fit bar is open

anon, welcome back. lets talk about the gym, your father, or that magic the gathering/birdwatching group/militia group you were talking about joining.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I just binged on my grandma's benzos and alcohol the entire week, man. Then I tripped on diphenhydramine and once it wore off I met up with my gf and had sex, fueled by energy drinks cause I hadn't slept all night. I slept 20 hours straight afterwards.
    Tomorrow starts a week of hell after saying frick everything for so many days.

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like you had a based and fun weekend
      Good luck with the 3day depression lol

  2. 7 months ago

    How much do women care about your fitness level? I'm asking because my wife recently suggested I get a FWB because she isn't as high libido as me. I've been with my wife for 10 years now and she's never cared if I'm in shape or not so I have no recent perspective on this. She says she wants a one-sided open marriage where only I get to have extra partners (no dating, just sex). I have no experience in a poly lifestyle so I don't know if this is the best day of my life or if I'm about to be taken on a ruse cruise.

    • 7 months ago

      Anyone who calls steroids users "fraudsters" who take the "easy way" out are only right if they're lifting b***h weights. People who legit use that shit to enhance their performance with the goal of competing in open use, or to perform world class shit have my respect.

      On the other hand, people who use steroids for aesthetics alone are moronic, given the health consequences. Bro, nobody wants to go bald, have their balls shrink, and irreparably damage their hormone levels permanently just to look slightly sexier for a few years. Not to mention the dysmorphia you'll experience when you inevitably have to cycle off. If steroids didn't have health risks, literally everyone SHOULD take them, but you don't need drugs to look aesthetic (though it will take longer).

      The older they are, the less, and speaking as a 24 year old who did SS + Texas Method for about a year, 90% of the people I talk to regularly refer to me as "buff as frick". When women are older, they think it's even more impressive. Just have some show of muscle, you don't need to be a bodybuilder.

      • 7 months ago

        >The older they are, the less
        I'm in my early 30s and I'm into olden women so I plan on setting any age ranges on dating apps to 20-60+ years old. Like you said, not sure how much women in their 40s care about abs.

        • 7 months ago

          Honestly, age can be a plus on dating apps. Young women like to deny it and pretend its creepy, but there's so many hookups on those apps who just wanna get rawdogged by a dadbod. At worst, girls won't care about you being thirty. But try to be IST.

          Dating women in their 30's is trash tier. Your choices are:

          1. Mountain of baggage single mom with more unresolved drama than a teenage girl

          2. The childless zero baggage unicorn, but hordes cats like she's running some type of indoor petting zoo

          Going back to dating 20 year olds

          Or just asian women abroad but... you know..

      • 7 months ago

        Their bodies aren't really doing the work. It's the hormones giving them the boost. Plus it's dishonorable from the POV of wanting to have a legitimate competition. They should honestly just make a roid division for all the sports where people kill themselves for monster performance.
        >inb4 that's what current sports are! Everyones on gear!
        No. There are routine attempts to control PEDs in all legitimate sports with any money behind them. Obviously people get around the rules but the rules still exist. It would be better for the rules to just not exist.

    • 7 months ago

      Guaranteed bait but I want a snack before bed.
      >do women care about fitness as they get older
      Other than to use you as a showoff to her c**t """friends""", no. In fact, it can be a detriment as they expect you to be a beer bellied Bubba in the South or Midwest. Case in point, your situation.
      >should i frick another woman
      Nope. She is setting you up and WILL eventually ask for another dude. That or a divorce. I used to be really into kink communities like FetLife and every single open relationship like this failed. Every single one. Hope you signed a prenup, bro. That or get your legal shit together before you even think about sticking your dick in anything.

    • 7 months ago

      I wish i had a wife like that

    • 7 months ago

      It's only the best day of your life if you want to have sex with women other than your wife. Even with that upside, it's a huge risk. Tread carefully.

    • 7 months ago

      Same thing happened to me. Almost exactly the same. My wife is really introverted and loves to spend time alone. Her perfect saturday night is a scifi movie and popcorn.
      At first I was kinda scared. Then after many conversations with her she told she sees sex as a physiological necessity like eating and sleeping, and that she very easily covers her needs with me and needs no more, but that she saw I was always wanting more. She said sex was like a sport. I had sex with 2 girls the first three months and then the excitement faded out. So every now and then I might get laid with someone, but rarely. This year it was just one girl I met at a party.

    • 7 months ago

      My gf and I have a similar agreement. Her sex drive is dead because meds and cundishuns, so she allows me to visit hookers.

  3. 7 months ago

    Just ordered Fin+Minox pills from Hims. It has been 24 hours and no update on shipping. I'm getting anxious about being scammed. More so because I can go to my bathroom, scratch around my head for 5-10 seconds, and there will be at least 15 hairs in the sink. IDC if it takes 2 years, I am not losing my hair. I'm somewhere between Norwood 2 and 3 but recently the shedding is noticeable. IDK if it's this hemp shampoo, the colder weather, or what.

    On the plus side, I hit 131 pushups in 2 minutes which is the highest I've ever been able to do in my life at 28. I mog the frick out of my old stats when I was in the military 10 years ago.

  4. 7 months ago

    Dating women in their 30's is trash tier. Your choices are:

    1. Mountain of baggage single mom with more unresolved drama than a teenage girl

    2. The childless zero baggage unicorn, but hordes cats like she's running some type of indoor petting zoo

    Going back to dating 20 year olds

    • 7 months ago

      >Dating women in their 30's is trash tier.

      In Asia, women are expected to be married and with kids by the age of 25.
      You're essentially damaged goods past this age.

      • 7 months ago

        I have a girlfriend.

        • 7 months ago

          >I have a girlfriend

          Does she know?

          • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        This used to be true and I'm sure there are some oldies that still think so but it's not as looked down upon any more.
        >T. Fricked plenty of single 30 year Olds in Taiwan, HK and Singapore

  5. 7 months ago

    I just want to buy and eat a bag caramel milky way, is that too much to ask?

    • 7 months ago

      Great source of protein.

  6. 7 months ago

    i'm in law school and it's fricking annihilating my gains. even if you eat healthy, don't smoke/drink etc., it's very hard to consistently get in the gym. this was my first semester and I definitely underestimated the workload level, even doing the bare minimum is a giant time suck. everyone says the first year is by far the most brutal though so hopefully I can re-calibrate and stay ahead of the work so I can hit the gym more often next semester.

    • 7 months ago

      Nice that’s great. I work as an engineer.

      • 7 months ago

        I am currently working as a software engineer and heavily considering law school. It sounds interesting.

      • 7 months ago

        I am currently working as a software engineer and heavily considering law school. It sounds interesting.

        >literally no one:

    • 7 months ago

      You'll get through it bro, it takes a little bit to learn how to use your timw
      >t. studied law now a lawyer

      • 7 months ago

        what practice area are you in? how often do you lift and for how long? just wanna get some ideas for how to fit in it.

        I am currently working as a software engineer and heavily considering law school. It sounds interesting.

        it is definitely interesting but I could only recommend it if you
        1. are getting a full or near full tuition scholarship. 50k+ a year simply isn't worth it otherwise, not to mention the full time living costs
        2. actually enjoy the practice of law, which many people have told me is far different from law school. the general rule is, if you hate school, you'll love practice, and vice versa.
        3. don't mind doing a LOT of busywork and reading. it is likely more reading than you'll ever do in your life otherwise. It's probably far more work than your current job, though perhaps not as difficult, and my social/free time/exercise time has quickly evaporated.
        The pros, however, so far at least, are that yes the material can definitely be interested. You're rapidly exposed to new ways of reasoning. It's far better than doing a repetitive, challenging job (even though sometimes I wish I was back working at a gym or bartending, but I also remember how much of a deadend it felt).
        Take the LSAT, see your score, and aim for the school which will give you the best scholarship. That's my advice.

    • 7 months ago

      Don’t worry it gets worse
      3LOL is a complete fricking lie

  7. 7 months ago

    I don't in public women at new jobs it's always "hi I'm Stacy what do you like I have a boyfriend " in one sentence at the gym or store or whatever I'll notice a woman multiple times out of the corner of my eye and every time they look at me.
    I think about but and what it's like.
    What did it mean? Am I a monster?

    • 7 months ago

      This college shit is overwhelming bros. Its almost end of the semester and I can barely keep up with the assignments. I even got paralyzing anxiety. I dont know how much will I resist. Im feeling defeated

      You probably got a nice body. Dont think too much of it. If they dont approach or say something dont waste your energy thinking about it.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm in the same situation as you, just keep your head up anon. It's rough and hopefully you have a social life to help out. I don't and it's terrible lol but at least I have my gains

  8. 7 months ago

    im starting a 9 to 5 at a call center tomorrow. My parents are giga wagies and thats half but i also just want money for drugs and food to counter my frame deficiency. I fail at everything ive ever tried to do but physical strength is embracing your inner potential, i want a body that supersedes my intellectual stature. Have any of you anons been caught between college and highschool without a purpose or a mentor to help you find it?

  9. 7 months ago

    just had a dream about my ex, i'm feeling real sad and alone today, like a lot.

    • 7 months ago

      Lads, i’m getting desperate, should i get back with her? And start a future or what, i’m 30 now.

      • 7 months ago

        advice ?

        • 7 months ago

          no. never get back with a dumb ex. improve urself.

    • 7 months ago

      My homie, I feel you. Used to dream a lot about my ex for a couple of years. The days after were the worst. Journaling helped me a lot. Godspeed, brother.

      • 7 months ago

        thanks man. Like what did you write down and how often? just to get a basic understanding of it

        • 7 months ago

          It was quite an intense routine. I sat down and wrote „Today is Monday the XXth and I feel YYYY..“ and from there I wrote down whatever came to my mind for up to an hour. Afterwards I took 30 minutes (sometimes more) to feel the emotions that came up. What I realized was that I never emotionally processed the breakup because I automatically shut down any negative emotion. That shit came back to haunt me and I could only get rid of it by feeling it to the end. I wrote about a lot of things. How I loved her, about my disappointment, how it makes me sick to my stomach imaging here getting railed by some chad better looking than me, about my desperation that I will never be happy again. Everything.

          • 7 months ago

            Forgot one thing: I wrote daily for I think at least 1 month.

            thanks, i want to try, but how long did it haunt you for, just before i don't get haunted for ages by it

            • 7 months ago

              We broke up 2018 and I struggled getting over her till December 2022. I told myself I’m over her, I even was in a relationship ok the meantime but it was all a lie. I’m December 2022 I met her at party and from there I completely crashed down because I realized that I was not over her. I felt awful and like a complete loser. I immediately started journaling after the party, I tried everything to cry and get these unresolved feelings out of my system. Googled a ton about how to process emotions etc. I thought it will never work and I will be in love with her till the end of time. Long story short. When spring came life was better.

              • 7 months ago

                damn man. i'm fearing that could be me. I'll try to journal and hopefully it can help with the feelings and emotions

              • 7 months ago

                No need to be afraid brother. You never learned how to process emotions and that’s why you are fricked now. You will get through it, just trust the process.

