Exercising and beating prediabetes

I have to start exercising, I have measured my blood sugar after wakeup and it was 118.

I am obese at this point. I have to do some good excercises that won't do much damage, but will start to diminish my blood sugar long term.

I started eating low IG diet, lean meats, whole grain and given up a lot of things except nicotine pouches.

Is there any excercise that can be done daily, befor sleep or after wakeup that'll help me beat the obesity quicker? Like excercises that exclusively burning glucose on purpose, which are those?
Is swimming good option? I am thinking of doing it daily, but my armpits are going sore after a while. Also it is not an excercise that I can do at home. I don't look obese though, I am tall, almost 2 m with 118kgs of bodyweight.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Exercise is great, sure. But its all about diet, when it comes to blood sugar.

    Now, fit is about to sperg the frick out, Moxyte is gonna crash the thread and start shouting about ketolards, ketotards are gonna start bashing dumb fricking vegans, but before that, let me tell you the real scoop.

    Either works, but a mix doesn't. What I mean by that is, you absolutely, positively have to stop mixing your macros. If you want to reverse your type 2 diabetes, and yes prediabetes is just diabetes, you get to either eat low fat, OR low carb. A balanced diet will kill you. Do your research, and either go zero carb, or very low fat. You cant go zero fat, you will die, but you can go low enough that it won't trigger the Randle Cycle. Zero carb is easier, just eat meat. Both approaches WILL work for getting your metabolic health in order. A mixed approach won't, its precisely what got you into that mess.

    As to exercise, get a good personal trainer. I used to hate those guys, but then found one that knows his shit and now I'm a believer. Especially if you're a fat frick, you could frick your shit up if you just jump under a barbell.

    There are no special sauce exercises that will help you lose weight. Such a thing does not exist. Get your diet in order, do SOME sort of exercise, and you'll get better.

    • 12 months ago

      >A balanced diet will kill you
      we might need to redfine "balanced" then.

    • 12 months ago

      Should I measure my blood sugar? Or should I just go to a doctor? My feet can tingle sometimes but I think it’s just trapped nerves and shit. My heels tend to be red too. Diet has been horrendous the last few years, eating 3000+ calories of goyslop daily, but I was previously very healthy, active.
      Really don’t want to have to take insulin and shit.

      • 12 months ago

        What? You feeling okay?

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah I feel mostly fine otherwise. Just a concern. Getting even pre diabetes seems like a huge deal to me.

          • 12 months ago

            The problem here is that you can cut one macro, not two at the same time, and each of those collide when it comes to pancreas-iver functioning.
            Yeah, I ate shit when I got my first job, I was stressed and overworking. Now, when shit is stable I can handle health and do something that will bring it back, I hope, I will get my stationary bike on Tuesday. This will get me cranking. I just wondered if they is something I can do by myself. I have added stretching.

            you got fat
            fat —> t2d

            im probably in no place to talk though since my a1c is like 6.6 just ignore me

            Isn't that a diabetes already?

            • 12 months ago

              i have t1d

          • 12 months ago

            get a glucose monitor and measure fasted or even better, get hba1c checked with a blood test

            • 12 months ago

              I already bought a gluco meter, but the measurements are fricking shitty. Blood test revealed that I have 98 sugar, while glucomètre shows 118 just after waking up, then during the day, I measured gluco after 2 h of meat, it showed 83.
              Tomorrow bi get A1C as you told me guys. It's cheap, 5 dollars.


              You're on the road to being absolutely miserable later on in your life, which will be much shorter if you don't take action now. You need to completely change your lifestyle this instant. Your free time should be spent as if you're a DBZ character.

              Bought a stationary bike, and will get a swimming card tomorrow afternoon. Also ordered pulsometr to keep the cardio in the right range.
              I think I will manage. Thanks anons.

      • 12 months ago

        >feet tingling sometimes

        Bruh, just get on a zero carb diet, do it fricking now, stop fricking around. My father died from diabetic complications at the ripe old age of 59, you don't wanna go that way.

        Yeah I feel mostly fine otherwise. Just a concern. Getting even pre diabetes seems like a huge deal to me.

