>fucks up sleep. >ruins appetite after long term use. >fucks lungs. >creates paranoia and anxiety

>fricks up sleep
>ruins appetite after long term use
>fricks lungs
>creates paranoia and anxiety
>fricks with memory
>high is not even that great
>cant stop smoking this shit

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    >be fat as shit
    >smoke so much weed my appetite is btfo
    >finally able to get in shape
    thank you based mary jane

    • 1 year ago

      i've been considering telling an obese childhood friend to try this. he's never smoked, but the control it gives me over my appetite is invaluable. i'm never hungry or eating stupid shit, yet my appetite is bottomless if i'm bulking

      the problem is i had the munchies bad my first year, and he's already crazy lazy

      • 1 year ago

        Once you learn how to control the munchies, cannabis turns into a cheat code to cutting and being lean. That's because it artificially raises ghrelin and then your body will produce less, much like taking gear and hoping off.

    • 1 year ago

      It's funny, simply reducing your plant consumption to none would achieve the same effect and be healthier, however pot heads do like to make excuses to cram toxic chemicals into their system.

    • 1 year ago

      Similar story
      >skinny fat muh physique
      >lost motivation to lifer every day like I used to
      >remember 5 years prior having a six pack
      >remembered what I was doing differently back then
      >I was high as frick doing push ups in a trance not even feeling tired
      >decide to ask my brother to smoke with him before my workout
      >first work out high I almost doubled my volume
      >didn’t even feel tired lifting
      >went overkill and did 3 hours a day 6 days a week with a 1 hour workout “rest day”
      >went from skinny fat to six packing in a few months
      Smoking weed was the best decision I made 0 negative impacts apart from spending like 30 bucks every 2 weeks for a 1 gram cart

  2. 1 year ago

    >quit marijuana
    >life improves dramatically
    why didn't I think of that sooner

    • 1 year ago

      Growing out of the weed phase is an important step. If you're smoking weed after like 30, you're a fricking loser. Sooner then that even, but no excuse after your 20s.

      • 1 year ago

        Post wall Karen take. Weed makes some of us more introspective

        • 1 year ago

          Sure buddy.

        • 1 year ago

          Some of these morons can't stay motivated and smoke weed. Probably get high and realize how pathetic they really are on the inside. Weak pussies, go have some micro nutrients or some shit.

          • 1 year ago

            You're the fool who needs drugs to enhance your dull ass life. Frickin idiot.

            • 1 year ago

              Haha, you seem overly emotional. Must be the steroids messing with your brain.

            • 1 year ago

              I would much rather smoke weed than have whatever it is you call a life.

        • 1 year ago

          >Nooooo! Not muh heckin weederino!!! Muh fluffy puffy dude weederino

        • 1 year ago

          The cope is off the charts

        • 1 year ago

          >I'm so introspective man
          >that's why I sit on IST all day and earn 30k a year man

      • 1 year ago

        >Growing out of the weed phase is an important step.
        If it was ever a "phase" then you are just a fake ass poser that only smoked weed for clout.
        Do the world a favour and kys

        • 1 year ago

          imagine basing your personality off smoking a fricking plant. pathetic

          • 1 year ago

            Imagine being a shriveled up post wall Karen

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, well, I didnt really start smoking before I was 25, been getting into it big when 27. I suppose I look at it as an older person eh

      • 1 year ago

        >Use weed not for the recreational aspect, but as a tool to learn about consciousness and microdose or use THC/CBD in small amounts for the benefits of it.

        If you can master your use, instead of just doing it for the fun, it'll bring you more than you have ever hoped for.

        • 1 year ago

          >a tool to learn about consciousness
          Weed is basically useless for this unless you're 16 and think that "introspection" and "exploring consciousness" is just listening to cool music and vaguely thinking about the universe.
          Take LSD. Read philosophy. Weed doesn't do anything to broaden your understanding of consciousness.

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't been happy since I stopped smoking weed 5 years ago. I've been more productive and stable, but not happy. I guess there's no having it both ways

      • 1 year ago

        It's got frick all to do with weed mate, you just live a pointless and unfulfilled life. You need to figure your shit out.

