ex fat anons did people treat you differently after you lost weight?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Evryone who called me fat now says I'm too skinny despite being well within normal range. They also ask me how I did it despite the answer being obvious, eat less food.

    • 1 year ago

      exactly what this anon said plus I am treated way better in general which has the negative effect of making you reconsider the motive of every single person that ever talks to you again.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. Significantly. People are a lot more open to talking to you and even initiate the conversations themselves and when you're an autist like me and
        , you can't help but think they want something from you. Women are generally more open to going out of their way to help which I still cant help but find weird. I'm not even as lean as I need to be so this basically convinced me that the "life starts at 12% bf" meme is true. One thing that I'm not sure of yet is whether people treat me differently because I weigh less, or because I value myself more since I've become more confident. Regardless, the outcome is the same so it doesn't really matter at the end.

        • 1 year ago

          I lost 70lbs, gained muscle and I'm still not confident. Still insanely suicidal, no motivation, no goal, no future plans, no passions. Getting fit did nothing for me. Still haven't been laid in 9 years and I'm 30.

          • 1 year ago

            I can't imagine what you've gone through to be the way you've described yourself and your situation but know that you're not alone. It might sound by the way I spoke about my experience after losing a lot of weight that I have the world by the ass but I just overcame the darkest chapter of my life so far. Still have the suicide note I wrote at the start of this year. I don't want to push my religion on you but I found my peace in the Catholic faith. I'm also a virgin at 25 but I don't look at it as a negative at all. Find ways to enjoy each day you have on this earth in itself. Make good decision along the way, put yourself in tough positions to improve in the areas where you know you have problems in. Don't abandon the principle of struggle and help others . How you feel now could be the complete opposite in 6 months depending on yourself. Don't give up on this beautiful life that is gifted to us each day. I know you'll make it, anon. Godspeed.

            • 1 year ago

              having gone from turbo virgin to slaying sex is incredibly overrated. i started volunteering at a church recently and its consistently rewarding. i was very suicidal for over 20 years but i t's seemed to go away for the most part.

            • 1 year ago

              I felt like this since that was 15. I was homeless on the side of railroad tracks last year. 70lbs down, 7k saved up, I tried the church thing before. Nothing seems to work anymore. I lost all interest in pretty much everything. I might as well still be on the railroad tracks. The only constant in my life is my suicidal ideation and depression. I'm never happy. I was born to be shit on.

              • 1 year ago

                That's unironically amazing. You've overcome obstacles as big as they come so I'm not worried about your resilience. Hold your neck up sky high. Losing interest is fine but keep looking for new things to love and appreciate in life. Also stop self deprecating and saying those utter trash about yourself. No one will love you until you learn to love yourself. That may sound like the most generic jibberish you've ever heard but its true. If you're in the west, you're already doing better than 85% of the world. I'm dead conceived that you'll overcome anything so as long as you stick it out. Protestant churches are "fine" but they fall short of the real thing. I hope I'm not coming of as preachy here, but I'm genuinely proud of the person you are for overcoming whatever life has thrown at you.

              • 1 year ago

                I wanna lash out at you for being so positive. But thanks. I'll keep moving forward. Don't know how to self love. I've watch so many videos and so many books but nothing clicks. I guess I'll suffer until it works. < Cope but I guess that's all there is.

              • 1 year ago

                Hey anon, I've been on a similar path before. Have you considered linking up with a GP or a psych? By how you are describing things, it seems like you need more than self-help advice at this point.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not even being nice I didn't say anything that wasn't true. You're a tough mfer and every dog has its day. Just because the first 30 years were shit doesn't mean the other 30 has to be shit too.

                Hey anon, I've been on a similar path before. Have you considered linking up with a GP or a psych? By how you are describing things, it seems like you need more than self-help advice at this point.

                this might not be the worst idea I usually despise speech therapy on default but it might help in your case.

              • 1 year ago

                I tried therapy and medicine on and off you 12 years. Nothing helped. I even did dnt therapy and multiple group therapies.

                >Just because the first 30 years were shit doesn't mean the other 30 has to be shit too.

                Doesn't have to be sure. It most likely will suck. Everything I try to do I fail at. I get back up and try again fail over and over again. I've never gotten anything I wanted in my life. I was created to just be shit on by others.