              • 7 months ago

                thanks brother, i'll do it. I'll post an update when i'm done

        • 7 months ago

          It was quite an intense routine. I sat down and wrote „Today is Monday the XXth and I feel YYYY..“ and from there I wrote down whatever came to my mind for up to an hour. Afterwards I took 30 minutes (sometimes more) to feel the emotions that came up. What I realized was that I never emotionally processed the breakup because I automatically shut down any negative emotion. That shit came back to haunt me and I could only get rid of it by feeling it to the end. I wrote about a lot of things. How I loved her, about my disappointment, how it makes me sick to my stomach imaging here getting railed by some chad better looking than me, about my desperation that I will never be happy again. Everything.

          Forgot one thing: I wrote daily for I think at least 1 month.

  10. 7 months ago

    What kind of volunteering is good for somebody that wants to get into real estate development?

    Habitat for Humanity?

  11. 7 months ago

    How do i get taller? My plates are still open. Any tallbros wanna share their stories

  12. 7 months ago

    Broke up with my gf on saturday
    Since then sometimes I feel guilty but otherwise I feel nothing. I have had major depression and I'm on meds so thats probably why

    I havent lifted in over 4 years

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry to hear your relationship didn't work out.
      >I havent lifted in over 4 years
      get on that shit brother! Might as well do some squats/push ups right now.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks mate. I did some chin ups and pushups today.
        I need to move house and after that I will get a new gym membership

    • 7 months ago

      Broke up with GF of 2.5 years. I was completely drained and dissociated from her obsessive and reckless behaviour. She took all of one week to turn into a hoe and find a rebound. She was so pure and innocent for so long.

      eerily similar

  13. 7 months ago

    I am in better health than ever before in my life. I have a wonderful girlfriends who truly treats me as an equal and cares about how I feel. But I don't have a single friend. I made friends in HS but they all kind of grew into buttholes and I made friends in uni but they all drifted away the moment they graduated. My girlfriend says she's miffed that people I talk to don't end up being friends with me because she says she thinks I'm interesting and kind. I've tried making friends with a bunch of men at work, the most I got to know most of them I found out they were just honestly shitty dudes. One joked about beating his son and I just avoid him entirely now. Exactly two guys I've gotten the numbers of who seemed normal and sane, would be nice when we talked would later just flake on any plans I tried to make to hang out and I would give up trying to send texts that never got replies.

    I just kinda feel defeated here. I have no friends. No allies. I am blessed in other parts of my life but most of my small family has died already outside of my girlfriend I have no one. We talk about getting married and she has a huge family and many friends but for me I don't even have anyone to invite other than my one final living family member. I honestly haven't the foggiest idea what to do. I live in a semi-rural area, mostly really old people. If I go to a bar it's all people in their 60s, and I'm 32.

    I don't know. This sucks.

    • 7 months ago

      Just be glad you have that. I and many other young men won't have either when we get to your age In a few years

    • 7 months ago

      Is this a new pasta?
      Feels too moronic to be real

  14. 7 months ago

    My balls are blue from dry humping mi novia last night. I really like her

  15. 7 months ago

    I wore some makeup for a halloween costume, but I looked pretty good and now I can't stop thinking about wearing foundation every day just to cover up all the blemishes on my face.
    How gay am I

    • 7 months ago

      I’m not gonna put in the effort because I genuinely dgaf, however I think if the goal is getting pussy, that it’s not that gay for a man to learn how to use makeup, get some high quality suit that doesn’t come off with sweat, go to clubs, boom. Women make themself go from 4/10s to 9/10s with makeup. Shit like making their face more angular and even their eyes appear more positively tilted than negative.

      So just imagine what a man would be capable of if he got as good as them and could hide the fact he even had makeup on his skill. And I don’t even mean full blown wearing a totally new face, just very small changes could easily take a man from like a 5/10 to an 8/10.

      It’s not gonna get you a gf but for drunken hookups I don’t see the problem, it IS the same shit women are doing to get entire relationships. But again that’s gay and I’m not putting that kind of effort into pussy.

  16. 7 months ago

    This WFH ride can never end.
    It's been over 3 years and I think I've forgotten how to do any actual, real work.
    I think if I had to do a real job again, I'd have an anyeurism or something

  17. 7 months ago

    I'm debating fricking my ex because NNN has me horny. Dumping half a month's worth of semen in a pussy sounds divine.

    On the other hand, I have no way to know if she's still on birth control (even if she claims it). She went full leftist complete with not wanting to shave, hating America (despite immigrating here and becoming a citizen, which she said was only for money and benefits) and reserving the right to do anything she wants in the relationship because she's a strong independent woman.

    I'm basically battling my coombrain right now. I haven't had sex since February. The babytrap scares me though.

    • 7 months ago

      bro as a person not doing NNN this post is just so ridiculous. how can you even type this out? of course you should not do it. you should delete her number and never think about her again, she is too far gone.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm 16 days in and agree with you

      • 7 months ago

        I'm 16 days in and agree with you

        Give me strength. I just don't have the nerves to get back into the dating game and ex sex would be like a shortcut to what I'm craving. But then I'd have to figure an escape plan all over.

        I just need to keep reminding myself that I'm gambling having a kid with this b***h.

        • 7 months ago

          how old are you? why not just not date for a little while? if you're just looking for nsa sex, there are better ways than dating.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm 30 and I got laid from tinder once when I was 24 but she was fat. Haven't tried again but I needed minute to get over my ex. She still sends me a message every now and then so I haven't gone full no-contact.

        • 7 months ago

          Just fricking cum in her prostitute mouth or butthole, it's not that hard.
          But make her shave first, otherwise make her get naked and kick her out once you "discover" she's hairy

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe wear a condom? Or get a vasectomy so you don't have to worry about it

  18. 7 months ago

    Moving to another country. Found a random girl that offered me a spot in her apartment, there's no one else living there. I don't know her, we did not meet on a dating app or social media, she messaged me on a flatshare website. She said she'll pick me up from the train station and show me around the city. We did a facetime call and it's not a ploy. Perhaps I'm too autistic to process the fact that this is normal human interaction and young people share flats and simply hang out regardless of gender. But my palms are still sweaty, I hope this is all just strictly business and she just needs a tennant.

    • 7 months ago

      maybe she doesn't like living with other women, which is sensible. but just relax man, she literally just wants someone to pay half the rent. do NOT even entertain the idea that this will lead to sex, because that's what makes things awkward.

      I'm 30 and I got laid from tinder once when I was 24 but she was fat. Haven't tried again but I needed minute to get over my ex. She still sends me a message every now and then so I haven't gone full no-contact.

      oh, well, idk then. do you respond? a lot of women text their exes to get a confidence boost when they're feeling lonely. don't be that guy.

      • 7 months ago

        Sometimes. I'll be honest I haven't gone full no-contact because I still hold on to the possibility of ex-sex when I'm coombrained. She wants me back but I've said no and haven't seen her since we broke up. I've been strong but November is a new trial.

    • 7 months ago

      stay safe anon and good luck with your new journey

  19. 7 months ago

    Just how badly am I going to regret fricking a nice assed femboy?

    • 7 months ago

      you will want to have a nice day before you even coom dude. it'll feel nice for a fraction of a second, but before the cum actually leaves your dick, you will be absolutely disgusted and hate yourself, probably forever. do not do it. iT'S A FRICKING MAN
      jesus fricking christ if this is what NNN does to people then i am fully against it

    • 7 months ago

      you will want to have a nice day before you even coom dude. it'll feel nice for a fraction of a second, but before the cum actually leaves your dick, you will be absolutely disgusted and hate yourself, probably forever. do not do it. iT'S A FRICKING MAN
      jesus fricking christ if this is what NNN does to people then i am fully against it

      You're almost certainly right, frick I can't go through with this. I failed NNN to this ass(and face) hard and felt pretty bad immediately after. Holy shit I need to leave the internet for a long time

      • 7 months ago

        That's a man? Kek, ass science have gone to far.
        Also, anon is probably right about the regret but I'd do it for the lulz. Fricking feminine ass is manly, the ancients did it all the time.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd do it

    • 7 months ago

      My kid is turning one year next month. I'm as happy as one can be, but at the same time I'm struggling really hard to find time for myself. Sometimes I feel I will forget who I am. I love my son. I need to balance some time for myself so I can be better for me and for my family... but it's hard.

      It gets better, just the first year is rough

  20. 7 months ago

    It feels like I'm having some kind of attack. Once an hour or so it hurts deep in my body beneath my pecs close to where the arms connect. Am I dying IST? It feels oddly comforting.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        I don't get it.

        • 7 months ago

          What kind of dumb frick mutant freak has arms that connect?
          You fricking freak.

          • 7 months ago

            Oh. I meant at the sides of my

  21. 7 months ago

    /fat/gay working out here, I think I got my first mire from a qt gym milf with a pixie cut. She said I look like I could lift double the weight I was at.
    Feels good man

  22. 7 months ago

    >be at new gym
    >almost done with workout
    >looking for back extension thing, just hold my thighs and ankles parallel to the ground please
    >only thing close is a dumb version on some stupid 45 degree angle
    >try to set up
    >woman looks at me
    >do two reps
    >stand stabs your gut at the bottom of the rep
    >Yeah ok no thanks
    >try this stupid fricking chair that is supposed to simulate back extensions
    >it's fricking stupid
    >see woman again out of corner of my eye, looking again
    >frick off to look for anything else I can do for upper body
    >basically walk around the gym looking at masheens
    >see same woman 4 times, looking at me
    >just start on the treadmill for 30 minutes
    >she jumps on the treadmill behind me
    What in gods wienersucking frick is going on?

    • 7 months ago

      She was taking images for the /dyel/ thread.

  23. 7 months ago

    Skipped my workout today and already feeling guilty, mad how i went years not doing any form of exercise when i was younger but now i skip a day and feel like i just my whole family walked in on me fricking a fleshlight

  24. 7 months ago

    why is food more satisfying than 3 weeks of hard work and weight loss

    why is it so fricking easy to give up

    why do all the string beans get to complain and get pats on the back for not being able to eat above 1k calories but fatties get roasted for the opposite

  25. 7 months ago

    My kid is turning one year next month. I'm as happy as one can be, but at the same time I'm struggling really hard to find time for myself. Sometimes I feel I will forget who I am. I love my son. I need to balance some time for myself so I can be better for me and for my family... but it's hard.

    • 7 months ago

      Your duties to your child is more important than yourself. Man up.

      • 7 months ago

        Man up. Frick off. It's a woman's job to raise babies not men. Men can teach older kids

        • 7 months ago

          The idea that men shouldn't raise their young is a somewhat recent (~300 years) tactic by the powers that be to create a weak and homosexual population, and it have largely been successful.

