>first time at a psychiatrist in my life. >just trying to get something to help me sleep

>first time at a psychiatrist in my life
>just trying to get something to help me sleep
>prescribes me happy pills
So, are these safe to take? Will my dick go limp?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    I know it's heckin' fashionable to hate weed and all but I would recommend it 99 out of 100 times over pharmaceuticals if you just want to get to sleep (outside of the other positive sleep changes you can make)

    • 4 months ago

      >bro just turn off your rem sleep, what can go wrong

      • 4 months ago

        >bro, just don't sleep, what can go wrong

  2. 4 months ago

    Just to make it clear, she actually gave me something to help me sleep, but she also thought I should be on antidepressants

    • 4 months ago

      >She also thought
      More importantly, what do you think? Are you depressed?

      I took SSRIs nearly a decade ago (not sure if your screenshot is an SSRI, but the below advice remains the same) and they did help numb my brain for a while to keep things at bay - but it truly is a "sweep your problems under the rug" type of situation. I would recommend against SSRI's, but if you do find yourself on them, you should be leveraging them to figure out how to fix your circumstance/situation and not use it as a crutch. Too many people zonk themselves into oblivion with these random pills and refuse to accept agency because "I have depression" and just take them indefinitely with no plan. They should be avoided at best, and temporary at worst.

      • 4 months ago

        >More importantly, what do you think? Are you depressed?
        I clearly am, and that's why I wanted to get on sleeping pills at all. I didn't adress the subject directly with the psychiatrist, but she managed to persuade the diagnostic out of me.
        >truly is a "sweep your problems under the rug" type of situation
        That's why I am a bit resistant to taking SSRIs (besides ed). The reasons I'm depressed are actually well defined (familly problems, money, whatevs), and some pills won't solve any of them. But, idk, they could least help me get thinks on track, you know? Numb the pain while I sort things out.

        • 4 months ago

          >The reasons I'm depressed are actually well defined (familly problems, money, whatevs)

          I think you have an advantage that many depressed people don't have. Most people sit next to a pile of uber eats bags, stay up until 3am and consume too much alcohol and "don't understand why they're depressed". The fact that you have clear, defined issues that are obvious to you is actually fantastic because it means you can make steps towards resolving them.

          What steps can you take to resolve your problems? Feel free to list the problems specifically here if it helps you get it out of your head. As a stop gap, you need to take care of yourself physically if you aren't already. That isn't debatable. You need sun every morning, you need to stop drinking alcohol (if you do), and most importantly you need to LIFT. There is no pill on the market right now that will solve depression as good as consistent, habitual lifting.

          • 4 months ago

            Like you said, I'm well aware of my problems, it's just taking the first steps to solving them always seem so distant. I will keep my problems to myself for now, but I am immensely grateful for your advice, Anon. I sincerally shed a tear reading this (lmao gay).
            You're a cool dude, Anon. Take care.

            • 4 months ago

              >it's just taking the first steps to solving them always seem so distant.
              Every problem has a solution. Just write down the steps required and give yourself patience, and follow those steps religiously. Baby steps are better than no steps. 1% improvement each day adds up very quickly. You must be relentless in all your endeavors. Problems are seldom solved with good ideas alone - they are usually solved by consistent and constant chipping away at it until it takes the form you want.

              I was in your position 10 years ago, and everything seemed like an impossible mountain to climb. I had anxiety so crippling that I couldn't even enter a store to buy things, I heavily abused alcohol and I was basically just waiting to die. Now I don't drink, I have a job actually dealing with people, I lift and have a gf (no penis). I still have problems, but it's good to see them as challenges that forge you rather than things at frick you.

              You take care too anon. We're all gonna make it.

      • 4 months ago

        This is great advice op. I was on effexor and it helped me a lot but I hopped off a few months in with no plan and fell back into a hole. Tried to start it again and it didn't help at all the second time

      • 4 months ago

        I have severe OCD since i was a kid but gotten so much worse in last years , been taking taking SSRIs for months now, i thought i could numb myself, or even get to a point where i could start working on fixing my problems like you mentioned, but nothing works its just made me stay hard longer, have nightmares and sleep more, nothing fixed my OCD 🙁 , man life is a b***h this shit robbed me of everything my youth my education everything i love, this why it always bother me when i see those blackpill morons argument because i am good looking , very fit , tall, smart, but when god implants a vermin inside you FRICKING BRAIN, you are nothing, i am nothing socially nothing academically, just a clinically insane guy, just don't have balls to rope myself

        • 4 months ago

          I'm the guy you're replying to, I heavily suspect I suffer from OCD myself (not diagnosed), and I do mean brain vermin (not "le have to have TV volume at increments of 5!" fashionable bullshit).