              • 1 year ago

                Dbt* therapy

              • 1 year ago

                Do you have a humiliation fetish or smth?You're reminding me of that fat black guy that makes a thread on here everyday calling himself a loser. I keep telling you to stop putting yourself down but you go on and on. Again, I can't even imagine how fricked life is or the traumatic shit you went through when you were homeless but that's in the past bro. Fricking pound your chest and take what's yours from this life. Love yourself and know that you deserve to be loved. I'll keep you in my prayers.

              • 1 year ago

                No I don't have a humiliation fetish. It just has zero self-confidence and zero self-esteem. Thanks for the kind words. I don't think any amount of words from someone else will fix me. I have to figure it out myself. Everyone does. It just seems all luck-based. I have brief moments of hope but they always get destroyed by the weight of reality.

              • 1 year ago

                Precisely that. I know how you feel when it comes to being unmoved by words of others. It's all up to you of what you want to do with your life and that's God's gift of free will. You want to be miserable for the rest of your life? Fine. Help others and overcome the obstacles of life? Fine as well. You choose. (The fetish comment was rhetorical btw I was trying to pump you up)

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I'm aware I didn't take offense. This is where we depart. I don't believe in free will or God. There isn't enough convincing evidence for either.

              • 1 year ago

                And let me add if everything you said just comes down to Faith then it comes back to a confidence / self-esteem issue. Faith is no more than blind confidence.

              • 1 year ago

                Why would you not believe in free will?

              • 1 year ago

                The universe is energy. Energy moves in a specific way. Everything's made out of energy. We are not separate from the universe. We move in a specific way. Free will is 100% an illusion.

              • 1 year ago

                >Energy moves in a specific way.
                No it doesn't. There's an inherent randomness over where and how high energy is at a certain time and location.

              • 1 year ago

                There is no randomness. Randomness doesn't exist. Just cuz you don't understand something doesn't mean it's random. What you said was true we wouldn't be able to throw baseballs to each other consistently we wouldn't be able to shoot satellites into asteroids millions of miles away. Our understanding about energy moves is algorithms/equations. Our understanding gets more precise each day. Randomness doesn't exist. Randomness is a cope for our lack of understanding. Just like how Galileo said Angel's pushed the planets around the Sun. Cuz he didn't understand gravity.

              • 1 year ago

                If what you said*

              • 1 year ago

                >There is no randomness.
                "Radioactive decay is a stochastic (i.e. random) process at the level of single atoms"

              • 1 year ago

                >There is no randomness. Randomness doesn't exist.
                It does exist on a fundamental level.
                >Just cuz you don't understand something doesn't mean it's random.
                Local hidden variables have been thoroughly debunked.
                >What you said was true we wouldn't be able to throw baseballs to each other consistently we wouldn't be able to shoot satellites into asteroids millions of miles away.
                It just appears to be determinitic on the macro level.
                >Our understanding about energy moves is algorithms/equations.
                Randomness is part of that equation.
                >Randomness is a cope for our lack of understanding.
                Again, local hidden variables have been debunked. The only alternative aka superdetermism is even more moronic and still doesn't answer where the universe came from if everything is deterministic.

                Just because you don't understand something makes it random. Random is impossible. There's always a cause and effect. Just because some things insanely complex doesn't mean it's random. It means you don't understand it.

              • 1 year ago

                That sounds like a revolution in physics then.
                We'll take you seriously after you'll at least submit your paper on the subject.

              • 1 year ago

                >Just because you don't understand something makes it random.
                What we do know with certainity is that there are no local hidden variables.
                >Random is impossible.
                Why would it be impossible? If it was, explain where the universe or god came from?

              • 1 year ago

                >What we do know with certainity is that there are no local hidden variables.

                Dark matter. Gg you're welcome. We are constantly surrounded by local hidden variables. But that's a dumb term anyways. Because they are not hidden the right there they're just complex and we don't understand them completely. But once we started understanding quantum mechanics we sure created computers and ways to use quantum mechanics and useful practical ways. Weird huh it's almost like our understanding of something makes this "randomness" Not an actual thing. Just because there's spooky action at a distance doesn't mean there's randomness in the universe. It means there's a complex thing happening that we don't understand.

              • 1 year ago

                >Dark matter. Gg you're welcome.
                Dark matter has literally nothing to do with the randomized effects observed in various physical processes.

              • 1 year ago

                It objectively does. But I don't care about arguing about this for the umpteenth trillion quadrillion tonsmillion time on IST. There's nothing to do with the actual conversation we were having.

              • 1 year ago

                >It objectively does.
                No it doesn't. Dark matter is just the observation that there's more gravity in this universe than expected by the regular matter alone. That's why the current theories are either modified gravity theory (gravity works differently on larger scales) or that there are particles similar to neutrinos but even more difficult to detect. It doesn't have anything to do with how quantum effects occur.