  26. 7 months ago

    first day of my part time job today, went fricking great. im working at an outdoor clothing/equipment store so its never that busy, and the people that did come in were cool to talk to, plus all my coworkers are international students so i dont need to worry about age gaps or anything. time to go lift some heavy fricking weight to cap off a great day

  27. 7 months ago

    I work a 9-5 and am scared of going to the gym at peak times. Any advice overcoming this fear? I don’t want to be seen by other people or interact with anyone. All the popular machines are always occupied and I’d like to wait my turn but I can imagine someone butting in front of line and I don’t have the balls to confront them.
    FYI I am agoraphobic socially anxious ex-NEET but I’d like to pay for a cheap gym membership to hopefully develop discipline and turn my life around. How do I force myself to go when I have so many fears?
    Thanks in advance fellas

    • 7 months ago

      You either go very early in the morning or very late at night. If this is not an option, imagine the people you encounter not as people. They are ghosts. They can interact with you, but they are no real people. They are just spooks flying around. Never look them in the eyes just observe that you don’t bump into them. Sounds autistic af but it helps.

  28. 7 months ago

    I've managed to make my diet like 95% clean over time and it has made the biggest impact on my life

    >Test is high (Morning wood every day, always energized, don't feel much stress/depression, beard grows faster)
    >Skin is clear and glowing despite using no products for it
    >Never get sick anymore

    A clean diet is such a cheat code, everyone knows this but few truly understand. It's more important than lifting and equally important as sleep

    • 7 months ago

      How did you clean it up? Just eating good healthy stuff, or did you cut out "easy" food also

      • 7 months ago

        Well originally I just wanted to add more protein to my diet, so I started replacing the stuff I normally eat with higher protein alternatives, that also happened to be way healthier. Once you notice how good you feel, the extra preparation effort is well worth it

        • 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago

    >Going to the dojo to workout tonight
    >Get some burgerking so I can get some extra calories to burn
    >As soon as I finish eating get a text that they're closing for the night
    swear to god i'm going to switch to wing chun if they keep pulling this bullshit.

  30. 7 months ago

    idk man bar threads arent the same without a 'jak tender

  31. 7 months ago

    Routine for a 37yo dude who got rejected again?
    it is weird bros, I don't even feel pain this time, it's sad, but it doesn't matter. It's a new kind of fricked up I didn't knew

    • 7 months ago

      you didn't get used to it before?

      • 7 months ago

        I think you never get used to this shit.
        you can get uised if you hit on whatever chick you find and it really does not matter as long as you score sometimes, but I don't play that game.

  32. 7 months ago

    Any bros got advice for someone suffering from failure to launch?
    >late 20s
    >still live at home
    >dropped out with single class left towards a useless associates
    >don’t wanna go back to school, will do trades or get an online certification if the job pays enough for me to be independent
    I’m just applying to any job right now and have a few interviews lined up but they’re all stock clerk positions paying $15-$18/hr. That would be a start but it’s not gonna get me out of this. What do? Take one these jobs until I get something better?

    • 7 months ago

      Take full advantage of living at home to save with your shitty starter job. Apply to trade unions for an apprenticeship, once that's done you'll make a lot more money and can likely move out. Simple.

      • 7 months ago

        Thank you. I usually know what to do, but sometimes I need someone else to tell me it in simple terms.

  33. 7 months ago

    Ahh lads. I finally clicked with a girl after countless dates and literally thousands of dollars spent on drinks with women and hundreds of hours on dating apps. She said she wants to see me again but the texts are few and far between. The responses are good when they do come but they're infrequent. Obviously I am mirroring her contact level but this is just leading to infrequent messaging.

    I'd be really disappointed if this one didn't work out after all the searching I've done.

    • 7 months ago

      >after countless dates and literally thousands of dollars spent on drinks with women and hundreds of hours on dating apps
      god reading that is the only thing in life that made me happy about being gay

    • 7 months ago

      Stop projecting your insecurities on her texting habits, that is not healthy. Don't decide for her how she feels or what she thinks, just relax and enjoy dating her.

      Cell phones are toxic for your mental well-being anyway, case and point.

  34. 7 months ago

    >deadlifted 405 for the first time today
    >felt happy for 2 minutes
    >dropped my spaghetti introducing myself to new roommates an hour later and acted like a moron
    >reminded me that I'm autistic as frick and have never been truly comfortable in any social situation
    >misery resumes
    I'd like to say I'm gonna make it one day but odds are I'm just gonna keep being a weird lonely sperg and kill myself a decade or two from now.

    • 7 months ago

      You did very well anon, the more times you "spill your spaghetti" the more you will get comfortable with it, the more you'll start enjoying it.

      >after countless dates and literally thousands of dollars spent on drinks with women and hundreds of hours on dating apps
      god reading that is the only thing in life that made me happy about being gay

      Die of AIDS

  35. 7 months ago

    Made a thread but jannies deleted
    >be me 21 khhv
    >Gave up on ever doing anything with a women for the rest of my life
    >Gave up on social interaction in general for the rest of my life
    >Starting college next year in January
    >Life is just going to be school, job, and working out for the next few years
    Why do I still lift? I basically gave up on having a life worth living and I've accepted I'll never have any connection with a human who isn't my parents. With all this being said I still can't give up lifting. Why is this? Why do you guys lift?

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't even lose my virginity until I was 22, didn't kiss a girl until 21. Don't worry so much anon.
      >Why do I still lift?
      If you don't like lifting, don't do it. There's no requirement in life to be fit. Shit, most of the anons on here are probably average at-best and obese at-worst.
      >Why do you guys lift?
      Because it gives me drive. It's something that I always need to get done and think about. I like the results; getting stronger and seeing muscles grow. I like getting comments on social media and such. Plus sometimes it just feels good to have muscles worked.

    • 7 months ago

      Same reason people climb mountains, I guess. Because it's there.
      No one will ever know how strong I can get besides me. If I'm going to be around for the next 5-8 decades I might as well find out for myself, to pass the time if nothing else.

      • 7 months ago

        climbing gym worth it? Been thinking about going there since I really enjoy climbing rocks

  36. 7 months ago

    >almost done working out
    >bench press
    >2nd last rep of last set
    >loudly growl as I barely make it up to the top
    >feel arms give out
    >drop weight onto holders
    >no one looks at me but I feel autistic
    >that one rep is still in my mind
    I want to fricking die.

    • 7 months ago

      you're thinking too much about it dude, people don't care if you're trying to hype yourself up for a lift
      sleep it off and hit legs tomorrow
      >t. someone who autistically whispers along to DBZ remixes while benching and has audibly said KAIOKEN on a max lift multiple times
      embrace the autism it'll make you stronger

  37. 7 months ago

    >had a moment of weakness day 7 nofap and did a little edging
    >got right up to the literal edge, like shooting out a little precum
    >scared me into stopping because I didn't want to lose this streak considering I'm so close to beating my personal record
    Didn't actually orgasm so I'm still safe, just have to get myself back into the zone.
    I am a bit disappointed the euphoric feeling I had the past few days is starting to fade since I woke up this morning, but I still have a good amount of drive to do other things at least.

  38. 7 months ago

    I will never have a woman love me, but I can't bring myself to manipulate them for sex cause honestly that doesn't feel any good either.

  39. 7 months ago

    It's been a year. I can't forget her. You guys promised it'll get easier. If anything it gets more over with every passing day because it only gets more irreversible.
    >inb4 see more girls
    I am. Been with a dozen, dating one for quite a while. She's a keeper, too. But it's not the same and the feeling that the oneitis truly was the one doesn't leave. It's so over for me.

    • 7 months ago

      Move on shes's getting dicked down

      • 7 months ago

        I did move on and I hate it.

    • 7 months ago

      >that pic
      Fricking shit bro that hurts.
      >computer, play the memory of her stealing my hat and me chasing her through the rain not a care in the world while everyone around us watched in bewilderment but all her and I could see was each other, end it seconds after I finally caught her and put my now soaking wet hat on her head
      8 years, and I was doing so fricking good. I dated again and pretty much instantly got over her. What does this b***h do? I’ll tell you, batman. She decides to send me paragraphs and break the silence. Sending me right back to where I was after it ended. And here’s the kicker, are you ready, hahaha ARE YOU READY FOR THIS, BATMAN?? She wasn’t even that good a girlfriend, she was in fact horrible to me. She nearly ruined my life and here I am, almost 30 feeling like my 21 year old heartbroken self again LOL…

      It does get better… let my experience be a reminder on why they have to be blocked. All these flashbacks to only the happy times have been flooding my head since last week when she texted. It’s almost like I’m in a drugged up state with these flashbacks… nothing but the happy times… and I hate it it almost makes me feel nauseous.

      Move on shes's getting dicked down


      • 7 months ago

        >computer, play the memory of her stealing my hat and me chasing her through the rain not a care in the world while everyone around us watched in bewilderment but all her and I could see was each other, end it seconds after I finally caught her and put my now soaking wet hat on her head
        I see you're a man of culture as well. Beautifully put, really paints a vivid picture in my brain.
        >What does this b***h do? I’ll tell you, batman. She decides to send me paragraphs and break the silence. Sending me right back to where I was after it ended
        What the fug. Who does this.
        >All these flashbacks to only the happy times have been flooding my head since last week when she texted. It’s almost like I’m in a drugged up state with these flashbacks… nothing but the happy times… and I hate it it almost makes me feel nauseous.
        It's so stupid. On one hand, I want to stop torturing myself with the memories of the happy times. On the other, I wouldn't want to erase all memories of her from my head. Because, in a way, I value this shit, man. And I do believe it's better to experience it and suffer upon loss than never have it.

        But damn. I thought I did move on.

        • 7 months ago

          >Beautifully put, really paints a vivid picture in my brain.
          Yeah it’s vivid in mine too…
          I feel the same way as you, on one hand it sucks…. On the other I’m really happy I got experience these things. It would be far better if things worked out with her, but I think it’s better to have lived that joy and to know I was capable of feeling that intense pleasure and childlike happiness with someone else on such a deep level than not to at all.

          I think the hardest part to come to terms with is the uncertainty of never feeling that again though. What if I never get that close with someone again? What if I do get that close with another girl, but it just doesn’t feel as strong as that did 8 years ago, what if it just ultimately pales in comparison and serves to make me feel like a sad sack of shit and realize I don’t love the new woman as deeply as I did the first? That’s the hard part about all of this. What if it was a one off thing… or what if I only even felt that because I spent 20 years with no friends no girls, kissless and suddenly this tomboy comes into my life and I’m bombarded with all these things I’ve only ever seen in movies and read online…? It’s all so frustrating. I hope you and I can find a deep love again like that, a deeper more fulfilling one that works out.

          • 7 months ago

            >What if I never get that close with someone again? What if I do get that close with another girl, but it just doesn’t feel as strong as that did 8 years ago, what if it just ultimately pales in comparison and serves to make me feel like a sad sack of shit and realize I don’t love the new woman as deeply as I did the first? That’s the hard part about all of this
            Same, man, same.
            >I hope you and I can find a deep love again like that, a deeper more fulfilling one that works out.
            God bless. I wish the same to you, anon. Love is real and it's one of the few things worth living for, along with the feeling of pump, and a good bag you're free to spend as you wish. And smoking cigarettes on the seashore 3 drinks in during the golden hour.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's been a year. You guys promised it'll get easier
      Yeah, it's 4 months for me and it's getting only worse. I've tried so many things from practicing philosophy and meditation to dating other girls, but all improvements in my mental health are just temporary and I keep slipping back into thinking about her.

