>Fixxes your 'Tism. >Makes you a more likable person. >Makes you stop overthinking what could happen

>Fixxes your 'Tism
>Makes you a more likable person
>Makes you stop overthinking what could happen
>Makes you a normal person instead of a chud
>Makes women fond of you
>Makes driving fun
>Clear bad thoughts away
>Makes you start to do what you nevrr wanted to do
Alchol is neccesary to live a fit life without ropping

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >makes you draw a knife on a stranger and get your jaw dislocated

    • 10 months ago

      >You re a chud if you drink alcohol
      I m not a violent person unlike you chud

    • 10 months ago

      you're just moronic and it won't fix that, sorry bro


      >Fixxes your 'Tism
      >Makes you a more likable person
      >Makes you stop overthinking what could happen
      >Makes you a normal person instead of a chud
      >Makes women fond of you
      >Makes driving fun
      >Clear bad thoughts away
      >Makes you start to do what you nevrr wanted to do
      Alchol is neccesary to live a fit life without ropping

      based, I honestly regret being a teetotaler chud when I was younger calling even a single beer "degenerate" like a moron.

    • 10 months ago

      I dont need alcohol for that

    • 10 months ago

      This, booze turns me into a violent butthole. Well, more than usual.

    • 10 months ago

      I stopped drinking gin and this stopped happening

    • 10 months ago

      Just don't have a low IQ?

  2. 10 months ago

    They call it a gains goblin when it’s actually giving you social gains

    • 10 months ago

      Tequilla does the least damage

      • 10 months ago
  3. 10 months ago

    Shame it makes me unable to be productive. Otherwise I would be /druk/ all the time.

  4. 10 months ago

    Based alcohol. I wish GHB was legal, same social gains as alcohol except it GIVES you gains on top

  5. 10 months ago

    Yes, If you're a b***h that can't cope with reality.

    • 10 months ago

      Humans have been consuming alcohol throughout history

    • 10 months ago

      Sorry nietsche not everyone wants to die of std of a prostitute after having your first sex

  6. 10 months ago

    I am sort of glad my stomach is so sensitive and pathetic or I would be an alcoholic. I have to start sipping my first drink slowly over an hour, same with the second drink, before I can start really drinking. Still a massive risk of vomiting the rest of the night if I go a little too fast.

    • 10 months ago

      I’m the complete opposite
      I can chug down 2-3 glasses of beer easily but after that I get really nauseated and have to sip it like a little baby

  7. 10 months ago

    Alcohol used to do this for me.
    Nowadays it makes me self-aware and uncomfortable, what's up with that?

  8. 10 months ago

    >go to bar with friends
    >order vodka, neat, because I like the clean taste, and the sensation in my mouth
    >enjoy a few more of those before the night is over
    >friends now think I'm either a slav, an alcoholic, or a serial killer
    I can't even drink without being judged. Autism/Asperger's is worse than death.

    • 10 months ago

      what kind of morons are you hanging out with that judge you this harshly for your choice of drink? either theyre insane or youre delusional

      • 10 months ago

        >he ordered a vodka cran
        >he ordered scotch
        >he ordered a rye
        >he ordered a Cosmo
        >he ordered cheap beer
        >he ordered pretentious, expensive beer

        • 10 months ago

          Vodka cran and cosmo are suspicious anon
          You a down low gentleman?

          • 10 months ago

            >neighbor is a married black man with kids
            >his favorite drink is a vodka cranberry
            Give it to me straight anon, is he secretly homosex?

            • 10 months ago

              Just keep your head on a swivel around him, if worst comes to worst you may have to buckbreak him in self defense

        • 10 months ago

          >he ordered a crown and coke

    • 10 months ago

      what kind of morons are you hanging out with that judge you this harshly for your choice of drink? either theyre insane or youre delusional

      Yeah, they just sound like a bad crowd.

    • 10 months ago

      what kind of morons are you hanging out with that judge you this harshly for your choice of drink? either theyre insane or youre delusional

      >go to company party at some mid tier bar
      >all the fat HR women are doing birthday cake shots
      If that's normal, I'd rather be a pariah.