        And rightfully so, because there is no such thing as "pre diabetes". You have diabetes. The human body controls sugar in a very tight band, because too little leads to death, while too much leads to glycation damage in your tissues. At the point where you're getting consistent "pre diabetic" glucose readings, the damage has been going on for years already.

        Type two can be reversed EASILY. Just stop shoving carbohydrates down your stupid neck, and your health will improve. It's that simple. No carbs, ever again, and you get to live. Keep eating carbs, and you will continue to get sicker and sicker until you die.

        • 12 months ago

          This guy has been ironic in that post.

          >There's no such thing as prediabetes.
          I will order a sugar level tomorrow as well, we will see what's the deat, I will also take this shit of a glucomètre and do the reading just after being stung with a needle to check what's the value. And I am pretty sure the values are going to be different, much more different.

          Giving up carbs completely? Do you think your brain will function? What is this crap, you can lower those, you can't ever get rid of those completely, and it's not advised even when being diabetic.

          • 12 months ago

            Sigh, yes, your brain will function. Better than it ever had in your entire life, in fact. The absolute requirement for carbohydrates in the human diet is not one single gram, ever. I haven't had a single gram of carbs for months at a time, always feel like a million bucks when on a zero carb diet.

            But I can see you'd rather listen to official recommendations. You know, the same ones that resulted in an unprecedented obesity and metabolic syndrome epidemic in the Western world? You go right ahead and do that then.

        • 12 months ago

          I don’t ever seem to adjust to no carbs I’ve tried it. Just feel shitty 24/7 on it. I suppose I’ll give it another shot after testing fasted BGL

    • 12 months ago

      This is fricking moronic. What OP needs to do.
      > Eat less
      > Stop eating sugary foods and junk
      > Stop drinking alcohol
      > Eat more vegetables,fruit and wholegrains

      • 12 months ago

        Holy frick you're stupid. That last bit in particular. NOBODY WITH DIABETES SHOULD EVER EAT A SINGLE KERNEL OF GRAIN, EVER. You dumb fricking frick! And fruit? Fricking FRUIT?

        Diabetes is a disease defined by an excess of sugar in the blood. Nothing more, nothing less. That's it. That's the entire fricking disease aetiology. It's SIMPLE. Stop shoving carbohydrate down your neck, and your diabetes goes away.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          LMAO. They more moronic people are the most confident they are. I think that's dunning kruger.

    • 12 months ago

      Why do morons post with such authority on topics they haven't even googled. Exercise increases glucose uptake independent of insulin, it does help regulate blood glucose. A healthy whole foods diet in combination with exercise will reverse diabetes. Being a lower bodyweight is critical

  2. 12 months ago

    >Like excercises that exclusively burning glucose on purpose, which are those?
    A stupid fricking question. All physical activity burns glucose, glycogen to be precise. But exercise won't make you lose weight, realistically. Still gotta do it for health, but only unfricking your nutrition will make you lose weight.

    As to exercises before sleep, I like a brisk walk or a bike ride, and some static stretching. I prefer to lift earlier in the day.

  3. 12 months ago

    damage is done anon. Try not to be so fat next time

    • 12 months ago

      dumb demotivational poster

  4. 12 months ago

    carnivore fixes that. having said that an elevated blood sugar reading in the morning is kinda normal. rule of thumb would be to drop about 10 percent of your body weight (which should be almost all fat) to see a normalization of blood sugar (youll lose liver and pancreas fat first as well as visceral fat in general which will improve function). exercise isnt really going to help as much but in general do something that pushes you to the limit. heavy deadlifts will dump your blood sugar much more and faster than walking for several hours. do carnivore and your blood sugar will normalize within about 3 weeks. you'll see first results in a bout 3-4 days. don't eat carbs its what pumps your blood sugar and keeps you fat. also yes don't mix fat and carbs, but if you go high carb it'll frick you up. source? I had the beetus. carnivore and fasting fixed it.

  5. 12 months ago

    Start fasting. It cures type 2 diabetes along with most everything caused by modern habits of stuffing our faces with garbage morning, noon and night with no rest.

    • 12 months ago

      I did fasting twice, my head went numb and I couldn't think at all. I did keto/paleo diet too. I lost a lot of weight back then, but I started gaining it again.


