Fuck martial arts and fuck you?

>fall for the BJJ meme
>go to my first session
>shoulder dislocated and labrum torn in first 30 mins
12 months of rehab later and 3 years of being afraid of martial arts
>join muay thai gym
>seemingly full of serious guys who I think will be able to help me get some confidence and self defence skills
>do some basic kicks and punches against a partner with the pads
>do the basics of blocks and take some horrific kicks to the quads practically crippling me
>gym makes every new member spar at the end of his first session for as long as possible to "see what he's made of"
>paired up with guy I've never met before
>breaks my nose instantly with a jab, punches me in the jaw full force knocking me out
>can't move my neck
>forgot where I lived on the drive home and ended up having to pull over and use my previous locations in google maps to set my sat nav to get home
>woke up the following morning and missed work because I thought it was last weekend
I'm finally back again to normal except my nose still hurts and I can't chew anything still after a week.

Are you people just walking around with horribly disfigured faces and massive CTE damage?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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  1. 1 year ago

    Damn bro that sucks. Traditionally muay thai gyms do extremely light sparring, called "flow sparring". This lets people test their skills and technique and take risks without hurting each other. Here is two legendary fighters sparring for example https://youtu.be/FD7kbTyDOdw
    Sorry you had bad experiences. What location are you in, roughly speaking?

    • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    Some butthole tried to fight me once because I excused myself past him through a doorway he was blocking at a bar. He was a BJJ dude and thought he was a bigshot I guess. He kept saying he trained BJJ and was a professional fighter and would frick me up. Then he pushed me and when I went back to hit him he tried to hug me or something. So I pushed him away and he fell to the floor and put his legs up like a flipped over turtle yelling at me to “fricking take him on” and calling me a b***h and a pussy. I just stepped on him and kicked him over and over until he stopped moving.

    I’m 5’8 130 pounds and he was taller and a few weight classes above me too. He was fine afterwards just a b***h

    • 1 year ago

      Lol, this sounds made up but would be funny if it were true.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh sweet, made up stories

    • 1 year ago

      Reminds me of the time this guy lightly brushed past me at the bar touching my arm causing it to move maybe 1cm and the slight sway spilled maybe 1ml of my drink on the bar, I said watch where youre going and he turned around walked right up to me and said what did you say I turned to him and bite his nose clean off in one bite and spat it into his screaming mouth and he swallowed his nose stump, I then glassed him, grabbed a bottle from behind the bar bottled him smashing it over the back of his head and then raped him with the shards and wiped the shit and blood off the bottle on his face, I then said dont ever brush past me again homosexual and turned 90 degrees and carried on relaxing at the bar, crime scene investigators turned up and cordonded off a square around his body and put up a forensic white tent while they investigated the corpse, I told them what happened and they agreed he should have watched where he was going, I got a pat on the back and one drink of my choice for free which I chose water.

      • 1 year ago

        No charges filed? That's crazy bro.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah they filed a pic of me flexing my guns

      • 1 year ago

        >and bite his nose clean off in one bite and spat it into his screaming mouth and he swallowed his nose stump, I then glassed him, grabbed a bottle from behind the bar bottled him

      • 1 year ago

        Not gonna lie, that was kinda rude of you.

    • 1 year ago

      As a BJJ guy this is quite accurate. BJJ is not a self-defence method, its a sport. Only moronic Black folk get into street fights, and all you need to avoid them is situational awareness and not living next to Black folk, but if you for some dumb reason still do, grappling is just fricking stupid. Yeah bro take a guy down on fricking concrete, hello manslaughter/murder charges. Yeah bro go to the ground in a group fight, say hello to the coroner for me oh wait you can't because you got kicked to death by a pack of wild Black folk.

      BJJ is a fun sport. A SPORT.

      • 1 year ago

        >defending yourself from someone
        >murder charge
        yeah thats not gonna stick, this shit isnt premeditated
        also bjj has plenty of wrestling moves where you throw someone from a standing position on the ground, its not all just ground combat

        • 1 year ago

          Most BJJ guys have no stand up game, that's the issue.

      • 1 year ago

        You could be a politician

        • 1 year ago

          Sounds like a purebred Democrat to me!

