>first day back in the gym after dog passed away. >used to rep 13 reps on the flat bench (2pl8s)

>first day back in the gym after dog passed away
>used to rep 13 reps on the flat bench (2pl8s)
>can barely hit two now

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  1. 7 months ago

    So having a dog gives you a 600% boost on bench pressing?

    • 7 months ago

      Probably, with her alive i felt lucky in life. Like i had it all.

      No w I'm a weak empty shell.

      • 7 months ago

        >broken up inside over a dog
        >a fricking... dog

        Just you wait bucko. Life's going to nuke a close family member and it won't be pretty. Toughen yourself up for the real ones.

        • 7 months ago

          Shitskin detected

        • 7 months ago

          I had the opposite effect when my dog passed. I had never tried 3 plate squat I was hitting 275 for 5 and I decided I was just going to squat 3 plates whether I failed or not and I ended up hitting it for 5. Clearly I wasn't pushing myself hard enough but I hit a bunch of PRs that day.

          You wouldn't understand because you don't own a dog. A dog gives you unconditional love, regardless of how you treat it or the life you give it. So understandably someone who loves their dog very dearly and gives them the best life they possibly can is going to feel sadness when they pass.

          Many stories online, even stories I've heard first hand (including my own) will tell you that losing a family member is not as hard as losing a dog you loved. It doesn't even come close. A dog is the only way you'll feel unconditional love in your life and it's an amazing feeling.

          • 7 months ago

            >Many stories online, even stories I've heard first hand (including my own) will tell you that losing a family member is not as hard as losing a dog you loved. It doesn't even come close. A dog is the only way you'll feel unconditional love in your life and it's an amazing feeling.
            This hits home

  2. 7 months ago

    Frick sorry man. Losing your best friend is no joke. Renting and strangling an Asian hooker always seems to cheer me up, even just a little.

  3. 7 months ago

    sorry abut your puppers anon, hang in there

  4. 7 months ago

    When I lost my dog in 2016 I went into a deep depression and was hard to feel hope. Like an idiot I adopted a new dog too soon because the house was too quiet and felt too empty. It took a lot to work out my raw emotions without taking it out on the puppy who was his own dog in every way and nothing like who I had lost. He is my best friend now but it still is a completely different relationship. Some wounds heal, others don’t. Hopefully you’ll be able to find a new puppy when you are ready. On wounds that refuse to heal, I lost my grandparents a week apart from each other peak wuflu. Each died alone in different hospitals too far away for me to ever hope to make it. My lifts never recovered. No matter how hard I try, I’m gassed early and the amount of what I can do is dramatically lower. Like down to what was progress after 3 months of training lower. This year I basically walked away from training. I restrict my diet and use a cardio bike every now and again, but the drive is dead. I tell my doctor and he just sorta hits my shoulder and says I’ll be fine. I was incredibly close to both of them. I don’t write this in oneupsmanship. Just a grieving heart trying to let you know you ain’t alone.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s ok to grieve my man. But I know, as did your dogs and grandparents, that you are not a quitter. When you get back to training, and it might be a while, you are going to come back stronger than ever.

    • 7 months ago


      >first day back in the gym after dog passed away
      >used to rep 13 reps on the flat bench (2pl8s)
      >can barely hit two now

  5. 7 months ago

    I've had pets die before and I always got over it in a day or two, is there something wrong with me? It's not like having your friends or family die, that is something I deeply dread. Pets are just animals (yes I'm white and yes I love and care for them when they are alive).

    • 7 months ago

      Sure you did, Ahmed

      • 7 months ago

        >Not friends
        Not white.

        Do you morons think Caesar or Bismarck would have cried because their dogs died? Get real.

        shit post bro, most dogs live for 14+ years and if you love your dog it becomes a part of your daily routine (i.e feeding, grooming, walking, petting etc...) for one day all of that to end is not an easy thing for someone to handle.

        Clearly you've never lost a pet or you're just shitposting... or you're Chinese and eat dogs or black and make them fight or I guess white ppl rape animals?

        I haven't had a dog but I had a cat, until it got killed by a Black person dog.

        • 7 months ago

          Just stfu and get out Mohamed thx

          • 7 months ago

            Do you think Roald Amundsen cried while slaughtering his sled dogs and eating them? All your ancestors would consider you a gigantic pussy.

        • 7 months ago

          Cats are shit tier pets so obviously you're not going to feel sad if they die. cats don't even love their owners, they just want food.

          Cats have been seen to actually eat their owners in 3rd world countries when their owners die... Dogs will literally starve and die beside their dead owner before they eat them.

          There is no other animal in the world that is as loyal to humans as a dog.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes and they did. They gave their dogs proper burials complete with epitaphs.
          >My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I bore thee (to the grave)... So, Patricus, never again shall thou give me a thousand kisses. Never canst thou be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried thee, and thou deservist. In a resting place of marble, I have put thee for all time by the side of my shade. In thy qualities, sagacious thou wert like a human being. Ah, me! What a loved companion have we lost!

          • 7 months ago

            beautiful and sad

          • 7 months ago
            • 7 months ago

              RIP to all deceased beloved doggos

    • 7 months ago

      >Not friends
      Not white.

    • 7 months ago

      shit post bro, most dogs live for 14+ years and if you love your dog it becomes a part of your daily routine (i.e feeding, grooming, walking, petting etc...) for one day all of that to end is not an easy thing for someone to handle.

      Clearly you've never lost a pet or you're just shitposting... or you're Chinese and eat dogs or black and make them fight or I guess white ppl rape animals?

      • 7 months ago

        That is white women, and women aren’t people. Dogs are more people than women.

  6. 7 months ago

    I am sorry bro...loss is painful, no matter what you lose. An animal is more loving than a lot of humans

    2 years ago, my grandma was dying in horrible pain, she was like a mother to me, I am glad I told her I love her like a mother before she passed. She was in pain and angry because people were telling her she was going to be fine even though she knew she was dying, but I was honest to her and she needed it.

    A doctor did some major malpractice number on her, I am not making this up, the doctor sewn her anus shut. After that the doctor wanted to do another surgery on her, completely unrelated, talking to other doctors about that, they told me that she wanted another surgery to kill grandma and cover the mistake. The second surgery never happened, but grandma went from a very healthy person to being devoured by cancer in 3 weeks. She died in horrible pain, even on the morphine.

    Throughout all this I was a mess, you can imagine, but my girlfriend of 6 years at that time thought I wasn't " loving enough" and decided to go the movies with another guy and then she was hiding messages from me and laughing all over the house as I was dealing with my grandmas murder..and I am so stupid I am still with that person today

    • 7 months ago

      ditch that witch a

  7. 7 months ago

    You need to get a new dog anon, try not to wait too long, life is too short not to spend it all with dogs.

  8. 7 months ago

    >caring about some stupid animal that cant even talk
    grow a pair OP

    • 7 months ago

      >Ching ching bing bong me tiny dick is nanometers long.

    • 7 months ago

      You're right. I want human love. Am I a monster for not fully appreciating pets anymore? Maybe I'm the only man ITT. Women are satisfied with just their heckin doggo.

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