For those that actually have ADHD, not tweakers.

For those that actually have ADHD, not tweakers. What are the pros and cons of taking adhd meds especially in a fitness context such as motivation and appetite

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  1. 7 months ago

    helps you not eat and helps you perform much better on an empty stomach along with strengthens your discipline greatly
    i got off them though recently

    • 7 months ago

      >i got off them though recently

      • 7 months ago

        Because he doesn't need them anymore. He already fulfilled the deficency

  2. 7 months ago

    nothing according to the research
    neurotoxicity, and impairment of higher order thinking apparently
    it doesn't change your motivation but it does suppress your appetite.

    • 7 months ago

      t. no source

      • 7 months ago

        I don't care about you, you can have a nice day overdosing on heroin for all I care. Look it up yourself if you think I'm wrong. Look at the actual research and not just that prostitute on YouTube that makes videos coping with her failures.

        • 7 months ago

          Heroin is the opposite of a stimulant, why do you think I would get near it?
          Found one of those supposed "ADHD doesn't help" studies but it seems to have a twist.

          The author's conclussion is that he found a bunch of shit tier studies saying how amphetamines will have no positive effects;
          "The short duration of studies coupled with their restrictive inclusion criteria limits the external validity of these findings. Furthermore, none of the included studies had an overall low risk of bias. Overall, the evidence generated by this review is of low or very low quality. "
          I think you actually need meds, anti psychotics, to be precise.

          • 7 months ago

            >100 studies show amphetamines are a pointless medication for actually treating 'ADHD'
            >1 study funded by the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical interest says those 100 studies are all bullshit
            I need antipsychotics too? are you working for them anon? lol get a grip, i'm not paranoid, you're gullible.

            • 7 months ago

              >Da pharmajooz are behind this even though most studies show the opposite of your claims, and thus form the general medical consensus that amphetamines and it's derivatives are an effective treatment for some cases of depression and most cases of ADHD.
              Did Ritalin frick your wife or something? I'm gonna take my meds, pretend it's Pervitin while you stay stagnant and ngmi.

              Equasym. It certainly makes you feel like shit in a weird indescribable way
              Because the NHS is run by monkeys. I've had my doctor send multiple referrals to the ADHD department and he hasn't gotten a single response in 5 years

              Couldn't you just change the prescription though? It's not a hard thing to go from med X to med Y (at least in Europe). Are there ultra strict protocols in America so that Mexican gangsters don't get their hands on prescription amphetamines to use to synthesize street speed?
              Before I got elvanse/vyvanse prescribed I used to take one called rubicrono (hydrochloride methylphenidate) that while it did it's job, had the issue of making my head get hot as frick, give me headaches and cause general physical displeasure throughout the later hours of the day. I told my therapist about these issues and he just changed the prescription, as simple as that.

              Is it me or is it Oirish shitty versions of meds that don't fricking work? Concerta did nothing up until 54 mg at which point it was INSANE SIDE EFFECTS where you can't possible tell if it's working cause they are fricking killing you.

              Vivanse went to 50 mg and NOTHING. Literally just the appetite and libido suppression. WTF is going on?

              Vyvanse stimulates me well enough but it doesn't really inhibit my libido. You should tell the doc about this issue asap cause it probably means that you are either developing tolerance or just are not a good responder to it.
              Also, sell the leftover Vivanse to college/university students (in garrys mod darkrp).

              • 7 months ago

                They took me off the ADHD registry because I didn't have a meeting with them (a meeting I had no way of knowing about since their letters almost never make or if they do are months late because the NHS is run by monkeys). So they went "oh you haven't seen us in a while, I guess you don't have ADHD anymore lololol eat shit"

              • 7 months ago

                Is American healthcare really like this? There's a fricking registry? I thought America was the land of over-prescription.