      Today, I started to think about killing her and myself, which is extremely worrying and I don't know how else to help myself with this.

      • 7 months ago

        I'd say those are just intrusive thoughts and it's enough to say to yourself "it's cringe" to stop em.
        >I've tried so many things from practicing philosophy and meditation to dating other girls, but all improvements in my mental health are just temporary and I keep slipping back into thinking about her.
        For me, 4th month was the worst. 1st was pure cope and fun. 2nd is when it's started to sink in. 3rd and 4th were the worst. Complete denial. So I'd say I am doing better a year later, it's just that... I still remember her and naively think things could've been different.

        • 7 months ago

          Glad you feel that some progress is being made. Have you tried working with a good therapist to get rid of this pain?

          For me, the root of pain is the hope that we can be together again. Rationally, I understand that's pretty much impossible due to multiple factors, but my stupid brain keeps torturing me with this hope and pushing me to go back to contacting her again and again in different ways.

          I overcame many addictions in my life. Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, overeating, but this addiction to her love is stronger than anything I've been through in my 35 years of life. It's just ridiculous, considering I've been married twice and dated a dozen of women before her.

          • 7 months ago

            >Have you tried working with a good therapist to get rid of this pain?
            I'm convinced that therapy is gay. I'm from an Eastern European country where men try alcoholism and killing themselves before going to therapy. Not trying to sound grim, it's literally in the statistics.
            On the positive side, I've started calisthenics 1 month after I moved out and never stopped. I used to not being able to do more than 3 pull-ups in total. I can now spam them for more than an hour now, with breaks of course.
            >For me, the root of pain is the hope that we can be together again
            That must be painful. The worst thing is that the rational half of the brain knows for sure some things are just not going to happen (like me getting v*xxed for example) - but the second half of it, that reminiscing b***h, just refuses to let go.
            >It's just ridiculous, considering I've been married twice and dated a dozen of women before her.
            Same, except I wasn't married. It's stupid how some part of me just decided to pick a favorite ex and obsess over her in particular. She wasn't even the prettiest one, objectively speaking, nor did she have the biggest breasts. Why, brain?
            >but this addiction to her love is stronger than anything I've been through in my 35 years of life
            Do you think you feel more addicted to the way she loved you, or how you loved her?

            • 7 months ago

              >I'm convinced that therapy is gay. I'm from an Eastern European country
              I'm from Eastern Europe myself, but getting more and more open to any options life can offer, including therapy. Shit doesn't work though. At least 4 different specialists I worked with throughout the last 7 years or so.
              Was wondering if anyone else was able to overcome a breakup with the help of a therapist.

              > I can now spam them for more than an hour now, with breaks of course.
              I'm proud of you my man. Having any progress in life is worth the struggle.

              >Do you think you feel more addicted to the way she loved you, or how you loved her?
              She was the first girl I liked after separation from my wife. And I went pedal to the metal with it. Basically snatched her out of her dwindling long-term relationship, because I like to get what I want. A month later, she told me that she loved me and sometime after, I decided to say the same. It was the worst decision, as only a month later, she decided to dump me for a vision of a perfect match for her (at least according to her story), while I still had deep feelings. I understand that she never truly loved me and just used me for sex and occasional emotional support until she started to believe in herself again and basically used me as a springboard to get a guy she'd really fall in love with.

              I don't even understand what exact reason keeps her in my head, but I'm grateful for all the frens like you, with whom I can share all this pain.

  40. 7 months ago

    Where the frick do I meet women with similar interests outside of dating apps and bars

    • 7 months ago

      conventions, duh

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I got that locked in, our big comicon like covention is in June though unfortunately

    • 7 months ago

      at work (don't) or by joining a club or via friends

  41. 7 months ago

    I've been in a friend group for about a year now. Every single one of the girls has cheated on her boyfriend juat for guys with bigger dicks. Now I'm looking up how much it costs to get dick fillers.

    • 7 months ago

      what shithole of a country do you live in that people genuinely act like that

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            At the end of the day you can't change human nature, you will always only be worth your genetic value. All you can do is make enough money to fraud your way into having that value.

    • 7 months ago
      Grew from 5” to 7” during 20s

      Pro tip dude, American women arent real people. 95% of them anyways.
      Listen, some insecure homosexual will call what Im about to tell you cope but its the reality
      >women and dick sizes
      They don’t fricking know. Most have never fricked a genuine big dick. Usually some scrawny manlet with a 6 incher lied and said it’s 10” or maybe he fraud measured from the bottom, but either way because of the small frame it simply looked bigger than it was on him. Look up that jordie guy from all those stepmom porn videos form the last 5 years. Hes got a 6 incher but via his frame + angles it looks way bigger than it is. Same shit.
      Women cannot accurately estimate the sizes of things for shit. The fact is most couldn’t handle a huge dick.
      >what’s a big dick
      Anything over 6” is big. What matters more is hardness as long as you’re at least 5” in length and 5” in girth. If you meet those lengths, all that matters is erection quality and being able to last in bed. If you’re maintaining a full boner, and not busting the second you’re inside then you will be better than most men in bed if you have even half scenes stroke game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there’s no difference between an 8” and 5” or a 6” girth and 5” girth, there absolutely is. But there’s a lot more to it than that.
      >stroke game
      Dont just jackhammer donkey frick her. All women are different, usually they all enjoy the same things in different ways and amounts. Some may want nothing but jack hammering, others can only really enjoy sex if youre essentially making love to her. It’s your job to figure out what she wants, and you get better at that with new women the more sex you have. Nothing should exist in the moment but you and her. Pay attention to how she responds to shit.
      Be lean, lower BF = dick looks bigger you want that fat pad gone, don’t have huge thighs, and try 5-10mg cialis before you frick next just trust me on that youll have crazy confidence

      • 7 months ago

        None of this made me feel better because I'm 5" in length and 4" in girth.

        • 7 months ago

          Penis pump

          Use responsibly it’s not permanent and you only get one dick. Same reason not to get implants, makes your dick look gross and often breaks it/doesn’t work.

          Trust there will come a day some hook scientist with a tiny dick cures small penis and then all men are walking around with horse wieners and women are forced to date based on personality again.

          • 7 months ago

            Filler exist.

    • 7 months ago

      Shlomo please, it doesn't work

    • 7 months ago

      Filler exist.

      He’s gonna get filler if he’s deadset on it. His dick won’t work anymore, it will be perma hard and only for maybe a 1” gain at best with no sensation, and that’s if he’s lucky and it doesn’t get necrotic and fall off.

      He COULD just date short b***hes, find a virgin.

      But I know a guy with a micropenis and the lengths he’s gone to cope are pretty sad. It’s not usually easy for these people to wake up and become confident. The dicklet I know is blessed with a low IQ like borderline mentally challenged and so he measures starting from his butthole and copes, says he has a 10 inch horse wiener, unprompted and often. I called him out on fraud measuring and he went into this fit of rage saying he has a weird curve so he has to measure form the bottom lol.
      Yeah okay dude if I measured from the bottom I’d have a 18” dick.
      My point, it’s sad. Hope he doesn’t get fillers but if he does it actually works for him.

      Alternatively if he’s under 20 he can try the vitamin D and vitamin K route. I suspect that’s why mine grew in my 20s

  42. 7 months ago

    I don't know if it's all worth the effort. I got shredded, I stopped drinking, I eat clean, I work out.
    But my life is a mess. My life, job and home is dependant on my family. I constantly feel bad because of it and I'm constantly stressed because I do not do a good job at my work and there are no consequences which makes me feel even worse.
    I do not feel like an adult. I like people but I fear and distrust people. I feel like a beaten dog, my mindset is that of a bullying victim except I've never been bullied maybe except a few situations. I'm always too polite in social interactions. I like being polite and I like being treated such as well but I always end up thinking I'm making myself too much of a doormat.
    My priorities are out of order. I focus mostly on my body, then I just consoom. I should be grinding for money but I just can't, I can't pretend I care and I can't force myself to play in this societal spectacle where everyone is dishonest, two-faced and always ready to exploit others. I feel like I have potential to be well off but I just don't want to put in work and go through shitty jobs that would me miserable. I don't know if it's pride, fear, sloth or everything at once.

  43. 7 months ago

    >day 13 NNN
    >that old gilf that has been flirting with me began to look really temping
    what do i do bros

  44. 7 months ago

    Just water. About to head to the gym for late night lifting. Got a lot of shit to deal with
    >lose multiple jobs due to being an emotional b***h, now wage at a warehouse
    >quit boxing gym a few months ago by going ghost on coach and partners, too ashamed to go back
    >family disappointed and annoyed by me
    >still live at home
    >considering going back to uni for engineering, but don't have time or money
    It feels like my life is a dead end and I don't have the drive to keep trying anymore.

  45. 7 months ago

    >water, as always

    im close to 1 month carnivore.
    Bros, i feel so... clean. Mentally and physically.
    no wonder every carnivore schizo talks like the diet is the cure of everything, It kinda feels that way.

    The only "downside" is that the weight loss is going pretty slow for me. Only lost like 10 pounds in a month. im 5'8 and started at 213 so pretty fat.
    The rest is wonderfull and the weight is going down, even if it is slow.

    I wish I had done it sooner. i dont even want to think how different my life would have been.

    im never going back to the goyslope freakshow.

  46. 7 months ago

    I'm new to the gym and training for three months now, I still feel like a weak b***h, I'm seeing little progress in my bench and Deadlift, my squat is the only thing I see consistent noticeable progress, I still feel like I dont know how to train or program my sessions

  47. 7 months ago

    >almost halfway through No Nut November
    It took me doing this to realize how addicted I had become to online pornography and masturbation. It also made me realize my situation- that I had been using ejaculating through masturbation as a cope instead of actually going out into the world to improve my life. I remember a time when I never jerk offd, did I meet women left and right due to the anxious feeling alone. I would smash girls instead of jerking off. It felt amazing. It's been a while and now I am feeling that clarity again. I used this anxious feeling to push myself further in the gym- its like I took a testosterone shot. I have blue balls like a motherfricker but anything is better than sulking in my home, watching someone else have sex. The motivation is unreal. Started to notice women stare at me at the gym.

  48. 7 months ago

    >feel bad but not like shit
    >got on fit for first time in days
    >top thread is everyone bragging about their jobs and how successful and rich everyone here is
    >get absolutely miserable once again

    I hate this board and I despise myself. Even IST is the same as all other social media where everyone is extremely successful and makes everyone else miserable. Even IST.

    • 7 months ago

      Don’t worry bro, my life sucks too

    • 7 months ago

      Hey man, I used to make 6 figures, traveled the world, been with many women of all races, participated in crazy adventures like revolutions and war, but now I'm unemployed, mentally broken, and alone in a foreign country.

      Don't envy other people, especially those who brag about their achievements. You don't know their past or future struggles. We all have our unique life paths and I believe you can find your happiness from within.

      • 7 months ago

        How did you frick it up? Bad luck, poor decisions, etc?

        • 7 months ago

          I did what I wanted to do in life, never regretting my decisions, and fate gave me a difficult challenge this season. It provided many valuable lessons on how to do better in the future. I'm not mad for being at the lowest point in my life so far. Because I believe I can shoot high from here if I just don't give up.