      • 1 year ago

        A blue belt at my gym stopped a guy from trying to stab people on a highway one time by holding him in back control till the police showed up.

        • 1 year ago

          He didn't even pull guard berimbolo calf slice him? That's not bjj bro

      • 1 year ago

        This so fricking much. Every technique in bjj which you can do as self defense originate from wrestling or other martial arts. morons say bjj works in the streets yet no one ever won a brawl by pulling guard or doing lapel chokes

        • 1 year ago

          >originate from wrestling or other martial arts
          who cares?
          >no one ever won a brawl by pulling guard or doing lapel chokes
          no one ever argues that pulling guard or doing lapel techniques is viable... non training morons love to hate on BJJ for no reason lol try to fight a decent blue belt near your size and see how that goes for you

          • 1 year ago

            Blue belts fricking suck and that's a fact. Source I'm a blue belt and I'd still frick you up so bad and I'm gonna just tell you the whole roll that bjj fricking sucks as a self defence

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      This story is true.

      • 1 year ago

        what the frick is going on here is this a legit fight?

        • 1 year ago

          No is just grappling, in a “legit fighting” you’d get kicked to death

        • 1 year ago

          It's a submission fight. So just homosexual grappling and no striking.

          >Muay Thai is for people who truly want to fight and prove their skills
          Lol spoken like someone who literally has no idea about the origin and culture of their own martial art.

          Muay thai is just a vehicle for poverty-stricken kids to make barely enough money to feed their family. It's also the largest avenue for tolerated gambling in Thailand. The reason why you see 5 or 6 year old kids doing ringfights in thailand is because they get a small portion of the betting revenue to send to their parents while they live in the gym, which their parents ship them to because they can't afford to feed them at home. You have countless kids who have 150+ fights under their belts by the time they turn 18, and it's not because they "truly want to fight and prove their skills" or any other weeb romanticized bullshit, it's because they can't afford to quit. If you want to talk about people who literally only care about making money, then there isn't a sport more relevant than Muay Thai. And because nearly all of the revenue in Muay Thai comes from ringside gambling, it's more susceptible to corruption than any other martial art. The betters literally line up beside the ring and yell instructions to the fighters while offering up cash incentives for doing what they tell them.

          You really don't know shit.

          Any corruption is from the judges not the fighters. Judges often follow the bookmaker odds so they don't end up getting stabbed outside the stadium.
          Doesn't change the fact that mt fighters are still legit fighters whereas boxing is just one massive corrupt shitfest of prized fighters being put up against washed up bums who throw the fight for the sole purpose of padding the records of the prized fighters.

          • 1 year ago

            >Doesn't change the fact that mt fighters are still legit fighters whereas boxing is just one massive corrupt shitfest of prized fighters being put up against washed up bums who throw the fight for the sole purpose of padding the records of the prized fighters.
            This kind of happens a lot in muay thai as well. If you want a cleaner fight sport with less fixing, you need something with less money and betting in it overall like lethwei or college wrestling.

        • 1 year ago

          Its an alternative strategy.
          The other guy could kick or punch him, but as you can see, touching that homosexual in that state would inflict gay kooties so the standing guy is obligated to not land a single blow.

  4. 1 year ago

    What was your upbringing like? Medical issues? Were you active as a child? Did you participate in any non combat sports?

    • 1 year ago

      I mean, it seems like a mix of OP being unathletic and the gyms he's going to being shit. Who in the world has heard of teaching newbies to block hits before they even know how to dish them out?

    • 1 year ago

      I did cycling, no contact sports

    • 1 year ago

      dislocated and labrum torn in first 30 mins
      genetic dead end

  5. 1 year ago

    >muh israelite jitsu
    Just fricking pepper spray some c**t in the face if he wants to frick with you, who cares about this karate kid bullshit. Grow up.

  6. 1 year ago

    Sounds like a good example of a bad gym.
    My gym was owned by Josh Koscheck and it was fine.
    He probably cared about making money, not creating his own personal man cave.

  7. 1 year ago

    Why do you go to such shitty gyms?

    • 1 year ago

      He probably had no way of knowing they were gonna go hard.

