Everywhere I look, I see slim and fit people eating massive meals, posing wih huge curries or massive burgers and pizzas.

Everywhere I look, I see slim and fit people eating massive meals, posing wih huge curries or massive burgers and pizzas. While I'm fat and trying to force myself to eat cottage cheese or a small plate of chicken and broccoli. Life sucks so much, I'm jinxed.

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  1. 1 year ago

    80% of my diet is milk because I'm a stomachlet that can barely handle a full plate of food in one sitting. Plus I chew super slow like a moronic cow. We all have our individual bullshit to deal with, fatso. Suck it up.

    • 1 year ago

      I consider myself pretty white but if I drank 1800 cals of milk every day my shits would be horrific.

    • 1 year ago

      Tbh as a skinlet I feel the same way about fatsos. No matter how much I eat, I barely gain anything, yet there are people who goes on a calorie surplus once and then need to do cardio for a week to get back to shape.

      So I guess fpbp

      The game is rigged from the start. The playing field was never even. Overcoming ourselves is part of the struggle.


  2. 1 year ago

    Yes life is so hard now that you're no longer gorging yourself

  3. 1 year ago

    The difference is they don't eat massive meals regularly, it's a special thing for them because they're not fat morons

    • 1 year ago

      If they're thin it obviously means they don't always eat that much, or they're very active

      >believing any social media posts or pictures
      Fat brain's got you in its grip, none of that shit's real big slime. They ordered a foot tall milkshake with six cupcakes on a skewer, a cookies and cream bar, five macarons, and modeling chocolate/sprinkles drizzled down the side, took sixteen photos of them making an agape face at it, then sent it back to the kitchen to be thrown in a garbage can.
      If you see a cute girl dancing with her infant, she's spent the entire day beating, neglecting, and yelling at her kid who spent the time festering in a dirty shitfilled diaper.
      If you see a couple of "van lifers" laughing arm in arm in Moab, They arrived, paid a park fee, spent three hours of "golden time" taking sunset photos, and then parted ways to look at their phones in separate motel rooms, these kinds of weirdos don't even frick each other.

      None of the food is eaten, none of the furniture is rested in, none of the smiles are genuine- these photos are glimpses of hell.

      The difference is that those guys are lifting heavy weight like 2 hours a day every day, while also doing cardio, probably walk around most day, go out with their friends regularly and their hobbies don't consist in just mindedlessly consuming media, watching underage anime tiddies and playing league of legends all day

      They control themselves, they aren't just stuffing their face 24/7 like a fricking untrained dog

      Why is it so hard for some people to admit that everyone's metabolism is different
      Yes some people are thin because they diet well and yes anon is fat due to a shitty diet
      But there are also a lot of people who also have a shitty/ high calorie diet and still don't gain weight.
      If you wanna call such a metabolism good or bad is up to you

      • 1 year ago

        Bullshit, people do have different metabolism, but the difference between individual's tdee is not that significant

        > there are also a lot of people who also have a shitty/ high calorie diet and still don't gain weight.

        lol show me an example that isn't someone suffering from a literal desease that practically make them shit what they eat, no person is incapable of not gaining weight while being on a 1000 calories surplus unless your digestive system is literally ruined, in that case you would be in heavy medical care

        • 1 year ago

          My mate Daniel is an example
          > Hurr durr doesn't count since it's too personal
          Yee ik, i can't give you the name of a proven scientific specimen but I do really believe that the metabolism can vary quite a lot
          Just look at all the people with ancestors who suffered from famine, they have insanely high rates of diabetes now, so it's not that far fetched to believe that it can also go the other way around

          >Blaming it on metabolism
          Black person go read what metabolism actually is. It goes hand in hand with cico, put the damn fork down.

          Learn to read brother

          • 1 year ago

            Metabolism is nothing more than the tdee of a person. Fatties use metabolism as a cope to stuff themselves when metabolism is the base aspect of cico. I think you should learn how to read, homosexual.

