>eat 8oz of chicken breast for a cool 48g protein and a mere 280kcal. >Cool!

>eat 8oz of chicken breast for a cool 48g protein and a mere 280kcal
>Cool! this should totally make me full too since it's high protein and meat
>20 minutes pass
>fricking starving

Why do people meme this shit fricking food again?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Total chicken death

  2. 9 months ago

    You're supposed to eat other things that aren't chicken breast in a meal moron

    • 9 months ago

      OP, I will bash you with my gigantic, two-handed warhammer for making this dogshit post

    • 9 months ago


      God it's not that fricking hard. Add some carbs and random greens. There problem solved. Fricking Black person.

  3. 9 months ago

    Anthony Bourdain said chicken is shit meat, and I've rarely found cause to disagree with the man.

    • 9 months ago

      mostly because of how hard chickens are pumped with hormones.

  4. 9 months ago

    Ever heard of rabbit starvation? Fat is not the enemy moron. You need it to feel satiated.

    For satiety you have to choose either carbs or fat in addition to that protein.

    • 9 months ago

      that is not what rabbit starvation is at all dude
      t. I raise rabbits for meat

      • 9 months ago

        It literally is. Not literally, since this is a single isolated piece of chicken. But in the context of where it came from they kept eating rabbit because the extra lean meat was not keeping them full which GAVE them that poisoning.

        and no you dont raise rabbits for meat larpgay. post proofs.

        • 9 months ago

          Not everyone is a city slicking San Fran homosexual, Jemarkus

        • 9 months ago

          You are disproving yourself

    • 9 months ago

      >You need it to feel satiated.
      And how the ABSOLUTE FRICK do you do this without stuffing yourself with a frick ton of calories every meal?
      Eating more to get full means you HAVE to add more calories.

      Let me simplify the question and bring it back to OP topic. I eat 280kcal with that meat in OP's pic
      What do I add to this meal that will :

      1. Make me full to bursting, cannot even eat another bite
      2. Keeps me under 400kcal total for the meal

      Go on, let's hear it anon

      • 9 months ago

        By eating fatty, calorically dense, high protein meals. Yeah, a steak has more calories than that chicken, but one will keep you full and prevent snacking. The other won’t.

        • 9 months ago

          You are NOT answering the criteria. You are dancing around the issue.

          Again. Answer the question, if you can't then yes YOU CAN GET FULL IF YOU EAT MORE


          • 9 months ago

            thinking in terms of pure calories misses the point.
            eat healthy, eat dense. manage your insulin (fat storing hormone) by not eating throughout the day.

      • 9 months ago

        you could try some willpower and discipline, those always do the trick on hunger for me

        It literally is. Not literally, since this is a single isolated piece of chicken. But in the context of where it came from they kept eating rabbit because the extra lean meat was not keeping them full which GAVE them that poisoning.

        and no you dont raise rabbits for meat larpgay. post proofs.

        rabbit starvation is because of how they do not retain vitamins, its why they eat their own shit. Meet Pete, he is our stud. He has made a lot of tasty babies with his gf in the back Peaches.

        • 9 months ago

          >can't answer
          That's what I thought.

          This isn't a question of willpower or discipline. Anyone can just fast and not eat at all if they want to. This is not the topic. It's a concession that to feel FULL you HAVE to EAT MORE FOOD. Meaning you have to indulge more calories, period.

          thinking in terms of pure calories misses the point.
          eat healthy, eat dense. manage your insulin (fat storing hormone) by not eating throughout the day.

          not addressing my points. Dancing around the question.

          >Only eating 8oz
          Anything less than a pound isn't a meal it's a snack.

          That's over 90g of protein in one meal. This is a waste, your body won't be able to utilize all that at once. Total waste of protein you could spread out throughout the day

          • 9 months ago

            >not addressing my points. Dancing around the question.
            I mean, I did, just be a bit intuitive.
            if you have more calorically dense (fatty, preferably) meals less often, you’ll be less hungry and wont snack.

