Finasteride and its side effects

I believe I am in the early stages of diffuse thinning, I don’t wish to lose my hair and I’ve been torn between starting fin and not, I’ve heard the most common answers
>muh troony pill
>makes baldies seeth
But I want to ask the anons using fin atm on their experience with using this drug as well as current or past side effects and how much they’re taking. If anyone can provide some extra links on studies so I can further my decision I would appreciate it. I plan on talking with my doctor about this in the close future

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  1. 11 months ago

    They will say side effects are extremely rare and only 1% of people will get them, and then the thread will continue to fill up with anons who literally all got side effects.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah that’s the common thing I’ve seen is that it only really fricks with a tiny amount of people, although I’ve found nothing to explain who has bad side effects vs not. My only concern is ED and Sexual problems, but if worst comes to worse I can always just blast test to counteract the side effects.

      • 11 months ago

        >but if worst comes to worse I can always just blast test to counteract the side effects.
        You do realize that finasteride/dutasteride can cause sides because it increases testosterone while inhibiting 5ar, leading to increased estrogen. If you increase your testosterone even further, you'll get even more estrogen which will lead to more sides. It makes more sense to work on reducing aromatase using natural solutions (zinc, losing body fat) or low dosing actual aromatase inhibitor medicine. Or even better, using a dose of finasteride/dutasteride that you tolerate best.

    • 11 months ago

      Been taking it for a year and no side effects. If I recall correctly the largest study came out at 3%. OP just fricking try it for a few months and stop reading moronic posts on IST and live your life secure in the knowledge your hair is safe. IF you get side effects just stop taking it, easy.

    • 11 months ago

      My dutch doctor told me that they prefer not prescribing the stuff because of the sides.

      • 11 months ago

        Get a prescription from the internet. You don't want to be "that bald guy".

    • 11 months ago

      One thing to keep in mind. 1 percent means 1 person out of 100. If there are 1 million, that will be 10,000 people. Even if only 800 of them go on forums, it sounds like a lot right?

    • 11 months ago

      That’s cus the internet is full of morons who already had depression and low libido and placebo’d themself into thinking fin caused it. Fin hit the markets in the 90s and PFS didn’t become a thing until the late 2000s, right around the time social media and internet porn became household activities

  2. 11 months ago

    Been taking 1mg for a year now no issue and moderate regrowth. 1mg is perfect for me and I don't feel anything from it. Been experimenting with 2mg, that made me a bit depressed. Been experimenting with dutasteride, that gave me sexual sides and brain fog (went away after 3 weeks). Imo every person is different for how well they tolerate finasteride/dutasteride and you should simply try to find the dose that you can handle the best, whether that's 0.1mg finasteride or 2.5mg dutasteride or anything in between. It's still worth it because once you're bald, you're old.

    • 11 months ago

      >two questions
      aside from when you increased dose did your libido change?

      And would you say to start low at .5 or go to 1mg?

      Been taking it for a year and no side effects. If I recall correctly the largest study came out at 3%. OP just fricking try it for a few months and stop reading moronic posts on IST and live your life secure in the knowledge your hair is safe. IF you get side effects just stop taking it, easy.

      Good point, I’ll try it for a month and see how I react. My hair isn’t beyond saving but I really like the way it looks on me and if I react negatively to fin then oh well I tried. Thank you

      • 11 months ago

        >aside from when you increased dose did your libido change?
        Not really. I have periods of time when I'm pretty horny and periods where I don't even think about sex, just like before I started.
        >And would you say to start low at .5 or go to 1mg?
        Start at 1mg, try it for 3 months and if you're getting sides even after that timeframe adjust to 0.5mg. Your body needs time to adapt to news changes.

        • 11 months ago

          Frick that start lower doses half pill every 2nd day.

          • 11 months ago

            Don't be a pussy. If you want to save your hair, start at the recommended dose first. If you're that afraid of finasteride, you'll nocebo yourself into PFS using 0.01ng topical lions mane.

        • 11 months ago

          Gotcha, I plan on quitting porn addiction and trying not to coom everyday, I read somewhere that porn addiction is more damaging than the fin, so as long as I try to abstain from porn I should be fine. Thanks for your input

          • 11 months ago

            For penile health you can just use low dose tadalafil and rosuvastatin. This will keep your blood vessels down there in excellent shape for life.

            Best case scenario: your semen turns to water and lose libido (happened to me)
            Worst case: you turn into an actual troony with man breasts and have a nice day

            You're a shitty baldcel trying to cope with the fact that your hairloss has effectively turned you into a troony (sexless and on suicide watch).

