>fat cells dont go away when you lose weight

>fat cells don’t go away when you lose weight
Uh... food chads? We lost.

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  1. 1 year ago

    they shrink

    • 1 year ago

      Guess what happens when they shrink?

      They spam your brain with signals to fill them back up, and the signals get stronger and stronger until you eventually get the calories back in to fill them back up. The only way around this is to autistically track calories everyday and ignore the hunger for the rest of your life. Have fun with that 🙂

      (FYI: This is why everyone eventually gains the fat back)

      (FYI 2: This is the curse you keep your entire life for getting fat in the first place)

      • 1 year ago

        >They spam your brain with signals to fill them back up
        Do you happen to have a degree in bro science? Because that's bro science.
        Also, as I said here

        Why does it matter? Fat cells shrink so you'll still look thin and IST. If you're merely bothered by their existence, just get a liposuction.

        , you can always get a liposuction for a few thousend $ that will remove fat cells.

        • 1 year ago

          >>They spam your brain with signals to fill them back up
          >Do you happen to have a degree in bro science? Because that's bro science.
          While he is simplifying it a lot what he says is regarded as right. Can you explain how his idea is supposed to work (Steelman) and then explain why its wrong? Showing that you both understand his perspective and why you think its wrong?

      • 1 year ago

        What is your alternative other than don't get fat? Are you looking for an excuse to give up or tell others to give up? That's a crab bucket mentality.

        • 1 year ago

          He's the Austrian ginger demoralizer who keeps making these threads every day because he failed his studies and now wants to spread his negativity.

          Also, if you rapidly gain weight back it has proven that the fat cells become even more in a multiplying effect.

          Where has this been proven? Any good rcp studies or summaries?

      • 1 year ago

        Also, if you rapidly gain weight back it has proven that the fat cells become even more in a multiplying effect.

        • 1 year ago

          Yep, and the more fat cells you multiple the more hunger signals you shall receive in the future when you eventually go on a calorie deficit again and lose fat again, your hunger signals will come back even stronger than the first time you cut.

          The body is such a wonderful thing haha

          Fatoids BTFO

          • 1 year ago

            >Yep, and the more fat cells you multiple the more hunger signals you shall receive in the future when you eventually go on a calorie deficit again and lose fat again, your hunger signals will come back even stronger than the first time you cut.
            Source for that? Any rcp study you can link me to or is this just a conjure you made up from your own cucked mindset?

      • 1 year ago

        You know you can permanently remove them with a therapy that freezes them and kills them?
        And it's pretty fricking cheap in my country. Like, less than 500$.

      • 1 year ago

        Good, this trains discipline.

        I doubt it works that way as well, your capacity is reduced via fasting / weight loss and your brain can be conditioned to new patterns.

      • 1 year ago

        Ok and? That pain means you're doing something right.

      • 1 year ago

        You must be really unfortunate genetically, on some drugs that make you really hungry, or you used to overeat like a fat fricking moron.
        I used to be quite fat but was on medications and then I quit the meds, quit the soda, cut the seed oils, and I haven’t gained back nearly ANY of the fat and I’m the least hungry I’ve ever been.
        You fricking moron, just stop being weak for God’s sake, try a fast or something and get your fricking dopamine and hormones under control, and you’ll stop friending for food so much

        • 1 year ago

          Actually I’m gonna add on to this
          The other alternative is lift heavier, and more often.
          Sometimes I wish my appetite was really insatiable, and that my metabolism wasn’t literally 3000+ calories a day, all the muscle and when I’m lifting heavy or doing high volume and my metabolism is often untenable, and so I often miss calorie goals… and you know what happens? I get LEANER, not fatter, because I still work out so the muscle preserves, and the fat goes away. I’ve never been heavier yet leaner in my whole life.
          I was 215 and SUPER fat and had man-boobs and now I’m 190 and trim
          I think the trick is, I dieted down from 215 to a skinny and emancipated 160 before building back up to 190 over the past 2.5 years

          Best of luck to you all, WAGMI if you just put in the bare minimum guys, try fasting here and there cause I think that really is the key to dialing back cravings

      • 1 year ago

        You will get a noble prize if you explain how fat cells send signals to your brain

        You know you can permanently remove them with a therapy that freezes them and kills them?
        And it's pretty fricking cheap in my country. Like, less than 500$.