      Exercise is great, sure. But its all about diet, when it comes to blood sugar.

      Now, fit is about to sperg the frick out, Moxyte is gonna crash the thread and start shouting about ketolards, ketotards are gonna start bashing dumb fricking vegans, but before that, let me tell you the real scoop.

      Either works, but a mix doesn't. What I mean by that is, you absolutely, positively have to stop mixing your macros. If you want to reverse your type 2 diabetes, and yes prediabetes is just diabetes, you get to either eat low fat, OR low carb. A balanced diet will kill you. Do your research, and either go zero carb, or very low fat. You cant go zero fat, you will die, but you can go low enough that it won't trigger the Randle Cycle. Zero carb is easier, just eat meat. Both approaches WILL work for getting your metabolic health in order. A mixed approach won't, its precisely what got you into that mess.

      As to exercise, get a good personal trainer. I used to hate those guys, but then found one that knows his shit and now I'm a believer. Especially if you're a fat frick, you could frick your shit up if you just jump under a barbell.

      There are no special sauce exercises that will help you lose weight. Such a thing does not exist. Get your diet in order, do SOME sort of exercise, and you'll get better.

      You mean mixing macro in a meal right? I think it is a good advice, but how come I can eat only fats or only carbs, or only amino?
      I had a personal trainer once, fricker gave me diet that was counter to what I was excercising. It was pointless. I did callorie counting, it failed miserably. Putting this stuff to use was nonsense, people lie about the kcal measurements and cooking meal changes the nutri value.
      I thought of swimming because it also puts to use every part of your body to work. But I thought that I can do something after waking up that would be calorie intensive.

      damage is done anon. Try not to be so fat next time

      I know right, I just measured the blood again, it's 83 after a fricking meal. I don't get it. When I did blood screen in lab it was 98 (without prior food, very early)


      >A balanced diet will kill you
      we might need to redfine "balanced" then.

      I think I know what he means, he says that each meal has to be for one macro rather than all of them at once.

      carnivore fixes that. having said that an elevated blood sugar reading in the morning is kinda normal. rule of thumb would be to drop about 10 percent of your body weight (which should be almost all fat) to see a normalization of blood sugar (youll lose liver and pancreas fat first as well as visceral fat in general which will improve function). exercise isnt really going to help as much but in general do something that pushes you to the limit. heavy deadlifts will dump your blood sugar much more and faster than walking for several hours. do carnivore and your blood sugar will normalize within about 3 weeks. you'll see first results in a bout 3-4 days. don't eat carbs its what pumps your blood sugar and keeps you fat. also yes don't mix fat and carbs, but if you go high carb it'll frick you up. source? I had the beetus. carnivore and fasting fixed it.

      Is carnivore anything similar to keto? Is it just meat and greens? It's high in iron diet. Also what about liver/pancreas? It is disabled completely then and brain needs them carbs to think.

      Try training flexibility first. Make sure that if you take a bad blow, your bones turn rather than crunch. I like the quarterstaff for this. It's great at helping you stretch and will give you strong wrists, arms, shoulders, and it will force you to learn how to balance. Mine is approximately as tall as I am, and I started by just seeing how it could possibly move without hitting me, and as I got comfortable with that I started realizing more complicated and physically demanding things I could do.

      When I was a kid 7-14 I excercises alot. I have kind of a start there but damn, time got by and I hate going to gym, I hate people, when then talk. Swimming pool solves this shit, they have to take a breath to speak, which they frankly can't. But I need somehow to get to the gym to train my back. That's why home excercises are the thing. It's a vicious cycle, I want to break it.

      • 12 months ago

        I think that you shouldn't mix carbs and fats because of the randle cycle, I'm a moron so someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also do strenght training because and cardio because those thinga are good for losing weight and lowering blood sugar.

      • 12 months ago

        >I did fasting twice, my head went numb and I couldn't think at all
        Do it again, just go with intermittent fasting to start, 16:8 for example. Fasting is genuinely beneficial and pretty much hard counters diabetes.

      • 12 months ago

        >I used to be 450 pounds
        Fix your diet first, then do the things you "like" doing while exercising or rather, do things you don't hate. I thought 1rm and 1 minute on the bike as fast as possible was fun as frick.