          What helps me is to just mentally say the word "OCD" to myself whenever my thought loops pop up and then visualize myself jamming it back into the hole from whence it came (I imagine holes that cover the inner-wall of my brain and OCD pops out from one of them, so I just imagine violently shoving it back in). It really helps to just label the thought as "OCD" rather than engage with it. It takes time, but the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes. Eventually, your brain no longer attempts to bring up your OCD thoughts because it doesn't deem it important (due to your lack of engagement). It's very much "use it or lose it", and in this case, you want to lose it.

          Also take NAC. It's proven very effective against OCD. Keep lifting as well, and there is no brain rot that will stop you.

          • 4 months ago

            OCD guy here, thanks for analogy i am very familiar with ignoring thoughts or acting like they dont matter(ERP), this usually works for small obsessions, but for main ones that have been haunting me for years it does frick all lol.
            Also what is NAC you mentioned, and do i get it prescribed? Safe to take while taking ssris?

            • 4 months ago

              Are your compulsions related to shit like "if I don't do this random thing, I will die?" or is it more related to a past event that you keep hounding yourself over (real event OCD)?

              NAC can just be bought as a supplement in most places. Not sure about using it in combination with SSRI's, so do your research.

              Do you lift?

              • 4 months ago

                My compulsions are mainly related to germophobia, and scropulosity(but moral rather then religious) this is the really tough one.

                I looked up about NAC it seems okay depending on the ssris(i'll ask my psychiatrist)

                I am more of a calisthenics gay, but i do weights for leg training and some shoulder work

              • 4 months ago

                >scropulosity(but moral rather then religious)
                I would recommend checking out the book "'Pure O' OCD: Letting Go of Obsessive Thoughts with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" by Chad LeJeune. I think it might be helpful.

                >but i do weights for leg training and some shoulder work
                That's good at least. I think using every part of your body to lift heavy objects is a prerequisite for being a healthy, happy male. It's kind of built-in, there's no real way around it.

              • 4 months ago

                Before thread dies, appreciate talking to you anon 🙂

              • 4 months ago

                Same to you anon. Remember that your issues can be resolved with enough grit.

          • 4 months ago

            Have you tried niacin or inisotol?

    • 4 months ago

      Just stop being depressed?

    • 4 months ago

      >she also thought I should be on antidepressants

      She also thought she could make a quick buck selling you dick destroyer pills because nothing cures depression like having an impotent wienererton. Perhaps you can try touching grass instead?

    • 4 months ago

      >go to a car salesman
      >thinks you need a car
      >go to a psychiatrist
      >thinks you need antidepressants
      big surprise there

    • 4 months ago

      Opinion disregarded.
      What are you doing listening to a woman?

  3. 4 months ago

    Do keto first

  4. 4 months ago

    >get put on wellbutrin
    >depression goes away
    >nothing that made me depressed has changed
    >binge eat maybe a little bit less
    >dick still works
    >have completely and utterly lost my ability to cry

    • 4 months ago

      Get out while you can
      Sides will get worse as efficacy drops. Make plans to fix what's causing your depression and taper off. Set deadlines for both. Ideally fix the causes before tapering the fruit but don't stay on more than 6 months regardless. You should be able to use the drug to establish positive habits that give you pride in your self and your accomplishments that will MOG the drugs effectiveness in that timeframe.

      • 4 months ago

        *drug, not fruit

      • 4 months ago

        Unfortunately I am depressed because nobody has ever loved me, and the girl I thought was the first person who would do so left me the same day she found out her alcoholic ex was giving sobriety a fourth try.

        • 4 months ago

          And this gives you license to give up?

          • 4 months ago

            I didn't say that. I just explained why I'm on antidepressants. I don't disagree with you at all, I vehemently tried to avoid them. It wasn't until I was experiencing suicidal ideation for weeks on end that I relented to give them a try.

        • 4 months ago

          There are billions of women and at least millions of desirable ones. You can find one worth your time of you put in the work. Compared to the life of a depressed empty shell, you can become a roid troony. Get face surgery. Buy a hooker to build confidence. Go back to school and youthmaxx to date younger girls. Join a church and become a contributing member and catch the attention of a quality young lass. You can try anything for a while. The alternative is the shitty depressed life you already know sucks.

        • 4 months ago

          Perspective is a funny thing. I don't mean it in a way to minimize your feels, but I was once in your position and it felt like the worst thing in the world, so I get it. But right now, I WISH girl trouble was the biggest concern I have. My father passed away, I have to take care of my mother, I descended back into alcoholism, my mental health plummeted, I hate my job and I overthink. It has literally been the worst year of my life - and guess what? Having a girlfriend didn't help with any of that inner turmoil I had to deal with.

