Does it even *look* like I've ever touched a dumbell?

Been lifting 3-4x a week since the start of this year, and feel like I've seen no visual progress whatsoever. Still skinnyfat.

To you guys, does it look like Im getting there, or does it look like I have never lifted a weight in my life? Be brutally honest.

>t. 6'1 150lbs

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  1. 12 months ago

    how? also what is that posture lol

    • 12 months ago

      how what?

      post routine

      Curls, overhead tricep extension, bench press, shoulder press, lateral raises, bent over rows, bycicle crunches and leg raises. I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day and avoid what's sore. Normally, 10-12 reps except for the ab ones

      You are not eating enough protein or you are not training hard enough

      I have a protein shake after every workout, and have a pretty meat heavy diet.

      You are not eating enough protein or you are not training hard enough

      There's a difference in going to the gym and actually lifting. You seriously need to consider the latter.

      I push myself until failure most of the time.

      • 12 months ago

        eggs zinc boron

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe do 8-12 reps and be consistent

      • 12 months ago

        >bench press
        what was your progress on the bench press? how much did you bench the first time and now?

        • 12 months ago

          When I began, 10 reps of 15lbs, now 10 reps of 30lbs
          Dont have access to any bars so I don't know my max. Too cripplingly anxious to go to the gym as well

          • 12 months ago

            Sorry to break it to you, but you'll have to go to a gym.

          • 12 months ago

            you should fail on every set, not just do an arbitrary amount of reps for a certain number of sets
            I doubt that was the case with 15 lbs dumbbells so there's probably been no actual progress at all on your bench

          • 12 months ago

            Sorry to break it to you, but you'll have to go to a gym.

            is right - sack up and go to the gym. Picture picrel in your head whenever feeling anxious. Thats you

          • 12 months ago

            that better be 30lbs per dumbell anon

            • 12 months ago

              dude, that's still like less than benching one 10 lbs pl8

          • 12 months ago

            Do calisthenics instead.
            I did the same mistake as you btw, never left my house just lifting barbells in my house but had low weight so never gained anything
            I recently started doing just pushups and pull-ups + weighted ( you don't needmuch weight , 10kg backpack) is ok, and finally seeing results
            You need pullup bar or use anything you can - branch, barbell hanged somewhere etc

            • 12 months ago

              don't listen to him, OP

              be a man for once and go to a gym if you want results
              stay at home like a cuck hiding from everyone if you want to be a skinny homosexual forever

            • 12 months ago

              don't listen to him, OP

              be a man for once and go to a gym if you want results
              stay at home like a cuck hiding from everyone if you want to be a skinny homosexual forever

              I do calisthenics since end of last year, so more than 6 months and I already look like I lift, mom i saying me I look great I look "filled up" I'm t-shirts that hanged on me before etc
              And my only "program" is: workout 5 days a week alternating between 100pushups challenge day in app , and 50 pull-ups challenge in app - so 5 sets, each progressing day had more reps, until I was not able to finish given workout day for a week's straight. Then I did more difficult variation like diamond pushups then I started doing weighted - changed variation always when I was stuck for few week at same workout day.
              No diet as well, just scoop of whey every day and scoop of creatine when workout day was hard. Now I look great, all lean and I feel great, and I feel if I ever wanted to go to gym my benchpress, curls etc would be pretty good

              • 12 months ago

                That routine sounds like shit and it only looks like your mom is being nice and supportive on your new ((healthy)) hobby. I'm glad you enjoy it and feel good about yourself but be real man. Stop lying to yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                I look better than op and I feel like I look better than

                You were a sedentary neet until 4 months ago. Literally the easiest life livable. Stop projecting, you don't know what ops life is like.
                >Oh my life is so hard I was le depressed!!!!
                Jeez man grow up, if you were able to live as a neet for such a long time then I assure you your life is extremely easy, imagine if you actually had to do something and couldn't live off as a leech lol

                too, leaner, I am starting to see abs

          • 12 months ago

            Honestly, you're DYEL IMO.

