FPH - Just stop eating edition

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  1. 7 months ago

    Is it my Imagination or do my muscles twitch every time in inactive for days. I used to think it was some kind of deficiency or something

    • 7 months ago

      Eat 10 bananas everyday for more potassium, or use potassium salt.

  2. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      when is new season of 1000 lbs sisters coming out?

    • 7 months ago
  3. 7 months ago


    Kinda off-topic, but funnily enough, the main reason why most male authors are bad at writing women is that they believe that men and women think the same way and that women are basically men with boobs and veganas - the very lie that Reddit likes to desperately pretend is the truth. If you want to write a realistic female character as a man, you have to be a sexist, because only then will your female characters feel natural. Victor Hugo wrote pretty decent female characters 150 years ago, simply because he understood how completely and fundamentally different men and women operate on an intellectual level. No "progressive" male author can ever write a convincing female character because his very core assumption about what women are and how they think like is wrong.

    I actually participated in an anonymous writing competition in college, and my stories were consistently praised for their realistic male AND female characters; funnily enough, the (mostly female and progressive because muh college) jury assumed that I was female despite writing under a male pseudonym and they wondered how I, as a female, could've been capable of not only writing such realistic characters of my own sex, but also convincing males. In reality, I'm a heterosexual male with quite reactionary views on gender roles and managed to write convincing women by simply getting rid of all the "muh equality" bullshit and actually observing how different from males females behave IRL (for example: Higher empathy, but also higher manipulativeness, low rationality in decisions, long-term mood swings in women vs. short-term mood swings in men, low competitiveness towards men, propensity to caving in to social pressure, risk aversion, avoiding direct confrontation while constantly waging indirect conflicts, lower aggression while holding grudges for years, higher valuing of romance vs. sexuality etc.).

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Good points

    • 7 months ago

      >they believe that men and women think the same way and that women are basically men with boobs and veganas
      interestingly, this is also a trait incels overwhelmingly exhibit. the obsessive 'why bother when its all about the face' is a direct extension of thinking women follow the same attraction formula as men, which is patently moronic. i shouldn't even need to reiterate that what attracts women is vastly different then men, which is can be entirely distilled down to the size and replaceability of each sexes gamete (eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap), but there is a non-trivial percent of the young male population that genuinely thinks their lack of success with women is because they don't look like prime chico. elliot roger was genuinely perplexed when he'd go sit on a park bench, waiting for women to approach him... and none did. people like elliot roger are the maximum extension of the equality narrative with the worst possible consequences for the individual.

      • 7 months ago

        Elliot Rodger's manifesto is hilarious because there are at least two cases that I recall where he describes girls openly giving him signals and remains completely oblivious throughout. Like shit man, Elliot "The Supreme Gentleman" Rodger had girls miring him and you think your dopey ass is somehow the exception?

        • 7 months ago

          When? I don’t remember those.

        • 7 months ago

          That manifesto was the funniest thing to read. He talks about all these times he had a clear ability to make friends and talk to women, but never takes the initiative himself. He expects everyone to come to him and ignores any opportunities he had because he'd have to act.

          • 7 months ago

            Typical incel homosexual.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah he's rich and attractive and he has rich and attractive friends, they go to Paris and shit for months at a time and he can't find a gf because he refuses to make the first move. Elliot was something else, the manifesto would have been comedy if published as fiction.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Reminder that no matter how much the media tries to make it seem otherwise, most if not all incels are leftypol freaks. The incel mass shooter in the UK was a socialist seething about a reduction in benefits. Its not surprising when you look at the group as a whole, they’re bitter leftwing incels that lump all responsibility and blame onto others. They’re effectively women.

        • 7 months ago

          >Incels hate women
          >Women hate other women
          >Incels are woman-brained
          It makes a weird amount of sense...

      • 7 months ago

        Reminder that no matter how much the media tries to make it seem otherwise, most if not all incels are leftypol freaks. The incel mass shooter in the UK was a socialist seething about a reduction in benefits. Its not surprising when you look at the group as a whole, they’re bitter leftwing incels that lump all responsibility and blame onto others. They’re effectively women.

        Remarkably high quality off topic posts.

        >Incels hate women
        >Women hate other women
        >Incels are woman-brained
        It makes a weird amount of sense...

        It also explains the incel to troony pipeline. Of course that a weak, cowardly, woman-brained man who expects everything to be given to him would prefer to chop his dick off and pretend to be a woman instead of actually taking responsibility for his failures and action to correct them.

        Elliot Rodger's manifesto is hilarious because there are at least two cases that I recall where he describes girls openly giving him signals and remains completely oblivious throughout. Like shit man, Elliot "The Supreme Gentleman" Rodger had girls miring him and you think your dopey ass is somehow the exception?

        This honestly gives me hope lol. It's pretty clear proof that, at the end of the day, what's in the head is what matters most. The physical aspect is important, but it becomes worthless if your brain is fricked.
        Could you imagine what would've happened if, instead of becoming a cringy ass shooter, Rodger instead decided to get a job, hit the gym, take some improv classes and learn to dress better? He wouldn't have become a chad, but he would've definitely bagged quite a few pretty decent chicks.

    • 7 months ago

      That's interesting stuff.
      How do you go about writing convincing males then?

      • 7 months ago

        Why would you have a problem with writing realistic male characters if you're a male yourself?

        • 7 months ago

          don't really understand most people in general

    • 7 months ago

      >Kinda off-topic, but funnily enough, the main reason why most male authors are bad at writing women is that they believe that men and women think the same way and that women are basically men with boobs and veganas

      Is this what the aforementioned subreddit criticises?

      • 7 months ago

        It’s about men badly writing women. As to the why and how they don’t care, just
        >men stupid, tee hee

    • 7 months ago

      One of the better off topic posts I've seen. Intredasting

    • 7 months ago

      Thank you for the effort post.
      Other than Victor Hugo, what are some good sources to understand women better.
      I recently escaped the proverbial mother's basement and have been trying to achieve empathy gains through IRL reps, but some additional theory reading would be appreciated.

      • 7 months ago

        >how do I understand women?
        I don’t think you can. Women don’t even understand women.
        >what do I read to talk to people better?
        Anything you read is going to be bullshit colored with the author’s biases. Authors are pieces of shit too, like normal people. Just because someone has piblished work doesn’t mean shit (just don’t say that to an author’s face).
        Just join a club or something where you have common interests with people and don’t be autist when they inevitably have a different opinion about something that doesn’t really matter.

      • 7 months ago

        Your problem is too much think, not enough do. Anything you read will just make the problem worse.
        Take some acting classes. Take some improv comedy classes. Learn to operate on instinct, not analysis.
        You'll also become very aware of your emotions, your feelings, when you do this. The empathy will come here, when you understand that women *cannot stop themselves from acting on their feelings*, whereas men can.

        • 7 months ago

          >Take some acting classes. Take some improv comedy classes. Learn to operate on instinct, not analysis.
          Literally the best advice I have ever read on this godforsaken website. Do what this anon says.

        • 7 months ago

          Stellar advice.
          >Learn to operate on instinct, not analysis.
          Especially this part.
          Though there is something that is worth noting. Instinct IS analysis, just in a different form. A lot of the shit is happening in the background (aka the subconscious), it relies on elements you're not actively noticing (such as fragments of memories and discrete sensory inputs), and the only thing that surfaces is the result.
          So, while going outside and doing shit is exactly what anon should do, he should also read some books/articles on the topic in his spare time, so his subconscious has more material to work with. Studying things like psychology & body language and then learning how to use that information instinctively, outside, through trial and error, will tune his social cue "sensors" much more efficiently than trying to do either separately.

