
bros, I was taking my post-workout (cold) shower and had an epiphany about some of the debates I see constantly on this board.

To start, there's nothing inherently wrong with lifting for women. For thousands of years, a man's worth to society was based on his ability to perform physical tasks, whether they be manual labor, hunting, combat, etc. Succeeding at said tasks would raise your value in society, thereby attracting a higher quality/quantity of women. Although modern society places less of an emphasis on raw physical strength, women have been conditioned through untold generations to value the markers of strength at a subconscious level. They may claim to not care about muscle size, but because of natural selection they essentially have no choice in the matter. So lifting for women is really just continuing the tradition established by your ancestors, and embracing the natural world. Both future you and your offspring will thank you for finding a higher quality woman to breed with.

However, there is an important caveat - for men under 6 ft, women will automatically fail to perceive you as capable of fulfilling the protector role, so bodybuilding is wasted effort (this doesn't include occasionally doing basic lifts for health benefits). You'll be better off attracting women through intellectual or entrepreneurial pursuits, so for you I recommend spending more time on boards like IST or IST rather than here.

Anyway, to keep this on topic, post your favorite lift. For me it's standing barbell overhead press, as it allows me to showcase both my height and strength to women in the gym, which raises my odds of having healthy and attractive offspring.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >post-workout (cold) shower
    Stopped reading right there

    • 4 weeks ago

      you're missing out on a lot of gains if you're only taking warm showers

      >Favorite lift
      Bench press
      Also lmao at all those short guys out there, bless their hearts

      a classic for a reason, great choice. I only wish there was a standing variation

      • 4 weeks ago

        Cold water exposure us one of the few things that can completly halt hypertrophy. We could tell you are a cretin by this alone without getting to your moronic musings.

        • 4 weeks ago

          tell me you're not keeping up with the literature without telling me you're not keeping up with the literature

          If only there was a lift to make them taller... then it might actually work

          no need to make tasteless jokes about it, we should show sympathy towards them and offer actual advice, us men need to look out for each other regardless of height

          • 4 weeks ago

            You're right. It's not like the manlets had a choice in being short

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Keeping up with the literature
            You are the 2024 equivalent of the fedora-tipping atheist. Frick you and your high horse, more like "tell me you suck horse wiener without sucking horse wiener". You vantablack gigaBlack person

            • 4 weeks ago

              OP here, I do NOT approve of racism in my thread. go leave please

              • 4 weeks ago

                So you worship BBC?

              • 4 weeks ago

                no, I hate Black folk as much as the next guy, but this isn't the forum to discuss that. I just wanted to discuss lifts that tall guys enjoy.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Ok, that's fair. I'm sure you've noticed the influx of Black personlovers onto this website though

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          >sample size
          >unclear if participants are more than absolute beginner lifters, to whom recovery literally doesn't matter

          • 4 weeks ago

            heres another one, its just the 1st and 2nd results for googling "cold water anabolic"..
            feel free to post one that disagrees

            • 4 weeks ago


              ''No effect of repeated post-resistance exercise cold or hot water immersion on in-season body composition and performance responses in academy rugby players: a randomised controlled cross-over design''
              so no effect on fit individuals

              • 4 weeks ago

                follow up study showed inproved recovery from water, but independent of temperature, so hot water will reduce skeletal inflamation too

              • 4 weeks ago

                OP here, we seem to have gotten off onto a lot of tangents. I only want to compare notes with other men over 6ft tall on what your favorite lifts are, not all this other nonsense.

                On the subject of cold showers, I know what works best for me, so I'm disregarding any and all studies that are posted in this thread (as mind muscle connection trumps everything else).

                OP vindicated

      • 4 weeks ago

        >you're missing out on a lot of gains if you're only taking warm showers
        lmao no

        tell me you're not keeping up with the literature without telling me you're not keeping up with the literature

        no need to make tasteless jokes about it, we should show sympathy towards them and offer actual advice, us men need to look out for each other regardless of height

        >keeping up with the literature
        you mean your favorite influencer?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Oh yeah? Care to post body so we can see what kind of gains?