        Not recommended. Fat cells save you from diabetes. If you were fat early, you will have a lot of them and won't get diabetes even being obesed as your body has where to store all those extra calories. Unless you go landwhale mode and fill all of them. While skinny people often get diabetes and fatty liver when they get somewhat fat as they have very little of those fat cells and the body doesn't have where to store all extra calories.
        There was an experient when diabetic mice werw getting fat tissue transplant and were stoping being fat.
        Not being fat is the best option, but those people that get such operations tend to relapse and get fat again.

        • 1 year ago

          Wow, that's a whitepill.
          This still works after you lost the weight?

          When I was a kid I used to eat boxes of donuts, timbits, etc. and drink 2L bottles of pop. Always assumed diabetes was inevitable even though I don't live that way anymore.

      • 1 year ago

        you can program your brain to ignore those signals. as a kid I never ate breakfast so I could keep the money parents gave me for breakfast. now I can't feel hunger

      • 1 year ago

        You are schizo

        Not eating too much food is easy

        You are *not* doing something

        Just requires a modicum of self-control

        There are people in Europe that just eat a normal amount of food and do not become obese, but you lack this discipline

        >everyone eventually gains the fat back


        >you are cursed for being fat


        You are nuts and your demoralization is weak

        • 1 year ago

          Anytime people start making these wild claims on stuff like this, take it as an opportunity to educate yourself on whatever they are trying to lie out of their ass about

          This post is full of half-truths and lies and only serves to demoralize people from becoming more physically fit, to be expected from seething demoralization posters

          • 1 year ago

            I actually feel bad for these people, since I consistently get negative karma from raging / trolling, even though my trolls are generally more aimed at making ppl laugh at my persona than to cause them hurt / stress. Can't imagine the psychic repercussions of deliberately trying to perpetuate depression.

      • 1 year ago

        post body

      • 1 year ago

        You’re right about tracking calories, you’re wrong about always feeling hungry. Your brain will always get used to whatever you force it to do. 1 week into and you don’t get hungry anymore (assuming you eat at the same time everyday)

      • 1 year ago

        Counting calories is fun and make me feel better than normies anyway(specially normies trying to be fit).
        Also after I reach my goal I won't have to be so active about it, it shouldn't be too hard to learn habits for eating around maintenance everyday.

  2. 1 year ago

    Why does it matter? Fat cells shrink so you'll still look thin and IST. If you're merely bothered by their existence, just get a liposuction.

  3. 1 year ago

    I used to be 320 lbs and I'm holding steady at 200lbs for like 5 years. I think it's okay anon. Just don't drink alcohol.

  4. 1 year ago

    Not true. If you stay sub 15% bf for like a decade, the excess fat cells die off.

  5. 1 year ago

    That's it. I'm leaving fit for good. You motherfrickers are too moronic/blackpilled and its rubbing off on me. good luck to all honest and inspired anons. KYS OP

    • 1 year ago

      You're dumb for taking miserable people seriously and not just using this as motivation to reinforce your own beliefs on discipline.

    • 1 year ago

      It's just a few dedicated shiposters/schizos/incels who keep making these threads (ketoschizo, Austrian incel ginger).

    • 1 year ago

      Ignore all the dumb blackpillers. They are everywhere on the internet and in real life anyways. People are just stupid and lazy

  6. 1 year ago

    Don't get discouraged they basically shrink to less than 1% of their original size. Although they do fill up with water before the shrink so if you are working out and eating right and you gain weight. You just need to wait for the whoosh

    • 1 year ago

      OP is a discord demoralizer in case you haven't noticed.

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