          • 7 months ago

            >Instinct IS analysis, just in a different form
            Pavlov'ing instinct through experience = wisdom

      • 7 months ago

        You can gain an understanding of what some women do but it's impossible to fully understand women.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        3% Man by Corey Wayne made it click for me. Women are moronic, but once you understand the way in which they're moronic, it gets a lot easier.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I'm the one you're responding to. In my opinion, some of the best novels when it comes to the author understanding male vs. female behavior patterns are (in no particular order):

        -"Die Buddenbrooks" by Thomas Mann
        -"Haru no Yuki" by Yukio Mishima (this one is especially great, because it visualizes the differences that are cultural vs those that are actually biological)
        -"The Stand" by Stephen King (yes, I know, he's a lefty, but he's actually really good at understanding the differences between men and women)
        -"War and Peace" and "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy
        -"homosexual Faber" by Max Frisch

        You can gain an understanding of what some women do but it's impossible to fully understand women.

        Utter nonsense. Women are extremely easy to understand if you just manage to let go of your male perception of the world.

        • 7 months ago

          What do you think of women who deviate from the standard female thought? I’ve never encountered one who had 100% male thought logic and patterns, closest was 80% who still had that women depressive shit going a lot of the time

          • 7 months ago

            As I see it, there are two types of women that you could consider more "male" than the average.

            The more common one is the "pick-me-tomboy": A woman who simply dislikes other women because she can't keep up with them and tries to act more masculine to fit in with a male friend group. Essentially, they're women who are forcing themselves to be less female without any inherent reason just to please and to construct a sense of self-worth. These women are extremely dangerous, because they usually combine a bossy exterior with a very, very fragile and insecure interior.

            My first girlfriend actually fell into that category and I made the terrible mistake of treating her like a guy friend, which led to her becoming extremely b***hy and blowing up into landwhale territory. I eventually broke up with her, only realizing years later that I had completely misunderstood her thoughts and that it was my own fault for never trying to control her behavior and letting her run amok.

            The far more rare type is the "unironically strong woman" - women that are actually way more secure and rational than the average and naturally competitive to the point where they often "invade" male domains. Think women like Catherine the Great, Leni Riefenstahl, Grace Hopper, Marine Le Pen etc. Interestingly enough, these women are usually more feminine on a surface level than the other variant because they don't have to prove anything to themselves. You will never see the "ugly feminist" look from them. They usually also dislike diversity hiring and value nothing more than when they are treated by merit. They are only feminist when they have too little contact with other women and assume all other women are like them; as soon as they are exposed to other women, they become way more sexist than the average guy. They are usually very comfortable to work and be friends with, but they rarely make good wives and mothers, because they also lack the empathy required for those tasks.

            • 7 months ago

              Huh. My wife falls somewhere between, she still has some insecurities and female tendencies but she does have a lot of empathy. I’ll admit though, after our first kid her emotional side easily doubled. She never used to cry watching sappy shit and now she does, ANY child in distress gets an emotional response from her.

            • 7 months ago

              >that last paragraph

              Bro you just described my mother to a t. I've only known one other girl like that, but she was already engaged and had a huge antinatalist bend as her major flaw. Wish I could find more women like that.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        There it is

      • 7 months ago

        Yep, there’s a reason this man has no more movies after that. And it’s not “he’s getting old, he’s having trouble tempering the lines”.

      • 7 months ago

        This is of course funny, but it's not really the whole truth. Yes, women are moronic, but so are men. It's just that we are moronic in different ways, which dictates our roles in society.

        There are many flaws that women have that men don't have (for example, when a man takes the time to ponder a decision, he'll usually go by rational thinking instead of gut feeling, which obviously makes him the better leader). But there are also many flaws that men have but women don't. For example, the kind of group dynamics that lead to young men doing really stupid shit (stuff like daring each other to do some crime or extremely dangerous stunts) rarely - if ever - occur in women. There's a good reason why most inmates are male, and it doesn't only have to do with judges having more pity with female defendants.

        Same goes for stuff like giving in to social pressure - yes, women are way more likely to go along with everything as long as the majority says so, but the flip side of this is that men develop neurotic solipsism (aka "main character syndrome") way more often than women. The "well, ackchually"-redditor stereotype almost never occurs in women and all murderous revolutionaries are men. The natural inclination of women to adapt their own opinions to those around them also means that they have a conservative (not in the political, but the literal sense) influence on society - they defend the status quo, while men are pushing for change in all directions.

        Nature has basically made the two sexes in a way that they need each other to make one whole society. Modernity has disturbed this delicate balance by trying to make both equal, which has caused great harm. Women are no better or worse than men, they are simply fundamentally different. We are two parts that make a whole.

        • 7 months ago

          Why the frick would you write such a well reasoned post on a random fit thread? I hope it’s a copy pasta. That being said, can you give me advice on how to talk to women?

          • 7 months ago

            nta but women work on emotion rather than logic so just asking about her day, how she is, and what she likes, can go a long way towards asking for her number

          • 7 months ago

            Have you tried cornering them and thinly veiled threats?

          • 7 months ago

            If you want to talk to women while understanding them, you have to get into a mindset of constantly overanalyzing everything. The most defining difference between men and women is the level of empathy and the significance of emotion to each conversation. Everything you say and do is perceived as a communicative signal by a woman, from your choice of words to your posture. Basically, you have to understand that, in front of a woman, every man is an autist, and in front of a man, every woman has borderline syndrome. If you want to influence how a woman perceives you in a conversation, you need to learn how to consciously control those verbal and nonverbal signals. You don't need to control all of them, just a few are usually enough. And once you do that, you realize how incredibly easy to influence the average woman is. This is why people like Charles Manson, marriage impostors, con artists etc. are that good with women; they have understood these rules and abuse them as much as they can.

            This is very hard to learn, and for most guys, the easier strategy is to just change themselves in order to subconsciously send the right signals instead of consciously producing them.

            • 7 months ago

              >>This is very hard to learn,
              so I pick up a few books on body language?

              • 7 months ago

                Yes. Also, reading books about cold reading can be unironically helpful. You just have to be careful not to become an extremely manipulative sociopath along the way.

          • 7 months ago

            Just talk to them, if you can't do that, there's honestly little to no hope.

            • 7 months ago

              My problem is that I talk to women in the same way I do to men. My usual means of bonding with people is to identify a characteristic about them and extrapolate it into a deeper conversation. For example, I learn someone is from South Africa so I might discuss the riots in Durban or reformed theology and the conversation goes on from there. This method almost never works with women, because they are either ignorant or uninterested in such conversation.

              • 7 months ago

                You have to realize that most women don't have any genuine interests.
                Social life, is their only interest, everything else seems autistic to them.
                They can care superficially about certain things, but only if that is something they think will elevate them in the social hierarchy.

              • 7 months ago

                I see what you are saying. I have no issues with social anxiety, but My issue is that I don’t really do small talk very well and do not hold eye contact. I think a lot of this board fails to realize how important these fundamentals are to attraction, because I am tall, reasonably fit, reasonably good looking, financially well off, and still a virgin at 24. In all other aspects of life I am blessed so it does not really bother me.

        • 7 months ago

          >The two sexes need each other to make one whole society
          >Modernity has disturbed this delicate balance by trying to make both equal

          Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If men and women benefit from working together, why is equality a bad thing?

          You even understand that men and women compliment each other's strengths, yet you still insist that women don't deserve equality. You're so close to getting it, but you refuse.

          • 7 months ago

            Are you moronic? Equality means that two things are the same and fulfill the same role, which is the exact opposite of complimenting each other. A sniper and a spotter work together and compliment each other to form a team, yet they are obviously decidedly different and have different roles. Same for men and women.

          • 7 months ago

            Are you moronic? Equality means that two things are the same and fulfill the same role, which is the exact opposite of complimenting each other. A sniper and a spotter work together and compliment each other to form a team, yet they are obviously decidedly different and have different roles. Same for men and women.

            Adding to that, it's not about women "deserving" equality. Equality isn't some resource that we hand out, it's a state of things that doesn't naturally exist because we are obviously biologically different. Currently, we are trying to artificially make men and women occupy the same roles in society. Or do you mean equality of (legal) rights? That's a whole nother topic that I wasn't even arguing about. I don't really have an issue with women having the same legal rights, I only have a problem with us pretending that natural psychological differences between the sexes that lead to different roles have something to do with discrimination and are an issue that needs fixing.