            • 11 months ago

              >j-just take Viagra to counter the troony drug killing your dick


              • 11 months ago

                Finasteride is not a troony drug and has a very low incidence of side effects (it doesn't affect my boners). Incidentally, even actual estradiol pills do not always affect your penis.
                I consider tadalafil to be an essential supplement every man should take because ED correlates with age regardless of whether you're on meds or not. By age 40, 40% of men already suffer from some form of ED.
                Now go be a bald Black person somewhere else.

              • 11 months ago

                >takes troony drugs to save his hair as a bald genetic failure
                >takes dick pills like he's 70 and probably 28 and then tries to normalize it

                Get your fricking shit together you fat piece of trash

              • 11 months ago

                >takes troony drugs
                Finasteride raises your testosterone.
                >to save his hair as a bald genetic failure
                80% of men will experience balding. By using finasteride, you greatly increase your chance of attracting a partner and not hate yourself when looking into the mirror.
                >takes dick pills like he's 70
                I take other pills too because I want to keep myself in top shape instead of letting myself go as you're doing.
                >then tries to normalize it
                Tadalafil has been used in the fitness scene for longer than I have been alive.

              • 11 months ago

                I’m on fin but
                >raises testosterone
                It also raises estrogen because test isn’t converted into DHT so both test and est are increased, I think over time it re-normalizes though which is why people get sided effects for the first few weeks but they go away
                >to save his hair as a genetic failure
                Yea I don’t get this one. Going bald is pretty much your birthright as a male, might as well prolong having hair while you have it because once it’s gone your sexual attractiveness is permanently tanked

              • 11 months ago

                >might as well prolong having hair while you have it because once it’s gone your sexual attractiveness is permanently tanked
                Exactly. No amount of lifting, grooming or "getting your fricking shit together" (to quote the schizo poster) will matter once you're bald.

              • 11 months ago

                Yea being bald under 40 is a death sentence. As much as baldies like to say
                >bro just shave it!
                >being bald was the best decision I ever made
                >get jacked and grow a beard bro!!
                >it’s all about confidence!
                I’ve never seen a dude with hair going around talking about how awesome it is having hair… because they don’t need to convince people that having hair is better,.. everyone just knows

            • 11 months ago

              NTA but tadalafil is like 5$ a pill where im at is there any source u could hook me up w/ for powder form

              • 11 months ago

                Here a 5mg pill costs roughly 1.4€ and I split them in four which saves me quite a lot of money. If you live in the EU you can buy them at doktoronline.

  3. 11 months ago

    what about minoxidil? has anyone seen results using it exclusively ?

    • 11 months ago

      Minoxidil definitely works but without finasteride results will decline within 2-3 years. With finasteride you can maintain and improve results.

      t. started with topical then oral minox, eventually switched to finasteride

    • 11 months ago

      What are the possible side effects of minoxidil?

      • 11 months ago

        Topical: not much
        Oral: death

        The only side effect I notice is libido loss. This is significant in my opinion, you notice it much more when you're living with your partner. It takes 2 weeks off to get back to 100%, but after 2 days off, you're back to 75% libido. I used viagra and it works, but I'll point out that viagra gives you an erection, but doesn't restore your libido / motivation to have sex. So you can have sex, but you don't really "feel it".

        My hair is fine. Seems to have stopped my hair loss completely. Being bald is fine. There's an advantage to not taking drugs to suppress male hormones. It wouldn't work for me because I'm short, and if you put those two together, it's a bad look.

        >There's an advantage to not taking drugs to suppress male hormones.
        DHT has no real use in adult men. It's the excess estrogen that's causing your low libido, not low DHT.

        • 11 months ago

          >DHT has no real use in adult men
          it definitely does, you would feel it if you took exogenous DHT (not that I'd recommend it if you have hair loss)

          • 11 months ago

            >it definitely does
            It could potentially be of use for the production of neurosteroids in the brain but that depends on 5AR1 which isn't inhibited by finasteride. Sperm production is supported by both testosterone and DHT but studies prove testosterone alone is sufficient.
            > you would feel it if you took exogenous DHT
            Exogenous DHT is different from your own produced DHT which only acts locally where it is produced.

            • 11 months ago

              >Exogenous DHT is different from your own produced DHT which only acts locally where it is produced.
              No, DHT is not just a paracrine hormone. Those haircafe videos are wrong. It is also largely produced in the liver. About 1/10th of your testosterone in your BLOOD is converted to DHT. Then more on top of that is converted in the tissues.

              • 11 months ago

                >Those haircafe videos are wrong.
                Haircafe has sources in his videos. Do you?

              • 11 months ago

                It is a fact of biology that 5AR is expressed widely in the liver. Liver 5AR also is involved in the metabolism of cortisol. He just said in his vid that DHT serum levels are "too low" to have much of an effect because they're only 1/10th those of testosterone (what? 1/10th is still huge, serum estradiol is only 1/100th and nobody would claim it doesn't do much, it depends on the binding affinity of the hormone and the receptor). Yes 5AR is also expressed in the tissues. Also, DHT has a high binding affinity for SHBG, moreso than testosterone, and lowers SHBG significantly by acting on the androgen receptors in the liver. Causing higher free testosterone.

