Doing dips and pull ups 3 times a week

Will i overtrain/hurt myself doing so?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    you need to be doing pull ups more often than you do dips every week
    pull ups so against gravity, but dips go with it
    if you do the same amount of both the gravity will balance out and you'll get zero gains
    if you do pull ups more the gravity will be a net positive per week building your upper body more
    and you DEFINITELY don't want to be doing more dips because you'll get net negative gravity which will give you a big thot ass

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      wtf. whats the best ratio for gains?

    • 4 weeks ago

      makes sense

  2. 4 weeks ago

    you will probably not overtrain or hurt yourself doing this, especially if you are not super overweight. does this constitute the primary portion of/all of your training?
    the thing you want to keep an eye out for is joint pain -- these movements cause shoulder and/or elbow pain for some people, so if you start experiencing this, it is a sign to take a few days off, or at least dial the intensity back a bit. you can avoid this by really focusing on your form, and particularly by controlling the eccentric portion of the movement, rather than divebombing it. you will get more out of your exercises doing this anyway. are you going to do these movements with added weight?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >especially if you are not super overweight
      I weigh 78kg
      >does this constitute the primary portion of/all of your training?
      Maybe, i guess, i do a pull/push routine, but i plan doing both exercises no matter what day it is
      >are you going to do these movements with added weight
      I expect so when i am able to do enough of both exercises

  3. 4 weeks ago

    you should rotate between pull ups and chin ups
    Also between dips and push-ups

  4. 4 weeks ago

    probably not but if it does hurt then you can ease up, not too complex innit

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'll try not to get to that point, i can barely do 2 pull ups so i guess i'm doing it wrong and it will end up hurting me overtime, i'll try fixing that once i can control the movement

      • 4 weeks ago

        When I could barely do pull ups I really prioritized them and did them almost every day and often to or close to failure. Did not get injured, and I get injured easily in every other athletic pursuit. I think pull ups are an inherently safe exercise. I wouldn’t assume the same for dips but can’t speak from experience.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Of course not, weighted dips are a good accessory (2-3 sets) after you finish your bench / pressing work. Weighted Pull ups should be done 3x week as a core exercise alongside rows.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I used to do weighted chins 3x a week and got pretty nasty elbow tendonitis. You'll need to be able to recognize when you're training beyond your ability to recover so you can deload. If you're doing them unweighted you should probably be fine.

  7. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    If you doing them weighted every session and you're going hard, very likely to overtrain.
    If you are still doing just bodyweight dips/pull ups you should be ok.
    Once you get to weighted you will be ok doing them 2x a week, and if you really want to do them 3x, you can rotate heavy/light days for them to allow for recovery.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    just see how you recover after workouts, sometimes you will want to do 4-5 workouts a week because you feel great, some other week you may do just 2
    since you are a beginner you will progress pretty quick until you get to deminishing returns, at this stage it's ok to use some accessory work, say you are done with your main two lifts, if you still feel need to hit the back or the chest fro the extra pump and to target some weaknesses, then you can do some rows or pushups (especially pseudo planche pushups, one of the few great calisthenics lifts that you should focus on) to failure
    if you feel any kind of pain after a lift just stop doing that lift for a week or until it goes away, especially for dips most people complain about elbows/shoulder/sternum/whatever pain so definitly get some resistance bands and work on mobility and warm up properly and remember to increase frequency/volume/load gradualy and not jumping from 1 to 6 reps in the next workout (if you are going to do weighted dips you can do a few normal dips to prepare your body for the work that you are going to do, as long as the movement is the same)
    I would say just straight to rings and start with a plain static hold and some ring pushups until you can do a dip, it's harder but definitely more rewarding
    generally speaking the treshold for ring dips is at least 6-8 good parallel bar dips
    it's better to skip dips for the next few workouts than to stop training at all due to injury, you will not out train it
    for safer dips do them on rings, easier on wrists and joints and they remove imbalances

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I got back to the barbell and machines lately, but this is the GOAT workout
    I had shit ton of fun doing it, its minimal yet very effective for hypertrophy and its easy to track your progress. When you start to do weighted pull ups and dips it gets even better
    Add some kind of bodyweight squat and a little run here and there and youre good to go

    • 4 weeks ago

      post body

  11. 4 weeks ago

    When I do more volume of pullups I flirt with elbow tendinitis / tendinopathy aka tennis elbow / golfer's elbow (can't remember which is which and cba checking)
    So bear that in mind
    If it was me I would keep volume of pullups low
    Dips however are extremely based and should be done with good volume provided (a) you don't divebomb into the bottom (b) you can do them with a form that doesn't gve you a pressure feeling in your sternum (c) you commit to fully protracting your shoulders at the top of every rep

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