Friday night feels bar

Come have a drink, let me know what's been on your mind this week.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Mineral water.

    Have known I was attracted to both men and women for a long time, but finally acted on my attraction to men. It was amazing in the moment. Now though, I am filled with self-loathing, horror, and a desire to walk into the ocean. I want to not exist.

    >inb4 kys
    way ahead of you my friends

    • 2 years ago

      Why the self-loathing?

      • 2 years ago

        There is nothing lower than a bisexual. I am not straight. I am not gay. Hated by both. I am something without home or country. I have everything that I am supposed to want: wife, kids, house, physique, etc. but I cannot be satisfied with that. There are two people inside me and when one is satisfied the other is utterly alone. I am in Hell.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah you're one of those creeps who gets fricked by men when they have a wife and children waiting for them at home
          I legitimately have nothing against gay people but that shit is sick and it's going to come crashing down in a bad way

          • 2 years ago

            My wife knows that I am bi, I have never lied about it. Thanks for the good wishes.

    • 2 years ago

      did you hold hands with another fella, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        >did you hold hands with another fella, anon?
        That's the worst part. The things I loved the most were holding hands, kissing, holding him...very very homosexual stuff. It was amazing as the first times I was with a girl back when I was young. It would have been a mercy if it had just been a physical itch but NO. Ah frick I gotta go for a walk.

    • 2 years ago

      killing yourself for being gay is unironically an act of homosexualry.

    • 2 years ago

      Please dont diddle kids

  2. 2 years ago

    My best friend lives 4 hours away :(. Visiting next month or September. I don’t have any friends here and I need to get my shit together first.

  3. 2 years ago

    Water for me please. Been 2mo since I broke it off with my ex. Done a lot of evaluating and self improvement, especially in my diet and exercise. The biggest win for me though has been cutting out drugs and alc. it’s like all the habits I was trying to form before while still using never really caught on. Within weeks of quitting and going to AA all the positive habits I’ve been trying to implement caught hold and stuck. Loving life atm and approaching everyone getting social skills up. Feels like I’m gmi

    • 2 years ago

      Man, congratz. I think im going to leave my girl girlfriend and I feel like shit about it. Seeing that it helped you get your life on tracks is great motivation. I hope you are happy !

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon. She was a great gf in a lot of ways but I needed to move on and make something of myself. It was/is hard but the gainz speak for themselves

  4. 2 years ago

    Been sleeping with my ex gf for the last year. She called me this morning to tell me it's over for good. I really wish she could've been the one but we just clashed on so many things. Not sure I'm gonna make it, I'm in my 30s and it's harder and harder to find someone. I just want a nice wife I get along with so we can have kids and grow old together.
    I normally just drink water but I'll have a Thai iced tea please.

  5. 2 years ago

    Been with girlfriend for a year… literally Filipina beauty queen who is sweet AF and treats me like a king but she has no interest in ever working and she buys into whatever the latest propaganda is too easily… got vaxed, now she’ll definitely die way before me and I’ll be alone.

    Super tiny/petite blonde haired, blue eyed girl enters picture… instantly start talking about how rich israelites control the world through pedophilia blackmail and now I caught feelings. GF has been reliable and helped me through hard times. She has never done me wrong even once.

    What do?

    • 2 years ago

      Bro I’m as far right as the next guy but don’t be moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd stick with the bluepilled gf, it sounds like she's a great partner. Who gives a shit that she's susceptible to propaganda, they all are. The important thing is that she's loving and kind and will be a good mother. If those are true then you already beat the game, seal the deal.

      • 2 years ago

        Bro my ex was bluepilled, would have been a great mom and was loving, and I dumped her. Sometimes timing is just off, it happens.

    • 2 years ago

      Go with the based antisemite brah do you know where you are?

    • 2 years ago

      Dump the Filipina. Be nice obviously, but you shouldn’t be mixed breeding anyway. The other QT sounds based, I would feel her out before jumping into it tho or you’ll end up alone. Monkey branch w/o cheating

    • 2 years ago

      God will often be a homosexual and tempt you with something that appears better than what you have now and then take it away from you once you decide to commit to it. Act wisely anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Blues and reds cannot mix long term, learned that the hard way. Eventually some globohomosexual shit will force your hand and she'll cuck to it and drag you down to a place where you compromise your beliefs. Not saying go for the qt blond, but we wise about your current women

      • 2 years ago

        Unironically this, thought I found the one at age 23-24, crazy broad pissed me off saying I'll never get my speakers done if I'm not gonna go to a guy cuz he's a cracked out black felon, dude stole so much of my shit and then tried to black mail me. Likewise I turned against my psychic powers telling me she was fricking some skinny fricker in another town (I saw them at a gas station but I already knew what he looked like because of me remote viewing shit in my sleep).
        When she said she mightve been a tad bit israeli and this it wouldn't work out because I ranted about Hitler and how good looking he was on the first date I should've taken that as a red flag. Found out she sucks the life out of all kinds of men around town anyways.

        • 2 years ago

          >me remote viewing shit in my sleep
          >turned against my psychic powers
          >I ranted about Hitler and how good looking he was on the first date
          need help

        • 2 years ago

          Take your meds

    • 2 years ago

      Women take after their man's beliefs. You need to be strong enough that she subconsciously bends hers to your own.

      t. had several LTRs that I've redpilled

      • 2 years ago

        The key is, be strong enough and not argue. This is what fricked me up in the past, I got emotional and angry and it made me look weak in my beliefs. Never argue

        • 2 years ago

          Oh you can argue, especially if you're good at it. Avoiding it may make you look weaker, especially if the woman is intellectually inclined. Just don't treat it as an equal battle, rather talk her down as you would a kid with naive beliefs.

    • 2 years ago

      Go with the aryan, anon. You know deep down it’s in your best interest. Move to Europe, have some kids, contribute to the continuation of good.

    • 2 years ago

      Blonde b***h is old mud digger she wants now to settle

    • 2 years ago

      The devil will appear before you as attractive as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      If a woman is political get away from her

  6. 2 years ago

    I think I'm ready to transition (mtf) but I am so scared about what my parents will say

    • 2 years ago

      You will never be a woman

    • 2 years ago

      Don’t do it. You might be thinking a lot of confusing things right now, but mutilating yourself with hormones and surgery is not the answer. Seek a higher purpose for yourself that isn’t internal.

    • 2 years ago

      May as well just skip the temporary steps and buy a rope

    • 2 years ago

      If you just want to have a nice day, use your kitchen knife.

  7. 2 years ago

    i am trying to improve and not be a loser anymore. i am 26 years old
    right now i have zero friends
    i want to be comfortable opening up to other people and letting them in my life instead of running away and hiding.
    i am insecure about these things and i want to fix them:
    - my apartment has no furniture and i have stuff laying on the floor
    - i dont know what music to play in my car when other people are there
    - i have no idea how to act at a bar. i dont know what to order. what is good. what is shit. what you should talk about
    - i struggle in conversation and thinking of things to say. i also struggle pronouncing/studdering

    • 2 years ago

      I would like to give you a good reply on this, bear with me.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      All your problems listed are stemmed from being massively insecure in yourself. You see yourself as inadequate for whatever reason, and others as better or above you, and therefore you feel you need to SUPPLICATE to be validated by others. Supplicating is acting differently from your true self in order to please others who you see as better than you, and it can be very subtle, for example in ways you've pointed out such as letting others dictate what music you play in your car. I may be wrong, but judging by your post, you are like me and very introverted. I'm now writing from my own experience here. I don't think you'll ever be satisfied by hanging out with a large group of 'acquaintances' who know each other at surface level and talk about shallow and meaningless shit. Most people are built like that, and that's why they have no problem with fitting in with each other. You really need to find one true friend, someone who you can talk about anything with, your interests, your deepest feelings and problems without being judged, and with which the dynamic is reciprocated both ways. These people are hard to come by, you can't be like that with most people they will find it weird and would be repelled. I have one friend and we go to bars together and conversation is easy because we are completely open with each other and not trying to fit in and act as someone we aren't. I much prefer that to being with a group.

      • 2 years ago



        You must be completely true to yourself and not bend to please others.
        >i dont know what music to play in my car when other people are there
        Play what you would play when alone and be confident enough in yourself to have no shame in playing your own music.
        >I have no idea how to act at a bar. i don't know what to order. what is good. what is shit. what you should talk about
        This really depends on the people you're with. My worst was going with a bunch of horny uni people I barely knew who would just get super drunk and try to smash and be top dog, nothing interesting at all could be said, and I eventually decided to cut them out. If you're with a more chilled group let the more extroverted people lead the conversation, and only contribute honestly with what you really think and would like to say. What this comes down to is when you're truly confident in yourself you can mentally overcome that filter where you're trying to structure what you say to fit in or act as you think others think you should act, which once again comes down to the concept of supplication. Talking is easy when you're genuinely communicating and not putting on a social act to try to present yourself as someone you aren't to others. Good drinks are what you personally like the taste of. Shit drinks are what you personally don't like the taste of.



        However this is true confidence and is easier said than done to achieve. And perhaps there is good reason why you aren't confident with yourself. Are you out of shape/ unfit? Fitness is the first thing you need nailed down because of the physical and mental changes that come with it. Sort your apartment out. I like the quote: People don't have social / dating problems, but personal problems that present themselves in their social lives.

        All the best. I learned all this in my first year of uni from personal experience and also looking online at advice which i found very useful. All from a oneitis obsession and with the depression that came with it I dropped out, going back in a year.

        I have had severe social anxiety my entire life. I didnt make a single friend in uni. I just hid from people and avoided them. I am very inseure about that too.
        I started going to the gym 8 months ago, 5 days a week and am not fat.
        I dont know what to do. I was on medication before but all it did was numb the pain, not fix anything.
        I have a horrible attention span and reading comprehension bcauase i have spent so long watchuing youtube and going on IST to escape my life.

        • 2 years ago

          Not the guy helping you, but maybe try a contact sport like jiu jitsu or even try improv classes if they’re available and near you. But to be honest I relate to your experience totally, and around my late twenties I just stopped caring.

          So I don’t give a shit about what music is playing in the car if someone else is in it, but I also became more than content being introverted and alone and don’t thirst for a social life at all. But when I do socialize with people I just don’t care about what they think. It might be something that just clicks when you’re in your thirties, IDK.

          • 2 years ago

            Same here tbh, 27 now. I stopped caring and just live my life. Also an interesting thing I’ve noticed is I will talk to *anyone* as an equal and look past whatever personality faults they have (everyone has one). Now a ton of people talk to me and will confide “I don’t like so and so because _____”. EVERYBODY talks shit about everybody else it is completely insane. Never reciprocate the shit talking though, just emphasize with them and try to rationalize why the person they’re talking badly about might be the way they are.

            Used to be an antisocial ball of anxiety but now I think I’ve inadvertently become the company therapist or some shit.

            • 2 years ago

              How do I become more relaxed when talking to people? I get very tense and dont know what to say.

      • 2 years ago



        You must be completely true to yourself and not bend to please others.
        >i dont know what music to play in my car when other people are there
        Play what you would play when alone and be confident enough in yourself to have no shame in playing your own music.
        >I have no idea how to act at a bar. i don't know what to order. what is good. what is shit. what you should talk about
        This really depends on the people you're with. My worst was going with a bunch of horny uni people I barely knew who would just get super drunk and try to smash and be top dog, nothing interesting at all could be said, and I eventually decided to cut them out. If you're with a more chilled group let the more extroverted people lead the conversation, and only contribute honestly with what you really think and would like to say. What this comes down to is when you're truly confident in yourself you can mentally overcome that filter where you're trying to structure what you say to fit in or act as you think others think you should act, which once again comes down to the concept of supplication. Talking is easy when you're genuinely communicating and not putting on a social act to try to present yourself as someone you aren't to others. Good drinks are what you personally like the taste of. Shit drinks are what you personally don't like the taste of.



        However this is true confidence and is easier said than done to achieve. And perhaps there is good reason why you aren't confident with yourself. Are you out of shape/ unfit? Fitness is the first thing you need nailed down because of the physical and mental changes that come with it. Sort your apartment out. I like the quote: People don't have social / dating problems, but personal problems that present themselves in their social lives.

        All the best. I learned all this in my first year of uni from personal experience and also looking online at advice which i found very useful. All from a oneitis obsession and with the depression that came with it I dropped out, going back in a year.

        Excellent post, anon. I’m genuinely surprised to read a non-autistic post on IST that’s trying to help a fellow anon

    • 2 years ago


      You must be completely true to yourself and not bend to please others.
      >i dont know what music to play in my car when other people are there
      Play what you would play when alone and be confident enough in yourself to have no shame in playing your own music.
      >I have no idea how to act at a bar. i don't know what to order. what is good. what is shit. what you should talk about
      This really depends on the people you're with. My worst was going with a bunch of horny uni people I barely knew who would just get super drunk and try to smash and be top dog, nothing interesting at all could be said, and I eventually decided to cut them out. If you're with a more chilled group let the more extroverted people lead the conversation, and only contribute honestly with what you really think and would like to say. What this comes down to is when you're truly confident in yourself you can mentally overcome that filter where you're trying to structure what you say to fit in or act as you think others think you should act, which once again comes down to the concept of supplication. Talking is easy when you're genuinely communicating and not putting on a social act to try to present yourself as someone you aren't to others. Good drinks are what you personally like the taste of. Shit drinks are what you personally don't like the taste of.

    • 2 years ago


      However this is true confidence and is easier said than done to achieve. And perhaps there is good reason why you aren't confident with yourself. Are you out of shape/ unfit? Fitness is the first thing you need nailed down because of the physical and mental changes that come with it. Sort your apartment out. I like the quote: People don't have social / dating problems, but personal problems that present themselves in their social lives.

      All the best. I learned all this in my first year of uni from personal experience and also looking online at advice which i found very useful. All from a oneitis obsession and with the depression that came with it I dropped out, going back in a year.