          • 7 months ago

            You caught monkeypox from Thai Lady it's, didn't you?

            • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              Never been to Asia and my health is relatively good for my age. It's just that life is never consistent and you can always lose anything you are attached to, so I'm trying not to stress about it anymore.

              • 7 months ago

                so what actually HAPPENED

      • 7 months ago

        oh no, life sounds like it's been so hard for you.

  49. 7 months ago

    Today is my birthday day off, 2 days later than my actual birthday because of work, I'm planning to train legs first then have some donuts plus some fried chickens for lunch, in the evening I will go have dinner with my friends.

  50. 7 months ago

    The girl i have been chatting with everynight for four months doesn't talk too much with me since we met in person.
    When we met in person she was very distant.. she said she was very nervous.. she even showed me her hand and she was shaking we bought something to eat and she didn't eat anything because she wanted to vomit.

    She now sometimes takes 40+ hours to respond.. I asked her if she got tired of me and she said that she's just busy with college and that she's sorry.
    I am 22, she's the first girl I've talked to.. she's from another city and we met in a dating app

    is it over?

    • 7 months ago

      I think she just has anxiety.

      • 7 months ago

        It was the first time she went out with a boy, too. She's 20

        she does, she told me. she always listen to music in full volume to avoid reality

        Sounds like she is more freaked out than you. Probably thinks you have judged her harshly.

        i hadn't thought about it that way. i know i am very judgemental. But i have told her i would wait for her to have sex and all and she felt really relieved.. she's scared about sex.

        Looks like she has some problems.

        Don't be an "I can fix her" guy, it's never worth it as women rarely change, and "fixed" girls will usually move on to someone else.

        Cut your losses, explain yourself to her in a respectful manner, and find someone closer to you both physically and mentally.

        yeah she's very childish.. she watches kids cartoons. I've told her i need attention. I don't want to leave her. We are both virgins and i like that (At first I didn't believe she was, but she's really scared about boys.. and i am very religious). Probably we will break up eventually, but I am still gaining experience just by talking to her.

        • 7 months ago

          Stick with her a little, maybe you can help her overcome a bit of her anxiety.

          • 7 months ago

            >Probably we will break up eventually, but I am still gaining experience just by talking to her
            The more you invest in her, the harder it will be to split and forget about her. I'm sure you can gain better relationship experience by communicating with healthy people. At least on the side, if you don't want to cut all the communication with her yet. Just don't make her the center of your life

            alright I see

            thank you for your replies frens

        • 7 months ago

          >Probably we will break up eventually, but I am still gaining experience just by talking to her
          The more you invest in her, the harder it will be to split and forget about her. I'm sure you can gain better relationship experience by communicating with healthy people. At least on the side, if you don't want to cut all the communication with her yet. Just don't make her the center of your life

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like she is more freaked out than you. Probably thinks you have judged her harshly.

    • 7 months ago

      Looks like she has some problems.

      Don't be an "I can fix her" guy, it's never worth it as women rarely change, and "fixed" girls will usually move on to someone else.

      Cut your losses, explain yourself to her in a respectful manner, and find someone closer to you both physically and mentally.

  51. 7 months ago

    I really, really, really, really want to frick a girl who's in my grad classes. I've spoken to her a few times but only have one class with her. I haven't seen her outside of class otherwise, and I'm not sure where she spends most of her time. What's the move here? I'm assuming there has to be a way to get her number but I'm not sure how to create the situation for that to happen.

  52. 7 months ago

    How did I end up here again lads?

  53. 7 months ago

    >asian girl at the gym mires me a lot, tries to be working out near where I am and etc.
    >today she steals a squat rack I was waiting for at a nearby machine (my bad, to be fair, since I didn't ask the guy if he was done / how many reps)
    >make a little "dang" gesture as I walk by to go squat without safeties
    >she raises an eyebrow at me in the mirror
    >doing lmao 2pl8 through lmao 3pl8 ATG squats near the power rig
    >notice she unloads sort of early
    >well I'm here already, whatever
    >comes RIGHT over to me and sets up Bulgarian split squats, facing away from me
    >proceeds to do them only facing away from me, even though the attachment is at an odd angle unless you switch sides
    >gassed out from doing a final widowmaker set, allow myself to sit and sort of zone out for 6 minutes as I sweat all over the floor
    >kind of oogle her tight, small butt a bit because it's right there
    >finally come to
    >oh shit, she's definitely looking at a reflection of us
    >does what I can only describe as a little booty shake dance, no idea why, lasted like 10 seconds
    >look away, load up some Jefferson bulgarian deadlifts and act busy
    >realize this looks like I'm trying to mog her
    >her friend comes over at one point and they do that thing girls do where they talk facing directly away from you so you don't know they're talking about you
    >at one point the friend looks directly over her shoulder at me in the most obvious telegraphed way
    >can't really make out what they're saying but the asian girl makes a loud scoff and then says, "I mean, it IS a gym"
    >frick off to do some other presses, don't see much of her
    >go to finish off with stretches
    >she's there, the spot I normally set up would be right next to her so I plop my mat down on the other side of the room
    >she literally speed walks out of the room, see her get her friend and they go into another room together
    Fellas I feel like this went from mire to "gym creep" territory and I'm worried that I'm going to get complaints registered

    • 7 months ago

      her friend is secretly recording and trying to get a vid of you gawking at her to go viral on GymTok

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah man.
      I'm a monster.

  54. 7 months ago

    I stopped lifting for 3 years due to work and went from 12% bmi to 30% and am currently getting back into dropping weight before lifting like I used to- am I going to be fricked like in the sense of how some obese people cut down but can never pack on muscle mass? I’m worried this is what is going to happen to me and I completed in shows in college but never had let it get this bad. Am I fricked or will I be able to get back to my old self

    • 7 months ago

      >am I going to be fricked like in the sense of how some obese people cut down but can never pack on muscle mass?
      You going to be fine if you stick to the plan and don't give up before even starting.

      • 7 months ago

        I’ve been getting frustrated and angry minutes in bc I feel like I don’t care anymore, I am so out of shape riding a bicycle for 15 minutes makes me pissed off. I got depressed and shit which I think led to this and then I lost internet bc I got an injury and made me scared to lift again. Do u think I’ll be able to overcome this and began loving it like i did again? I’m scared it will never come back

        • 7 months ago

          You are able to do and achieve anything if you stop questioning your abilities. Just start small, set simple achievable goals, and act on them with consistency

  55. 7 months ago

    Tendons hurt from my inner elbow to my forearms.
    Lifts for this feel?

    • 7 months ago

      The side of my forearm that has my thumb on it to be specific.
      Does anyone have a graph of tendons without the muscles in the way?

  56. 7 months ago

    a cold beer please, /feels/ brah

    so after months I finally man up and asked out that qt from the store

    we were texting and making plans for the week but suddenly she says "it's a bit hard for me to have spare time"

    she has a fricking baby. not a kid. a fricking baby. she is probably in lactantion.

    I just replied, "I see, ok then"

    she then changed the subject asked if I had social media, probably to feel superior but I just replied with a cold "no"

    she replied "ok, that's fine", clearly asking approval because she know her low value

    it's over. I'm not gonna write her again

    months waiting for nothing

    just gonna try again with another girl. it's not that hard when you actually cut the bullshit. action will always be better, be upfront. also remember you put the rules, not her.

    feels like some kind of shiny hunt but at least it's fun and makes your confidence points up and autism points down

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks for sharing your story, fren

    • 7 months ago

      Dodged quite the bullet there.

    • 7 months ago

      This is why you should act quick instead of building a fantasy about some chick you don't know.

      • 7 months ago

        Exactly this. You wasted so much time on what turned out to be a nasty prostitute who wanted you as a betabux. Learn from this next time and always remember the default state for women is worthless. You're trying to find one that isn't. Don't waste your time developing any connection with then until you've determined their worth. The name of the game is numbers not emotions.

  57. 7 months ago

    I'm twenty years old and feel like im dying. M 140lbs 6'3. I was just diagnosef with cubital and carpal tunnel, along with intersection syndrome. I really need advice bros, how do I recover? I'm starting GOMAD tomorrow

    • 7 months ago

      cut your arms off and sympathymaxx

    • 7 months ago

      >6 3
      How do i get as tall as you

    • 7 months ago

      Stop leaning on elbows and stop scrolling on phone/using mouse + keyboard all day.

      There's some PT wrist workouts you can do, but ultimately you have to rest your thumbs in a position where they won't be used for long periods of time.

  58. 7 months ago

    I want to get taller. How do i do it? Im doing it for my waifu

  59. 7 months ago

    I just realized that it is not enough to check if your gf still has an attractive mother, to see your future with her.
    You must also check if she has an attractive father, lest you be doomed to have ugly sons!

  60. 7 months ago

    I'll be honest, I've had one of the worst bouts of illness I've had in my entire life this weekend. Wife and I both got stomach flu, I woke up at 6am Saturday morning to the feeling of my stomach churning, I sprinted to the toilet as fast as I could and emptied my guts into it.

    I spent the next 7 hours falling in and out of feverish, delirious sleep, waking up every 20-30 minutes to lean over my bedside and hurl into a bucket. I lost track of how many times I threw up over the course of the day, but it only took until the 3rd or 4th until hardly anything but a bit of mucus came up, but that didn't stop my body from dry heaving with all its might. My abs hurt so bad after each time I was genuinely scared I'd get a hernia the next time.

    As I write this now, I'm on the tail end of it, and I've pooped maybe 6 times in the last 2 hours, each time it sounded like I was taking a piss, it was that runny.

    God this fricking sucks. I just wanna get back to the gym

  61. 7 months ago

    Figured out I got shingles two weeks back. Big ass rash and blisters around my right side wrapping back to spine. Thought I just slept funny and accidentally gave myself rugburn with a stray sheet. No fever, no loss of energy, pain barely more than a big abrasion mixed with a deep bruise. "Worst pain of your life" my ass. Are normies weak or is my pain tolerance fricked from years of overtraining?

    • 7 months ago

      Pic swapped?

    • 7 months ago

      Vitamin D deficiency from the lock down and potentially lyseine deficiency if you’re cummaxxing

  62. 7 months ago

    lads, i feel alone and sad all the time, i miss my ex. thinking about trying to get together 🙁

  63. 7 months ago

    I hate people above 30. The out of shape ones tend to be annoying af to talk to

  64. 7 months ago

    How do I develop drive and purpose for life again?
    I keep feeling sorry for myself due to my living situation (nearly 30, broke, wagie job, live with parents, socially inept) and can't focus or sleep right. Average 5 hours or less each night.
    It feels foolish having high standards or dreams when my own family is disappointed and annoyed with me still living at home - nearly every conversation devolves into an asinine argument. I don't even have passion for anything anymore, just shallow interests I'm too afraid to invest in.

  65. 7 months ago

    >your father
    being such a horrible son that his brain exploded at 60 and he died of dementia at 70 will always been my finest hour

  66. 7 months ago


  67. 7 months ago

    >Girl from work initated an enthusiastic hug today
    >Already know it was only platonic
    I am happy that women aren't outright repulsed by me anymore, but this state of "Oh anon, you're so nice, you really deserve to find someone as long as it's not me" is also fricking with me

    • 7 months ago

      You went from "creep" to "he is so nice!".

