Feels Bar Xmas edition

Lets have a drink fellas to celebrate Christmas. What do you have?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Let's just say Father Christmas tried to come at me with his pants down this year.
    I'll take a Blue Moon, thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      oh wow someone had a lucky xmas then 🙂

    • 5 months ago

      >you have learned Essence of Dickslapping

  2. 5 months ago

    Give me vodka mixed with anything fruity. Having a bad time anon. Just breaking up again with my prostitute gf in our endless on off relationship. But this time i hope its for good because this toxic relationship is killing me slowly and eating my self esteem as a man. Frick her and her disloyalty cheating behaviour. A bawd is a bawd.
    My workout have been neglected because of this and have no motivation at all. Become more depressed and losing hope. I hope the Lord can help me and guide me to be a better man and have real gf who can be trusted and love me. Any advice for me bro?

    • 5 months ago

      just imagine how good it's gonna feel when you find a woman worthy of your love brah. not just in isolation, but how good it's gonna feel in contrast from the low point of this bad relationship. it'll be like slipping into a swimming pool on a sweltering hot summer day. in the meantime just keep up with your ISTness so you can really blow the mind of the next sweet babe. ygmi

    • 5 months ago

      The moment she cheated it was over indefinitely. For a man cheating is almost always physical, lust if you will, or escaping a prison but for women its foremostly emotional. Infidelity of a woman weighs many times heavier than other way. I’m sorry anon, I know how tough it can be but she is not the right one. You worthy not being cheated on.

      • 5 months ago

        Plenty of women cheat out of lust too.

        • 5 months ago

          uh no, literally everything that women do is the most evil thing imaginable and when a based man does the same thing its actually perfectly fine

  3. 5 months ago

    >gf texts me few days ago around 6pm asking what I’m up to
    >respond 20 minutes later, ask her the same
    >she never replies, rare that she doesn’t text me back within minutes and weird for her to initiate a convo then ghost me
    >ask her Wtf that was about
    >says she was checking her email
    >calls me crazy
    >says she’s busy
    >says she has family stuff going on
    >my birthday is this week
    >just reply with “okay”
    >she keeps bringing it up the last few days saying she doesn’t want to fight because it’s Christmas, haven’t texted her back since but she continues to bring this up
    >tells me she actually feels sketched out and I’m the one acting sketchy here (projection???)
    >last night texts asking if I’m okay, don’t respond, she texts again with “Anon :/“
    This is the saddest time of the year for me. Christmas and my birthday I don’t think I can even process her potentially being a scumbag prostitute right now. Just the way she immediately dove into defensiveness, calling me crazy, and what seems like projection I mean frick if 2+2=4 and shit smells, feels, and looks like shit…. You know? Idk. I don’t consider this to be my GF anymore. I don’t feel much about it either. I feel empty, dulled, I don’t really feel much of anything.

    • 5 months ago

      I think that part about it that bothers me is that just me saying “wtf was that about” results in her acting and replying how she did. Am I being absurd here to expect some consideration instead of this shit? Is that b***h tier of me to want her to rather than insult me and act like I’m in the wrong somehow to instead show some concern or something, like apologize for randomly ghosting? It definitely didn’t help how it looked to me. Idk perhaps these two posts are indicative of my entire problem and I just need to end this and leave her in the past and move forward with my life

      • 5 months ago

        listen bro there are only two options here. either shot got bpd or some mental moronation OR she cheated. if she acted normal up to that point she probably cheated and began acting weird. so yeah just dump her and move on champ.

        • 5 months ago

          Thanks man. You’re right. I think if I type this into moron speak for myself it’s quite easy
          >She cheated
          Easy, leave
          >she’s BPD
          Easy, she will cheat or just make my life hell, leave not worth it
          >both are wrong but I can’t trust her
          Only option is leave. No trust = disdain and resentment eventually.

          I have a follow up question. I’ve dated 2 women. The first was definitely BPD. Father left when she was a kid, got molested and whatever other traumas. This second girl seems to be BPD or just an inconsiderate scumbag, like you said. She also has some intense traumas from the past.
          Why do I keep meeting women like this? I know it’s only 2 but what are the fricking chances? Inb4 least common denominator being me.

          And btw, just like 10 days ago she was pressing me about feeling worried what I’ve been up to if I’ve been talking to other women or cheating. In retrospect it seems obvious now. But imagine if I responded to her how she did to me? “You’re crazy I’m busy”

          • 5 months ago

            >gf texts me few days ago around 6pm asking what I’m up to
            >respond 20 minutes later, ask her the same
            >she never replies, rare that she doesn’t text me back within minutes and weird for her to initiate a convo then ghost me
            >ask her Wtf that was about
            >says she was checking her email
            >calls me crazy
            >says she’s busy
            >says she has family stuff going on
            >my birthday is this week
            >just reply with “okay”
            >she keeps bringing it up the last few days saying she doesn’t want to fight because it’s Christmas, haven’t texted her back since but she continues to bring this up
            >tells me she actually feels sketched out and I’m the one acting sketchy here (projection???)
            >last night texts asking if I’m okay, don’t respond, she texts again with “Anon :/“
            This is the saddest time of the year for me. Christmas and my birthday I don’t think I can even process her potentially being a scumbag prostitute right now. Just the way she immediately dove into defensiveness, calling me crazy, and what seems like projection I mean frick if 2+2=4 and shit smells, feels, and looks like shit…. You know? Idk. I don’t consider this to be my GF anymore. I don’t feel much about it either. I feel empty, dulled, I don’t really feel much of anything.

            Are they hot?

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah. That’s the issue in multiple ways.
              The obvious issue with me and having a hot b***h, but the issue with her viewing me as replaceable because she’s used to having tons of guys desperately chase her.
              Which I think is how I landed her. I didn’t care and she chased me, I rejected her and I don’t think she’s ever had that happen. This is not a wife.

            • 5 months ago

              The hot ones are always mentally ill

    • 5 months ago

      I think that part about it that bothers me is that just me saying “wtf was that about” results in her acting and replying how she did. Am I being absurd here to expect some consideration instead of this shit? Is that b***h tier of me to want her to rather than insult me and act like I’m in the wrong somehow to instead show some concern or something, like apologize for randomly ghosting? It definitely didn’t help how it looked to me. Idk perhaps these two posts are indicative of my entire problem and I just need to end this and leave her in the past and move forward with my life

      Why are you blowing up over her not responding in a few minutes , especially via text?

      • 5 months ago

        Like I said it’s odd for her to not respond as in she never ghosts me. But it’s a little inconsiderate to initiate a convo and then just ghost the other person. She also lives 10 hours away from me.

        • 5 months ago

          frick you

          • 5 months ago

            *ghosts you*

        • 5 months ago

          >She also lives 10 hours away from me
          You're wasting your time

          • 5 months ago

            She has quite literally been getting railed by multiple randos and is about to monkey branch to one of them. She's just too dumb to wait until the new year and is already sowing seeds of doubt in op's mind. Many such cases

            • 5 months ago

              >She also lives 10 hours away from me
              You're wasting your time

              Yeah probably. Honestly I got into it just wanting some pussy and wasn’t too serious about her. Isn’t that how it usually goes though? Develop some feels despite initial intentions. I knew she was on bullshit when we met. I asked her out first, she flaked on me after confirming. Then hmu like nothing happened at all. I cut it off and started ignoring her and then she started texting me more hanging around where I frequented to try and talk to me, asking me out and I was cold and rejected her and she chased harder. She got me and lost that interest.
              Can’t say I’m surprised.

        • 5 months ago

          >10 hours away
          Is that in flight time or car time? If car time then flight time should be easily 2h.

          • 5 months ago

            Car time.
            >2 hr flight
            Yeah except she had constant excuses why she’s too busy when I would try to come see her. She would oddly — I’m getting pissed typing this— enough turn down me coming to her, then tell me I never want to come visit or see her and make me feel like shit. She would weaponize that as if it’s true, I left it out of the original post but she also said that
            “You’re crazy” “it’s not like you have any intention to actually see me in person” “I’m busy”
            Her main excuse is
            >family stuff uhhh yeah busy with family
            It’s not worth spending my energy on, she’s either being honest (she’s not), or she’s lying either way that’s not what I want that’s not someone ready for the things I’m looking for.
            >how I know she’s lying
            She occasionally had to take care of her nephews. Okay I get that, that takes up time. Except that’s only for 6 weeks out of the year. When they went back home (near me) she was free. Her next excuse was she had to be her mothers personal driver. I call BS on this for two reasons. 1.) the woman is grown with no driving issues has a license 2.) this b***h was talking about going back to uni and getting a dorm so she can get out of her house and be moved out, if her mother needed her that bad that wouldn’t be an option. This means she’s bullshitting me or she’s an idiot. All considered what I said I think the other anon is right I’m wasting my time and energy. This b***h is playing me. It bothers my ego, makes me want to get even, to put her on the back burner and turn her into side pussy I only hit up if I’m ever going to be in her neck of the woods. Honestly, I will do that. She can block me if she dislikes it.

        • 5 months ago

          10 hours lol. oh anon LDR never work

          • 5 months ago

            I know man. It never works out. The only times it can work are if it’s an older (45+) husband and wife who have been together for years and there’s kids in the picture and it’s only for a short while with an end date pre determined like 1 year max and even then the wife would have to be the one at home with the kids, OR if the couple opens the relationship which I shouldn’t have to expand on being stupid.
            Beyond that it doesn’t work. Starting off long distance? You got a penpal you might frick a few times. Becomes long distance later on? You got a penpal you used to frick. But that’s not your girl.

        • 5 months ago

          Frick you

    • 5 months ago

      so you freaked out because she didn't respond after 20 minutes and have been ignoring her for days since ? and you wonder what the problem is ? are you moronic ?

      • 5 months ago

        No I’ve ignored her because after I asked literally word for word idk how to make this any clearer
        >wtf was that about?
        She immediately started spam texting me insults and weird shit and projection. One of the things she sent was “you don’t even have plans to see me” after she’s repeatedly rejected my attempts to meet up and spend some time together. I understand where we are posting and that your immediate inclination is to lean towards
        >oh well he probably spam texted her insinuating she was cheating and then threw a tantrum via text at her
        But that’s not what happened at all. You know what they’d say about assuming homosexual. The post was more so along the lines that it’s starting to click this b***h is playing me and doesn’t see me as her boyfriend

        • 5 months ago

          Anon she’s crazy believe me.
          My ex was like that she’s that type of woman who gets her knowledge about relationship from social media and tv series. She thinks drama is funny and interesting because that’s how everyone portrays it but she fails to realize that it’s not fun if you’re part of that. Dumb her believe me it won’t get better. I looked over that and it only got worse after 2 years and she looked for the tiniest thing to start a fight like
          >Stop putting that box over there!
          If she’s like my ex than she‘s 100% mentally unstable thinks redflags are ok if she has some because she’s a princess. See if you find any connection between her and my ex
          >Talks shit about everything and everyone so she can look better in compression.
          >Tells you out of nowhere that you have to buy her expensive stuff and go out to dinner with her every week
          >Can’t be alone
          If she’s anything like that run anon please run away

          • 5 months ago

            Not like your ex in those ways but I resonated with “princess who can do no wrong” thing. Some of this may just sound like normal woman shit though
            >has probably never been told “no” in her life
            >seems to need constant attention 24/7
            >if she fricks up it’s actually my fault and I’m a piece of shit for calling her out on it, no matter how calmly and stoicly I approach it no matter if I flat out say “I’m not mad at you or ridiculing you but . . . was not okay please don’t do that again”
            >all communication breaks down when she’s in the wrong, the few times I was (spent over a decade working on my accountability I know when I frick up) she still makes no sense and gives me shit about XYZ when she means ABC
            >if I confront her about ABC it feels like I’m speaking to a brick wall with down syndrome she responds like she didn’t hear a word I said and will start talking about XYZ
            ***See below for those last few ones
            >has done some over the top batshit insane things like randomly demanding to look through my phone see next point
            >mood shifts like crazy, the way we thought bipolar was when we were kids where it’s 1 second happy the next second angry is actually how she is

            *** example of the above thing
            >hey you don’t need to go to insulting and excuses I’m just asking if you’re alright it’s not like you to ghost. Glad you’re okay though.
            >okay but the color blue really doesn’t mix well with green or orange idk how you could even say that and I just feel like dodge rams are for pussies plus when you said [insert small issue we had over 6 months ago which was immediately resolved and cleared up]
            I’m exaggerating obviously, but no bullshit this is how it goes.

            • 5 months ago

              I believe every single thing you said. I know how that is!
              Please anon leave her for your own sanity it won’t get better. It will get 100% worse when you marry her.
              Look there are only 2 ways this can end.
              1: she breaks up with you because of a tiny mistake which isint even bad and leave you
              2: you to get married and you cheat on her.
              I’m talking from my own experience. Either talk with her about this and fix it or leave jer. Don’t ignore this shit.
              If she didint had a father figure you have to be ice cold and tell her no and she’s wrong because no one else did. Woman like that love it even if they don’t show it.
              For your own future sanity fix this shit with either ending this relation or talking with her about it as soon as possible and if she ignores it write something like the following:
              >Hey [Name] I thought about it the last few weeks and I think we should pause our relationship for some time. I feel like both of us need to rethink this relationship and see what we want out of this in the future.

    • 5 months ago

      You dont know how women work, you dont know how attraction work, you act like a woman in your relationship. You are emotional and weak, so your woman is confused by you and she is losing her feelings

      Cal her calmly, joke and laugh like you did at the beginning of your relationship. Say that you want to see her, everything is arranged, this date and this time, she only has to look sexy. If she says yes, say then get excited and stop communicating, have some life before the date, have a fun date ending in a good fricking, like you did in the beginning. Easy peasy, its not complicated. If she says no maybe, say no worries you have some things to do anyway, let her get in touch when she knows she will be free, stop talking and go do something else with your life, like a ma should do

      Overcommunicating, arguing, causing drama and giving a frick is feminine, thats her job. You are filling this role, so she is repulsed

      You can do it

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        I’m nta but you sound like a cuck desperate to keep any woman who gives him the time of day around. Pretty sure his context was she blew up at him over something which should have been small. What you wrote would be fine for a FWB but that’s supposed to be his GF.

        >gf texts me few days ago around 6pm asking what I’m up to
        >respond 20 minutes later, ask her the same
        >she never replies, rare that she doesn’t text me back within minutes and weird for her to initiate a convo then ghost me
        >ask her Wtf that was about
        >says she was checking her email
        >calls me crazy
        >says she’s busy
        >says she has family stuff going on
        >my birthday is this week
        >just reply with “okay”
        >she keeps bringing it up the last few days saying she doesn’t want to fight because it’s Christmas, haven’t texted her back since but she continues to bring this up
        >tells me she actually feels sketched out and I’m the one acting sketchy here (projection???)
        >last night texts asking if I’m okay, don’t respond, she texts again with “Anon :/“
        This is the saddest time of the year for me. Christmas and my birthday I don’t think I can even process her potentially being a scumbag prostitute right now. Just the way she immediately dove into defensiveness, calling me crazy, and what seems like projection I mean frick if 2+2=4 and shit smells, feels, and looks like shit…. You know? Idk. I don’t consider this to be my GF anymore. I don’t feel much about it either. I feel empty, dulled, I don’t really feel much of anything.