    • 10 months ago

      i literally ordered a bottle of vodka every weekend with friends and drank it alone
      occasionally some girl would pour for a mixer

      This, booze turns me into a violent butthole. Well, more than usual.

      same, i even beat up girls when I'm drunk

    • 10 months ago

      If your drinking vodka like that why do you even give a shit what others think?

  9. 10 months ago

    a cycle of high test does all of that and more but you're too pussy to know

  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago

    For me alcohol makes me even more quiet and self conscious. Which is quite a feat considering my spergy nature. I wish hardcore drugs were easy to buy, I think I might do better on meth.

    • 10 months ago

      if you are prone to being self conscious and being anxious then stimulants will just make it worse

    • 10 months ago

      stimulants are not what you want, try benzos.

  12. 10 months ago

    >turns you into an embarrassment
    >kills any sort of life or gym gains
    >is the equivalent of being a drugged up loser
    even if alcohol helped you with being more sociable, that's still something you haven't achieved on your own - anyone who needs alcohol to any degree is a fricking degenerate homosexual that the Earth would be better without

    • 10 months ago

      If you are autistic being in a social setting is hell. Sure you could drag your nuts across a floor of broken glass but why make your life more difficult ?

      I socialize once every few months I am ready to trade some gains for social

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I lift more than you and down a six pack twice a week. Cope Black person.

  13. 10 months ago

    >makes you dizzy

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit man

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Le nazzy s angry cope more

          • 10 months ago

            >Drink good, okay chud?

  14. 10 months ago

    >Alchol is neccesary to live a fit life without ropping
    OP on suicide watch

  15. 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    based alkie. i started making friends at work and getting more girls when i started day drinking. just vodka in flask, stay away from sugary wienertails.

    • 10 months ago

      How do you hide the smell?

  17. 10 months ago

    I'm still socially moronic while drunk. What do I do?

    • 10 months ago

      Idk try other drugs find one that works

    • 10 months ago

      Same, drinking changes nothing if you’re low value male

  18. 10 months ago

    Can confirm it makes driving more fun.

  19. 10 months ago

    >makes me feel better when im sad
    no other argument needed

  20. 10 months ago

    what type of liquor is the least damaging to your body? maybe vodka or gin?

  21. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      That's literally me wtf

    • 10 months ago

      They're both based if we're being honest

  22. 10 months ago

    i can't get with women without drinking so i brought a flask to work bc one of the office ladies was hitting on me and i got caught and fired

  23. 10 months ago

    Does anyone else have this problem?
    >can finish one beer no problem
    >start second beer
    >can never finish it
    >by the time I'm halfway through I'll be farting like crazy
    >get a sudden lurching feeling in my stomach
    >get hit with extreme nausea
    >run to bathroom
    >wretch into the toilet like I'm about to vomit once or twice
    >nausea immediately subsides
    >if I keep having beers I have to go into the bathroom and nearly vomit every single time, so I almost always stop at 2
    >it's even worse with any sort of liquor
    I've never talked to anyone I know about this because I know I'll just get called a lightweight and be made fun of. The truth is it's such an issue that I don't even know how much of a lightweight I am because it stops me from ever drinking enough to get drunk. I barely drink because of this issue, I've probably had less than 30 beers in my entire life and I'm 25. Is my body just not equipped to handle alcohol due to lack of exposure, or is there some other issue at play?

    • 10 months ago

      are you a chinaman? asians get drunk faster than most other people. just sip your drinks slowly instead.

    • 10 months ago

      You can't burp

    • 10 months ago

      You had a bad experience once and now its your bodys trauma response?

    • 10 months ago

      >Luckiest man on IST.
      It's a blessing.

  24. 10 months ago

    This but unironically. If I got to a social event I transform into a chad once I'm in the golden 2-5 beer range.

  25. 10 months ago

    Alcohol makes me happy, it makes other people like me more, I can actually talk to girls, and a lot of other benefits

    But if I'm in the habit of drinking it, when I'm not drinking I'm an anxious wreck. Also I gained all the weight I lost back cause I binge eat when I'm drunk.