            And this is why... That's like... rehab granny weight. Go to a real fricking gym. People at the gym will respect and help you if they see you working hard and consistently. If you don't change your attitude you are sincerely not going to make it.

      • 12 months ago

        >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day
        >Why no progress???!?1?
        Get an actual wrokout/training scheme, make sure you are increasing the weight on the bar and eating enough. You will get nowhere just fricking around

        • 12 months ago

          >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day and avoid what's sore

          You're an idiot, get a proper routine

          >muh routine
          morons. as a noob you can literally do whatever and get gains as long as you're putting in effort. OP is lying or a total genetic failure

          • 12 months ago

            >as a noob you can literally do whatever and get gains as long as you're putting in effort
            braindead Black person, beginners who don't know shit will frick up every single aspect of their training
            OP unironically thinks he's going to failure with literal physical therapy weights
            That's why following a program is important

            • 12 months ago

              >going to failure on physio weights
              K E K


              Been lifting 3-4x a week since the start of this year, and feel like I've seen no visual progress whatsoever. Still skinnyfat.

              To you guys, does it look like Im getting there, or does it look like I have never lifted a weight in my life? Be brutally honest.

              >t. 6'1 150lbs

              Unironically forcing myself to go outside to the gym and being around randomgays is what cured my of my social-tardation

          • 12 months ago

            >as a noob you can literally do whatever and get gains as long as you're putting in effort.
            that is objectively not true

            • 12 months ago

              Yes it is

      • 12 months ago

        >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day and avoid what's sore

        You're an idiot, get a proper routine

        • 12 months ago

          There's no routine for moronation

      • 12 months ago

        you realize you have to lift heavy to make progress? when people say do 10 reps they mean with a weight where you will fail at 10 or before, not just rep out 10 quick ones with a 5kg dumbell.

        get some form of routine, eat your eggs and meat and lift heavy shit until exhaustion.

      • 12 months ago

        find a consistent routine, track your results in a diary or note app to make sure you're progressing adequately. track your calorie/protein intake for like a week to ensure you're eating properly. make adjustments accordingly.
        doing whatever is better than nothing, but it's going to yield very slow progress.

      • 12 months ago

        You should lower the weight and really feel the contraction, having mind muscle connection is important

        • 12 months ago

          >You should lower the weight
          anon, he'd be lifting air at that point

        • 12 months ago

          no it isn't
          the only way you are having zero progress in your first 6 months of lifting is a failure of increase in performance

        • 12 months ago

          Mind muscle connection is worth jack shit when OPs workout is literally as heavy as carrying groceries from the car to the fridge

        • 12 months ago

          Excellent bait

          >You should lower the weight
          anon, he'd be lifting air at that point

          no it isn't
          the only way you are having zero progress in your first 6 months of lifting is a failure of increase in performance

          Mind muscle connection is worth jack shit when OPs workout is literally as heavy as carrying groceries from the car to the fridge


          • 12 months ago

            i consneed, fell for shit tier bait

      • 12 months ago

        >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day and avoid what's sore. Normally, 10-12 reps except for the ab ones


        Come on. You can't be serious

        Captcha: NJGGKR

      • 12 months ago

        how many sets do you do? are you actually going a few reps from failiure in each set?

        • 12 months ago

          >are you actually going a few reps from failiure in each set?
          what do you think, anon? our boi is "benching" less than a 5'1 girl

        • 12 months ago

          OP here. Sorry, I was away for a while.

          About 4-5.

          >Been lifting 3-4x a week since the start of this year
          Lifting your hand to jack it to anime porn doesn't count
          >does it look like I have never lifted a weight in my life?