        The general consensus here is that’s he’s crazy. I don’t think it’s even a matter of whether you can trust her which you don’t seem to. I’ll put it in simple terms. You A.) stay with a woman who blows up at you over something so small where you didn’t even attack her in any way or B.) you cut her off and find a woman who’s worthwhile who can actually be respectful. Tell me if I’m wrong here but you feel you cannot trust her because your one text resulted in her blowing up at you and scrambling to seemingly project and what seems like cover her own ass correct? Some delusional cucks may be okay with that and call themselves alpha but the real chad thing to do here is to find a woman worth your time who doesn’t behave like this. I’ve been there dude this shit isn’t fun. A year after I dumped my ex and I met my current wife.

        Like I said it’s odd for her to not respond as in she never ghosts me. But it’s a little inconsiderate to initiate a convo and then just ghost the other person. She also lives 10 hours away from me.

        Jesus Christ bro she is using you. You seem to know this but that you’re apprehensive to accept or confront it. You know what to do. Find a woman in your area who’s actually worth your time and values your time.

      • 5 months ago

        See other anons post you misunderstood completely.

        I’m nta but you sound like a cuck desperate to keep any woman who gives him the time of day around. Pretty sure his context was she blew up at him over something which should have been small. What you wrote would be fine for a FWB but that’s supposed to be his GF.
        The general consensus here is that’s he’s crazy. I don’t think it’s even a matter of whether you can trust her which you don’t seem to. I’ll put it in simple terms. You A.) stay with a woman who blows up at you over something so small where you didn’t even attack her in any way or B.) you cut her off and find a woman who’s worthwhile who can actually be respectful. Tell me if I’m wrong here but you feel you cannot trust her because your one text resulted in her blowing up at you and scrambling to seemingly project and what seems like cover her own ass correct? Some delusional cucks may be okay with that and call themselves alpha but the real chad thing to do here is to find a woman worth your time who doesn’t behave like this. I’ve been there dude this shit isn’t fun. A year after I dumped my ex and I met my current wife.
        Jesus Christ bro she is using you. You seem to know this but that you’re apprehensive to accept or confront it. You know what to do. Find a woman in your area who’s actually worth your time and values your time.

        That was my entire fricking point. It’s not that I’m pissy or hurt it’s that it’s belligerent for her to blow up that way for nothing. I didn’t feel any kind of sketchiness until she blew up like that but the entire issue I have is that she’s getting pissy with me when I’ve done nothing wrong but pretty much check to see if she’s okay. This is besides the core point but if there’s no reason for me to question trust she wouldn’t have acted that way, this is abnormal behavior.
        >option A or B
        I know man a couple of the anons in that chain helped me. I’m more frustrated than anything over this, not really torn up or anything though it just is what it is she is how she is. Even if she’s loyal I can’t be with someone who gets angry about bullshit like that.
        >she’s using you

        Are u moronic wtf is this shit

        >gf disappears on me after hmu
        >check in
        >blows up at me and sends handful of texts
        >it’s my birthday week don’t even want the stress
        Yeah moronic for staying with her this long

        Frick you

        No you

    • 5 months ago

      Are u moronic wtf is this shit

  4. 5 months ago

    I'm going to keep this short.

    I had a Christmas miracle.
    I thought I was going to be sad and lonely last night, but I watched a movie and got over my ex for some reason.

    I'm feeling really good, bros.
    (No, I don't drink alcohol and use drugs)

  5. 5 months ago

    On the 1 hand, didn't go into work Friday because I got too drunk Thursday. I have been spending this past year sobering out. A relapse. I just want to no longer be controlled by alcohol.

    On the other, I'm back with my ex. Truth be told I just want someone I can occasionally talk to about my shit and can have sex with. It's gonna be a long time before "I love you" is said, if ever.

    I also want to try limiting my time on this website in 2024.

  6. 5 months ago

    Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go.
    You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a frick about anything anymore. Even NPCs are blackpilled husks now.
    I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
    No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the frick do we even go from here?

    • 5 months ago

      When you're at the bottom you can only go up

    • 5 months ago

      I don't enjoy french fries anymore. Everything is a french fry. I know I shouldn't complain, people are way more french than me, yet I feel this fry.

      >I have my own deep fryer, it's small and noisy but I own the thing and its low cost
      >Got a french fry, long and yellow but do one at a time so I'm free on a lot of fries
      >Got a super sweet and hot young french fry
      >Am relatively /fried/
      >Don't enjoy things anymore like french fries, deep frying, ordering fries, eating fries.
      >Basically just stuck watching youtube poop and browsing meatspin in my free time

      Nothing really to complain about, better off than most, problem is I don't have many fries. It's just a drag or a dead fry. I know I will never be able to make big fries with my deep fryer and will always have to stay frying french fries. And 'just get a fry' is also something that's easier said than done.

      So yeah, any advice/people with same problem that figured out a way out?

  7. 5 months ago

    I want to suck some nice breasts while watching the fire and outside is snowing
    I’m so touch deprived it’s unreal

    • 5 months ago

      I have GOT to get my DICK SUCKED

      • 5 months ago

        I’m horny as frick
        Sucking breasts and clapping cheeks is all I have in mind
        What noporn/nofap does to a mf…..

  8. 5 months ago

    Life has never been better. I havent touched alcohol is 5+ years, but pour me a cherry coke so I can toast to all the anons that are going to make it, despite how they may feel at this moment in time.

    • 5 months ago

      What made you put down the bottle?

  9. 5 months ago

    /fit/bros I don't think I can take it much longer, I just hate myself, my life, everything I have and haven't ever achieved. I'll hope the respawn is good, see you bros

    have a great christmas

    • 5 months ago

      Don't do it anon. Will your life to be the way you want it to be.

  10. 5 months ago

    Manhattan, not with those shitty cherries please.

    Here's my last 2 years
    >gf dumps me for hot girl summer
    >shatters my heart
    >hair falls out and I develop terrible acne / rosacea for the 1st time ever
    >can't pick up women for the 1st time in my life
    >lift like a demon, an ugly demon
    >Start writing music and playing it at open mics
    >sell my house to live in an RV
    >invest the money, does very well
    >I can retire at 35 if I want
    >music goes well, get paid gigs and host open mics
    >get a good skin care routine
    >get on Fin
    >looking better
    >get confident in a new way
    >I can pick up women again
    >still bald tho

    take fin if you notice it thinning lads

    • 5 months ago

      how do u notice it thinning

    • 5 months ago

      >what roids does to a mfer

  11. 5 months ago

    Fellas I think this is a big deal for all men and something to be aware of at least.
    >There are popular and active Facebook groups for women only meant to vet and do background checks on the men they are dating
    >names such as “are we dating the same man homosexualTown Jizzconsin”
    >They post pics of the dude they’re dating and judge him, offer in out if they know him
    It’s concerning for me because I have a psycho ex who for 10 years has been running a smear campaign against me, successfully convincing people I was abusive to her and some elite social haxor mastermind sociopath (she took my virginity, I was a socially moroniced autist when I met her still am). She’s convinced people I’ve beat her, cheated, was emotionally mentally and physically abusive. These are things she did to me. She’s out her hands on me, threatens susicide, sent pics to friends of mine, cut herself and told people I did it, bashed her head against her dash board while I was in another state and told people I did it to her. Most people believed her, she tells anyone new she meets the same shit. I found out just how few of the people I considered friends were genuine friends. Most bought the lies blindly, no further investigation, many had blatant proof it was all BS and believed her anyways (being in my presence when she texted that I beat her minutes ago), many told me I was som scumbag piece of shit. Only maybe 3 people knew it was BS.
    A girl I’ve been talking to has requested photos of me and I’m sure it’s to post on our cities Facebook page for this shit. All it takes is that ex to see or any of the many people she’s fed this lie to and boom I have no chances assuming the woman I’m talking to is moronic enough to buy into it. I also feel that if the women you’re interested in posts you to an online group then she isn’t worth your time though.
    I’m working on leaving this state so hopefully it isn’t be a problem, but for now it is.

    • 5 months ago

      how did u first meet that girl

      • 5 months ago

        College why

        • 5 months ago

          just curious how people meet their gfs. I never got one. dw bro no one is here except ur bros.

          was she in your program? howd u meet her at college? theres one girl Ive been eyeing who I had a class with. have another class with her next sem

          • 5 months ago

            I’ve had all my hookups and met the couple girls I dated IRL. Either through friends or just right place right time sort of thing. All but 2/5 approached me and put in the work to frick me or date me. Not chad.

            Mutual friends. I had this friend group for a few semesters, they were the first friends I had (using the word loosely, more like these were the first people I hung out with and got to know, totally friendless until age 20 when I met them). Due to different class schedules we never hung with this circle at the same times until after a few semesters. Apparently she’d heard of me, I had no clue who she was. It was the week my grandpa died and I was sad and pissed off and she randomly says I look like an butthole unprovoked. Cursed her out, called her a count and told her to frick off and get raped to death. Apologized a day later, was in her guts that same day lost virginity. FWB for a while. Ignored red flags thinking she was just the practice gf so it didn’t matter. Caught feels, all the bullshit started around 2 months in.

      • 5 months ago

        College why

        I’m so paranoid I’m worried she posts here now that’s what this c**t has done to me. I can’t believe I once bought into the victim shit she fed me about all her past exes. I now realize she most likely did all that shit to them and whatever they did do she deserved

    • 5 months ago

      >create woman profile
      >post your pic
      >get ex to respond negatively
      >record it
      >repeat 10 or so times
      >gather evidence
      >press charges for stalking
      It works, trust me. DA will absolutely gape her if you provide the evidence.

      • 5 months ago


        Further more;
        >save all direct communications with her
        >never initiate communications directly
        >never cuss, threaten, etc her during communications (be extremely polite)
        >if she is messaging you directly with the knowledge of it being you then be direct and tell her not to communicate with you anymore (politely)
        >if she cusses at you or threatens you in a message (ie writing) immediately save and show police to write a harassment report (you don’t have to immediately press charges, in fact I recommend you let it build to 5 or so instances and she’ll get super gaped first go round)
        Basically just document everything, get it in writing or video, and be exceedingly polite and professional

        Further advice;
        if she tries to pull the domestic violence card on you ever;
        >never allow her into your residence
        >if she accuses you some place then leave immediately
        >it never happened, I wasn’t there
        >do not go to the police to “tell your side”, that’s a trap
        >don’t answer your door if police come knocking
        If it’s your word against hers then they can’t do shit. Everyone on here pretends women are unstoppable in the legal realm, but all you have to do is document their bullshit, be polite, and not be at the scene of the accusation, they literally can’t even prove you were there or anything happened unless you admit to something, so just don’t talk to cops.

      • 5 months ago

        Further more;
        >save all direct communications with her
        >never initiate communications directly
        >never cuss, threaten, etc her during communications (be extremely polite)
        >if she is messaging you directly with the knowledge of it being you then be direct and tell her not to communicate with you anymore (politely)
        >if she cusses at you or threatens you in a message (ie writing) immediately save and show police to write a harassment report (you don’t have to immediately press charges, in fact I recommend you let it build to 5 or so instances and she’ll get super gaped first go round)
        Basically just document everything, get it in writing or video, and be exceedingly polite and professional

        Are you the anon form a week ago who gave me similar advice on her? Thanks for that and this if so.
        I don’t want to engage this further as tempting as making a profile just to collect evidence sounds, I just want peace. Leaving her should have been enough to have her gone and not impacting my life in anyway anymore.
        How would her slandering me via facebook be something that held up in court?

        • 5 months ago

          Probably, are you the stupid homosexual that kept messaging his psycho ex and her brother or something like that? You moronic zoomie fricking moron.
          It doesn’t sound like she’s going to leave you alone if you’re telling the truth, you may have to go on the offensive so to speak. Just don’t directly contact her.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah same anon. I know you’re exaggerating to make a point and you’re right I was moronic, but I wasn’t continually contacting her I replied to her essay which she sent after years of silence to say thank you. Yeah I was dumb to reply, I figured me saying that would seem like I was agreeing with her so she’d feel like she won and frick off.
            I fear going on the offensive because that kind of feeds her narrative if it was ever found out I was making fake postings to catch her

    • 5 months ago

      >create woman profile
      >post your pic
      >get ex to respond negatively
      >record it
      >repeat 10 or so times
      >gather evidence
      >press charges for stalking
      It works, trust me. DA will absolutely gape her if you provide the evidence.

      Further more;
      >save all direct communications with her
      >never initiate communications directly
      >never cuss, threaten, etc her during communications (be extremely polite)
      >if she is messaging you directly with the knowledge of it being you then be direct and tell her not to communicate with you anymore (politely)
      >if she cusses at you or threatens you in a message (ie writing) immediately save and show police to write a harassment report (you don’t have to immediately press charges, in fact I recommend you let it build to 5 or so instances and she’ll get super gaped first go round)
      Basically just document everything, get it in writing or video, and be exceedingly polite and professional

  12. 5 months ago

    Merry Christmas anons, I know it hasn't been the best year, but I'm glad you're all still here. I'm hoping you will get all the gains you need and at least some sort of happiness today. Merry Christmas, WAGMI.

  13. 5 months ago

    Cofffeee, I need to stop drinking coffee but I'm having a hard time

  14. 5 months ago

    I married an Asian girl, I’m happily married and all, but her brother is a fat fricking moron spoiled little homosexual that keeps doing stupid shit and getting himself into trouble. It then falls on me fix the issues since they don’t understand western culture.
    My wife and I have been arguing all morning because her parents and brother are trying to
    >save face
    For an incident at his school, but they don’t understand nobody gives a shit here and the school just want him to tell the truth without excuses. Of course they must make excuses.
    I hate this spoiled little homosexual so much it’s unreal.
    >inb4 loser wmaf
    I’m actually fit, tall, and good looking, I just lived on the west coast and there are zero decent White options and Latinas all have kids at 15

    • 5 months ago

      >an incident at his school
      What did he do? And just tell him to frick off, why are you responsible for taking care of the dude?

      Bourbon, neat. Been a few months on a new job. Small company managed like shit. Working nights and weekends constantly just to stay afloat with volume of work. 2 team members recently just quit. Diet and workout routine taking a hit due to the demanding schedule. Other destructive behaviors like drinking, bawds, etc.

      I have half a mind to quit myself but the money is damn good. Fortunately, I don't "need" this salary to survive. I just feel like a fricking moron taking this job and not having the tools to turn this around. Hell, I'll be working all this week despite being on vacation.

      >I'll be working all this week despite being on vacation.
      Yeah, frick that. By good money, I hope you mean well into 6 figs

      • 5 months ago

        It’s Asian face culture bullshit. My wife would be angry if I didn’t help and it would be extremely offensive to her parents.
        I hate the little homosexual so much tho, sometimes I open hand slap him when nobody is around.

        • 5 months ago

          >I hate the little homosexual so much tho, sometimes I open hand slap him when nobody is around.
          lol wut how do u get way with it

          • 5 months ago

            I play it off as American rough housing
            he is a cry baby b***h and whines about everything so his family thinks he is exaggerating like he always does

      • 5 months ago

        Oh, and he got caught cheating and lying

      • 5 months ago

        Low to mid six. I'm also the moron falling for the "We'll give you a team to manage but not right now"

        What issues are you facing?

        t. have help start and turned around a few small businesses

        Getting the sales aligned on strategy and managing our data environment to monitor progress. Doesn't help my boss is chasing 50 issues at once.

        • 5 months ago

          I assume you are working with sales and marketing at this company, I also assume the tools you are lacking are basic programs.
          Find an inventory management template for excel. Use that template to track any data you need.
          Find the bottle neck for data entry (shipping, receiving, etc) and make it very clear to them an management that they will be filling in the data every time. You can assign dollar and labor values to this data for a more complete picture.
          >sales team strategy
          Have a Monday meeting every week and force them to go over the plan and what they’ve done last week, what they’re doing this week to meet the goal/strategy. Get a gantt chart template to track progress on goals (with names attached to these goals) for excel online and literally fill it out as everyone watches during the meeting so everyone can see who is falling short and why. It should shame the homosexuals into doing their jobs.