          • 7 months ago

            Women don't "deserve" equality because their political instincts are calibrated for the home-group level. It doesn't scale well to reasoning about large scale social problems and because they lack rationality, women's political influence is destructive.

        • 7 months ago

          If you believe in complementarianism, but don’t think that our modern society rewards such behavior, what do you think the societal solution is? I think you might be focusing too much on societal trends and not enough on nature which undeniably plays a large factor in unconscious ways that neither sex can fully recognize.

    • 7 months ago

      I thought a majority of complaints about men writing women, stemmed from how they would physically describe women, rather than how they would write their personalities.

      You might be onto something though. It really feels like 4th wave feminism is coming to an end. There are still vocal c**ts crying about every little thing on Twitter. As the SJW's of the 2010's age, they are calming down and realizing that everything is up to the individuals and not the fault of society.

      • 7 months ago

        That too, but even that is an extension of women thinking differently. Men describe bodies objectively, or in terms of how they affect others. Women describe bodies in terms of insecurities and comparisons, or complaints.

        A man writing about a woman walking down stairs might write that she could feel the fabric of her shirt over the surface of her large breasts as they bounced. He might mention their size or shape, tall about nipples, or even have her wistfully remember how much her lover enjoyed them. A woman writing the same scene either won't mention breasts, or will mention that her back is sore and that she walked slowly, without directly mentioning breasts; even that physical description will only be there to emphasize the character's emotional state. If she mentions breasts specifically, it will be as an insecurity over being too large, too small, or insufficiently perky, almost always in comparison to another female character.

      • 7 months ago

        A majority of complaints about men writing women are bad faith whining meant to attack you for being man and having the gall to enjoy anything

    • 7 months ago

      Good post

      • 7 months ago

        >i see you're a chubby man you shouldnt comment on a woman's weight
        these people can vote and a republic died for this

        • 7 months ago

          The more I see of society, the more I question whether democracy is sustainable

          • 7 months ago

            How fricked am I if I’m going to Texas for a work contract

            • 7 months ago

              If your here, you probably know how to track calories. Just watch the restaurant food

            • 7 months ago

              Avoid the Mexican food

            • 7 months ago

              the problem is not texas. problem is lack of self awareness.

            • 7 months ago

              Isn't Texas full of farms? Git yourself some farm fresh dairy, eggs, cheese. Does the body good.

          • 7 months ago

            yeehaw holy shit

        • 7 months ago

          The Greeks and Romans knew that the bulk of people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

          • 7 months ago

            So did the Americans, Satan. Universal suffrage was not part of the original design for the country for a reason.

        • 7 months ago

          Throw suffragettes under the horse. This is what they get for shaming us with feathers and sending us to die in war.
          >I am woman; hear me -ACK!

          • 7 months ago

            Suffragettes are annoying, but the White Feather ladies were generally not suffragettes, the white feather movement was started by Lord Kitchener (the same Lord Kitchener who starred in this poster), and consisted of fashionable young ladies, while the suffragettes are mostly spinsters.

            Postwar, bureaucrats trying to forget the beastial way they encouraged their countrymen to butcher their cousins from the continent blamed the white feather movement on the suffragettes, but it was actually just the most unpopular and out of control campaign that the Lord Marshall and the King’s Government initiated to propagandize people into volunteering for the war to destroy the social contract that underpins western civilization.

            • 7 months ago

              They had to issue badges to workers and the unfit for service to stop white feather harassment. Got so bad you had kids too young to serve getting handed feathers, to the extent that I'm pretty sure a boy killed himself after getting one. Maybe it's changed, probably hasn't but being called a coward (white feather meaning) by a women as a guy back then was like the ultimate failure, men care a lot about how women think of them, maybe a little too much.

              • 7 months ago

                I do not understand what is going on in this image.

      • 7 months ago

        Very hard cringe bait

      • 7 months ago

        and then everybody clapped

    • 7 months ago

      this homosexualz over here reddit posting and none of u made fun of him. this sites truly finally lost. redditlite now

      • 7 months ago

        >reddit posting
        a long post is not inherently reddit posting. Especially when such a criticism of women would be removed instantly from the platform.
        pic unrelated

        • 7 months ago

          moronic redditgay he literally put a reddit sub in his post u fricking homosexual

          • 7 months ago

            its in the picture you illiterate tard

        • 7 months ago

          >She doesn't even want her lunch now, she's crying.
          ... They still got the food..................
          I grow weary.

      • 7 months ago

        being from some zoomerslop site like ifunny doesn't make you superior to the redditors, i assure you

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but Jesus Stfu with ifunny hate. Yeah there’s furries and a very unfunny amount of porn, but you can say the hard R! Unfortunately there has been a big influx of normies, but hopefully they’ll be driven out. The other day I commented on a feature with two chubby girls, got reported and banned with replies like
          >you’re a fricking loser if you think they’re fat
          >they’re literally skinny tho?
          >ok incel, I bet you have lots of sex
          Meanwhile one of the chubs has her gut tucked into her pants and protruding awkwardly

      • 7 months ago

        >"Waaah waaah no one's making fun of him mommy!!!!"
        you can't do it yourself?

        • 7 months ago

          He's right though. Your post is even more proof of that. Probably straight from r/menwritingwomen yourself.

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I think its less a misunderstanding and more women in anime being an ideal, or puppet to embody a mans ideal woman. Men would freak out if they found a cute female that acted like a man except timid.

      • 7 months ago

        I wasn't talking about anime, but about western writing (because this is what that moronic subreddit is mostly about). Manga/anime has somewhat different problems in terms of character believability than novels. The usual mistake made by western authors is to make women behave like men (both in positive and negative traits), which leads to unbelievable characters due to them acting unnaturally. The authors of manga and anime, on the other hand, usually have a different problem of making women act "too female". As you correctly observed, they try to present an "idolized" version of femininity, which means that their female characters lack all the flaws that real people have and which make them believable.

        Putting it bluntly, bad western female characters are not female and bad eastern female characters are not characters.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      This is pasta, isn't it? Or maybe you've posted it before.

      Anyway the only progressive male author that gets women right is George RR Martin and that's probably largely because as much of a feminist he is, the majority of his love life is being unrequited or getting cheated on. Women constantly praise his female characters, even Cersei, who's entire plot line is a big fat woman moment while she continually calls herself a genius as she makes mistake after mistake.

      • 7 months ago

        I've seen something like it before which makes me think it's a copypasta from reddit

    • 7 months ago

      >lower aggression while holding grudges for years
      i do this.
      Should i just start my HRT already?

    • 7 months ago
  4. 7 months ago

    Lmao why the mere mention of simple diet change makes all those roasties seethe so much?

    • 7 months ago

      Females have no concept of personal responsibility, logic, or anything else. They run purely on emotion. Essentially Black folk that only live in the moment +/- 5 seconds or so.

      • 7 months ago

        if my girlfriend cheated on me and then said some shit like that she is fricking dead, she is getting tied in the basement were she will get raped and tortured until she dies of starvation

        • 7 months ago

          jesus christ, psycho.
          take your fricking meds

          • 7 months ago

            > t. cheating roastie who fears the rape basement

          • 7 months ago

            what? dont you think thats a pretty fair reaction?

    • 7 months ago

      pls do not sexualize the azumanger

    • 7 months ago

      Tell a fat man he should eat less if he wants to lose weight and 9/10 times he will agree and either say he doesnt want to lose weight or take responsibility for failing
      1/10 will make excuses
      With women it’s the other way around

      Same kind of thing can be seen when you compare how most women react to seeing women who are more attractive than then vs men with the same.

    • 7 months ago

      >simple diet change
      That’s your problem. Women can’t do simple diet changes because for women diet is not that simple. You need to get under the layers of cope before they realize they need to change.