          >10 reps of 15lbs, now 10 reps of 30lbs
          i cant man
          10 reps of 15 lbs
          That's what the fitness grandmas in the music fitness class do
          actually they probably do way more reps than you with that weight

          here Ill help
          >Curls - 3x10 25lbs
          >overhead tricep extension - 3x10 25lbs
          >bench press - 3x8 135lbs barbell
          >shoulder press - 3x10 - 85lbs barbell
          >lateral raises - 3x10 - 25lbs
          >bent over rows- 3x8 135lbs
          Work up to those numbers and then keep adding more weight when you hit them

          >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day

          >Lifting your hand to jack it to anime porn doesn't count
          >That's what the fitness grandmas in the music fitness class do
          kek. thanks for an actual routine as well.

          that better be 30lbs per dumbell anon

          yes, it is 30lbs per dumbell, so 60lbs. sorry for the confusion

          the thing is you need to keep adding weight.
          The weight you are lifting is like two bags of groceries.
          Has anyone ever gotten swole off lifting two bags of groceries? When the weight gets too easy you need to keep adding mroe weight. buy bigger dumbbels if you cant go gym
          Overhead press

          Keep adding more weight buy more dumbell. You would benefit unironically following starting strength program 3x a week

          I do add weight though, when I started I curled 10lbs dumbells, now it's 20lbs, I mentioned before I benched 15lbs and now its 30, etc.

          What was your starting weight and how much is your surplus?

          for what exercise?

          • 12 months ago

            hei OP, I started working out also at the beginning of the year

            I only have dumbbells and a bench at home
            looks like you need to track your lifts better
            pic related is my more or less weekly volume in Kg. I have an excel spreadsheet that tracks all my lifts and weights and reps, you can't just wing it and do random stuff. I suggest you take your reps until 20 and then increase your weight after that, but people here prefer a rep number of 10-12, probably a powershitter legacy and cope for people that want to put the weight down as fast as they could. Also sets of 4-5 seems boring and useless as frick, by the 3rd set you should feel miserable and want to change the exercise

            I put up weight and people have been telling me I look better, so it definitely worked for me

          • 12 months ago

            > I do add weight though, when I started I curled 10lbs dumbells, now it's 20lbs, I mentioned before I benched 15lbs and now its 30, etc.
            You have been lifting for FIVE FULL MONTHS
            And added 15lbs per dumbell total… thats less than 1 lb of progress a week … you basically did not add weight. I bet you could have pushed yourself and did 30lbs by feb. you need to be adding weight much faster. 2.5lbs per week per dumbbell. 5lbs total a week AT LEAST. On bench. You are a noob, have you heard of noob gains? When i started, and many others, we could easily add 10-20lbs a week total on bench. Especially when you are starting at basically 0 .
            When i was 16 and started benching i did 95lbs and within two weeks was doing 115, then 135. Theres no reason a hesalthy male goes from 30lbs total bench (less than the bar) to 60lbs total, barely more than a bar in FIVE MONTHS OF TRAINING. ADD WEIGHT… FASTER. That is why you are seeing no visual progress

          • 12 months ago

            5 month man you should be benching at MINIMUM 1 plate135lbs total right? Push yourself harder.

      • 12 months ago

        When I began, 10 reps of 15lbs, now 10 reps of 30lbs
        Dont have access to any bars so I don't know my max. Too cripplingly anxious to go to the gym as well

        This dumb lazy Black person isn't even following a program and just doing random lifts with baby weights and wonders why he hasn't made any progress in 6 months.
        You've been living on easy mode your entire life by being 6'1 and this is why you're half assing ur training.
        I'm been lifting for 4 months but I actually progressive overload, do cardio everyday, lift 5x a week and have a strict diet, contrary to you I haven't been living life on easy mode with birth given dice roll genetics and I actually take my training seriously.
        I started with the bar as a sedentary NEET and I'm grinding my way up to 2pl8 bench at 5'6 63kg, almost 1pl8 OHP and 3pl8 diddly.
        >muh anxiety can't go to gym
        I had anxiety and depression, I had it way worse than you, but you're way too far up ur ass to do anything hard in life and that's why you're not gonna make it and I will.