              • 1 year ago

                Like I said I don't care enough to argue with you online. Literally everything has to do with quantum effects.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop being a brainlet who repeats crap about "science" from tiktok.

              • 1 year ago

                I can't care less what you think about me. I don't do that. But believe what you want it seems like you already do.

              • 1 year ago

                I believe in actual science, unlike you.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Yeah these are two other anons you're talking to about the whole physics thing I haven't said anything since the "free will" reply. Anyways, you're right, arguing is pointless and I will not try to convince you over an anonymous message board to believe in ecclesiastical teachings. I genuinely hope you turn your life and attitude around tho.


                Read this

                is onto something I've always recommended this book.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I'll have to give a the book a look through I guess. Already been through a lot of this philosophy shit. It seems like religion for Midwits. Sorry if that comes off as mean just how I see it.

              • 1 year ago

                >Random is impossible
                Are you refuting the big bang? Do you believe in god, then? God is the only answer for the universe coming into existence if you think random is impossible.
                Genetic mutations... Aren't those random? Some genetic mutations allow the offspring to survive deadly stimuli, others don't - which suggests randomness.
                Random things can happen, but you are a pseudo-intellectual with too much time spent on youtube and wikipedia.

              • 1 year ago

                The Big bang was created one two other universes collided into each other creating ours. We will never be able to know what happened before the beginning of happening. There's a lot of questions we have that will never get the answer to because we are incapable of experiencing the universe that it's full range. Such is our life.

              • 1 year ago

                >There is no randomness. Randomness doesn't exist.
                It does exist on a fundamental level.
                >Just cuz you don't understand something doesn't mean it's random.
                Local hidden variables have been thoroughly debunked.
                >What you said was true we wouldn't be able to throw baseballs to each other consistently we wouldn't be able to shoot satellites into asteroids millions of miles away.
                It just appears to be determinitic on the macro level.
                >Our understanding about energy moves is algorithms/equations.
                Randomness is part of that equation.
                >Randomness is a cope for our lack of understanding.
                Again, local hidden variables have been debunked. The only alternative aka superdetermism is even more moronic and still doesn't answer where the universe came from if everything is deterministic.

              • 1 year ago

                >We move in a specific way. Free will is 100% an illusion.
                Apparently not, on a fundamental level.

              • 1 year ago

                Read this

              • 1 year ago

                Do you think it might be your environment? Have you thought of a change of scenery?

                I find that I've made the biggest leaps in life when I've been pushed out of my comfort zone - when I've gone somewhere away from people I know, forced to put myself out there are meet new people. I find I am not weighed down by the version of myself that I perceive other people to view me as, instead I can be the best version of myself. And if you're in a bad environment, that can contribute to a huge amount of your negative mental health. Don't give up, things can and will get better.

              • 1 year ago

                I moved to the other side of the USA to live with my grandparents. I've changed scenery before. I constantly think about leaving and trying to be homeless again.

              • 1 year ago

                Have you considered writing a book about it, a small autobiography? Underdog stories have the most chances of selling like cookies with speed on them.
                At worst you idle your time until death away in a way different from usual, at best you get money out of it and maybe benefit inside from the instropection.

              • 1 year ago

                Would be just a self-hate book. Hopefully the only reason I'm still alive is because my grandparents took me in and I was homeless. Others consider me a loser and since I'm so deprived of any validation inner or outer I agree. Their words have merrit no matter how hard I try.

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                I don't know why it said hopefully. Voice to text has gotten so bad the last year it's insane.

        • 1 year ago

          Non-autistic anon here.
          >because I weigh less
          Yes. Because you're not a pain in the ass to look at, you're not a pain in the ass to deal with (at least not right away), because you no longer smell like a fat frick and because of a myriad of other inconveniences that fat fricks cause. The fact that you're not a sweaty, smelly, noisy mass of lard that's constantly in my way makes me treat you better.
          The confidence thing is also true, though.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. Significantly. People are a lot more open to talking to you and even initiate the conversations themselves and when you're an autist like me and
        , you can't help but think they want something from you. Women are generally more open to going out of their way to help which I still cant help but find weird. I'm not even as lean as I need to be so this basically convinced me that the "life starts at 12% bf" meme is true. One thing that I'm not sure of yet is whether people treat me differently because I weigh less, or because I value myself more since I've become more confident. Regardless, the outcome is the same so it doesn't really matter at the end.

