Does HCG really increase penis size

I know it increases testicle size when you've been on a cycle or TRT but what if your dick is normal sized? I feel the need to say normal sized because I know there was a study that shows there's some penile growth, but that was in men with literal micropenises and that didn't go through puberty properly or something.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Good luck finding any

    • 2 years ago

      In my country you can literally just walk into the pharmacy and buy it.

      • 2 years ago

        What country

    • 2 years ago

      ushcgshots dot com

    • 2 years ago

      I can buy 10kIUs for 60 bucks including delivery

      Try HWD instead of HCG, heard it's superior

      Never heard of it but I'll look it up

    • 2 years ago

      Literally every fraud site I’ve ever been on has hcg moron. It’s not hard to find

  2. 2 years ago

    Almost all studies showing a chemical that enlarges the penis, and even most anecdotes are for people who never properly fully developed. If you take hcg 99.99% chance you won’t see any change in size.

    The only thing I have heard that causes some change is very long term high dosage hgh, and it’s minimal (and everything else will grow as well).

    The only realistic thing you can do to increase size is if you have an overly tight suspensory ligament you can do stretches to loosen it and gain size. Everything else either involves forcibly damaging and deforming your dick to increase size (by artificially inducing a similar state to priapism.)

    • 2 years ago

      >Test it in people with small penis
      >Makes penis big
      NO WAY BRO NO WAY Will it work on normal sized people!!!

      >The year is 1960
      >Take withered, frail children, burn victims, give them steroids
      >They gain muscle mass and get bigger
      NO WAY BRO will it work on normal people!!! It ONLY corrects a deficit
      >Arnold flexes
      >"N-n-no! That's just the placebo effect! They take steroids and then they workout harder!!!"
      That is literally "the science" on steroids until the late 80s/early 90s

      • 2 years ago

        Steroids were being used by athletes way before the 80s moron. Testosterone boosters were prevalent in pro sports in the late 1800s. The second testosterone was synthesized it was being used for sports. Dianabol and Turinabol were specifically made for sports.

        You know nothing about the history or science of steroids so keep your DYEL mouth shut.

        • 2 years ago

          >Testosterone boosters were prevalent in pro sports in the late 1800s

          • 2 years ago

            Cope read a history book DYEL.

            Yeah and doctors didn't believe they really did anything because no one had run trials with the doses they were using. Same deal with HCG

            Ziegler developed dianabol after giving weightlifters testosterone to increase their size/performance. The usage of burn victims was an excuse to get it approved, because trying to get a drug approved for performance enhancing wouldn’t have been possible. Doctors knew the effects of testosterone. Cope all you want but you are forever a dicklet.

            • 2 years ago

              Nope. Like seriously read the mainstream medical literature at the time. Sure a couple docs were developing them for athletes but it was kind of quack medicine

              • 2 years ago

                You are messing up the time frames. Steroids developed before the 1960s were mostly being developed for sporting purposes, like Dianabol, Mestanolone, Turinabol, and many others that aren't used today. In the late 1950s you had doctors realizing that steroids could be used for other medical purposes, and you had an explosion of steroid development in the 1960s for medical reasons. Some of these ended up also being great substances for performance enhancing purposes (like deca), some were realized for being more beneficial for animals and then were later used for performance enhancing (like boldenone), but there were many many more that were developed that were complete junk for performance enhancing purposes, and some which were discovered and discarded just because they were only good for performance enhancing purposes. Doctors developing were always aware of the performance enhancing nature, initially steroids were being targeted to be more performance enhancing, then later there was shift to try to make non-performance enhancing steroids for medical purposes. Doping has been around for much longer than most people realize. Ziegler himself gave John Grimek testosterone (and some people think Grimek was always natty).

                >Cope read a history book DYEL.
                Show some evidence, it's you who made the extraordinary claim.

                Doping in Horse Racing was outlawed in England in 1903 because of how prevalent the problem became. Baseball Pitcher Pud Galvin openly discussed his usage of test boosters, and promoted them. Since the beginning of the tour-de-france people were using strychnine (the same drug was given to marathon runners in the olympics) and various testosterone boosting drugs/methods were being used from the start of modern olympics.

                You can google 19th century doping and find many articles and books talking about the different methods of doping, from test-boosters to stimulants, to toxic chemicals. Doping is nothing new.

              • 2 years ago

                Strychnine is not a testosterone booster, which was your original claim. And the Brown-Séquard elixir that Galvin allegedly used did nothing and was quackery. However, your post is good and I understand where you're coming from. I just doubt that they had testosterone enhancing supplements (that actually worked) in the 1800s.

            • 2 years ago

              >Cope read a history book DYEL.
              Show some evidence, it's you who made the extraordinary claim.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah and doctors didn't believe they really did anything because no one had run trials with the doses they were using. Same deal with HCG

    • 2 years ago

      What if I have a technical normal sized penis but I never really went through puberty? Does that mean my 6.5” micropenis would be a monster 12” dick after HCG?

  3. 2 years ago

    Take vitamin D brother HH

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    Try HWD instead of HCG, heard it's superior

  6. 2 years ago

    makes your testicles larger, and i want to try it

    who doesnt want massive balls to shoot huge fat loads that make them qt's gag

  7. 2 years ago

    How do I know if I went through puberty properly?
    I have body hair and pubic hair but I have very low testosterone levels and very low libido. I feel like my genitals' growth might have been stunted because of low T, excessive sugar and being fat during my teenage years.
    Also, I don't remember my genitals getting any bigger during puberty, my penis is as thin as it was back then and my testicles are considerably small.