        • 12 months ago

          Napoleon complex. Keep it up, Tom Cruise.

        • 12 months ago

          You were a sedentary neet until 4 months ago. Literally the easiest life livable. Stop projecting, you don't know what ops life is like.
          >Oh my life is so hard I was le depressed!!!!
          Jeez man grow up, if you were able to live as a neet for such a long time then I assure you your life is extremely easy, imagine if you actually had to do something and couldn't live off as a leech lol

          • 12 months ago

            OP lives with his mom so he's no different.
            Also, you do realize some countries provide welfare to people who can't find a job (especially during COVID), right?
            Living with only rent money and barely having any left for food isn't living life on easy mode or comfortable.

            • 12 months ago

              >Waaaaaaaaa I don't have to work to live in a house and eat food waaaaaa
              Stop being so smug about being a worthless leech. You know people with avarage iq develop a skill in something they're interested in when they have free time, right? What have you been doing on all your free time, anon? You're in the only point in history where people like you are allowed to live comfortably by doing nothing and you still find a way to whine and complain. You are a child. You have been handed everything in life to you, and you still managed to frick it all up. No amount of lifting will save you from your b***h mentality, grow up.

          • 12 months ago

            >Waaaaaaaaa I don't have to work to live in a house and eat food waaaaaa
            Stop being so smug about being a worthless leech. You know people with avarage iq develop a skill in something they're interested in when they have free time, right? What have you been doing on all your free time, anon? You're in the only point in history where people like you are allowed to live comfortably by doing nothing and you still find a way to whine and complain. You are a child. You have been handed everything in life to you, and you still managed to frick it all up. No amount of lifting will save you from your b***h mentality, grow up.

            Based neet-shamer.

      • 12 months ago

        I find hammer curls to be a lot more effective than regular ones

  2. 12 months ago

    post routine

  3. 12 months ago

    You are not eating enough protein or you are not training hard enough

  4. 12 months ago

    There's a difference in going to the gym and actually lifting. You seriously need to consider the latter.

  5. 12 months ago

    something is starting to happen in the arms, i can see it. your torso is beyond pathetic tho

  6. 12 months ago

    nice gyno homosexual.

  7. 12 months ago

    >Been lifting 3-4x a week since the start of this year
    Lifting your hand to jack it to anime porn doesn't count
    >does it look like I have never lifted a weight in my life?

    >10 reps of 15lbs, now 10 reps of 30lbs
    i cant man
    10 reps of 15 lbs
    That's what the fitness grandmas in the music fitness class do
    actually they probably do way more reps than you with that weight

    here Ill help
    >Curls - 3x10 25lbs
    >overhead tricep extension - 3x10 25lbs
    >bench press - 3x8 135lbs barbell
    >shoulder press - 3x10 - 85lbs barbell
    >lateral raises - 3x10 - 25lbs
    >bent over rows- 3x8 135lbs
    Work up to those numbers and then keep adding more weight when you hit them

    >I just do whatever muscle group I feel like working that day

  8. 12 months ago

    Listen to the other anons. I started Lifting again a month ago, also mostly with dumbbells because my shoulder is fricked Up. And I already see differences/progress. I also workout 4-5 Times a week in a PPL Routine whereas the legs Part IS mostly playing Football once a week until my legs get used to get used to playing Football.

  9. 12 months ago

    the thing is you need to keep adding weight.
    The weight you are lifting is like two bags of groceries.
    Has anyone ever gotten swole off lifting two bags of groceries? When the weight gets too easy you need to keep adding mroe weight. buy bigger dumbbels if you cant go gym
    Overhead press

    Keep adding more weight buy more dumbell. You would benefit unironically following starting strength program 3x a week

  10. 12 months ago


  11. 12 months ago

    What was your starting weight and how much is your surplus?

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