Fat man after first day in gym here

I woke up in the middle of the night because my arms hurt like hell. They weren't even sore after the workout yesterday, but they got worse and I had to take some apranax to even be able to come into work this morning, is it just because I have out of shape noodle arms or is it because of shit form?

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  1. 12 months ago

    frick off

    • 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    One: the soreness is your muscle rebuilding because they were being worked and are now growing to accommodate to handle the extra load they're expected to bear.
    Two: you'll be less sore the next time you go to the gym.
    Three: soreness intensifies post-workout, usually after sleep.
    Four: your arms are noodles, they will not be noodles if you keep going to the gym
    Five: what the frick are you even on about with form? Goddamn.

    • 12 months ago

      I wonder if I could have pulled something or did something wrong, I know that muscles get microtears which is what causes the soreness, but I didn't expect this amount of pain.

      Yeah if you did any sort of isolations on your arms you very first time in the gym your tendons are gonna be super sore.

      its natural and that pain will fall off exponentially as you keep going.

      just take it easier in your first few sessions, and make sure to recover fully

      I did bicep curls, wrist curls, bench and lat pulldowns, I think those all also target the arms right?

      • 12 months ago

        >bicep curls
        >wrist curls
        obsoletely unnecessary exercises for you right now OP. Focus on your compound lifts, if you're untrained so are all you ligaments and tendons, and if you do intense isolations the probability is much higher you'll injure yourself in the begining.

        but yes the bicep curls will have exaggerated your arm stiffness.

        • 12 months ago

          This, OP.
          Don't do isolation exercises yet, you'll have to build some fundamentals first.
          Pain in your muscle tendons can happen when you start out or ramp up the intensity. Let that area recover for a couple of days.

          • 12 months ago

            >bicep curls
            >wrist curls
            obsoletely unnecessary exercises for you right now OP. Focus on your compound lifts, if you're untrained so are all you ligaments and tendons, and if you do intense isolations the probability is much higher you'll injure yourself in the begining.

            but yes the bicep curls will have exaggerated your arm stiffness.

            I'm doing reg parks and that says to do wrist and bicep curls.

            Do you genuinely know nothing before posting? Are you seriously asking why you are sore after your first gym day?

            Consider spending 20 minutes with literally any beginner YouTube video before posting here please.

            I knew about muscle soreness, but it was so bad that I thought I injured myself, it got better after taking apranax and walking around all day tho.

            • 12 months ago

              dude 50's era bodybuilder routines are the biggest con


              you are not a bodybuilder, and i doubt you ever will be, so why emulate a 70yr old workout routine?

              • 12 months ago

                It's highly reccomended as a beginners routine and reggie boy is a similiar height and is my goal weight.

              • 12 months ago

                there are so many problems with what you just typed i just don't know where to begin.

                i now no longer care
                good luck homie

              • 12 months ago

                >i now no longer care
                >good luck homie
                K thx

  3. 12 months ago

    When you lift and push your muscles to their limit, they tear. Then they get fixed up to be stronger.

    If the pain recess by itself with time (may take some time, only really noticable after waking up and feeling "I ain't as fricked up as yesterday") it's this process, your muscles growing stronger. It's a lot early when you're starting out.

    If the pain gets worse with time some shit is fugged and you should probably talk with a medical professional.

  4. 12 months ago

    Yeah if you did any sort of isolations on your arms you very first time in the gym your tendons are gonna be super sore.

    its natural and that pain will fall off exponentially as you keep going.

    just take it easier in your first few sessions, and make sure to recover fully

  5. 12 months ago

    Do you genuinely know nothing before posting? Are you seriously asking why you are sore after your first gym day?

    Consider spending 20 minutes with literally any beginner YouTube video before posting here please.