        • 4 weeks ago

          lmao he would never

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah obviously they never do

    • 4 weeks ago

      Me too. If this dude has zero access to hot water I would continue reading but you just know he was conned into this meme shit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Inflammation (heat) improves blood flow, and is EXACTLY what you want as you begin to recover from your workout. Cold showers are a fricking meme. No, they wont boost your test or tighten your flabby obese body.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >toning is a meme
        no it's not, there's a reason why actual science always eventually ends up confirming broscience and stacyscience
        regardless of what ~~*science*~~ says now, eventually an actually well-conducted study will come out confirming that toning works and that you were an idiot for not doing it the whole time

        • 4 weeks ago

          You arent gonna make it

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >Favorite lift
    Bench press
    Also lmao at all those short guys out there, bless their hearts

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Literally everyone lifts for women no matter how much incels on this board cope about it

    • 4 weeks ago

      of course, I'm just trying to encourage a more nuanced discussion about why it's okay/natural to do so

    • 4 weeks ago

      If only there was a lift to make them taller... then it might actually work

    • 4 weeks ago

      At least it's the main reason why we start.
      The ones who say "I don't lift for women, I lift for myself" are the ones who got fit and still couldn't get laid

    • 4 weeks ago

      Depends, I agree that lifters who do so for size/aesthetics are almost certainly doing it purely for women no matter how hard they cope.

      But for athletes lifting for their sport, powerlifter, strongmen etc... They're lifting for either passion/accessory to another pursuit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not true. Prisoners in for life still lift.

      • 4 weeks ago

        To be able to seize replacement pussy with less resistence. It's a surrogate activity for pussy. Although I do think it's dumb to be like "all life exists to continue itself so all human efforts and accomplishments are ultimately for reproductive ends whether it's genetic or informational".

    • 4 weeks ago

      Keep coping incel, women don't care about how much you can squat.

  4. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      No, I just wanted to share my epiphany and then discuss favorite lifts (and why). Clearly you didn't read my post. In fact only one person so far has responded with their favorite lift, which makes me concerned about the literacy of this board (and could explain the quality of discourse here)

      • 4 weeks ago

        >on IST

    • 4 weeks ago

      Got a problem with that, incel?

      • 4 weeks ago

        they can't stand to be constantly reminded of their failures

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Look up 80-20 rule. Basically, 80% of the output comes from 20% of the input. So you can spend 100% getting buff (or rich, or stylish, or educated, or whatever you think makes you more attractive) and having nothing else, or you can chop up your 100% into 5 different 20%'s and come out with 400%.

    Now, this is all horseshit. The numbers are made up by some business professional management crackhead. But the idea is sound. Spread your effort around for maximum result.

    How does this apply to what you said? Bodybuilding shouldn't ever be anybody's only ticket to success with the ladies, manlet or not. Give it a little effort, yeah, but round out your portfolio.

    • 4 weeks ago

      so, a manlet should spend 80% of his time on other boards and 20% of his time on here? that still sounds like too much time here tbh

    • 4 weeks ago


      gynocentric homosexual. jestermaxxed circus monkey houseBlack person entertaining your woman massa

      Nature never intended for sloots to have agency and the power of choice in the mating game. And since the dawn of mankind they never did, until it was afforded to them by romantic christ insane eurocucks a few hundred years ago. If nature wanted sloots to have agency, it would have given them the power to fly away, like the pigeon, or to run away, like the female canine, and make mounting without permission impossible. Instead nature designed sloots like the hen, and they were treated just like the hen for 10s of thousands of years, as property, a good, a commodity a cooming and child bearing device.


      >You have to feel like you can procure sex yourself, that she hasn’t been bought, attracted to you, and you win her over to a certain degree. To be a true man you need to feel like you can do this, and get them, based on you, not just your money and the car you drive

      To be a true man boyos, you have to have the skillset to be able to grovel before, and entertain, and persuade, coom addled, ADHD addled, SSRI addled, social media addled sub 80IQ sloots to spread their legs for you. Otherwise you cannot feel like a true man. And that, that, is the quintessence of the bull-dyke mindset. The gynocentric shaming language. The religious and fanatical toxic pedestalisation of “free” pussy. Defining your masculinity and your very existence by approval from sub 80iq coomdumpster and their gynocentric society, and how much pussy you can ignobly slither and jestermaxx your way into for free at all costs. Stop trying to buy your manhood. You cant be a true man if you pay for sex. Ever.