  15. 5 months ago

    Bourbon, neat. Been a few months on a new job. Small company managed like shit. Working nights and weekends constantly just to stay afloat with volume of work. 2 team members recently just quit. Diet and workout routine taking a hit due to the demanding schedule. Other destructive behaviors like drinking, bawds, etc.

    I have half a mind to quit myself but the money is damn good. Fortunately, I don't "need" this salary to survive. I just feel like a fricking moron taking this job and not having the tools to turn this around. Hell, I'll be working all this week despite being on vacation.

    • 5 months ago

      What issues are you facing?

      t. have help start and turned around a few small businesses

  16. 5 months ago

    I called the mental hospital my roommate is in to wish her a Christmas. They went to grab her and she said she was too tired and relaxing. Feels bad. A disease in my mind ngl.
    I'm spending the day at home and am going to the gym at 5 and hopefully leaving it at 8. Went yesterday 8 to 10. I did a lot but only my upper back is sore.
    I hope you guys have a good holiday and value the people in front of you even if they're not necessarily what you want.

  17. 5 months ago

    How do I make friends? Like real friends? Notice no one at work wants to hangout or go to the bar after work much anymore, and these dudes are single men. I don't know what happened but I noticed a lot of gen z and millennials really embraced the whole no co-workers as friends thing, when all they do is go to work and go home.

    • 5 months ago

      60% of males are now sexless and it's only increasing. Let's not even get into the mental health and loneliness epidemic that is being kept under the rug for years now.

      • 5 months ago

        It fricking sucks, literally no one wants to have fun anymore.

    • 5 months ago

      People are usually more open to socializing when there's an activity with a common goal. I had some luck at an old martial arts gym and volunteering events. Personally, I'd only go to a bar to hangout and talk with guys I've already bonded with, not just to chit chat with coworkers.
      Also, keep work separate from personal life, it's way too easy to get fricked over career wise.

    • 5 months ago

      When u grow up,you realise there are no real true friends. You are only good for what you can offer so try beeingg extra positive and smiley,ttat usually attracts normies.

  18. 5 months ago

    Just turned 28 and my youth is now officially past me. I don't know what to work towards. I could climb the ranks job hopping every couple years in my current profession (software engineer) but that doesn't really appeal to me. My job is comfy but I don't want to get complacent and just live the next 10+ years on autopilot, I want to work towards something.

    I'm so restless. I'm having half a crisis - I don't know what I want my life to look like at 40 so I don't know what steps I need to take next. I don't know if I want a family, I almost certainly don't want to be working a 9-5 for someone else by the time I'm 40. Frick. What the frick do people even do past their 20s? Just wageslave, mindlessly reproduce then wait to die?

    I have great hobbies and friends, but something is not right.

    Can any anons relate?

    • 5 months ago

      Save money and open a business?

    • 5 months ago

      >no one:
      >engineers: did i forget to mention im an engineer?

      • 5 months ago

        He's not an engineer though, code monkeys can't be engineers.

    • 5 months ago

      Life is a constant, dull pain in a person's side that happens to be easily alleviated through small creature pleasures like food, sex, and hanging out with people you enjoy. I strive to be a high achiever in my field and, although I really enjoy what I do, sometimes it's even nicer to have those aforementioned creature comforts. Expect less and enjoy the ride.

      You sound eerily identical to an irl friend who just turned 28 a week ago, and there's a good chance you might be him. If it's you, fwiw, the wife helps lmao

  19. 5 months ago

    I had mutual chemistry with this girl at work. I scheduled a date last Saturday, and then at the last minute she changes all plans. We end up meeting in a parking lot somewhere and she tells me she wants to cut things off. It turns out she was seeing an older guy in his 50s with 2 kids and a history of dishonesty. I thought she had some baggage, but I didn’t know that she would take “daddy issues” to the next level.

    And she was apologizing to me, “I’m so sorry, I was really feeling it with you.” But the attraction was still there and then we ended up making out and touching each other for a while. I really wanted her, and she felt the same way. I could tell by the way she was touching me, just by the way she was grabbing my shoulders and neck. There was a desperation in how she was kissing me and running her hands over my chest and lap. She really wanted to do this for a while.

    I wanted to take her home, but she declined because she said that her new boyfriend would track her down (things like this I don’t take seriously). She said that she wanted a man like me, but she needed this man. Despite his flaws he displayed the protectiveness and mentorship that she never received. She never did it outright, but she wanted this man to be the father she never had.

    She’s 19, I’m 31. There’s a disparity in experience and maturity, but I was willing to look past all that. She’s young, she has baggage, and it’s obvious she doesn’t know what she wants. Despite everything last Saturday I’m still into her. By the way she was looking at me and touching me, I think she’s into me. I don’t think anything good is going to come out of this, though. I’ll be seeing her at work in a week, it will be rough.

    Thanks for watching my channel. Hit like and subscribe and post comments. Tell me what you think, guys. And most important of all, Merry Christmas.

    • 5 months ago

      Wut, she's fricking a guy in his 50s? That's a new one

    • 5 months ago

      Bro time to let her go. I'm 31 as well and 19 year olds are too young for anything serious. They don't know what they want nor have the life experiences to know who they are yet. Plus yours sounds extra crazy with the daddy issues.

      If you're only interested in having some fun with her then keep at it, but don't look at her as a serious match.

      • 5 months ago

        She's mad crazy and probably slightly moronic. Dont stick dick in crazy or you need accept the consequences of your poor choices. Best you can do is drop her like a rock in the sea.

        I know I can have her. My dick is saying yes, but my brain and soul are both screaming NO. The problem is that once I get intimate with her, she would immediately latch onto me. I know why she’s into me, because I’m older and mature. Other girls have said that I have ‘daddy vibes’. Another problem is that I am actually a bleeding heart pussy and I would feel sorry for her and then take her under my wing. If that ever happened (and there’s a chance it will), she would want to move in with me and then later on dismantle my well-being, career, and possibly my safety (because of that viagra dependent boomer out there).

        This is hard because she’s my employee and I can’t exactly cut things off entirely. I need to talk to her for work. There’s always going to be lunch meetings and discussions over coffee. I actually need to keep her number.

        This could be bad.

        • 5 months ago

          You are fricking stupid if you don't start treating her like the cancer she is. Either treat it now or suffer the pain later.

        • 5 months ago

          >I’m older and mature
          Your moronic

    • 5 months ago

      She's mad crazy and probably slightly moronic. Dont stick dick in crazy or you need accept the consequences of your poor choices. Best you can do is drop her like a rock in the sea.

    • 5 months ago

      >31 years old
      >wants to have sex with some 19 yea old who is his employee
      >surprised that a 19 year old who would frick a 31 year old, let alone a guy in his 50s, has daddy issues
      >this obsessed about some 19 year old bawd

      fricking lol this place is so pathetic

      • 5 months ago

        This is a place for learning and growth, anon. A good place to do the needful and shit out all the bad stuff rotting away inside. Better here than out in the real world.

    • 5 months ago

      You'll be fine

  20. 5 months ago

    Gimmie a pint of Guinness and a pour of Jameson.

    First Christmas I’m spending totally alone. Girlfriend cheated on be 1 week after our 5 year anniversary last month. I’m still emotionally destroyed but I had to fake it on a facetime call with my family and now I’m ready to start tying the noose. I’m going to finish major projects in the next 3-4 months and set myself for a very significant pay raise (literally a 200% raise) and I was planning to propose to her over the summer, her favorite season once that happened and I secured our financial future. Now I will travel alone, become wealthy alone, and probably just end up being a tinder boomer banging 20 year olds until I finally die of a cocaine/hypertension heart attack.

    Merry Christmas, friends

  21. 5 months ago

    I bought 4 shaqaroni xxl pizzas last tuesday because papa johns had a sale and Ive been eating notbing but cold pizza for the last 6 days
    i feel like im dying, my shits are massive and range from hard unubshittium to molten shitlava and evrything inbetween
    I am constantly thirsty no matter how much water I drink and my mouth is always dry, i know this is bad for me but i cant stop eating it
    it probably already went bad since i bought it but it still tastes good
    i understand the power of goyslop but i cannot stop myself from being overpowered by it
    tonight I will eat the last 4 slices, wish me luck

    • 5 months ago

      it's done, it didnt look like it had any mold but it left a weird moldy aftertaste
      ate a couple of after eights to get rid of the taste

  22. 5 months ago

    Vodka please.

    This is my first Christmas without my ex. We broke up in January and I've been struggling to move on. She has BPD and I had no idea what that was at the time and formed a trauma bond with her. After 2 years of abuse, I left her. I regret it everyday though. My life has been shit. I can't function. I have nightmares about her daily. Get triggered about stupid shit. I don't know.

    >Inb4 "easiest way to get over a girl is to get under a new one" morons

  23. 5 months ago

    >still angry at my brother for being the way he is all the time with no repercussions
    >still angry at my parents for allowing him to be this way and never challenging him on it
    >still angry that I'm somehow the bad guy in every situation because I was the only one willing to challenge my brother on shit, and everyone sided with him
    >its been over a year since "D-Day" when I finally let go of it all
    >Christmas is just us eating dinner in silence, pretending like everything is okay
    >They all know that I'm objectively correct in my critiques but nobody is willing to rock the boat and they're all too proud to admit that they were wrong, or even worse admit that I was right
    >stopped trying, just play my part and bide my time while I save up to move out
    >open my few gifts from my mom, thankful to have them but ultimately they're just niche trinkets I'll toss in a few years
    >all the while my brother is yelling about how amazing and exciting his gifts are, clearly trying to get under my skin
    >most of it being the same shit that I got

    I don't really like the holidays anymore since my family is so content with living under my brother's tyranny that they've facilitated. Who would have thought that not beating the autistic kid's ass and trying to "gentle parent" him would make him a nightmare for everybody else to deal with? Clearly not my mom.

    On the plus side, I thought my hearing was completely fricked from an old warehouse job, where they insisted hearing protection would be provided every day guaranteed (lmao) but I got one of those hook/camera/flashlight ear cleaners and its been working wonders. Hurts to go too far in at times because of my narrow ear ways but I've carved out a ton of wax and my hearing has improved a lot over just 2 uses. Happy about that at least. Hoping to have entirely unobstructed hearing by week's end.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember you. I’m the anon with the golden child older sister. Started talking to her again, no apology from her though. I don’t reply to all her texts, didn’t come out of my room for Christmas until she left. Still pretty upset about things. I think you should find excuses to beat your brother. That’s what I would do. Shoulder check him in the hallway then punch him and claim he shoulder checked you hold a crazy conviction and gaslight that he hurt you first you defended yourself like a stupid b***h who got caught cheating acting like she’s the victim. I would do this daily depending how old he is, mix in a few times where you don’t attack him and tell your parents he’s trying to start physical shit with you again for legitimacy.

      • 5 months ago

        haha I remember you too. Hope things have been well since Thanksgiving(?) but honestly I'm just kind of past it. I'm finished turning the other cheek by force so I'm taking every step I can to remove myself from the situation. He's older and bigger than I am so I won't get physical until he starts something, but if it reaches that point I'm not gonna hold back and probably end up in prison or some shit. I won't start it but I'll try my damn hardest to finish it. The next time the boat rocks will likely be the last time so I'm just waiting it out and avoiding as much as I can in hopes for this to end with a clean break and no obligatory loose ends.

        Me walling him out has done immense psychic damage to my mom though which is convenient - which sounds fricked up to say, but clearly she doesn't understand that after she's dead and gone my brother is going to be everybody else's problem. I got in a big fight with my mom about it a few weeks ago actually and she went through all the tired guilt trip talking points. "You're gonna regret this down the road" "he's your only brother, one day you might be the only family each other has" and my personal favorite, "what if something happened and he died tomorrow? You're gonna feel awful about the way you treated him." All of this was so jarring to hear because it is significantly more applicable if the roles were reversed. Apparently I'm still the bad guy for not allowing myself to be a doormat, physically, mentally, or emotionally anymore, and if he died tomorrow I'm supposed to regret it? Nah no thanks. If that's the legacy he's going to leave behind, that's his L to hold and I just can't feel sympathy for that. I've just clocked out entirely and have no intention of going back to the way things were. Just working, saving up, waiting for my exit.

        • 5 months ago

          Still the same since thanksgiving. Saw my mom yesterday gave her a hug. Otherwise I’m very on edge and uncomfortable, full blown anxious around my own family. Actually gonna get propranolol to help me piece my life back together (bullshit traumas turned me into an anxious wreck anxious in all ways a human can be from general to health to social). I’m hoping that lets me not have panic attacks by hanging with my own family. Spoke to my dad about this he gets it I guess. I think part of my issue with them aside from all the BS from my childhood they did to me is shame because I’m doing bad in life right now. Like I’m letting them down.
          >what your mom said
          Did you point out “well he should shape up and act like a real brother then since he’s all I got.” That’s what I would have said. My mom used to pull the same shit when my sister and I were teens and we would bicker (usually because she got me in trouble or antagonized me and only when I reacted was it a problem).

  24. 5 months ago

    Day 3 no fap sort of praying for a day where I won't be so obsessively thinking about wanting to fap again. I was turbo addicted level giga going for, and I'm not kidding, 5+ times/d. I expect it to be sort of bad. I just want to fight every fight for the sake of fighting and see where the wind takes me

  25. 5 months ago

    I guess texting me first and replying very fricking quickly is a sign of interest in this day and age right

    • 5 months ago

      yeah you boutta frick. good job anon

      • 5 months ago

        I hope to not frick this up
        we're both accountants from different cities and branches, I'll text her a few times and ask her out (after month end closure ofc)

  26. 5 months ago

    One whisky as usual barman. In a good mood today cause i got a compliment from some relatives. Lifting is paying off.

  27. 5 months ago

    >get compliments from family about how big I got
    >younger cousin mogs me way harder this year anyway
    I'm tired

    • 5 months ago

      You're capable of being more happy for your young cousin than jealous of him. It makes life a lot better.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm happy for him tbh, he's a nice guy. But i'm still a little jealous and disappointed at myself.

    • 5 months ago

      I physically mog my little brother into oblivion since he stopped lifting but he came with a girl, ahahaha...

    • 5 months ago

      Similar situation here.
      >dad and his brother are super competitive about everything in life
      >always trying to make my dad proud
      >spend the year lifting and trying to improve myself
      >can't outlift autism; never had a girlfriend, family probably thinks I'm a gay by now
      >both of my uncle's boys come to our Christmas party, haven't seen them in a while
      >both of them bring their smoking hot girlfriends
      >both of them mog me, are way taller than me, and are both mvps in their respective sports
      >uncle is smug the whole time, cousins make sarcastic comments about how I've gotten bigger
      >dad is clearly disappointed
      Frick them. I'm going to have to try harder this year. Completely fricking ruined my Christmas, but it's good rage fuel, I guess.