            • 1 year ago

              You said I blamed metabolism even though I said
              >and yes anon is fat due to a shitty diet
              Also im not op
              So once again, learn how to read better

          • 1 year ago

            I will make a wild guess and I would bet you and your friend are college students and your friend most likely walks around all day, and also skips meals from time to time either due to time constraints or because he is too lazy to make himself something to eat, and the reason you think he have "high metabolism" is just because you two hangound and probably eat out and he do eat a lot when you are together but due to skipping meals his overall calories intake is still around maintenance

            If you are inclined you could make the experiment and make your friend track everything he eats for a week and then have a weekly average, 100% the number would not be that impressive

            • 1 year ago

              Na he's 43
              Also I don't hang around him that much
              I mentioned him because he himself swears and complains that he can't gain weight no matter how much shit he eats which always makes me chuckle, don't know if if it is true but it might be
              Hence why I said what metabolism is good or bad depends on perspective
              And no I don't believe that someone who eats a surplus of 2000kcal a day won't get big but smaller numbers I could definitely see

      • 1 year ago

        >Blaming it on metabolism
        Black person go read what metabolism actually is. It goes hand in hand with cico, put the damn fork down.

      • 1 year ago

        I used to be very skinny with a horrible diet. It’s not metabolism, it’s portions. I would eat a bag of skittles for breakfast and then a bag of chocolate covered pretzels for lunch, nothing for dinner, and feel no hunger because I have moron body.
        Maybe appetite is genetic too, but the bottom line is it comes down to discipline. I have to force myself to eat, you have to force yourself to not eat.
        >>Aw but it’s easier for you cause you get to eat burger and I eat broccoli
        It is easier for me. Are you gonna have an autistic meltdown because life isn’t perfectly balanced and fair? Everyone skeleton you know who fills you with rage upon their pizza consumption is having to work through a different problem in their life just like you are.
        If you spend your time seeking out evidence for your helplessness, you will never achieve your goals. You will be completely correct, and completely fat.

        • 1 year ago

          I appreciate the motivational speech but if you read my post you would know that im not OP and therefore don't need it

          • 1 year ago

            Nah you’re op

      • 1 year ago

        Your stomach doesn't break the laws of thermodynamics, fat ass. You're never going to make it.

        • 1 year ago

          Do schools not teach reading anymore lmao

          Nah you’re op

          No you are

      • 1 year ago

        hahaha fat shit don't know why their fat haha

      • 1 year ago

        >Why is it so hard for some people to admit that everyone's metabolism is different

        ANY Excuse is clung to by the fatties.
        ANYTHING but eat less and exercise more!!!

      • 1 year ago

        I was 194cm 64kg at 18 yrs old. I kept telling people that I ate so much and I couldn’t gain weight. “Must be my metabolism because I play soccer so much!”. Then I got into the mandatory military crap at 19 and was force fed until I hit 80kg. It’s been 16 years and I can tell you that people who say they cant gain weight doesn’t eat enough. They might eat much right now but they wont keep eating that much consistently.

        • 1 year ago

          >I can tell you that people who say they cant gain weight doesn’t eat enough.

          Three of these drinks a day and you WILL gain weight!!

      • 1 year ago

        They hated him because he told them the truth: the post.

        • 1 year ago

          >They hated him because he told them the truth: the post.

          Fat people will even blame their own bodies, ANYTHING but accept that they need to eat less and exercise more.

  4. 1 year ago

    If they're thin it obviously means they don't always eat that much, or they're very active

    • 1 year ago

      I do actually.

      Why is it so hard for some people to admit that everyone's metabolism is different
      Yes some people are thin because they diet well and yes anon is fat due to a shitty diet
      But there are also a lot of people who also have a shitty/ high calorie diet and still don't gain weight.
      If you wanna call such a metabolism good or bad is up to you

      Yeah, I admit it. I genemog you. Post single nucleotide polymorphism reports.

      • 1 year ago

        Jfl Im subhuman. Might as well get liposuction then rope.

  5. 1 year ago

    Anon, I am 6'2 190. My brother is 6'2 175.

    If I ate like him I'd be 250 pounds in no time. Then again eating like a calorie restricted pauper I can still build muscle with ease and he has to shovel food in his face to even just maintain the muscle hes built. We go to the gym together, do the same routine and I've dramatically outpaced his progress. The tradeoff is if I'm not careful I'll become fat very easily. This is just the luck of the genetic draw. My brother got a great metabolism but has a hard time building muscle. I got the shit metabolism where I have to watch what I eat closely but I also very easily make gains and always have.

    No use crying about it. Everyone has to play the hand they are dealt. Stip being an envious butthole and be happy for people you see who are where they want to be in life. It makes it easier to stay focused on fixing or working around your own flaws.