  8. 2 years ago

    I'll have a rum and coke please mate, and one for yourself.
    Moving house soon to get my daughter into a good school and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. 90% of the work seems to fall on me every time we move.

    • 2 years ago

      Duh You’re the man. Step up and stop whining. You know why you’re doing this, for your daughter. Let’s go

      • 2 years ago

        you sound like a teenager who's read too much fit inspiration

        • 2 years ago

          You sound like a demoralizer who needs to go outside

          • 2 years ago

            YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT
            BE A MAN
            LET'S GOOOO

            • 2 years ago

              but really, if you’re too soi to move some stuff and show your daughter what a real man looks like, then pay some movers. You aren’t a poorgay too are you anon?

  9. 2 years ago

    I'll have a stag lager, thanks
    >a few weeks ago
    >I call her, she doesn't answer
    >Wait 2 days and call again, still no answer
    >Don't initiate any contact until I see her in person a week later at church; ask her what's up
    >She says "I've been busy with some stuff" and "I don't really talk to anyone in general"
    >She's acting distant, not like her normal self
    >Tell her if anything is wrong to let me know, and that I would call her later that evening
    >I call her and get no answer a third time
    >Delete her number, try to forget about her and move on
    >The next week she keeps turning back to look at me in church, but I ignore it and act as if she isn't there
    >The same thing happened last sunday as well
    It's unfortunate because I really did like her
    Why are they like this bros

    • 2 years ago

      You suffer from oneitis. Bro, you need an Abundance mindset. There’s another bus 15minutes away…

      • 2 years ago

        I get a decent amount of female attention, so I can feign abundance, but my problem is I don't see many girls as long-term prospects so it's hard to develop actual abundance. Whenever I'm talking to a girl with whom I don't see things going anywhere I feel like I'm wasting my time. I'm only 18, so it's difficult to find girls around my age who are religious, marriage-oriented, etc. which is what I'm looking for
        Like I said it doesn't bother me too much because it's out of my control, and chasing her would only make it worse so I have no choice but to move on. But still, it's unfortunate because I did like her and she hadn't given me any issues prior to this

        • 2 years ago

          Well, I'm 25, and I still feel this way, so you got 7 years until you're me

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically have had an ex and my current gf say they like to pretend to not care and see how much a guy 'chases'. Not saying it's right, but that's what I thought about when I read your post.

      How do I reliably make eye contact with people? It doesn't feel natural to me and I've noticed I subconsciously look to the side which I know people don't like even if they think they don't mind it probably causes them to like me less. I've also recently learned that touch and open body language is apparently important when speaking to women and people in general. Ffs I'm 21 years old and don't know basic social etiquette I don't even make eye contact with relatives

      Have to fight the urge from your autistic brain to look away.

      I'll take bottom shelf whiskey and coke. My life is good. Have a great job, savings, a loving and supportive gf, have a friend group that's good (as it gets at 26), and I enjoy hobbies and have excelled in my life like never before. However, for the last year I can't get my long lost love out of my head. Everyday I think about her. We met late in HS and got physically close alone a few times but I never made a full move. My current gf knows I've talked to her during our relationship and hates said girl. I've been dating my current gf for over 3 years. Did I mention my long lost love also has a bf? I want to be with her but I know I'd have to break up with my gf and she'd have to break up with her bf. This is monumentally unlikely to ever happen. I do not know what to do.

      • 2 years ago

        >Unironically have had an ex and my current gf say they like to pretend to not care and see how much a guy 'chases'. Not saying it's right, but that's what I thought about when I read your post.
        I guess that's a little reassuring if it turns out to be the case. Is it something they've ever done to you personally or they just confided in you?

      • 2 years ago

        You regret more the things you didn't do than the things you did.

        Imagine yourself being an old man, what do you think you would like to do in this situation if you could go back in time?

    • 2 years ago

      Chasing women is gay af. If you're at a church mingle with the other girls

  10. 2 years ago

    None of my friends hang out with me anymore because they're all dating friends of my ex, pretty sure I'm going to kill myself soon.
    Other than that things are going ok I guess.

  11. 2 years ago

    >cuck thread general
    have a nice day gays

  12. 2 years ago

    Another weekend another hinge girl I hooked up with who I have no feelings for

    I guess getting dumped by someone you love really does make it hard to catch feelings again?

  13. 2 years ago

    mom is trying to set me up with some girl from her work, which is actually quite nice. i just dont care though, i dont want to text her or spend all that time trying to get to know her, i wont add anything to her life. there is something wrong with me. i dont even know what to text someone in that situation.
    what makes this worse is that now mom is disappointed in me. its either rejection or disappointment, i cant win

    • 2 years ago

      Just do it homosexual. Maybe you won’t be disappointed

    • 2 years ago

      based mum
      >i dont even know what to text someone in that situation.
      'hey girl, my mum wants you to bear her grandchildren'

    • 2 years ago

      what is wrong with you is you are jerking off all the time. stop jerking off. you will become interested in talking to women again

  14. 2 years ago

    >I like coworker of mine
    >she knows it
    >have her socials, make her laugh, good time at work but still getting the job done
    >Hugs other coworkers as goodbyes
    >I get handshakes

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean wtf? She's not into you

    • 2 years ago

      Treat her strictly as a friend and just keep having a good time. Eventually you’ll probably end up in a situation where you’re getting drinks or something with her and her friends. Just keep having a good time and get into the group/social circle.

      Then bang one of her friends and ghost. Do whatever you need to last as long as possible so the friend goes to your coworker all “he fricked me so good wtf how come he doesn’t talk to me anymore”

      You’ll notice she finally starts getting more flirty with you. This is your chance to go in for the kill. Of course by then you will have lost all respect for her and it will be more of a hate frick than anything.

    • 2 years ago

      >t. Simpy McCreep

  15. 2 years ago

    Apparently so laugh at terrible shit and today found out it really annoys people

    >professor randomly blurts out that his wife died of cancer the other day

    >watching videos of helicopters crashing in ridiculous ways


    That’s… just how I react to shit that is just super fricked up. Sometimes things are just so ridiculous/out of the blue that’s all you can really do.

    Am I an butthole?

    • 2 years ago

      >Am I an butthole?
      No, not if it's your natural reaction. That said, you can understand why it appears callous to others so you should look at ways to manage that. It's okay to tell someone that you sometimes laugh inappropriately as a nervous habit and that you do, in fact, empathize with them. Take it from an /oldgay/ it's no so much the problem as the way you handle it that matters.

    • 2 years ago

      >professor randomly blurts out that his wife died of cancer the other day
      holy frick that would be funny to see

      • 2 years ago

        It doesn’t help that I have a wheezy one that sounds like chucky. Really need to make a conscious effort to stop doing this

  16. 2 years ago

    Got a fren - at least I thought he was a fren. we used to talk every day and spend a lot of time together for the last years. I did a lot of favors bc I like him and wanted him to be happy (he ''lost'' his gf and has a tough life, feels lonely a lot). He called us frens but he was rare able to appreciate me in a way I felt appreciated. (Saying 'I appreciate it' doesnt appreciate me)
    Not only that: when he gets angry he says shitty things to me like ''it's right that people hurt u, u're annoying'', ''u'd deserved to be ghosted by ur best fren'' (my best fren left me without any respond few years ago and kicked our 'frenship' away), ''there's nothing someone could appreciate about u'' and BS like that and he lied to me about stuff. I was dumb and always forgave him.
    I know I'm not the uncomplicated person. Got my difficulities - as everyone else have (especially aspies). We got in trouble again and I asked him who I'm to him. He said, I'm only an acquaintance to him. I felt injured. Once he called us frens. Now we're only acquaintance. Frick.

    I don't kow if I shall be angry or sad.
    It's really sad, seeing him and his life. He always acts like everything's fine. But he isn't fine. He only says ''I appreciate it'' but he doesn't act like it. Got the feeling he only has his cash and his look (really ISTguy) and nothing more to offer. When we first met he told me happily that he learned to be empathic and to show some emotions. He was. Once. Now he's unempathic af stone. Presently he seems to be self-opinionated butthole without feelings to me. I don't know if he's only acting (I assume it) or it's the real he. It's pitty.

    And obviously I feel very disappointed. To me we had a kinda frenship over the years. I liked our frenship. Wasn't the best but... u know. It's disappointing to realise it was all meaningless and ... I'm thinking about ghosting him. He told me he won't care if I disappear suddenly.
    I feel like I deserve better than this shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >I feel like I deserve better than this shit.
      You do. It also sounds like you have low self esteem. If anyone talked to me like that I would rake the absolute dogshit out of them. Remember that you teach people how to treat you by the ways you interact with them. Don't ever give anyone license to talk to you like that.

      • 2 years ago

        >You do. It also sounds like you have low self esteem. If anyone talked to me like that I would rake the absolute dogshit out of them. Remember that you teach people how to treat you by the ways you interact with them. Don't ever give anyone license to talk to you like that.

        Thanks anon. U're right. I struggle with my self esteem since my youth. Worked a lot on it. There are still good days at which I feel confident and there are bad days at which I feel shitty. Working out makes me feel more confident that's y I like to do ISTstuff.
        Anyway I got the feeling: if I'm nice to someone he would be nice to me too. But... i'm mistaken. Got the feelings: the more I put effort in other people the more they use me and be ungrateful. I'm so tired of that shit.

        Funny shit is: after some months he denied talking shit like that.. ''WTF... saying stuff like that would be pathetic. I would never say something like that''. He also denied to lie to me and said ''y should i??'', ''u think that's lying? Not to me...''
        I can't trust him anymore and I feel so tired. We already talked about me feeling used. He asked: what can I give u so u don't feel that way? Back than I didn't know. Now I know: i want him to be an empathic fren, someone who acts like i do to him. But he can't be it. He doesnt want or isn't able to.

        Deep down I feel so fricking disappointed and angry about myself ''wasting'' so much time. Only lesson I learned: don't spend time with people. don't do any efforts. They're not worth it. I should stay alone and prioritize myself over everything. I'm the most important person in my life. If people only cost time and don't give me empathy or good vibes, goodbye.

        Good motivation to work out much more, guess.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon here, brah. There are people who can be the kind of friend you need, but this guy isn't one. Don't even take it personally, he just doesn't have what it takes.

        • 2 years ago

          >Only lesson I learned: don't spend time with people. don't do any efforts. They're not worth it.
          I would say that is taking a lesson learned too far. Should you prioritize yourself? Yes. Should you cut everyone out of your life to avoid pain? No. That's a recipe for a lifetime of sadness, anger, and regret. JMO, you are the captain of your fate. I suggest just toughening up, growing up a bit, and being more selective in who you share your time with.

    • 2 years ago

      You deserve a real fren anon, keep looking and if you are pursuing frenship wholeheartedly someone will respond in kind.

    • 2 years ago

      You sound way too fricking nice anon and I mean that in a good way. No one should ever say that to you let alone a friend. I say delete his contact right now and never speak to him again.

    • 2 years ago

      >my best fren left me without any respond few years ago and kicked our 'frenship' away
      What did you do to drive your friend away?

      • 2 years ago

        Well, he found a gf and prioritized her.
        He called of meetings briefly and told me afterwards he did stuff with his gf instead. He started to ignore calls and messages. After a long time I stopped trying to reach up to him. Whe had a 5y long frenship. HE called me his best fren. Thought the frenship would mean something to him but nope.
        It's already few years ago. Few months ago I found out he married his gf after 1y relationship. In this time we still we're in touch - not much but I was still trying to stay in contact. He didn't tell me about the wedding.
        It's bitter.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm thinking about ghosting him. He told me he won't care if I disappear suddenly.
      Frick him dude, you do deserve so much better than that. Never speak to his sorry ass again either, there are literally millions of people who will be better frens than that in your life.

  17. 2 years ago

    Bros my wife has been telling me a story for like the past fifteen minutes and I've been shitposting instead of listening. She's going to want some feedback soon, what should I say?

    • 2 years ago

      >Really? That's crazy baby.

      • 2 years ago

        I can't I've already said that five times in a row. Someone call my cell phone real quick, I'll pretend it's a work call

        • 2 years ago

          What's your number?

          • 2 years ago


  18. 2 years ago

    just got my results back for an STI check. years ago i slept with 3 different nasty prostitutes. one had HIV, another was a literal hooker, and they were needle using drug addicts. doctor said i am NEGATIVE for HIV and hepatitis. i wanted to cry i was so happy for this win. still have herpes tho.

  19. 2 years ago

    I've reached the point where I've internalized so much anti-women shit, that I am full blown misogynistic. I'm going to ghost the few girls I'm talking to and just ignore women I have to interact with at work until I'm forced to acknowledge them.

    • 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    I'm graduating college next year bros. It doesn't feel like it's a year away

    • 2 years ago

      Time accelerates. You’re gonna blink and you’ll be 27 with a whole ass career.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm 25 rn I'll be 26 when I graduate. I'm planning on getting a teaching job because Florida is wild and will let you teach with just a bachelor's

        I'll probably work twords my masters and then try to get a job as a professor at my university (my end goal)

  21. 2 years ago

    >just shower bro!

    Why? Will showering grow my subhuman chin?

    >Just get a haircut bro!

    Why? Will getting a haircut fix me being below 6,0?

    >Just lift bro!

    Why? Will it fix my subhuman wrisrs?

    Let's face it. Unless your Chad it's over

    • 2 years ago

      Then have a nice day pussy, you won't, you can't even do that right lmao

  22. 2 years ago

    Just a water for now, tryna stick to my cut thanks. Another lonely weekend with no friends or girls, only the gym. School is starting back up so hopefully this semester will be different than the last two. Shit sucks bros, but I'm hanging in there.

  23. 2 years ago

    Bros there's a girl at my job in a different department but I don't know how I start a conversation with her without being weird. I'm not good at making conversations with strangers

    • 2 years ago

      Just say hi next time you see her in passing. Then forget about it. At some point if she’s just standing in your proximity talk about… whatever. Maybe something going on at the company, a joke, a current event, whatever.