        To "cure" diabetes you have to restrict one macro nutrient type. OR you can fast HOWEVER BOTH OF THESE RESULT IN WEIGHTLOSS AND CALORIE RESTRICTION, WHICH IS THE GOAL-ish

        You can't restrict protein (safely) (<90g is low protein, eat 1.6-2.4g/kg or .75-1.0g/lb)
        You can restrict carbs to 0 for short durations (like 9 months if obeast)
        You can restrict fats to 25% of bodyweight in pounds, or 50% of bodyweight in kilograms, but a safer amount is 30% in lbs or 75% in kg.

        Also calories are all that matters for weight loss, protein matters for fat loss, carbs make sure you dont "feel like shit" and fats make sure you dont hormonally go to shit. You don't have to count, but remember that you "can eat anything" and lose weight.

        Diet soda, fake sugar, etc, is okay to use, I know many t2 and knew 2 t1's and everything was good.

        There's no "optimal macro breakdown" frick that.

        Type Mike Israetel into google to figure out how to exercise, probably best bang for your buck, is he le heckin science? yes, does he give you the simple breakdown? yes.

        Alternatively, look into GLP-1 agonists if you really cant put the fork down

        • 12 months ago

          >I did fasting twice, my head went numb and I couldn't think at all
          Do it again, just go with intermittent fasting to start, 16:8 for example. Fasting is genuinely beneficial and pretty much hard counters diabetes.

          also consider intermittent or polonged fasting, start with 4 hours from last meal, work up to 20. If you would like, consider up to 72 hours, you probably only ever have to do it once a month for 72 hours, even that is a lot.

          Or 16-8 or 18-6 or 20-4 or 23-1 daily

          • 12 months ago

            >16-8 or 18-6 or 20-4 or 23-1
            I don't even know what it means.
            Is it in hours? What about water, prescription drugs etc?

            To solve the calories I once ordered the box diet with a reduced calories (2200/day) and I fricking gained weight, I started having yellow stools, frick that. I have to do excercises.

            >I used to be 450 pounds
            Fix your diet first, then do the things you "like" doing while exercising or rather, do things you don't hate. I thought 1rm and 1 minute on the bike as fast as possible was fun as frick.

            To "cure" diabetes you have to restrict one macro nutrient type. OR you can fast HOWEVER BOTH OF THESE RESULT IN WEIGHTLOSS AND CALORIE RESTRICTION, WHICH IS THE GOAL-ish

            You can't restrict protein (safely) (<90g is low protein, eat 1.6-2.4g/kg or .75-1.0g/lb)
            You can restrict carbs to 0 for short durations (like 9 months if obeast)
            You can restrict fats to 25% of bodyweight in pounds, or 50% of bodyweight in kilograms, but a safer amount is 30% in lbs or 75% in kg.

            Also calories are all that matters for weight loss, protein matters for fat loss, carbs make sure you dont "feel like shit" and fats make sure you dont hormonally go to shit. You don't have to count, but remember that you "can eat anything" and lose weight.

            Diet soda, fake sugar, etc, is okay to use, I know many t2 and knew 2 t1's and everything was good.

            There's no "optimal macro breakdown" frick that.

            Type Mike Israetel into google to figure out how to exercise, probably best bang for your buck, is he le heckin science? yes, does he give you the simple breakdown? yes.

            Alternatively, look into GLP-1 agonists if you really cant put the fork down

            >one macro nutrient type
            I get that I should eat less carbs then, but as I said, what else is there to make it work. I am currently using pumpernickel/wholegrain bread (it's like there's no flour at all, just grains). I have bought scotch thistle (ground version) and phospholipidum essentiale (300mg).
            Just ate tofu cheese with tomatoes and roasted sunflower seeds, no oil, anything.
            >Diet soda
            I had plenty of those in the past, I sincerely think it was because of those that it got me screwed.

            Also there's a problem with liver diet. Either to make it calm you have to have easily digestible meals, or if you want to lower blood sugar you have to eat whole grains. What a shitty organ that is.

            blood glucose isn't a very good metric, it's unstable as frick, can be affected by many things like stress, infection, exercise, not fasting properly, etc etc.

            a much better metric and indicator for pre-diabetes is A1C. get your A1C checked ASAP.