    • 11 months ago

      im seeing peach fuzz and shedding after starting a month ago. ive been on fin for 2 years, but im diffuse thinning so i have the worst AGA

      might have to get a transplant for my hairline to be fuller

  4. 11 months ago

    Best case scenario: your semen turns to water and lose libido (happened to me)
    Worst case: you turn into an actual troony with man breasts and have a nice day

  5. 11 months ago

    Just start with a low dose like .25mg and go from there. Stay off of fit and hair loss forums so you dont placebo yourself into sides that you probably had anyway before starting
    If you get sides just quit and you’ll return to normal in a week or two
    PFS isn’t real and I always laugh at the moronic hypochondriacs who simply looked at a finasteride pill 7 years ago and haven’t gotten a boner since

    • 11 months ago

      >If you get sides just quit and you’ll return to normal in a week or two
      The longest time it took someone for a recovery was 3 months in the clinical trials and case reports, but yeah, they always recovered.

      • 11 months ago

        I’m gonna be completely honest, I think 3 months of lingering side effects is worth it just to know that you at least tried to save your hair
        t. haven’t started balding yet but if/when I do I will hop on fin immediately

  6. 11 months ago

    >diffuse thinning
    finasteride will do nothing in this regard. If you have MPB it might do something, but not for diffuse thinning

    • 11 months ago

      Diffuse thinning is still caused by DHT in most cases.

    • 11 months ago

      why not?
      will minoxidil help with diffused thinning?

  7. 11 months ago

    Not to be gross but my cum has always been super chunky and because of this I can’t really shoot loads. It kind of just comes out like a pyroclastic eruption. I wonder if fin giving you watery cum would actually be a plus in this circumstance. Any anons have experience with that?

    • 11 months ago

      Drink more water, zinc, and try not touching yourself for a week.

  8. 11 months ago

    Have been on finasteride for 2 years. AMA

    • 11 months ago

      How’s the sides
      How’s the hair
      What do you think of baldies

      • 11 months ago

        The only side effect I notice is libido loss. This is significant in my opinion, you notice it much more when you're living with your partner. It takes 2 weeks off to get back to 100%, but after 2 days off, you're back to 75% libido. I used viagra and it works, but I'll point out that viagra gives you an erection, but doesn't restore your libido / motivation to have sex. So you can have sex, but you don't really "feel it".

        My hair is fine. Seems to have stopped my hair loss completely. Being bald is fine. There's an advantage to not taking drugs to suppress male hormones. It wouldn't work for me because I'm short, and if you put those two together, it's a bad look.

  9. 11 months ago

    Tbh doesn’t work that well for me but no sides. It’s not a cure all.

  10. 11 months ago

    This will frick with your head and your dick. Better to go bald or have a hair transplant or even wear a wig.

    • 11 months ago

      But when you have hair transplant you have to take fin to keep it

    • 11 months ago

      Fin has a very low chance of side effects.

      Does fin work on diffuse thinning?


      Too much DHT causes hair loss
      Too little causes dick issues
      You need a happy medium. Start with a very low dose and see if it works like 0.25 a day.

      >Too little causes dick issues
      Not true. DHT is not needed by your dick. It's the excess estrogen that can sometimes cause sexual issues.

      • 11 months ago

        wow, a .3% difference
        guess I'm hopping on fin

        you see this a lot with every supplement or drug
        people don't think they're ever gonna just naturally get ED so they attribute it to whatever they're taking and not their age

        • 11 months ago

          Reddit's supplement and nootropics boards have plenty of posts about supplement A/nootropic B giving them ED, low libido, depression, brain fog... I bet you could even find posts about creatine there.

          • 11 months ago

            that's actually exactly what I'm referencing
            everything that gets popular will invariably one month later be claimed to cause ED hair loss and a few other things

  11. 11 months ago

    Well trannies also don't want to get bald.

  12. 11 months ago

    Does fin work on diffuse thinning?

  13. 11 months ago

    I'm 23 and been on fin for 4 months now.
    Got prescribed 5mg tablets (60 pills for around 7 euros).
    During first weeks I just cut them into half but seeing that even a very low dose of fin already works, I now cut them into 5 or
    6 pieces.
    Sides when I started: balls ached (as I understand, that's because the prostate gets physically smaller) and watery cum. All sides went away with around 2 weeks. Hair loss has stopped.