            One or two calorically dense meals is usually less calories than 3 “low calorie” meals a day plus snacks.
            You’d also getting some Intermittent Fasting benefits

            • 9 months ago

              Let's try again, Slowly now.

              >You need it to feel satiated.
              And how the ABSOLUTE FRICK do you do this without stuffing yourself with a frick ton of calories every meal?
              Eating more to get full means you HAVE to add more calories.

              Let me simplify the question and bring it back to OP topic. I eat 280kcal with that meat in OP's pic
              What do I add to this meal that will :

              1. Make me full to bursting, cannot even eat another bite
              2. Keeps me under 400kcal total for the meal

              Go on, let's hear it anon

              Make a 280kcal meal into a 400kcal meal that makes you full to bursting.

              If you cannot then you admit it's not possible without upping calories well beyond 280.

              • 9 months ago

                add fiber I guess if you need to expand your stomach every meal lol. that’s what it’s for. in cooking this is called filler. I use cabbage usually. does the job.

          • 9 months ago

            70g protein for breakfast
            40g protein in snacks throughout the day
            90g protein for dinner
            Eat big to get big homosexual. You have to be in a nutrient surplus as well as a calorie surplus.

            • 9 months ago

              once you're above 30g in one serving the amount of protein you absorb starts to decline. Above 50g the curve becomes flat, it'll just get transformed to glucose.
              Better have more meals with less protein than few with more.

        • 9 months ago

          It appears we have two different terms of the same name. cute rabbits fren:)

          • 9 months ago

            That would make sense, cheers buddy

            >can't answer
            That's what I thought.

            This isn't a question of willpower or discipline. Anyone can just fast and not eat at all if they want to. This is not the topic. It's a concession that to feel FULL you HAVE to EAT MORE FOOD. Meaning you have to indulge more calories, period.
            not addressing my points. Dancing around the question.
            That's over 90g of protein in one meal. This is a waste, your body won't be able to utilize all that at once. Total waste of protein you could spread out throughout the day

            my answer is to get comfortable with being hungry which is what you should really do. Being full isn't needed and is a luxury people got too used to in the west. If you've got your calories and macros in you you're done for the day. There is nothing on earth that will make you full to bursting with only 120cal friend. Maybe go for a walk to add in extra room for a larger meal.
            How's that for an answer you pedantic woman?

            • 9 months ago

              What sort of yield do you get worth meat rabbits? What breeds? My city won't let me keep chickens but I think I could get away with rabbits.

              • 9 months ago

                Hey Satan, the standard method is with a breeding trio; you get both the females pregnant and in a month they birth. One month of mothers milk (and to let the moms body recover) then you take the mom away and get her pregnant. You can raise them as long as you want but we give them three months of life total. We get the mothers pregnant when the current litter is 1 month from slaughter to try to reduce downtime. Each litter averages 7-10 baby rabbits which yield 2.5lbs dressed meat each. We stagger the births to have a harvest each month for an average of 25lbs meat give or take. Rabbit is like pork and chicken mixed and makes a strong soup stock. We use California Whites only for breed. Rabbits are shit simple but don't be shocked if you find you can't eat it once its on your plate. I struggle sometimes but I raise them and process them. The family doesn't mind though and they make great nuggets for the kids. Its odd as all our other animals are no issue to eat for me but the rabbits feel unethical to enjoy somehow. The legs go in the slow cooker and the backstraps either get treated like chicken breasts or get ground to make breaded nuggets in the air fryer.

              • 9 months ago

                I bring peace.

        • 9 months ago

          How are you able to look at those bunnies and not feel like throwing up at the thought of eating them?

          Its like eating your pet dog or cat.

      • 9 months ago

        >Make me full to bursting, cannot even eat another bite

        found the amerimutt

      • 9 months ago

        OMAD lots of meat. 1600 cal per day. Eat until you're full. You literally can't eat too much meat on OMAD. Go ahead and try. OR you can be a three meal/three snack + protein powder slave and be hungry all day making minimal gains.