      Keep going.

      • 7 months ago

        Exactly, you've already made it 75% of the way. Now it's time to take an the lessons you've learned and use them to express your wants in a confident and vulnerable way to when who have real value. Don't get discouraged you've already made it farther than most men ever will. Time to get to work and do the rest

  68. 7 months ago

    >that dark winter time has started
    >people from my past all hmu at the same time
    >people I haven’t spoken to in years
    >exes, old friends who I had callings out with, friends from college, peers in vocational classes, etc
    >some are people who just stopped speaking to me and have ignored me/ghosted me
    I don’t understand what this is. Mercury is in Gatorade or whatever. These people never valued or cared about me. Just leave me to my isolation which I’ve grown to find warmth in, let me min max my Elden ring build and frick off.

  69. 7 months ago

    This weekend there is a big celebration with about 100 people. It is possible to sleep in some apartements at the location and iam going to share one of these with a girl who is driving with me to the party. Looks like i will frick the shit out of her.

    And iam in a relationship, so i will cheat on my girlfriend. But i really dont care. I fricking hate that b***h. My life sucks so much since we moved in together last year. Iam constantly stressed out, i cant sleep, train, eat or fricking live the way i want to. God, i fricking hate that b***h. In january we move out our flat and get separate apartements again.

    Dont move in with a grill together if your are not 1000% sure.

    Fricking b***h. And iam too much of a pussy to break up while we still live together.

    • 7 months ago

      It's your fault for not setting boundaries. Don't hate your current GF for your complacency and hating your life. Be better.

      Yeah I'm just trying to find shorter term ways to build wealth and was wondering if trading was still viable in the current market. My problem with GME was just greed because I genuinely believed it would get to 1000 a share lol, should have taken the 4x and ran but hindsight is 20/20.
      Any books or resources you'd primarily recommend? I wish there were discords I could join that weren't scams that you have to pay for.

      The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
      Principles by Ray Dalio
      Some Harry Browne books are good, though a bit dated.

  70. 7 months ago

    I didn't sleep at all last night. Night before was only 2 hours. How do I fix this?

  71. 7 months ago

    >militia group you were talking about joining

    Nice try fed.

  72. 7 months ago

    I wish I could lose weight and build muscle faster.
    I hate myself so fricking much. I love the gym but I'm still a fatfrick.
    I wish I could just grab a machete and start hacking off this fricking DISGUSTING fat belly of mine.

  73. 7 months ago

    Explain to me why it is that I desire to swear fealty to this specific person.

  74. 7 months ago

    >everyone at work is a super savvy engineer with lots of skills and creative ability
    >i am also an engineer by trade but working as a tech
    >feel like i'm way behind because I didn't study the same type of engineering
    >self esteem is pretty low, mind is occupied
    >just can't get myself to work hard at the gym because of that
    >also tired as hell mentally after each work day
    >also gym is crowded as frick so I can't commit to a routine

    I can't break this spell. So obsessed with being respected by my coworkers that my gym time has suffered. Am I just putting up mental walls, or am I experiencing something normal that just gets better over time?

    • 7 months ago

      I hate engineers. Every single one Ive met is constantly pretending they don't want to commit suicide, to the point of getting pissed off when someone has the guts to do it. OR they're 'self made' alcoholic pedophile bastards that claim they're the CEO of the company their dad set up, even years after being fired.

    • 7 months ago

      I hate engineers. Every single one Ive met is constantly pretending they don't want to commit suicide, to the point of getting pissed off when someone has the guts to do it. OR they're 'self made' alcoholic pedophile bastards that claim they're the CEO of the company their dad set up, even years after being fired.

      Not an engineer but work with engineers. I've noticed that they're either complete sperglords with a superiority complex or total bros.
      Just find a bro engineer who has a hobby outside of his job and you should be fine, just keep going to the Gym. No one cares if some homosexual coworker likes you or not.

      • 7 months ago

        Bro mech engineer here. Avoid the sperglords and normie engineers at all costs. You want to befriend the engineers that act like chads and are openly racist/antisemitic, those are the guys that make the world spin.

  75. 7 months ago

    I accidentally snapped a guy's arm in my bjj class and I liked it. I had him in an armbar and he wouldn't tap so I gradually kept applying it more until I heard a loud "POP POP POP!!!" and I let go right away. I didn't do it on purpose but I liked that it happened. He was talking shit about how he was going to "smash me" while we were rolling too.... how'd that work out brah? I pretended to feel bad after so others at the gym wouldn't see my true power level. Actually I think it's his own dumbass fault for refusing to tap and making me sit there and frick his arm up

    • 7 months ago

      Did everyone stand up and clap at the end?

      • 7 months ago


  76. 7 months ago

    Bros, today I realized I need a win so badly. This year was a rollercoaster. Gym went great, then I fricked up some shit in my shoulder and instead of staying consistent with my diet I binge ate like a moron and went from almost best shape of my life to almost worst shape of my life. Checking in at 90k at 178cm and I hate looking in the mirror. On the bright side: I broke up with my toxic gf, which was the right decision, but being single at 33 hits harder than expected. I'm emotionally and physically in no shape to get back on the dating apps so I try not to stress too much. My job for big American company has become a circus and I have the feeling my team is getting laid off soon. I dabble a bit in programming, I like it, but not quite sure if I will be able to make the jump from marketing. Currently, I'm wasting away my time, radicalize myself on YT, Reddit and IST. It fricking sucks bruvs and I don't know how to move forward. I'm the issue and so I don't think advice can help me, but maybe some of you has some idea: What is a achievable win I could go for till the end of the year? Just to remind myself I still can win?
    Typing this felt good. Maybe I will try to reconnect with God today, haven't prayed in a while. I distanced myself from Him. I will pray for you too.

  77. 7 months ago

    >get DM from the beautiful girl I was in love with during college
    >Christian, white hispanic, artsy and a little weird, slight tomboy
    >ex convinced her I was abusive
    >she sided with my ex and started ignoring me
    >year ago she posted pic of her bf
    >guy looks exactly like me if I dressed like a Portland liberal art major )hope that’s descriptive) and was shorter and didn’t work out
    >uncanny how near identical he looks to me, only real difference being I just look slightly better facially, taller, physique wise (Inb4 personality, I know, I’m just saying because it’s true)
    >go through our old messages and realize this b***h fricking liked me back before my ex pulled the frick shit she did
    She randomly DM’d me today. She used to buy me books and shit for no reason. Idk why she DM’d me. She sent me a sopranos meme after I posted a different sopranos meme on my story. We haven’t talked in years. She’s in a serious relationship. Why. Why send me shit out of the blue.

    • 7 months ago

      Congrats on the upcoming weeks of mental anguish and suffering anon.

      • 7 months ago

        Thank you bro, really proud of myself. Graduated from 2 second eye contact with a cashier I’ll only see once in my life and spiraling into a depressive fit of despair to it taking an entire DM with no message attached from someone I haven’t spoken to since 2017 to get there, really proud of myself

        • 7 months ago

          It's progress anon. Have some fun fricking with her if you want. She obviously wants something from her and you can take some revenge once you figure out what it is.

  78. 7 months ago

    If a girl takes 20h+ to respond I should too right?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes and no. It really depends, but generally you can’t go wrong being silent, because you could be silent for a thousand reasons and she’ll race through them all while you ignore her.
      Don’t respond for twice as long, and not until after 12pm but earlier than 5pm. Keep it short. Put forth the same energy you receive basically, and reward her responding quickly by reciprocating.

  79. 7 months ago

    I’m really never going to find a soulmate am I

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe not. But one day, I promise (and I mean promise) you will find a soul, mate.

    • 7 months ago

      Better than having met your soulmate and her being married already when she came into your life

  80. 7 months ago

    so lads, talked with my ex girlfriend, I don't what to feel. I can see her toxic behavior and i kinda know she will be a bawd after this. Talking about how i broke her ability to ever love again, since this split was the worst pain she has felt.
    How do i cope with knowing that the girl i loved, probably will become a bawd after us?

    • 7 months ago

      She was probably a bawd before.

      • 7 months ago

        kek, not really. but how do i cope

        • 7 months ago

          Promise yourself to not be an butthole to other people again

          • 7 months ago

            she was the the reason for the break up tho, started to controll everything, said she would leave if i didn't do this and that

            • 7 months ago

              Funny you broke up with her and she's still manipulating you

            • 7 months ago

              I totally understand your point, but ask yourself if you could handle the breakup part more softly, slowly, and respectfully for the partner.

              • 7 months ago

                Garbage advice. Why do you assume anon broke up in a disrespectful manner or did anything wrong?

              • 7 months ago

                Because of this part

                >Talking about how i broke her ability to ever love again, since this split was the worst pain she has felt.

                I felt the same because a girl dumped me pretty much out of the blue after telling me that she loved me and being in a hard, but pleasant relationship (although she probably didn't really feel that way about us). She is a stupid b***h with zero empathy though, I'm sure anon could make it less painful for that girl, no matter how crazy she is

              • 7 months ago

                So because she said so makes it true? A hurt person will always move the fault to the other person and say theatrical things like anon’s ex. You can never break up with someone in a nice and comforting way, that’s a lie women come up with to criticize men that rightfully broke up with them.
                Serious question. Could your ex have made it less painful for you? If so, how?

              • 7 months ago

                i literally didn't do something bad, i didn't yell at her when we broke up, i was caring for her even after the split, because she wrote me and came by. I told her we needed to stop that too, because she was crying all the time. But when we talked today unlike the last time, she put all the blame on me again, when she admitted her own faults last time and actually said some truthful stuff. But today was the opposite, so she can see her faults, when i'm not engaging in being back together, but when i mentioned it, she tells me i didn't do enough in the relationship etc.

        • 7 months ago

          If she becomes a bawd and you are still emotional invested and care, you lose.
          If she becomes a bawd and you accepted fate and got over her, she loses.

          • 7 months ago

            you're right, i know what i should want and do.

            Funny you broke up with her and she's still manipulating you

            yeah it's fricking stupid, she still can manipulate my feelings, i don't know when she's being honest and when she's not. Her and her fricking PTSD also

            • 7 months ago

              We've all been here before but you're just dragging yourself down with what-ifs and hypotheticals about something that has already ended. Look forwards, not backwards

              • 7 months ago

                thanks man, i'll try and hopefully it will be better tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

  81. 7 months ago

    I am considering just trying to find a trap gf (male) just so I can stop being lonely.
    The absolute state of me

    • 7 months ago

      >thinking that getting a cure trap is easier than an average girl

  82. 7 months ago

    Is it even worth trying to get back into trading stocks in the current market? Got 100 bucks in my Robinhood that I want to try and build back up but I'm basically back to knowing nothing about trading and could use some pointers.
    Or is crypto more viable atm

    • 7 months ago

      >Got 100 bucks in my Robinhood
      If you have less than 20k you're ready to lose, don't even bother

      • 7 months ago

        My raw investment was a little over 3k if I recall correctly, my personal best was all the way up to 22k but then I got israelited on GME and was too crushed to keep trading for years after.