  28. 5 months ago

    Flew from literally the other side of the world to visit family and I couldn't even get a good night's sleep cause my nearly 30 year old brother was yelling at 3am every time he died in whatever game he's playing.
    Trying to hold the peace cause I know I'm a bigger dick than I need to be when tired.
    Want him to grow up and be fulfilled but also I'm fricking exhausted

    • 5 months ago

      i learned very early on to never travel without ear plugs. Every time someone I know travels, I tell them to bring ear plugs and they all eventually thank me later for reminding them.
      obvious useless hindsight at this point but maybe for next time

      • 5 months ago

        That's a good idea, I know we've got some around here. I just need to get some energy back so I can have a constructive conversation instead of just b***hing to my mom about it

        Let’s say you’re nearly 30 brother wants to change and get it together. He makes some changes. He sleeps from 8pm-4am, applies to jobs, exercises, spends some time outdoors, then plays a few hours of vidya applies to more jobs goes to sleep. But nothings changing, no one will hire him. That’s the next step for him, finding any job.
        What would you suggest to him to find work? What field would you suggest he looks into?

        That sounds just fine, a job isn't fully controllable, but those other things like getting out and exercising are. Maybe if no job comes at least do the most possible to help around the house, don't wake up family in the middle of the night for one, cook and do the dishes once in awhile, do the laundry. I could respect that.

        • 5 months ago

          >help around house
          I already do I spent the entire last week cutting down trees and bush for my dad. Clean too, do the dishes if they’re not done and I see.
          But I feel like shit about the job I need income. I know if I got a retail job I would be able to get a better job just by filling the employment gap, or even get a second retail job. And no I don’t wake anyone up.
          I still feel like shit though. Even if I’m doing what I can it’s not enough. I’m too old to not have a job or to be not working towards moving out.

          • 5 months ago

            That's a great foundation. I get that the job thing is tough, but you give everyone a
            >yeah but he helps out his parents
            Which is a great quality to have
            Keep trying on the job, maybe ask parents/uncles whatever if they know anyone that's a manager at a nearby place, or one of the "we grind workers to dust" type places like an Amazon warehouse, at least to get any job.
            I can say from having seen it, while getting that first job whjle older is hard, being seen as equal to your peers will happen quickly once you get it.
            So it's a big challenge upfront, but once you beat that things really do change quickly.

            • 5 months ago

              Thank you man. It wouldn’t even be my first ever job I’ve had a handful but I’ve been neet since last January. I don’t know if it’s a me problem or what. The closest I have gotten is an interview which was the weirdest interview experience in my life where I had to record myself answering questions and upload it. Did that, all was confirmed just had to do an actual zoom interview. And then they ghosted me after confirming it. Then an hour past when it would have ended they asked for feedback on how it went, ignored my inquiries about being ghosted. Anyways thanks, I just gotta get any job I can right now and I know it’s like a snowball over the peak of a hill from there


              my gf and i broke up after 4 years
              she immediately downloaded all the apps, hopped on the wiener carousel and never looked back. i even ran into a dude leaving her house when i went to go pick up my shit. it really bothered me a lot back then but i let it go because i realized that she was very immature and 100% not capable of being alone in a breakup like that.

              anyways, i downloaded tinder because she just pissed me off with everything she was doing. i got lucky and managed to bang the first girl i matched with. hotter + more athletic than my ex too. gave me her number but i never texted her.
              unironically also went celibate and alone for 2 years. worked on myself, got more fit, got a huuuuuge promotion, and moved to a nicer part of the city in my own apartment. rent is still raping me in the ass but frick it, it’s my own place. i eventually met a new girl through a work friend and shes everything my ex was in the beginning but without the negatives. shes really great.

              i checked up on my ex from time to time through friends/social media and she reverted back to a party girl at age 27 after the breakup, wall was already fast approaching and shes now hit it. shes about 40lbs heavier and she looks to have aged 5-10 years in the last 3 years. shes living with her parents again, probably jobless, and probably being practice girled by future chads on tinder.

              the world does justice for the men who better themselves. you just gotta keep going and never look back

              I appreciate this man. Thank you. Similar with my first ex, I’ve checked and she’s post wall late 20s and idk what archetype you’d call her. Wannabe witch earth hippy thot I guess. Gained weight, looks like she’s mid 30s at age 26/27 however old she is.

    • 5 months ago

      Let’s say you’re nearly 30 brother wants to change and get it together. He makes some changes. He sleeps from 8pm-4am, applies to jobs, exercises, spends some time outdoors, then plays a few hours of vidya applies to more jobs goes to sleep. But nothings changing, no one will hire him. That’s the next step for him, finding any job.
      What would you suggest to him to find work? What field would you suggest he looks into?

    • 5 months ago

      Does your brother know much about how the router works? Had a loud ass fricking room mate who screamed in online video games so made a habit of turning the internet off through the router page as shadow punishment

  29. 5 months ago

    giving it up again for the new year. Another good christmas, went to mass with wife and kids and had a nice meal. No friends, havent seen my family abroad for more than a decade. Strange health problems starting, just hope to get it fixed in 2024.

  30. 5 months ago

    I woke up feeling like shit and I still feel like shit.
    It's time to give up drinking for good, forever. Nothing good comes from it.

  31. 5 months ago

    A story of caution for all the porn addicted tards on here like I once was, not greentexting it cause I don't wanna replay the whole thing in my head anymore.
    almost a year ago I had just gone through the worst breakup of my life, and then another one back to back. I sometimes jerked off to trans b***hes so in that fricked up mental state I remembered that old greentext that said you should just go frick one to get it out of your system and get disgusted by it. well, that did indeed happen, but it also led me down a lot of debilitating paranoia regarding STDs (I did get checked for HIV and syphilis even though the sex was protected just cause it was a prostitute), and it still comes up in my mind every once in a while. I still feel dirty for it, even more so cause it was a prostitute and I definitely didn't think about the std risks enough.
    originally I just said eh I want to have the full human experience whatever I'm probably not gonna be regretting this one on my death bed, but yeah fellas you should probably just get a hold of your head before becoming prison gay and wondering in awe what the frick was in your head. or at least don't be a moron like me and have the oral protected too ig. And yes I did lick up that small estrogenised knob for like 20 seconds cause I wanted to know wtf it's like and it still haunts me. Right now when it comes up in my mind I just thank whatever deity is looking down on me for never making my first mistakes fatal and allowing me to repent by living my life correctly

    • 5 months ago

      The odds of contracting an std from straight sex, even oral, as a man is really low. STDs are almost entirely spread by homosexuals.

      • 5 months ago

        did you miss the part where he slurped on the troony dick for 20 seconds?

        • 5 months ago

          Oh, that’s really gay. Yeah, he should be scared of stds

          • 5 months ago

            yeah I really wonder how tf I came out unscathed. I guess at least it completely took the depression of the breakup out, cause now I had something way worse to occupy my mind. I never understood when people said they had a manic episode, but now I look back and realize I can't even think about that person as being me

            • 5 months ago

              I used to frick a passing plastic Asian ladyboy, I figured as long as it was monogamous fricking there wasn’t a risk of stds. I did that for about a year, “she” was my gf, never touched “her” dick.
              Eventually realized it was time to move on, all the sex was fine, but it was a troony, can’t have kids, and was sketchy.
              Awesome to have a plastic bimbo on call to make you blow loads every night though.

              • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Sort of similar went to an Asian massage like a year ago after a bad breakup, great massage outstanding hand job better than the ex sucked actually. Definitely helped the breakup go more smoothly for me, I understand why women do that wiener carousel shit it’s a cheat code although pathetic and weak.
      Went a few more times. Then began getting grossed out after the last time a dude came in after me and they made him wait for me to be done. Probably unlikely I’d have caught anything from that but still gross and degenerate. I get the cravings to go back but I won’t.

      • 5 months ago

        >I understand why women do that wiener carousel shit it’s a cheat code although pathetic and weak.
        women do it because they are not capable of being alone, especially during times of stress that require mental fortitude. they keep riding the carousel because they know spending all their time getting fricked and taken out on dates will help them avoid facing the skeletons they have.

        men do it to remind ourselves that there is more pussy in the sea, that the woman we made ours definitely isn’t the only one. not because we are incapable of dealing with the loneliness that comes after a breakup.

        at least that how ive come to view it

        • 5 months ago

          I guess next time I’ll just make sure I’m in a position to get sex from a random woman immediately instead of paying for it from a hooker.
          After my first Gf I stayed single and celibate for years. The entire first 2 years after I left her I was turning down women throwing themselves at me then needed up in a position I couldn’t get laid to save my life. That was a mistake, I should have fricked right away.
          And yeah that is what it reminded me, she’s not the only b***h I can get and also sex was ALL she gave me so much so that the Asian massage experience was better than the entire relationship.

          • 5 months ago

            my gf and i broke up after 4 years
            she immediately downloaded all the apps, hopped on the wiener carousel and never looked back. i even ran into a dude leaving her house when i went to go pick up my shit. it really bothered me a lot back then but i let it go because i realized that she was very immature and 100% not capable of being alone in a breakup like that.

            anyways, i downloaded tinder because she just pissed me off with everything she was doing. i got lucky and managed to bang the first girl i matched with. hotter + more athletic than my ex too. gave me her number but i never texted her.
            unironically also went celibate and alone for 2 years. worked on myself, got more fit, got a huuuuuge promotion, and moved to a nicer part of the city in my own apartment. rent is still raping me in the ass but frick it, it’s my own place. i eventually met a new girl through a work friend and shes everything my ex was in the beginning but without the negatives. shes really great.

            i checked up on my ex from time to time through friends/social media and she reverted back to a party girl at age 27 after the breakup, wall was already fast approaching and shes now hit it. shes about 40lbs heavier and she looks to have aged 5-10 years in the last 3 years. shes living with her parents again, probably jobless, and probably being practice girled by future chads on tinder.

            the world does justice for the men who better themselves. you just gotta keep going and never look back

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks anon. Think I needed to hear that

            • 5 months ago

              Thanks anon. I'm going through it rn and sitting in my childhood bedroom rn thinking about her but it's good to know taking the hard road pays off. I will not drink tonight and go to bed at 9pm and run in the morning

              • 5 months ago

                it will get better. and if you make conscious efforts to make it better, it gets better a whole lot quicker and you eventually end up better than you were than when you were with her. just keep going man

  32. 5 months ago

    When am I supposed to cut off a friendship? I did the stop texting first thing and didnt talk for a month but recently texted him and now he wants to meet up to do something. Makes me wonder if he just assumed I was busy or something.

    He's the only friend I have left and I don't really want to frick this up, else I end up truly alone. All my other "friends" basically forgot about me once they went to other schools and colleges. I got to the punch line first and ended up removing them all from my contacts when not a single one remembered my birthday.

    • 5 months ago

      I’m gonna be honest, I find it really weird you guys even have friends at all. When I got out of high school, the military, and college I basically just left that part of my life behind. In every scenario it was basically a different person living it.
      I still don’t have friends, and I don’t really want friends because wtf do I even need a friend for? I basically just stick to my family because we are all extensions of more or less the same personality to varying degrees and it makes it easy to joke and talk about things.

    • 5 months ago

      Why are you cutting this friend off?
      It’s simple.
      >is this friendship 50/50
      >is there any benefit to it
      >do you lose more than you gain by having him as a friend
      If yes to the following, then cut him off and learn to be happy alone
      >bucket crab
      >you wouldn’t trust him alone with your gf for one reason or another
      >not someone you can rely on
      If this is just like you guys have different views, you can be friends but from a distance and hang on occasion. Like if he’s a braindead liberal or just sits around smoking pot with no ambitions, that’s fine just don’t spend too much time around or talking to him. You can still maintain the friendship and talk / hang on occasion like a few times a year.

      I had to cut my only friend off. Scumbag basically.

      • 5 months ago

        I want to stay his friend because we live near each other so its practical for us, we have the same interests, like to do the same things.
        The problem is I'm an autist and he's a more typical normalgay chad. I know I'm not really a priority for him, and I don't want to sound selfish but I don't really want to be kept on the backburner and only needed when there are no other options. I rather be alone than have some fake one-sided friendship like that.

        Eitherway I'm going to probably see him later this week and figure things out from there.

  33. 5 months ago

    I'll have a glass of water please. Broke my 229 day sobriety streak and it was not worth it at all. The grind continues.

  34. 5 months ago

    You homies look like you could use some motivational phrases. Gonna share some pearls here
    >Hard is what you make of it
    >You are the places that you choose to avoid
    >One is without the other, and the other is yourself, but not your self

  35. 5 months ago

    Merry Christmas.
    Pic is just for the humour

  36. 5 months ago

    your cheapest rum and 1.5 liters of coke please

    I'll turn 24 in less than a month. No gf and it's bothering me. Everything else in my life is going in a better direction now, but feels like none of these days are worth the hassle if I don't have someone. I've never actually approached anyone so I know I have myself to blame. I had someone for the first time last winter and she basically fell on my lap. It was a bliss even though we had to call it off couple of months later lol. I'm first year in uni so having a girlfriend should apparently be the easiest thing in the world and I'm here just wasting it. I'm going to parties but I always end up hanging out with the lads doing random drunk bs. Few times I've talked to women one on one it's always been awkward and were both just waiting to leave. idk. I think the only reasonable thing to do is to swallow my ego and at least try to say hello to girls I find cute. Frick tinder btw it's the ruin of civilization.

    • 5 months ago

      Based. If you manage to get closer to a girl suggest a study session and try to turn it into a date but only if possible. Remember a date is like a fart. If you force it you will shit yourself. Also ask some friend if he knows any girls that would be a good match for you. Other than that its a numbers game so luck be with you.

    • 5 months ago

      >Few times I've talked to women one on one it's always been awkward and were both just waiting to leave. idk. I think the only reasonable thing to do is to swallow my ego and at least try to say hello to girls I find cute. Frick tinder btw it's the ruin of civilization
      You just need to make small talk (as in ask shit about herself that makes her yap and/or act interested in what she says), smile and nod like a good boy.

  37. 5 months ago

    >christmas day
    >the autistic losers on fit are still posting feel threads crying incessantly about women posting paragraphs about them

  38. 5 months ago

    I'll take some eggnog since it's Christmas. I'm lonely, that's it. The holidays only amplify that feeling and it's getting very difficult to deal with. I'm in college passing with a good GPA, I have enough money to buy basically whatever I want, a body that gets complimented damn near daily, and a job that I actually enjoy doing. I am grateful for everything I have, and yet, I've had no luck with women and feel like something is wrong with me. Some of it is my fault such as not taking enough initiative due to an already stretched thin schedule, but some of it is also just attracting the wrong kind of woman. I understand that I would make time for a woman I like, but I just haven't met one yet. I would just like to love, and be loved, again.

    • 5 months ago

      it’s a numbers game. probably 9/10 girls you will ever meet would make a terrible partner for you. and the 1/10, probably 1/100 of those you would want to marry. you need to
      be lucky but persistent. you also gotta want it and put effort. only chads and jokemaxxers get laid effortlessly, everyone else has to make sacrifices whether it be time, money, or even dignity. you’re not stupid, you seem aware that your lack of initiative/time is causing issues, so you should be able to figure out ways to address that. as for the type of women you attract, what kind of women are these? and why do you think you’re attracting those instead of someone you’d prefer?

      a lot to unpack here anon

      • 5 months ago

        I could always cut back on the gym, but I'm finally getting to the point where I am happy about my body. My next semester should, in theory at least, allow me to have more free time during the day and in general, so I can probably afford to give someone my time. That's the biggest thing for me is making sure that whoever I'm with feels valued and I can't do that if they come second to everything else in my life. As far as the women I attract, lately it's been ones who claim to be "abused" in ALL their previous relationships and ones who have diagnosed mental illnesses. It's most likely because I treat them like everyone else and they feel safe with me not judging them. I've tried giving them chances along with help to get through their problems, but I can only take so much of being blamed and accused of what their ex(es) have done without these women trying to work with me, before realizing that I deserve to be treated better than that. I will say that I think I lost a great deal of my self-confidence after leaving the military and moving to a different state, so that probably plays into attracting women who are no good for me. I'm working on rebuilding the self-confidence, which is why I focus so much on school, the gym, and my job. Thanks for replying anon, it means a lot.