            >t. thought i had pre-diabetes because my glucose was 100, then my A1C came back as 5.2% which is perfect

            A1C is kind of amino prognosis of sugar consumption by the organism, is that it? I thought of doing sugar overload test to check if it is okay.

            • 12 months ago

              A1C measures how much glucose is absorbed into your hemoglobin. since hemoglobin lives in your body for a very long time, a single A1C test can give an estimate for your average blood glucose levels over the last 3 months. hence why it's way more stable than simply measuring blood glucose at a given point in time.

  6. 12 months ago

    Diabetes is 95% diet. Just cut out processed bullshit eat whole foods. Don't really need to be at a deficit even, as long as it's maintenance and healthy food you can drive your A1C down.

    Good luck. I had an A1C in the mid 6s on the way to insulin injection town and now it's 5.5

  7. 12 months ago

    Try training flexibility first. Make sure that if you take a bad blow, your bones turn rather than crunch. I like the quarterstaff for this. It's great at helping you stretch and will give you strong wrists, arms, shoulders, and it will force you to learn how to balance. Mine is approximately as tall as I am, and I started by just seeing how it could possibly move without hitting me, and as I got comfortable with that I started realizing more complicated and physically demanding things I could do.

  8. 12 months ago

    blood glucose isn't a very good metric, it's unstable as frick, can be affected by many things like stress, infection, exercise, not fasting properly, etc etc.

    a much better metric and indicator for pre-diabetes is A1C. get your A1C checked ASAP.

    >t. thought i had pre-diabetes because my glucose was 100, then my A1C came back as 5.2% which is perfect

  9. 12 months ago

    Fasting for 16 hours, eating for a window of 8.

    Water is basic, half a gallon a day minimum, shoot for 1 gallon, you probably don't need more than 2.

    Buy a weighted food scale, and download a calorie counter app for free, if you don't know the calories, don't eat it.

    Carbs are the "easiest to remove" yes, but carbs taste good, and give me insane volume per calorie. You dont have to go keto, hell you dont even have to restrict carbs, but just know that's an avenue, if it leads to binging? don't do it. The easiest solution is to do "net carbs" and or just eat veggies/fruit for your carb sources, and no, don't eat fruit juice or dried fruit, I mean the real stuff.

    Diet soda didn't do it, and don't do any "liver diet", just research about nutrition. Despite everything I said you should take all of it as non-fact.

    Like I said if you need, really need drugs, look into GLP-1's. you can even get them online now a days. (not legally obv but who cares)

    • 12 months ago

      I don't know that one, I have been given a prescription for Lipanthyl Supra after lipid blood test. But if I can do this without drugs, that's much better.

      A1C measures how much glucose is absorbed into your hemoglobin. since hemoglobin lives in your body for a very long time, a single A1C test can give an estimate for your average blood glucose levels over the last 3 months. hence why it's way more stable than simply measuring blood glucose at a given point in time.

      Yes, this one, I was thinking about this test. I'll do I tomorrow.

      • 12 months ago

        It appears you were given a lipid modulator, as in you have liver issues.

        GLP-1's cause a slow insulin bleed taking a massive burden off your pancreas. They also essentially ruin your appetite and make it hard to eat at higher doses. A truly modern medical marvel. They will help pre-diabetes, type 2 (please god if it's type 1 don't use it) and obesity.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, I was given, but I don't want to use it. It destroys muscles very rapidly. 3 month therapy kills 10% of muscles, including not only skeletal muscles.
          This drug is an intensive shit. I want to do this by excercising and diet if possible, I will post tomorrow with the A1C results, wish me beat of luck.
          I have glucose level after 2 hours after the meal 108.
          Tomorrow I will get lipid measurement device.
          I have heard that cardio is good, and swimming touches all parts of the excercises regimes and also does not overload the backbone, which in my case is a fricking problematic.

          Thank you all anons for advice.
          I will have to talk with doctors more after that.
          I have ordered stationary bike to do the morning excercises.
          With the power of 4chin I will get better. Amazing.