    • 7 months ago

      no they're actually defending it in the comments.

    • 7 months ago

      >tfw no Kagura gf
      why live

    • 7 months ago

      you have to cheat on them then they will lose weight

      • 7 months ago

        you're a terrible person

    • 7 months ago

      Guys I've been running from commitment my whole life but I recently met a girl who ended up sucking on my peepee, she has a little waist but her ass stuck out like this anime girl when I was looking down at her you think I should marry her?

  5. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      This is trippy

      • 7 months ago

        I miss high dose acid. Next time I've two days off I'll go deep again.

        • 7 months ago

          built for bbc

    • 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    That WAS her whole character though. She was just the straight man to the rest of the group being weird, the only thing she actually brought to the table aside from being comic foil was anxiety about her own weight.

  7. 7 months ago

    >trapped whale calls for an Uber

    • 7 months ago

      >the complete lack of situational awareness
      Woman moment

    • 7 months ago

      why did she stop running right at the last moment?

      • 7 months ago

        To catch her breath.

      • 7 months ago

        She didn't want to get wet. You can see her holding her arms up trying to keep whatever she's holding dry. She clearly underestimated the power of the wave and though she'd be able to just step out once the first part hit, as if she were at a regular beach with normal-sized waves.

    • 7 months ago

      I honestly hope she died. She has no respect for nature or her own life.

  8. 7 months ago

    >fat ogre blocks your path

    • 7 months ago

      would be funny if it's his wife/mom

      • 7 months ago

        >"son, what u doin'? u must be gay like all other ladinos"

    • 7 months ago

      that's how all latinas look once they turn 25

      • 7 months ago

        25 is if they have good genetics. The majority hit this at 19, after they've had their third child of incestuous rape.

  9. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      What is it called when they do this bizarre mating dance?

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          That's not daggering. That's dry humping. Daggering involves a lot more actual dancing

          • 7 months ago

            But this “daggering” thing is where darkies dry hump and “dance” usually one couple while the rest watch right?

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        being a Black person

        • 7 months ago

          So it would seem. I looked into it and apparently it’s Jamaican and started in the very early 2000s… they find it “fun” and “creative” and “cultural”

          Avoid the Mexican food

          Easy. I hate that shit

          Cereal is a very low satiation food. You can eat so much of it and not feel full. Its somewhat high in calories and almost entirely void of nutrients.

          I used to eat 5-6 boxes of cereal a week.

          You need to stop buying it. Even protein cereals are pretty high in calories. You'll get some macro nutrients your body can use, but if your goal is an overall calorie deficit it will not be beneficial.

          Replace cereal with fruit. Preferably apples and berries.

          Fruit is high sugar and I would not recommend anyone replace a meal with fruit everyday.

          • 7 months ago

            >Fruit is high sugar and I would not recommend anyone replace a meal with fruit everyday.
            I wouldn't consider it a bad substitution for the cereal, assuming that anon likes sweets. Fewer calories, higher water content for fullness. If you're cutting but want carbs, I don't see a problem replacing a meal with a banana. If you need a more complete macro profile, eat it with greek yogurt + protein powder.

            • 7 months ago

              A great replacement, no matter how healthy it is as an alternative, should be treated like it’s still a treat. You’re waaaay more likely to start overeating your healthy treat until it’s no longer healthy. You should still sort out your binging habits.
              >make a parfait
              Yeah that’s fine, but I mean eating a large bowl of mango/strawberries/bananas/cherries/blueberries/kiwi that might equal out to 2 or 3 cups is not at all good every day. Just eating like 1/4 or even 1/2 with nonfat plain Greek yogurt is fine, the granola will be your most calorie dense ingredient and it’s still rounded.

              But, if you need more water for fullness just drink frickin water. You should be keeping your macros in mind heavily, and that too much of anything is never good.

              • 7 months ago

                >A great replacement, no matter how healthy it is as an alternative, should be treated like it’s still a treat.
                Eh, one step at a time. Benching 2pl8 is fine, but if you don't exercise, maybe don't start there. If you don't know how to eat well, just eat a little better.
                >Yeah that’s fine, but I mean eating a large bowl of mango/strawberries/bananas/cherries/blueberries/kiwi...
                Way harder to overindulge on fruit than it is on cereal/granola. But even if he does, he'll be fuller than he would be on cereal.
                >But, if you need more water for fullness just drink frickin water.
                As long as calories are kept under control, it literally doesn't matter where the water comes from. These are all just strategies for maintaining satiety.

              • 7 months ago

                Or he could just drink water.

                I get what you’re saying about baby steps, but replacing one overindulgence with another doesn’t help. If you really think nobody can overdo it on something healthy like fruit you don’t know fat people.

              • 7 months ago

                >As long as calories are kept under control, it literally doesn't matter
                >These are all just strategies for maintaining satiety.

              • 7 months ago

                Or, drink water and treat sweet things as treats not meals.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                granny smith apples have about the same amount of sugar as other apples.

          • 7 months ago

            >Fruit is high sugar and I would not recommend anyone replace a meal with fruit everyday.
            Stop with this shit, as long as you also eat the skin it has fiber, which offsets the negative effects of the sugar.

            • 7 months ago

              This is the Amy and Tammy from my 600lb life tier for moronation
              >Our mother told us if you drink a diet coke after eating a whole cake it cancels out the sugar.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon could have worded it better but it's true.

              • 7 months ago

                Zero reading comprehension skills.
                Sugar you eat is still sugar you eat.
                Don't replace meals with fruit and don't consume high amounts of fruit thinking it ought to be healthy

              • 7 months ago

                Refined sugar = bad
                Unrefined sugars = okay in moderation

      • 7 months ago

        unironically dancehall

    • 7 months ago

      truly unevolved behavior. This is the kind of thing that animals do when they phantom hump stuff. They are running on pure instinct, no thoughts whatsoever.

      • 7 months ago

        bro takes notes while fricking

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      And they say America has no culture

      • 7 months ago

        The euromutt culture was great, the mud creature takeover is degenerate.

    • 7 months ago

      >Wearing a NASA shirt

      The irony is intense.

  10. 7 months ago

    >screenshot of a reddit post of a photograph

    • 7 months ago

      >looked at post
      >analysed post
      >opened thread
      homie the only thing you didnt do was ignore it lmao

  11. 7 months ago

    It's 45 degrees out and I'm not used to the cold / need to buy cold weather running gear. I wanted to run. Stupid weather.

    • 7 months ago

      Just do it anyway. Unless there’s snow/ice you’ll be fine. Throw a hoody on it you might get cold

    • 7 months ago

      >the good, the bad, and the hungry
      absolute kek

    • 7 months ago

      45 isn't cold you little b***h

      • 7 months ago

        I live where 105 is barely hot, get fricked

      • 7 months ago

        It's the temp where a hypothermia starts being a risk.

        • 7 months ago

          Did you try running at all? If you run, it'll feel like 65.

      • 7 months ago

        Bitch, I am about to leave for the gym and I have to fricking suit up because 40 is cold as frick. It may not be below 0 temperature but its still cold enough to be extremely uncomfortable.

    • 7 months ago

      Once you get moving you’ll be fine. If you bring a jacket then you’ll probably have to take it off and carry it around. Unless you’re a chick, y’all can be cold when it’s 80 out so I don’t know.

    • 7 months ago

      >not even freezing temp
      you know if you start running you'll probably get TOO hot in even a hoodie, right?

    • 7 months ago

      Legit, echoing what others have said, I love winter running personally. I am not a /roon/ expert by any means, but as a Canadian if you wana maintain cardio, you kind of have to make peace with activity in winter time.

      I warm up with bodyweight squats indoors, while clothed up for the run just to get my joints nice and primed. Also dress for 10°C (or K) over the current temp. So like, in your case it's 7°C, so dress how you would for a 17°C run. It sucks for the first 10 mins, but once you're warm, it's a nice ride.