      • 1 year ago

        Idk, the moment they asked someone to spar in their first session OP should have said no and went to work on the bags, then never return.

  8. 1 year ago

    Cool story OP, I wish it actually happened.

  9. 1 year ago

    The only filter to martial arts is your own lack of dedication.

  10. 1 year ago

    >Are you people just walking around with horribly disfigured faces and massive CTE damage?
    Most people on here don't even lift, nevermind do an actual sport. They just run on memes like "sparring 100% is the most important exercise" and stuff like that.

    Anyway, you fell into the typical American trap: Sparring too hard and too early. Ofc you will get hurt. American sports training is a meat grinder, not a development program like in any other country. You won't "learn" martial arts in America, you're either fed to a bully to sharpen him up or you are the bully being fed noobs.

    Anyway, what I want you to do is first and foremost take a month off or longer and see a fricking doctor. Then, steer clear of the US bullshit system.

  11. 1 year ago

    Yeah frick it. It's so fricking expensive.

  12. 1 year ago

    stick to point karate, pipsqueak.

  13. 1 year ago

    In case you are not larping, it's more than obvious you went to some of the lowest level IQ gyms possible.
    I'm sorry man, but you ran into pure brain dead morons with no knowledge or honor.
    Only a psychopaths would run gyms like that

  14. 1 year ago

    BJJ and Muay Thai are overhyped bullshit martial arts

    • 1 year ago

      Fricking take me on

      • 1 year ago

        Meet me bich. At noon at the market square.

        • 1 year ago

          You’re on tough guy. Be there or be square.

  15. 1 year ago

    Coping with your lack of survival instinct, what a b***h!

    >OP is anon who has NEVER been to a fight.

  16. 1 year ago

    >>fall for the BJJ meme
    >>go to my first session
    dislocated and labrum torn in first 30 mins

    >>join muay thai gym
    >>gym makes every new member spar at the end of his first session for as long as possible to "see what he's made of"
    up with guy I've never met before
    my nose instantly with a jab, punches me in the jaw full force knocking me out
    Jesus, is this really how martial arts gyms are or are they just dogshit gyms? Having to spar on the very first day with someone way more experienced and that "sparring" leading a broken nose and knockouts sounds borderline criminal. Like you could geniunely sue for negligence at that point.

    • 1 year ago

      No it's complete bullshit OP made up so lifters that for some reason feel insecure about fights they will never get in can cope and seethe at martial arts

      • 1 year ago

        That's good to hear, I guess, cause I'm literally 30 minutes away from driving to my local gym and asking if I could join. They are a regular lifting gym but also have a big focus on martial arts, specifically judo and kickboxing and I thought "hey that's pretty cool, lifting+martial arts in one". So reading OP kinda spooked me.

        • 1 year ago

          Just focus on your defensive game first, you can't strike unless you know how to dodge and block first.

        • 1 year ago

          Come over to lift or hang out and you'll see what the atmosphere is like. If someone's too rough you just ask them to dial it down, and they should do so without skipping a beat. That is not to say you won't get mat burn (if grappling), sore unconditioned shins (if striking) and feel exhausted like never before, but OP is 1 in 1000

          Some gyms (like Mike's gym in Holland) pride themselves on giving CTE to eager newbies, and this becomes a full circle - they then attract absolute morons that can only be dealt with by knocking them out.

        • 1 year ago

          Since judo and kickboxing are primarily trained for sport and fitness, not moronic ninja turtle gang war homosexualry, you'll probably be fine.

      • 1 year ago

        Have you considered the possibility that the OP is a thirdie? That kind of moronic bullshit is normal out there.

        • 1 year ago

          Not exclusive to third world. I read an article just two weeks ago how an American got awarded something like 46 million dollars because on his second training sessions his instructor snapped his neck and paralyzed him from the head down. Here in Germany we had a case where the father of a teenager successfully sued a boxing gym, because they let him spar with someone way more experienced, he got the shit beat out of him and the trainer just watched. In Taiwan a kid literally fricking died after going into a coma because his instructor threw him like 16 times in a row.
          Long story short, good and bad gyms exist anywhere. You just gotta stay away from the bad.

