Everything hurts and im thinking of quitting lifting.

Everything hurts and im thinking of quitting lifting.

I started about 2 years ago and ive been getting decent gains but recently my body is just completely giving out on me. I have trigger finger and painfull snapping tricep on both arms, very bad back pain that made me quit kickboxing, wrist pain and more random pains in other joints. Streching and resting for weeks doesnt fix anything at all and makes my weights feel heavier. Ive also been told i have joint hypermobility. I think my body just genetically sucks and i havent made any progress in the last year.

im 20 and i feel like if i keep working out i will cripple myself.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Your diet sucks.

    • 2 years ago

      Look at that watermelussy

    • 2 years ago

      Fix your diet and deload properly. Aches and pains are common but chronic injury is not. Quitting is not a solution to poor programming and will only make you weaker and more injured in the long run.

      If your 20 and feel like this you are either extremely over exerting yourself so much that it is destroying your body, or your diet and nutrition are so bad its hurting your body. If you want a real answer it sounds like you should go to a doctor this should not be happening at 20 years old.

      Sounds like kaloric deficit to me

      What are you eating?
      Do you have structural/posture problems and shortened muscles?
      How's your neck?

      My diet is mostly fine i think, i eat a lot of protein (eggs and meat) and an average amount of salads and i dont count my calories but i dont think im in a deficit because ive stayed the same weight for a few months (about 72 kg 12-15 ish bf%) altough i do eat quite a bit of junk food and often have diarrhea. Ive gone to a orthopedist when it was only back issues and he said there wanst anything really wrong with me except my joint hypermobility and i dont think going to another doctor will help me much.

      • 2 years ago

        also my sleep patterns are pretty damn bad and i wake up and fall asleep at random times at night or take naps in the day.

      • 2 years ago

        also my sleep patterns are pretty damn bad and i wake up and fall asleep at random times at night or take naps in the day.

        It sounds like you have a couple of things going wrong. Your diet is probably not very good, even if you're hitting some macros. How hydrated are you? Do you drink enough water? Do you drink pop at all? Do you drink energy drinks? What's your caffeine intake? What are your sleep hygiene habits? Do you get carbs at all in your diet? Do you eat fiber or fiber supplements? You probably have a nutrient deficiency on top of your joints having some issues. Talk us through your normal day.

        • 2 years ago

          i drink a good amount of water i think, more than im thirsty for usually. I dont drink anything esle except milk and occasional alcohol. I eat bread and sometimes fruits so i think i get carbs.Not too sure about fiber.I also eat 2 or 3 meals (usually one small and one big and sometimes cereal or something random at 2am). if i fall alseep at 4 to 5 am i will sleep until 8 when i have to get up and then might nap a bit from about 6 to 11 pm or if i didnt sleep at all the night i might sleep from 4 pm to 12 and sometimes dont sleep for 20+ hours. Overall pretty fricked sleep patterns.

          Take vitamin d3 and k2, and take cold showers, helps your body recover.

          i will start doing this, i used to take cold showers before actually and kinda forgot to keep doing it.

          • 2 years ago

            What the frick are you doing eating at 2am? You 100% need to fix your sleep dude no wonder the rest of your body is fricked up. No screens after 8pm. Take a magnesium supplement an hour before bed. No dinner or food at least 2 hours before the time you want to be asleep. Don't pound water before bed either. You should add a bit of fiber to your diet to help with the diarrhea. Jesus man what the frick is going on with your body

            • 2 years ago

              yeah this is probably the main reason. i will start working on fixing it. i probably didnt realise it because i remember being 14 and pulling 24+ hours all nighters with no consequence.

    • 2 years ago

      >zoomer haircut on the right

  2. 2 years ago

    Hate to break it to you but if your body is shit, you really can't afford to stop working out, your aches and pains will just worsen as you age and you'll be hooked on medical heroin before you've hit 40. Lower the intensity, do some accessory shit for wrists and your joints, maybe look into alternative more mobility and stability focused work outs before you return to lifting, ido portal is a bit of a meme but he put out solid mobility and pre/rehab routines on his blog for over a decade, so maybe look into that. Your body huet might not be ready for lifting heavy yet, but you're 20, you have ample time to make it ready, might not be as glamorous as ppl for aesthetics, but it sounds like you really don't have a choice

  3. 2 years ago

    I have hypermobility pretty bad and the best advice I can give is just find ranges of motion that don't frick with your joints ie floor press instead of bench press. I still bench press here and there but most training is with restricted ROMs

  4. 2 years ago

    My body hurts if I don’t work out.

