>doing 17.5kg dumbbell curls each hand because someone took the 35kg ez bar for some retarded combo set shit

>doing 17.5kg dumbbell curls each hand because someone took the 35kg ez bar for some moronic combo set shit
>left arm gets tired at 5reps right arm can push through to 12
>drop the weight to 15kg left arm still gets tired at 5reps
>both instances have to cheat form on my left side to get it to 8reps

why the frick is this happening

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  1. 1 year ago

    Use only dumbbells from now on. Youre not very strong, so the little strength you do have is in your wanking arm. Keep training and you'll even out within weeks if you're not moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      its probably a biomechanical thing
      i need to angle my qrms differently to target eqch bicep
      next time see its actually your biceps fatiguing and bot your tendons or brachii

    • 1 year ago

      my bench is 2pl8 tbh its not that strong but id say stronger than a dyel

      Looks like you are not as strong as you think you are


      dumbbells are just harder and people cheat curls using bars

      tbh i dont cheat with bars but i probably exerted more energy with my right arm

      • 1 year ago


        i know where i am, but still have a nice day

        • 1 year ago

          its literally what happens when you type T B H altogether you fricking moron

          • 1 year ago

            Tbh frfr senpai dat homie ain't on no bussin shiz frfr tbh


            >doing 17.5kg dumbbell curls each hand because someone took the 35kg ez bar for some moronic combo set shit
            >left arm gets tired at 5reps right arm can push through to 12
            >drop the weight to 15kg left arm still gets tired at 5reps
            >both instances have to cheat form on my left side to get it to 8reps

            why the frick is this happening

            Your left arm is weaker use more dumbbells moron. Also go back to India u paki frick

        • 1 year ago

          Summer came early

        • 1 year ago

          Gtfo my board

      • 1 year ago

        2pl8 has nothing to do with arm strength or size again what you described is in your OP is your noodle arms are weak. pretty simple. dyel. also 2pl8 bench is literally beginner tier unless yyou are some reddit soi boy with low t

      • 1 year ago

        You are weak shit unilaterally. Fix that

  2. 1 year ago

    Looks like you are not as strong as you think you are

  3. 1 year ago

    dumbbells are just harder and people cheat curls using bars

  4. 1 year ago

    >someone took the 35kg ez bar for some moronic combo set shit
    that is me
    curls + skull crushers + lateral raises giant set x 4
    arms done in 10-15 minutes

    • 1 year ago

      bro that is literally exactly what he was doing
      are you from uk?

      • 1 year ago

        nah, seems I have a fellow enlightened antagonistic super setter bro across the north sea

  5. 1 year ago

    Try it with 12.5kg dumbbells

  6. 1 year ago

    Nerve damage

  7. 1 year ago

    I have a very gross surgery on my left arm few years ago, broke it good and now I have several titanium plates and rods on it. Even like that my left arm is like 3~4 reps only behind my right arm. I train with dumbbells only, and the first weeks were excruciating for my left arm, any kind of exercises that uses forearms muscles hurts in a weird way and literally made me wanna vomit. Im 4 months intro training now and most of the pain discomfort disappeared, but my left forearm will be always laking, I can feel in almost all exercises.

    pic rel is one of the scars, I have a identical one more inside of the arm. Outside lifting it never bothered me much, but now is really a extra struggle I need to go thru every time I train. Be thankful if you’re 100% able bodied, that’s all I can say.

    • 1 year ago

      Nerve damage

      i think im the same
      i was beaten repeatedly on my left arm by someone with a bat when i was 7 but i was never taken to hospital or anything

      im p sure it was broken so maybe thats why

      2pl8 has nothing to do with arm strength or size again what you described is in your OP is your noodle arms are weak. pretty simple. dyel. also 2pl8 bench is literally beginner tier unless yyou are some reddit soi boy with low t

      my arms are 15.5inches not exactly noodle but big for normies

    • 1 year ago

      This looks painful, anon. Nice to hear you are pushing it trough, just don’t hurt yourself. Interesting topic: any other anons with surgery that impact on the lifts?

      • 1 year ago

        Have a very similar scar to that anon near me left tricep from a humerus surgery last year.
        Only really affects triceps exercises, where I can feel the titanium plate on the extension, and preacher curls, where I feel a sharp pinch near the forearm.

  8. 1 year ago

    tbh you simply have to cure the imbalance
    do AMRAP with your lacking arm then do the same amount of reps with ur good arm, then just progressively overload on the weaker arm and match with the good arm, so you dont further the imbalance

    hope you got it im not good with english

    • 1 year ago

      Good advice

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