Don't feel bad if you can't do 10 pull ups yet

I practice at a calisthenics park and at home with a cheap-o door bar, and I'm up to 8 regularly now, with a pb of 9, and I've realized that it's rare to see someone do even close to 10 proper, chin-over-bar, full extension at the bottom pull ups.
Most people I see at the park, even in shape, guys, have trouble doing 5-6.

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  1. 12 months ago

    even online you can reliably divide most pullup # claims by 2 given that people count half reps as full repetitions
    I go from a max of 14 to 30 by just doing the bodybuilder-style half reps

    • 12 months ago

      Why is full extension the full rep? I've always been told as long as upper arm break parallel going down it's a rep.

      • 12 months ago

        No, you need scapular protraction at the bottom.

        • 12 months ago

          Jeff Cavalier disagrees. No I will not look up the exact video because there are hundreds.

          • 12 months ago

            maybe u dudes are heavy. i feel bad for only being able to do 13 and i'm 155.

            not him but it's more just a precaution if your shoulders are fricked. scooby has said the same. i know because i've had it before, but you're just avoiding an underlying problem. if you fixed your shoulders, you'd be able to start from the full dead hang every rep and protect it even further. frankly though, i'm not sure if the shoulder issue is irritation from something else or if there's a more precise way of pulling the scapula down properly that people aren't doing. i just know i've gotten a lot more conscious of my traps and how "impinged" my shoulders feel starting from a dead hang and learned how to avoid the impinging feeling.

            jeff isn't wrong per se, but he's giving generalized advice on youtube.

  2. 12 months ago

    Can't even do one because I'm a fat powershitter

    • 12 months ago

      Wanna do more? Loose weight. There, a simple motivation.

      At least you an bench LMAO2PL8 easily, don't you buddy?

      • 12 months ago

        I plan to start cutting when I reach lmao2pl8, rn my best is 90 kg, was close to getting 95 kg last time I maxxed so 2pl8 isn't that far off

    • 12 months ago

      >false flag king

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      can't do one because I am a skinnyfat, almost pear anon tier.

  3. 12 months ago

    Currently I am doing more sets throught the day with 50% my max reps.
    Going to try and increase the rep and cut sets once per week.

    Doing this with narrow chins, since they are the easiest for me.

    Doing them fresh is so much easier to get chin over bar. Form isn't the best right now, but that's okay.
    If I manage to get to 10 with this programming, then I will make it harder by using less abdominals or wider grip.

  4. 12 months ago

    >stay content with being mediocre

  5. 12 months ago

    What the frick? I see dyels do 10 all the time. Hell I do 3x12 with 12 pounds added and I look like a fricking dyel from the front.

  6. 12 months ago

    What's a good volume to progress weighted pullups? Is there any downside to just going until failure for 4 sets?

  7. 12 months ago

    Lmao its easy. I used to do 4x10 after my bench press sets as an accessory.

    I have a 300lbs bench at 175lbs tho

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        why do some people have issue with "Tho"?

        • 12 months ago

          It's Black folkpeak.

          • 12 months ago

            actually it was used on nerd forums back in 2008 and i dont think it was any black slang

  8. 12 months ago

    If you are under 175lbs you should definitely feel bad

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm 200lbs and can do 15 (PROPA)
    Still can't do a muscle up xD

    • 12 months ago

      >Still can't do a muscle up
      musc ups are fricking insane
      they're the final stage of triceps strength

      • 12 months ago

        They are insane but I don't see why you need much tricep strength to do them. The triceps aren't working any harder than they are in a bar dip, are they?

        • 12 months ago

          I would like answers to this. What are the most important muscles for the muscle up?

          Seems like the dip is important, but the muscle up is starting from a super low entry point, is that where the brachio radialis comes in?

          do weighted pull ups help with progression to muscle up? I'm sick of failing at the muscle up.

          • 12 months ago

            I have never thought about trying a muscle up, but if I had to train for it I would do pullups as explosively as I could to have the momentum carry me. Then it should just be a dip after that I assume.

            • 12 months ago

              that's what I assumed as well, but something is missing.

          • 12 months ago

            Lats. You're basically throwing yourself high enough to it by the power of your back. The dip part should be easy if you have any business attempting this.

            • 12 months ago

              Could be lats....
              I can get myself above the bar if I really try. imagine someone running from the cops... but it's hard and ugly as frick. Once up there I can do low dips. There is just this point in the middle somewhere where I loose all power.

              I was thinking today it could also chest? I dunno.

        • 12 months ago

          dude, the final hoist of the muscle up, from the pull up position, is done mostly with triceps strength
          that's why people use momentum, the final lever up is basically you pulling your entire weight with your triceps to full extension

          • 12 months ago

            Can you do a muscle up? If you can then I will believe you. You don't have to post proof but please do not lie to me.

  10. 12 months ago

    Sure but there would need to be some sort of concrete standard for everyone when discussing pull-ups when they claim they do x amount.

    I think most people can agree on what counts as no-rep pull-ups or maybe even a half-rep but most even out of those who think they do proper full reps are actually doing more or less what would be considered a half-rep. And then there's obviously speed and time under tension.

    I can do what normies would consider proper full rom pull-ups about 20 reps but I can also do just 8-10 reps and be completely gassed up and not do a single one more. I personally think the first is better because in terms of "bodybuilding" exercise going above 90 degree angle isnt really doing much and neither is dead hanging at the bottom.