              • 7 months ago

                Have you never heard of the NHS? I'm not American. It's a 12 month waiting line to get back on the registry from referral. Another doctor sent ANOTHER referral last month and they were dumbfounded when they saw how my 3 other referrals from the last 5 years went unanswered. I hate bureaucracy so much; I feel like I live in a kafka novel some days
                >go to pharmacy to pick up meds
                >it's closed early because they're short on staff
                >walk to another pharmacy and tell them the situation on why they can't give me my meds, they tell me to dial 111
                >do so, on hold for 40 minutes, have to answer 50 secruity questions to a random indian lady
                >clearly doesn't care or know what she's doing
                >on the phone with her for half an hour until hit a road block, even giving the phone to the pharmacists to sort things out
                >black lady behind the counter says yeah it needs to be requested and the lady on the phone says the pharmacy isn't on her system, call ends, whatever I'm over it
                >get called back 20 minutes later, it's a nice sound English lady, who is very sympathetic and says "I promise, no matter what we'll get this sorted, I'm so sorry you're getting withdrawals, don't worry"
                >feel reassured
                >answer some more secruity questions
                >explain the situation
                >she tells me to give the phone back to the pharmacist
                >they talk and give the phone back
                >tone change, tells me that their card reader is down so they can't give me my meds because if they did it wouldn't be recorded on the system
                >genuinely get pissed off and feel so crushed only option is getting it sent to another pharmacy an hour away.
                Sorry for the long ass pointless story but bureaucracy really feels like a headless beast. Imagine 3 NHS officials can't get you your meds from a fully staffed pharmacy because nothing but their card reader can logged that you've been given your meds. Fricking hate bureaucracy

  3. 7 months ago

    >The college graduation rate for those with ADHD
    Treated ~5%
    Not treated ~5%

    Doesn't do anything that it's taken for, that's for sure, but it does make you feel better because it's a psychostimulant (duh), that's why people get so defensive when you criticize it.

    • 7 months ago

      Site your sources with those figures, I'm not buying it

      • 7 months ago

        the study is a b***h to find but the real ones know it's true and it's common knowledge among the knowers in the ADHD community.
        best i could find was this

        >Da pharmajooz are behind this even though most studies show the opposite of your claims, and thus form the general medical consensus that amphetamines and it's derivatives are an effective treatment for some cases of depression and most cases of ADHD.
        Did Ritalin frick your wife or something? I'm gonna take my meds, pretend it's Pervitin while you stay stagnant and ngmi.
        Couldn't you just change the prescription though? It's not a hard thing to go from med X to med Y (at least in Europe). Are there ultra strict protocols in America so that Mexican gangsters don't get their hands on prescription amphetamines to use to synthesize street speed?
        Before I got elvanse/vyvanse prescribed I used to take one called rubicrono (hydrochloride methylphenidate) that while it did it's job, had the issue of making my head get hot as frick, give me headaches and cause general physical displeasure throughout the later hours of the day. I told my therapist about these issues and he just changed the prescription, as simple as that.
        Vyvanse stimulates me well enough but it doesn't really inhibit my libido. You should tell the doc about this issue asap cause it probably means that you are either developing tolerance or just are not a good responder to it.
        Also, sell the leftover Vivanse to college/university students (in garrys mod darkrp).

        Enjoy the brain damage with no benefit. You're too high to consider you're wrong.

        • 7 months ago

          >I can't find it but it's true trust me bro.
          >No I can't skim through my browser history and I didn't download it when I had the chance but it's real dude just trust me.
          >I am not repeating some baseless sourceless shit that my mom sent me on Facebook along with crystal healing stuff.
          Are you aware that the link you just shared debunks what you say? The top answer says:
          >I couldn't access the source on the web-page, and had trouble finding reports that included graduation rates. this ( article has interesting information but doesn't seem to address the graduation rates. It also brings up an important point that are diagnosed-ADHD might not be representative of all people with ADHD.
          This study is literally not worth a shit cause it barely has enough data.

          • 7 months ago

            >I can't find it but it's true trust me bro.
            I literally found it
            >No I can't skim through my browser history
            it was 4 years ago I read this on a different computer
            >I am not repeating some baseless sourceless shit that my mom sent me on Facebook along with crystal healing stuff.
            ad-hom because you have no counter argument
            >Are you aware that the link you just shared debunks what you say? The top answer says:
            it literally doesn't
            Verbatim from this post and the linked study
            >For those who do go to college, those with ADHD have a lower college graduation rate (5% vs 35%).[7]
            my 5% figure right there.
            >This study is literally not worth a shit
            calm down there bucko, you haven't posted anything at all; and my claim is valid regardless of your armchair opinion.