        • 5 months ago

          >I can't do that if they come second to everything else in my life.
          the moment you prioritize a woman, she loses respect for you and your life will start crumbling around you because you will become a simp. trust me bro, it happens. you are always #1. women know this intuitively, that your success is her protection and security.
          >lately it's been ones who claim to be "abused" in ALL their previous relationships and ones who have diagnosed mental illnesses.
          that’s all women, fren. and the ones without mental illness havent been to a psychiatrist.

          all women have baggage, mostly through their own faults but sometimes because of other people. the one ones who don’t are 18 year old virgins, which is why everyone wants them. but unless you’re even that lucky, you’re gonna end up with a woman with problems.

          the trick is, once you find one you like, you end up putting up with their bullshit long enough for them to settle down and act like a woman should. your job is to be a chad and make her feel secure enough for that to happen. they’re children, dude, you gotta be daddy. everything they do is a shit test. everything. it’s our job as men to navigate all that bullshit once we find the woman we want to make our child’s mother.

          all in all, don’t take women serious. keep making yourself better. they will come eventually. and once you have one, the others will smell their pussy pheromones on you and will start competing for your wiener. srs brah

          • 5 months ago

            Thanks anon, I needed to hear (read?) that. It's so simple and something I probably knew already. It just took someone else pointing it out for me to realize it. I appreciate it anon, merry Christmas and I hope you make it.

          • 5 months ago

            >don’t take women serious
            A wise man once said to not treat women like adults, your life depends on it.

  39. 5 months ago

    Now ex's Christmas present to me is blocking me everywhere on Christmas eve. two hours after finding out, I saw my FC play the best game of their life. Here is hoping I kick in 2024 strong

  40. 5 months ago

    Finally got in shape after all these years yet I still feel like crap in regards to women and my own body. I'm ugly so I barely get any female attention but what's worst of all is that I have a 4.5x4.0 dick. People always say its not a big deal but it sure feels like one, every girl I've been with has either laughed at my dick or openly expressed disappointment and it fricking kills man. I can't even just ignore it because sex feels awful when the girl isnt into it and I can barely feel myself down there. I don't know what to do, I have tried accepting it but I can't cos it's so fricking humiliating to look at or let others go near it. I'm usually very calm and chill but this issue is seriously fricking over my confidence.

    • 5 months ago

      >inb4 reddit
      r/gettingbigger. after a 2-3 years of work you could make it to 6x5

      • 5 months ago

        Im short on time due to doing multiple jobs so i barely have free time to do manual stretches. I was thinking of getting an extender but it wouldnt fit cos my flaccid is like 2.5 inches at best and i have awful girth so it would be pointless to focus on one thing and not the other.

        • 5 months ago

          you only need to hang 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week.
          clamping is like 10-20 minutes 3-5 times a week.

          you also do better focusing on length gains before girth. your dick gets stretched in an extender so if you’re 4.5 hard you’re probably 4.5-5 stretched.

          buy an apex extender, wear it 45 minutes a day for 6 months to a year then start clamping or pumping for girth gains

    • 5 months ago

      “And yet you’re still about to suck it”
      >expressed disappointment
      “Still hit”
      >saying either of these makes her back out/stop talking to you
      “Damn I’ve lost… nothing at all”

      It’s that simple.

      • 5 months ago

        I tried that but it doesn't work, when they suck/frick its so unenthusiatic and makes it hard to stay erect when they are visibly holding back laughter or disgusted.

        you only need to hang 20-30 minutes 4-5 times a week.
        clamping is like 10-20 minutes 3-5 times a week.

        you also do better focusing on length gains before girth. your dick gets stretched in an extender so if you’re 4.5 hard you’re probably 4.5-5 stretched.

        buy an apex extender, wear it 45 minutes a day for 6 months to a year then start clamping or pumping for girth gains

        So buy an extender and focus on wearing it for 6-12 months and then start clamping/pumping as well? Just wondering are these gains permanent? And how much could i gain in length if i wore an extender for 6-12 months 45 minutes a day? Also do i have to do any warm ups before using the extender?

        • 5 months ago

          Take cialis 10mg about 30 minutes before you frick. Go through good RX to get some this week and you’ll have it on hand next time you get laid.
          Then hurt them during sex if they start laughing at you. I don’t mean punch, pull hair, slap, spank, choke, rag doll and slam around. Turn them into a human fleshlight. As soon as your done kick them out/leave.
          If you ever want to get inside a b***hes head, don’t cum and just kind of scoff, calmly get dressed and walk out. If she’s at your place excuse yourself and come back swiping on tinder and ask her word for word “so what are you about to get into?” If she doesn’t take the hint and leave within 5 minutes hit her with “anyways, I have a friend otw I think it’s time to part ways” all the while swiping tinder. You’ll probably hear back from her and have her behave herself if you hang again.

        • 5 months ago

          all in all, you are gonna need vacuum cups, tape, heating pads, extender, and pump. you wanna do manuals for 2 months to get your ligament ready.

          then do extending + pumping if it you can fit in your schedule but focusing on length gains before girth will make the length come easier than doing it the other way.
          pumps are good for eq, flaccid growth, and mild girth gains. gains are permanent, maybe -25” length/girth after you quit permanently but if you continue maintenance maybe 2 or 3 times a week, you keep the full size. but they are permanent.

          there’s no official guideline but it’s widely recognized that realistic noob gains are 1” length and .5” in girth in 12 months of consistent training, doing everything right

          warm ups are things like heat, stretches. and tunica exercises

          • 5 months ago

            Damn, so I have a long way to go before I can extend? Gonna be tough to do that stuff daily, I am busy like 95% of the day. Shit

            • 5 months ago

              Penis enlargement is a marathon. It takes a long time to make dick gains

    • 5 months ago

      Hey, look on the bright side, I'm the only one who's ever touched my dick, you're winning

  41. 5 months ago

    I'm growing more tired of people and society by the day. I don't really know why, but that's how it is. My life is going pretty well, I have friends, a good relationship with my family and so on. But recently I've been dreaming of living in some cozy cabin up in Norway or something at the end of the world.

    • 5 months ago

      Me too man. I get it. The only issue with that sort of life for me would be occasionally wanting a woman to frick and cuddle with. But preferring to be alone 90% of the time. Cuddling at least can be solved with a dog. Sex wouldn’t be solved though. I have such a crazy sex drive, when I have a gf it’s not abnormal for me to frick her 10 times a day, when I’m single I’d say I do pretty well or keep it together.

  42. 5 months ago

    anyone just working a career that just settled for?
    >wanted to go work in the military, the air force, dream job, got rejected due to health reasons
    >interested in biotechnology but nowhere I could study it in my country nor would I be able to finish it with my average IQ
    >wanted to work for an intelligence agency in cybersecurity, never even managed to finish my CS bachelor degree, let alone a masters

    im literally just a random code monkey
    its not a bad life, its just far from what I dreamed about

    • 5 months ago

      >get pharma manufacturing tech job out of military
      >finish college
      >already making $28/hr with unlimited overtime
      >work way into management
      >now executive level
      Not what I had in mind, but it worked out so whatever
      A man isn’t his job

      • 5 months ago

        >A man isn’t his job
        thanks for the words man

        >cyber for 3 letter israelites
        why? im a threat intelligence analyst for a sec firm and i graduated high school with a 2.1 gpa and dropped out of community college. im not even gonna post salary cause ill get called a larper but my job is pretty fricking cool and i get paid a lot.

        >threat intelligence analyst
        that sounds like a very interesting job
        not to poke too much, but how did you get started in that line of work?

      • 5 months ago

        >says "a man isnt a job"
        >just so happens to be a white collar rich genius executive

        huh, what a surprise

        • 5 months ago

          I’m from a working class blue collar family. If you met me outside of work you would think I was a redneck moron probably, most people do.
          I wouldn’t even say most execs are geniuses, most are midwits. The smart people are underpaid in R&D leadership roles.

          • 5 months ago

            Would you say execs are charismatic?

            • 5 months ago

              Not as a rule. CEO and sales execs are more charismatic than average usually, but most people in director roles are just well connected or they are highly skilled and good at self promotion.
              There are also VPs that are founding members of the company, but not particularly remarkable otherwise.

    • 5 months ago

      >cyber for 3 letter israelites
      why? im a threat intelligence analyst for a sec firm and i graduated high school with a 2.1 gpa and dropped out of community college. im not even gonna post salary cause ill get called a larper but my job is pretty fricking cool and i get paid a lot.

      • 5 months ago

        oh another complete moron who managed to be a genius programmer/engineer making hundrwds of thousands a year huh?

        • 5 months ago

          the only programming i do is writing bash scripts and powershell commands. im also an analyst, not an engineer. i don’t even wfh. stop being a jealous poorgay and do something with your life instead of always hating on le tech bros

          >A man isn’t his job
          thanks for the words man
          >threat intelligence analyst
          that sounds like a very interesting job
          not to poke too much, but how did you get started in that line of work?

          i worked help desk for 3 years doing password resets and doing 4-5 hours of udemy a day. i got my sec+, ccna, cysa+, sc-200, az104 and az500. i made home labs and spent a 1-2 hours every night spinning up servers and learning everything i could. eventually found a job in a windows/azure environment as a soc gay and then pivoted towards analyst within the same company.

          • 5 months ago

            >caling yourself a tech bro

            • 5 months ago

              anyone who works with computers is a tech bro to illiterates like yourself

          • 5 months ago

            thanks for the advice man
            right now I work in mobile/backend development, but I dont see myself doing this long term, this is definitely interesting

            • 5 months ago

              being a backend developer, you could easily pivot into app security and break into the industry that way rather than going the help desk > soc route like most of us. osint goes a long way so i suggest doing some research into learning resources as well as common certifications/paths and see if you’d like any of it. security is a broad field.

              • 5 months ago

                much appreciated

      • 5 months ago

        Tell your fellow glowBlack folk that gooning means bomb making and that there are goon threads on /gif/ showing people how to.

  43. 5 months ago

    >be november
    >acquire gf
    >having christmas separate from her (we had our celebration on friday)
    >usually we would date twice a week
    >now she doesn't want to until new years eve
    >probably nothing out of the ordinary
    >today I woke up from a dream of her breaking up
    >"I don't love you back anymore, I feel pity for you being sad"
    >she even introduced the new guy, felt like a carbon copy of me
    >they even kissed
    >I said "that was all for today guys, see you later" and walked into the woods
    >now feeling more and more depressed

  44. 5 months ago

    Can't have a erection anymore for the last 2 months, should I go to the medic? 23 years old btw

  45. 5 months ago

    I have the shits.

    Merry Christmas.

  46. 5 months ago

    >Meet 19 year old
    >She gives me her number and I give her some tips about university
    >3,5 weeks later she calls me out of nowhere and ask If I want to join her friends party
    >Ok strange
    >Party is well I meet her co-workers/friends we talk and play games etc.
    >She invites me to another Christmas party and I go
    >We talk have fun etc.
    >She’s sad I want to leave early because I want to hit the gym.
    >Has that look of „should I hug him or not?“
    >We hug
    >Writes me „have fun at the gym“ etc.
    >Wished me merry Christmas 5 min ago.
    So is she into me or does she want me as a friend because she’s new in town?
    I only had 1 relationship before and that one lasted like 12 years (I’m 24) so I don’t know how that shit works with older woman

    • 5 months ago

      >I only had 1 relationship before
      >and that one lasted like 12 years
      rough to be single after that
      >(I’m 24)

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah it actually started like those children relationship you see in tv and stuff. It was really good except the last few months so we broke it up.

        No bro, she hates you and is setting you up to be framed for felonies

        I’m actually stupid when it’s about relationship. I really thought at fist she wants to sell me shit because she works at a bank

    • 5 months ago

      No bro, she hates you and is setting you up to be framed for felonies

  47. 5 months ago

    scotch on the rocks

    married, infant son. struggling with my wife. idk if she loves me, or if im just easing her childhood trauma. our intimacy is mostly cutesy, she needs lots of kisses and hugs but isnt... passionate. we have reasonably routine sex but its a bit uninspired and never revolves around me. i remember being young and driving girls nuts, gilfriends would do fun things like surprise me naked at the door, or wear french maid outfits.. and for us its pretty vanilla. ive recently been spending a lot of my free time alone listening to music and reminiscing about lovers past. its not healthy, and the only thing thats keeping me together is lifting and my son. i get a lot of attention from women at work and while theyre older and im not interested, it reminds me of what its like to be wanted wanted, not just wanted because you had shitty parents that never paid attention to you.

  48. 5 months ago

    some carbonated water...

    9 months sober.

    • 5 months ago

      Proud of you man. Keep it up please, you’re a stronger man for this.

      I believe every single thing you said. I know how that is!
      Please anon leave her for your own sanity it won’t get better. It will get 100% worse when you marry her.
      Look there are only 2 ways this can end.
      1: she breaks up with you because of a tiny mistake which isint even bad and leave you
      2: you to get married and you cheat on her.
      I’m talking from my own experience. Either talk with her about this and fix it or leave jer. Don’t ignore this shit.
      If she didint had a father figure you have to be ice cold and tell her no and she’s wrong because no one else did. Woman like that love it even if they don’t show it.
      For your own future sanity fix this shit with either ending this relation or talking with her about it as soon as possible and if she ignores it write something like the following:
      >Hey [Name] I thought about it the last few weeks and I think we should pause our relationship for some time. I feel like both of us need to rethink this relationship and see what we want out of this in the future.

      >no father figure
      Here’s one of the parts that gets me and probably why it’s lasted this long. I wonder if IM the problem or I’m just crazy. It’s got me questioning my sanity. She has a dad, from what she’s told me he seems like a good father.
      I don’t think continuing is a good idea I don’t get anything I expect or desire from a relationship out of her. She’s hot and that’s it. She feels like a stranger to me.

      • 5 months ago

        >She feels like a stranger to me.
        >She’s hot and that’s it.
        Yeah that should tell you how you should handle it. It’s not a real relationship in your eyes so you shouldn’t treat it like one.
        >She has a dad and a good relationship with him.
        And she’s still like that?
        Damn anon you have to be much harder to her and tell her No and that she should stop with that bullshit childsplay. If her dad was to afraid to tell her no than he failed you have to show her, if you want this to continue, that you don’t play with that girl OR you do what I did and find a gf who’s not mentally crazy, wants no drama in her life and likes to be alone.
        NEVER start a relationship with someone who can’t be alone they’re the worst people that exist.
        Think about it good. Either end it as soon as possible or talk with her about your problems. Shit didint work out with me and my ex (which I’m really happy about because I found someone who was way more chill and relaxed soon after) so I wish you the best!

  49. 5 months ago

    I lost my virginity to a hooker and now I can't stop thinking about her

  50. 5 months ago

    >discover ex is single again through stalking
    >have a roster of hoes atm
    >kinda want her and would not be a big deal if i fail
    >haven't seen her since breakup over a year ago
    should i go for it lads

    • 5 months ago

      No these digits also say no

  51. 5 months ago

    absinthe please
    i cant take this anymore. i had christmas dinner with my family, uncle aunt cousin and sister visisted, both brought their boyfriends we played board games. really great guys. I was more social than I usually was all these years, i could tell everyone was impressed. I got so far in life this year, got an amazing job, saved a lot of money, lost weight. can do 5 pull ups now after not even be able to do a single one. still now im laying in bed crying my guts out. All my life I cherished solitude, now I feel lonely af despite having my family, few but very close friends I know I could trust my life with. Had to cut off some toxic friends, it did hurt but I don't miss a single one of them. Had a complete nuts bd gf this summer, I don't miss her either. I just don't understand why I feel this way this is the best time of my life and I'm starting to turn schizo. only shit that keeps my sanity together in moments like this is to smoke shit load of weed and age of empires

  52. 5 months ago

    Water please.
    Bros how do you get rid of loneliness? Anytime I'm with people I hate being around them but then when I'm alone too long I cling to anyone who gives me attention.