    This weekend I spent 2 days laying in bed with my heart racing and unable to breathe, constant panic attacks. I only drink weekends too and Im 21. So, I'm quitting.

  26. 10 months ago

    >Makes driving fun
    Fricking moron

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      It's absolutely moronic, but you haven't truly lived until you've ripped down some twisty backroads drunk as frick in a miata

  27. 10 months ago

    Who makes good rum, I mostly like whiskey but I'm trying to branch out.

    • 10 months ago

      sailor jerry

  28. 10 months ago

    >Order the most b***h ass honey beer or cider on menu
    >Tastes bitter as shit but try to tough it out
    > friends finish their second or third pint by the time I'm at 3/4 of my now warm glass
    >Some other time at friend's birthday
    >girl wants to compete at doing vodka shots with me
    >Take first shot, tear up as a struggle to swallow
    >Try to do second shot, lift it up to my lips
    >Get mental block like if I was trying to stab my eye, can't do it to save my life
    I'm a fricking b***h, Is there any efficient way to get drunk without drinking? I heard you can inject 100% alcohol to rush it.
    Thanks for reading my blog post

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Do not inject 100 % alcohol, it'll kill your veins immediately.

    • 10 months ago

      "Smoke" it via vapour inhalation. Pour some your fav liquor in a pet bottle, cork it, and insert an air pump needle through the cork inside. Attach an air pump to the needle and pump into the bottle. Remove cork and inhale.

      It's calorie-free alcohol entering directly into the bloodstream but because it bypasses the liver you are liable to oding if you go way overboard. Probably not good for your lungs long-term either.

  29. 10 months ago

    I've tried alcohol. I just don't get it. I didn't feel any different. Girls didn't treat me any differently.
    If I would be guaranteed sex by drinking alcohol then I'd do it, but I just don't see how it even increases the chance.

    • 10 months ago

      Alcohol lowers inhibitions, if you get drunk enough you start saying and doing things you normally wouldn't do sober, basically lowering your autism barrier which is the first step in getting to know people. It depends on what type of drunk you are though, if you're the type to just get really sleepy and put into a barely cognizant state or get angry and start fighting people it won't do anything for you socially.

      • 10 months ago

        >you start saying and doing things you normally wouldn't do sober
        For the last year I've been practicing doing that anyway without drinking. So drinking doesn't really change anything for me.

        • 10 months ago

          You sound autistic, have a beer

  30. 10 months ago

    >Whenever I drink a lot I get sad and socially withdrawn
    wtf it wasn't supposed to be this way

  31. 10 months ago

    Alcohol is based. I partyboy like it's my career when I'm drunk, I sing, I clown, I dance, I flirt, and everybody loves me.
    You only live forever in the light you make, and if I can brighten people's days at the low cost of a few drinks then I;m all for it.

    • 10 months ago

      sound like a typical alky reasoning

  32. 10 months ago

    >makes you moronic

  33. 10 months ago

    Alcohol gives me severe headaches. But I do enjoy it from time to time.

    • 10 months ago

      that is just so interesting. wow

  34. 10 months ago

    Anything but 100% pure sobriety is shit tier. Yes I don't even drink tea or coffee, how could you tell?

  35. 10 months ago

    Normies will never understand the lasting trauma you get from realizing that alcohol straight up fixes your autism and turns you normal around strangers and coworkers.

    • 10 months ago

      I definitely relate to this feel...
      At my last job I'd show up already buzzed and would drink on my breaks while also sneaking in some hits off my weed pen here and there, not a single person questioned a thing because I'm such an autist that getting fricked up on drugs and alcohol just turns me into a normie.
      I'm starting a new job and plan to stay sober, but I'm a total schizoid robot autist when sober so I don't know what to do.

    • 10 months ago


      I definitely relate to this feel...
      At my last job I'd show up already buzzed and would drink on my breaks while also sneaking in some hits off my weed pen here and there, not a single person questioned a thing because I'm such an autist that getting fricked up on drugs and alcohol just turns me into a normie.
      I'm starting a new job and plan to stay sober, but I'm a total schizoid robot autist when sober so I don't know what to do.

      wtf are we all living the same life?