      After that it’s just normal and everything flows naturally. That’s why they call it breaking the ice. But if you just act quiet and don’t ever say anything to her then it becomes awkward.

      I was like you too until I realized how much more comfortable it is to actually just talk to women normally. Now I actually prefer being around women. Never would’ve imagined it in a million years but it really is that simple.

  24. 2 years ago

    i want some seltzer water

    i did my starting callisthenic routine. trying to instill a habit as a poorgay so far so good. i work out 4/7 days in the week to allow some rests

    i lost 10 lbs already so far so good

    I still hate myself. I'm still in my lousy QC manufacturing job. My ccna and comptia certs aren't getting me anywhere.Could try for something higher but i could go back to school

    i'm a 27 khv and i already accepted that i won't make it.

    drawing is keeping me sane at this point

    its tough to raise yourself even when your old. I wish i had better advise other than "make money". I already have 27k in cash reserves

  25. 2 years ago

    >See nephew playing vidja
    >Monster hunter
    >Ask him about it (I mean I already know it but you know, gotta engage the chirrin)
    >Starts talking about all the weapons you can use
    >Ask him which one is his favorite, says he likes them all
    >Ask him which one I should use
    >"You should use the big sword, cuz your strong!"
    >Little does he know, that's actually what I use

    This round's on me lads, cheers to making it

    • 2 years ago

      Blessed post, happy 4 U, Anon

      • 2 years ago

        >4 U
        the best in the series

  26. 2 years ago


    Vince McMahon just retired. I never thought I'd see this day

  27. 2 years ago

    >exactly two years to the day since I last had sex
    >have sex and/or cuddling dreams almost every single night
    >haven't talked to another human being in weeks
    >OHP stalled and is now regressing
    >squat is exploding so that's cool I guess
    Lads, I'm so lonely. I don't even want sex at this point, I'm more interested in just some sort of close intimacy.

    • 2 years ago

      Your not alone bro, I've reached ten years at this point.
      Thing is I stopped having sex because I said I wouldn't sleep with women I didn't find attractive anymore. I've turned girls down on the way. I missed out on a booty call a week ago, but I know the chick is a sex addict and I don't wanna play with fire, but on the other hand my mental health is deteriorating.

  28. 2 years ago

    Rum please, Diplomatico or if you havnt then Two Swallows.
    Weeks been shit, im hating my current job but its sapping all my energy. Coworker is a thundering c**t who b***hes all the time, throws insults, and yells at me to shut up if I try to talk, but I cant do anything as shes buddy buddy with my boss. I want to throw her under a bus but im scared the bus might come off the worse, shes that fat.
    Tired of being drained, tired of being single, can understand why I cant get a date nomatter what I try, genuinely starting to hate women. I just want the energy and weather to go out into the woods and camp for a few nights.
    Praying to push through with joining the army later this year.

    • 2 years ago

      Just secretly record conversations and take it to HR once you've got enough proof of her being a menacing c**t.
      People like that risk running good talent away, which is bad for business.

      • 2 years ago

        No HR, its a small business. Theres 4 of us.

    • 2 years ago

      Just taking shit without retaliation will ruin you mentally. You train yourself into a state of learned helplessness and self doubt that never truly goes away. You need to fight back somehow, yell at the c**t, get her investigated by HR, quit, whatever. No consequence outweighs psychological preservation.
      No one who lived through a relationship with a bipolar chick will disagree with me here.

  29. 2 years ago

    I'll take some fresh squeezed OJ. I'm down 13 pounds in a month. Life is good.

  30. 2 years ago

    I think it’s totally gay that roids are illegal for some reason, and you’d have to get it from China or Eastern Europe, then rely on some homosexual giving you a how to online.

    Why is America so gay? Some dude bro should be able to major in kinesiology or nutrition or whatever, open a practice, go over your goals and prescribe shit within reason with very clear detail and monitor your progress.

    Such a gay country we live in.

    • 2 years ago

      can buy whatever u want in the UK too they cant sell them in shops but its totally fine to posess them for personal use

    • 2 years ago

      Test is illegal because they don't want men to be men anymore. They want you to be domesticated feminized office worker consoomer drones who do whatever they say no questions asked

    • 2 years ago

      It does suck, in the UK you can use it for personal use. I buy it domestically and there isn't anything the police can do about it.

      Problem is though if you allow people to take testosterone they end up not being submissive and generally that's a bad thing for goym.

      What would happen if men finally had access to a substance that made them actually healthy, functional, independent and unaccepting of all this queer shit ?

  31. 2 years ago

    No frens, no gf, must be ugly or off-putting af.
    All that matters now is gains and learning martial arts.
    You can't always have it all but you can always GET SOME.

  32. 2 years ago

    Well lads, may have frick up. I was seeing this hot red head from my work but I think I was being too keen so thought I'd hold off and see if she messaged me - it's been like three days and nothing so far.
    Then I accidentally fricked this girl who I thought I wanted to frick and who I used to frick years ago but we have been really good friends since and now I dont even know if I have that. Frick

  33. 2 years ago

    i just want a milf to teach me to frick bros..

  34. 2 years ago

    just a beer for me. She told me on Monday that she didn't see a future on me and the week was rough anyway, so keep the tequila on deck.

    She was pretty cool- intelligent, beautiful, kind- a head turner for sure. She awoke a part of me I didn't know I had. I know I took it a bit fast, but I hadn't had that rush of emotion in years, I almost forgot what it's like. It was only a few months, sure, but it felt like so much longer. When we started talking I broke one of my only rules: don't date co workers. She said that was one of hers too, go figure- lesson learned, thanks again life. I get enough female attention and have enough game to try again, but the feeling of defeat is large. I'm closing in on 30, women have kids a lot more of the time now, and I don't do well online dating. Much more of a look you in the face kind of person, but we'll see how long before I flex on that.

    Weird coming back to IST and IST after so many years. good to see some things change, others don't.

    side note- are these captchas supposed to be this difficult??

    • 2 years ago

      >side note- are these captchas supposed to be this difficult??
      a bit maybe, gets easier the more you do them

  35. 2 years ago

    Water, with apple cider vinegar.
    I'm starting a new job soon, a bit nervous since it's a legit corporate gig. I'm glad to have work relevant to my degree for the first time since I graduated, but worried Ill frick up, or get bored and stuck being a wagie for the rest of my life. On one hand, it allows me to make more money at a consistent rate, but the last office gig I had drained me and I didn't feel like doing anything with my life outside of training. I'm also kind of an autistic moron so socializing with coworkers is going to be rough.
    I also just got back from sparring. Got a fight coming up soon. Weight is good and I'm dialing in on my defense. Martial arts keeps me from an hero.
    Life is short. Stay strong and keep the faith, whatever that may be for you.

    • 2 years ago

      Good job

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I'm a Black person homosexual btw

  36. 2 years ago

    >becoming an artist and making my own series is the only dream I've ever consistently had my entire life
    >know for a fact that if I just applied myself I could learn and become skilled extremely quickly
    >have no drive or discipline whatsoever to just sit down and practice
    >my rationale is that I can't get myself to practice because I'm incapable of sitting down and drawing just for the sake of it and learning as I go, instead I constantly get frustrated that I'm not seeing a linear progression of skill
    How do I unfrick my mindset? I've only got so many years left and the disgust I feel with myself when I know I've wasted another day not practicing isn't enough of a push to get me to grind consistently.

    • 2 years ago

      If it was really your dream, you wouldn't be making excuses and just draw. Every moment spent wallowing is one where you're not getting better. If wasting another day isn't enough to get you started, then maybe you don't really want it.
      What else do you do during the day and why can you be consistent with that instead of your art?

      • 2 years ago

        >What else do you do during the day and why can you be consistent with that instead of your art?
        I really have no excuse, honestly. I'm consistent with the gym and I enjoy lifting just for the sake of it, but for some reason I can't apply that same mindset to my art.

  37. 2 years ago

    I’m learning programming and need 10K as fast as possible. If can get by with 1-3k for the time being but don’t know how to make money that fast. I do translation and logo design work but can’t find people to serve. Freelance sites, IST, Reddit, and telegram are all bullshit. If I get a irl job, I’ll have no time for programming. I can’t get a remote job either since hr software applications is a black hole. I literally don’t know what to do. This isn’t a beg post. This is a what the frick do I do post.

    • 2 years ago

      >and need 10K as fast as possible.

    • 2 years ago

      >I’m learning programming and need 10K as fast as possible. If can get by with 1-3k for the time being but don’t know how to make money that fast. I do translation and logo design work but can’t find people to serve. Freelance sites, IST, Reddit, and telegram are all bullshit. If I get a irl job, I’ll have no time for programming. I can’t get a remote job either since hr software applications is a black hole. I literally don’t know what to do. This isn’t a beg post. This is a what the frick do I do post.
      >no one replied

      >and need 10K as fast as possible.

      To sustain the costs of buying food and laundry money for my clothes for the entire year.

      • 2 years ago

        You're just gonna have to get a job dude.

  38. 2 years ago

    >A guy from the gym invited me to his friend's party.
    >I said yes because it's a good chance to meet new people
    >extremely anxious to end up as pic rel, because I don't know anyone except the guy who invited me.
    >I'm also kinda moronic at initiating conversations with people so there's that too.

    But I know I need to get out of my comfort zone if I want to stop being lonely.

    • 2 years ago

      You only live once and half of that time you’ll be young/attractive. Don’t frick this up

      • 2 years ago

        I'll try my best anon

    • 2 years ago

      You made a good first step I'd think.

  39. 2 years ago

    I feel pretty fricking good. I made a tinder account yesterday, I paid for gold, probably racked up 100 matches? So maybe twice that in likes? I’m not in a big city so that feels pretty fricking good. Surprisingly a lot of women seem to deeply want to go on dates and shit though, even though their profiles depict them as strippers.

    What helped is that the doorways in my gym washroom are a bit short so taking a normal mirror selfie makes me look like 6’5-6’6 even though I’m only 6’3

  40. 2 years ago

    Started a Book Club at work (reading 1984) and one of my coworkers added this chick I've seen around work. During our meeting (me her and two other guys, one cross-eyed and one Indian), it seemed like she was really interested in what I had to say and was asking me questions the whole time (I have read Homage to Catalonia and was linking what we read to Orwell's experience) and smiling at me. We even discussed how we're both Catholic. She's pretty bubbly normally though and I have that stupid voice in my head that is convinced she's into me. I know it's not true, but I don't want to ruin my book club by making a fool of myself. This sucks, but the voice will hopefully fade in time.

    Any recommendations for books, bros? Was thinking One Hundred Years of Solitude because we got more chicks joining and I don't want it to turn into a lame-ass chick club. HARD MODE: No Cormac McCarthy, already reading all his shit before the Passenger comes out on my own.

    • 2 years ago

      “Fifth business” by Robertson Davies or whoever. “Diary of a country priest” is another good one

    • 2 years ago

      All Quiet on the Western Front, The Collector (not sure if women will like it, but read the synopsis), The Silmarillion, just to name a few. I suggest checking out the IST recommended reading list.

    • 2 years ago

      Pale fire

  41. 2 years ago

    >Found out my Adderall was directly causing my ED, but it was the only medication that works to control my severe ADHD, and helped a shit ton with my diet by curbing my appetite.

    God is cruel, anons.

  42. 2 years ago

    How do I reliably make eye contact with people? It doesn't feel natural to me and I've noticed I subconsciously look to the side which I know people don't like even if they think they don't mind it probably causes them to like me less. I've also recently learned that touch and open body language is apparently important when speaking to women and people in general. Ffs I'm 21 years old and don't know basic social etiquette I don't even make eye contact with relatives

  43. 2 years ago

    Why am I so terrified of talking to women I find attractive

    • 2 years ago

      Because you still have some insecurities that you haven't fully addressed. Maybe an exposure therapy of approaching and hitting on women you arent as invested might help you to not be so self-conscious.

    • 2 years ago

      Keep interacting with women. Over time the sense of wonder will diminish and you'll start to notice patterns and annoying things about them.

      • 2 years ago

        Name one pattern, anon

        • 2 years ago

          Off the top of my head
          >they are driven by emotion. doesn't matter what they say, as long as you push the right buttons, they will forego anything they've previously stated.
          >owing to the first point, they all love being swept off their feet. what i mean by this is occasionally do something unexpected. make her angry, tease her, annoy her, make her cry, but never ever ever bore her.
          >they are extremely good at picking up subtle social signs. you need to be confident to your core, because they can smell when you're faking it.

  44. 2 years ago

    Goddamn I busted the fattest load and immediately after some hot chick on tinder messaged me to say that she wants to come over and frick. What the frick do I do? There’s no way I’m going to get hard

  45. 2 years ago

    how the frick do I deal with wiener blocking from a girl's gay best friend? he keeps ignoring all my hints and I don't want to be rude in front of the girl I'm trying to get with.

  46. 2 years ago

    I genuinely want to conquer the world and have my name written in the histories.

    • 2 years ago


  47. 2 years ago

    >Went back to the gym today
    >haven’t been in 3 month due to financial stuff but I’m back on my feet thank God
    >had a good workout
    >as I’m leaving I feel an overwhelming loneliness hit me
    Wtf why?!?

  48. 2 years ago

    I don't partake in alcohol. I'll have a diet coke and a glass of pineapple juice please.

  49. 2 years ago

    >whiskey, neat.
    My best friend died in a motorcycle accident 3 years ago. I’ve learned to cope and deal with his death, but ever since, none of my birthdays have ever been the same. The first year after he died was tough, really, really fricking tough. I made myself never drink because I’d get suicidal and hold my gun to myself, but lifting and stoic philosophy have helped me pull myself out of that hole. My birthday is coming up soon and even though I’m no longer depressed, I can feel that sadness creeping up behind me. Worst part is that’s it’s all in my head. I have a beautiful wife that loves and supports me, family that loves me, and even though I only have 3 friends, they’re real ones. But I still think of my brother and how he’d visit me every year and it’s just never been the same. I’ll be better once my birthday passes, since the same thing happened last year, but just knowing it’s coming up, a part of me is hoping he’s just playing a cruel joke and will knock on my door yelling, “OPEN THE DOOR, homosexual.” I miss him, boys. I’m gonna go visit his grave on my birthday. I’m going alone, because I don’t want my wife to see me weak. She’s never thought of me like that, but she knows I need the space. If any of you guys ride motorcycles, ride safe out there. God bless you on the road.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry to hear that man, loss is a difficult thing to deal with

  50. 2 years ago

    water please

    I just went on a date and at the end when i said we should do something in the future she said maybe and text me. how tf am i supposed to follow that up.