  6. 12 months ago

    you're dying go to the hospital

    • 12 months ago

      it's normal
      my arms hurt too after my first workout sessions
      it goes away

      It was just weird, because I while my legs were very sore after squatting I didn't feel anything at all for the upper body, but I woke up in the middle of the night because of the pain. It's a bit better now though, moving around helps dull the pain and now it's the kind of pain that feels kind of good.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that's the gainz. Don't worry about it.
        The only time to worry about the pain is if it is sudden, sharp, and in direct response to motion rather than coming on later.
        And even then if you can still move it, don't stop moving it. If you get an injury like that, don't ever stop moving. Lift at low reps, without any weight, then work back up.
        Letting an injury that isn't debilitating atrophy your muscles due to lack of use is a great way to have it become permanent.

  7. 12 months ago

    it's normal
    my arms hurt too after my first workout sessions
    it goes away

  8. 12 months ago

    It must not be right for you. If you have a b***h assume she's a fat ugly pig and you better bet you'll be fricked by me just to rub it in your face.

    • 12 months ago


      Yeah that's the gainz. Don't worry about it.
      The only time to worry about the pain is if it is sudden, sharp, and in direct response to motion rather than coming on later.
      And even then if you can still move it, don't stop moving it. If you get an injury like that, don't ever stop moving. Lift at low reps, without any weight, then work back up.
      Letting an injury that isn't debilitating atrophy your muscles due to lack of use is a great way to have it become permanent.

      Hopefully I manage to not injure myself, it's deadlifts on Wednesday and I'm a bit nervous about it, since every says that deadlifts are very prone to giving you injuries.

      • 12 months ago

        If you're fat, you're deadlifting yourself every goddamn day just by reaching over. If you're worried about it being a problem, get a personal trainer for a day to show you points for how to deadlift.
        But don't be afraid of them. The worst you'll do starting out is lift with bad form and be sore in weird places.
        They're fricking magic for fatasses whose lower back is constantly under stress. Making those muscles stronger makes losing weight that much easier.

        • 12 months ago

          I did squats yesterday and I noticed that my lower back didn't hurt after sitting in one place for a longer time and I had a way easier time keeping good posture and not slouching forward while walking, plus I didn't get out of breath from just walking around. This is literally from just one day of eating healthier and one day in the gym.

  9. 12 months ago

    its the worst after goign there for the first time just power through the next 1-2 workouts and after that itll be fine as long as you go regularly

    but sounds like youre really pain sensitive if you need to take pain killers for that shit

  10. 12 months ago

    >is it just because I have out of shape noodle arms or is it because of shit form?
    it's out of shape noodle arms anon, when you exercise regularly you don't really get sore anymore

    • 12 months ago


      its the worst after goign there for the first time just power through the next 1-2 workouts and after that itll be fine as long as you go regularly

      but sounds like youre really pain sensitive if you need to take pain killers for that shit

      I'm not that pain sensitive, I've broken bones before and that honestly hurt less then this bout of muscle soreness I got last night and this morning.

  11. 12 months ago

    >and I had to take some apranax
    dumb fricking goy holy shit
    >hurr I have ouchie better take some medication just like dr. Shekelgoldsteinbergowitz told me

    • 12 months ago

      I usually don't take medication if I'm not sick but yeah, I'm in pain, I have to go to work, take a painkiller.
      If you had to do something and you suddenly got diarrhea, would you not take some coalpills if you had them on hand?

      • 12 months ago

        No. What? People take medication whenever they have a minor problem? I always thought most everyone toughed it out.

        • 12 months ago

          How do you tough out shitting your pants?

      • 12 months ago

        >If you had to do something and you suddenly got diarrhea
        another problem I don't have because I'm not American

        • 12 months ago

          Neither am I, people still get diarrhoea.

  12. 12 months ago

    You'll get used to it the more you workout, also make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet

    • 12 months ago

      Is 200g enough?

      • 12 months ago

        A quick google search says that yes, 200g is enough and may actually be too much. You should probably do some research for yourself rather than trusting a Zimbabwean legume roasting honeypot.

        • 12 months ago

          I did do research and I came to 200g, I'm 183cm 150kg for reference.

        • 12 months ago

          >do some research for yourself rather than trusting a Zimbabwean legume roasting honeypot
          But that's what I've been doing for the past years and it's been going great.

  13. 12 months ago

    >I'm sore
    You'll learn to love it

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