        • 1 year ago

          Brazilian flow rolling and Thai play sparring is the best way to learn their respective sports, and they are both thirdies

  17. 1 year ago

    you have a really shitty, atypical experience. unless you were especially unfit, or sorted incorrectly by ability level, then BJJ shouldn't cause you that much difficulty. no two ways around it, but your muay thai gym sounds like it's full of nutcases, and you absolutely should get checked for concussion.

  18. 1 year ago

    You have brain damage. Also from someone who got a concussion and an ACL + meniscus tear from Muay Thai sparring - never spar with morons. The moment they're not following proper technique and/or think they're in a real fight, you have to correct them or tell your teacher. If they insist then you back off from the sparring or request a change of sparring partner. Had I done that back then instead of toughening it out, I wouldn't have gotten brain damage and fricked up my knee.

  19. 1 year ago

    >making a noob do full contact sparring
    I don't believe this.

    • 1 year ago

      They did it at my gym, but after a long lecture of "please don't hurt each other, just try to tap each other's shoulders". Basically slapboxing, and after about 30 minutes of footwork drilling and partner boxing drills

      • 1 year ago

        Imo they should just go for chest shots if possible rather than the shoulder if both are men, bouncy muscles most people have trained and able to take some abuse. kek.

        • 1 year ago

          Not shots at all, just practicing slaps with the palm of the hand. This is before everyone bought sparring gloves.

  20. 1 year ago

    Where are you from OP?
    I'm a Brazilian monkey and I've never heard anything like that, here the most problems are sparring partners with much higher weight categories, which are generally harmful, but those things he suffered were premeditated bodily injuries, here that is subject to prosecution.

  21. 1 year ago


  22. 1 year ago

    >Full contact sparing at first session
    Yikes dude your gym was full of morons, most gyms don't do that because they're not blowhards

  23. 1 year ago

    >>gym makes every new member spar at the end of his first session for as long as possible to "see what he's made of"
    thats where you say frick off and get the frick out
    sparring is useless if its just some guy with some years under his belt running circle around a guy who never sparred lol

  24. 1 year ago

    why do you beta pussies join sports like these theyre not for you stop larping because you saw it in a movie and have some fantasy or because you are some dyel pale homosexual from pol you arent tough you arent strong you are a meek homosexual. now frick off trumpet go hide behind a gun thinking your some cowboy badass thats more your speed perfect for limpwristed beta boys

  25. 1 year ago

    Western fight gyms are all low iq working class psychos. What do you expect. Go to the high end gym and stay away from the street trash.

  26. 1 year ago

    Why do people keep falling for the BJJ and muay thai meme. You fricks live in the west where boxing is tried and tested also easiest to learn and no need to develop some weird cult bs by getting belts from your fat out of shape instructor. Boxing gyms are relaxed for the most part. You will get the odd nig loudmouth.

    • 1 year ago

      I live in Boston where there is a very good Muay Thai gym scene.

      • 1 year ago

        >Lives in the same state as Rocky Marciano >decides to go to some bullshit thai boxing bs.
        Not even kickboxing but meme muay thai. Just be honest you choice thai because it sounds cool. Saying you do boxing is boring and white so you do muay thai to feel cultured.

        • 1 year ago

          >Just be honest you choice thai because it sounds cool.
          No, I have powerful legs and want to be proficient at kicks and knees.

          • 1 year ago

            >No, I have powerful legs and want to be proficient at kicks and knees.
            Then do kickboxing you larp.

            • 1 year ago

              >Then do kickboxing you larp.
              Kickboxing lacks low kicks, which makes it relatively impractical outside of sport.

              • 1 year ago

                This isn't the 80s anymore. Any serious kickboxing gym will teach you how to lowkick and how to defend one. Those guys from the 80s primarily come from a karate point sparring background where they don't lowkick and that's why they got dominated by the thais.

              • 1 year ago

                Pretty sure most kickboxing rules disallow low kicks, so the gyms would be lacking in comparison to muay thai gyms. Not to mention knees, elbows, and clinch work.

                In a high stress situation you will not combo your attacker. It will be wild strikes. It will last no more than 30-50 seconds if you're lucky. An untrained psycho with anger issues beats whatever training you may have had in the gym.

