
Hello, guys. I have a head full of hair, but I want to start taking finasteride to avoid losing my precious hair. But, of course, Im afraird: What if I have colateral effects and need to stop taking it? Will my hair fall? Will I lose the perfect hair that I had before start taking it?
Can you guys help me?

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  1. 1 year ago

    homie this is the big question. I think everyone on this board is considering fin at this point but too scared of the sides. I'm NW3, people are starting to jokingly bring up my receding hairline in conversations. I'm about to kms brehs..

    It's unironically so fricking over bros before it even begun..

    • 1 year ago

      You'll know if you experience side effects within the first week of using it, and if so you can hop off Fin. You should be using minoxidil and dermarolling at least for a few months. Fin + Min saved my hair completely within six months of using it, and I would be a bald insecure frick without it. After 1.5 years of use, I've had no side effects and still get regular erections and blow huge loads inside my gf.
      Just get a month's supply of Keeps or get a prescription from GoodRX and give it a try. If you have sides, just min + roll.

      • 1 year ago

        I've read an article written by some doctors, where it was saying that the side effects that happens on the first weeks will go away after some times. Is this true?
        Did you experience some side effect on your first weeks?

  2. 1 year ago

    the side effects such as loss of libido only effects 1% if you are that afraid just start with .25 mg instead of the usual 1mg. dont let these doomers frick with your head.

    • 1 year ago

      I heard that is very common (much more than 1%) but it goes away after some time

  3. 1 year ago

    Also, balding general

  4. 1 year ago

    I tried fin and min for 5 months and only got the side effects. I tried it addtionally on my hair transplant and I figured its better to go again rather than use this.

  5. 1 year ago

    heard dermarolling helps alot too

  6. 1 year ago

    Fin is more than a med. It is a jorney of self discovery. After I started taking it I meet Juan, the love of my life and I coudnt resist it and now I am taking way more than just fin hihihihihihi fin made me what I am today, filled ... With Juan's love

    • 1 year ago

      what ???

  7. 1 year ago

    3 months on fin and 8 months on min.
    Had shedding from both but the combo with fin and min is giving amazing growth on the temples

    • 1 year ago

      Fin gave you any side effects?

      • 1 year ago

        I was horny for the first two weeks, then sexual urges died and getting erected was a little hard for two weeks. Ball aches lasted for around 3 weeks but now that is gone. No issue with sex drive anymore and morning wood is slightly weaker but still there.

      • 1 year ago

        Forgot more watery semen.

  8. 1 year ago

    Almost 9 months on Fin. I had a norwood 2 vortex starting to manifest where I could see the thinning and I had long thick hair. This is my experience to date.
    >1mg every 3 days
    >got fin dick (errections not as hard as normal)
    >dropped to 1mg every Monday ever since
    >erections fine, semen load fine, no other sides
    >month 2-3 super shedding to the point anyone could tell what norwood I had, super scared and worried
    >month 3-4 notice baby hairs at my normal hairline and temples super hopeful
    >month 5-now
    >norwood 2 vortex is completely gone and doesn't even look like I ever had hairloss, baby hairs on my temples have completely filled them back up , bangs are slowly starting to come back as they have to grow longer to fill them back out
    I started taking minox but holy shit does it cause flakes on me and try to do it every 2 days.

  9. 1 year ago

    >receding hair
    >since age 19
    >by 32 still the same but still have the hairloss look
    >the v taper look ion the head
    >rest of hair thick and good
    >order fin
    >hey who knows maybe i could regrow some
    >1 year later
    >no change whatsoever
    >dick gets soft
    >stop beating off leave it for a week
    >dick still soft
    >33 years of age meet a super hot 18 year old
    >can't get hard
    >start taking viagra
    >it works hey ho but still i need pills to get hard
    >3 years later
    >still have issues getting fully hard

    Frick fin. Frick it to shit. And I am not some out of shape dude, I am in great health and my poor fricking winkie struggles to get hard.

  10. 1 year ago

    I started losing my hair at about 33. I thought all the hair drugs and treatments were shit because of sitcom memes in the 90s, so I resigned myself to a life of being bald. I finally decided to try finasteride and minoxidil at 36 and regained all the hair I lost between those ages.
    I didn't get any of the side effects and I still use both. My only regret is that I waited so long to do it. At 38, I look younger than I did at 33 due to having a full head of hair. It is amazing; being bald is a choice nowadays.

    • 1 year ago

      this reads like a sponsored post
      literally what you'd hear in a commercial, word for word

      • 1 year ago

        I had that thought while I was writing it, gave no fricks because it was my experience.
        I don't doubt that people have had libido issues. I didn't.
        I figure people either don't try it because of the side effects, or they're poorgays.
        I was at a low point and semi-suicidal during covid. I didn't give a frick about sex anymore, so I decided to try it, and it worked for me.

      • 1 year ago

        that's how boomers talk in the internet

  11. 1 year ago

    can i replace fin with saw palmetto?
    i don't take troony drugs made by doctors, i take natural drugs made by god

  12. 1 year ago

    Tried it at 0.5mg/day and it caused my balls ache. I could have tolerated it but it made me think wtf am I doing to myself and I decided to just lose my hair naturally. Sides went away when I quit.

  13. 1 year ago

    So much shilling going on surrounding fin. Both by insecure sour grapes baldcel homosexuals and by pharma shills. It really is the most important decision you have to make as a man nowadays.

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