>filters fatties. >filters dyels. >filters balancelets. >filters cardiolets. >filters willpowerlets

>filters fatties
>filters dyels
>filters balancelets
>filters cardiolets
>filters willpowerlets
>filters leg day skippers
>filters (You)

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  1. 12 months ago

    >not doing it with dumbbells

    • 12 months ago

      >Not doing it with dumbbells
      Griplet detected.

      literally filtered. barbell SS is way more difficult.

      • 12 months ago

        the point of an exercise isn't to make it as difficult and inconvenient as possible you absolute brainlet.

        • 12 months ago

          >dude lol balance isn't part of the exercise

          • 12 months ago

            dumbbells require way more balance you troglodyte clown

            • 12 months ago

              No they don't. You can easily move either DB to be used as counter weights vs making sure the barbell is balanced, and actually stays on your shoulders.

            • 12 months ago

              Wut, your center of gravity is so much lower with DBs that staying balanced takes barely any effort

              • 12 months ago

                Cope. Post body.

          • 12 months ago

            It's meant to work each leg individually. If you use it to improve your balance you're moronic.

            • 12 months ago

              >If you use it to improve your balance you're moronic.
              that's literally, unironically part of the movement you moron

      • 12 months ago

        >dude lol balance isn't part of the exercise

        No they don't. You can easily move either DB to be used as counter weights vs making sure the barbell is balanced, and actually stays on your shoulders.

        Post forearms.

        • 12 months ago

          >turning a lower body exercise into a forearm one
          you're an actual troony

          • 12 months ago

            >Forearmlet doesn't understand efficiency

      • 12 months ago

        Based and true. If can still use DBs you’re not going heavy enough

        • 12 months ago

          This. There are tons of other exercises that can and will hit your forearms harder, without leaving strength and balance gains on the table just because you want to hold the weight for this particular exercise in your hands-save it for farmer's walks, RDLs, or literally any row/pullup/pulldown variation on the planet.

        • 12 months ago

          This. There are tons of other exercises that can and will hit your forearms harder, without leaving strength and balance gains on the table just because you want to hold the weight for this particular exercise in your hands-save it for farmer's walks, RDLs, or literally any row/pullup/pulldown variation on the planet.

          I'm calling bullshit that you're loading 220+lbs on Bulgarian split squats.

          • 12 months ago

            Never claimed I did-I will, however, claim that I did do walking lunges with 185lbs on my back, and I would literally never even bother attempting that with two 90lbs dumbbells in my hands, when I can instead just do farmer's walks after instead. Take from that what you will, but if you want to die on this hill I don't think I'm gonna find more gains there if I join you.

            • 12 months ago


              I am a weak frick and I do 65kg on 3 count pause BSS, 2pl8 is not unreasonable at all. BSS is supposed to be a heavy movement, not a baby movement that you do with the 35lb dbs. The BB version is infinitely better than the db version, unless you're extremely weak and can't do the movement with the empty bar, in which case I can see the db version being better.

              And either way, the frick is the point of using BSS as a grip exercise? Weighted dead hangs are infinitely better for that and they take hardly any time or effort, and they also make my back feel good after training legs so I would be doing them either way. Just stick with the barbell version lol

              >Literal dyels
              >Thinking they know anything.
              Putting the weight on your back decreases the load through the quads and makes it more of a hip hinge movement. The point of Bulgarian split squats though is to put a greater load on the legs than what can be achieved through a conventional squat. Hence, dumbbells are the superior version.
              Also, nobody said to do it as a forearm exercise. The point is that you are griplets who get filtered by the superior variation, as demonstrated by thinking that you can't load as much weight with dumbbells.
              I don't even know why I'm writing this, because none of you homosexuals even lift, and you're just going to argue against strawman arguments as you already have been doing.

              • 12 months ago

                >Putting the weight on your back decreases the load through the quads and makes it more of a hip hinge movement.
                I don't really care because it still smashes my quads, and if I want more quad volume, quad isolation is easy to get done anyway. Unilateral movements will be inherently more hip dominant due to the increased stability demands at the hip, which will involve the glute max, adductors, glute med/min, and deep hip rotators to a greater extent than bilateral squats. Why should I avoid this?
                >The point of Bulgarian split squats though is to put a greater load on the legs than what can be achieved through a conventional squat. Hence, dumbbells are the superior version.
                The legs are more than just the quads, you know? The adductors in particular are extremely important (especially since they're larger than the hamstrings), and they get emphasized further with the barbell variation as you said. And again, the quads are still working since they're the only muscle that can extend the knee, and they still get close to failure with the barbell version so they will still grow and adapt. Of course you wouldn't know this because you don't lift, but whatever
                >Also, nobody said to do it as a forearm exercise. The point is that you are griplets who get filtered by the superior variation, as demonstrated by thinking that you can't load as much weight with dumbbells.
                You clearly use baby weights on this movement then, because past a certain point you become so strong that you need to use straps or switch to the barbell version just due to how heavy the dumbbells get. Again, BSS is a heavy movement, but people treat it like a baby movement because they're scared of loading the movement heavily due to how painful it can get

              • 12 months ago

                >50kg dumbbells are baby weights
                >Coming from the dyel who does it with 65kg on his back.