      • 10 months ago

        It's actually worse than what I posted, let's just say a family member has a xanax prescription and they'd always give me some when I asked for it because they know I get lots of anxiety and they never used their full monthly refills.
        There's entire workdays I never remembered working because of how absolutely zonked I was when I'd occasionally throw xanax into my daily weed booze combo, but still nobody questioned a thing because I just seemed like a regular functioning normie to them.

    • 10 months ago

      And the even worse trauma when you realise you can't stay functional forever and need to stop drinking. It really fricking sucks but it is what it is

    • 10 months ago

      i know a guy who thinks like this but he's still moronic when drunk, just moronic and louder

  36. 10 months ago

    bad thoughts away
    god i wish

  37. 10 months ago

    I really wish that there was a pill that you could take which gives you all of the benefits of alcohol (e.g., lowered inhibitions, less anxiety, better social skills, and happier outlook on life) without any of the negatives like damaging your health and making it harder for you to drive safely. Is there a wienertail of psych meds or herbs or psychedelics which allow you to do this safely? Please say that there is. I can't take raw dogging life anymore, and I can't drink alcohol because I have to take Accutane for the rest of my life.

    • 10 months ago

      Test, you fricking homosexual.

    • 10 months ago

      >because I have to take Accutane for the rest of my life
      Are you sure? I was on it for a year and it's literal poison to the body. It dries you out, dries your joints, gives psychological disturbance, gives GI tract disorders etc. Not a good long-term medicine to take.

      Look into Baclofen, it's a Gaba-B like phenibut and muscle relaxant but also a powerful anxiolytic. If you take it regularly though it will give bad withdrawals. Phenibut is kind of similar. Each drug has its price, I guess.

      • 10 months ago

        >Are you sure? I was on it for a year and it's literal poison to the body. It dries you out, dries your joints, gives psychological disturbance, gives GI tract disorders etc. Not a good long-term medicine to take.
        Pretty sure. I had really severe acne on my face, neck, shoulders, back, chest, and arms. I also had these super persistent and painful bumps on the back of my scalp which would get blood on my pillow when I slept. A 60-something israeli dermatologist in my area had me taking oral antibiotics like Tetracycline, Doxycycline, and Minocycline every single day for over 10 years in order to somewhat control it (it never went away completely). He also had me applying topical antibiotics like Clindamycin every single day for over 10 years. This chronic overuse of antibiotics caused me to a develop a rare and incurable scalp condition called gram-negative folliculitis. Basically, long-term antibiotic usage caused me to develop antibiotic resistant super bacteria. For whatever reason, I would get these absolutely horrific flare ups all over my head whenever my hair was cut with an electric trimmer. And so I can only get haircuts with scissors now. I also went around to several different dermatologists looking for answers, including at George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University, and 2 different infectious disease experts. They prescribed me all sorts of things, including oral Bactrim - which caused me to develop a red rash all over my entire body and severely bleeding gums after 1 month of use. I also tried things like vinegar soaks - which were awful because they burned the hell out of my skin. After all of that, which took years, I was told by 5 different dermatologists and 2 infectious disease experts that my only option left was taking low-dose Accutane for the rest of my life. And so I'm taking 10mg per day now.


        • 10 months ago

          If I ever stopped taking it, my gram-negative folliculitis would inevitably come back they said. That's why I want to go even lower to 10mg every other day, or maybe only 10mg per week, because I'm absolutely terrified of further damaging my body because I know how dangerous Accutane is. I started my fourth course of Accutane about 3 weeks ago, and the suicidal depression and almost constant feeling of doom is back - which I experienced every single time before during my previous courses of Accutane. I also got pretty severe blurry vision in my right eye when I was taking 40mg per day. Halving the dose to 20mg per day got rid of that though. I also always get numb and burning pain in my lower back when on Accutane. The scary pains in my internal organs are also back - which is scaring the frick out of me because I'm terrified that it's going to show up in my blood work. If 10mg per day is harming my organs, then I'm going to have to reduce the dosage. And if it still persists after that, then I'm so scared that dermatologists won't let me take it anymore. Likewise if they find out how depressed and suicidal I am (I just lie to them about this). If I can't take Accutane anymore, then my skin will eat me alive. And I just can't take that anymore. I will 100% kill myself at that point because the agony is just too much. And so I basically feel like a dead man walking because I know that future is probably inevitable. You can't just take Accutane for decades and come away unscathed. It's pretty much impossible.