    • 2 years ago

      Focus on yourself bro

    • 2 years ago

      It means she's not into you

    • 2 years ago

      >how tf am i supposed to follow that up.

      Don't bother with her and move onto the next.

    • 2 years ago

      Could be she’s not sure on you yet, she’s being playful about it, or she doesn’t want to come off too interested. Just text her in a day or two and don’t make assumptions about a girl you don’t know

    • 2 years ago

      Never set another date at the end of dates. Kiss them, say you had a nice time and then leave. Wait a few days to give them a call and set a date via the phone.

      • 2 years ago

        >hate texting and trying to set up meetings
        >want to do as much as possible in person
        Do people really unironically call on the fricking phone still for these things? And why not try and set up something at the end, if they don't want to they'll just give some vague answer about maybe being busy or to text them later to plan something.

        • 2 years ago

          > And why not try and set up something at the end
          You want them to wonder about you and by setting something up right away it shows that you like them. It’s proven that women like guys who’s feelings are undecided. Once they know you like them a lot, ie asking for a second date immediately, can turn them off a bit. And yes, I call to set dates. If they don’t pick up I text and say I was calling to ask if they would be interested in drinks. I follow the no texting/calling to get to know each other rule, only call and text to set dates

          • 2 years ago

            >You want them to wonder about you and by setting something up right away it shows that you like them. It’s proven that women like guys who’s feelings are undecided. Once they know you like them a lot, ie asking for a second date immediately, can turn them off a bit.
            I guess I can see that. But then when you text/call them two days later, they know you like them enough to see them again anyway, so I don't know. I'd just much rather get a "no" in person than when texting, is how I feel about it.

            • 2 years ago

              >planning for a “no”
              Anon, cmon man. Enough of this negative attitude. It’s ok for them to know you like them, but not right away. The goal is to get her to chase

              • 2 years ago

                >It’s ok for them to know you like them, but not right away.
                They know that as soon as you hit them up though. I know you're supposed to wait and play that whole fricking game, but frick me.
                >The goal is to get her to chase
                Getting the girl to chase you for text (You)s? Yeah man, let me just morph into Chad real quick and have her do all the work and try to get my attention and try to set up meeting up with me and so on and so on. I'm not saying I haven't had that happen, but frick she really has to be into me. It's thinking like this that makes me want to quit trying, I hate having to pretend I'm fricking busy or out with people or this and that. Fricking dumbass mind games. And then when you get into a serious relationship, she's the one that runs around wanting to set up plans for things all the time. So fricking stupid.

  51. 2 years ago


    I'm 21 addicted to league of legends haven't had a job since I was 18. I feel so fricking useless I want a job but the last interview I had 8 or so months ago left me without results so why try. Only thing I got going for me are my strength increases on my lifts. I'm a failure of a man despite having a girlfriend still, I don't know why she puts up with me jesus.

    On a plus note I live in Canada so once I get a fricking license, I'm going to do some of that for a few years build my finances back up. They have gym's on alot of canadian oil rigs so there's that.

    • 2 years ago

      How are you going to afford a car and gas with no job plus insurance?

      • 2 years ago

        Well I was thinking maybe carpool with a coworker until my first pay check, then find something to drive.

  52. 2 years ago

    One Jack Daniels Lemonade please.

    Alright bros, I've had extreme constant anxiety for 7 years straight now, a living hell on earth. But I eas miserable since childhood, the consuming physical anxiety symptoms didn't start until I hit 20 though. I haven't been able to figure out what exactly has been bothering me so much; I would have intrusive thoughts about acting awkward around people, especially women, and even my own sister, which would make me eventually act awkward and make me hate myself. But while these thoughts have gotten better, I remain anxious and suffering from vicious insomnia.

    But I might know what's finally been bothering me subconsciously all these years... I think I might have tons of unexpressed resenment towards my father who has always only seen me as an extension of himself and who makes me feel like a slave and a little b***h. In a weird way, Im not sure my hell will end until I somehow tell him how I've been feeling all these years... but I'm living under his roof due to my mental illness and we've never once had an open honest conversation and he's kind of a narcissist so I'm not sure he would really accept any if what I'd tell him. Do I find a way to appropriately express my feeling to him, or is that a thing that only happens in movies?

    • 2 years ago

      Kick the shit out of him. Then you will be free of his mind games and be able to develop a better relationship.

    • 2 years ago

      Sometimes you just have to move on anon. People are really trapped in their patterns, and we as outsiders can’t really help that much.

      Try not to be too attached to the person who you wish he was. It’s hard, but you can get through it

    • 2 years ago

      >Jack Daniels Lemonade
      U need help
      also reading your post, you actually do need therapy and medication

    • 2 years ago

      You need to move out

  53. 2 years ago

    Tap water, no ice.
    Been struggling a bit with seeing personal value in myself. I’m 31, work as a restaurant manager and house share with two other guys. We get on well, the house is kind of a dive though due to a shitty landlord starting and stopping building work all the time. I’m a musician, have a decent home gym set up for compounds and live a decent distance from good hikes. I have a pretty great life and a lot to be thankful for but god damn I feel lonely. Hinge dating has proved so bad that I’ve given up on it after literally years of terrible first dates with low quality women, deciding to be more picky has made things worse as good women tend to date across and upward. I’ve reached a point where in my head I’m convinced that I might just be a low quality man and that’s why no one wants me. What then? Do I just live my life and try to do the things I enjoy like lifting and creating art and being in nature? I’m happy with how I am in myself because I’m a good person and I’m not zogged like a lot of men. But these women man, they’ve got it too easy and it’s ruining the natural order of things. Sorry for the blogpost boys, if you’re seeing this and can relate, I hope it doesn’t stay the same for you.

  54. 2 years ago

    Go outside & do any activity bros. I was feeling major depression earlier today, went fishing with a few beers & feel a lot better now.

    • 2 years ago

      im going to one of my favourite trails tomorrow and am going to camp out for the night. haven’t been out for an overnighter so far this year cause there’s too much snow and the weathers been shit so im very stoked

  55. 2 years ago

    >at work there's this super hot gilf
    >early-mid 50's, maybe late 40's
    >she's a manager in the office
    >kinda in charge of supplies too
    >send her an email asking if there's lysol spray/wipes in our storage or if its something we need to source ourselves
    >no response
    >she walks to my desk and hands me a spray and packet of lysol wipes
    >thank her and smile
    >few minutes later I'm walking to break room to go clock out
    >she's standing by a shelf checking soap supplies
    >as I'm walking towards break room I noticed her completely eye-fricking me from a distance and even as I'm walking closer by
    >to avoid awkwardness I walk up and ask her if she's also in charge of re supplying the soap because that white aloe soap is way better than that orange soap that dries out hands
    >"oh, I agree I'll make sure we get that from now on"
    She looks a tad bit older than Kendra Lust but nearly identical looking. I figure at her age she just wants young dick (I'm 29, she's late 40's-early 50's) next signal I'm making a move. Just ask if she wants to get dinner/drinks or can you instruct me on how to skip all that and go straight to sex (depending on vibes)

    • 2 years ago

      >e at her age s
      old man

      • 2 years ago


  56. 2 years ago

    Had an interesting night
    >Girl invited me to go dancing today
    >Show up, she flakes, everyone else at the dance hall is over 40 so I bounce
    >Nothing else to do, don't want to head home, pick a random bar and head there
    >It's full of chubby girls (my favorite), sadly none of them are available for me to hit up
    >Decide to hit up friend and ask what he's up to
    >He hurt himself so we end up chilling with him and his gf
    Definitely more interesting than if I'd just stayed in all day. The biggest accomplishment is figuring out where all the big girls in my town are, because despite being in Burgerland there aren't a lot of fat people in my city.

    • 2 years ago

      Any pool hall near you?

    • 2 years ago

      >despite being in Burgerland there aren't a lot of fat people in my city
      this line just cant be true

      • 2 years ago

        I live in a pretty wealthy (and thus healthy) area, and most of my friends I know from either the gym or otherwise some sport. My ideal girl is a fat girl who's also physically active, maybe ~30 BMI. Basically I dream of a powerlifter gf but that scene doesn't exist in my city so I take what I can.

  57. 2 years ago

    >horny as all hell
    >sworn off women for good and disciplined enough to let it pass
    >had to do metabolism rehab after being moronic about fat loss
    >nowhere near as much fat gain as expected, so cut will be short
    >beginning of the year worried about money
    >out earning my coworkers in side hustle, and main job will be getting 20% raise
    I was expecting harder battles, but God has thus far disappointed me.

    • 2 years ago

      What is metabolism rehab. Like you had to do a recomp or something?

      • 2 years ago

        Doing fasts and calorie restricted refeeds for 6 months made my body go into panic mode. My pancreas began overproduction insulin and I was getting severe reactive hypoglycemia with blood sugar levels right on the cusp of going into a coma which also led to me having early stages of anemia. I basically needed to just eat like a mad man and stay away from training until everything became more normalized, and I mean everything since I was told to keep shit like candy, soda and juice on hand to try and recover the blood sugar when it began dipping.
        It might sound nice to be told by docs to actually eat sugary bullshit, but after working that hard to cut like that, I'd sucked to see it rapidly go away in the name of not dying. Fortunately, I seem to have recovered pretty quickly as I no longer have the symptoms I was getting and my mental faculties are where they were pre-cut.

  58. 2 years ago

    Its over. Im done chasing women. Im going all in on the gym, hentai, and vidya. Tired of pretending theres a chance. Hitomi and Morrowind will be my forms of romantic and social needs

    • 2 years ago

      On the right track except hentai and porn.

  59. 2 years ago

    Years ago I alienated a really close friend of mine by making offensive/lewd jokes/comments, including some about his girlfriend at the time. Basically I was talking to/in front of him the way people talk on IST. I don't blame him in the slightest for not wanting to be around me.
    I've been in therapy for almost a year and over the years genuinely matured to the point where making those comments/jokes again is not a risk. I acknowledge that the burden of actually proving that I've done that is on me and I am not entitled to redemption or forgiveness.
    I'm seeing him again in a group setting on tuesday. I have been meaning for a while to reach out to him and try to like grab a coffee and chat but I'm not sure what I'd even say if I did. Now the opporunity is presenting itself and I am really nervous.
    To be clear this is not a scenario where I'm going to see him and it will turn out he totally misses me too and wants to be my friend again. The handful of times I have seen him since he stopped speaking to me it was absolutely clear that he was politely putting up with me and waiting for the conversation to be over. It's a real possibility that our friendship is not reparable.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah dude, always been of the mindset of keep IST type of talk on IST. I’ve been expressing some of my more redpilled opinions in work, as most of my colleagues either agree or find it funny, but sometimes I worry I may have taken it too far. Decided it best to adopt a reserved approach to risky subject matters before I end up getting myself into something that can’t be undone. Here is a sanctuary of our true thoughts and feelings about the way this clown world is. We’ve got each other, bros.

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't felt compelled to talk like a IST user in years, I rarely visit this website anymore. I'm nervous about seeing someone who I used to be close to who I hurt and offended I came back here because I don't have anyone IRL that I can talk to about this.

  60. 2 years ago

    There was a shooting outside my house a few minutes ago. I just want to leave this shithole.

  61. 2 years ago

    I hate my life at 32 with no real reason as to why.

    I have a girlfriend of 5 years who is stable, earns good money, emotionally stable, never argued once, she's not fat and supportive when I do shit.

    I work for myself earning quite a bit, I never have to leave my place to earn money, I basically make my own hours and can work whenever I feel like it (within reason). I don't have to answer to anyone or worry about some c**t in the office.

    I have a small group of friends who are super racist to Black folk so I can be myself around them. We train at gym together, hang out at the bar and shoot the shit online.

    I train at gym 5-6 days a week as it's the only real thing that I feel is worth doing. It's the only thing that really gives me excitement in life and encourages me to keep going.

    I just don't get it, I technically have everything I need but still I feel empty and lost. I don't think it's depression because I get enjoyment out of going to the gym & training.
    Inside there is part of me who wants to end this stable relationship to go frick around a bit and have some excitement. Give up where I live and go run around a new area. I don't get it, sometimes I think I wasn't born for stability.

    • 2 years ago

      I have two theories.
      1. Is it possible you are still carrying shit from your past, even from your childhood? I've met people in their mid-20s who are still in therapy addressing damage from their parents beating them.
      2. What are you doing to make the world a better place? Once you've got everything you need your mind will start wanting to go to creative endeavors or to helping others. Could be that you just need to feel like you're having an effect.

      • 2 years ago

        > 1. Is it possible you are still carrying shit from your past, even from your childhood? I've met people in their mid-20s who are still in therapy addressing damage from their parents beating them.

        My dad was an abusive alcoholic who died of a heroin OD. He was in and out my life as a young child, watched him cut his wrists, beat my mom & the house was never stable

        My mom is an alcoholic narcissist. Highly abusive and manipulative when she want's something.

        I have spoken to therapists in the past about my history and they all come to the conclusion I am too aware of my situation.
        To be honest I don't really feel like that repressed childhood trauma, I never really had stability though so it could be related to that. The crave for unknown.

        • 2 years ago

          I hope you have broken all contact forever with your mother then

      • 2 years ago

        >Could be that you just need to feel like you're having an effect
        Not him, but I feel essentially the same way as as that guy/same situation at 27, and this is the conclusion I reached.