      Well in that case, in that case, all of the ancient greeks and romans, Persians, assyrians, Phoenicians, never had the chance to experience what it means to be a true man. They all died unfulfilled beta losers because they only ever had arranged marriages and banged slaves, and prostitutes, and raped the women of conquered men. They never had the chance to experience the life affirming gynocentric hunt of the modern day masculine alpha slayer court jester. They only ever knew a world where the women were mute, and feminine, and obedient, and raised to diligently serve the needs of men, even for pleb rights. What an absolutely androcentric nightmare…

      Boyos, lets pour one out for Achilles, Ajax, Agamemnon, Mark Antony and all the billions of ancient men who died without ever having the chance to be true men.

      I already have a woman and certainly lift to protect the ones that I love. That is my motivation: Love, not hatred.

      Two thirds of the armed personnel at the disposal of the US government are now overweight or obese, and not all of them are willing to suppress revolt on American soil. If you are physically fit, you have a real statistical advantage, and every advantage will be needed.

      Physical fitness is required for things such as long hikes in the mountains, carrying supplies or heavy weapons, having the stamina to aim accurately during, and even fighting hand-to-hand. If you are fit and your opponent is not, you have an advantage.

      You can be stronger than the government man, you can be faster and with more endurance. You can be deadlier with a rifle and at a longer distance, and you can maintain the initiative by outsmarting him. These are the conditions for victory.

      That was very observant for a goyim. Your legacy will be coming to an end if you don't procreate. This has caused immense conflict because we think life is so cool. But now there's a twist. We have a god of 100 billion souls. So, what's going on buster. We've figured something important out about our piece of shit life. Somebody can kill you right now. That's pretty powerful isn't it? I couldn't do that to you Black personface. What else can he do for us? That's already apparently too much to ask for.

      Dudes it's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
      The younger generations are realizing early how fricked they are compared to the older gens.
      Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >getting women, self improving, and having friends is not making it
        care to elaborate, Moishe?

      • 4 weeks ago

        *if you're less than 6 ft tall

  6. 4 weeks ago

    op its too bad you didnt have an epiphany that these constant threads crying about women are shitting up this board and stop making them

  7. 4 weeks ago

    frick you, there's no fricking way a roastie can tell that I'm 5'11 and not 6'0 like my tinder profile says

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's happened to me enough times that the roasties in my town all call me "catfish". It's so bad I can't even go to walmart without getting weird looks from all the women there

  8. 4 weeks ago

    I'm white, 6ft tall, 165lbs, $120k/yr, 6.5in dick. 32year old incel. How do I be funnier? I must not be entertaining enough. I will become worthy of a woman's love, somehow...

    • 4 weeks ago

      You need to learn The Game. There's a lot of PUA blogs and several reddit communities you can read to gain valuable insight and advice for attracting women

    • 4 weeks ago

      6'2 is the new 6', you missed the boat

    • 4 weeks ago

      >thinking dick size matters when it's never been seen by woman

      You need to learn The Game. There's a lot of PUA blogs and several reddit communities you can read to gain valuable insight and advice for attracting women

      most incels, as much as they claim to want sex, are too pathetic to even consider PUA tips, falling back on cope like "that shit doesn't work", "PUAs are frauds", etc. the true blackpill is that most people are beyond saving, and that threads like this will do nothing to save the white race

      • 4 weeks ago

        PUA has literally been
        and their only significant and valid contribution is the concept of "Frame". Which is basically a distillation of 'Beee urself' but -> INSIST upon urself.