    • 5 months ago

      help, I need advice bros

      • 5 months ago

        sounds like you got social anxiety or maybe a touch of the tism. when you go out with people, are you doing regular normie activities like movies/bars/parties? shit like that is aids for proper socialization, you need to bond over common interests and maybe you will be able to stand being around them for more than an hour

  53. 5 months ago

    I worry about my friends from the service around the holidays. It's hard to explain but this is a rough time of year for vets and people currently in the military. Lots of suicides.
    One of my best friends is getting out in a couple months and I just have this horrible sinking feeling that I'm going to get a phone call about him one of these days, so I try to talk to him as much as I can. I've already lost 2 friends because of this shit, both were around this time of year because they felt so alone and hopeless.
    Hold your friends and families tight, anons. Give someone a call or send a steam DM or a discord message or whatever you use, just to let them know that at least one person is thinking of them. It could make a difference. If you're feeling this way yourself, reach out to someone. Even if it's another anon in this thread, feel free to reply to me

  54. 5 months ago

    Broke up with gf 4 months ago and have been on the apps. Lots of matches and dates but not loving just casually hooking up with random sheilas.
    Meanwhile, I had some good banter with a very hot girl at my office Christmas party. However, she is friendly to everyone. I don't know if she's actually into me or if I'm just hallucinating that she's into me.
    I want to make a move but don't want to frick things up at my new job.

    • 5 months ago

      in a similar spot anon. although my instincts tell me i am delusional.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't dwell on it. Just be happy that it was a good time and consider it a rebound step on your road to recovery.

    • 5 months ago

      same, I hate casual sex so I stick with the few prostitutes I trust. Stay strong king, we'll find a girl worthy of our love

    • 5 months ago

      Don't dip your p3nis in company ink, feminists rule now in our gynocentric order.
      Losing your job for pussy is not worth it, plenty of girls outside work.

  55. 5 months ago

    I got a massage at my regular right at the end of NNN and was bricked up the entire time. Ever since then she's been more daring during the massage, accidentally grazing my balls, rubbing her thigh into my hand etc. She semi-molests me through the whole thing and when I leave she rubs my shoulder and says see you next time while looking deep into my eyes. I have a feeling she likes me.

    • 5 months ago

      she does that to every guy
      get a grip

      • 5 months ago

        It's not that kind of massage place and she didn't act like this for the longest time.

        • 5 months ago

          She realized it is a somewhat sexual experience for you, so she plays into that.

        • 5 months ago

          they’re all like that

    • 5 months ago

      She likes getting paid, do not simp for a literal prostitute, you are delusional anon.

  56. 5 months ago

    I hate to say it, but it was a good Christmas.
    It's my birthday too.
    Despite a few deaths of close people and my daughter going home to her mother's yesterday, my 3.14 Ukranian wofe surprised me with a shared day then she left work early to surprise me with a steakhouse dinner at a local steakhouse. It was pretty rad. Picrel.

    I am a super happy dude.

    • 5 months ago

      Nice anon!

  57. 5 months ago

    about to be a 27 yo virgin
    cheers lads

    • 5 months ago

      3 more years my dude, but you know being a virgin don't seem so bad after reading enough feels thread

  58. 5 months ago

    as empty, depressing, and pathetic as my life is i still keep going. i don't know why but despite failing at everything and feeling like i have no reason to go on i am still here. for just this one week at the end of the year i really feel like change and a new beginning are possible. thanks for being here for me this year anons, i'll try my best to stick around until this time next year. we're all gonna make it, merry christmas

    • 5 months ago

      Keep going anon, I will no matter how rough it gets. The fight and struggle is a reward on its own, giving up is the death of your body and soul.

  59. 5 months ago

    >be 33 yo me
    >chasing 24 yo mentally unstable girl
    >she's giving me signals that she's down to meetup
    >give her one "ick" and she stops talking to me for the day
    Is this really how flirting/dating goes before getting into a relationship?

    • 5 months ago



      24 yo mentally unstable girl

  60. 5 months ago

    I want her to be my wife

  61. 5 months ago

    >off 3 days for christmas weekend
    >havent left house since getting home friday evening
    >every day is more and more miserable
    >also watched my football team get btfo today in the most anticipated matchup of the year, not like their success has a single iota of bearing on my life whatsoever

    • 5 months ago

      Merry Christmas anon, go outside for a walk and get some air maybe?

  62. 5 months ago

    contemplating about emigrating from this shit hole, a land of death and decadence, I don't belong here. why I had to be born in the most israeli place on earth, God? I see all the Christmas celebrations worldwide online and want to cry.

  63. 5 months ago

    I sent a voice message to a girl I'm interested in saying that "when I get a car next year the driving will be on me". She replied happy laughing saying she didn't expect me to say that as if it had a double meaning. Is the implication similar to riding or was the joke that I was being forward by offering to drive? Maybe I'm autism

    • 5 months ago

      Holy shit I can't believe you said that lmao

  64. 5 months ago

    Amaretto sour pl0x

    I decided to exit my friend group and have been alone for the past 4 months and focused om my education and lifting. I can't recall ever feeling so accomplished as of right now. I feel like I finally have control of my emotions. Back when I was hanging with friends I would sometimes go home angry af because of the disrespect but now I finally feel peace and a clear mind, which makes it possible for me to focus on other important shit instead of being moody. I wonder how long it will take before I start to feel lonely. Right now I can't see it happening ever

    • 5 months ago

      Tempted to do this scorched earth too but I'm just collecting myself and moving forward. One of my coworkers had a birthday party and invited 20 other coworkers but not me. Because I'm the only one that doesn't speak spanish. It hurt.

      • 5 months ago

        I feel great man. Truly. I have no friends as of right now but I'm happy. My friend group was very one-sided. The guy who took me in was a total butthole and I never managed to build a strong friendship with the other guy, so when I cussed out the first guy for being disrespectful and left the group I automatically lost connection with the other guy too. But goddamn I feel great. I was extremely afraid I would have no friends but I'm doing fine, I think it's because I have a goal in mind (self-studying math 2-4 hours a day so I can leave my shitty education and get a degree in an IT education). After I have accomplished my goal and nothing drives me anymore and life becomes slow I will probably miss friends, but idgaf at this point

        • 5 months ago

          I bet it felt great to finally free yourself from that toxic group. Glad you ripped the bandaid off. Sounds like it cleared your mind of the bullshit and your found out how and where to channel your efforts and even came up with a goal to work towards. Maybe try what I'm doing and write out your thoughts into a word doc. How did they disrespect you and when did you finally realize they weren't friend material?

          • 5 months ago

            The other guy didn't do anything we just never clicked for some weird reason. It was kinda awkward sometimes when it was just us two. The jerk just used me as his personal punching bag so when shit at work or with his family went to shit, instead of seeking me out for support like normal people do he would act like a child and throw tantrums of the most stupid shit. He acted like a b***h pretty much.

            • 5 months ago

              I read your posts and I had the same exact situation. Like you I made the right choice about a year ago. Oddly I’ve had old highschool friends and acquaintances hmu to hang after that. I’ve been solo still but it’s good to know o cna reconnect with those people and probably have a decent friendship in my adult life for once. I’ve made so much progress in this year and the biggest part of that is mental. Im more focused and less depressed. Still depressed but it’s no where near as bad. My only regrets are not doing this sooner and not chin splitting that fricker when he’d throw his tantrums and cross massive lines. He’s very lucky I started feeling bad about violence when I was younger, every time I’ve fought I’ve put the other person in the hospital without actually trying and the dude is half my size, dyel fat manlet.

              • 5 months ago

                Nice to know i'm not the only one. I actually felt lonely when I was with them sometimes because they did some stuff without me and would discuss it when I was around. He did contact me and asked us to hang again but I just ghosted him. Frick all that no time for more drama queens

              • 5 months ago

                Same shit but this little mouse would try to brag about it purely to put me down
                That’s not even scratching the surface here of how he would act or the things he’s done. Keep in mind when I started hanging with him he cried and begged me to hang with him because he was lonely and suicidal. I should have let him do it, the world would actually be a better place.

  65. 5 months ago

    Pint of Coors Light.

    4 days off then I'm off again on NYE. Enjoyed the family gatherings. Goal during this time off is deep introspection and doing some end of year journaling and personal inventory. Proud of my accomplishments this year, but I'm trying to collect myself to figure out my next steps. I work blue collar but would like to make the jump to some sort of programming/developer job, but from not knowing what I don't know, I'm struggling on trying to determine a path and entry level roll. Perhaps backend (sql, python) over frontend (creative/visual). I would like to try and build a plex server. My social circle at work are native spanish speakers and (all but one guy) exclude me from conversations and parties, so I'd like to single in on 1v1 conversations with the ones that speak some english, build rapport with them, then make my way into the social circle. It would help with meeting women.

  66. 5 months ago

    I’ll just take a coffee.

    I had a dream about my ex last night. I was sitting in the living room of a huge house, much like the one we always talked about living in together once we became successful. As I’m sitting on the couch, a young lad and a young lady run by me, laughing and playing. The boy looks like me and the girl looks like my ex. I began to cry a bit, I always wanted to have kids but she was against it. then I hear behind me a voice I havent heard in over a year “babe, what’s wrong? are you crying?” It was my ex and she looked absolutely beautiful. She hugged me close, she was so warm and the embrace was something I havent felt in a long time. “Everything is okay, anon. what’s the matter?” Before I could respond, I woke up.
    After I woke up, I started bawling my eyes out. I can’t stop thinking about how things could have been different. She’s moved on already, I clearly havent. I don’t know what to do anymore. She was everything I ever wanted, physically and emotionally. I just wish it could have been different. Our kids would have been absolutely amazing and she would have been the best mother in the world

    • 5 months ago

      Men literally only want one thing and it's fricking disgusting.

      • 5 months ago

        I know, anon. I’m a pig

        lmao this is fricking pathetic
        grow up and move on

        Insightful post. How would I go about doing that?

    • 5 months ago

      lmao this is fricking pathetic
      grow up and move on

    • 5 months ago

      I would smoke weed in excess after breakups to stop dreaming. I binged on the devils lettuce many times until I eventually got over the girl and stopped doing it and didnt have the dreams anymore

  67. 5 months ago

    This happened 10 years ago, but if it ever happens again what do I do?
    >Get first legitimate job at 15 at grocery store
    >management great, take care of employees talk to us like we’re humans, boosts morale so that we work hard and make customers happy, will do stuff like buy our lunch/water if he sees us checking out and it’s only like $5, will shoot the shit with us in down time, just really cool managers in all departments
    >manager was so cool with me he told me flat out this is in their training and it just makes sense because we ARE people and everything works better like this
    >few years later those managers get promoted to GM which means going off to their own store elsewhere
    >new management cycled in over few months, all mid 20s to early 30s women except GM who is older lady
    >the younger ones are trying very hard to prove themselves, micromanage, changing routines and shit that’s been in place at this store forever which had been determined to be the best for efficiency, then they’d b***h and overwork us to compensate when suddenly things were falling to shit rather than admit “okay maybe that was like that for a reason and I was wrong to change it”
    >nepotism, let the girls steal time and text in front of customers even laughed about it
    >if I walked to the bathroom and glanced at my phone to check time I would get scolded for stealing time
    >withheld my raise because I was a few minutes late on a shift I was covering for because my engine exploded
    >they would check out my ass and giggle and point from 10’ away
    >next day staring off into space directly at the worst out of them ass (great ass tbf) & she threw a massive fit about harassment
    I ended up just never coming back after I saw they weren’t ever getting promoted. How 2 handle should I be in a similar position again?

    • 5 months ago

      Keep head down and look for a better job. Don't tell anybody until it's your last day. Pretend everything is going great until then.
      There is nothing you could have done to fix the situation, the only winning move is to walk away. A lot of situations are like that and trying to do anything would only make it worse.
      You should always be looking for a better job, even if your current job is just ok.

  68. 5 months ago

    >Water, as always.

    I'm doing extended fasting. Mostly because I'm broke.

    Thank God I'm fat. I'm pretty sure I can last at least 3 weeks without eating without damage. I should get a job before that... Right?

    Being an Argie is though man..

    • 5 months ago

      tranca bro

  69. 5 months ago

    One whiskey please.
    >Started gym again at the start of October after a few months break due to work overload
    >A new zoomer chick in the gym starts showing interest in me
    >Weird head turns and glances in my direction
    >Ask me to train her and ask for my phone number through our mutuals
    >Turns out we live nearby and she invites me to meet her in the local park (with a very short notice period like 10 minutes)
    >Asks me if I'm single or not
    >Drop her at her house and she says that I should come over next time
    >Regular meets in the gym and then I ask her to meet again.
    >Asks her out officially and get turned down!!!!!!!!!
    Anyways, wished her good luck there and left. Came home and blocked her everywhere. But sucks that I have to still see her in the gym.

    • 5 months ago

      Wammen in a nutshell. I feel you.
      Why did God make them this way?
      Why did he make me love them so much?

  70. 5 months ago

    Copied from the Tomboy Tuesday thread
    When I was 12 I knew a tomboy my age, her name was L, we talked about dirt bikes and motorcycles, she also did karate and liked to scuba dive
    >be me on vacation in croatia
    >mfw I'm a total moron
    >get a text from an unknown number
    >tells me she's L
    >it's late at night and she wants me to go to the nearby beach
    >reply no way gay
    >go to sleep
    >wake up and realize I never gave her my number
    >when I talked to L in the morning on the beach I could see she was sad about something
    >I never brought it up with L, I saw her everyday when we went on vacation until I was 16, then I stopped going on vacation with my family
    i had multiple girls be interested in me when I was a teen but i hated myself too much to form a bond
    >captcha RWNHKS

  71. 5 months ago

    I'm about to quit and go wander around the country bumming it, either by foot or bike, I can't do this modern life stuff for another 50 years I'll go insane
    Nobody really knows me and I don't have anything keeping me around
    I either say frick it and wander without caring too much about what happens or about being physically uncomfortable, or I'm gonna kill myself.

  72. 5 months ago

    This is my 2023 retrospective

    >shit job earning little
    >I applied to several others, but no response
    >no girlfriend since 2022
    >but she keeps appearing in my dreams
    >no motivation for anything
    >my routine is home/work/gym
    >I'm fed up with my co-workers
    >I don't talk to anyone at the gym
    >I live in my room

    I don't even feel like crying anymore

    • 5 months ago

      Is going to uni a possibility for you?

      • 5 months ago

        You mean university? I am already graduated

  73. 5 months ago

    I fell off the carnivore train on the holidays...

    I miss that carnivore state so much bros..