        I'm trying to force myself to leave my comfort zone in order to actually make a difference or produce something I care about.

    • 2 years ago

      It's simply clinical depression. Being able to enjoy some particular activity doesn't mean you don't have it. But behind unhappy with literally no external reason is textbook depression

  62. 2 years ago

    Ardbeg 10, neat.

    Moved to a blue state for college right at the start of the pandemic, and because of online "learning" I've now been here for 2+ years and haven't met a single other soul. Now that summers rolled around and I don't have a reason to be on campus I've devolved into not even feeling like a real person. I have no real interests or hobbies other than the occasional vidya but even those are feeling so dull these days. All my friends drifted away as they all have IRL lives to attend to. I honestly don't know what to do, I feel like the scamdemic came in with the perfect storm of circumstances to frick me over as much as possible. Everyone I talk to just blames me for "not putting myself out there enough", but I've just completely forgotten how to do that.

    At this point I'm embracing just fading into the background

  63. 2 years ago

    Hefeweizen, whatever you got

    I just got home from a date with my ex-fiancé. She broke things off a few months ago but we’ve stayed in contact ever since. She asked if I wanted to grab dinner so I agreed, then we ended up spending the whole day together (shopping, dinner, movie). She even changed in front of me and gave me the “Anon don’t look at my butt! Hehe” thing. I know I should probably cut off ties completely, but it’s so tempting to try to work things out bros/:

    • 2 years ago

      >ex-fiancé. She broke things off a few months ago

    • 2 years ago

      Anon get your head out off your ass and move the frick on. Re-read what you just typed and imagine if someone told you that. The fact you're even telling us means YOU even know you look moronic.

      Work out, be productive, meet someone else. It's over my friend. Don't be dramatic about it with some bs goodbye message. Just move on.

  64. 2 years ago


    She caught you typing this mid-post, didn't she anon

    • 2 years ago

      Hahaha I thought this too

  65. 2 years ago

    I'm getting married in 3 months and I'm having cold feet. Let me explain my situation. I'm in my late 30s, and spent most of my life partying and jumping from one shitty relationship to another. About 5 years ago a new girl started at work, I'm a nurse and work night shift, she was the other nurse on the floor. So we are together a lot and have a lot of time to chat. Now, she is definitely not my type, I like party girls with no shame, this new girl is like a librarian. Not unattractive, if anything very traditionally attractive, she's just not my type. Anyways, we work together for over a year. I don't really talk about my dating life to her, more so just hobbies and whatever. We get along real well. Even ended up going out after our shift for breakfast sometimes but for me it was strictly platonic. Cut to the chase it wasn't platonic for her. She is a real sheltered type, was still living with her parents, granted she's 11 years younger than me so it wasn't that strange for someone her age. Things escalated when we went to another co-workers wedding. We went "together" since we were the only two from her work going. This wedding had an open bar, I hit the gin and tonics the second I got there, she got a vodka cranberry. She's drinking 1 for every 3 I drink but she also has claimed in the past to have never been drunk or have had more than 2 drinks at a time. So I'm busting her balls about how little she's drinking and she's just laughing or whatever. Having a great time, so at this point she's 4 drinks in and is drunk. Was hilarious to me because this chick is 6'1 and like 165lbs, shes no Tinkerbell. She's acting like a high school girl that had her first natty ice. Get to the part where the dance floor is opened up and she insists we "high school" dance together. We get to dancing and at first we are like full arms length apart, my hands wayyyy up on her sides hers on my shoulders.

    • 2 years ago

      Ask yourself what are the benefits of being married ? If the pro's out weigh the con's then you have your answer.

      It sounds like you still having some living to do though.

    • 2 years ago

      Well slowly but shortly we get closer and closer till she's resting her head on my shoulder and my hands are wrapped around her low back. And it felt real good, never once thought of her as anything more than a friend. I always thought she wasn't my type. She was too nice, too normal for me. We danced for a few songs, really not saying anything. She finally breaks the silence by saying "I keep waiting for you to kiss me", I kinda laugh and just tell her she's drunk, she just says "In vino veritas" then kisses me. Kinda goes back to laughing and joking after that. The wedding was just about over at that point anyways so we head home, like 2hr drive back to her parents house, she sleeps most of the way home. We get to her house I wake her up, she's hung over and I'm goofing on her. Walk her up to her front door and she just turns to me and asks "why don't you ask me out, don't you like me?" I tell her she's still drunk, she says no. So I drop the lame excuse that I don't date coworkers and tell her goodnight and head back to my car. At this point I'm confused, like why wasn't I trying to bang this chick or take it further. Yeah she's not my type but girls my type bring me nothing but trouble. Anyways, flash forward to our next work night. And it's going pretty normal, kinda just pretending things didn't get a little heavy. Later in the shift she tells me she's gotta slip something under the directors door, I ask her what, she said her notice to quit. Also why, she says so we can date since we wouldn't work together anymore.

      This was like a punch in my gut, I've never had a woman leave me speechless before. I tell her not to quit blah blah blah and she just said she really wants to date me and it's an easy choice between this job and going out with me. So like, to be clear, I'm a functioning acholic that hasn't had a healthy relationship in my entire life. Never really thought about being in a long term relationship.

      • 2 years ago

        Never thought about getting married or starting a family. Not even a secondary thought about it. My lifestyle up to this point was party and power drink and try my best to bang the craziest girl i could fine. Now from being this girls friend I know she's not about that lifestyle. She is the type to go antiquing or pick apples at an orchard. I honestly thought that if we dated all it would do would be to wreck our friendship. But i ended up telling her I'd take her out if she stayed working. Well flags forward to now and we are engaged and looking at houses to buy.

        I went from partying to going on ghost tours. Pretty much stopped drinking over night. I'm definitely a better person now, going dry has really helped me get in the best shape of my life. She makes me happy, I love being around her, shes fun and the relationship is effortless. As we get closer to the wedding and buying a house together I just can't help but think, is this what I want? How did I change my lifestyle so fast and dramatically, am I still even me? I'm happy with her for sure, it's fun and it's nice to be with a woman who carries her side of the relationship. Shes kinda dorky in a good way, still can't hold her booze. We cuddle up on the sofa to watch movies. I've never had a relationship like this before. Like, I'm pushing 40 and got a bald spot, my days of being able to go to parties and bars and picking up random girls is at an end even if we didn't start dating but I just can't help but feel like I'm not ready, I don't think I'll ever be ready. But, I also don't wanna do anything to lose her. I don't know if these feelings are normal cold feet or am I doing something I'm going to regret

        She caught you typing this mid-post, didn't she anon

        Hahaha I thought this too

        On mobile and fat fingered the post button when I was trying to select text to correct

        Ask yourself what are the benefits of being married ? If the pro's out weigh the con's then you have your answer.

        It sounds like you still having some living to do though.

        I've lived a lot. I've partied a lot even without her that lifestyle was starting to get a little old. She just rocket propelled me into growing up.

        • 2 years ago

          Having the same feelings as you at 25... While I relate, maybe at almost 40 years old you should take the leap out of the party life. Seems like this is your chance... I am thinking of getting out myself, going somewhere else.

          • 2 years ago

            Absolutely this is my chance, she's an amazing, caring woman, she's still in her 20s, has no student debt, makes 6 figures, no kids. Like I'm gonna be able to get anything like this again. The fact I'm even having these thoughts shows how shitty I am. It's hard to let go of my past, even if she was willing to wait 5 years as I went and partied more, would I even be ready then? It's really hard to go from lines of coke in a shitty afterhours club with some bawd that had miles of dick to playing the new ninja turtles game with a girl who was a fricking virgin before she met me. It's a shock

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm happy with her for sure, it's fun and it's nice to be with a woman who carries her side of the relationship. Shes kinda dorky in a good way, still can't hold her booze. We cuddle up on the sofa to watch movies. I've never had a relationship like this before. Like, I'm pushing 40 and got a bald spot, my days of being able to go to parties and bars and picking up random girls is at an end
          Enjoy what you have man. Quit being a b***h and enjoy what you have. No one is ever ready. Focus on building the relationship, communication is key. I had what you have. I wish I could have it again. Do not let this slip through your fingers.

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm definitely a better person now, going dry has really helped me get in the best shape of my life. She makes me happy, I love being around her, shes fun and the relationship is effortless.
          Break up, because you honestly don't deserve her, little b***h homosexual
          >Wahh wahhh there is this beautiful, tall, sweet woman who chased me and now I wanna frick ratchet party bawds ;(( wahh wahhh

        • 2 years ago

          Oof. I diagnose you with the ''I'm only happy when it rains'' syndrome. Were you raised by either BPD or clinically depressed parents? You might feel like you're at your best only when you're at your worst. Been there done that. I used to ride that tiger high during my early adulthood.
          You're constantly going to crave the thrill of the chase, your whole life. Everyone has to make compromises. Perhaps she can make some for you. I know some women who would not shy away from thrill-seeking activities. Maybe channel that energy into more extreme hobbies, getting motorcycles and going on road trips, being more spontaneous, riding the dragon etc...Just communicate that need to her. You can entice her into it by showing the more feminine aspects of a hobby like the accessories, the clothes, the equipment. Women love ''nesting'' and that might get your foot through the door. Tell her you can have days on the weekend where you can be ''characters'' and loosen up...You know, you don't need to completely write all of that off. Just do it in a safe/controlled environment.

          • 2 years ago

            >I diagnose you with the ''I'm only happy when it rains'' syndrome.
            >Were you raised by either BPD or clinically depressed parents?
            >You might feel like you're at your best only when you're at your worst.
            Not that anon but wtf stop calling me out.
            Give me a quick rundown on this shit. Frick. "I'm only happy when it rains", man fricking hell.

            • 2 years ago

              Let me grew up in a high cortisol spike-inducing environment such as a high conflict household with a lot of stresses related to violence/abuse so you developed escapist tendencies, and sought to seek out the thrill of adrenaline instead as it helped you regulate better your stress level and completely let go of neurotic levels of worrying in your family life.
              You seek to face your mortality, the humiliation of ego death, the bad frequentations, the promiscuous, empty social interactions constantly riding in a rush of harvesting positive feelings and energies, when you're away from the cortisol depleting monsters...You go so high and so low, constantly seeking the sky or rock bottom. It feels safe and comfortable there, there is no pretense, your feelings of shame and guilt are bypassed and passed on to the strangers you meet and mingle with, without having to fear judgment.
              With stability, you start to fear the constant of regular, repeated, expected responsibilities, and feel deprived from your own resources and sources of happiness : adrenaline, and the following cortisol crash which happens after you indulge in risk-taking behaviors.
              It's sort of a bittersweet feeling. It ends up claiming your life if you do not tame it. Listen to the advice I give in my original post. You must exercise and release it in a ''safe'' environment. Safe in this context, meaning safe to the variable you care about ie for that guy his relationship. So lose the prostitutes, but maybe you and your girl could have more risk-taking fun together so you really can channel that, have an outlet for it.

              Ideally you want a girl that has similar patterns so you can adjust together. Have moments of respite. But stay away from BPD vampires who will harvest your cortisol for days on end. What you need more so, is someone who grew up around BPD parents but are only partially affected by it.

              • 2 years ago

                Actually for me it was the depressed parents, and I don't chase highs and lows because of a fear of responsibilities and relatively strict and overbearing upbringing. But a lot of the things you describe do resonate, just not as extreme, but maybe that's because I've never fully let myself let go. On one hand, since moving out I've been feeling more tempted to let go, but on the other I feel like I might not be able to reel back in and that does scare me a bit. I think about distractions a lot, how to distract myself, where to go and what to do, who to spend time with, and whenever I do things I can't help but think of it as time spent away from myself. "Distractions". As for a girl, it needs to be someone who's the opposite, BPD is too far obviously but for sure someone is "upbeat" while still in control of their shit, someone who has their life in order but can still let go. Shit, now that I described it like that, I guess what I truly want is someone I wish I could be like. Frick me.

                Something is definitely wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                It's easier to be that person for somebody else, so actually you should be looking for a girl who is striving towards the same ideal as you. It's easier to do it together because you can rely on each other to uphold your goal and also to have times of respite together where you can unwind pressure-free. Being with a person to whom it comes natural will make the relationship and dynamic imbalanced as she will come to resent this ''implicit'' work she has to do to keep you to her standards, and will not actually come to appreciate the efforts of acts which come to her naturally. The general advice is to be with someone who has similar issues, and goals as you so you can champion each other. You should not be with someone who's strength and weaknesses are entirely different. Just like you would only truly weigh in the word of advice of someone once sure that they really went through the same experience themselves, and its worth than the advice of someone speaking out of theoretical knowledge.

                I had a great childhood and my parents were happy and our relationship was/is very healthy. Mom passed right after I got serious with this girl. I do like motorcycles, esp dual sports. I do like stuff where I push myself to my physical and mental limits. Like camping in the dead of winter with limited gear. I do "love the thrill of the chase" and hooking up with bpd chicks gave me that thrill, that fight or flight reflects. I want to wake up to my women putting a knife to my neck. I got her into hiking and camping, got her riding a dirt bike but not on the street. She was very sheltered and is afraid of anything I'd call fun. I will say, the sex with her, while very passionate is ummm I'm not sure how to say it. But like, when you have done some of the nastiest stuff you can think of with a women, having a girl go ride you as her way of getting crazy doesn't really get me going like she thinks it does.

                I know what you're talking about. I'm going through a similar thing myself. Our undisclosed desires can be just that. Or if you feel safe and free from judgment, you can choose to communicate those needs too. But it's true that you'd prefer the affront of genuine intent when engaged with love-hate relationship. It is sort of sick in a way that some of us are turned on by that, but we were probably conditioned by our experiences. We didn't start the fire so to speak.
                Really it's your decision ultimately but you're going to have to live with the consequences.
                Think of it this way, you might only have 10-20 years of real pulling abilities with the women you like, then you will not feel like a thrill to them anymore. Our bodies give in at some point.
                Can you handle dying a lonely old man, maybe even going back to the booze in those final decades, getting handicapped by related age/alcoholism issues, etc...Cont...