          • 12 months ago

            >if possible
            Well are you willing to stick to a way of eating? Don't think of it like a diet even. I'd just go full carnivore, quickest results from where you're at.

            • 12 months ago

              Yes, I think I can stick to a way of eating, I have done so since I received the results.
              Wholegrain, low fat diary, no milk though. Lean meat, chickens, low fat pork parts, veal also low fat. Brown rice, buckwheat groats, lettuce tomatoes, cucumber, beetroots, spinach(small amounts). Califlouer and similar. Pesto/guacamole as a butter replacement, leek to enhance flavor, no added salt, just mineral water.
              Carnivore seems like fatty diet/way of eating, my triglycerides would sound even higher than now.

  10. 12 months ago

    this homie had a choice to avoid diabetes and went against it lmaooooo
    t. t1d

    • 12 months ago

      What chance, what is the deal here, what are you implying even?

      • 12 months ago

        t2d is avoidable in 99.792% of cases
        t1d is unavoidable

        • 12 months ago

          What do you mean that I could avoid D2 and went against? I have another battery of tests tomorrow and want to avoid it.
          Does gathering information from you guys means it's "um bad homie"?

          • 12 months ago

            you got fat
            fat —> t2d

            im probably in no place to talk though since my a1c is like 6.6 just ignore me

  11. 12 months ago

    You'll want to start meal prepping. Buy a scale to weigh your food, some nice glass meal containers, and get rid of your snacks. Look into zone 2 cardio, and do a ton of it (3hr a week minimum). In my opinion, a recumbent exercise bike is the best form of cardio. You're gonna want to lift too, muscle mass will help a ton. Do your research. Peter Attia has outstanding podcasts that I'm sure will help you, definitely check them out!

  12. 12 months ago

    You're on the road to being absolutely miserable later on in your life, which will be much shorter if you don't take action now. You need to completely change your lifestyle this instant. Your free time should be spent as if you're a DBZ character.

  13. 12 months ago

    Take fenugreek with high carb meals for lower blood sugar.

    • 12 months ago

      This is a bit extreme for me, I once ate too many sunflower seeds, only after crushing a fingernail I discovered the side effects. I don't know about it, what is the mechanism of action there?

      Why do morons post with such authority on topics they haven't even googled. Exercise increases glucose uptake independent of insulin, it does help regulate blood glucose. A healthy whole foods diet in combination with exercise will reverse diabetes. Being a lower bodyweight is critical

      I thought that to that it is too simple if a solution, eating only something diet is what I already tried, it works, but it's not worth it, maybe when you are professional bodybuilder and this 0,5% of fat makes you look like a Schwartz und Negger.

      Exercises that is, I mentioned swimming, I love it. Just have to collect the right equipment.


      Sigh, yes, your brain will function. Better than it ever had in your entire life, in fact. The absolute requirement for carbohydrates in the human diet is not one single gram, ever. I haven't had a single gram of carbs for months at a time, always feel like a million bucks when on a zero carb diet.

      But I can see you'd rather listen to official recommendations. You know, the same ones that resulted in an unprecedented obesity and metabolic syndrome epidemic in the Western world? You go right ahead and do that then.

      No, is not that. As I pointed out previously, I did keto. I know it works, I know how much energy I did have after that diet. But there was missing something. I don't know if that's the case, but diet is not only macros. I sometimes had extreme urge to eat a patte with some sour cabbage. Then I realised, that my body just calls me sometimes to get what it needs. You can't tell me the carnivore diet will just simply fix the problem without any side effects, kidneys are going to get a slam when eating to much protein. That's s fact. You can get a diet for a time, but it is better to change lifestyle, adapt the whole eating habits system rather than cutting out something entirely. Diabetics have to take those microelements from somewhere too. Consuming drugs all the time is not a long term option.

      • 12 months ago

        >thats a fact

        It is not. The carnivore diet hasn't induced kidney problems once, ever. I can see that you're convinced you know better tho, so good luck.

  14. 12 months ago

    What starts diabetes isn't sugar, it's sugar in combination with drinking and smoking.
    Completely eliminate them from your life and consume a normal amount of sugar and you'll be fine.

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