  14. 11 months ago

    Used fin for 6 months despite my dermatologist recommending going straight to dutasteride, the side effect profile is almost identical and dutasteride is more effective, and finasteride loses effectiveness in a large percentage of men after a few years. Anyways, close to a year on dutasteride now and the only side effects were watery semen and slightly increased libido on both. My dermatologist has treated hunderds of men with these medications for years, and only two have ever had (negative)sexual side effects, one man decided to discontinue use and the side effects went away, the other decided the side effects were minor enough to continue use. And that's about it, if you are scared of the medication and getting horrible anxiety every time you get a boner, you are probably going to have a bad time, and that's where "post finasteride syndrome" comes from, it's impossible for the medication to affect you permanently, your hormone profile goes back to normal a few weeks after you discontinue use, if you're still having sexual side effects after that it is either in your head or naturally acquired and had nothing to do with the medication.
    My advice to you is to not think about it, and just take it, try finasteride with a positive outlook, DHT is not known to have any positive effects outside of making your penis grow during puberty, testosterone and estrogen are responsible for sexual function, and the medication increases both slightly, you should expect to see positive effects, not any negative ones, and you can always stop taking the medication at any point and return 100% to baseline with no strings attached, and that's all you need to know, you ARE going to take it eventually, you are not going to have side effects, you are going to switch to dutasteride, still not have any side effects, and you are not going to go bald ever, so quit desperately looking for a reason not to and just do it.

  15. 11 months ago

    Too much DHT causes hair loss
    Too little causes dick issues
    You need a happy medium. Start with a very low dose and see if it works like 0.25 a day.

    • 11 months ago

      >Too little causes dick issues
      If that were true then men who take dutasteride would have a near 100% chance of developing ED and low libido, but it's still only 1%, the real cause has to be that when DHT is blocked in certain individuals, their testosterone/estrogen levels become off/unbalanced in a way that causes sexual dysfunction for them.

  16. 11 months ago

    my hair is thinning really hard in the middle part, I already have a widow peak like pic rel. Will finasteride stop this?

  17. 11 months ago

    I've been on DHT (25mg qd so 175 mg/wk, sublingual route of administration) for a couple weeks now in addition to my 200mg/wk "TRT" (lol). I ordered the powder from a Chinese chemical company that manufactures steroids and I take a little every day and press it under my tongue, sometimes multiple times per day if I feel like it.

    >extreme neuromuscular explosiveness if you take it preworkout, it will make you explode so much more that you can easily overtrain and feel like your joints are dying
    >lowers SHBG and gives you more free test, made my 300mg per week test work noticeably better
    >extreme horniness, fapped 6 times per day once I started
    >aggression, but sort of calm and controlled, not chimpout type, although I could ape out and rip someone's head off if I wanted to
    >extremely hard erections, your dick becomes like a steel ramrod
    >increased skin oiliness the first 2 days which leveled off
    >extremely fast beard and body hair growth, new vellus hairs sprouting all over my patchy cheeks
    >some low estrogen symptoms after a couple days of using it
    >feel like way less of a sperg and more like a Chad

    It's pretty cool but I've started to get some headaches recently. Not sure why. Blood pressure is normal. No family history of balding on my mother's side whatsoever and my father is NW7. No shedding or hair loss yet. I also think my voice has been deepening but I can't say for sure.

    • 11 months ago

      also I add 100mg/wk of UGL test to my TRT so I'm taking 300mg/wk at the moment

    • 11 months ago

      Your using exogenous DHT which can be used by your muscles. Your own DHT is disabled in your muscles and only used in your skin, hair follicles and prostate causing hair loss and enlarged prostate.

      • 11 months ago

        it's still converted in the muscle tissue by hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase no matter if it originated in the liver or from a needle, if you run supraphysiological doses maybe that overcomes it somewhat, idk

        but I was talking mostly about the other effects

    • 11 months ago

      Don't feel anything like that from dropping Fin, so it's just an oral anabolic action.

      • 11 months ago

        Exogenous DHT is different from the DHT you produce yourself. It'll still frick your health tho.

  18. 11 months ago

    hope you enjoy erectle disfuction. keep in mind IST is full of shills. just go to /k/ and ask why they care so much about a israelite puppet state to see some shills.
    fin is heavily shilled here. so i wouldn't trust the positive posts you see

    • 11 months ago

      >fear monger
      >da joos
      >muh shills
      >don't trust him hes lying trust me bro im telling the truth

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry but what does this mean? Who do you think is paying these "finasteride shills" ??

  19. 11 months ago

    >IST - hair loss
    Who fricking cares. Why don’t you just google it? Do you think these conversations are going to go anywhere?

    If you want to go bald, go bald. If you want to take fin, take fin. Jesus christ.

  20. 11 months ago

    Stop wasting time and get on fin. I waited like 3 years and the regret is bad.

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