              • 2 years ago

                It's a dark end to one's life. I've seen it happen, guys who gambled it all for a few fleeting moments of sensual pleasures. In the end, you make your own choices in life. But it could go an entirely different way, in a meek, pacified family life with a loving, but bland woman who provides you with some sense of security, and stability by virtue alone of reigning you in.
                I don't know...Even I to struggle with this age-old dilemma, although I have much time ahead of me to set my own life on the balance of chance/chaos. Whatever will be, will be. I will live with the consequences regardless.

              • 2 years ago

                It's easier to be that person for somebody else, so actually you should be looking for a girl who is striving towards the same ideal as you. It's easier to do it together because you can rely on each other to uphold your goal and also to have times of respite together where you can unwind pressure-free. Being with a person to whom it comes natural will make the relationship and dynamic imbalanced as she will come to resent this ''implicit'' work she has to do to keep you to her standards, and will not actually come to appreciate the efforts of acts which come to her naturally. The general advice is to be with someone who has similar issues, and goals as you so you can champion each other. You should not be with someone who's strength and weaknesses are entirely different. Just like you would only truly weigh in the word of advice of someone once sure that they really went through the same experience themselves, and its worth than the advice of someone speaking out of theoretical knowledge.

                I know what you're talking about. I'm going through a similar thing myself. Our undisclosed desires can be just that. Or if you feel safe and free from judgment, you can choose to communicate those needs too. But it's true that you'd prefer the affront of genuine intent when engaged with love-hate relationship. It is sort of sick in a way that some of us are turned on by that, but we were probably conditioned by our experiences. We didn't start the fire so to speak.
                Really it's your decision ultimately but you're going to have to live with the consequences.
                Think of it this way, you might only have 10-20 years of real pulling abilities with the women you like, then you will not feel like a thrill to them anymore. Our bodies give in at some point.
                Can you handle dying a lonely old man, maybe even going back to the booze in those final decades, getting handicapped by related age/alcoholism issues, etc...Cont...

                And if I may add one final suggestion to this message, I would love to remind all of our brethren here that if your life does go down the shitter, and you consider ending your own suffering, then I urge you to not forget about our common enemies, in the grand scheme of things, and any man and woman alive in our age should consider the civic duty once they have reached a sensible age or time for their death, which is to get strap yourself with C4 and get a high score.

                I for one sure as hell know I'm not passing away peacefully in sleep in my family home bed, however comfy that may sound. You might not make much of your life, but you sure as hell can make your death count. Anyways just reminding you guys not to forget that there's bigger things outside our personal lives that we can actually address, and should probably, once it makes sense to do it...You know, in older age, once you've enjoyed your time here on this Earth 😉
                Keep an eye in the news in 30-35 years he he

              • 2 years ago

                >Being with a person to whom it comes natural will make the relationship and dynamic imbalanced as she will come to resent this ''implicit'' work she has to do to keep you to her standards, and will not actually come to appreciate the efforts of acts which come to her naturally. The general advice is to be with someone who has similar issues, and goals as you so you can champion each other. You should not be with someone who's strength and weaknesses are entirely different. Just like you would only truly weigh in the word of advice of someone once sure that they really went through the same experience themselves, and its worth than the advice of someone speaking out of theoretical knowledge
                Frick you're right, dammit. Man I hate this shit. I'm just so attracted to the types who are my "opposite". Opposites attract I guess. And it's not like I wouldn't be able to keep up, I think, always been told how I'm good at getting along with all kinds of people and I really do just enter fricking chameleon mode. Like just blending in and matching people, and now for a while I've just had that feeling that I need someone that's on full blast, to let go and join up with them and just see where I end up. I don't know. I'm a mess regardless, a normal life was never in the cards for me. Always had a feeling I wouldn't live past 50 either, even as a kid.

                You made me think on some things I hadn't before, so thanks anon.

              • 2 years ago

                this dude really made this the best feels bar thread I've read in awhile

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah. Effortposters make this shithole of board and site worth a damn.

              • 2 years ago

                No problem. Just look for a girl that's looking for the same push in life. It's so incredibly easy when you've been waiting for someone to give you the nudge, to do it for someone else when you see them actually asking for it. It's like looking at yourself, and being able to provide that to yourself vicariously through them. And once you embolden them, when they see you struggle, they will feel strong enough to push you.
                Just look for the girl that has been waiting for that push. You will feel it, she will resonate with you a lot on that aspect. It's so much easier to give what you expect because then the trade is equal and you feel like it's fair to expect that back.

                If you are with a girl who deals with different issues or appreciates different things, then you're going to have a hard time getting what you need, and feeling appreciated for what you give.
                Trust me when I say you need someone like you.

              • 2 years ago

                You're speaking a lot of sense. Too much fricking sense. I'll keep it all in mind, and I'll try my best to be on the lookout for someone like myself. Might as well give it a go, one life and all. Thanks again.

              • 2 years ago

                New anon here, the "only happy when it rains" thing really fricking nailed it on the head for me, but I don't so much crave the adrenaline rather than the peace and quiet monkey wrench a thunderstorm brings to the constant sunny days.

          • 2 years ago

            I had a great childhood and my parents were happy and our relationship was/is very healthy. Mom passed right after I got serious with this girl. I do like motorcycles, esp dual sports. I do like stuff where I push myself to my physical and mental limits. Like camping in the dead of winter with limited gear. I do "love the thrill of the chase" and hooking up with bpd chicks gave me that thrill, that fight or flight reflects. I want to wake up to my women putting a knife to my neck. I got her into hiking and camping, got her riding a dirt bike but not on the street. She was very sheltered and is afraid of anything I'd call fun. I will say, the sex with her, while very passionate is ummm I'm not sure how to say it. But like, when you have done some of the nastiest stuff you can think of with a women, having a girl go ride you as her way of getting crazy doesn't really get me going like she thinks it does.

            • 2 years ago

              >But like, when you have done some of the nastiest stuff you can think of with a women, having a girl go ride you as her way of getting crazy doesn't really get me going like she thinks it does
              Not that anon, but watch out you don't "lose out the ability to pairbond", or whatever the frick it is. I remember that one anon who posted a couple times recently, he'd been with 40+ girls and couldn't develop any strong feelings any more even when he really liked the girl and was seeing her for a while.

              • 2 years ago

                it's already done, you morons do it to yourselves just watching porn non-stop

              • 2 years ago

                I have strong feelings for her I do love her, I just wish every so often she would try and kill me.

                It's easier to be that person for somebody else, so actually you should be looking for a girl who is striving towards the same ideal as you. It's easier to do it together because you can rely on each other to uphold your goal and also to have times of respite together where you can unwind pressure-free. Being with a person to whom it comes natural will make the relationship and dynamic imbalanced as she will come to resent this ''implicit'' work she has to do to keep you to her standards, and will not actually come to appreciate the efforts of acts which come to her naturally. The general advice is to be with someone who has similar issues, and goals as you so you can champion each other. You should not be with someone who's strength and weaknesses are entirely different. Just like you would only truly weigh in the word of advice of someone once sure that they really went through the same experience themselves, and its worth than the advice of someone speaking out of theoretical knowledge.

                I know what you're talking about. I'm going through a similar thing myself. Our undisclosed desires can be just that. Or if you feel safe and free from judgment, you can choose to communicate those needs too. But it's true that you'd prefer the affront of genuine intent when engaged with love-hate relationship. It is sort of sick in a way that some of us are turned on by that, but we were probably conditioned by our experiences. We didn't start the fire so to speak.
                Really it's your decision ultimately but you're going to have to live with the consequences.
                Think of it this way, you might only have 10-20 years of real pulling abilities with the women you like, then you will not feel like a thrill to them anymore. Our bodies give in at some point.
                Can you handle dying a lonely old man, maybe even going back to the booze in those final decades, getting handicapped by related age/alcoholism issues, etc...Cont...

                Really, that lifestyle was killing me. I was in the edge of being fat towards the end and it took me an entire week to recover from a weekend of partying. I'm gonna go through with the marriage, I just wish I could just get her to be a little more... I dunno dangerous?

        • 2 years ago

          OP's theme song, his literal life story

  66. 2 years ago

    Vodka soda please.
    I am still dealing with my former relationship ending. Hurts like hell to be honest. She is a terrible person, but I don't know if I can do better. I have a plan to get back in the gym and really "glow up" (being honest it's in hope she sees me and realizes what she has lost) I know we will never be together again due to the trust lost, but I feel so defeated. I am not ripped but I am not bad and she left me for a disgusting fatbody so it def stings. Not to mention that I turn 40 this year so my chances of finding someone new are getting less and less by the day. I have what I am calling a 2-year plan. I am gonna get a massive life insurance policy and wait for the contestability clause expire before I put the exit bag on my head. I know suicide is shitty but at least my senpai has a bunch of cash to help cushion the blow when I am gone (yes, life insurance policies pay out in the event of suicide as long as the policy is paid up and over two years old). I know it's a defeatist attitude and I hope it doesn't come to that, but I also know that the odds are stacked against me finding and building a happy life at my age.

  67. 2 years ago

    I'm tired of having this stupid feelings I was content alone I felt good ,but then I met a girl and it was very good and fun that I hadn't had in a while and then out of the blue she cut me off,it's been two months and I still think about her,I've improved and I considering messaging her on one hand maybe if I'll play my card right it can go well , on the other hand it's hard for me because she tossed me and it feels a little bit off to initiate contact...wish I could go back to how I used to be before single and Happy

    • 2 years ago

      In a similar spot. There's nothing to do but move on, hard as it may be. It's been two months, same for me, so I'm sure you're feeling better now than you did the first day after, the first week after, first month, it'll just keep going like that even though it still feels pretty bad. Another thing is, if you message her, you'll come off as needy. You really think she'll think better of you if you message her again to try and meet up? You have to have some self respect, anon, you'll look even worse in her eyes if you stoop so low as to hit her up again. The harsh truth is that she doesn't think about you, at all. If a girl truly wants to be with you, to meet up, (and obviously it's someone you've already talked to or befriended) she'll make it happen. Every time she pops into your head you have to push her out, don't entertain any memories or fantasies of seeing her again and talking to her. Good luck, anon. We're gonna make it.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah you right,I'm doing self improvement and I've cut my alcohol intake to 20% of what it used to be, I've dropped like 3kg and have 3-4 more to go I'll be mega shredded,and still I say wtf to my mind like let go ,I've lost love before and for some reason this time it feels different,thanks for warm words brother I'll be strong since we're in this together

        • 2 years ago

          Cut it to 0% anon. Thank me later

    • 2 years ago

      protip : if you ever want to go back into a girl's life, never make it your own request. You just need to show up and be there at events, social circles, where you know she might attend. And not really instigate. Make it seem like fate and sort of observe, see how she responds to your presence there. If she wants it, she'll let you back in. If not, then at least you're being social, engaged and the best part of this is girls seem to love when a guy is aloof and not fully interested, so other women will orbit you just by virtue of subconsciouly sniffing out your unavailability. It will make you seem of higher value, they have like a sixth sense for orbiting guys that are unavailable, its a turn on to them.

      • 2 years ago

        >girls seem to love when a guy is aloof and not fully interested, so other women will orbit you just by virtue of subconsciouly sniffing out your unavailability. It will make you seem of higher value, they have like a sixth sense for orbiting guys that are unavailable, its a turn on to them.
        Am I being illiterate or are you trying to say girls like it when a dude is oneitis orbiting a girl?

  68. 2 years ago

    Bench: 72.5kg 3x5
    OHP: 42.5kg 3x5
    Bent over row: 85kg 3x5
    Deadlift: 100kg 3x5
    Zercher: 80kg 3x5
    My lifts make me want to rope

  69. 2 years ago

    Krystallweiss please.
    Been visiting the gym 6+ days a week, reading Berserk and fixing people's shitty life choices (their cars). Beyond wanting a woman at this point. Just want vroom vroom

  70. 2 years ago

    honestly I'm not very overtly depressed but I will probably kill myself soon i just dont care. I think about it every day. God its going to destroy my brother

  71. 2 years ago

    had a gigantic crush on this girl (nerdy introverted type), we went out once but she denied a second date. then last week she randomly asked to grab coffee together. i agreed but finding a day was difficult, texting was slow. eventually we settled on a time and then a few hours later she says she forgot to plan something that day and tells me how she’s really busy the upcoming weeks and how she doesn’t want to string me along.

    man i really got my hopes up and was killing it at the gym for a few days, i don’t know why she would do this. reach out to make plans only to basically reject me again like come on man.

    • 2 years ago

      >uh chad fell through, can we get some coffee?
      >nvm he's available, i'll be busy sucking his wiener and i don't want to string you along see ya loser

  72. 2 years ago

    I have a tiny 2 inch girth 5 inch wiener so I just don't have sex any more even when initiated by a girl. I stopped dating entirely. It's over for me I just lift and train muay thai now.

    • 2 years ago

      i started stretching 1.5 years ago. went from 12 to 16.5cm 100% fully erect. never bothered with girth because i have an odd shaped pp but just look into it anon. yes it takes time but if you’re dedicated it will pay off. i quit for a few months during my time but if you don’t you can get results fast

      • 2 years ago

        What exactly is stretching bro? Can you provide a link?

        • 2 years ago

          this has everything you need anon. take the time to look into it and decide for yourself if it’s worth it. it’s risk free if you’re not moronic. i did it while watching youtube in bed.

          • 2 years ago

            1 year for half an inch? Seems like a lot of commitment and possible injury for nothing. Honestly I've given up. I think that eventually I will find a woman who won't care about it and by then I will impress her with my muscles and fighting ability.

            • 2 years ago

              1.5 inch/4cm in 1.5 years is what i gained. if i was consistent i could probably gain more, im actually starting it back up again. it takes no effort, i just do it while watching a show or video. but you do you tbh.