  74. 5 months ago

    Just going to ramble as I've had a few morning drinks because it's christmas and frick it. Had an incredible year. I've lost 60lbs, had the time of my life overseas, become more mentally stable, sharper, smarter. I use drugs far less (except the morning roach/stinging roger I have kek) and I have this burning desire to live life to the fullest, and I don't mean being a complete degenerate piece of shit although I do enjoy being a bit of one. If I can control that degeneracy I have this incredible energy and burning desire to immanentize the eschaton. I am a fricking champion because I conquered myself, the b***h in me is dying. It's not that I believe I've become a completely different person but rather a realization of the person I've always wanted to be deep down. Nietzsche seems to describe it perfectly:
    >“A traveler who had seen many countries, peoples and several of the earth’s continents was asked what attribute he had found in men everywhere. He said: “They have a propensity for laziness.” To others, it seems that he should have said: “They are all fearful. They hide themselves behind customs and opinions.” In his heart every man knows quite well that, being unique, he will be in the world only once and that there will be no second chance for his oneness to coalesce from the strangely variegated assortment that he is: he knows it but hides it like a bad conscience – why? From fear of his neighbor, who demands conformity and cloaks himself with it. But what is it that forces the individual to fear his neighbor, to think and act like a member of a herd, and to have no joy in himself? Modesty, perhaps, in a few rare cases. For the majority it is idleness, inertia, in short that propensity for laziness of which the traveler spoke. He is right: men are even lazier than they are fearful.”

  75. 5 months ago

    Career-wise, not going so well. I’m an antisocial ex-neet and feel like I don’t fit into the company culture where everyone is inclusive and enthusiastic. I skipped out on all the holiday events which are optional but in reality they are mandatory (unspoken rule).
    I’m on contract with them right now and was led to believe I’d get this other job opening. Of course someone else got it despite having the same credentials and job experience as me. Ever since then, work has been awkward because they interpret my anti-socialness as mopiness, when in actuality I just can’t be assed to be chummy with my co-workers. My people skills are awful and it felt terrible trying to pretend they weren’t in the beginning, that’s how I got the job after nailing the interview,, I just had to fake being happy and outgoing.
    I don’t know if I can grind this out for 50+ years. Maybe the younger generation will be okay with unfriendly, loner workers? The student workers at my office watch YouTube and tiktok with their sound proof headphones during their lunch breaks and no one bothers them.
    But since I’m older people like to small talk me which eventually bleeds into work talk... When I’m on my unpaid lunch break, of course I don’t want to waste my time talking about work with you! Jeez, it’s like going to a work meeting in the lunchroom..
    I miss being a neet, guys.

    Relationship-wise, I’m married but having trouble socializing with the in-laws. Spending time with them over the Xmas break and it’s awkward. I feel myself blundering over and over. I wonder if this world isn’t meant for people who prefer to be alone
    Gym gains have been all lost. I spent my sweet time planning a wedding and didn’t have time to get fit. I look like shit in our wedding pics.

    This is our first Xmas together, hoping after the holidays we can go to the gym again. It’s tough though, work makes me tired and I feel like I have no time to exercise—commuting bleeds all my time (4h)

  76. 5 months ago




  77. 5 months ago

    Single malt scotch for me.

    I’m 27yo, spent the last 8 years in school for pretty rigorous technical degree. I managed to get a job with a startup in the Bay Area which is doing really well, I’m happy with my career and its progression + potential upside. Still, it’ll be a while until I have enough money to feel comfortable, buy a house, etc etc.
    The issue is while all my friends are getting married, my sex life is dry as a desert (last hooked up with a chick around 5 months ago). My sex drive isn’t that high, which makes taking the train to the city, going to bars/clubs, not getting anywhere then paying $80+ for a Uber home feel like a huge drag. Not to mention how exhausting it can be trying to peawiener for club girls. So I end up just drinking and playing video games with buddies from back home on Friday/Saturday nights - obviously, I’ll meet zero women this way, but I have WAY more fun doing this, it allows me to actually enjoy my Friday and Saturday nights after long work weeks.
    I guess you could say I’m happy, but I’m also anxious, bros. I’m getting older, and the supply of women seems to be almost totally dried up (the Bay Area/Silicon Valley doesn’t have a lot of women in general it seems). Zero matches on hinge, as my friend group isn’t one to take pics of each other, and I lost all my hair to alopecia in grad school, so all the good pics of me from uni would misrepresent how I look (I’m fully bald now, but I’ve been told it looks alright).
    I’m not really sure what to do, and feel like a chump when every other dude my age seems to be banging 5 chicks a week. Where the hell is everyone finding attractive women (who aren’t married/have a bf)?

    Probably sound like a huge incel here, but the lack of any progress in finding a long term partner I’d feel comfortable marrying (none of my previous gf’s so far) is hands down the biggest lurking anxiety in my life right now.

    Cheers bros.

    • 5 months ago

      >when every other dude my age seems to be banging 5 chicks a week
      who the hell said this

      • 5 months ago

        Over-exaggeration, but feels that way sometimes

    • 5 months ago

      >bay area startup
      maybe getting a job with an actual tangible benefit that positively impacts society intead of your meme tech job will make you feel better

  78. 5 months ago

    Merry Christmas lads, we're all gonna make it, one day.

  79. 5 months ago

    I'm a 29 year old kissless hugless handholdless dateless virgin.

    I refused to reciprocate on multiple flirtatious interactions because I'm not comfortable with myself. Decent face (but fat), tall (6'1 or so) and I'm white with blond hair + pretty decent frame(shoulders wise) with a deep voice. I'm 280 lbs, I went down to 215 or so at one point in the past and still fumbled with women because I never felt good enough even if they flirted with me and said how great I was looking. I'm considered essentially “the fat guy who made it" at my gym and get compliments + questions daily about my journey.

    I used to be close to 500 lbs and wasted my entire 20s being a NEET basement dweller that was addicted to food + video games + anime. My self esteem is nearly completely shattered and I don't drive or have a job. I live with my grandmother and she drives me to the gym every weekday and picks me up every night. I'm on disability.

    I feel like roping the thinner I get because I get more attention from females yet my brain doesn't allow me to reciprocate until I'm not fat. Even if I lost the weight (which I did before and currently am doing again), I find something else wrong with me that doesn't "allow" me to flirt with women. My entire life consists of self improvement at this point with no clear goal or end.

    My brain won't allow me to seek out women for the prospects of sex or even speak to them in any fashion other than simply "what's up" and "see ya" until I'm essentially top 10% of male bodies. There's no in-between.

    I actively avoid making eye contact with women while my head is still held high and snubbing them on purpose if they try to make eye contact because I can't get myself to interact with them until I'm completely in shape. If I do interact with them, it's purely platonic and I can't get myself to act flirtatious in any way whatsoever.

    It's over because it can't even begin.

    • 5 months ago

      you already have women flirting with you anon, use that confidence and build on it. there are a lot of women who like "bigger" guys, not necessarily meaning fat/feeder fetishists and it sounds like you would want to avoid those, so you already have a pool of women who think you are genuinely attractive. you have to stop the irrational self criticism and self doubt and learn to have a more rational internal self-conception and more self love. you can do it.

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks anon. Maybe I'll actually put in real effort at some point instead of overthinking shit. It takes a lot to initiate small talk with women at the gym but every single time they seem pretty receptive at least. Just can't escalate at all.

  80. 5 months ago

    >get stronk
    >women start approaching me
    I never learned how to talk to women I hate this shit I don't want them to talk to me I just want to be invisible again

    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry, just say whatever. There is no one right way. Something you say to one woman she'll hate and another woman will like. The best you can do is try to get a read on what kinda girl she is which is incredibly hard to do over text. In person it's easy though.

  81. 5 months ago

    Does anyone have that pic of the guy riding a bike in the rain and he comes upon a puddle of water and gets off his bike and lays in the puddle?

  82. 5 months ago

    been sippin on this lately. is v good neat or with a bit of ginger ale.
    i need some tips on organization. i feel like i always have a million things to do or projects to work on and just get overwhelmed and end up not doing anything. or getting motivated and doing a lot for about 2 weeks and then just dropping everything. ive got journals, planners, and have been throwing stuff together in notion but planning and all of that just has never been a strong habit of mine.

  83. 5 months ago

    Bought a bottle of JimBeam on way home from gym. Was happy a girl decided to roon on the treadmill right in front of me out of the whole row of empty treadmills. Was nice feeling to know im dont totally repulse the opposite sex. Gave me a little confidence to actually contemplate going out somewhere for NYE and see if I can actually talk with some nice girls. Anyways, was a good session. First time in a while ive lifted whilst on a pretty big calorie surplus after a good feed on Christmas and Boxing day. Wasnt prepared for how much more strength I had to lift. Today has been a good day.

  84. 5 months ago

    Scotch & ginger ale please.
    I’m being unappreciative and I should be happy with what I have, but I wish I could’ve traded places with you this a Christmas who were alone. I’d rather have been alone this Christmas. I’m tired of obligations to visit people, and to eat meals with them, and to exchange gifts.

    • 5 months ago

      I hit the absolute nadir of my depression on Christmas day this year. Be grateful you have people who love you. I spent the day alone, just like I spend most every day.

      The crazy thing is that most people would be surprised by this upon meeting me. I'm attractive, personable, very likeable, funny. I have no problem talking to people and making friends. Everyone always tells me how much everyone just loves me, thinks I'm so funny, etc. Yet.... I'm alone and always have been. It's rare anyone wants to make plans with me. I'm often forgotten... like people think I'm good to go, they don't need to worry about me because I've got it all together, surely I'm busy doing something grand, so I kind of fall off their radar. It's a weird phenomenon.

      Enjoy the socializing. I'm so alone that I'm about to lose it.

  85. 5 months ago

    >be me
    >texting girl i knew from previous job
    >very boring
    >asks her open ended questions, get dry responses and simple one word answers
    >feel like im forcing conversation
    >start telling her about things im doing, reading, places im going etc while leaving out details
    >never inquires any further about anything
    >feel like she’s just not interested in me
    >start ignoring her texts for weeks at a time
    >she always double texts me “hey what’s up” like the previous texts never happened

    Am I behaving like a woman here? I’m autistic but I understand women dont really care about our lives or things we do, but frick bro, I just want someone to be interested in me and my life. Yeah I want to frick her but I would honestly just prefer a friend who is genuinely interested in my life as much as I’m interested in theirs.

    • 5 months ago

      I think this is just women and I know how you feel. This may be the tism but if I don’t feel like the other person is as into the convo as me then I can’t help but assume we’re not a good fit. The frustration comes when after I assume that and peddle off stop putting energy to them, they usually act surprised or hmu as if they weren’t giving me close ended responses and shit.

      I think talking to women especially via text is a waste of time and harmful to any potential relationship. Text them to meet up and date/frick, ignore them otherwise and focus on your life.
      The catch here though is you have to be okay with her giving attention to other dudes who may also be fricking her. And even if she ain’t fricking any of them and just uses them for attention, it’s not a massive difference. That’s still not the type of woman I personally can take seriously. If I assume that she’s talking to other guys, then I can’t spend time or energy on them outside of sex meaning they turn into my fwb/hoe. That’s the struggle of this for me. I personally don’t have to do the monkey dance and date shit to get pussy and never have. And I’m not gonna do it for a woman who isn’t only focused on me. If I feel she’s talking to other dudes I won’t get pissy and hurt, but I just only hit them up to hookup. Yeah it’s nice to have hoes so I can frick when I wanna frick. But I want a wife man. I’m not marrying, or even considering my GF, some b***h who has to talk to other dudes. Or some b***h who if we talk/text too often it ruins the relationship. Those just aren’t wives and it’s that simple.

  86. 5 months ago

    I started lifting today, doing SL as a starter.
    I could barely finish 5x5 squats at 20kg.
    I couldn't even do one rep of 20 for bench, and before I could do even 1x5 I had to bring it down to 10.
    I know I can make it if I stick with it, but holy frick this is harder than I thought it would be.

    • 5 months ago

      I just realized I'm more moronic than I thought. I somehow didn't register that the bar has weight to it. I was doing 20kg more than the plates said.
      I guess on the upside I got a lot of practice failing the bench press, so I'm not really as afraid of it now (not that I really was because I set the safety pins and practiced failing with an empty bar (which I now realize was the actual weight I was supposed to be starting with), but knowing I'll be able to get out when there's plates on is helpful too).

    • 5 months ago

      I just realized I'm more moronic than I thought. I somehow didn't register that the bar has weight to it. I was doing 20kg more than the plates said.
      I guess on the upside I got a lot of practice failing the bench press, so I'm not really as afraid of it now (not that I really was because I set the safety pins and practiced failing with an empty bar (which I now realize was the actual weight I was supposed to be starting with), but knowing I'll be able to get out when there's plates on is helpful too).

      That's pretty much where I started anon, don't feel bad, we all start at different levels
      Especially these days when there's no reason why our body would be building actual muscle in our every day lives
      You'll get there anon

  87. 5 months ago

    life's shit. always has been.
    dont really care anymore. i just do mind numbing stuff and pass the time.

    dont know the way out. dont know if i should wish for one.

    what's to look forward to?
    if i manage to find something, what's the point if people around me dont look forward for the same?
    i try and be there for family, and they dont. i try and be there for friends, but everyone got caught in their own life.

    life's worth an attempt, right, to do what? get where?
    my needs are met. my help is not needed. i got there. im done.

    • 5 months ago

      Two ways to view this
      >Oh man life is pointless nothing really matters :/
      >OH MAN, life is pointless! Nothing really matters 😀
      Go make a list, with pen/pencil and paper, and free write all the things you want. Interests you’ve never got into, shot you wanna try like base jumping, hobbies to get into, places to visit, even things that don’t sound possible. Then just choose one at a time to make happen. If you’re needs are all met and you’ve attained this base level of accomplishment like you say it should be way easier for you to do this vs someone who’s jobless still lives at home and in debt. Worst case you add some slight fulfillment to life and had fun experiences hut ultimately feel the same. Best case it fixes this.
      I want to
      >get into a combat sport and compete, I want to break another man
      >I want to learn to cook and bake
      >I want to get a motorcycle and go on rides in nature away from traffic and other people
      >I want to set a state record with fishing
      >I want to get my own place
      >I want a dog
      >I want to frick a pornstar escort
      >I want to do a marathon
      >I want to run test for a while so I can cosplay guts and just shit on all the neckbeards at a convention
      >I want to beat up a Black person after saying the hard r and have someone film it and it go viral
      >I want to buy 50 acres
      >I want to take a shit on so&so’s doorstep and put a little flag in it of his country
      >I want to get into cars and learn how to work on my own, build some custom shit and refurbish something old like a Nova or a Camaro
      >I want to solo hike that pacific trail on the west coast from Mexico up to Canada
      >I want to . . .
      Etc. I’ve exaggerated here and there in that to make my point. But make your list, feel free to add to it at any time, and just start attacking it one thing at a time. Use an entire notebook because you’ll have more and more ideas. You have nothing to truly lose with this. Your life needs may be met but your spiritual needs lack fulfillment.

    • 5 months ago

      Two ways to view this
      >Oh man life is pointless nothing really matters :/
      >OH MAN, life is pointless! Nothing really matters 😀
      Go make a list, with pen/pencil and paper, and free write all the things you want. Interests you’ve never got into, shot you wanna try like base jumping, hobbies to get into, places to visit, even things that don’t sound possible. Then just choose one at a time to make happen. If you’re needs are all met and you’ve attained this base level of accomplishment like you say it should be way easier for you to do this vs someone who’s jobless still lives at home and in debt. Worst case you add some slight fulfillment to life and had fun experiences hut ultimately feel the same. Best case it fixes this.
      I want to
      >get into a combat sport and compete, I want to break another man
      >I want to learn to cook and bake
      >I want to get a motorcycle and go on rides in nature away from traffic and other people
      >I want to set a state record with fishing
      >I want to get my own place
      >I want a dog
      >I want to frick a pornstar escort
      >I want to do a marathon
      >I want to run test for a while so I can cosplay guts and just shit on all the neckbeards at a convention
      >I want to beat up a Black person after saying the hard r and have someone film it and it go viral
      >I want to buy 50 acres
      >I want to take a shit on so&so’s doorstep and put a little flag in it of his country
      >I want to get into cars and learn how to work on my own, build some custom shit and refurbish something old like a Nova or a Camaro
      >I want to solo hike that pacific trail on the west coast from Mexico up to Canada
      >I want to . . .
      Etc. I’ve exaggerated here and there in that to make my point. But make your list, feel free to add to it at any time, and just start attacking it one thing at a time. Use an entire notebook because you’ll have more and more ideas. You have nothing to truly lose with this. Your life needs may be met but your spiritual needs lack fulfillment.