    As soon as I start skipping workouts for several days, my arthritis and shit gets worse. I feel every injury I’ve had, and have to train to mitigate pain.

    I’m only 27. I couldn’t imagine being weak and in worse pain in 25 more years.

    • 2 years ago

      This. I also suspect that I have some sort of premature arthritis sometimes too.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm surprised Mr Torturerer let him keep his teeth.
    >Kept in prison starving to death
    >Still has big pecs and shoulders despite being mr skeltal
    Is this achievable natty? Was he forced to do military press×failure as one of his tortures?

    • 2 years ago

      He let him keep his teeth so that he would get cavities.
      And griffith is just built different.

  6. 2 years ago

    go to a doctor to see if anything is genuinely chronic/requiring surgery, if not then take a couple of months off. It's genuinely not a big deal if you become a little detrained. If you find you can't lift without consistently living in pain or accumulating injuries then you probably need to reduce your training intensity. You're not trying to make the league anon you're trying to live a healthy lifestyle, if lifting is impinging on that then it may just be time to become a cardio bunny instead. no shame in that.

  7. 2 years ago

    Fix your diet and deload properly. Aches and pains are common but chronic injury is not. Quitting is not a solution to poor programming and will only make you weaker and more injured in the long run.

  8. 2 years ago

    If your 20 and feel like this you are either extremely over exerting yourself so much that it is destroying your body, or your diet and nutrition are so bad its hurting your body. If you want a real answer it sounds like you should go to a doctor this should not be happening at 20 years old.

  9. 2 years ago

    Posting your lifting routine would help
    Or you just wanna get some "awww poor baby" comments?

  10. 2 years ago

    Yeah man go to a doctor. You might need actual steroids.
    They aren’t bad just another part of changing your body to how you want. Also really really consider low rep high weight. I do less then 50 total bench reps per workout and bench 500. Same with squat and deadlift. Go for power man.

    • 2 years ago

      >consider low rep high weight. I do less then 50 total bench reps per workout
      50 reps isn't really low rep... That's 2 5x5s, each session, that's a ton of volume for someone dealing with injuries.

      • 2 years ago

        Take care of your health and don't lift too heavy man.
        >t. Crippling heartburn and now dealing with burning UTI (virgin, so no idea how I got that). Also have exfoliative cheilitis.
        It makes me extremely depressed. I want to lift, go out a bit, but this shit is slowly making me rot away.

        Yeah man go to a doctor. You might need actual steroids.
        They aren’t bad just another part of changing your body to how you want. Also really really consider low rep high weight. I do less then 50 total bench reps per workout and bench 500. Same with squat and deadlift. Go for power man.

        Im already lifting pretty light since the injuries started but i will try reducing it some more and taking more breaks i guess

  11. 2 years ago

    Sounds like kaloric deficit to me

  12. 2 years ago

    Take care of your health and don't lift too heavy man.
    >t. Crippling heartburn and now dealing with burning UTI (virgin, so no idea how I got that). Also have exfoliative cheilitis.
    It makes me extremely depressed. I want to lift, go out a bit, but this shit is slowly making me rot away.

  13. 2 years ago

    What are you eating?
    Do you have structural/posture problems and shortened muscles?
    How's your neck?

    • 2 years ago

      my neck is pretty stiff and kind of bent forward, sometimes it feels uncomfortable an i have to use my hands to strech it and i hear a lot of popping

  14. 2 years ago

    Take vitamin d3 and k2, and take cold showers, helps your body recover.

  15. 2 years ago

    sounds like your workout and diet doesnt synergise, provided your form and all is correct. maybe work on perfecting the diet, or adjusting the workouts into no pain range? you can't give up on working out when you already suffer from issues where you should be finding a way to reinforce yourself against these issues. this reminds me when I did a hardcore biking in between while I was fasting. I literally woke up from sleep because how much my quads were hurting, it was like they were ripping apart and all sorts of pain in joints. Very obv, problem was I didnt supplement them enough to repair themselves properly, which never happened again when I didnt do something moronic like that. so first thing to consider on a checklist here would be diet really.

  16. 2 years ago

    I am constantly on the line between fatigue and low level injuries. One area of the body will ache and I'll slow down on that and focus something else. By the time the first area heals another is aching. As long as the pains don't last and aren't always in the same place I think I'm good. Just finished a 7 mile run after deadlifting this morning and I feel like I'm about to pass out. Legs are wobbling head is a spinny. Tomorrow is gonna hurt

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