For my fellow Norwooders, what were the earliest signs that made you realize you were going bald before anyone else noticed it?

For my fellow Norwooders, what were the earliest signs that made you realize you were going bald before anyone else noticed it?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Luckily the good lord blessed me with a permanently half fricked hair line thats fine when the hairs a normal length

  2. 1 year ago

    everyone always lets you know

    • 1 year ago

      Friends/family are literally the last people that will let you know. You’ll be Norwood 3 and they’ll tell you that you’re just getting a mature hairline and it’s all in your head

      • 1 year ago


        I was literally norwood IV at the age of 19 and when I did the buzzcut my mom started crying that I destroyed my beautiful hair.

        >People will not tell you that you are balding
        >Some people look good with hair
        >Some people look good without hair
        it is what it is

    • 1 year ago

      Only if you are unobservant/in denial.

      I noticed my hairline receding at 17. I'm 27 now and it's finally receded to the point where other people don't think I'm just being paranoid (nw2+)

  3. 1 year ago

    me watching MPMD talk about it.
    Then me noticing my temples receed.
    Then me taking fin after.
    When it started I was just going to see how it went.
    Well now I have some thin areas in my temples and am at a 2.

    If it dies, it dies.

  4. 1 year ago

    I had my mother and a friend notice it years before I did. I brushed it off as just a widow’s peak. Boy was I wrong.

  5. 1 year ago

    Renewing my loicense aka seeing an picure of my previous self

  6. 1 year ago

    Barber was awkward cutting my hair any shorter
    I was 19 and that was the last time I went to a hairdesser/barber

  7. 1 year ago

    i was cleaning my keyboard for the first time in a year and it had SOO many hairs in there, and i was at that keyboard 16+ hours a day since it was during the pandemic. then i started seeing norwood threads on IST and everything linked up.

  8. 1 year ago

    I thought I was going bald about 3 years ago when I noticed the hair thinning on the top side bits, but since then all it did was move back maybe an inch then stop completely.

    • 1 year ago

      most men notice some level of balding in their lives, women as well

  9. 1 year ago

    >earliest signs
    Bald father, bald grandfather and uncles from both sides. I always knew it.

    • 1 year ago

      Theres no escape. Every single male from my dad and mom side is bald

      • 1 year ago

        Take meds if you care. I have other worries physically wise that made balding look like a minor irritation.

    • 1 year ago

      When my bangs which normally went down to my eyes when they were overgrown and I needed a haircut didn't when my dad said I needed a haircut. I shaved it off then as a preview of what I'd look like in the future. I looked good. It's been a few years since and it's been retreating slowly but surely. I'm a NW2-3 by my estimates.

      This. All but one of my uncles on my mom's side are bald and virtually all of my uncles on my dad's side are NW3-5. My dad is a NW7. God had it in for my hairline. I never knew my grand dad from my dad's side since he died before I was born but my dad on my mom's side had a strong hairline even when he was 80+

      Saw my crown in a store cctv camera and wondered why there was a giant fricking hole in my head. It devastated me, mainly because balding doesn't exist on my moms side and I believed that pop science myth where people say look at your moms dad/brothers to see if you'll go bald, they were all NW1 in their 70s. I don't know my dad but I know his dad was bald and as it turns out your dad influences your hair more, not that shit about your mothers side. Currently on fin 2mg a day for 9 months but haven't seen any improvement

      It's just one of those things. I know a fat diabetic 60 something year old whose a NW1 but for some stupid reason he always keeps it shaved. Meanwhile there's people I know who lost it all at 24.

  10. 1 year ago

    "nice hairline homosexual"

  11. 1 year ago

    Saw my crown in a store cctv camera and wondered why there was a giant fricking hole in my head. It devastated me, mainly because balding doesn't exist on my moms side and I believed that pop science myth where people say look at your moms dad/brothers to see if you'll go bald, they were all NW1 in their 70s. I don't know my dad but I know his dad was bald and as it turns out your dad influences your hair more, not that shit about your mothers side. Currently on fin 2mg a day for 9 months but haven't seen any improvement

    • 1 year ago
  12. 1 year ago

    baldcels are genuinely the most pathetic people on the planet

  13. 1 year ago

    Can see scalp under very bright light in bathroom.

  14. 1 year ago

    Can fin help against a thinning crown, can it help fill it up and rethicken it?

  15. 1 year ago

    Thinning around temples and crown of head. Don’t know if it was related but the crown of my head was itchy. Noticed at 23 when I had let my hair grow out after shaving it since I was 16-17

  16. 1 year ago

    I've always been neurotically obsessed with my hair, mainly because I keep it long and if I didn't style it correctly after getting out of the shower, it'd look like I got electrocuted. At age 25 I noticed the corners of my hairline looked ever so slightly thinner. Almost imperceptible, but like I said I always pay a ton of attention to these things. At first I just coped for a few months because no one in my family has any baldness and I always figured it would never happen to me, and that I must be nutrient deficient or something. Soon after I stopped coping and hopped on finasteride. Didn't start using minoxidil until a year later after I finished grad school because I fell for memes that minoxidil would make all my hair fall out to start off and then accelerate balding if I ever stopped using it.

    32yo now, hair still looks great, still got a thick mane. No idea how bad it'd be if I did nothing.

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