        >tfw people are open to talking to me even when i'm fat
        might be because i have a based voice and i look quite jolly.

  2. 1 year ago

    You start getting laid easy once you are normal weight. All the incel whining about women being prostitutes is 100% true, all you have to be is lean

    • 1 year ago

      Lean, decently tall and have a full head of hair*

    • 1 year ago

      This. Women basically throw themselves at you when you're lean or muscular or both. Suddenly even the b***hy nurses at the hospital treat you nice. Women start weird conversations with you about how horny they are and how they haven't had sex in forever. I mean completely inappropriate shit. They'll just throw it at you.

  3. 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    I went from 120kg to 83kg. I get comments from people who haven’t seen me in a while. In the service industry I get treated marginally better.

    No attention from women but I’m probably an outlier

  5. 1 year ago

    yes they started treating me like people because I became one.

  6. 1 year ago

    Girls talk to me more in Uni, but while I was fat I barely left my room and went to online classes. My sisters mention how skinny I am when I go home during breaks.

  7. 1 year ago

    Yeah, I get “volunteered” for more manual labor now. People tease me about having a girlish figure and how I need to eat more. Or people around me say they are getting healthier too, but they lie and stick to shit diet & habits.

  8. 1 year ago

    >people are nicer when I'm not offending their senses

  9. 1 year ago

    Went from being a fat loser on israelite pills to objective 10 face and stellar body under clothes(just look like a jacked dad under shirts). Everyone is fake, everyone is materialistic. My girlfriend made the mistake of taking me to the mall for Christmas shopping and for every single hot girl there, there was a significantly less attractive guy with her. I cannot fathom what I am doing with this fatass. She had a fricking breakdown about me asking her to do a few chores while I work and do nearly everything. I fricking had a new girl every week and a literal harem before her. What the frick is wrong with me. My Dad was right. Andrew Tate was right. Love from Kazakhstan.

    • 1 year ago

      >anon gets red pilled

      • 1 year ago

        I always have been, but I did not have a vehement disgust for women until I started hooking up more and especially before I met this girl. Literal 5 seconds of silence and fricking tiktok comes out. I swear to god if I hear another moron reading a reddit story I will snap in an irreversible way.

        • 1 year ago

          Hookups are for low class people. You involved yourself with lowly people and are surprised about the result.

          • 1 year ago

            Shut the frick up moron. No one gives a frick about your class. Everyone goes into the fricking dirt and dies. I'd rather have a hookups and have some sort of validation then zero validation at all.

            • 1 year ago

              >everybody goes into the dirt and dies
              Not even able to imagine something more.

              • 1 year ago

                I create plenty of imaginary possibilities all the time. Doesn't make them real. Your imagination too.

              • 1 year ago

                Sure, I’m able to imagine having pharaonic levels of wealth, but does it mean I have a chance of getting it?

              • 1 year ago

                You have a chance. But that chance is 1 in (the number of all atoms in the universe)

            • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                We have been genetically modified over millions of years to require validation from the group. Humans are a social animal. I wish I didn't need validation but everyone does. You can stoicism cope all you want.

  10. 1 year ago

    Lost 80-90 lbs. People say I'm attractive now, I get more looks and get hit on by men. Women just stare. I can run with my shirt off.

    Doesn't help lol, still haggard, tired, depressed and alienated.

    Oh and I developed epilepsy after I lost the weight too.

    • 1 year ago

      >get hit on by men
      stop being gay

      • 1 year ago

        It's like cashier's and baristas homie. They always adopt that fricking tone of voice and it always pisses me off.

        On the plus side, I had a bar tender (female) hit on me, that was nice. She had a giga nose though.

        I have gotten laid because of this though, so it's worth the effort

        • 1 year ago

          >attractive to israelites

          Bro, wtf did you do

          • 1 year ago

            Got rich

  11. 1 year ago

    Went from 106kg to 78kg. Still a bit chubby. Will lose more fat. Interactions have been split.
    >woah man that's amazing job keep at it!
    >oh no dont go getting too skinny!
    >be careful so you wont get an eating disorder
    prostitute, you wouldn't even talk to me when I was a giga fatso. What the frick is wrong with women?

    • 1 year ago

      a lot of women will probably be jealous

      • 1 year ago

        That's true. The eating disorder comment did come from a recently ballooned up girls and one if them has major daddy issues.

        >What the frick is wrong with women?
        Insecure men have trouble saying anything, insecure women are more likely to speak nonsense to fill a silence.