              • 12 months ago

                >claims 220lb barbell BSS is impossible
                >also claims to do db BSS with 50kg dumbbells

              • 12 months ago

                220lb barbell BSS is impossible
                Point to where I claimed that.
                Also, please tell me you're not that 200lb delusional fat dyel who only posts his biceps. I'm like 60% sure it's you at this point.
                In any case, you're such a fricking dyel it's embarrassing.

              • 12 months ago

                >Point to where I claimed that.

                I'm calling bullshit that you're loading 220+lbs on Bulgarian split squats.

                To be fair this is probably a different anon so this was a strawman, I will be taking that back then
                >Also, please tell me you're not that 200lb delusional fat dyel who only posts his biceps. I'm like 60% sure it's you at this point.
                I do not weigh 200lb and I am not fat so that's not me lmao

                Anyway you conveniently glossed over this part of my


                I am a weak frick and I do 65kg on 3 count pause BSS, 2pl8 is not unreasonable at all. BSS is supposed to be a heavy movement, not a baby movement that you do with the 35lb dbs. The BB version is infinitely better than the db version, unless you're extremely weak and can't do the movement with the empty bar, in which case I can see the db version being better.

                And either way, the frick is the point of using BSS as a grip exercise? Weighted dead hangs are infinitely better for that and they take hardly any time or effort, and they also make my back feel good after training legs so I would be doing them either way. Just stick with the barbell version lol

                >3 count pause
                This shit slashes 15kg off my working sets (which I know because I used to do the normal version, but I cut it in favor of the 3 count pause version because I think it's better), so it's more like 80kg on the normal variation, and BSS is the 5th exercise of the session anyway so I have no idea how strong I would be in a fresh state. I do want to get up to 100kg+ eventually with these parameters though, I think that'd be great

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm calling bullshit that you do X
                >X is impossible
                Bro, you're so goddamn moronic.

                >Actually I do it with pause and at the end of my workout so the actual weight is way more than what I said.
                Dude shut the frick up with this cope.

              • 12 months ago

                >Dude shut the frick up with this cope.
                Can you even read dumbass? I've done 75kg for higher reps (since I'm not doing high reps with super long pauses, frick that bullshit) on the normal variant, I'm not talking out of my ass. I didn't mention it in my prior post because they aren't in my program right now because I removed them in favor of the other variation because I like them more. Fricking moron
                >movements at the end of your session totally don't suffer from fatigue bro
                Go load up your 8RM squat at the end of a leg session and see how many reps you get dumbass

          • 12 months ago

            I am a weak frick and I do 65kg on 3 count pause BSS, 2pl8 is not unreasonable at all. BSS is supposed to be a heavy movement, not a baby movement that you do with the 35lb dbs. The BB version is infinitely better than the db version, unless you're extremely weak and can't do the movement with the empty bar, in which case I can see the db version being better.

            And either way, the frick is the point of using BSS as a grip exercise? Weighted dead hangs are infinitely better for that and they take hardly any time or effort, and they also make my back feel good after training legs so I would be doing them either way. Just stick with the barbell version lol

      • 12 months ago

        >barbell SS is way more difficult
        I actually felt more tired when I tried them with a 45lb dumbbell in one arm doing 1 set of 12 than when doing them with an empty bar in my back for 3x12 don't know why that happened.

        • 12 months ago

          the weight is loaded differently

    • 12 months ago

      The bar weighs 20kg already. That's plenty.

    • 12 months ago

      >Filters balancelets

  2. 12 months ago

    >Not doing it with dumbbells
    Griplet detected.

  3. 12 months ago

    How am I supposed to unrack and then lift my back foot onto the bench without either falling down or missing the bench completely like an idiot

    • 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    >do these first thing on leg day
    >pant like a moron through all subsequent lifts even after reducing the weight
    At least they aren't as bad as the last time I added them into my routine, but damn I fricking hate these things. I can't let them win though. You know what would really help me? Pretty autistic but an anime girl personification of Bulgarian split squats laughing at how bad the viewer is at doing Bulgarian split squats. If I could just have that image in my head so I can picture raping her each time I do these I think it would really improve my performance hahaha lol

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >anime girl personification of Bulgarian split squats laughing at how bad the viewer is at doing Bulgarian split squats. If I could just have that image in my head so I can picture raping her each time I do these I think it would really improve my performance hahaha lol
      very autistic indeed but also very based, someone get on it

  5. 12 months ago

    for me its the front squat split squat

  6. 12 months ago


  7. 12 months ago

    Stationary lunges are better.

  8. 12 months ago

    everyone should do at least one unilateral leg exercise weekly. shit's unbelievably humbling unless you do it regularly, there's a lot of muscle you're neglecting by only doing two-legged squats.

    • 12 months ago

      >mfw I do 3 sets of split squats 3x per week

  9. 12 months ago

    Fricking what muscle even IS balance and how do I fricking FIX it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Fricking what muscle even IS balance and how do I fricking FIX it.
      Part of it is neurological but some of it is also muscular; the adductors, abductors, glute max, and deep hip rotators are all fairly important for hip stability, and unilateral leg movements involve all of those muscles to a large degree which is why they are so helpful IMO

  10. 12 months ago

    the leg pump on these is fricking mental, makes all the struggle worth it

  11. 12 months ago

    True. I don't have enough stamina to do 12 reps holy shit. Needs cardiomaxing.

    • 12 months ago


  12. 12 months ago

    I do them with a dumbbell in each hand and curl at the top before going back down. A hyperset, if you will.

  13. 12 months ago

    I do this but cheat by keeping one hand/finger in the racking holes for balance

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