started trying to change it. Up until 2 years ago I felt old and tired whenever I did shit. Nowadays I feel as alive as I did at 20. Only difference is a slightly longer recovery. Glad I'm going to be in decent shape by the time I turn 30.

    • 12 months ago

      This. I’m 30 and feel basically exactly fhe same as I did in my mid 20s. While others around my age are complaining about their backs and joints and shit. Just lift and keep lifting. I don’t personally even notice much difference in my recovery yet at least.

    • 12 months ago

      39 Y.O. boomer here: this is 100% true.

      I spent my teens and early 20's being overweight and fell into fitness a bit later in life, always on the weight roller coaster. I've been at the gym much more consistently over the past few years and now there's a huge difference between me and my high school friends as we approach 40. I've got a BMI of about 25, ie: 'normal', and the amount of fat people telling me I'm 'skinny' is hilarious.

      As long as you keep fit and feed yourself properly, you'll be fine.

    • 12 months ago

      This, my older sister who is into fitness is in her 30s and looks younger than my unfit sister in her mid 20s

    • 12 months ago

      Bingo, 30 is when lifestyle choices start having a more visible impact compared to your teens and 20s were genetics far outweight anything else, this becomes more and more noticable as the decades progress a fit person in their 50s would mog the frick out of someone who is close to 40 and did no exercise and ate like crap.

    • 12 months ago

      good post.


  4. 12 months ago

    >be me
    >lean through 20 to 29 years old efforlessly
    >everyone tells me that in my 30's life is over
    >laugh at everyone flexing my abs
    >took a pic of my physique at 29 just to prove to everyone i will be the same
    >turn 30
    >eat the same diet
    >get fat af
    >gf leaves me
    >girls creep out when they realize im 30 (they assume im 25)
    >can't get a boner
    >you want to sleep at 19:00
    >wageslaving now drains you
    >you hang around 50 year olds because is the same thing
    >zoomers call you 'sir'
    >wrinkles when smiling
    >grey hair
    >low test

    Agepill is brutal

    • 12 months ago

      Metabolism is pretty consistent between 20-60.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh no no no 25yo bros is this what awaits us?

      • 12 months ago

        Yes. The things he mentioned all happen generally in a short time span of about 18 months when you turn 30 (almost always dead 30, not like 32 or something).

    • 12 months ago

      some children would call me sir when i was 19

      • 12 months ago

        Same but when I was 22.
        I'm a baldhomosexual.

        • 12 months ago

          could have prevented it anon

    • 12 months ago

      some children would call me sir when i was 19

      >Sir when I grow my shitty facial hair
      >Get ID'd when shaven
      I am 26 lmao, legal drinking age is 18.

    • 12 months ago

      im 39 and in peak shape with not much extra effort, the love handles are much harder to lose tho ill give you that

      • 12 months ago

        Same but 31. People b***hing about metabolism are the same as the "muh genetics" crowd. The real culprit is changing diets/lifestyles

    • 12 months ago

      Cannot agree at all
      >be me, 27 armygay
      >first grey hair appears at 25, am mistaken for early to mid 30s a lot
      >wife pops out two kids in quick succession
      >no time for anything other than work and kids
      >last post is desk job, get out of army in noticeably worse shape
      >cut the flab with /fat/, start lifting again
      >next job has tons of 20s women around
      >33 now, fewer grey hair than five years ago, no wrinkles thanks to antivegan diet full of collagen
      >am "the dilf", get mired constantly, people think I'm 26-27
      >22y/o girl recently told me I'm in better physical and mental shape than most of her peers
      >several zoomettes unironically tried to kiss or outright frick me at christmas parties
      It definitely gets harder, form and diet become more important than ever. But the payoff is absolutely worth it, considering the state of 30+ men in general. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king, and compared to normies I am chad. Believe it or not, people do not actually like low t söy men, it's the actual men who get the promotions and the status. Never stop lifting.

    • 12 months ago

      Literally me except I'm a khhv

    • 12 months ago

      >turn 30
      physically i noticed no difference apart from the fact that recovery is indeed slower and i can't cheat sleep anymore.
      >>can't get a boner
      lol this. i consider my prostate to be my dorian grey. id rather run a marathon than have sex.

  5. 12 months ago

    19 y/o here

    • 12 months ago

      Enjoy it while it lasts

  6. 12 months ago

    If you are starting after 30, yes. If you have heen training consistently for years, no it should be easier to get through your sessions than when you first started. Same is true at 40.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Is the metabolism meme true
    No, your metabolism doesn't suddenly get worse, people just tend to stop moving in general after they get married and have kids.

