Fasting to cure demon possession

I am trying to do nofap and most importantly no porn, but I always fail before long. I am lucky if I can get a streak that's a week long, despite much prayer and attempts to increase willpower. The urges were so strong at the beginning of this week, that it felt like torture. I read online that porn is a gateway to demonic possession, so I'm wondering if a demon is torturing me. I read in the bible that some demons can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. Therefore, I would like to try fasting to end my masturbation and porn addiction. Does anyone have advice on fasting for curing demon possession and porn addiction?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I forgot to mention that I am also bulking, which complicates things. I might have to end my bulk if its the only way to cast out the demon in me, but I actually don't even really know what fasting is.

  2. 1 year ago

    Make sure you're praying and engaging in other religious activities while you fast. On it's own fasting just increases your perception of the nonphysical. Also have you considered that you might just be addicted to an incredibly addictive product. What are your other symptoms?

    • 1 year ago

      What exactly is fasting? Does it mean I have to not eat for days? Can I fast intermittently? I don't really have any other symptoms besides the urge and the addiction, and perverted thoughts that come from years of usage.

      • 1 year ago

        I also think that fasting might work because of the "you have no energy left" part, but its kinda unproductive when you are in training.

        Fasting for God can be done on minimal sustenance. On Ash Wednesday, for example, you are permitted one regular meal (regular, not an OMAD meal), and two small meals. I ate a plate of chicken, rice and veggies, then had a can of deenz and a small cup of kefir. I was very hungry, but not disoriented. It put me in the right headspace to focus on prayer.

      • 1 year ago

        the year's last fast period started recently, I think it's called the nativity fast in english. you can eat but only vegan, no meat except fish on some days, no eggs, no dairy and on some days no olive oil either

  3. 1 year ago

    Wow, what a load of bullshit. You're blaming your lack of self-control on demons? Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Fasting is not going to cure your addiction, only your own determination and effort will. And stop trying to use religion as an excuse for your behavior. You're not possessed, you're just weak-willed.

  4. 1 year ago

    Your "demons" may in all likelihood be very personal and intense urges for disordered excessive pleasure, but you're most very likely not victim of very rare formal - literal Demonic Infestation or Possession -- needing Solemn Exorcism.

    You need to engage in Prayer*, Abstinence* (from pornographic and sexual addiction), Fasting* (reduction of food calorie intake by eating 1 normal meal per day and 1 or 2 smaller ones) during Advent, and Almsgiving* / Good Works*.

    By Christmas hopefully you will reap some practical and spiritual reward to your discipline as a gift.

    • 1 year ago

      Thanks man, I'm trying to do it all. God bless you.

  5. 1 year ago

    fasting will make you less horny.
    can't you just use your imagination or some yoga instructor qt?
    I'm having a hard time believing most people when they say they are terminally addicted to porn. Usually they just need a slap on the butt, and some forced naked and afraid exposure.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't believe that I'm terminally addicted to porn, I know God will save me somehow. I don't want to use someone for sexual gratification, I want to be in a relationship. I did the tinder thing for awhile and it wasn't helping with the way I feel, it made things worse.

    • 1 year ago

      being traumatised does make people hypersexual and very vulnerable to porn addiction, must not be the case for op but it is for me.

      • 1 year ago

        sorry to hear about your sufferings, friend. I dont recall any serious trauma in my life, though I have had problems. I hope you find peace and healing in life

  6. 1 year ago

    You aren't gunna like this because you are a Chrisgay but buhdist monks have the cure for horniness. Look at dead bodies at different stages of decomposition and realize the women /or men for you Christ gay will someday be like those corpse.

  7. 1 year ago

    Demons or not, fasting actually helps in countering carnal urges. Exercise does too. I sincerely wish you good luck my brother, defeating sin is possible if you do not lose hope.

  8. 1 year ago

    This is the type of content you get when you stop gatekeeping.

  9. 1 year ago

    You need to go to church and read the bible as well as abstain from sin. Best way to deal with demons.

  10. 1 year ago

    I am going through a bit of a similar instance as you OP. I am not religious and not blaming my issues on demons, but I am trying to rid myself of being addicted to porn. Been watching it way too much for nearly a damn decade now, would occasionally have instances where I would go a few days without it, but now have managed 2 weeks away from it which is the longest streak I've ever had. Best thing I can say in my short experience is too just try and do plenty of things to keep your mind off of it. If you want religion to be your out then go ahead and read the Bible. but you can try other books to broaden it. Find stories where you can get deep into the world and make connections. My favorite story of all time is the Lord of the Rings and have been rereading it and Tolkien's other work to help out. Whenever I find myself feeling urged to jump back into watching that smut I go and read some, even if it is just for 10 or 15 minutes. If not that I might just start doing some pushups or body squats to get my blood rushing throughout my body, instead of into my dick.
    Keep on the right track brother. Maintain your mindset and you'll be able to manage your way to some enlightenment.

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