        • 7 months ago

          >I got israelited on GME
          israelites have nothing to do with your poor trading skills my fren. Just stop listening to IST and read high-quality books from actual professionals in the business.
          And always keep in mind that most of the "trading" nowadays is no better than gambling.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I'm just trying to find shorter term ways to build wealth and was wondering if trading was still viable in the current market. My problem with GME was just greed because I genuinely believed it would get to 1000 a share lol, should have taken the 4x and ran but hindsight is 20/20.
            Any books or resources you'd primarily recommend? I wish there were discords I could join that weren't scams that you have to pay for.

        • 7 months ago

          >israelited on GME
          My wife made like 7k in that just by getting in when it first started and then getting out randomly a few days in, (then it crashed, went back up and flatlined again). No experience just vibes

  83. 7 months ago

    I hit 265 on bench for the first time. My friends tell me I should be thrilled with my progress considering I started 6 months ago but idk. I may unironically have body dysmorphia because I still see that pathetic manlet whenever I look in the mirror. I started lifting to cope with my height but it’s barely working, how am I supposed to believe others respect me when I can’t even take myself seriously. My self-esteem is in the gutter. I wish I wasn’t who I am.

  84. 7 months ago

    It’s the anon from last week with the BPD ex reaching out and sending me paragraphs accusing me of doing all the things she’s done to me, blaming me for her life being shitty, how she’s prayed for me to die.

    I’m going to reply. I’m just going to tell her thank you and that I choose to look back on the good memories fondly, and that I will continue to pray for her to become happy.

    • 7 months ago

      Block her number. Ignore her. Don't think about her. Do not redeem.
      You need to move on and interacting with her is the LAST thing you want to do.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks Dimple poster.

        Nevermind I can’t fricking do it. I can’t even respond to her. Idk why but a voice in my head is screaming “DONT DO IT YOU STUPID FRICKING homosexual!”

        Idk why I even would respond

        Am I just lonely? Seasonal depression? Shit that’s probably why she reached out to begin with. I’m probably just lonely.

        I think I came to my senses. I can’t do it if I truly wanted to. I can’t let myself. It’s like I hit this firewall and can’t proceed. The b***h is genuinely nuts. There is not a single thing I can say to her that would result in any good way. Her reactions would be
        >nah uh
        >saying I’m full of shit
        >some passive aggressive sarcastic BS like “uh huh that’s nice if you say so”

        • 7 months ago

          Words alone will not make her feel better, and you're not responsible for fixing her life or getting her back on track in the first place.
          You're under NO obligation to speak to her, and the sooner you cut all contact and move on, the better.

          • 7 months ago

            I know man. This is the bullshit im feeling

            >that dark winter time has started
            >people from my past all hmu at the same time
            >people I haven’t spoken to in years
            >exes, old friends who I had callings out with, friends from college, peers in vocational classes, etc
            >some are people who just stopped speaking to me and have ignored me/ghosted me
            I don’t understand what this is. Mercury is in Gatorade or whatever. These people never valued or cared about me. Just leave me to my isolation which I’ve grown to find warmth in, let me min max my Elden ring build and frick off.

            >that pic
            Fricking shit bro that hurts.
            >computer, play the memory of her stealing my hat and me chasing her through the rain not a care in the world while everyone around us watched in bewilderment but all her and I could see was each other, end it seconds after I finally caught her and put my now soaking wet hat on her head
            8 years, and I was doing so fricking good. I dated again and pretty much instantly got over her. What does this b***h do? I’ll tell you, batman. She decides to send me paragraphs and break the silence. Sending me right back to where I was after it ended. And here’s the kicker, are you ready, hahaha ARE YOU READY FOR THIS, BATMAN?? She wasn’t even that good a girlfriend, she was in fact horrible to me. She nearly ruined my life and here I am, almost 30 feeling like my 21 year old heartbroken self again LOL…

            It does get better… let my experience be a reminder on why they have to be blocked. All these flashbacks to only the happy times have been flooding my head since last week when she texted. It’s almost like I’m in a drugged up state with these flashbacks… nothing but the happy times… and I hate it it almost makes me feel nauseous.

            Yeah my fault for not having her blocked. But I was doing so good. I finally had my head on straight and I was focused on the important shit, working on improving again. Since getting that text it’s like I’ve been knocked back on my ass. Lost my sleep:wake cycle I worked hard to improve, my daily productivity routine… frick this b***h man frick this stupid b***h for repeatedly doing this shit I just want to break out to the other side of this shit and be happy again.

            • 7 months ago

              You're no longer together, Anon. Stop letting her live rent free in your head.
              Okay, from HERE ON OUT, as SOON as you finish reading my post, make her dead to you. Ready? 1...2...3... Poof! Who are you talking about? Anyway, good luck with your productivity routine bro; WAGMI

              • 7 months ago

                Not that anon, but I've tried many solutions, including the imaginary death of my ex and it just doesn't work.
                You have to focus on something very important to you and just not have the time or mental capacity to think about the girl. Eventually, your neuron networks responsible for the memories of her will die off and stop bugging you until you decide to dig into that yourself.

                So because she said so makes it true? A hurt person will always move the fault to the other person and say theatrical things like anon’s ex. You can never break up with someone in a nice and comforting way, that’s a lie women come up with to criticize men that rightfully broke up with them.
                Serious question. Could your ex have made it less painful for you? If so, how?

                >You can never break up with someone in a nice and comforting way
                I broke up with a dozen of women in a nice way. Well, one girl didn't take it lightly from my understanding, but no crazy drama or anything. We even met a few times as friends after that.
                The best breakup I had was when I just said to the girl that I didn't feel like it was going to work, we talked in a park and then a cafe for a couple of hours. Then I walked her home, she invited me inside and we had a good last sex. A few weeks later she sent me a pic of some dude in her apartment to spike some jealousy in me I guess, but I didn't even respond and it stopped there.

                >Serious question. Could your ex have made it less painful for you? If so, how?
                Absolutely. First, she should've apologized for lying about being in love with me, but women rarely apologize and often don't even understand what they do wrong. Second, she shouldn't end it with the phrase "I thought about it and understood that I want a real relationship but with a different type of guy". It kind of fricked me up hard. And thirdly, maybe she shouldn't jump on the next wiener within a week of her dumping me, devaluating what's been between us. She's so-called "fearful-avoidant", and according to her words, she imagined a vision of a perfect guy for her and then weeks later asked out some guy-friend of hers whom she adores like a god ever since.

                I know it's mostly my fault for falling into this trap and investing in such a shitty person, as I've just got out of marriage and was dating for the first time in many years. I've learned my lesson.

              • 7 months ago

                Did you break up in a nice way or was the bond just not deep enough to cause real pain? Not going to jump to conclusions here, but when you break up with a woman and you have sex afterwards as good bye I would guess it was nothing too deep, emotionally speaking. But I could be wrong and you cracked the secret code to break up with people without them being offended or hurt by it. If so, teach me.

                Sorry to hear about this breakup story, that sounds like a lot of hurt. Fearful-avoidant women are my kryptonite and so I can empathize with you and unfortunately also with the situation. Your ownership is quite admirable.

              • 7 months ago

                Idk what you’re on about, schizo

                Thanks dude.

                Not that anon, but I've tried many solutions, including the imaginary death of my ex and it just doesn't work.
                You have to focus on something very important to you and just not have the time or mental capacity to think about the girl. Eventually, your neuron networks responsible for the memories of her will die off and stop bugging you until you decide to dig into that yourself.

                >You can never break up with someone in a nice and comforting way
                I broke up with a dozen of women in a nice way. Well, one girl didn't take it lightly from my understanding, but no crazy drama or anything. We even met a few times as friends after that.
                The best breakup I had was when I just said to the girl that I didn't feel like it was going to work, we talked in a park and then a cafe for a couple of hours. Then I walked her home, she invited me inside and we had a good last sex. A few weeks later she sent me a pic of some dude in her apartment to spike some jealousy in me I guess, but I didn't even respond and it stopped there.

                >Serious question. Could your ex have made it less painful for you? If so, how?
                Absolutely. First, she should've apologized for lying about being in love with me, but women rarely apologize and often don't even understand what they do wrong. Second, she shouldn't end it with the phrase "I thought about it and understood that I want a real relationship but with a different type of guy". It kind of fricked me up hard. And thirdly, maybe she shouldn't jump on the next wiener within a week of her dumping me, devaluating what's been between us. She's so-called "fearful-avoidant", and according to her words, she imagined a vision of a perfect guy for her and then weeks later asked out some guy-friend of hers whom she adores like a god ever since.

                I know it's mostly my fault for falling into this trap and investing in such a shitty person, as I've just got out of marriage and was dating for the first time in many years. I've learned my lesson.

                Just think how many relationships could have been saved if women were just capable of taking an ounce of accountability and apologizing.

                One thing I’ve learned from the few women I’ve dated is to actually fricking vet and date them properly before committing or getting serious. I think it both leads to similar issues and directly causes some of these problems I’ve faced. Like I don’t think a man should give up his commitment so easily that’s the male equivalent of being a prostitute. Just the same that a man may not respect a woman as much if he slept with her easily, she won’t respect a man as much if he committed to her instantly. At the same time I feel like a woman will always sleep with a guy right away who she actually likes.. Ahh frick idk what to think idk how to proceed… I don’t wanna be the guy taking her on dates while she goes home and fricks someone else..

              • 7 months ago

                >Just think how many relationships could have been saved if women were just capable of taking an ounce of accountability and apologizing
                Yeah, some of them get mature enough by their late 20s or early 30s, but who's gonna take them in at that point? Only a type of people they rejected while being in their prime.

                So just don't expect much from women, understand how they're different from men in terms of biological instincts, and know their nuances in relationships. It gets easier when you start to see them though.

                >I don’t wanna be the guy taking her on dates while she goes home and fricks someone else
                Then exercise healthy self-control and don't be that guy.

                Did you break up in a nice way or was the bond just not deep enough to cause real pain? Not going to jump to conclusions here, but when you break up with a woman and you have sex afterwards as good bye I would guess it was nothing too deep, emotionally speaking. But I could be wrong and you cracked the secret code to break up with people without them being offended or hurt by it. If so, teach me.

                Sorry to hear about this breakup story, that sounds like a lot of hurt. Fearful-avoidant women are my kryptonite and so I can empathize with you and unfortunately also with the situation. Your ownership is quite admirable.

                Yeah, it wasn't very deep with that particular girl, but we were dating for a couple of months.
                Same as with the girl who dumped me. Only I was fool enough to fall in love with her after she said about her "love" feelings first. Despite countless red flags. We definitely still have chemistry between us, and she still cares about me in her own way, while being in love (although I think she just deludes herself with that one) and active relationship with her new victim, who's totally opposite of me. Kind of the same as her previous long-term guy who she left for me. That alone should've made me think I'm going to be dumped for someone else the same way. But I'm a conquerer and I like to get what I want. Unfortunately, it can backfire in the relationships.

              • 7 months ago

                >But I'm a conquerer and I like to get what I want.