          • 10 months ago

            >Look into Baclofen, it's a Gaba-B like phenibut and muscle relaxant but also a powerful anxiolytic. If you take it regularly though it will give bad withdrawals. Phenibut is kind of similar. Each drug has its price, I guess.
            I have (shit - had...) younger twin brothers with severe cerebral palsy (one of them died last year from Covid pneumonia). One of them had to take Baclofen every day for seizures and muscle tightness. It made him foam at the mouth. And so I'm pretty scared of trying it. I also took boat loads of Gabapentin for chronic muscle twitching in my body (it was especially bad in my calves), and it caused me to develop weird visual hallucinations. I could see beams of light coming out of all light sources directly into my eyeballs. Even the dim RBG light on my gaming mouse would send beams of light directly into my eyes. It was very eerie - especially when driving at night and seeing traffic lights beaming into my eyes. So I'm not too sure about going down that route.

            • 10 months ago

              Anon I'm sorry you've done it so tough. I know that's an understatement too but I can empathise. I've struggled with cystic acne since teenhood and that was in the 90s when doctors and parents had no clue about anything but "just don't eat fast food" and "just use clearasil or phisohex". I did accutane and bactrim 10-12 years back and it is a psychologically dreadful drug, and the acne returned, albeit less agressively, and especially when dialing down in a consistent training regimen and diet. In my teen years, my family doctor put me on a wienertail of antibiotics and antidepressants which fricked my gut flora and worsened my anxiety for several years. For a while I couldn't go anywhere without worrying if I was gonna have antibiotic-related diarrhea. Let alone secondary skin issues like rosacea. Shit took a toll on my self confidence. No one understands unless you've suffered it.

              I believe that it is an autoimmune condition rather than just the result of clogged pores and hormones. I don't think the science is there on it yet. I was subsequently diagnosed with AS a few years back and quietly refused the hospital's planned treatment through use of biological drugs (TNF-a inhibitors). They purport no correlation between diet and disorder. Or how the body stores trauma, and subsequent occuring pathologies. There's so much we don't even understand yet and modern medicine fills the holes using an industry of sickness based off of profits. If you can, explore other options through holistic doctors and naturopaths and definitely do your own research if you've exhausted all the options allopathic medicine can provide. You've probably done this several times already, but if you can seek out other opinions from other professionals, you just might find someone who may hold a key to something that could help you find a way through it all. Doing something is better than nothing.

              Wishing you the best in health anon. Fight that good fight.


              Also wanted to say, that's rough, and I understand that drugs can affect everyone differently. I wonder if there's any contraindication using baclofen whilst using accutane? Anyhow, it doesn't matter as it's better to abstain usage with such side effects occurring.

              My condolences on the loss of your brother. I hope you're doing ok anon.

          • 10 months ago

            NTA but that's pretty fricked up anon

        • 10 months ago

          If I ever stopped taking it, my gram-negative folliculitis would inevitably come back they said. That's why I want to go even lower to 10mg every other day, or maybe only 10mg per week, because I'm absolutely terrified of further damaging my body because I know how dangerous Accutane is. I started my fourth course of Accutane about 3 weeks ago, and the suicidal depression and almost constant feeling of doom is back - which I experienced every single time before during my previous courses of Accutane. I also got pretty severe blurry vision in my right eye when I was taking 40mg per day. Halving the dose to 20mg per day got rid of that though. I also always get numb and burning pain in my lower back when on Accutane. The scary pains in my internal organs are also back - which is scaring the frick out of me because I'm terrified that it's going to show up in my blood work. If 10mg per day is harming my organs, then I'm going to have to reduce the dosage. And if it still persists after that, then I'm so scared that dermatologists won't let me take it anymore. Likewise if they find out how depressed and suicidal I am (I just lie to them about this). If I can't take Accutane anymore, then my skin will eat me alive. And I just can't take that anymore. I will 100% kill myself at that point because the agony is just too much. And so I basically feel like a dead man walking because I know that future is probably inevitable. You can't just take Accutane for decades and come away unscathed. It's pretty much impossible.