    I mean it's stupid to even discuss about. Who cares, literally what does it matter? Unless you are entering a competition and comparing results it's literally just something that goes in from one ear and out the other. There's also other factors like grip-width etc. that greatly impact the amount of reps you can do. It's just very stupid and arbitrary measurement.

    • 12 months ago

      bottom position should still have your scapula engaged, not dead hang. If you do half roms from the top i.e. don't go below 90° bend then you load up your arms more than your back, which has the bigger and stronger muscles. that's the reason why most strongmen can't go up above 90° too, their arms are just too weak for their bodyweight.

  11. 12 months ago

    If you cant do 10 u should feel bad unless ure newbie

  12. 12 months ago

    is it normal to not be able to touch your chest to the bar? i can only get as far as OPs pic and then its like im stuck. I can hangt there, but i literally cant get my chest any closer to the bar. If i try with a broom stick i can touch it to my chest. Am i just lacking strength? Ive literally only tried to do pull ups a few times but im starting to try and incorporate it more. Im 6'0" and about 175 lbs if that matters.

    • 12 months ago

      >is it normal to not be able to touch your chest to the bar? i can only get as far as OPs pic and then its like im stuck. I can hangt there, but i literally cant get my chest any closer to the bar. If i try with a broom stick i can touch it to my chest. Am i just lacking strength? Ive literally only tried to do pull ups a few times but im starting to try and incorporate it more. Im 6'0" and about 175 lbs if that matters.
      Some people don't have the mobility

  13. 12 months ago

    I've progressed from 0 to 3 strict form pull-ups over the past 10 months. Bow before me.

  14. 12 months ago

    Im 6'3" 185 skellymode torso and phat ass quads
    They are very difficult for me i can only do 3 from dead hang to chin over bar
    My cope is short people have an advantage because work = force × displacement

  15. 12 months ago

    >trying to get better at a lift by adding reps instead of adding weight
    Shiggy big time
    homie are you moronic?
    You should only train unweighted pullups once in your entire training career. That is the session in between when you graduate from assisted pullups or pulldown machine to weighted pullups

  16. 12 months ago

    I feel bad that I can't do a one arm chinup. You feel content in being better than casuals at the park. That's why I'm jacked and you're not.

  17. 12 months ago

    >stalls your pullup progression

    Heh, nothing personelle, kidd

    • 12 months ago

      bottom position should still have your scapula engaged, not dead hang. If you do half roms from the top i.e. don't go below 90° bend then you load up your arms more than your back, which has the bigger and stronger muscles. that's the reason why most strongmen can't go up above 90° too, their arms are just too weak for their bodyweight.

      This is the lesser known redpill isn't it, I feel like my arms are what's holding me back unuronically since I was one of the compound morons, now I've chucked myself out of what feels like 2 reps in the tank because while my lats can get me halfway up from a deadhang, the arms don't feel strong enough to lockout. Infuriating muscle imbalance to have and j have to do curls like a monkey to fix it

      • 12 months ago

        And yeah i can do just about 10 clean ones as is since I never skipped back

    • 12 months ago


      nothing personell BRAch

  18. 12 months ago

    I can do 15 in a row and have enough strength to do a muscle up
    just do weighted pullups and lose weight, it's that simple

  19. 12 months ago

    I would give lanklets the ability to do pullups for some height. Please trade with me.
    >t. manlet

  20. 12 months ago

    I can do 12x4 pullups, but I struggle to progress because my grip and my forearms are giving out by the 12 pullup. I am doing weighted pullups as well, have maxed out at 10x3 with 25lbs, but again my grip and forearms are weak. Sometimes I am only hanging on my by fingers on my last rep. I need a stronger and more endurant grip ASAP. Any tips?

    • 12 months ago

      more forearm/arm work.
      Do what armwrestlers do.

      I have the opposite issue. I tend to fail on getting past 90 degrees and going chin over bar, grip is fine.
      However I am doing less reps and only weigh 230lbs.

      I really like wrist curls+finger curls.
      Also dead hangs or other holding exercises like farmers walks.

  21. 12 months ago

    been not doing them during my current program, but even after a break i can almost always get 10. excited to max out so i can change up my exercise selection, ive been really wanting to get on fat grip pullups for the grip benefits

  22. 12 months ago

    I can do like 30 with proper form so feel bad
    I barely look like I lift too

  23. 12 months ago

    Used to knock out 20 clean, now im fat and can barely do 10, feelsbad

  24. 12 months ago

    Yeah this is bullshit.
    How you do the pullups matters a ton though.
    >Dead hang, feet straight in front, full ROM paused at clavicle/chest, decently controlled negative
    I can do 12 or 13 with BW.
    >From platform, shoulders retracted, still full ROM with pause, no eccentric control.
    I can do 5 with 30kg added.

    Almost nobody does the first version, but a less strict version of number 2. I progressed by doing number 2 and programming it like any other lift.

  25. 12 months ago

    I could do 11 pullups as a lanklet then christmas hit, I gained 10 pounds, and I started struggling to do 8. For some reason I got the last 3 reps back when I lost weight but I still think about it.

  26. 12 months ago

    Are you obese american? Every guy I know can do 10 pullups clean, it's nothing

  27. 12 months ago

    I can do 12 in a row now, pretty proud of myself, I can still remember when I could only do 3 total in a day and my upper back hurt the next day, now I can do like 60 each workout day

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