                The point of training is to pre-program muscle memory so you can do combos, strikes, and sweeps without thinking much in high stakes under pressure.

              • 1 year ago

                >Pretty sure most kickboxing rules disallow low kicks, so the gyms would be lacking in comparison to muay thai gyms. Not to mention knees

                This is plain wrong. Every local competition or away competition I've done has allowed low kicks and sweeps. Knees are allowed too. I don't know any modern kickboxing promotions that don't allow low kicks or knees. Rise, K-1, ONE FC, Enfusion, etc, all allow low kicks and knees.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I looked it up and I'm wrong, the rulesets are almost identical nowadays aside from clinch and elbows (which might be seldom used in muay thai depending on the fighter's style). Still, I find the clinch and elbow game interesting, so I'd still train Muay Thai over anything else (except Lethwei) because it's more complete. Just never had much interest in kickboxing so I didn't know this.

              • 1 year ago

                modern kickboxing is not early "american kickboxing" and it has low kicks
                you don't train so stop talking

              • 1 year ago

                The frick? Have you ever even watched a kickboxing fight? Low kicks are the most bread and butter strike used next to the jab. Look up guys like Ernesto Hoost.

                Literally the only difference between Kickboxing and Muay thai is that KB doesn't allow elbows or extended clinch. On the flip side, Kickboxing tends to be much, much more aggressive than muay thai, which is notorious for having multiple slow, light rounds before the fighters finally start having meaningful engagements.

            • 1 year ago

              The only kick boxing gyms outside of Japan and Denmark are cardio kickboxing gyms for middle aged women.
              Muay Thai > kickboxing

              • 1 year ago

                Find a gym that has an active roster of national-level fighters. My gym has a former world champ as the main coach.

                Muay thai gyms are all run by dudes who went to thailand once, spent 2 weeks at a tourist gym flipping tires and being asked to kick 50 times on each side and now they call themselves "Kru John" and preach teeping/front kicks as the ultimate in martial arts striking.

              • 1 year ago

                Kickboxing gyms are all run by personal trainers who did karate as a teenager and then market their "skills" to middle aged women who just do cardio combos.

    • 1 year ago

      Scared of Black folk and mexicans. Thats the reason.

      • 1 year ago

        >Scared of mexicans
        Fricking how?

    • 1 year ago

      Muay Thai doesn't have belts you absolute moron. It's the exact same as boxing training except elbows, knees, kicks and clinching are also involved.
      Muay Thai fighters also mog the absolute shit out of boxers. Muay Thai champs have gone on to become boxing champs but the reverse rarely happens.

      • 1 year ago

        Tbf only happened with god samart who had to be some incarnation of some wierd Asian deity

      • 1 year ago

        Are you ten years no one here is going to be muay thai champ. Like I said mystical cult bs. Also muay thai champs have gone on to be boxing champs? kek

        • 1 year ago

          The only ten year old is you who thinks muay thai is a karate aikido or something.
          It's simply a striking sport that uses all methods of striking. It's more comprehensive than boxing because of that.

          • 1 year ago

            >t's simply a striking sport that uses all methods of striking.
            Then do boxing. Why larp. You're not van damme in bloodsport. This is why you guys wash out the gym so quick. You believe the hype then realise its nothing like the movies. Boxing is straight to point no bs, no cult, just honest reality.

            • 1 year ago

              Boxing is gay and boring, only low iq minorities like boxing. Simple as.

            • 1 year ago

              >you are not van damme in bloodsport

              True, but I’m trying my best tho

      • 1 year ago

        >Muay Thai champs have gone on to become boxing champs but the reverse rarely happens

        The last time a muay thai striker accomplished anything meaningful in boxing was in the early 90s. Also, the reason you never see boxers move to other martial arts is because no other martial art pays remotely as well as boxing does. Everyone tries to get in on boxing because that's where the money is.

        • 1 year ago

          Muay Thai is for people who truly want to fight and prove their skills.
          Boxing is for low iq mutts chasing a check for throwing fights.
          Glad we sorted that.

