Finasteride side effects?

I'm the corners of my hairline is thinning into a 0 on here, it's not bald but it has less hair and I really cannot afford to start to look old at 27
But the side effects of finasteride seem even worse. Minoxidil is a bit of a cost investment too and its lifelong and I read that in some cases once you stop it might be worse than if you has never started. But you have to start early, the second you see any hairs being lost because if you wait too long and anywhere actually gets bald it's too late.
How exactly do you know if you need it or if your balding will stop soon?

However I already use tretinoin for my face so I have plenty that I can use instead of buying minoxidil, if tretinoin actually works. That would be ideal.

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  1. 8 months ago

    fin min and tret are the only medications i’ve ever used. literally. been on all three for two years. absolutely zero side effects. i jerked off like 5 times yesterday out of boredom. i’m 39 and have the hairline and thickness i did at 16, but i got on it before any major balding started, i was combating very early diffuse thinning

    • 8 months ago

      hopeful post
      What brand of minoxidil and fin do you use?

      Also do you have to apply it to your whole head or just the spots that were thinning? When I think about it, a 3 month supply should go a much longer way if I just have to apply it to around my hairline where it's thinning.

      • 8 months ago

        fin I get from keeps, I get a year supply for like $200 and it lasts a year and a half, min is all the same, just get the Amazon brand, you can get a 6 month supply for less than $25, I buy two and don't worry about it for a year, and I apply it to my whole head before sleep, don't even notice it

  2. 8 months ago

    Minoxidil is useless unless you have a vagoo
    Finasteride is based, went from approaching norwood 1 to a comfortable 0 after a year

  3. 8 months ago

    Apply minoxidil (regaine). Slightly less effective but it doesn't frick with your prostate or your hormones. People who take fin are mentally ill.

  4. 8 months ago

    Is topical Finasteride worth it? I scawed to supwess my DHTizzy

    • 8 months ago

      I use 0.025% with no side effects and it stopped hairfall completely

    • 8 months ago

      yes, if you have the time/patience/discipline to stick to it
      if not, do pills
      if worried about sides, stick to 0.5mg/day

      • 8 months ago

        I use 0.025% with no side effects and it stopped hairfall completely

        If I already literally cum in 2 seconds will it make me stop being preemibabby

    • 8 months ago

      I don’t see why you wouldn’t try the pills first. Worst case scenario you just switch to topical or stop altogether assuming you don’t buy into post-finasteride syndrome.

  5. 8 months ago

    I've been on fin for around 3 years now. It's stopped and slightly reversed the balding on the crown of my head, but it's still thinning on the corners up front. No side effects, still get horny, still get hard

  6. 8 months ago

    I'm on fin + oral min. 2 pills a day to keep the baldness away forever. No sides

    • 8 months ago

      >No sides
      as if you could tell. if DHT was actually as pointless as pharmagays want to make you believe your body wouldn't produce it after puberty. And even the pharmagays admit that it kills your sperm count, just not enough to make you completely sterile. Your body works the way it does for a reason.

      • 8 months ago

        It doesn’t eliminate DHT entirely. The argument is not whether DHT does something but rather what it does and if finasteride stops the good things enough to not be worth it. Would you say the same about estrogen from test? Of course you wouldn’t.

  7. 8 months ago

    It's been 5 months.
    No sides, stopped shedding around a month ago so far.
    1mg fin a day.

  8. 8 months ago

    just microblade everyday and make a topical solution of fin peppermint and rosemary. there's some black dude on youtube who did that with excellent results

  9. 8 months ago

    From the side, my dick looks like the Darth Vader's helmet


  10. 8 months ago

    check em

  11. 8 months ago

    >Finasteride side effects?
    Rare, less than a 5% chance at most
    Sides come from having too much E2 or crashing your DHT too hard.
    I can take 1mg per day and get no sides but all I need to do is take 0.25mg per day to prevent any hair loss
    Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

    • 8 months ago

      How was the less than 5% side effect figure come up with?

      • 8 months ago

        FDA studies and the human trials for approval. If it really caused the fabled bullshit that people on 4chins swear affects 50% of people it wouldn't have been approved

        • 8 months ago

          >trusting the government
          It's over for you

        • 8 months ago

          The drug is generic so theres no money for them to pretend its a safe drug if it wasn’t, there’s already been research not affiliated that gives the same results, some funded literally by people who claim they got permanent side effects.