    • 2 years ago

      Have any lab work to share? SHBG, total T? SHBG? How's your thyroid?
      Some people have naturally low libido, some high. It's okay to be a guy and not wanna frick everything on two legs every day. Now if you don't ever want to get off at all, that's a problem. Might not be hormonal. Could be nutritional. Could be mental. Anywho if your dick really hardly ever grew during puberty or your voice barely changed its a real concern, the hormones.

      That being said I developed perfectly fine. But my SHBG was so high the last few years my free T has been shit, and so I've had tons of low T symptoms. Had to start TRT. There was just no way to lower my SHBG enough to free up the good, natural production I had.

  8. 2 years ago

    Knowledgeable people of IST can you help a IST user that lost half a testicle due to a tumor at a young age? What is the best way to obtain HGH or other things for such purposes? I remember going to a doctor when I was younger and I think he said I was borderline under the threshold for T or maybe something else I forget. The significance of this didn't stick with me at the time nor did my parents care at all. Should I get everything tested again and perhaps I can get HGH from a doctor? Or will they only prescribe it if it's actually below that threshold?

    • 2 years ago

      There's private men's clinics that will help you at least figure what you need for free, offer free consultations. There's a list of providers and some can recommend providers through a Facebook group im in, TRT and Hormone Optimization.

      Any provider worth a shit will help you, especially if you're that low. Just make sure they don't give you a cookie cutter protocol or ask you to take an AI right off the bat, with your TRT.

      • 2 years ago

        Family history of thyroid issues for women in my family so that was 100% tested (many years ago) just in case and it was apparently normal. Not sure what AI means?

        Have any lab work to share? SHBG, total T? SHBG? How's your thyroid?
        Some people have naturally low libido, some high. It's okay to be a guy and not wanna frick everything on two legs every day. Now if you don't ever want to get off at all, that's a problem. Might not be hormonal. Could be nutritional. Could be mental. Anywho if your dick really hardly ever grew during puberty or your voice barely changed its a real concern, the hormones.

        That being said I developed perfectly fine. But my SHBG was so high the last few years my free T has been shit, and so I've had tons of low T symptoms. Had to start TRT. There was just no way to lower my SHBG enough to free up the good, natural production I had.

        >SHBG, total T? SHBG? How's your thyroid?
        So these things I should get tested and what else do you recommend?

        • 2 years ago

          You probs just got small sausage genetics.

        • 2 years ago

          Well it's good that's not all out of whack. That can be alot harder to fix than just hormone stuff.
          AI means aramotase inhibitor, alot of clinics have moronic asshat doctors who force their patients to take them, blocking estrogen and fricking up the test:estrogen ratio, making their patients feel terrible. Most men do not need an AI on testosterone replacement therapy.

          SHBG, total T, prolactin (worth checking for libido, it's a real dick killer,) vitamin d is a big one. You'll want to get all your vitamins checked, primarily things like iron/ferritin, all the B vitamins, the works. Hormones are the most important but if they're fricked or you're having symptoms of hormonal imbalance it could be because you're vitamin deficient (or have a vitamin toxicity in fact.)

          Also check how you sleep. If you think you have sleep issues or might have apnea a sleep study is worth having done.

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't see your post but similar to mine:

      Also fat growing up slightly less fat now but still fat (~26 BMI now I think?). Very slow growth of armpit hair was very pathetic for a while but I'm decently hairy now. Mom commented on how small my penis was growing up yet they did nothing :/ Are you able to measure your size? I'd be curious to have numbers to compare but if you've never measured overtime then it may be meaningless. I'll provide you some numbers to compare to that I measured over time with probably a fewish years in-between measurements.

      Bone pressed is what I measured in over the years (aka cope for fatties): 5.5" I remember measuring, then 6.3", then 6.8" was peak measured within the past year I think maybe ~6'3" not bone pressed when I measured that time?

      Girth: 5.0" not sure how it's changed over time as I only remember measuring it once

      Can't give updated measurements as I'm trying nofap since I was a bit of an addict (tomorrow will be a week hopefully I get through the month) and my libido was probably a bit too high. So far it's definitely gone down when refraining from it so it's nice to not have it distract me as much.

      It's not super small but my family is fairly tall (I'm 6'3") so it looks pretty pathetic and flaccid size is even worse. Sharing everything so might as well add suifuel story for myself is that I was sadly circumcised because I was an idiot and got teased for my penis not looking "normal" in the locker room when I was very young and again that occurred when I was very young and barely sentient but I kinda remember saying agreeing to it since I had to get the tumor removed anyways. ALSO, my dad's flaccid size I believe is fairly good so maybe I could've been hung or this is all irrelevant.

      ALSO MORE IMPORTANT THAN SIZE, I sound like a bit of a gay when listening to myself with a microphone so that is the biggest indicator that something isn't normal. If you don't then perhaps your levels are normal?

      • 2 years ago

        meant for:

        How do I know if I went through puberty properly?
        I have body hair and pubic hair but I have very low testosterone levels and very low libido. I feel like my genitals' growth might have been stunted because of low T, excessive sugar and being fat during my teenage years.
        Also, I don't remember my genitals getting any bigger during puberty, my penis is as thin as it was back then and my testicles are considerably small.

        on checking puberty development I guess

  9. 2 years ago

    i got dick gains with Test + HGH
    didnt notice a difference with HCG
    in fact hcg gave me gyno

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