          Anon I'm sorry you've done it so tough. I know that's an understatement too but I can empathise. I've struggled with cystic acne since teenhood and that was in the 90s when doctors and parents had no clue about anything but "just don't eat fast food" and "just use clearasil or phisohex". I did accutane and bactrim 10-12 years back and it is a psychologically dreadful drug, and the acne returned, albeit less agressively, and especially when dialing down in a consistent training regimen and diet. In my teen years, my family doctor put me on a wienertail of antibiotics and antidepressants which fricked my gut flora and worsened my anxiety for several years. For a while I couldn't go anywhere without worrying if I was gonna have antibiotic-related diarrhea. Let alone secondary skin issues like rosacea. Shit took a toll on my self confidence. No one understands unless you've suffered it.

          I believe that it is an autoimmune condition rather than just the result of clogged pores and hormones. I don't think the science is there on it yet. I was subsequently diagnosed with AS a few years back and quietly refused the hospital's planned treatment through use of biological drugs (TNF-a inhibitors). They purport no correlation between diet and disorder. Or how the body stores trauma, and subsequent occuring pathologies. There's so much we don't even understand yet and modern medicine fills the holes using an industry of sickness based off of profits. If you can, explore other options through holistic doctors and naturopaths and definitely do your own research if you've exhausted all the options allopathic medicine can provide. You've probably done this several times already, but if you can seek out other opinions from other professionals, you just might find someone who may hold a key to something that could help you find a way through it all. Doing something is better than nothing.

          Wishing you the best in health anon. Fight that good fight.

          >Look into Baclofen, it's a Gaba-B like phenibut and muscle relaxant but also a powerful anxiolytic. If you take it regularly though it will give bad withdrawals. Phenibut is kind of similar. Each drug has its price, I guess.
          I have (shit - had...) younger twin brothers with severe cerebral palsy (one of them died last year from Covid pneumonia). One of them had to take Baclofen every day for seizures and muscle tightness. It made him foam at the mouth. And so I'm pretty scared of trying it. I also took boat loads of Gabapentin for chronic muscle twitching in my body (it was especially bad in my calves), and it caused me to develop weird visual hallucinations. I could see beams of light coming out of all light sources directly into my eyeballs. Even the dim RBG light on my gaming mouse would send beams of light directly into my eyes. It was very eerie - especially when driving at night and seeing traffic lights beaming into my eyes. So I'm not too sure about going down that route.

  38. 10 months ago

    I got super drunk one time and ended up in the hospital after getting in a bathroom fight with some guy and I don't know why.

  39. 10 months ago

    >he needs alcohol to not rope
    Thank you, God, for not making me a mentalcel.

  40. 10 months ago

    >mogs all alcoholic beverages and is the king of fitness drinks in your path
    nothin personal kid

  41. 10 months ago

    >Addiction to dopamine downregulation only given by alcohol
    >every waking moment is thinking about your next drink.

  42. 10 months ago

    >being cool af getting hammered with your bros being stupid and fricking b***hes
    >suddenly you get older and get a job and an adult life
    >let's go out to get a drink with your colleagues
    >they literally just get 1 or 2 drinks
    >but you learned to enjoy alcohol getting drunk af but it's no longer cool just embarrassing, but you can't control yourself

    Frick this shit one year in funny when drunk and the next I'm embarasing myself doing the same thing I hate people

  43. 10 months ago

    Alcohol kills brain cells and is a bunch of empty calories.
    You pay to get fat and stupid from it. You're coping if you think anything else

    • 10 months ago

      Based take. Also, smoking weed makes you lazy and unmotivated. Both alcohol and weed are mortal enemies, along with fast food, of anyone who wishes to improve themselves.

  44. 10 months ago

    >ouzo, jager, and bumbu rum

    • 10 months ago

      Thing: :/
      Thing but Japanese: 🙂

  45. 10 months ago

    >Makes you a troony from phytoestrogens

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