          The reality is boomers not wanting to admit them having ED is because they’re getting older, so they blame it on a drug they took because they were getting older and losing hair

          • 8 months ago

            It's an endocrine disruptive drug. If you crash one of the main androgenic male hormones by 70%, it is illogical to think that won't lead to short or long term sides for atleast some percentage of people.

            I think some of newer drugs are promising. DHT inhibition to stop hair loss is a pretty barbaric idea if you think about it.

  12. 8 months ago

    I'm starting to become Norwood 0, how over is it for me?

  13. 8 months ago

    I’ve been on topical fin/min for 1.5 months and already seeing decent improvements. Absolutely no side effects. Takes 30 seconds to apply

  14. 8 months ago

    Coming up to two years now. No sides, maintained a solid norwood 1.5 with thin hair still growing in temples that in dark lighting makes me look like I'm norwood 0.

  15. 8 months ago

    Worried about sides myself just because my bf% is quite high at the moment.

  16. 8 months ago

    I took oral minoxidil for about 8 months and it aged the fricking shit out of my face. I'm 30 and used to get guessed around 22, now recently people think I'm in my late 30's. Shit is fricked. My skin quality in my face has just tanked. Notable looseness/sag at mouth corners, on my jawline, and just more pallid looking skin. My eyes have legit pronounced crow's feet now. Anyone who says the fact that minoxidil inhibits collagen production doesn't mean it can age your skin can get fricked.

    And, worse yet, even while taking oral min my hairline burned back another NW level from a 1.5/2.5 to a 2/3 left to right for a shitty uneven fricked up shit. It's depressing looking at the lines on my face that have shown up now combined with my shitty hairline.

    All I can hope is that at least if I've stopped the oral min then my face skin will come back a bit without the minox inhibiting the collagen.

    • 8 months ago

      Oral minoxidil is known to have pretty terrible, even dangerous side effects. I don’t know why you’d take it orally.

      • 8 months ago

        Saw dudes with absolute werewolf transformations and in my desperation for the power of hair gains to return to my youthful luster I made the pact with the devil to start taking the poison.

        And I did get hair gains. My arm hair, nose hair, leg hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes all got a serious boost. I shouldn't have ordered my min from

      • 8 months ago

        I took oral minoxidil for about 8 months and it aged the fricking shit out of my face. I'm 30 and used to get guessed around 22, now recently people think I'm in my late 30's. Shit is fricked. My skin quality in my face has just tanked. Notable looseness/sag at mouth corners, on my jawline, and just more pallid looking skin. My eyes have legit pronounced crow's feet now. Anyone who says the fact that minoxidil inhibits collagen production doesn't mean it can age your skin can get fricked.

        And, worse yet, even while taking oral min my hairline burned back another NW level from a 1.5/2.5 to a 2/3 left to right for a shitty uneven fricked up shit. It's depressing looking at the lines on my face that have shown up now combined with my shitty hairline.

        All I can hope is that at least if I've stopped the oral min then my face skin will come back a bit without the minox inhibiting the collagen.

        I'm taking it since 1.5 months. 2.5mg/day. So far face is fine. I do tretinoin for face collagen. Different people react very differently to drugs

        If it doesn't work for you, quit it

        • 8 months ago

          I may get some tret to try to improve my face again. Next time I see my doctor it's first on the list.

        • 8 months ago

          Not really your face you have to worry about but your heart with oral min

          • 8 months ago

            I'd rather be dead than bald.

          • 8 months ago

            It's fine. I've pushed my heart hard 180-190bpm for 20 mins and it was fine. I even think it improved my cardio performance

    • 8 months ago

      Not even memeing try mixing a couple of Vitamin C tablets in Olive Oil for a topical Vitamin C/E blend. I started doing it around January and did see my skin looking a bit nicer. Nothing major but it's noticeable when I put it on before bed. Vitamin C supports collagen production applied topically.

      I also was putting in collagen powder at the start, but enough googling told me the collagen molecule is too big to be absorbed and incorporated and shit.

  17. 8 months ago

    I've been on fin since I was 19ish. I'm 24 now, and have experienced zero sides. There has never been a time in the past 5 years where I haven't been able to get hard, or nut.

    I started at the first sign of hairloss, so i'm sitting at a comfy norwood 1. If money isn't an issue, just use an online pharmacy like keeps or hims and take 1mg a day. It's literally that simple.

  18. 8 months ago

    >takes megadoses of androgens for decades
    >can grow thick luscious afro
    >chooses to shave completely bald the entire time
    Nothing personal, hairlet

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