              • 2 years ago

                Hmm that's a lot. You really gained that? No bullshit?

  73. 2 years ago

    Give me a 7up thanks

    So, you think that, its possible to us humans carry on a life and future of complete solitude man? Its reachable find a place to belong in this world, or its all a broken dream?

  74. 2 years ago

    Mater please.

    gf of 13 months dumped me last night. Said she thought she'd "have deeper feelings after a year."

    I don't know what to do. I'm 30, I can't keep chasing pussy or grinding these apps. I just want to be able to settle down and have a real life.

  75. 2 years ago

    A beer, please.
    met a bunch of new friends and got into gardening recently, which helped my mental healthy by a lot.
    have a nice Friday anons

    • 2 years ago

      >met a bunch of new friends
      how? i need friends

      • 2 years ago

        i feel like i just got lucky. met a girl at a book store, she talked to me first which turned into a nice conversation about literature and everything else. few days after that she invited me to a musical club from a different uni and things just took off from there.

  76. 2 years ago

    >develop a crush on someone in a reality TV show
    >find out she died in March

    • 2 years ago

      did she jab?

      • 2 years ago

        Probably? I'm not sure. But apparently she had a history of drug problems and died from mental illness. She was really cute and sweet - on TV, at least.

        • 2 years ago

          Damn...sorry for your loss, anon. A lot of people who burn really bright early on end up burning the candle at both ends. You really have to pace yourself, in life. There's endless planes to catch, trains to board. Take it easy...

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks anon.
            I'm not deluded enough to think I had a chance or anything with her, she got semi-famous off the TV show and had a pretty big internet following. I'm just some random guy in comparison. Just sad to find out she's gone.

  77. 2 years ago

    I keep fricking failing my workouts, I'm 360lbs morbidly obese, I want to fix myself really fricking bad but I keep failing, idk wtf to do. Feel free to laugh at me

    • 2 years ago

      Browse /fph/ to see your future and get some motivation. Then go to /fat/.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Get an under desk peddler, like a desk exercise miniature bike with just the pedals. make sure it has resistance settings. It's the lowest impact, easiest workout you can begin with and it will help you greatly cut into your caloric deficit.
      You should use it constantly, provided you sit at your desk all day. Just get a good setting going on in your room. The only other thing you have to do then is only track what you eat. Prioritize low calorie high density food that will make you feel satiated, with flavor. Things like pickles, cucumbers, fruits like watermelon, mostly water-based. Drink a lot of 0 calorie fluids like flavored teas you can ice.
      Just do the desk peddler for 5-6hrs a day, just mindlessly while you browse, and stay under your TDEE, and you will lose the first bulk amount of weight, until you regain enough mobility and balance that you can strain your joints more with exercise.
      Good luck anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking A man, thanks so much.

        • 2 years ago

          Just to provide you with some hope fuel I have quickly compiled an example for the kind of progress you could be making in just a short time of 6 months of low commitment peddling under the desk, whilst you are entertained, almost automatic.

          At a light estimation of a comfortable, easy 3.5 mets (which depending on the resistance you use, will fluctuate, just work your way up), and only peddling for 5 hours a day, you can expect to burn almost 2800 calories daily, only ever mobilizing your legs, whilst sitting comfortable entertained.

          The result in 6 months is pic related.
          I input your data and estimated some. Now imagine if you also restrained diet etc...
          But baby steps anon, we want you to lose the big chunk first so you can then smoothly move into actual exercise and diet easier...It will come easy, just use the peddler.

          • 2 years ago

            Anons like you are one in a million, godspeed brother, thanks again

            • 2 years ago

              No problem anon. I'm here to help and share what I know. A win for you is a win I also get to enjoy, knowing I made your life better.
              You will find your groove, anon. Take it easy, day by day. Put those feet on the pedal, and ride away 🙂 Plant that good habit into your life.

          • 2 years ago

            Correction, this website provides a weekly, monthly or yearly loss estimate. Still, you can see how this low commitment ''hobby'' introduction to exercise is a good way to ease into it.

            For 6 months, you would be looking at about 66kg of loss or 145lbs of loss. Do as much time as feel comfortable. But it's basically free deficit calories, for such a mindless easy activity.

  78. 2 years ago

    >going to meet a girl tomorrow
    >doing no fap for massive load and test gainz
    I'm so uncontrollably horny bros but I can't waste all the effort I've put in with a wank

  79. 2 years ago

    >start new job
    >find out through conversation that my coworker is best friends with my High school crush(picrel)
    >"no way anon, you had a crush on her! that's crazy haha! you know...she's single atm"
    >"actually her nickname in University was Stacybreasts" lol.

    coworker seemed pumped on getting us to meet.Asked if she could tell her about my past crush for her.
    Wish me luck

    • 2 years ago

      Anon you should have never mentioned the crush part of it. Now the coworker is going to blab and she is going to get the power in the dynamic.
      She will see this as her green flag to completely shit test you, belittle you and take you for granted. Straight to the ''orbiter'' category. At best she might use you to get some sexual value clout in the work place by constantly referencing it, or making it obvious to everyone you used to like her.

      The only way you can salvage this is by acting disgusted and disappointed as soon as you meet her, and she starts with the schtick, then completely pull away as if shocked by how low she'd fallen or changed. Really hammer in the judgment in your eyes, but pull away respectfully. And never address the feelings you used to have for her again. She will bring it up, let her words fall flat in the conversation and the room go silent, just a disapproving stare, and continue on with your life. Soon she will sound like she is drawling or holding out to past glory and people will start to see her as a user or worse a narcissist.
      Then, the dynamic will shift and she will come at you a different, more respectful and shy way. Start actually talking to you like a person again. Proceed cautiously. The implied narrative here is if you do give in and go out with her/sleep with her, she will prove everyone wrong and she was right about your past feelings.
      What your best case is here, is that you will actually get some sort of second-hand interest from other single women in the group, as they are likely to also despise her, and will see your disapproval of her as a good way to bond, and implicitly like you.

      This is how you spin the situation around. Trust me I've had this situation happen to me before, where people blabbed and the other person came in riding on a high horse. This is how you bring them down. Don't do it any other way.

      • 2 years ago

        Kek great post. Can you explain how to pull away respectfully? My first thought seemed dickish

        • 2 years ago

          Also if other people try to meddle into it and ask you questions...the only emotion you will convey is slight sadness and disappointment and minimize your interest in her.
          Say things like '''s just that she has changed'' (look of empathic concern, almost sad)...''did something happen to her?'' Seeming concerned for her will help people consider that since you knew her from before, she is actually greatly decreasing in value, and the more disappointed and even concerned/saddened but caring you seem, the more the power of information will shift to you, and people will be quick to analyze her instead of you.
          They will ask themselves...''wow I guess she must have changed (for the worse), he doesn't seem to see anything in her anymore...poor guy''...

          You know? Like make it seem like your dream/ideal was shattered but you are okay with it and sort of like having a caring but disappointment reflection of how time can affect people you knew.

          Sort of like you met old friends and they turned into buttholes. But show more dignified ''concern'' and ''humble'' energy. If you really want to stick the knife in and hurt her, you can even in confidence with people admit you used to see her as a nice young woman, and liked her as a person, and say it with a tinge of nostalgia and sadness like ''damn how things have changed''...

          This will destroy her self-esteem and the value she thought she had in the group. You might trigger an ego death and some serious self-reflection in her, which tbh if she does pull that shit on you, is deserved. But that's how you play it. But make sure to not do it unwarranted, she had to come at you with the b***h attitude first.
          Pace yourself, and seem distant mostly.
          Don't address it directly, or acknowledge with her. Only if people ask, you can go into more detail into the act.
          Take it as it plays out. I hope I gave you enough clues as to how to approach this problem of ''she knows already''.

          This was meant for you.

      • 2 years ago

        Also if other people try to meddle into it and ask you questions...the only emotion you will convey is slight sadness and disappointment and minimize your interest in her.
        Say things like '''s just that she has changed'' (look of empathic concern, almost sad)...''did something happen to her?'' Seeming concerned for her will help people consider that since you knew her from before, she is actually greatly decreasing in value, and the more disappointed and even concerned/saddened but caring you seem, the more the power of information will shift to you, and people will be quick to analyze her instead of you.
        They will ask themselves...''wow I guess she must have changed (for the worse), he doesn't seem to see anything in her anymore...poor guy''...

        You know? Like make it seem like your dream/ideal was shattered but you are okay with it and sort of like having a caring but disappointment reflection of how time can affect people you knew.

        Sort of like you met old friends and they turned into buttholes. But show more dignified ''concern'' and ''humble'' energy. If you really want to stick the knife in and hurt her, you can even in confidence with people admit you used to see her as a nice young woman, and liked her as a person, and say it with a tinge of nostalgia and sadness like ''damn how things have changed''...

        This will destroy her self-esteem and the value she thought she had in the group. You might trigger an ego death and some serious self-reflection in her, which tbh if she does pull that shit on you, is deserved. But that's how you play it. But make sure to not do it unwarranted, she had to come at you with the b***h attitude first.
        Pace yourself, and seem distant mostly.
        Don't address it directly, or acknowledge with her. Only if people ask, you can go into more detail into the act.
        Take it as it plays out. I hope I gave you enough clues as to how to approach this problem of ''she knows already''.

        • 2 years ago

          Anon you should have never mentioned the crush part of it. Now the coworker is going to blab and she is going to get the power in the dynamic.
          She will see this as her green flag to completely shit test you, belittle you and take you for granted. Straight to the ''orbiter'' category. At best she might use you to get some sexual value clout in the work place by constantly referencing it, or making it obvious to everyone you used to like her.

          The only way you can salvage this is by acting disgusted and disappointed as soon as you meet her, and she starts with the schtick, then completely pull away as if shocked by how low she'd fallen or changed. Really hammer in the judgment in your eyes, but pull away respectfully. And never address the feelings you used to have for her again. She will bring it up, let her words fall flat in the conversation and the room go silent, just a disapproving stare, and continue on with your life. Soon she will sound like she is drawling or holding out to past glory and people will start to see her as a user or worse a narcissist.
          Then, the dynamic will shift and she will come at you a different, more respectful and shy way. Start actually talking to you like a person again. Proceed cautiously. The implied narrative here is if you do give in and go out with her/sleep with her, she will prove everyone wrong and she was right about your past feelings.
          What your best case is here, is that you will actually get some sort of second-hand interest from other single women in the group, as they are likely to also despise her, and will see your disapproval of her as a good way to bond, and implicitly like you.

          This is how you spin the situation around. Trust me I've had this situation happen to me before, where people blabbed and the other person came in riding on a high horse. This is how you bring them down. Don't do it any other way.

          I see you, but I made it clear I didn't really know her, I simply used to see her around walking her giant breasts in school. I made it clear it was a long time ago and she probably doesn't know who I am. I also acted kind of disgusted when my coworker mentioned the girl was my age 26(I'm 27 atm). She's also living in Spain right now, so quite far away. I also mentioned how "unfortunate" that was... She showed me some photos of her from her IG and she had a bad outfit:
          >"See if you recognize her, is this her for real?"
          >*Shows me a picture of her wearing some gay ass pink blazer*
          >"Yeaah it's her, but I don't remember her dressing that bad holy frick lmao"
          Lastly I asked her if she intelligent and my coworker quickly replied: "No."
          >wow that was incredibly honest haha"
          >yeah,she's as great friend, but I can't bullshit you. She's not the brightest girl"
          >*visibly bummed out" "Oh man...that's unfortunate...

          I also have no time. I probably wouldn't want to go on dates with some dumb b***h, despite her great rack.

          • 2 years ago

            Seems like you set up the disgust well. She will still try and blab to her tho, you can guarantee that. Therefore, the aforementioned post applies

          • 2 years ago

            Good. The way you presented the situation initially, it seemed like there was going to be potential for meeting often within shared group of friends, and you might have to deal with a ''confrontation''.
            I guess if it was just a quick check on the identity of the person, and seemingly disregarded, you can just move on and completely forget about it. If the subject is rekindled again, say the girl herself when she hears wants to know more about you, and uses the shared friend, just feign like you forgot about her already, and brush it off...
            Ignore from now on.
            Initially I thought this was a girl whom you were quite close with before, perhaps same group of friend etc. If she was just a visual acquaintance, then it's fine...

            The worst is when it's some old ''flame'' you get to be in close quarters with again, and they think they can boss you around for the quick emotional validation...You know those ''hey you used to like me'' types...Anyways good for you then I suppose it's okay to say you did fancy her physically.

      • 2 years ago

        Also if other people try to meddle into it and ask you questions...the only emotion you will convey is slight sadness and disappointment and minimize your interest in her.
        Say things like '''s just that she has changed'' (look of empathic concern, almost sad)...''did something happen to her?'' Seeming concerned for her will help people consider that since you knew her from before, she is actually greatly decreasing in value, and the more disappointed and even concerned/saddened but caring you seem, the more the power of information will shift to you, and people will be quick to analyze her instead of you.
        They will ask themselves...''wow I guess she must have changed (for the worse), he doesn't seem to see anything in her anymore...poor guy''...

        You know? Like make it seem like your dream/ideal was shattered but you are okay with it and sort of like having a caring but disappointment reflection of how time can affect people you knew.

        Sort of like you met old friends and they turned into buttholes. But show more dignified ''concern'' and ''humble'' energy. If you really want to stick the knife in and hurt her, you can even in confidence with people admit you used to see her as a nice young woman, and liked her as a person, and say it with a tinge of nostalgia and sadness like ''damn how things have changed''...

        This will destroy her self-esteem and the value she thought she had in the group. You might trigger an ego death and some serious self-reflection in her, which tbh if she does pull that shit on you, is deserved. But that's how you play it. But make sure to not do it unwarranted, she had to come at you with the b***h attitude first.
        Pace yourself, and seem distant mostly.
        Don't address it directly, or acknowledge with her. Only if people ask, you can go into more detail into the act.
        Take it as it plays out. I hope I gave you enough clues as to how to approach this problem of ''she knows already''.