      As you said you get one life so it’s worth a shot. So much of our time goes to working to merely be allowed to exist with base level comfort, you’d be a fool not to use your free time to live life to the fullest. Worst case you feel the same but had some fun and gain stories to tell. Best case this solves your problem and you love life and discover the point. The point of life is not to work a 9-5, have your bills paid, pay your taxes, and just exist.

    • 5 months ago

      >i try and be there for family, and they dont
      Spent the last 2 years dealing with the same bullshit.
      Just fricking ignore them when they start guilt-tripping you. Worked pretty well for me.

  88. 5 months ago

    >be out with a bunch of friends in hometown
    >run into old school crush who is also visiting
    >actually used to be somewhat good friends for a few years after school, 6 or 7 years ago
    >I changed a lot, went from an awkward loser to at least a semi chad
    >she completely ignores me and keeps talking to my friends who she barely knew back in the day
    >doesn't even look at me when we're talking in a group like actively avoiding eye contact, let alone try and talk to me ask what I've been up to
    >at some point she outright denied we saw each other after school when we talked about the last time we saw her
    Weird feeling. I didn't expect or want her to fall in love with me or anything, but at least a friendly catching up would have been nice. I don't even understand what happened. I doubt she didn't recognize me. I guess it's just one of those things where you realize you were just an insignificant background character in someone's life and they forgot you ever existed seconds after you left without ever spending so much as a thought on you.
    When I was leaving she started blabbing about when she's back in town and we could meet up again and I shot her down by telling her I also don't live here anymore (something that maybe would've come up if she bothered to ask how I'm doing in the literal hours we hung out) and fricked off. I guess I'm just done with that part of my life and this was a final frick you from it. It always hurts to realize how little everyone cares, even if I don't expect anything else at this point.

  89. 5 months ago

    >ex gf back in my hometown for xmas
    >see her
    >remember all the times we had together
    >remember the cozy xmas of 2021
    >cold and alone
    >sleepless and tired
    >anxious and paranoid
    Why did life turned out to be like this? Why can't i get over her? Why can't i find someone similar to her? I hate this shit bros i literally can't take it anymore

  90. 5 months ago

    I sort of cracked about being so bored and lonely and burnt out to my mom on Christmas day and she said I need to find a girlfriend.

    • 5 months ago

      she's right

  91. 5 months ago

    >smoked weed first time in a year last night
    I felt like shit. Took a couple small hits off an old dab pen. Couldn’t sleep. Idk why I was just anxious as hell. Didn’t really sleep but it’s better than not sleeping at all I suppose. I’m actually a little proud, I think I’ve learned moderation. No desire to smoke again, used it like a tool as it should be used. Didn’t even get that high, just enough to barely feel it and calm down a bit.

  92. 5 months ago

    >ask her to meet up at some point before NYE
    >not explicitly a date
    >she declines
    >says she's busy
    >ends the message with an X
    >never done that before
    >or since
    >becomes unusually chatty for several days
    >ask my female friends for advice
    >some of them are ALL SYSTEMS GO
    >others are BAD NEWS IT'S OVER
    I literally have the autismo and have no idea what to make of this situation, so I'm going to outsource it to the IST autists.

    • 5 months ago

      shes a lying prostitute. tell her youre not interesed in women with bad communication

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not going to accuse her of lying, because she probably is actually busy. She always seems to be doing something or other.

        • 5 months ago

          she’s busy getting fricked by some other chad

          • 5 months ago

            I'm not going to accuse her of lying, because she probably is actually busy. She always seems to be doing something or other.

            It’s as simple as
            >doesn’t tell WHAT shes doing or she throws way too many excuses
            >doesn’t attempt to reschedule, doesn’t lyk when she will be free
            There’s another guy and she doesn’t really like you that much. When a woman wants you she’ll move mountains to spend time with you and if she can’t she’ll lyk when she can

            >ask her to meet up at some point before NYE
            >not explicitly a date
            >she declines
            >says she's busy
            >ends the message with an X
            >never done that before
            >or since
            >becomes unusually chatty for several days
            >ask my female friends for advice
            >some of them are ALL SYSTEMS GO
            >others are BAD NEWS IT'S OVER
            I literally have the autismo and have no idea what to make of this situation, so I'm going to outsource it to the IST autists.

            >unusually chatty
            What was she saying exactly?

            • 5 months ago

              >What was she saying exactly?
              Went into specifics about her holiday plans, wanted to know what I was up to, stuff like that. But suddenly she's messaging me much much more when before we'd just have a slow back-and-forth chat here and there.

              Which is the main reason I'm confused. If she desperately wanted me she'd make the time (assuming she could alter plans), or if she didn't want to meet me she'd go with a polite dismissal and generally do the "ghost" thing. Leaving me on read, responding with K, just generally not engaging. Shit like that.

              Any chance her name starts with a B? I realize the odds are slim

              Nope. But tell me about Ms B.

              • 5 months ago

                >tell me about
                She’s acting like your b***h is everything you wrote in your posts. I can’t fricking stand it I’m just as confused as you, was hoping it would be the same b***h because it would offer clarity for me. Either blowing me up spamming texts super chatty, then too busy to link up with little explanation other than the same old excuse (family) then silence then chatty again, then suddenly she’s not engaging and does what yours does the whole “K” bullshit. Even the random ending her sentence with “X” happened and she’s never done that either.
                I’m confused for the same reason as you are. If she wanted me she’d make the time. When she’s not leaving me in read/being non engaging you’d think this b***h loves me.
                The other part here is if we argue she throws it in my face and tells me I never even try to spend time with her. She’s 24 I’m 28, 24 seems kinda old to be acting like that.

                It’s hard for me (tism) because all I have to go off when navigating socially is what I’ve spent my entire live observing and analyzing from other people. This is comparing from 3rd person as well with past girls I’ve personally dealt with and dated. Even the few random hoes who I never said a word to dropped everything to hook up with me just to spend time with me once I finally acknowledged them. This b***h though? I can’t get an angle on her.

              • 5 months ago

                >I’m confused for the same reason as you are. If she wanted me she’d make the time. When she’s not leaving me in read/being non engaging you’d think this b***h loves me.

                My current relationship with this girl is more akin to that one bro you never really see anymore but still send the funny maymays to and he'll send the funny maymays back. I'll see something funny/interesting, link it to her, a day or so later she'll respond with some comments, then ask me something, or send a maymay or some such of her own, then a couple days later I respond blah blah rinse and repeat. So it's not quite "awkward small talk because we're in an elevator together" interaction, but it's not anything deeper or more meaningful than that.
                Until of course I asked to meet, then her messages skyrocketed in frequency. Which is what baffles me.

              • 5 months ago

                if she started texting you more after declining to meet you, it’s because she wants to keep the relationship on a text level so she’s overly invested in texting you so youll forget about wanting to meet her. she probably likes you enough that you would be her 2nd or 3rd option but you’re clearly not priority for her. you already tried to elevate the relationship with meeting up and she declined, because she doesn’t want it to go there, and because she’s probably gonna be with her main guy in new years

              • 5 months ago

                trust me dude, those types of conversations happen because for whatever reason, she doesn’t want to tell you that she’s not interested but doesn’t want to seem mean, rude, heartless, etc etc.

              • 5 months ago

                Well this is how my autistic brain is thinking about it, and concluding the following scenarios:

                >She's interested
                I'll get a response like "omg yes lets meet I'm free on X we can do Y"
                >She's not interested
                She declines either explicitly or implicitly. We return to our slow and passive conversation style.
                >She's REALLY not interested
                Ghosts me, goes quiet, K, whatever, cuts contact. Things like that.
                >She's ???? (<---You are here)
                Declines a casual meeting explicitly but then suddenly starts talking to me a lot more. Rapid fire messaging style. Asking me lots of questions about my plans and such.

                So yes, I'm aware it's probably bad news as some friends and you guys have pointed out. But other friends of mine are acting like this is good news, and her behaviour isn't exactly consistent with either a soft or a hard rejection.

                Why do they call them normies when they behave so irrationally?

              • 5 months ago

                >her behaviour isn't exactly consistent with either a soft or a hard rejection.
                see: being strung along
                >Why do they call them normies when they behave so irrationally?
                the day man learns not to take women serious is the day he will find a wife

              • 5 months ago

                I’m the other anon who mentioned a similar scenario and I remembered something I heard which has always seemed true:
                >If she’s interested there won’t be a doubt in our mind, we would know
                I think it’s that simple. If we have to wonder, then she’s not interested.
                >why do they call them normies when they behave so irrationally
                The question we would all like answered man.

              • 5 months ago

                she’s not interested in you and she using you for attention/back up. if she wanted to talk to you, she would be sperging out for chances to meet you/talk to you

                >tell me about
                She’s acting like your b***h is everything you wrote in your posts. I can’t fricking stand it I’m just as confused as you, was hoping it would be the same b***h because it would offer clarity for me. Either blowing me up spamming texts super chatty, then too busy to link up with little explanation other than the same old excuse (family) then silence then chatty again, then suddenly she’s not engaging and does what yours does the whole “K” bullshit. Even the random ending her sentence with “X” happened and she’s never done that either.
                I’m confused for the same reason as you are. If she wanted me she’d make the time. When she’s not leaving me in read/being non engaging you’d think this b***h loves me.
                The other part here is if we argue she throws it in my face and tells me I never even try to spend time with her. She’s 24 I’m 28, 24 seems kinda old to be acting like that.

                It’s hard for me (tism) because all I have to go off when navigating socially is what I’ve spent my entire live observing and analyzing from other people. This is comparing from 3rd person as well with past girls I’ve personally dealt with and dated. Even the few random hoes who I never said a word to dropped everything to hook up with me just to spend time with me once I finally acknowledged them. This b***h though? I can’t get an angle on her.

                she’s not interested in you either. same reasons as above.

              • 5 months ago

                Thank you. I feel like I KNOW these things but I’m not confident enough to believe it from my own intuition yet. I appreciate it man.


                >I’m confused for the same reason as you are. If she wanted me she’d make the time. When she’s not leaving me in read/being non engaging you’d think this b***h loves me.

                My current relationship with this girl is more akin to that one bro you never really see anymore but still send the funny maymays to and he'll send the funny maymays back. I'll see something funny/interesting, link it to her, a day or so later she'll respond with some comments, then ask me something, or send a maymay or some such of her own, then a couple days later I respond blah blah rinse and repeat. So it's not quite "awkward small talk because we're in an elevator together" interaction, but it's not anything deeper or more meaningful than that.
                Until of course I asked to meet, then her messages skyrocketed in frequency. Which is what baffles me.

                Dude that’s basically the same. Well flirt back and forth and shit send each other memes but then the other shit. I sent her a video of a manatee I saw yesterday and all she replied to was
                Any other time she’d have sent like 15 texts in a row about it before the convo changed. I’m gonna test to see if she changes her attitude if I ask to link up again

    • 5 months ago

      Any chance her name starts with a B? I realize the odds are slim

  93. 5 months ago

    I'm currently sitting at a sushi restaurant alone. I bought my dad a new guitar amplifier for Christmas. I got some socks

  94. 5 months ago

    >gf broke up with me 2 months ago
    >she 100% spent christmas with some guy
    >shes 100% going to spend new years partying and getting fricked by some guy
    >im miserable waiting for her to come back

    god damn it bros

    • 5 months ago

      I don’t understand. Why are you waiting on her to come back? Why do you want her to come back? I’m not asking, I just don’t get it. I would be done, refocused 100% on myself until I met the next one.

      • 5 months ago

        im not actually waiting for her to come back. i was in love with her, still am, and love her more than anything else in my life. but our relationship is over. i know for a fact that within a week of us breaking up, she was already inviting guys over. our breakup was shitty and ive no closure from it, probably won’t ever get it. im probably just looking for that closure + some sort of emotional validation from all the things i went through from and for her, just for her to break it off the way she did and now become the town prostitute when i treated her the best i could.

        i just want what we used to have. yeah maybe ill find it in another girl who wont break my heart but for right now, im a wallowing in my own self pity

        • 5 months ago

          I got you mane. Yeah it sucks and I know my words will offer little help in what you’re feeling right now, but just know her actions are no reflection of you and her doing this, being a stupid prostitute, means you won. You got rid of a dumb b***h instead of marrying one. I know exactly how you feel but it’s like, it’s like a car bro.
          Imagine being 17 and you worked your ass off since 14 so you could buy your first car. You get a used charger because you’re young and you think it’s a badass car. It’s got 100k miles, every other month there’s some shit wrong with it. But because you worked so hard to get it and you feel good about yourself with it, and you’ve grown kind of attached to having it, you keep it anyways. You care for it, you maintain it well, and yet it’s always giving you problems burning holes in your wallet and fricking with your life more than it brings any value to it. Then at age 21 it finally takes a shit for good and you have to get a new car. You spend a few months carless, which fricking blows (where you are now). Then, you get a current year Honda Civic and you think “holy frick is this how good things could have been? This shit isn’t breaking down, it’s reliable and it still looks pretty cool.” And you realize caring for it like you did the charger and it will give you little trouble, all the way into the 300k mile range before it starts having those same issues.
          Part of what you’re dealing with is sunken cost fallacy, the other I’m sure you know is just the chemical attachment from her being your main source of affection and someone you loved. But one day you’ll realize everything she gave you can /will be found in an even better woman who you have an even better experience with.
          I realize it could be months or even years for your “carless” arc, I’ve been there like I said. But I hope you get this gay car analogy.

          & frick you newer Honda civics look cool as shit as far as a basic A-B goes.

          • 5 months ago

            thanks brIST i appreciate it.

    • 5 months ago

      Are you me, the same thing happened to me this year. Broke up with me over some bs reason. I thought i was over it, but seeing my cousins with their bf/gf at my family's Christmas party made me think of what could've been and it pissed me off to no end.

      • 5 months ago

        Nta but I cannot imagine being in that situation and then that one uncle hitting you with the classic “still no girlfriend?” I’d have lost it

        • 5 months ago

          I think my family was mostly sympathizing with my situation because she had already met like 50% of them. So at least they knew of her existence beforehand. I was happy to finally bring a gf, and a cute one at that, to a family party and she pulled a
          >I'm breaking up with you because work takes too much if my time, it's not fair for you
          over text and blocked me everywhere.

  95. 5 months ago

    im so awkward i hate making people uncomfortable

  96. 5 months ago

    Does oral count as losing your virginity?

    • 5 months ago

      Depends. Did he cum in your mouth?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Women will claim to have a body count of like 5 but they’re excluding the 47 or uses they’ve sucked. Besides the point but they’re also not counting men they’ve fricked who they weren’t dating.
      Think of it like this: would you consider it sex / cheating if your wife blew another man?
      It’s called oral sex. It’s sex. You’ve had sex.

    • 5 months ago

      Depends on who gave whom oral

      • 5 months ago

        both but we didn't cum

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