        Another possibility is that they were trying to make a joke, anon.

        Try to move past stupid comments.

        Yeah obviously I'm not gonna let a woman's opinion keep me from becoming better.
        Like this gentleman


        I have had similar responses from women. Weight is an extremely sensitive topic for women and they have a billion cognitive dissonances about it.

        Think about the most schizo keto-gay on IST ree-ing about how CICO is not real. That's the average woman.

        said. It's all just cope. Keep going brothers! WAGMI!

    • 1 year ago

      >What the frick is wrong with women?
      Insecure men have trouble saying anything, insecure women are more likely to speak nonsense to fill a silence.

      Another possibility is that they were trying to make a joke, anon.

      Try to move past stupid comments.

    • 1 year ago

      I have had similar responses from women. Weight is an extremely sensitive topic for women and they have a billion cognitive dissonances about it.

      Think about the most schizo keto-gay on IST ree-ing about how CICO is not real. That's the average woman.

    • 1 year ago

      I remember when i started lifting and had decent noob gains, when i mentioned to a girl at the uni she said something along the lines
      >"Really? i dont think so"
      Im still mad every time i think about it, not as mad as i was for the entire year since then but. Anyway, never received encouragement from anyone for nothing except to fail and never will be other way. Do this for yourself man, its a long and lonely road but its worth it to become the man you have the potential to become.

    • 1 year ago

      Losing weight makes women feel bad for not losing weight so the insecure ones shit on people who do

  12. 1 year ago

    still a social reject, ask again when i'm in college

  13. 1 year ago

    I’m down 100lbs from my heaviest weight and have worked in a gym now for a year and a half. It is night and day. And it’s exactly how the previous anons put it. People who wouldn’t give me the time of day when I was a lardass all of a sudden find me interesting, charming etc. At first it fricked me over big time with dating, because I never really had a relationship since I lacked any shred of confidence due to my weight, therefore leading me to fumble the hottest girl I had ever a chance with. Still learning, but I’m miles ahead of where I was at that time. Moral of the story: if you put in the work, lost the weight, and now look like a chad, own that shit. Always be humble, but carry yourself with confidence because you earned it and don’t be a pushover. Fat isn’t just physical, it’s a mentality. wagmi boys I promise

    • 1 year ago

      Hum.. how do we overcome the "I'm a fatso, why even try" mentality? That we had most of our life?

  14. 1 year ago

    I used to be morbidly obese and people treated me with disgust. Now I'm only overweight and people either ignore me or tell me to lose more weight.

    • 1 year ago

      Lose more weight pig lord boss hog stinky whale. People should still look at you with disgust. No good enough.

  15. 1 year ago

    Never been fat my entire life. People have always been cool with me. Only thing wrong is I seem to only attract women who are 45+, even in my teens. Sucks.

  16. 1 year ago

    No. Couple of people commented on it, but that's it.

  17. 1 year ago

    Yes. 100% Yes.

    I was 230lbs 6ft when I turned 18 with no muscle. I had no friends, people treated me like shit, etc. I had an awakening that I was fat as frick, not an interesting person, and most importantly my waifu would be disappointed in me which was not okay. I kinda became anorexic and dropped down to 160 in about 9 months (Don't do this shit, I ended up getting some rare medical condition from dropping so much weight in such a short period of time, also you become skinnyfat). When I hit my weight goal I started eating again and also realized I sucked at running because I was fat, not because I had flat feet and asthma like my doctors and parents told me all my life. Everyone from professors to family and people who've never even noticed me before started talking to me differently, more respectfully. It was weird as frick but I just went with it. I got invited to college parties and girls actually talked to my autistic ass out of nowhere, was literally wtf.jpg when they started doing that. I also learned to wear normie clothes and picked up a few hobbies so I had something to talk about at the same time.

    Because I did it in such a short period of time the before and after was night and day different in how people treated me. If you are looking to get laid, that's more in social gains category.

    • 1 year ago

      what hobbies did you get into?

      • 1 year ago

        Hiking, Biking, Normie Music, Running, Reading, and competitive vidya.

  18. 1 year ago

    My autism is interpreted as funny and charming now. Also I can say whatever I want and people will believe it. Dumb shits.

  19. 1 year ago

    The sad truth when it comes to women (since lets be honest, that's what half of you fricks care about), is that being in good shape doesn't make you go from unattractive to attractive...it makes you go from completely invisible to "I'll consider...". Now that you've meet the high standards just to enter the competition, now you actually have to compete, but you don't even get to enter the competition until you clear the baseline for being "reasonably attractive". The problem is, alot of guys get to the point of meeting the attractiveness baseline, only to be total shit when it comes to their personality, career, money, confidence etc. and then wonder why they suck with women. It took me awhile to figure this out but eventually i realized that despite being a solid 7/10 in the looks department, I still wasn't pulling women like i expected.