            • 7 months ago

              >>For those who do go to college, those with ADHD have a lower college graduation rate (5% vs 35%).[7]
              >my 5% figure right there.
              Which is then refuted by this in the comments:
              >I couldn't access the source on the web-page, and had trouble finding reports that included graduation rates. this ( article has interesting information but doesn't seem to address the graduation rates. It also brings up an important point that are diagnosed-ADHD might not be representative of all people with ADHD.
              This is alluring to the fact that the article in question is poor as shit and doesn't really go into it.
              Don't make me call the asylum workers on you buddy.

              • 7 months ago

                >TL;DR The ratio of ADHD to non-ADHD college graduation rates is approximately true according to the cited source.
                >While the absolute percentages in the Medscape article are incorrect, the relative ratios reflect the results of the study. The Medscape article lists graduation rates of 5% and 35% for the ADHD and control groups, respectively. Thus, people without ADHD graduated at a rate 7 times higher than that of people with ADHD. For the Milwaukee study, the ratios are very similar (different by ~1%)
                you literally didn't read this at all.
                >inb4 "NOO IT WAS ACTUALLY 7% NOT 5% YOU LIAR"
                get a grip, amphetamine does nothing for your problems or improve your life, they make you high and feel good; I just summarized months of ADHD research for you.

              • 7 months ago

                Forgot this part, from this article
                >Overall, available evidence suggests that even students with ADHD who experience sufficient academic success to enroll in college earn poorer grades than their peers. However, some studies (e.g., see Heiligenstein et al. for more detail [21]) have relied on clinic-based samples that may not be representative of the general population of students with ADHD. In addition, when more representative samples of students have been used, the diagnostic status of students identified as having ADHD has been determined largely on the basis of self-reported symptoms or self-reported diagnosis [22, 23]. Studies have also generally not considered common comorbid difficulties in students with ADHD that may also undermine their academic performance (e.g., depression, learning problems, and substance use). Thus, the independent contribution of ADHD to the GPA of the students is largely unknown. The same can be said for the contribution of ADHD to graduation rates, which are perhaps the most important academic outcome measure [4].

              • 7 months ago

                >Study says the ADHD diagnoses were mostly self reported.
                >Data contaminated by people who cope with incompetence by pretending to have ADHD and who are unmedicated.
                <This is a good study bro.
                Next thing you're gonna take penis size average studies with self reported sizes seriously.

              • 7 months ago

                Forgot this part, from this article
                >Overall, available evidence suggests that even students with ADHD who experience sufficient academic success to enroll in college earn poorer grades than their peers. However, some studies (e.g., see Heiligenstein et al. for more detail [21]) have relied on clinic-based samples that may not be representative of the general population of students with ADHD. In addition, when more representative samples of students have been used, the diagnostic status of students identified as having ADHD has been determined largely on the basis of self-reported symptoms or self-reported diagnosis [22, 23]. Studies have also generally not considered common comorbid difficulties in students with ADHD that may also undermine their academic performance (e.g., depression, learning problems, and substance use). Thus, the independent contribution of ADHD to the GPA of the students is largely unknown. The same can be said for the contribution of ADHD to graduation rates, which are perhaps the most important academic outcome measure [4].

              • 7 months ago

                We posted at the same time, I guess we have to kiss now.

                I don't care about convincing you, I was in your place 3 years ago and I know you'll be in mine soon, the idea is already planted and you'll live long enough to see I'm right, everything will fall into place and make sense for you in the future.
                safe travels anon

              • 7 months ago

                >gets proven wrong
                <heh i'm right tho kiddo cause I just am
                Jannies, crush his skull.

  4. 7 months ago


    >maybe if i overstimulate on caffeine too.

  5. 7 months ago

    biggest pro for the concerta/ritalin family is appetite suppressant makes not snacking really easy

  6. 7 months ago

    I probably would've dropped out of highschool if they didn't put me on meds but I ended as a top scoring student and student president while also having the focus for learning an instrument on my own and a language. Then they took me off the meds and now I've failed Uni 3 times and I do nothing but play vidya all day. In conclusion the meds work but they make you feel like dying

    • 7 months ago

      >Meds make you feel like dying.
      I'm on vyvanse and I don't get that tf you mean.

