For those of you that were obese or skeleton, do people treat you differently now that you are jacked?

For those of you that were obese or skeleton, do people treat you differently now that you are jacked? Serious answers only, or no difference? Talking about average encounters with people not people that are into lifting.

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  1. 3 months ago

    People loved me when I was skelly
    Now I'm going back to that but, I have built muscle since them, so I am looking forward to see what that looks like

    • 3 months ago

      Probably going to look awesome ngl
      I wonder if this will be Holy grail

  2. 3 months ago

    i don't have these ever since i took an arrow to the knee

  3. 3 months ago

    wnet from 83kg world of warcraft fatso at 15-16 yo to 58kg auschwitz at like 18-19 yo to 72kg with delt serrations at 29 yo. when i was fat some people were visibly digusted, when i was skelly some people were looking at me pitifuly, when im diced some people look in a miring way and comment. the difference is noticable but its not gonna win u a game if ure autistic chud, its a good starter tho.

  4. 3 months ago

    People don't usually talk to me anymore

    • 3 months ago

      That's a good thing
      Have you seen people these days?

      • 3 months ago

        Aye, I have and I'm not complaining

      • 3 months ago

        "people" these days are animals, no, they are worse than animals because animals are capable of intelligence

        • 3 months ago

          is this the cronch cat?

          • 3 months ago

            He judge

        • 3 months ago

          I agree with you.

  5. 3 months ago

    people usually give me weird complements about being buff or whatever but other than that nothing

  6. 3 months ago

    It's a night and day difference you have to experience for yourself.
    People give you more respect (because you're respecting yourself by living with discipline and control and goals), and are willing to do extra/nice things for you.

    It was kind of a blackpill at first, realizing how truly superficial and shallow the world truly is, but that's the game baby, sink or swim.

  7. 3 months ago

    Was never obese but but from skelly then to skinny fat to built 180 5’9”, it’s subtle and not everyone but absolutely. Most noticeable to be in the fact that people are more interested in what I have to say; in a way that’s different. Hard to explain

  8. 3 months ago

    I was invisible before and I'm invisible now
    Went from obese to fit, not even my family commented on it
    Best I got is a stranger who thought I worked for the sports shop we were in because of my body

  9. 3 months ago

    People think they're entitled to my strength.
    Like if something heavy needs to picked up or some fat disgusting creature needs to be helped out of its wheelchair everyone expects me to do it.
    The same people who when I was dyel would ignore me if not downright treat me like shit.
    The same losers who would call me roidtroony on the internet.
    Frick them all.

  10. 3 months ago

    Was morbidly obese, nowadays I have a BMI of 25 with ~20% body fat. It gave my social life a big boost but I'm having zero romantic success so far.

    Getting a gf was my sole reason to lose weight, so I'm quite sad about this. I did turn down two girls though: One was black and the other a fat goblina.

    I made a lot of friends ever since I became an ex fatty, but I still feel like I'm missing something very important in life.

  11. 3 months ago

    Actually yes, women are more friendly, guys step out of the way when I walk in the middle of the sidewalk, and people generally treat me with respect despite the fact that I have anime tattoos and severe asperger, but it's not just +18kg of weight difference, I also started going to the barber and taking care of nice hair, taking care of my facial hair, and taking care of my skin, and getting my teeth fixed which gave me an overall confidence boost, people like confident people.

  12. 3 months ago

    9 out of 10 people treat me better now. Friendlier, pay more attention, care more, want so see me more.
    The other 1/10 seem indifferent, or bothered/envious/angry. The most prevalent crabby behaviour I've noticed is assuming IST has become my entire personality just because I'm not a slob.
    >oh anon you have to try this cake! I know it'll mess up your calories and macros and ruin your perfect diet, but you have to try it!
    >sure, my diet is pretty lenient, in fact I'd like another slice please.
    >anon can you come hang out with us? I know it'll probably wreck your workout routine, you must be spending four hours a day in the gym to look like that...
    >yeah I'm free, no I don't work out anywhere near that much lol
    >anon we're doing heavy drugs at the festival this weekend, can you come be our designated driver? since you probably don't do drugs beca-
    >bitch, dave is doing that, I've already picked up my shit, I'm getting wasted with the boys

  13. 3 months ago

    Was obese, now skeleton. Yes. People treat you better because you show that you care about life and are naturally more attractive

  14. 3 months ago

    Went from 148 to 184, ripped...Women are more touchy and buddies make comments.

    Still have to put another 15-20lbs on...6' tall

  15. 3 months ago

    Ex-lardass here. Yes, people treat me much better now. My job and even my parents do. Women flirt with me even though I'm shit at flirting back from a life time of being fat. I've been called cute from several girls. I even had this one girl proposition me for sex out of the blue (which weirdly was a huge turnoff). However, I am still not satisfied with my progress. I can be skinnier and hotter. 6,4 350lbs to 180lbs. The best part of being of losing my weight is the massive difference in mobility. I do handstands just because I can. I can climb trees. Don't ever become fat.

  16. 3 months ago

    Was 5'11" 315lbs for a while. People mostly ignored me or were generally annoyed by my presence. Lost weight down to 245 and it was like night and day. Strangers talked to me more, women flirted with me. Sometimes I got free shit at grocery stores for no reason. It was nuts. Then I got injure and gained weight back to 265. There must be a cutoff somewhere between those two numbers because I'm back to being ignored.

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