      • 9 months ago

        an entire head of iceberg lettuce dressed with vinegar and spices

      • 9 months ago

        You’re supposed to feel hunger and only satiate it to where it’s tolerable. You should never eat to the point you can’t have another bite that’s gluttony.

      • 9 months ago

        Potatoes and veggies.

      • 9 months ago

        >Make me full to bursting, cannot even eat another bite
        found the fatfrick

      • 9 months ago

        >Make me full to bursting, cannot even eat another bite
        this is the issue, you have warped your perception of fullness from a life of excess. you aren't meant to feel this after a meal, and seeking from healthy portions is expecting a healthy diet to meld to your experiences of disordered binge eating

  5. 9 months ago

    eat thighs instead

  6. 9 months ago

    >Only eating 8oz
    Anything less than a pound isn't a meal it's a snack.

  7. 9 months ago

    Just do more cardio if you're worried about calories. I'm literally about to eat 12oz of steak and then a pound of chicken and I'll still probably eat some granola bars before I go to bed.

  8. 9 months ago

    I just eat 800 grams of fried potatoes and 2 liters of soda

    Now I am going to eat 700 grams of chicken brest

  9. 9 months ago

    I don't remember the last time I ate a lean protein without adding a shitload of fat to it to make it palatable.

  10. 9 months ago

    drink more water bro

  11. 9 months ago

    you need to learn how to cook and you need to understand how satiety works. I swear that this is what happens when education curricula fetishize STEM--- you end up with soulless moronic automata who think calories in = fullness. Hunger and sense of fullness have a lot to do with the sense of enjoyment and pleasure you get from a dish. Your brain's response to a satisfying meal helps turn off hunger signaling in your body. There are many dimensions to food that can contribute to satiety--- pleasant combinations of textures, complementary and varied kinds of flavors (think sweet + tangy or salty + sweet), foods that are pleasant to chew and swallow, or foods that simply provide volume that makes it feel like you've eaten a lot and there is a lot in your stomach (hearty soups, good salads).

    This isn't saying you need to go to culinary school and make an insanely complicated dish. You could make something very simple that is well crafted, but you need to help yourself before you become another sad male bodybuilder who is making abominations like mixing tuna and corn together for their weekly food prep meals, or eating plain breasts of chicken. You will be miserable and starving

    • 9 months ago

      great advice, thanks bro. explains why I'm still hungry sometimes after eating bland shit

    • 9 months ago

      I have my doubts about this. Yes eating food you actually like will make you "full" more because you enjoy what you're eating, but at the end of the day you have a stomach, a stomach that can be filled with food. If I ate food I did not like till i couldn't eat another bite I'd still be full.

  12. 9 months ago

    My dude, and I'm saying this with love and under 10%bf, you cannot be skinny without feeling hungry. It's literally biology, don't be a science denier.

    • 9 months ago

      literally false

  13. 9 months ago

    I have the same problem. Solved eat eating a lot of lettuce and other salad ingredients. Just don't add oil so the calories remain low.

  14. 9 months ago

    >8oz of chicken breast for a cool 48g protein
    31g protein /100g chicken breast
    1oz = 28.35 g
    0.31 * 28.35 = 8.79 g/ oz
    8.79 * 8 = 70 g protein

    You're off by 22g of protein.

  15. 9 months ago

    >What the frick, I'm eating low cal and I'm hungry?
    Get used to it, it wouldn't be a problem if you weren't already fat.

  16. 9 months ago

    Eat everything in one meal, it's literally a cheat code. You barely get hungry after a while

    • 9 months ago

      Elaborate? I budget to eat 2400 calories daily, If I (somehow) ate all of that in one sitting I'd be hungry again before the day ended

  17. 9 months ago

    Eat more and do cardio and play sports. Going on a diet as a male just gives you the low test scrawny look and you will inevitbly quit and get fat again. You think soccer players that stay lean year sit around couting their calories?

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