      Just run slower and focus on nasal breathing for inhaling and exhaling, so your nasal passage can pre-warm the air before it hits your lungs. Yes you will shoot snot everywhere, wipe it on your sleeve and move on.

      It's easy once you get used to it. And even if it's icy, it's doable. I just wear trail runners.

    • 7 months ago

      I hate it too, I love running in the summer heat. I just layer up and sweat a lot in cold weather anyways and pretend it's June and it's the sun that's making me sweat. hard too keep up the good vibes but winter only lasts a few months.

  12. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      > father mortgages house to get this creature to Dr. Now
      > creature gains 8 lbs a day

      He basically ate a baby a day.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      the poor nurses shouldn't have to deal with shit like this

      • 7 months ago

        Yes they should

        • 7 months ago

          Ok well you can go clean the flesh pile's poop tube then

          • 7 months ago

            dumbass, real people would let them die.

            • 7 months ago

              well someone was looking after it for a while before it got to the hospital
              It takes years to get that fat

    • 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Didn't this girl literally die because of her obesity

  14. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      manlet gains

    • 7 months ago

      Corn and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

  15. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Not a day goes by that I don't pray for nuclear hellfire to wipe us all out once and for all.

      • 7 months ago

        I feel it. Industrialized society is a mistake

      • 7 months ago

        I pray that God throws a flaming rock and just wipes out all of humanity

    • 7 months ago

      why is it always childless women overfeeding their pets?

      • 7 months ago

        think about it anon. if they can't say no to a hungry pet they almost certainly can't say no to hungry child (or even a child that just wants sweets)

      • 7 months ago

        Taking out “love” how they perceive it onto their child substitute

      • 7 months ago

        I live with my brother and a roommate, and his cat is pretty fat. Super sweet cat, but very obviously over weight, my brother has a cat too, and it's a very normal weight, because it doesn't eat to excess, but my roommate just leaves food out all the time, his cat gorges himself, and he refuses to put him on a diet.
        >Well how would I do that without depriving cat #2 of food?
        Feed both cats at different bowls, and don't leave food readily available. Give them eating times then take away the food
        >Nah that's too much trouble
        this shit is animal abuse.

        • 7 months ago

          The funny thing is, we own 4 cats and they're all normal sized despite their food bowls always being filled and readily available, and they only eat dry food.
          Meanwhile my grandma has two cats who have strict eating times and eat wet food in tandem with try, and they're both pretty fat.
          The best guess is that our cats don't eat a lot when they're hungry and just casually eat small bits when they're hungry and just go away.
          Meanwhile our grandma's cats are expected to eat an entire bowl, and they eat quickly because their brains believe that's all the food they'll get. And starvation mode could be a factor.
          tldr; if you have a set time for feeding your cats you've already fricked up and should feel bad

          • 7 months ago

            >The best guess is that our cats don't eat a lot when they're hungry and just casually eat small bits when they're hungry and just go away.
            that's how my brothers cat is, but my roommates cat just gorges until no more food
            >durr starvation mode
            Them eating all their food at once doesn't make them get fat, and that's not how "starvation mode" works, she's over feeding them.

          • 7 months ago

            >and they're all normal sized despite their food bowls always being filled and readily available, and they only eat dry food
            Had her from when she was abandoned as a kitten and made sure she always had food and drink available whenever possible. Perfectly sized on her own merit and play.

      • 7 months ago

        A combination between suppressed maternal instincts going haywire (damn, the baby substitute is making noises, that means it's hungry, give it food) and negligence when it comes to food (of course pibbles is gonna bury himself in the bag of dog food if you leave it in its reach even though you fed it, it's a fricking dog).

    • 7 months ago

      Let me guess, two trannies?


      It's 45 degrees out and I'm not used to the cold / need to buy cold weather running gear. I wanted to run. Stupid weather.


      I live where 105 is barely hot, get fricked

      It's the temp where a hypothermia starts being a risk.

      Bitch, I am about to leave for the gym and I have to fricking suit up because 40 is cold as frick. It may not be below 0 temperature but its still cold enough to be extremely uncomfortable.

      homie what? 45F is 7C, its literally a tshirt weather, you fricking princess...

    • 7 months ago

      Hate this. My dog was miserable in her old age when my parents were having her clean up every plate they didn't finish and now that I've told them frick off, I'm choosing her portions, she's happy and active again. I can spend a few more years with her just by feeding her less.

  16. 7 months ago
  17. 7 months ago

    fat people don't deserve azumanga

    • 7 months ago


      Lmao why the mere mention of simple diet change makes all those roasties seethe so much?


      based. one of the few manga that I actually own physical copies of.

      • 7 months ago

        this is safe for work because of the 2 lines on the penis

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      cute pussy

    • 7 months ago

      Nice kot bruh

    • 7 months ago

      Cute kitty 🙂

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        How is XXL not plus sized?

        • 7 months ago

          2XL is standard size for a man, a 3XL is tight on me, but yeah for women it's fat as frick

          • 7 months ago

            I'm a woman and didn't even consider men's sizes. I wear an XS-S and figured anything above a large is plus sized. But you're right, not terrible for men.

            inb4 >you know the rules
            I ain't postin' 'em, lads.

            • 7 months ago

              >I wear an XS-S
              >I ain't postin' 'em, lads.
              There is nothing to post.

              • 7 months ago

                Never change, IST. Never change

    • 7 months ago

      Post pussy pics plz

      • 7 months ago

        You don't want to see some troony's axe wound

        • 7 months ago

          >troony's axe wound

  18. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      kek her body is literally refusing to embrace her

    • 7 months ago

      that bikini bottom is holding that stomach up with all it's got.

      • 7 months ago

        I bet spongebob is stuck under the gunt

    • 7 months ago

      Literally the only thing a woman needs to do to coast on easy mode is be svelte. How the frick do these b***hes frick up such a golden ticket to comfort and lack of responsibilities.

    • 7 months ago

      This is what I think of when anon says he has an Adonis belt but doesn't post body.

    • 7 months ago

      all that and no ass, morbid

      • 7 months ago



        I will always be thankful to my past fat self for making the opposite become true. I will never have to post a before and after like this in my life

    • 7 months ago

      the physics simulation is insane.
      there's just so much going on.

    • 7 months ago

      a few beers and would

    • 7 months ago

      more like "embarrassing myself"

  19. 7 months ago

    >fricking 25$ for a single chapter
    do weebs really?

    • 7 months ago

      That's the omnibus with the entire series, moron.


      fat people don't deserve azumanga

      even posted the front cover.

    • 7 months ago

      >a lot of money
      get a job brokie

  20. 7 months ago

    A little ditty for /fph/'s consideration:
    >This one is for the goys
    >with your seed oil, PIFA-ridden onions
    >so obese you can't fit through the door
    >beds we're gonna fall through
    >healthcare to the rescue,
    >shamers your time is up
    >my physique is no choice
    >'cause I'm the food waster roundest thing
    >love handles, tight waistline
    >yes I am fat bro but my calories stay low
    >bigs subs and grocery bills
    >tik tok and swine-like squeals
    >"diets" and weight loss pills
    >food I will inhale

  21. 7 months ago

    Is IST team Nyamo or Yukari? Have to say I like Nyamo a lot more since she's far more responsible and has an absolute amaizng body.

    • 7 months ago

      Nyamo absolutely. Yukari seems like she would be a bad, lazy mother.
      >also trips of truth

      • 7 months ago

        Good artist

    • 7 months ago

      Nyamo is the better choice on almost all counts. I'm decently responsible though, so Yukari-type fun/irresponsibility has some value to me.

  22. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      The fat controller

    • 7 months ago

      This is one of the worst fantasies I've read for a while. Genital mutilation? Walking around with your sex slave in a public place? WIth your family and kids? And what really sums this shit up is this guy's horrible fricking moustache, thinking he's cool all dressed up as a 50's man while looking like a fat neckbeard and talking about neutering people. First time I've read this I thought he was talking about a dog, and then I saw oh "human pet". Someone identify this man and give him a restraining order for all the woman in the US or wherever this frick resides.

