Ever try to pickup chicks at the gym? what's your best approach?

Ever try to pickup chicks at the gym? what's your best approach?

I think you only get 1 chance at it, and if you frick up you can't ever do it again or go to that gym

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  1. 1 year ago

    just dont
    if they are hitting on you its one thing but interrupting some chick to hit on her is not a great idea

  2. 1 year ago

    Compliment their squat form

  3. 1 year ago

    i asked a girl out but she got flustered and said she had plans that night and her phone was in the lockers
    i was like ok i'll ask you next time i see you
    >don't ask her next time i see her because it seems desperate
    that was it. i'm happy i went for it though

    • 1 year ago

      >>don't ask her next time i see her because it seems desperate
      YOU FOOL
      Womyn like men who pursue them in a non-raepy way, it shows confidence and builds rapport. If she gives you a hard no, then you know to stop for real

      • 1 year ago

        i asked a girl out but she got flustered and said she had plans that night and her phone was in the lockers
        i was like ok i'll ask you next time i see you
        >don't ask her next time i see her because it seems desperate
        that was it. i'm happy i went for it though

        hard nos are super obvious and that's when you quit

      • 1 year ago

        hard nos are super obvious and that's when you quit

        ok thanks for the advice, i might see her today and ask her again

        • 1 year ago

          If digits you WILL get your dick sucked by this b***h

        • 1 year ago

          Reminder that 5 sets of talking to girls is an important excercise to incorporate into your routine
          the hard part is finding a place with a bunch of girls you can talk to on a consistent basis, might be worth it to just never ask out a few girls so you have some "girl friends" to socialize with occasionaly

          • 1 year ago

            Ntayrt but I added a mentally ill foid from here on Disc for this exact purpose. Ez passive social exp and she gives me advice and useful criticism from a foid perspective. Just don't simp and NEVER give them a dime

          • 1 year ago

            yeah i'm basically trying to become a PUA but i'm stuck at the beginning phase
            need to suck it up and just talk to a few girls every day to train
            >the hard part is finding a place with a bunch of girls you can talk to on a consistent basis
            fortunately this is not a problem for me
            >might be worth it to just never ask out a few girls so you have some "girl friends" to socialize with occasionaly
            not sure about this, at least not until i start fricking girls regularly. i only see women as sex objects at the moment


            If digits you WILL get your dick sucked by this b***h

            it's over...

            >I've gotten like 5 numbers past 3 months their dying to get approached.
            I mean that's not really a lot, how many girls have you actually approached
            most of the guys on here need to ACTUALLY LIFT before they try cold approaching

            >most of the guys on here need to ACTUALLY LIFT before they try cold approaching
            this is very important
            i found that lifting helps a lot with confidence/posture/being calm and I'm still a DYEL

            • 1 year ago

              It's only just begun

            • 1 year ago

              It's only just begun

              yeah i'm thinking we're back

    • 1 year ago

      >i asked a girl out but she got flustered and said she had plans that night and her phone was in the lockers
      >i was like ok i'll ask you next time i see you
      You do know she hella lied to you. When have you ever seen a woman without her phone, and if she had headphones on she had to be playing music from her phone.
      Anyways if a woman she says she already had plans she is trying to let you down nicely. She can always make time for you. If she really wanted to go out with you she would have 1, gotten her phone from the locker, and 2 made time for your date.

      ok thanks for the advice, i might see her today and ask her again

      Please don't. She tried to let you down nicely and you'll only come off as "the gym creep"

      >ask what they're up to that weekend
      >ask for number
      It can't be this simple

      It is that simple if you're a normal person with an attractive face

  4. 1 year ago

    I've found that if a girl in the gym tries to casually talk to me and I screw it up she'll never bother looking at me again.
    They are very strict.

  5. 1 year ago

    I've gotten like 5 numbers past 3 months their dying to get approached. Just say hey don't think I've seen you here before and introduce urself

    • 1 year ago

      They are

    • 1 year ago

      >I've gotten like 5 numbers past 3 months their dying to get approached.
      I mean that's not really a lot, how many girls have you actually approached
      most of the guys on here need to ACTUALLY LIFT before they try cold approaching

    • 1 year ago

      Actual autist here, can you unironically give me a play-by-play greentext example of how one of these conversations goes?

      • 1 year ago

        cold approaching in public is ultra nightmare mode for autists
        you should just talk to classmates or girls at work (don't outright hit on chicks at work just try to small talk them)
        if you don't go to college or something like that where there is a fertile bed of girls to talk to I don't really know how to help you tbh
        if you don't lift then fricking lift a good physique is cheat mode and it WILL take you like 2 years to have a good physique so start NOW Black person

        • 1 year ago

          I used to be IST by normalgay standards before the ~~*lockdown*~~, been slowly building my fuhzeek back up but I'm still friendless with no game

      • 1 year ago

        This one literally happen yesterday. The gym was dead which helps bc too many ppl gets flustered

        I waited till she walked to the cubby storage to grab her jacket as she was about to leave and literally just walked up to her and said hey dont think I've seen u here before do u come here lots she said yea sometimes. She ran Hella on the treadmill before so I said well I can confeditalty say u can outrun me (obv she couldn't) and then I introduced my name asked her what she's up to rest of weekend and if I can grab ur # she said yea.

        Another one few weeks ago we had the same all black fit on I go up to her hey quit stealing my fit. She was tall too so after I said short kings don't stand a change she laughed then asked for her #.

  6. 1 year ago

    >be me
    >working out
    >woman starts a conversation
    >try to respond
    >interrupted with I HAVE A BOYFRIEND
    I don't talk to women anymore.
    I will fricking snap and end up strangling one.

    • 1 year ago

      >"I have a boyfriend"
      >"cool, anyway..."
      I was a test, anon.

  7. 1 year ago

    >ask what they're up to that weekend
    >ask for number
    It can't be this simple

    • 1 year ago

      this works at an astoundingly low rate
      even if a girl likes you trying to set something up that quickly with a chick who's never seen you before is the highest possible bar to set for yourself

      • 1 year ago

        Dude u ask a chick what she likes in a guy 7/10 times she's guna say confidence.

        • 1 year ago

          that doesn't go against what I said

          • 1 year ago

            She doesn't need to like u yet? As long as u don't give off creep vibes she will give it just bc she's happy she got all ready and dragged herself to the gym and got acknowledged for it

      • 1 year ago

        >hot girl comes up to you
        >makes a funny joke
        >asks what you're up to this weekend
        >asks for your number
        >no way gay
        I don't understand what could possibly make you say no unless you're just a complete c**t or an actual gay. Why do women do this?

        • 1 year ago

          >this LITERALLY NEVER happens to men
          >this happens to women on a weekly possibly daily to multiple-times-a-day basis

    • 1 year ago

      >>ask what they're up to that weekend
      Disgusting. Observational humor is based

  8. 1 year ago

    I don't try to pick up women because I have a gf but I compliment the ladies at the front desk and try to make them laugh and stuff just because.

  9. 1 year ago

    A girl approached ME today , she asked about competing, I gave her hard eye contact and she kept looking away all flustered. I wasn’t nervous but I did ask her how her workout was going and after she told me I gave her a small response and we continued about our business. We kept looking at each other throughout the workout but I never got the chance to approach her again to talk some more because I was busy lol. Also I got another gym girls number and we’ve been texting on and off for a few days , my interactions with her have been pretty good I got to know her and her interests and likes , but I think I texted her too much and maybe seemed needy. I’m going to start ignoring her cold Turkey , maybe she pissed me off with her slow replies.

  10. 1 year ago

    there are no attractive women at my gym except one who comes in with her boyfriend

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