          • 1 year ago

            Nothing wrong with boxing, and in most places in the west you will get better boxing instruction than muay thai instruction. Just wasn't the case for me.

          • 1 year ago

            >Muay Thai is for people who truly want to fight and prove their skills
            Lol spoken like someone who literally has no idea about the origin and culture of their own martial art.

            Muay thai is just a vehicle for poverty-stricken kids to make barely enough money to feed their family. It's also the largest avenue for tolerated gambling in Thailand. The reason why you see 5 or 6 year old kids doing ringfights in thailand is because they get a small portion of the betting revenue to send to their parents while they live in the gym, which their parents ship them to because they can't afford to feed them at home. You have countless kids who have 150+ fights under their belts by the time they turn 18, and it's not because they "truly want to fight and prove their skills" or any other weeb romanticized bullshit, it's because they can't afford to quit. If you want to talk about people who literally only care about making money, then there isn't a sport more relevant than Muay Thai. And because nearly all of the revenue in Muay Thai comes from ringside gambling, it's more susceptible to corruption than any other martial art. The betters literally line up beside the ring and yell instructions to the fighters while offering up cash incentives for doing what they tell them.

            You really don't know shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Because a low kick ends your boxing


      Sorry fren

      • 1 year ago

        >Because a low kick ends your boxing
        You will not be able to low kick in a street fight,in a high pressure situation you will throw your fists. 0 combos, just wild fists and grapple with your attacker.

        • 1 year ago

          That's like saying someone who trains boxing will never be able to land a cross or hook in a real fight.

          • 1 year ago

            In a high stress situation you will not combo your attacker. It will be wild strikes. It will last no more than 30-50 seconds if you're lucky. An untrained psycho with anger issues beats whatever training you may have had in the gym.

            • 1 year ago

              >just see red bro

              Delusional individual that has never sparred detected, a female with 6 months of training would ko you if you don’t at least have 10 kg over her

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah let's just forget that people who train striking sports don't also do countless hours of sparring.

              • 1 year ago

                Sparring isn't a real fight. Your nervous system will be in fight or flight. In a sparring situation you're expecting to "fight" which is basically a pretend fight with a friend from your gym. Some wild nig suickerpunching you is a different situation.

              • 1 year ago

                >getting suckerpunched

                Look there is no cure against lacking situational awareness, the only stress you have in a streetfight if you have legit training is if a knife is going to come out and this is why I opted for kicking to keep a distance just in case (mind you in my experience I was piss drunk and had smoked a good amount of weed)

                Then issue is the amount of muscle mass and most importantly training that the other individuals might possess, if you don’t have at least one of this element presented in order of relevance a street fight is a walk in the park

                (Some points could be made for skill being more relevant than size however this is only true with significant amounts of training and the odds of facing a lightweight champs on the street can be neglected)

          • 1 year ago

            homie my only “street fight” I was piss drunk and high as frick and I still managed to land fricking jumping back kick to the back of a sandniq that was going to curb stomp my friend ground n pounding and almost killed a dude with a high kick ko, a low kick takes almost no skill

            >Inb4 larp

            No one was recording sadly shit was hilarious, untrained individuals are walking punching bags if they have no weapons

        • 1 year ago

          For people experienced with fighting, a street fight is no longer a high pressure situation.
          A low kick can be thrown faster than some drunk can wind up a haymaker.

    • 1 year ago

      Muay Thai is easier for the body and head. Due to the scoring system and how they spar - you won't be having CTE as badly compared to boxing.

      BJJ is full of mongs that will torque your arms even if you're an unathletic noobie.

  27. 1 year ago

    you just weren't humble enough bro

  28. 1 year ago

    >driving home after getting a concussion
    Kek. If you’re not memeing you should unironically sure the gym for allowing something like that

  29. 1 year ago

    OP is a autistic larper but BJJ is pretty cringe.

    Even with unified MMA rules that favors it, there hasn't been a BJJ-main champion in like 15 frickin years probably.

    • 1 year ago

      Charles Oliveria is a BJJ dude

  30. 1 year ago

    We have been talking about BJJ today in my new martial arts discord: https://discord.gg/9yNyu7rF

    Join and talk about training and the UFC.

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