      • 7 months ago

        He took the picture in a Glasgow train station. Book yourself a flight toScotland and hunt him down.

        • 7 months ago

          Well, if he's in Shetland, I think the natural selection will sort this guy out.

      • 7 months ago

        >>He doesn't know about Cybersmith

    • 7 months ago

      Just how many levels of cognitive dissonance do you have to be on to censor the word Heck before disclosing your perfectly rational fantasy of removing someone's wiener, balls, fingers, toes, several tendons, vocal chords, and their fricking eyes, humanely of course, and walking them around in public like a dog?

      • 7 months ago

        >I may be sadistic enough to completely destroy someone's humanity, but I am not a bigot

    • 7 months ago

      I can't help but laugh at this one every time I see it. Something about that guy's fricking expression and how he wrote that little blurb there...my mind just can't take the absurdity of it all and I default to it being an elaborate, masterful joke

  23. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      why is it always women/lgbt who post these fat acceptance things online?

      • 7 months ago

        Because they're mentally ill sexual deviants who would've been hung from a tree 100 years ago.

  24. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It's a tuga

    • 7 months ago

      >>The cashier's face

    • 7 months ago

      His fricking chastity cage is out. First time, I'm ashamed to admit knowing what these look like, and this guy is definitely getting the kick out of being like this in public.

  25. 7 months ago
  26. 7 months ago

    Are there any good gimmicks for eating less? I really like cereal, but I find it pretty hard to not just eat the whole bag in one go.

    • 7 months ago

      You won’t like it anon, but you need to let it go.
      >I just can’t control myself around X, I never eat just one serving
      So don’t buy ANY x. If that’s the food you can’t control yourself with, don’t get any at all. You can still have Y and Z if you can limit yourself, but if it’s crack cocaine for you just let it go.
      >I’m so hungry throughout the day
      Add coffee and add protein. Protein makes you feel fuller longer, so ditch the lunch burger for a protein shake or cheese or jerky. Coffee, even decaf, doesn’t tell your STOMACH it’s not hungry like protein, but tells your BRAIN you’re not hungry. Black coffee for breakfast is peak, no extra calories, but just milk is still good. Coffee is great for cutting unless you add like 1/4 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of half n half
      >I always end up eating too much throughout the day
      So do your black breakfast coffee, no lunch, then dinner. Be firm.
      Alternatively, you should be counting your calories anyway right? Before you eat ANYTHING put the food and amount into your calorie counter, and if you’re ok with that number, eat it. If you know it would throw off your count or prevent a better meal later, then don’t eat it.

    • 7 months ago

      The whole bag!?!????! i thought my eating habits sucked

      seriously, how do you eat so much

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Cereal is a very low satiation food. You can eat so much of it and not feel full. Its somewhat high in calories and almost entirely void of nutrients.

      I used to eat 5-6 boxes of cereal a week.

      You need to stop buying it. Even protein cereals are pretty high in calories. You'll get some macro nutrients your body can use, but if your goal is an overall calorie deficit it will not be beneficial.

      Replace cereal with fruit. Preferably apples and berries.

  27. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      She was already well on her way there

    • 7 months ago


      >i could have saved them

  28. 7 months ago
  29. 7 months ago

    I once stopped eating and lost 20 kg.
    It really is that simple.

  30. 7 months ago

    I'm 250lbs and at this point I don't see any reason to try to lose weight. Why should I stop eating when I have nothing to look forward to? I have no future and everything I love is dead or dying. I have nowhere to go, nobody to meet, nothing to do, nothing to aspire to. Eating and gooning is all there is for me now. Sure, I'd like to be thin for once in my adult life, but why should I go through the discomfort and inconvenience of going without? So I get thin, so what? It won't make me any younger or more employable or reverse the health problems I have that are unrelated to my weight nor will it turn back the clock to the days when life was actually enjoyable and decay wasn't all around me. So yeah, I guess I'm going to be a fat ugly piece of shit for however long I live. Feel free to roast me.

    • 7 months ago

      Seek out Christ.

      • 7 months ago

        I actually tried for a while but some pretty bad shit happened to me over the past couple of months that made me realize I was a fair-weather believer so I can't honestly say I'm a good Christian because of that.

        If this isn’t a copy pasta… I understand. I get demoralized sometimes too, it’s hard and why bother and I won’t be Chad and only my wife really noticed- but I feel better. Physically. Mentally. I feel proud of myself which is rare. I’m excited to see the number in the scale go down. I’m becoming more rational and calm and easier to be around. I’m wanting to go out more.

        I know you feel like life is already over. But it’s not. You don’t have to jump RIGHT IN and do 500cal a day and keto, you start simple. Slow.

        I appreciate it, anon, but I might be too far gone. I never made anything of myself despite doing the whole college thing. Never got pussy, don't own a home, and never made anybody proud. I feel like a total waste of life.

        Stop living for other people and live for yourself

        I don't live for myself or other people. The only reason I live nowadays is because I'm genuinely too scared to kill myself and that's about it. My life has no meaning and I'm only a drag on the people around me.

        • 7 months ago

          If you're gonna give up. you could at least try first. Aren't you curious?

          • 7 months ago

            I'm definitely curious but not enough to commit to anything that keeps me from distracting myself via food or pornography from how empty my life is. I would love to be doing a lot better than I am now but I don't think it's possible anymore. I think that ship sailed a decade ago.

            I hear you man. But when bad shit goes down, that's when you absolutely need to put your full trust in the Lord.
            Suffering is a part of Christianity just as joy is.
            I suggest taking an honest look at the 10 commandments and see how you're failing. Understand that yes, straying from these laws will result in the pains of hell, but most of all it offends our Lord deeply.
            Find a priest asap and confess your sins to him.

            I'll think about it, anon, but I think I'm just a heathen at the end of the day. My faith was shaken too easily.

            • 7 months ago

              We all are heathens unworthy of God's love and grace at the end of the day. Christ will give you the purpose you're longing for. I'm not here to proselytize or anything, just offering the solution to the problem. Sin tempts us all, but is ultimately unfulfilling at best.
              Be well anon.

              • 7 months ago

                Thank you, anon.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm a borderline alcoholic who's last serious relationship ended due to infidelity on my part, and I'm currently employed by a church. You're never too far gone, anon, you just need to learn to forgive yourself.

        • 7 months ago

          I hear you man. But when bad shit goes down, that's when you absolutely need to put your full trust in the Lord.
          Suffering is a part of Christianity just as joy is.
          I suggest taking an honest look at the 10 commandments and see how you're failing. Understand that yes, straying from these laws will result in the pains of hell, but most of all it offends our Lord deeply.
          Find a priest asap and confess your sins to him.

          • 7 months ago

            Jesus is our great high priest. He is the only one who can intercede for us before God. Read the book if Romans. What you're talking about is a man in a funny hat.

        • 7 months ago

          >I was a fair-weather believer so I can't honestly say I'm a good Christian
          You would not be the first Saint in heaven with that story.

    • 7 months ago

      If this isn’t a copy pasta… I understand. I get demoralized sometimes too, it’s hard and why bother and I won’t be Chad and only my wife really noticed- but I feel better. Physically. Mentally. I feel proud of myself which is rare. I’m excited to see the number in the scale go down. I’m becoming more rational and calm and easier to be around. I’m wanting to go out more.

      I know you feel like life is already over. But it’s not. You don’t have to jump RIGHT IN and do 500cal a day and keto, you start simple. Slow.