  8. 12 months ago

    As long as you've been lifting since your early 20s you're fine. Test dropping rapidly off after 35+ is a meme as well. If you are constantly lifting and doing cardio, you might experience a 10% drop in test production by 50 (compared to your early 20s).
    Now if you don't have a solid lifting base by 30 (or are starting at 30), it's basically over.

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm almost 31 and it hasn't gotten any harder. If anything, I look better than I did in my 20's

  10. 12 months ago

    I wouldn't say it gets harder but you need to be a bit more disciplined. You have to be a bit more strict in watching your diet and your sleep. Injuries take longer to recover from. Your progress will generally slow down a bit.

  11. 12 months ago

    some posts I would agree with. Been active all my life - running, cycling, swimming and some calisthenics. I have just noticed very recently that I am more drained after work, need more recovery time and I can def not est what I want anymore. Whenever I do that for 3-4 weeks when work is really busy, I lose my visible abs. Many peers have gotten fat or skinnyfat around 28-30yo. Not many with low bf% and muscle definition left among them.
    >ok but how old are we talking?
    I am 37yo. For me it changed noticeably around 35ish. I think it is mostly due to stress at work and going the old office job career, where you are basically rewarded the longer you sit on your ass.

    tl;dr: Staying active and reducing stress equals winning at the age game as a man

  12. 12 months ago

    38 y.o. guy here who's been lifting since my teen years. You have to eat cleaner but not so much that you can't enjoy weekends. Also alcohol is way worse as you age

  13. 12 months ago

    Yes it gets harder.
    More injury prone, worn joints, slower metabolism and lose skinn

  14. 12 months ago

    from 20's to 30's the difference I noticed at least is I'm a minor wreak if I don't do physical activity. Anons have already given good advice in this thread otherwise. But good news if you keep active you'll feel like your 20s for a long time I'm sure!

  15. 12 months ago

    i think being a NEET is the only anti aging that works. i'm 35, do have some grey hair, but that's it. metabolism is the same as it was at 27 and i know because i haven't changed my diet since. resting heartrate is 65 despite the fact i only started cardio again after 3 years this past week. face is unlined except some forehead wrinkles i had in highschool.

    • 12 months ago

      I could not agree more. I have been living semi-NEET life until 27. Then got a waggie job and aged 10 years in just 1 year. Holy frick.

  16. 12 months ago

    About to be 34, lifting still feels like it always has. The only real difference is needing to force myself to sleep.

  17. 12 months ago

    37 here, dick still works great but if i drink one (1) beer i suddenly get love handles for months

  18. 12 months ago

    Weightlifting doesn't really get any harder if your programming is good but it becomes a frickton harder to see your lower abs no matter how hard you work. Embrace the dad bod once you hit 35 bros. Not worth keeping the body.

  19. 12 months ago

    Depends on how u lived ur 20s, I feel completely fine although my fricked up genetics mainly IBS complicates my life a bit but generally because I didn't fall for marry young psyop and have no significant debt I have to slave myself for makes me feel good about being fit and mingle with young girls in their early 20s, I reckon life is good partner

  20. 12 months ago

    Relative to your peers it gets easier. Normies degrate after 30, so you will be moggig them even more.

  21. 12 months ago

    It's false for the most part.
    If you ate like shit for your entire 20's and binge drink, you will start to pay the price for your weakness in your 30's.
    If you're fit and keep training, then your thirties are your physical peak.

    Why do you think martial arts champions are in their 30's? It's the gold age for men. I'm in my thirties and I'm stronger than I ever was.

  22. 12 months ago

    if any of my 30+ bots have a home gym like I do, Woot currently has a deal on PowerBlock Sport EXP Stage 1-3 (expansions up to 90lbs) for just under $400 for all

  23. 12 months ago

    Not really. You won't be an elite athlete or able to keep up with lifters 10 years younger, but if your diet is good and you get good amounts of sleep, its pretty easy.

  24. 12 months ago

    All these fat chuds grandpas and no body pics proving op is right. After 30 you're dead. Fatening, incel and now not even gays would frick you

  25. 12 months ago

    If I kill myself now ill be young forever.

  26. 12 months ago

    It's a meme that stems from the fact that many people get kids and stop working out around that age, so they get fat. Your actual metabolism barely slows down until much later in life. See DOI: 10.1126/science.abe5017.

