Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    You should've told him to wear a condom

    • 1 year ago

      No he has moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis

      • 1 year ago

        I have this. Feels like life is over.

        • 1 year ago

          take out some globalists and call it a day, then.

  2. 1 year ago

    >saves you
    You're welcome

    • 1 year ago

      I have this it literally hurts my balls against the pad I guess I could try a pillow but besides that I don't feel I'm doing them right I'm clearing past my pelvic bone. I'm recovering from a pulled hamstring and some other pulled glute shit

    • 1 year ago

      These helped me, OP.

    • 1 year ago

      i second this OP
      also dead hangs and yoga
      fixed my back

  3. 1 year ago

    *enters thread*
    what now

    • 1 year ago

      I had that. Tight hamstring, glute, QL were pinching the nerve. Physio released it and needled it. Lacrosse keeps it tuned up. Back pain is a mechanical issue it must be fixed that way, meds etc won't help.

      • 1 year ago

        This is correct. I have found 2 things that help pain from the l5/s1 and tight hammies:
        1. strengthening core. types of ab excercises that are not aimed at hypertrophy but aim at stability of muscles supporting your spine.
        2. these strerching/strengthening excercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BOTvaRaDjI
        pure pain but worth it

        • 1 year ago

          Did the first part of that video up to the ground touch part, my back is a different type of sore in the same area that gets pain. Like a good sore. Adding to my morning routine with my core exercises, thanks man. I can’t take this

          I’ve been suffering back pain, and I’ve noticed it occurs doing house work or even leaning over the sink to brush my teeth.
          Currently working on strengthening my core. I think my core is genuinely taht weak that my lumbars overengage to compensate. It’s the only thing I can think of that’s causing lower back pain as bad as I get it, aside from piriformis syndrome but those stretches only provide a few hours of relief if anything.

          Idk what to do if strengthening my current doesn’t work. I’m not exaggerating but if I’m on my feet all day, when I get home my back is so sore and tight all I can really do is lay down for a few hours until it loosens enough to move around again and even then it stays stiff and sore for a few days

          If I have to crouch to do anything or kneel forget about it I’m destroyed within minutes.

  4. 1 year ago

    I’ve been suffering back pain, and I’ve noticed it occurs doing house work or even leaning over the sink to brush my teeth.
    Currently working on strengthening my core. I think my core is genuinely taht weak that my lumbars overengage to compensate. It’s the only thing I can think of that’s causing lower back pain as bad as I get it, aside from piriformis syndrome but those stretches only provide a few hours of relief if anything.

    Idk what to do if strengthening my current doesn’t work. I’m not exaggerating but if I’m on my feet all day, when I get home my back is so sore and tight all I can really do is lay down for a few hours until it loosens enough to move around again and even then it stays stiff and sore for a few days

    • 1 year ago

      Very good chance you have lower cross syndrome. The pain with flexion during activities of daily living is a dead giveaway. Happens when your hip flexors are used to stabilize instaid of your core resulting in overuse and shortness/trigger point development. The glutes get tense to match the hip flexors so you aren't walking around bent at the waist. If you find a good massage therapist who knows how to work the psoas major and illiacus muscles and is willing to clear through the glutes in the same session you can get immediate relief. The downside is it's a postural injury so if you don't change the habits that led to it in the first place it'll slowly come back. Core exercises and functional bracing during exercise are the main 2 best things you can do in your own along with stretching for the glutes, piriformis, and hip flexors.
      T. Massage therapist who helps people with this every week

      • 1 year ago

        I’ll do more reading into this. I’ve been thinking it’s a combo of this stuff:
        Weak core
        Slight lordosis(not sure if I have that)
        Bad posture
        Being fat (working on it)
        And imbalances in my adductors&abductors

        Maybe the ad/ab ductors arent the problem and it’s what you said. Or it’s a combo of what I listed AND what you said. All I know is I’m not even 30 and I wanna go into the trades but this is holding me back. The pain isn’t sudden or sharp or anything btw, it’s just if I crouch or squat to for example clean something for 5 minutes, when I stand back up there’s rigidity and stiffness and it’s all sore

        Unrelated but you ever get asked for happy endings or have people hint at it? Any stories of fricking b***hes? Ever get a thick hot Latina or big booty black girl and the towel never makes it onto her as so you just stare into her butthole the whole time? I’m genuinely asking. Sounds nice but I’m sure you get elderly and a lot of dudes too. I’d love to see someone in your profession but it’s a dime piece latina or ebony girl and have my goal body and next thing I know she’s the one getting that deep tissue massage

        • 1 year ago

          It's 100% a combo. Glute med/min kick in for stabilization when the abs don't do their job. Look into lower cross on physiopedia or the website of your choice it'll tell you all the muscular imbalances that are causing the situation.

          I got asked for a happy ending from a government employee once. We're both males. I told him no because I could lose my license and then he said what about as a friend which I also said no to.
          I'm happily married so I try to keep any sexual thoughts out of it for the sake of professionalism. That said the feeling of seeing someone limp in and then walk out pain free an hour and a half later because of your work is immensely satisfying. It's a great job even for that reason alone.

  5. 1 year ago

    >rotator playing up
    >scapula in pain most the time
    >lower back twinge
    >intercostals overstretched or something
    >knees and hips grind

    What the frick

  6. 1 year ago

    Took me maybe 7 years, but it did go away. Don't give up.

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