    • 7 months ago

      Stop living for other people and live for yourself

    • 7 months ago

      >Why should I stop eating when I have nothing to look forward to?
      You can look forward to having a good body.
      >I have no future
      Things can always be worse. No guarantees, but things might be a little bit better if you put in the work now.
      >everything I love is dead or dying.
      Same for everyone.
      >I have nowhere to go, nobody to meet, nothing to do, nothing to aspire to. Eating and gooning is all there is for me now
      That's not an issue unless you want to make it one. The road you take doesn't matter if you don't know where you want to go. Just live normally, and if you're not happy about something, make the attempt to change and don't be discouraged if it fails.
      >Sure, I'd like to be thin for once in my adult life, but why should I go through the discomfort and inconvenience of going without?
      No reason, really. It's just something you can do to fill the time. People do treat you better if you're in shape, though. If you're interested in experiencing that, you can use that as your "why".
      >So I get thin, so what? It won't make me any younger
      Correct. Nothing will make you younger.
      >or more employable
      Incorrect. People think better of you if you're of the appropriate weight. I have personal experience with seeing a very competent engineer get passed up in favor of a foreign Indian girl with mediocre problem solving ability that was of "acceptable" weight. Sucks, but it will happen.
      >or reverse the health problems I have that are unrelated to my weight
      Correct. But you eat the elephant one bite at a time. Accumulation of small victories provides the juice for tackling the other stuff.
      >nor will it turn back the clock to the days when life was actually enjoyable and decay wasn't all around me.
      Correct. No redos for anyone. Different stages of life will have different types of fun and pain. If you can identify what about the past was fun, you can try to recreate that in your current life. If you're not killing yourself, you've got nothing but time.

      • 7 months ago

        You only know how much being fat hurts your well-being once you finally lose it. You are so used to constantly feeling miserable that you don't even know how a normal-weight human body is supposed to feel like. No matter what your health issues are, I can guarantee you that they'll get way less debilitating once you get to a healthy weight. And I can also guarantee you that losing the weight will improve your mental health. Every thought you think right now has to pass through billions of neurons that all barely receive enough oxygen because the visceral fat in your brain is literally suffocating them. Your body constantly releases adrenaline and cortisol because there is a constant stress on your cardiovascular system. Of course you feel like shit, those are the signals of a body that is fighting for its survival against an enemy - you.

        >Losing weight won't turn back the clock

        It absolutely will. Getting to a healthy weight makes you look and feel younger and people will perceive you as such. People will treat you kinder, more compassionate, more respectful once you lose the weight. Turning from a lardass to a fit person feels like being born again. Hell, it effectively adds decades to your lifespan, so if measure your life by the time you have left, it quite literally turns back the clock.

        t. Ex-Fatass who never wants to go back again

        These are genuinely encouraging posts but I just have this feeling that I'll be uplifted for a week or less and then get blindsided by some shit that knocks me back on my ass and I'll be right back to binge eating. When you've been a fat frick basically all of your life and eating is not only a pastime but your main way of coping with stress, it's next to impossible to break out of that, and when you consider that I have nothing going for me in life, that just makes the hill that much steeper. I would genuinely like to be better in every way but I think I might be destined to be miserable at this point. I've tried a million times to unfrick myself but something always demoralizes me right back to the status quo.

        • 7 months ago

          You have nothing going for you in life because you are a fat loser. Thats the part you can literally change. Losing 100lbs drastically improved my quality of life. People respect you more, people take you more serious, you have an easier time in the workplace, and with romance. Its your responsibility to take care of yourself and stop being fat. If you get demotivated after a week you need to figure out alternative coping methods and a means to keep yourself oriented on the goal.

        • 7 months ago

          I think you make the fundamental mistake of perceiving minor setbacks as catastrophic failures. So what if you fall back to eating like shit for a day? Just say to yourself: "I'll do better tomorrow". You haven't tried a million times. You've tried exactly once and that try is still on-going. There is no bell that rings when you have a binge eating episode. There are only three ways for the bell to ring - you either unfrick yourself, you lose the wish to unfrick yourself or you die. Do you still want to be better? Yes. Are you dead yet? No. Then the try isn't over.

          Unironically try counting the things you HAVEN'T eaten instead of counting those you have eaten; don't count the calories you have eaten in a day but instead count those you have stayed below your TDEE and sum those up. Getting rid of a negative habit is all about turning its absence into a positive habit.

        • 7 months ago

          >I just have this feeling that I'll be uplifted for a week or less and then get blindsided by some shit that knocks me back on my ass and I'll be right back to binge eating
          No worries, friend. That is an expected part of the process. You're aware of the pitfalls on your journey and how you fall into them: that's a plenty good starting point. It is okay to fail. Make note of what you feel was the cause of the failure (be honest) and then try to work on a solution to that. This can also take several attempts. Ask yourself what went wrong, forgive yourself, then strategize for the next encounter.

          If you feel you need more frequent doses of motivation, you can maybe try screencapping anything you find encouraging, keeping those images in a folder, and having a look if you feel yourself sliding backwards. Do your best and know that you only stand to gain from the effort.

        • 7 months ago

          So just keep eating the same shit but start lifting (aka if it’s hard to make 2 changes at once then start the easier one first and the harder one when you’re ready).

          • 7 months ago

            higher muscle mass means higher base metabolic rate. it'll be easier to lose weight after you've put on muscle (though ideally you eat fewer calories at the same time)

          • 7 months ago

            He's right, starting with lifting is easier.
            >lift today
            >lift is done
            >accomplished something
            >feels good

            as opposed to
            >don't eat that bad food
            >don't eat that bad food
            >don't eat that bad food
            doing this on repeat until you go to bed is harder. Resisting is a bigger battle. Don't worry though, you get better at it with practice. One day at a time dude just cross that bridge when you get to it.

        • 7 months ago

          If you had the dedication to put the pounds on, you can have the dedication to take them off.
          >"oh nooo, something of fleeting importance and mildly shitty happened, better go back to this thing that makes my life very shitty constantly!"
          Have you considered to maybe not do that? Calories cannot enter your body without your consent. There is no one sneaking in your house and shoving burgers down your throat.
          It's just you.
          Use lifting to deal with stress.
          >I think I might be destined to be miserable at this point
          Are you familiar with the notion of "self fulfilling prophecy"? How about the concept of "vicious circle"? Maybe "unhealthy coping mechanism"? Perhaps the saying "to shoot oneself in the foot" rings a bell.
          >I've tried a million times to unfrick myself but something always demoralizes me right back to the status quo.
          >I've tried to do something hard, but I've encountered difficulties
          Also, have you considered that this so-called "demoralization" is just withdrawal? You are fighting a coping mechanism/addiction after all, so of course you'll feel like shit in the beginning.

      • 7 months ago

        >No redos for anyone.
        this is the hardest pill to swallow in life

    • 7 months ago

      You only know how much being fat hurts your well-being once you finally lose it. You are so used to constantly feeling miserable that you don't even know how a normal-weight human body is supposed to feel like. No matter what your health issues are, I can guarantee you that they'll get way less debilitating once you get to a healthy weight. And I can also guarantee you that losing the weight will improve your mental health. Every thought you think right now has to pass through billions of neurons that all barely receive enough oxygen because the visceral fat in your brain is literally suffocating them. Your body constantly releases adrenaline and cortisol because there is a constant stress on your cardiovascular system. Of course you feel like shit, those are the signals of a body that is fighting for its survival against an enemy - you.

      >Losing weight won't turn back the clock

      It absolutely will. Getting to a healthy weight makes you look and feel younger and people will perceive you as such. People will treat you kinder, more compassionate, more respectful once you lose the weight. Turning from a lardass to a fit person feels like being born again. Hell, it effectively adds decades to your lifespan, so if measure your life by the time you have left, it quite literally turns back the clock.

      t. Ex-Fatass who never wants to go back again

    • 7 months ago

      You have an opportunity to fight and conquer yourself. To strive to do better and align yourself with good values. You're walking away from that because it's "too hard". All of life is a struggle, and always will be. There are those that fight and seek to better themselves from this struggle, and those that implode on themselves, drowning in their own misery. If you decide the battle is lost, it's lost. I used to be right where you are until I decided enough was enough. No more feeling sorry for myself. No more encouraging this weak behavior. No more seeking acceptance from outside sources. Frick them. I'm seeking acceptance from myself. I want to be strong for the sake of strength. Get off your fat ass and quit crying. Good luck and God speed.