        Meds. Now.

  80. 2 years ago

    I would like some milk

    >Move across the country from hometown 6 months ago
    >Group of great friends since childhood
    >All of them not happy to see me go
    >I'm not happy to leave
    >Tell them I'll visit soon because I'll have a month or so off to move again
    >Get fricked by move schedule and can't visit
    >My bros are all disappointed
    These guys and my family are all I really care about and I hate not being there with them. Gonna be gone for another 5 years probably and the idea of us becoming distant is killing me.

    • 2 years ago

      >Move across the country from hometown 6 months ago

      • 2 years ago

        I signed a contract that sold a portion my life to the largest government entity in existence in exchange for free college.

        • 2 years ago

          Make new friends. The ones back home will respect you for going out into the world and finding your way. Keep in touch and keep your eyes on your goals.

        • 2 years ago

          Shouldn't have done a five year contract, what branch?

          • 2 years ago

            It was technically 8 years including school. Chair force.

            • 2 years ago

              You going through an officer program or something?

              • 2 years ago

                ROTC, commissioned last year.

              • 2 years ago

                Gotcha, I just did army for four years enlisted, got out a few years ago. Are you regretting your decision or just feeling lonely?

              • 2 years ago

                Just missing seeing my bros every day and feeling bad about not being able to visit. Had to break the news to them a few days ago. Joining the air force was easily the best call for my career and I wouldn't have made it through college without the money and pressure so no regrets. I'm gonna be in longer than my adsc, going for captain and taking tuition assistance for gradschool so I don't feel bad about it. Just venting.

    • 2 years ago

      make an online chatroom together on ezcapechat or tinychat that's locked with password, and basically meet up there, cam up, mic up, play music, drink and smoke together, hell even play games together, etc...

      t. I used to daily log on to a chatroom with online friends ffor close to a decade and we would have the wildest nights just drinking, smoking, talking shit to each other, shooting the shit. We even had like open mic roasts where dudes would go on unhinged rants, it was so comical, I swear the best banter...Despite the distance, we could see each other on cam daily, talk on mic. It was nice and it's not soulless like zoom when it's your friends.

      • 2 years ago

        We talk on troonycord and stuff, used to play games every day together but we're all working and lifting and grad school and other shit so it's become difficult to do regularly. I should probably try to organize a standard time for meeting once a week or something.

        Make new friends. The ones back home will respect you for going out into the world and finding your way. Keep in touch and keep your eyes on your goals.

        I do this, but another issue with being part of this huge government entity is that you move every three years or so and other people rotate often on a different schedule from you, and I'm technically not allowed to be friends with over half my coworkers outside of work. Otherwise, agreed, we stay in touch and grind.

        • 2 years ago

          breh...just move your folks over to ezcapechat.
          It's a much better crowd there. Some degens too but you can actually have more fun there with video capabilities. Also music players included.
          Go check it out real quick, the guest open rooms, turn on the cams will catch some good vibes. It's a much better format for socializing, people are unfiltered there.

  81. 2 years ago

    Its been 2.5 years, but when ever I think about trying to find someone new or just thinking about love in general, I can only think of her. And it's enough to kill any drive to keep searching.

    • 2 years ago

      Thanks for the painful reminder, anon. And great, now I'm thinking of the "First Cut" post. When do things ever get good.

      • 2 years ago

        Its supposed to be good now.
        >solid job with a company i enjoy working for
        >big income boost coming shortly
        >in the best shape of my life
        >actually disciplined enough to keep life in order with minimal effort
        >pretty regular social interaction even if it is with customers
        >hobbies/studies in order
        >meditating and working on mindfulness
        >growing past old sense of materialism
        Its just kind of hollow without her, or at least my idea of her. She never truly existed in the way I imagine her, so I shouldn't be this upset. But I just can't break the fantasy, and I don't think I ever will.

        • 2 years ago

          Nobody is the way you think or imagine they are, I never understood why people use that as an "argument" when it comes to getting over someone. The point is that the "base" version of her you knew was great enough for you to imagine her being even better, because those thoughts were just an extension of how you already saw her, and that in spite of what you knew were flaws you were still into her, because they made her her. Wish I knew I could tell you for sure that she'll be out of your head for good some day, but I doubt anyone ever succeeds in that. 10 years from now you'll see someone who at first glance you think is her, or just reminds you of her, and it'll sting like hell. Just another burden to bear, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            In my more social side job I had mentioned, I check the customer list before I go in. There is payment verification info like a phone number and a zip code. A few times I've seen it to be her area or zip code, and it sends a knot of fear in my stomach thinking I will see her again.
            I frankly don't care if I ever get into another romantic situation again, I just wish I was free of her.

            • 2 years ago

              >and it sends a knot of fear in my stomach thinking I will see her again.
              Be glad you're not in my position then, when college starts up again I'll have to see her once or twice a week. Unironically considering, half seriously, to entirely skip those lectures and get notes from a friend just so I won't have to see her let alone talk to her.
              >I frankly don't care if I ever get into another romantic situation again
              Have you tried going out with someone you thought was cute? That's the only idea I have personally to get this shit moving. Suppress thoughts and feelings relating to her as much as possible and hope I catch feels for someone new.
              >I just wish I was free of her
              That's the worst part isn't it? So tiresome. And it's like you've lost a part of your dignity or self worth because you can't just fricking let go, because you know she doesn't give a frick any more, so why can't you? Why does she get to cut out this part of you and keep it?
              I hope you feel better eventually dude, 2.5 years is a long time. "Time heals all wounds" or whatever the frick.

              • 2 years ago

                I've tried to get back out there. Got laid a couple times, met some cool girls but let things fizzle out and ultimately still left feeling hollow and in the same position I was in partly because she now serves as a barometer for any woman i meet. And I recognize its not only not fair to these women but also moronic to work a comparison, but its just kinda programmed in now.
                I don't do well on dating apps, and that would kinda be my only option for meeting someone new at this current juncture so I'm just waiting for enough changes to occur by my actions.

  82. 2 years ago

    I have been losing loads of weight, the other day was the first time a woman went for a walk with me after asking her out of the blue, only ever having talked to her once before when we both needed to use the drying machine in the laundry.
    She's very pretty in a trad-girl kind of way, she complimented my looks and personality and I connected with her and can't wait to do all the stuff she said she wanted to do with me when she comes back from holidays in September, but she already has a boyfriend and I'm not used to all of this, so now I'm left alone for one month suffering and missing her not even knowing if she is just extremely friendly or is planning to leave the guy
    Honestly ever since I started working out and trying to be more social, I feel like I opened an emotional Pandora Box and have the sensibility of 13 yo girl

    • 2 years ago

      >but she already has a boyfriend and I'm not used to all of this, so now I'm left alone for one month suffering and missing her not even knowing if she is just extremely friendly or is planning to leave the guy
      Why the frick would she leave the guy? Don't put in any stock on her feeling anything. Your best bet is meeting another girl ASAP before you develop oneitis for this one.
      >Honestly ever since I started working out and trying to be more social, I feel like I opened an emotional Pandora Box and have the sensibility of 13 yo girl
      I know exactly how you feel, had literally the exact same thoughts, Pandora's Box kek.

      • 2 years ago

        >Your best bet is meeting another girl ASAP before you develop oneitis for this one
        Honestly I might already have done it, but the bigger problem here is she is really the prettiest girl I have ever met IRL and now if I compare every other one to her even with an open mind, I feel like I'd perceive them as makeshift girls

        • 2 years ago

          Like with your previous post, I know exactly what you mean. But the thing is, surely you can still see when another girl is cute? If not, you just haven't met another one yet. I know that shaking the feeling of
          >she's cute, has pretty x, but not like her
          is extremely hard, but you gotta give it a go for your own sake. For me a part of it was also to be selfish with it, in a way it isn't fair to this new girl you meet that you still have someone else on your mind, but you gotta do something. Not only will you be tormenting yourself with whether or not oneitis likes you, but even worse you'll miss out on opportunities with other girls, girls you would never pass up if it weren't for the fact that you're oneitising.
          Just trust me on this one, anon. I recently fricked this up and might still have a shot at making it with someone I stayed away from at first because of my oneitis. When the opportunity arises with another one, take it, regardless of the fact that your oneitis is ravaging your head.

  83. 2 years ago

    I hate the fact that I have two option: be the person that I want to be, have great friends etc. but not liked by girls or be the person that I want to be as much as I'd like to be the president of a knitting club and be wanted by girls.

    Haven't had many girls in my life, but the few times I've been with girls I've gotten so depressed after, because they "want me to do whatever I want to do with them", meaning rough sex, choking, being "alpha" etc.

    It makes me softer than a dead grandpa.

    I just want a girl that 1) Does NOT want "degenerate", "passionate", "bad boy" stuff
    2) Just likes me for the things that I truly enjoy
    3) Wants to have a boring old family
    4) Not be afraid of constant cheating etc.

    Frick man, I just wish I had a normal sexuality

    >inb4 you're gay lol
    > inb4 low-t

    No, i'm not gay. No, my T-levels are not low - I checked them a year ago. I've always had way bigger urges for a "romantic" life than for a sexual life. Ever since I was 14 I didn't understand why my peers wanted asses and breasts while I dreamed of holding hands etc.

    And no, I'm not asexual. I'm just turned on by the complete opposite of what an average girl likes.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel this is more of a problem with where you go to meet girls buddy.
      It's more difficult to meet the kind of decent girl you like because they usually go about their lives without hanging out in social places, but they do exist. Maybe try volunteering for charities or something

      • 2 years ago

        That's actually kinda fair.

        A year ago I made an account to an asexual dating site, even though I'm not asexual. This girl started stalking me, wrote me on facebook that she just wanted to encourage me and tell me that I'm attractive etc. She wrote me about her life that she has never understood people, sexuality, hookups etc. and people have told her she's sick.

        I also personally know literal "farmer girl" virgins, so..

        • 2 years ago

          >I also personally know literal "farmer girl" virgins, so..
          What are you waiting for anon? Knock one up and lock that down

    • 2 years ago

      >while I dreamed of holding hands etc.
      Maybe it's the kind of girls you meet? You should keep trying anon. If you could get those types of girls you described you can get a sweet one too.

  84. 2 years ago

    Bros, last time I was in a relationship was 2016, and I do not understand the dating scene anymore.
    When I was in Uni, you'd meet a girl. Take some classes together. Get to know each other slowly, and then start to date.
    Now, I can get laid with women when I go out, but it doesn't evolve into a relationship.
    Also, it feels like everyone is lightly cheating on each other. They're always talking with someone in their text or social media.

  85. 2 years ago

    >girl I'm getting pretty serious about tells me she's a youtuber
    >I'm a little taken aback, start wondering what type of videos she makes, etc
    >she starts talking about how she loves her fans, how she loves making videos and that she can't wait to go fulltime
    >look at her channel
    >she has a smidge more than 1.5k followers
    >her highest viewed video is sitting at less than 5k
    >seems like her average video gets fewer than 50 views
    Do I stop seeing her? She's clearly deluded. It's only been a few weeks but she was talking about her fans. She has none.

    • 2 years ago

      What kind of content does she make? Run of the mill makeup artist lifestyle type shit, or something genuinely worthy of a hobby like reviews/analyses of books or films? If it's the former, then that's up to your dick to decide; if it's the latter, try to help her out while making sure she doesn't burn out as what happens so often with manic bursts of creativity like these

    • 2 years ago

      What type of videos does she make and how long has she been at it?

    • 2 years ago

      Get out. Egirls ain't nothing but mental cases.

      I've tried to get back out there. Got laid a couple times, met some cool girls but let things fizzle out and ultimately still left feeling hollow and in the same position I was in partly because she now serves as a barometer for any woman i meet. And I recognize its not only not fair to these women but also moronic to work a comparison, but its just kinda programmed in now.
      I don't do well on dating apps, and that would kinda be my only option for meeting someone new at this current juncture so I'm just waiting for enough changes to occur by my actions.

      Sounds like you've at least tried. That fricking sucks man. Don't know what else you could do here except keep forcing yourself to meet more in the hopes of someone being so amazing she wrestles the other one out of yojr head.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, brah. Maybe in a few months when my circumstances get even better.

  86. 2 years ago

    I got to the final round of interviews for a really sweet job but I blew it at the end. I got too comfortable with the interviewer and started talking about stupid shit rather than marketing myself for the position. I got the rejection email a few days ago and I'm really bummed. Idk if or when I'll find an opportunity like that again.

    Still unemployed in the meantime.

  87. 2 years ago

    >only dream is to become an artist
    >can't bring myself to draw anything

    Why am I like this bros? Whiskey please

    • 2 years ago

      You're like this because your dream is a fantasy. You're probably waiting on inspiration to strike or to find your muse or whatever. But that's not how it works. You need to treat it like you're an athlete. You wouldn't expect someone to step up to a basketball hoop and qualify for a college team, there's regimented work and practice to do.
      My suggestion would be set a block of time aside a couple times a week and do nothing but draw. A time you know can be consistently occurring. No phone, no tv/internet videos, no music. Make it so that nothing short of a house fire will distract you from the paper.
      t. actor who spent years fricking around hoping "talent" would hebej08gu to carry me

      • 2 years ago

        Are you working as an actor now?

        • 2 years ago

          Part time, and that's what I prefer. I have steady and reliable income and insurance with a day job, and do acting gigs at night or when film projects align with slower times in my day job

      • 2 years ago

        Stop dreaming about being an artist and start dreaming about creating art

        Thanks bros

    • 2 years ago

      Stop dreaming about being an artist and start dreaming about creating art

  88. 2 years ago

    Got put under academic suspension because of my performance last semester in college. I passed two out of my three classes but I guess the overall grades (D and C) weren't good enough and I failed my english final last semester. I guess my passing grades from the last semester had an affect as well. Im really scared but I want to use my wage slaving as an opportunity to follow my passion of drawing and writing. Im really scared and depressed. Has anybody been in this place?

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