  6. 1 year ago

    >believing any social media posts or pictures
    Fat brain's got you in its grip, none of that shit's real big slime. They ordered a foot tall milkshake with six cupcakes on a skewer, a cookies and cream bar, five macarons, and modeling chocolate/sprinkles drizzled down the side, took sixteen photos of them making an agape face at it, then sent it back to the kitchen to be thrown in a garbage can.
    If you see a cute girl dancing with her infant, she's spent the entire day beating, neglecting, and yelling at her kid who spent the time festering in a dirty shitfilled diaper.
    If you see a couple of "van lifers" laughing arm in arm in Moab, They arrived, paid a park fee, spent three hours of "golden time" taking sunset photos, and then parted ways to look at their phones in separate motel rooms, these kinds of weirdos don't even frick each other.

    None of the food is eaten, none of the furniture is rested in, none of the smiles are genuine- these photos are glimpses of hell.

    • 1 year ago

      >everyones life sucks
      >theres no way that they’re actually having fun

      • 1 year ago

        The fun having people are not professional content mills that vomit out hours of tiktoks and albums of photos every day.

  7. 1 year ago

    The difference is that those guys are lifting heavy weight like 2 hours a day every day, while also doing cardio, probably walk around most day, go out with their friends regularly and their hobbies don't consist in just mindedlessly consuming media, watching underage anime tiddies and playing league of legends all day

  8. 1 year ago

    They control themselves, they aren't just stuffing their face 24/7 like a fricking untrained dog

  9. 1 year ago

    Stop eating fattie

  10. 1 year ago

    Everywhere I look, I see people being complete successes at life with lots of friends, family, career, house, etc.. While I'm a shut in autistic loser who is afraid to socialize and has a completely and utterly worthless life and can't muster any motivation to improve because I've been a failure for my entire life. Life sucks so much, I'm jinxed.

    • 1 year ago

      Literally me

  11. 1 year ago

    move more

  12. 1 year ago

    >I see slim and fit people eating massive meals

    Stop watching people EAT!!!
    Find something else to think about instead of food!!!

    • 1 year ago

      How? I have no hobbies besides cooking. Food is all I think about. Even while fasting I spend all day watching food videos on YouTube.

      • 1 year ago

        >How? I have no hobbies besides cooking.

        Then get into video gaming,
        Conquer Skyrim, Fallout 4, Grim Dawn, Diablo 3, etc.
        Or get an eager sex partner

  13. 1 year ago

    Your body has memory, once you're fat you have special fat cells that are like balloons. They fill up when you eat garbage and deflate when you cut, but they don't go away. When you eat your body is doing what you've trained it to do, convert food into fat and store it away. It doesn't know you want muscle, it just knows that you keep filling the fuel tank when it's already full and now it has to put all that shit somewhere. You have to retrain your body to need muscle through constant stress and shock. Send a louder signal to your body than the signal that is telling it to store fat.

    Eat massive burgers, eat pizza, eat all that shit. Go for it, but then run 3 miles, or spend an hour lifting to fail on every set. Take cold showers, turn yourself into a pain engine.

    • 1 year ago

      Not trying to be a dick, I'm actually pretty interested in what you're saying. But can you post anymore info/vids/whatever explaining this more?

  14. 1 year ago

    Yeah but you want to eat massive burgers and pizzas while thin normies maybe do that kind of thing max once a week
    Get a grip

  15. 1 year ago

    >force myself to eat cottage cheese or a small plate of chicken and broccoli.
    Fricking fat moron lmao. Next time I'm out, I'm going to make sure to eat pizza and huge burgers in front of obese people like you.

  16. 1 year ago

    good morning sir

    • 1 year ago

      either that or a bong, which is arguably worse

    • 1 year ago

      good morning madam

  17. 1 year ago

    Just lift and move more+eat less. Some of us have to eat less, others have issues gaining weight.
    Most have to struggle through something, and the best you can do is do it.

  18. 1 year ago

    Not OP but:
    >be me
    >put on weight extremely easily
    >decide to try one of those machines at the gym that tells you your BMR / caloric maintenance
    >tells me it's 1600 calories
    So my options are eat like a bird, and if I go out to eat with friends I basically have to order off the fricking kids menu, or I blow up like a balloon. Great.

    • 1 year ago

      It's shit like this that makes me believe that hobbits should almost all be morbidly obese.

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