      • 7 months ago

        I have a slightly different strategy. I truly am lost. 43, incel, failed out of college, failed out of trade school, below 50k yearly salary, Norwood VII. That being said, life has not yet killed me for some bizarre reason and I intend on making it a problem for everyone. I failed in every metric a man can fail in, but this world has to try harder to make me quit.

        • 7 months ago

          Grow your bald hair out long. Learn to paint. Make weird music. Be a reclusive weirdo and leave something behind to be remembered by and for those in your same situation. Write haikus or poetry. Embrace being a loser. Frick this gay world anyways. Read some bukowski. If you're gonna go down this road, at least have a little panache.

      • 7 months ago

        I was 70lbs heavier at the start of this year than I am today and if I made my decisions using your logic I would still be grossly obese, blackpilled and miserable. Not gonna tell you what to do but I'm glad I didn't take the path of least resistance because I would rather die than go back to that.

        >Why should I pull the parachute cord? I'm already halfway down, there's no point, the predicted end is unavoidable
        That's what you sound like.
        >I have nowhere to go, nobody to meet, nothing to do, nothing to aspire to
        And your reaction to that information is to continue doing the things that keep you in this position?
        While getting thin would increase the chances of you going places, meeting people, and finding things to do, it does not guarantee them. Likewise, there is no guarantee that it won't do that.
        However, it is guaranteed that, if you keep going on the path you're on, shit will get a lot worse, to the point where you're going to regret never doing anything about it. If you think being a fat no life loser is bad, imagine what it's gonna be like to be a fat no life loser with glaucoma and necrotizing pressure ulcers (aka fat no life loser that's also blind and rotting).
        >getting thin won't magically fix all my problems
        Well yea, but your life wouldn't be going to shit as quickly, and that would offer you enough time to at least try to work on whatever problems you can fix.
        Remember, the status quo of the world is that things that are not taken care of will decay and go to shit. Just maintaining baseline requires effort. So even if there is no net improvement, protection from deterioration is a victory.


        Bro you can get any water out of the well until you prime the pump. Start walking every day, you'll get some fresh air and sunshine. Eventually you won't have to force yourself to take the walk, you will desire it. And then you can level up one a little bit at a time. Take it easy on the knees until you get to a healthier weight, maybe try dumbell curls or knee-pushups or something. You will feel more hopeful when you feel better physically, and you will desire to get better when you feel more hopeful. In the meantime you just have to push through with grit.

        Thanks, anons. I won't give up after all.

    • 7 months ago

      I was 70lbs heavier at the start of this year than I am today and if I made my decisions using your logic I would still be grossly obese, blackpilled and miserable. Not gonna tell you what to do but I'm glad I didn't take the path of least resistance because I would rather die than go back to that.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why should I pull the parachute cord? I'm already halfway down, there's no point, the predicted end is unavoidable
      That's what you sound like.
      >I have nowhere to go, nobody to meet, nothing to do, nothing to aspire to
      And your reaction to that information is to continue doing the things that keep you in this position?
      While getting thin would increase the chances of you going places, meeting people, and finding things to do, it does not guarantee them. Likewise, there is no guarantee that it won't do that.
      However, it is guaranteed that, if you keep going on the path you're on, shit will get a lot worse, to the point where you're going to regret never doing anything about it. If you think being a fat no life loser is bad, imagine what it's gonna be like to be a fat no life loser with glaucoma and necrotizing pressure ulcers (aka fat no life loser that's also blind and rotting).
      >getting thin won't magically fix all my problems
      Well yea, but your life wouldn't be going to shit as quickly, and that would offer you enough time to at least try to work on whatever problems you can fix.
      Remember, the status quo of the world is that things that are not taken care of will decay and go to shit. Just maintaining baseline requires effort. So even if there is no net improvement, protection from deterioration is a victory.

    • 7 months ago

      I actually tried for a while but some pretty bad shit happened to me over the past couple of months that made me realize I was a fair-weather believer so I can't honestly say I'm a good Christian because of that.

      I appreciate it, anon, but I might be too far gone. I never made anything of myself despite doing the whole college thing. Never got pussy, don't own a home, and never made anybody proud. I feel like a total waste of life.

      I don't live for myself or other people. The only reason I live nowadays is because I'm genuinely too scared to kill myself and that's about it. My life has no meaning and I'm only a drag on the people around me.

      I'm definitely curious but not enough to commit to anything that keeps me from distracting myself via food or pornography from how empty my life is. I would love to be doing a lot better than I am now but I don't think it's possible anymore. I think that ship sailed a decade ago.

      I'll think about it, anon, but I think I'm just a heathen at the end of the day. My faith was shaken too easily.

      Huh, feel the same, except the porn and weight issues.

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't see any reason to try to lose weight
      Losing weight is reason enough.
      Do it or perish

    • 7 months ago

      Bro you can get any water out of the well until you prime the pump. Start walking every day, you'll get some fresh air and sunshine. Eventually you won't have to force yourself to take the walk, you will desire it. And then you can level up one a little bit at a time. Take it easy on the knees until you get to a healthier weight, maybe try dumbell curls or knee-pushups or something. You will feel more hopeful when you feel better physically, and you will desire to get better when you feel more hopeful. In the meantime you just have to push through with grit.

  31. 7 months ago

    I don't really like fat people

  32. 7 months ago

    how the FRICK do you lose belly fat PLEASE help me frick all this "im bulking" "form < function" "you cant build muscle and lose weight all the time" "you have to live it" bullshit i will take leanness over muscularity any day of the week

    • 7 months ago

      fork putdowns x failure

    • 7 months ago

      Eat less fat and carbohydrates, try to get enough protein, stay slightly below your tdee by counting calories. Try to eat stuff that has a lot of volume and relatively few calories (like lean meat, broccoli, potatoes) to avoid feeling hungry all the time. Eat complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars as they don't peak your insulin levels and make you less hungry. Make sure you hit your micros, use supplements (vitamins, minerals) if you must. Optionally you can get blood work to check whether you have any deficiencies, though that's usually not necessary. Losing weight really is no rocket science, it just takes effort.

    • 7 months ago

      Only eat protein, veggies and dairy.
      Only eat enough to feel not-hungry, never full.
      Work out like a madman.

  33. 7 months ago
  34. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >might have a negative impact on their health

    • 7 months ago

      >weightlifter OR athlete
      IST on suicide watch

    • 7 months ago

      that title was a top tier shitpost

  35. 7 months ago

    Does anyone have those “what I eat in a day as a land whale” videos? A buddy insisted it wasn’t possible

  36. 7 months ago


  37. 7 months ago

    The way she always makes fatties seethe

  38. 7 months ago

    >shopping at Walmart today because forgot some clothes on short notice business trip
    >going through their shirts and pants it's all XXL or S
    Why is that? Do fatties not shop there? I would think it would be mostly M and L on the shelves

    • 7 months ago

      Survivorship bias

    • 7 months ago

      Most people are either M or L all that's left is the outliers, the extremely large or extremely small

  39. 7 months ago

    christoids leave

    • 7 months ago

      You need Jesus.

  40. 7 months ago

    The other day like a good fat frick I'm, I choked on a pork sandwich (first time in my life) and buddy applied CPR on me. It happened all in less than 1 minute and after that incident I felt like nothing happened.
    5 days has passed and every day I feel like I'm not hungry, I feel satiated since that day. Is this a fasting wet dream or did the CPR fricked up my system?

    • 7 months ago

      Breathe in. Breathe out. Get over it. Trauma is a violent learning experience that you must face or let it control you irrationally.

  41. 7 months ago

    I know its hard but PLACE THE FORK DOWN!

  42. 7 months ago

    Why is a fat b***h reading comics about pretty girls?

  43. 7 months ago

    What a gay thread. This place isn't for fatties to ask for help. It's for us to make fun of you.

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