      • 7 months ago

        Equasym. It certainly makes you feel like shit in a weird indescribable way

        Why would they take you off of it if its helping you get through life

        Because the NHS is run by monkeys. I've had my doctor send multiple referrals to the ADHD department and he hasn't gotten a single response in 5 years

      • 7 months ago

        Because xr meds are shit and if you're anywhere outside the US they guard IR stims like fort Knox

        • 7 months ago

          I take XR meds and I'm fine. Sometimes I have to "delay" my XR dose cause it won't last me when it's later and I get tired so sometimes having IR seems more convenient, albeit a pain in the ass cause you gotta take them twice.

    • 7 months ago

      Why would they take you off of it if its helping you get through life

  7. 7 months ago

    On a purely fitness level, it suppresses appetite and makes it easier to push your cardiovascular system further.

  8. 7 months ago

    >for those who have

    Anon nobody he adhd it’s not real stop pretending looking for excuses in your life.

    • 7 months ago

      >yeah but this drug makes me feel great (no I’m not high) and there’s a ton of midwits that tell me it’s real so get ratioed

      • 7 months ago

        Takes a drug, claims he’s not getting high
        >you can’t make this addict cope up

  9. 7 months ago

    im prescribed this shit and it makes a huge difference. But I'm still not sure if I need it. I take one every couple of weeks and every single time I do my day turns into a productive quality type of day. Really feels good to be able to sit and just do the same task consistently which is a big problem for me and always has been.

    I think they can be neurotoxic at high doses after flooding your brain with dopamine for a while. So you should consider the risk. The OP way to use them is in habit formation, and then come off the drug. Then the day you feel you're slipping routines take it again. Less and less until those habits have been cemented.

    That's my approach. Not taking them frequently enough though I've gotta be doing it every few days.

  10. 7 months ago

    Is it me or is it Oirish shitty versions of meds that don't fricking work? Concerta did nothing up until 54 mg at which point it was INSANE SIDE EFFECTS where you can't possible tell if it's working cause they are fricking killing you.

    Vivanse went to 50 mg and NOTHING. Literally just the appetite and libido suppression. WTF is going on?

  11. 7 months ago

    You'll have an elevated heart rate while doing cardio and forcing yourself to eat becomes a matter of discipline. Sleeping adequately while you're adjusting to the proper dose is also problematic until you gain a tolerance, and that doesn't usually happen until a couple months in. The converse of this, however; you will be so intensely motivated and focused that it will hardly matter.

  12. 7 months ago

    >What are the pros and cons of taking adhd meds especially in a fitness context such as motivation and appetite
    very high on whatever you are doing right now, regardless of if it's useful or not
    >fitness context
    basically preworkout x10
    surpresses, I lost weight on ADHD meds

  13. 7 months ago

    If ADHD is genetic and a hardware (comparison) defect of the brain, why do 1/4 of those with ADHD grow out of it? Did the brain just regrow its missing parts or is ADHD just being an immature spoiled c**t?

  14. 7 months ago

    >acutally have ADHD

    kek just cause some """""psychiatrist""""" says you can take meth does not change the fact that you need meth to function like everyone else. Dont cope just accept it

    • 7 months ago

      so everyone should take meth?

    • 7 months ago

      says the zoomer homosexual that needs three scoops of muh preworkout to curl pink dumbbells

  15. 7 months ago

    They're the GOAT pre-workouts. In terms of managing ADHD symptoms, I'm a complete non responder to Vyvanse and I don't know how to ask my doctor to switch, because leaf doctors are deathly allergic to IR stims. I already tried the "my academic advisor has suggested they're more successful" but she just said that she gives IR meds as adjuvants. Any leaf bros here on IR stims?

    Also doing tons of research on Alpha 2 receptor agonists and how those might be more important than vanilla ADHD stims (gives the sense of urgency and responsibility). I hate the fact that I'm so heavily researched on this and would just sound like a junkie asking my doc about these

  16. 7 months ago

    I’m taking Vyvanse 40mg per day. Better concentration and modest reduction in appetite. Makes me feel more “normal” don’t really know how to describe it. I definitely notice a difference on days I don’t take it. I only started stimulants within the last year I never was on them in college. I did good in school and was able to work well without it but things are just better now for me.

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