                Thanks, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      Nevermind I can’t fricking do it. I can’t even respond to her. Idk why but a voice in my head is screaming “DONT DO IT YOU STUPID FRICKING homosexual!”

      Idk why I even would respond

      Am I just lonely? Seasonal depression? Shit that’s probably why she reached out to begin with. I’m probably just lonely.

  85. 7 months ago

    I feel like I'm destined to be poor for the rest of my life. No matter how much I try ro break out of it it always falls apart.

  86. 7 months ago

    I'm 30 and still single. Last year of my PhD. Do I just say frick it and ask out as many girls as I can, age be damned?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. You'll get rejected 90% of the time unless you're unbelievably handsome unless you let your subconscious do some filtering. Of you feel like you should ask her out then do it with no hesitation. This will get your success rate to around 20% instead of 5-10%. Good trade off. Prepare to be rejected A LOT but you're not trying to find every woman you're trying to find one that's good for you. That takes time and rejection. Dying so online dating it doesn't with and will destroy your confidence before you get off the ground. If they say no smile and move on. Someone recommended the book of pook earlier and it's good, Google it and do it. Good luck Anon, don't marry the first prostitute that sucks your wiener..

      • 7 months ago

        God damn should have proof read. Don't do online dating it doesn't work* it's literally designed to make you fail so you spend money on it. I'm a 7-8/10 very fit guy and 5/'10". I probably have a 25% success rate with women in person and I only approach women more attractive than me as a rule. I got maybe 1-2 matches tops a week on hinge and deleted it after a few months as I legit only got 4 dates out of those and only one of them was enjoyable. When I approach in person and just smile and chat it's legitimately 10x more effective. If you're on campus you'll have even better luck as uni is inherently social. I slayed at my uni rec and just chatting with girls in my classes at a level that you'll never reach again. Enjoy being in school just don't frick a student until after final grades.

  87. 7 months ago

    I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed living
    I’m waiting for my parents to die, so I can follow
    Or maybe one day I’ll suffer a car accident by my own hand
    It’s not worth living, there’s truly no point
    God doesn’t hear me anymore

    • 7 months ago

      I used to feel like this anon. It got to the point where I was ready to end it, but for the sake of my parents (and myself) I thought if there is even a fraction of a chance I COULD be happy, I may as well fricking try my damnedest before I kms and end it all for good.

      So that's what I did, I gave it my best fricking shot and it turned out it WAS possible for me to not hate life. The entire journey I had it in my mind:
      >well I'm gonna kms anyway so may as well just try this out

      It took away any and all pressure from anything I did because I just saw whatever I was doing as a last ditch effort so I could be at peace when i finally did end it knowing that I fricking tried. But it turned out I made it to a point where I don't mind living so much, and sometimes I even fricking enjoy it.

      How would giving it your best shot look for you anon?

      • 7 months ago

        Blessed and 8-Mile-Pilled

      • 7 months ago

        NTA but I genuinely don't know. I desire more money but going to school and working full time would put in me a terrible state. So should I just try random get rich quick schemes?

        • 7 months ago

          >So should I just try random get rich quick schemes?
          Don't. Only if you plan to learn from your mistakes. Better invest cash in your education or business of any sort.

      • 7 months ago

        I don’t know
        I have tinnitus and I try to ignore but it’s harder every day to deal with it. I’m getting an mri on my head on 23rd this month.
        I have constant pains in my body, esentially my depression is somatised.
        I’m easily irritated and tend to explode out of minor disagreements.
        I don’t sleep well. Been depressed for a good part of my youth, now 26.
        I can’t talk about anything with my parents. They make it all about themselves, and think that every negative thing I say it’s a direct reproach to them as persons.
        I constantly feel that I’ll never be good enough to have a family. Never good enough for my parents, never good enough in anything that I do.
        It’s a daily burden from the moment I wake up. I have diagnosed ADHD due to not receiving enough affection from my parents when I was a kid (I’m a middle child). It gets really heavy when things I have to do pile up, and I also have to perform at work or else I can get the boot (happened to my colleagues).
        I’m a believer, but no matter what I pray, this idea that I have way more than anyone else and that I’m arrogant to ask God for help given my fincancial situation, is constantly in my head.
        I don’t know what to do, I want to take a vacation and escape everything for a while.
        I know I didn’t answer your question. I grew up being told nonverbally that there’s somethinginherently wrong with me and my existence.
        And I can’t fix myself.

        • 7 months ago

          >And I can’t fix myself.
          Who can?

  88. 7 months ago

    should I join the boxing gym of my crush?

    • 7 months ago

      No, instead just save the money spent joining and ask them out next time you see them.

  89. 7 months ago

    I'm just fricking pissed off at this point.
    I met this girl that I get along with like I did with no other person in my life before me, like she just understands me, doesn't judge me for my frickups/continued frickups, also supports me in my goals, while having goals of her own. I really feel like I can't life without her at this point. She also has a bf, and I vowed to myself and I wouldn't be a needy homosexual/creep and try anything. But her bf is a fricking loser. At this point she complains to me about him DAILY, with actual relatable stuff. Like he just acts like a piece of shit around her. And each time I defend the homosexual, even when internally I just want to tell her that he's a fricking homosexual. But I can't, because then it will look to all onlookers like I tried to talk her into breaking up with her boyfriend to get her for myself. So I smile, and tell her to chill out and see things from his point of view. But internally I'm seething.

    • 7 months ago

      You're angry because you're lying to get and yourself. Start telling the truth and your anger will subside. Most anger comes from misalignment of our thoughts and actions. Being honest doesn't mean being rude. Just tell the truth calmly and you'll be happier. Start doing it every day and you'll find real peace

  90. 7 months ago

    I'm excited to finally be getting healthy for the first time in my life. I was anorexic from the ages of 17-24. When I first started recovering, I did what a lot of people do and went in the opposite direction. I didn't develope BED, but I did feel the need to "make up for lost time" and eat all the junk food I used to crave. I basically ate whatever I want whenever I wanted it. Unsurprisingly, this made me feel like shit. I've recently started to get serious about my health, working my way up slowly. I'm tracking my macros and loosely tracking my calories (difficult to do it quickly without relapsing in my anorexia). I've been taking a 3 mile walk every day and doing push-ups and sit-ups. I've been slowly cutting out processed foods. I have a very long way to go still, but I'm just happy to finally be moving in the right direction.

  91. 7 months ago

    I got rejected by two girls today bros. One was kinda ugly, the other one was pretty ugly.

    I am above average face, status and frame. Average height. Kinda fat though.

    Is being fat such a deal breaker?

    • 7 months ago

      >Is being fat such a deal breaker?
      yes, but it's usually not the main factor. I suggest you to review how you interact with females

      • 7 months ago

        one was a girl of my class i was talking and the minute i mentioned dating in college she rushed the "my bf does x".

        The other one was a complete stranger, but she was alone and looked bored and i was horny and bored. we clicked pretty good, but at some point she realized that she was about to go home with a stranger and left with a quick bye.
        funny thing, i saw her again at the train station and we both laugh at the distance.

        There was this third girl that kinda simps for me, who made me a favor. she is kinda ugly, but im this close to ask her out.

        is weird to be horny, lonely and confident, at the same time.

    • 7 months ago

      Same boat, cut down bro
      It’s usually not a deal breaker, for instance I know some actually wife material women who are also very attractive. Like those unicorn top 5% girls who behave like a woman, low body count/virgin before meeting their man, loyal, etc. and they’re with fat guys. Some met him while he was fat some met him lean and he got fat.

      But it works more like this
      Each woman is a door so to speak. The better you are the more open those doors will be. Being fat closes most doors to the point where its not fully closed but just slightly creeked. Being lean, more doors open. Being rich, they open wider. Having a great face, they’re damn near off the hinges.

      But via personality they can be opened. A fat autist simply isnt gonna do that. All she’ll see is fat weirdo. She will never get a chance to see the typical autists real self in any kind of good or admirable light. Even average personality guy that’s true. It takes insane charisma and personality to pull off being fat, and the simple reality is most can’t do that. Because while fat they already don’t want to interact with or acknowledge you. You can develop some charisma and outgoingness, but there’s a level of it where it’s genuinely part of who you are that you have to be born with. It’s far easier to just cut, develop some charisma on an easier difficulty when the doors or more “open” and go from there.

      So, cut, get lean, and more doors will be open. More women will be open to hearing you out so to speak and getting to know you. And through that you meet one who truly likes you for your personality.
      Look healthy & good communicates =is doing things right, is good.
      Fat = mentally ill, doing things wrong, bad, lazy, emotional, weak etc

      You even come off as more charismatic when you look better, so imagine how crazy the charisma of a successful fat guy has to be

      >good face
      There’s no good fat faces. And if it is good, just image how great it will be when lean.

      • 7 months ago

        Noted, and i agree.

        Im on carnivore (shit works) and im losing weight pretty fast, but at this rate i still am months away from being lean.

        im starting to think that i should live like a monk and dont even try to date until then.

  92. 7 months ago

    Day 24 nofap and my sex drive is completely gone. I am seeing my gf in a couple of days and I'm concerned we won't be able to have sex. I haven't watched porn in years and normally I jerk off about once every 8-9 days. And if my gf is around we have sex instead. By the "infinite harem" / dopamine explanations flatline should only be a thing for porn users... so wtf is going on, did I fall for a meme

    • 7 months ago

      *day 14, excuse me

    • 7 months ago

      I've seen two different theories, the first is that early on in nofap your brain flatlines your libido in the same way a kid holds their breath during a tantrum, it wants you to go back to jacking off whenever so it's just waiting for you to stimulate yourself and cum so it can return to those old neural pathways.
      The other can be simultaneous to the first, but your brain is also rewiring itself to determine how you're allowed to reward yourself with cumming, you want that one allowance to purely be sex. I've never tried the blue pill personally so I can't speak on that but it'll just take some time to adjust to the new habits. The fact you haven't watched porn in years is a big plus though so you're more than likely to get an easy boner just from seeing her naked in person and feeling her up.

      • 7 months ago

        >you're more than likely to get an easy boner just from seeing her naked in person and feeling her up.
        Normally this always happens, now that my sex drive has been interfered with I'm worried it won't happen next time

  93. 7 months ago

    I'm so fricking lonely bros and I'm sure I could change it, but I can't muster up the courage to initiate a conversation. It just pisses me off how I make excuses for not talking to attractive women, like "oh we're in class", "the gym isn't for that" or "there's people around so what if I fail?" I can do anything else I set my mind too, including talking to women I'm not attracted to, but I fail when I think they are. I just needed to vent bros. I know I just need to man up and not waste opportunities like I did a couple times today again. Thanks for lending your ear, I hope you overcome your own struggles.

  94. 7 months ago

    >tendonitis in left ring finger
    Not the worst but I'm bummed that I have to take a break from boxing + lifting. It's just felt like one injury after another lately, feels like time's slipping away. I can still do plenty of cardio though which is nice

    Also finally cutting down to the last, 10 more lbs to go until the lowest I've ever been. I've gotten into a rhythm now but this really sucks. Going to go for a larger deficit, try to speed things up.

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