    If you think your social/dating life is going to improve simply because you got in shape, prepare to be disappointed...you have to be above average in all regards, not just physically.

  20. 1 year ago

    Ha yeah I literally can’t even get groceries without having to frick 4 or 5 women in the aisles and guys will just grab stuff off shelves and ask what they can get for me. The checkout manager will always 0 out my purchases and then apologize to me for his store not being up to my standards.
    If I take a train people will be throwing themselves on the floor to give me their seat, and when I went to the aquarium all the fish schooled up next to the glass close to me until the tank broke.
    It’s crazy man

  21. 1 year ago

    I legit got asked if I'm on some sort of steroids at work.
    I wasn't even fit at that point just slightly less of a fat slob I was previously.

  22. 1 year ago

    Yes anon, they do, people make more positive comments on my appearance in general, and they notice and comment on my weight loss.

    But I think I treat myself better and like myself more too. I used to hate buying clothes, turns out I really like buying stylish clothing I just hated looking at my fatass self in the mirror and how nice clothes looked like potato sacks on my body.

  23. 1 year ago

    My boomer coworkers started doing all sorts of passive aggressive shit that led up to them sabotaging my work out of pure spite.
    Not all fat boomers are bucket of crabs sociopaths, but most of them are.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank you for getting us back in topic.

    • 1 year ago

      Boomers are fricking brain dead. They're literally the richest generation to ever exist. So much money and potential. They just hoard it. Frick them.

      • 1 year ago

        >They just hoard it
        And look at what's happening to them. They fricked themselves over with the housing market. There's a labor shortage everywhere, and since they are trying to get rid of medicare, people don't even want to help them in hospitals or nursing homes.
        Then they tried guilt-tripping us back into work and now they are turning on each other.
        These next 5 years are gonna be kinda funny.

        Thank you for getting us back in topic.


        • 1 year ago

          Yeah it's so funny that the world's falling apart hahaha. Smh I'm so glad I'm lonely and sad and poor and nobody loves me and nobody cares about anybody and this life is a complete fricking nightmare. Hahaha

  24. 1 year ago

    Nope, because I AM THE INVISIBLE MAN

  25. 1 year ago

    I really hope this applies to going from ~22% to 12% bodyfat or so too when you are skinnyfat/low weight
    Captcha RRRRGR lol

  26. 1 year ago

    Thread successfully derailed by a gamma that needed to make it all about himself under the guise of a cry for help. This is why nobody wants to help you you fricking piece of shit, because you are just a negative little frick. If you want to go have a nice day then say hi to Satan for me, you will be filled with the blackest depression that is possible for man, as you suddenly realize this world was paradise compared to what you will be in for. Even better that you don’t believe it.

    So anyways, yeah when I lost weight my parents said I looked smaller and it made me feel good, and my niece actually listens to me when I give her advice instead of rolling her eyes in disgust

    • 1 year ago

      Kek sorry I'll go feel somewhere else.

      • 1 year ago

        6:05 in the video


        Thread successfully derailed by a gamma that needed to make it all about himself under the guise of a cry for help. This is why nobody wants to help you you fricking piece of shit, because you are just a negative little frick. If you want to go have a nice day then say hi to Satan for me, you will be filled with the blackest depression that is possible for man, as you suddenly realize this world was paradise compared to what you will be in for. Even better that you don’t believe it.

        So anyways, yeah when I lost weight my parents said I looked smaller and it made me feel good, and my niece actually listens to me when I give her advice instead of rolling her eyes in disgust

  27. 1 year ago

    I haven't noticed anything different. In fact, nobody I didn't already tell about my weight loss to even notice/point out my change in conversation. I went from 220 to ~140. Guess I was just good at hiding it.

  28. 1 year ago

    Ex fat female. I expected guys to be different. Feels weird that my mom has never given me as many compliments on how I look until now.

  29. 1 year ago

    I was morbidly obese and now I'm far muscular. Yes. Morbidly obese guys aren't treated as humans.
    Being fat muscular you kinda get some attention, people respect you and you get treated slightly above average.

    I'm doing a lot of extended fasts right now. I want to see how is the life for ripped muscular guys.
    I wonder if it is That good..

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