          But that's just life, isn't it? I still made a plan, and I am sticking with it to get my situation in a better place. I quit drinking, I started lifting again, etc. Basically what I am trying to say is, there's always going to be a problem. Learn to work with them to your advantage, and depression starts to become an alert signal in your head that you're not doing adhering to your plan, rather than an unchangeable state of being. Having a girl leave you is fricking shit, but being single comes with its own sense of freedom. Food for thought - I hope that helps even a little bit.

          • 4 months ago

            The funny thing is - this literally is pretty much my only problem. I've got a lot of money, am healthy, don't mind my job even though it's entry level IT. I'll probably never worry about money in my life unless something goes unfathomably awry.

            My problem is that I've never received a hug from someone of the opposite sex that I genuinely felt was compassionate and loving and caring. I've had sex once with some 19 year old girl who wasn't that attractive on Tinder and frankly it just affirmed my conviction that I don't want to have sex with someone - I want to make love with someone.

            I want to be vulnerable and be accepted. And the one time I was vulnerable, after 3 decades of solitude, I got torched to a crisp. I do like shit on dating apps because I have no good pictures of myself even though I'm frankly above average looks, I'd say. I don't know how to go out and be sociable and find people organically, obviously, too.

            My life is a clown show and I have the apex and epitome of first world problems.

  5. 4 months ago

    Venlafaxine has fricked up two friends of mine (both female). Neither have been a be to kick it (dropping down to Prozac left both suicidal) and they have been trying for about 15 years now.
    Second opinion?

    • 4 months ago

      Able to kick it, ffs. Also pretty sure it's not an SSRI but an SNRI

  6. 4 months ago

    The fact that you’re even considering this tells me that you’re a normie

  7. 4 months ago

    Your dick will go limp and your BP will go up. Try valerian root, lemon balm, 5HTP, ashwaganda, apigenin, magnesium, or tart cherry juice.

    • 4 months ago

      >nooo anon, don't thrust you doctor, take this charlatan's snake oil instead

      • 4 months ago

        I am a doctor with insomnia

        • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >5HTP, ashwaganda
      SSRI tier

  8. 4 months ago

    I have brain damage from SSRIs. Never been the same. Cannot cry anymore under any circumstances. Also have no memories of the time because the insomnia and tinnitus was so bad. Also I had withdrawals for almost a year.

    • 4 months ago

      You were on SSRIs for how long, and what was the dose?

  9. 4 months ago

    No, except maybe for lithium, pretty much all psychotropic drugs aren't safe to take chronically and will permanently alter your brain. They will leave you off worse than if you didn't take anything, and withdrawal can be a multi year hell.
    >just blindly trust a doctor, what could go wrong
    is a thing you can regret for the rest of your life. they don't give a FRICK about you or any problems you get from those drugs.
    Doctors are good for wounds, surgery, and infection diseases, but not for anything mental.

    • 4 months ago
  10. 4 months ago

    these made it impossible for me to cum

    the world is hard and brutal and if you are in a position where you can get anti-depressants then that means your life isnt even that bad i.e. you are most likely in a first world country and have disposable income. Learn to deal with the fact that the world is tough now while you are young. Is it easy to imagine being happy your whole life if you are shackled to drugs? Or would it be easier in the long run if you got tougher now?

    Not to mention the recent data shows that SSRIs (and i assume SNRIs like op as well) have essentially no actual proven ability to treat depression. It just makes you feel a little good for a bit with hellish side effects and a life with a crutch.

    Work hard every day and you wont have trouble sleeping.

    I was on something like 30 different meds over the course of 7 years as they tried to find the right shit for me. Turns out I was just an angsty teenager and never needed any of it to begin with. The only way I have been able to grow into a functioning adult has been realizing i was just weak and ditching meds and deciding to make myself better through hard work.

    godspeed anon thank you for coming to my ted talk

  11. 4 months ago

    Do not take any antidepressants.

    For sleeping, before trying a sleeping med, have you tried melatonin first? Or chamomile tea? Kava root supplements? There’s probably more natural sleep inducing agents I just don’t know them but you can look them up and probably should experiment a little bit with them before taking a sleeping pill. They could work well for you.

    I’m very srs about the antidepressant thing don’t do it. They could potentially be effective for people with very bad depression if other avenues have been exhausted first—but if you are literally fine it’s the stupidest thing in the world to take them.

  12. 4 months ago

    I hate Black folk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  13. 4 months ago

    Frick off kid, you take that shit you deserve what's going to happen. Effexor was proven to cause brain damage, it quite literally causes cracks to appear in the brain.

  14. 4 months ago


    laughing at your life, enjoy the brain shocks when you eventually try to quit

    • 4 months ago

      Theese are a joke, a mild inconvenience, just taper off slowly.

  15. 4 months ago

    try wellbutrin, it gave me strong erections. Make sure you are aware of all side effects of anti depressants, they caused my gyno to increase in size

  16. 4 months ago

    Lift to failure and take 1mg Melatonin, Magnesium and Zinc before bed

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