    • 12 months ago

      >It's a meme that stems
      It's called "the mall" and it's real. It's the wall for men.

      • 12 months ago

        Which is also a meme for the same reason. They get married, have kids, and then there's no need to look good anymore so they stop caring. Anything else is just cope

  27. 12 months ago

    >Is the metabolism meme true?
    Its only true if you lived a normal life. Meaning you went to college, did a lot of partying, got a job, did a lot of eating out, still drinking, etc.
    Most people don't realize the amount of poor health choices is an investment which they HAVE to cash out on in their 30s and onwards.

  28. 12 months ago

    My metabolism is as fast as ever, still a a scrawny tiny manlet.
    Genes play an important role whether you like it or not.

    • 12 months ago

      >Genes play an important role
      >For digestive system
      you are absolutely stupid if you actually believe your body breaks down and absorbs food differently from the rest of the world

      • 12 months ago

        You're absolutely stupid if you're on the internet and you decide to waste your time on solving captchas to post that reply instead of looking for the mountains of research on that topic that's right under your nose

  29. 12 months ago

    I noticed recovery etc getting worse with age but the main thing that kicked my ass at 30 was deciding to have a kid

    • 12 months ago

      Stress kills, literally

  30. 12 months ago

    40 here

    No, metabolism slowing down in your 30s was a boomer meme - people just get lazy and stop moving but don't change their eating habits, then come up with cope like "middle age spread".

    I have to pay more attention to form and recovery than I used to, but other than that I find fitness easier now because I have far more drive and discipline than I did in my teens and 20s.

  31. 12 months ago

    what game is this from?

    • 12 months ago

      MegaMan Star Force

  32. 12 months ago

    No, fitness is actually easiest from mid 20s to mid 30s. Most people have shit lifestyles that they aren't aware of (drinking too much because it's socially acceptable, eating poor quality food that's marketed as 'healthy' or food too high in fat and sugar, driving everywhere like fat c**ts). If people were able to think for themselves (they can't) then everyone would be a lot healthier

  33. 12 months ago

    The main difference for me after 32 was injuries took much longer to heal. Heemed my knee and back separately and each took 8-10 weeks to get better, when 10 years ago I'd have been better in 3 weeks

  34. 12 months ago

    Every time I see a 30+ frick in the gym using a rack I just want to kick his ass.

    • 12 months ago

      Please record yourself doing it. I want to watch some broccoli hair get heem'd by a balding boomer who just got off work.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't do it kid, old man strength is real

  35. 12 months ago

    Metabolism stays pretty consistent between the ages of 20 and 60. It's not a steady decline. You might be thinking of testosterone levels, not sure if they drop steadily as you age, too lazy to Google it.

    But it's never too late to start. Doing something is better than doing nothing

  36. 12 months ago

    old gay here (40)

    you do get slower results but it's nothing like comparing really old dudes like 60

    injuries tend to accumulate; you have to be careful not going full moron

    supplements is a must now

    the good thing is you can easily mog most of the homosexual zoomers around you

    • 12 months ago

      >you can easily mog most of the homosexual zoomers around you
      >40 years old
      you sound like you still get bullied by these zoomers

    • 12 months ago

      Man I’m 30 but I can’t cope anymore…40’s is really old man’s territory

  37. 12 months ago

    I'm almost 31, started lifting seriously again in February after not lifting for a decade, and I feel fine.

    Sometimes after a particularly hard workout I'll need an extra day to recover, but I usually go four times a week, I'm making decent gains on a beginner strength program, and I don't feel like I'm at much of a handicap.

    We'll see how I feel in five years, but right now I'm good. If anything, I'm stronger now than I was when I was 20.

  38. 12 months ago

    Weight-loss is easier for me at 40 because I know exactly what to eat and do. I fast regularly now. On the other hand exercise is much harder to sustain because my body is increasingly broken. I have severe tendon issues that make a lot of pulling exercises painful. My joints ache. I can't use my left hand without pain. I literally broke my neck earlier this year. So yeah, getting old isn't just a fricking number like a lot of people pretend. I wish I could take what I know and put it in a younger version of my body.

    • 12 months ago

      Look into peptides BPC-157 & TB-500.

  39. 12 months ago

    >Is the metabolism meme true?
    Yes. Your body starts to decline once you hit your early 20s, that is why the military has lower fitness standards for 25 year olds than 21 year olds

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