        All of that homosexual peawiener trick monkey jester PUA drivel is down-river from one thing: self-confidence. That secret sauce isnt gained from groveling and seducing out cringe reps of "break le touch barrier as soon as she laughs" type shit.
        That secret sauce is gained from mastery. Mastery of the self, knowing who you are, knowing what you can do and cultivating your ability to exert your influence upon the world.
        A social autist might still need his reps, but none of that shit should ever be prescriptive. You socialise because you want to and because you are not ashamed of who you are and do not consider your existence a burden on other people.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You have to talk to women anon

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think you mean "roasties", as "women" are a thing of the past

        • 4 weeks ago

          This but unironically. I prefer to just call them "holes"

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Guys who say they don't lift for women are like women who say they wear makeup for themselves. Lies, lies, lies.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >for men under 6 ft, women will automatically fail to perceive you as capable of fulfilling the protector role, so bodybuilding is wasted effort

    Bruce Lee was 5'7", dumdum

    Don't spread such lies

    • 4 weeks ago

      watch this scene and then tell me with a straight face that any woman would pick the person playing Bruce Lee over Brad Pitt

      fast forward to 3:46

      • 4 weeks ago

        brad pitt is 5'11

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >(cold) shower
    that just stresses your body and ages you
    it's not good for your health, normalgay

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >post-workout (cold) shower
    Does OP know

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >To start, there's nothing inherently wrong with lifting for women.
    Why would you out yourself as a moronic person at the very beginning of your blogpost?

  14. 4 weeks ago

    gynocentric homosexual. jestermaxxed circus monkey houseBlack person entertaining your woman massa

    Nature never intended for sloots to have agency and the power of choice in the mating game. And since the dawn of mankind they never did, until it was afforded to them by romantic christ insane eurocucks a few hundred years ago. If nature wanted sloots to have agency, it would have given them the power to fly away, like the pigeon, or to run away, like the female canine, and make mounting without permission impossible. Instead nature designed sloots like the hen, and they were treated just like the hen for 10s of thousands of years, as property, a good, a commodity a cooming and child bearing device.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Rare case of based but bluepilled

      • 4 weeks ago

        >You have to feel like you can procure sex yourself, that she hasn’t been bought, attracted to you, and you win her over to a certain degree. To be a true man you need to feel like you can do this, and get them, based on you, not just your money and the car you drive

        To be a true man boyos, you have to have the skillset to be able to grovel before, and entertain, and persuade, coom addled, ADHD addled, SSRI addled, social media addled sub 80IQ sloots to spread their legs for you. Otherwise you cannot feel like a true man. And that, that, is the quintessence of the bull-dyke mindset. The gynocentric shaming language. The religious and fanatical toxic pedestalisation of “free” pussy. Defining your masculinity and your very existence by approval from sub 80iq coomdumpster and their gynocentric society, and how much pussy you can ignobly slither and jestermaxx your way into for free at all costs. Stop trying to buy your manhood. You cant be a true man if you pay for sex. Ever.

        Well in that case, in that case, all of the ancient greeks and romans, Persians, assyrians, Phoenicians, never had the chance to experience what it means to be a true man. They all died unfulfilled beta losers because they only ever had arranged marriages and banged slaves, and prostitutes, and raped the women of conquered men. They never had the chance to experience the life affirming gynocentric hunt of the modern day masculine alpha slayer court jester. They only ever knew a world where the women were mute, and feminine, and obedient, and raised to diligently serve the needs of men, even for pleb rights. What an absolutely androcentric nightmare…

        Boyos, lets pour one out for Achilles, Ajax, Agamemnon, Mark Antony and all the billions of ancient men who died without ever having the chance to be true men.

        • 4 weeks ago

          not gonna read your novel, keep it brief please

          • 4 weeks ago

            literally shorter than the OP (homosexual)

            I OHP 135 for working sets of 10-12 reps

            • 4 weeks ago

              OHP is based, I do working sets of 140 for 11-13 reps myself

              • 4 weeks ago

                Solid numbers brah I want to go back to pumping heavy doubles where I larp like im finishing out a clean and jerk but I gotta watch the shoulders and I dont want to excessively bend my lower back due to its detrimental effect to the mog. That straight arrow press expertly barely passing my schnoz is the ultimate mog imo.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Very good, I do 150 for 12-14 reps on a good day. But

            • 4 weeks ago

              OHP is based, I do working sets of 140 for 11-13 reps myself

              I do 205 for 6 but everything else I do is dyel except for ez curl.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Utterly based.
          money over b***hes, because the b***hes come with it.


          • 4 weeks ago

            OP here, please don't objectify women in my thread. Thanks!

            • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago


          gynocentric homosexual. jestermaxxed circus monkey houseBlack person entertaining your woman massa

          Nature never intended for sloots to have agency and the power of choice in the mating game. And since the dawn of mankind they never did, until it was afforded to them by romantic christ insane eurocucks a few hundred years ago. If nature wanted sloots to have agency, it would have given them the power to fly away, like the pigeon, or to run away, like the female canine, and make mounting without permission impossible. Instead nature designed sloots like the hen, and they were treated just like the hen for 10s of thousands of years, as property, a good, a commodity a cooming and child bearing device.

          holy ZASED

  15. 4 weeks ago

    OP here, we seem to have gotten off onto a lot of tangents. I only want to compare notes with other men over 6ft tall on what your favorite lifts are, not all this other nonsense.

    On the subject of cold showers, I know what works best for me, so I'm disregarding any and all studies that are posted in this thread (as mind muscle connection trumps everything else).

    • 4 weeks ago

      Good on you OP. Whatever works best for you is what YOU should do. As for my favorite lift, that would have to be the trusty old squat. I unironically did SSGOMAD for a few months, and although I've dropped the GOMAD part (it served its purpose), I still love squats.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Allow yourself to be persuaded:
    Lifting to be selected by women is peawienering and therefore gay.
    Lifting so you can overthrow ZOG and force the village beauty to marry you is based.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How exactly will lifting overthrow ZOG?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I already have a woman and certainly lift to protect the ones that I love. That is my motivation: Love, not hatred.

        Two thirds of the armed personnel at the disposal of the US government are now overweight or obese, and not all of them are willing to suppress revolt on American soil. If you are physically fit, you have a real statistical advantage, and every advantage will be needed.

        Physical fitness is required for things such as long hikes in the mountains, carrying supplies or heavy weapons, having the stamina to aim accurately during, and even fighting hand-to-hand. If you are fit and your opponent is not, you have an advantage.

        You can be stronger than the government man, you can be faster and with more endurance. You can be deadlier with a rifle and at a longer distance, and you can maintain the initiative by outsmarting him. These are the conditions for victory.

    • 4 weeks ago

      are you moronic? this still qualifies as lifting for women, just with more steps

      Very good, I do 150 for 12-14 reps on a good day. But

      in my prime I could do 155 for 13-15 but right now I'm on a deload, hoping to get back up there soon

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine reading all this gay shit.
    >Get a tan
    >Good grooming and haircut
    >Well fitting clothes
    >Be social and easygoing
    Bam you are ahead of 99% of the population regardless of height.

    • 4 weeks ago

      wrong. if you are under 6' you are still behind everyone who is above 6', regardless of all the other attributes you just mentioned.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This tbh. All other things being equal, a guy who's 6' will get all the girls while the guy whose 5'11" will just have to sit back and watch

  18. 4 weeks ago

    >my epiphany was just incel pseudo science
    great... and I'll make sure to believe you because you were taking a COLD shower like the moron bro scientist grifters tell you.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    That was very observant for a goyim. Your legacy will be coming to an end if you don't procreate. This has caused immense conflict because we think life is so cool. But now there's a twist. We have a god of 100 billion souls. So, what's going on buster. We've figured something important out about our piece of shit life. Somebody can kill you right now. That's pretty powerful isn't it? I couldn't do that to you Black personface. What else can he do for us? That's already apparently too much to ask for.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    This thread has been up for more than a day and still almost no one has posted their favorite lift. Is this what our board has come to?

    • 4 weeks ago

      My favorite lift: neck hangs until failure

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Well, it's better to a fit manlet than just a manlet.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Not really. A skinny manlet and a jacked manlet are still manlets. Cope all you want though

    • 4 weeks ago

      common misconception; women will actually pity the jacked manlet and see him as a joke compared to his taller competition.

      Not really. A skinny manlet and a jacked manlet are still manlets. Cope all you want though

      this guy gets it

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Since you guys just won't drop the cold shower thing, I want to remind you that they work for ME, and that they allow me to perform the kind of deep thinking that led me to the epiphany that I shared with this thread. I've never been able to think as well or feel like I'm making the same gains with warm showers. But if that's what works for you, by all means keep doing it!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Terrible pivot

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