    • 1 year ago

      Same, so glad I stopped. I enjoy being high but it wasnt good for me especially because it made me binge eat like crazy and extremely lazy too. With all the new energy I feel like Im ascending godhood honestly. So this is how it feels to be "normal", it's so good. But if youre concerned about lungs then just make edibles

  3. 1 year ago

    Can also contribute to the development of gyno according to Andrew Huberman. It raises or lowers something something, prolactin maybe? Sorry I can't remember exactly.

    • 1 year ago

      frickmeintheassterone, correlated with sensitive nipples and dildo usage

  4. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      gem in thread didnt miss cheese

  5. 1 year ago

    I'm on day 1 rn after releasing after a week cuz of family bullshit.. Pissed and unmotivated at the same time..

    There's a reason it's so popular with the alphabet people, it kill sur soul

  6. 1 year ago

    >cant stop smoking this shit
    How do you even reach a point where you smoke more than 2 times a week? Dont you have a job or somethinf that prevents you from being high all the time?

    • 1 year ago

      >Dont you have a job or somethinf that prevents you from being high all the time?
      Underaged homosexual, the high only lasts a few hours tops. You can get high every night and be fine the next morning for work.

      • 1 year ago

        This. I usually smoke after work and maybe use a vape pen during break

      • 1 year ago

        >only lasts a few hours
        So what? Even with that in mind it would still be annoying as frick to smoke so much since i actually have shit to do that requires me to be sober, even if i am currently not at work. If youre actually moronic enough to get addicted to weed you deserve everything thats comming to you

        • 1 year ago

          Oh yeah you have loads of shit to do in your life, that's why you're posting here.

        • 1 year ago

          have a nice day larper. Only reason not to smoke is if they test your piss regularly. There are some jobs that require it even in smoker friendly states. But if they don’t test then do what you fricking want. Life isn’t your stupid DARE class.

        • 1 year ago

          suicide. now.

    • 1 year ago

      I smoke on my way to work and at lunch and when I get out of work. I'm an engineer and I make more money than you. Weed is what you make of it, everyone is different.

      • 1 year ago

        Post investment portfolio

  7. 1 year ago

    Lmao weed is so innocuous and raises your self awareness x10 fold . Find a different crutch to blame your inherent laziness on

    • 1 year ago

      >weed is so innocuous
      at first

  8. 1 year ago

    I wish I didn’t start smoking weed when I was 15

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I started at 15 too. Wish I would have waited atleast until 18

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I started at 15 too. Wish I would have waited atleast until 18

      I just kinda stopped years ago when I was 22
      college was a mess for me because of it though

      • 1 year ago

        literally me except Im 22 and still havent stopped. I really want to though

        • 1 year ago

          I'm 22 and stopped last year, life is still a mess but I've been more constant with going to the gym.
          Came to the realization that I didn't even really like weed and the only reason I smoked was because I would hang out with a group of guys who smoked, and the only thing we had in common was weed. Stopped smoking and we gradually lost touch

          I just kinda stopped years ago when I was 22
          college was a mess for me because of it though

          I'm 22 and I just stopped a month ago. I stopped for a job I ended up not taking, but felt amazing while I was off it. I realized I wasn't taking the job and smokes again and everything went downhill. Stppped 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting to feel better again.

      • 1 year ago

        literally me except Im 22 and still havent stopped. I really want to though

        I'm 22 and stopped last year, life is still a mess but I've been more constant with going to the gym.
        Came to the realization that I didn't even really like weed and the only reason I smoked was because I would hang out with a group of guys who smoked, and the only thing we had in common was weed. Stopped smoking and we gradually lost touch

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I started at 15 too. Wish I would have waited atleast until 18

      I just kinda stopped years ago when I was 22
      college was a mess for me because of it though


    • 1 year ago

      Advice for youngsters. Never start shit before 20


      >use a drug every day for 6 years
      >"oh no, i'm not an addict, i could quit if i wanted to, i just dont want to, hehe"

      joe rogan is fine with weed tho

      Weed is for Black folk and leftists

      I'm a rightwinger and I smoke on fridays

      >fricks up sleep
      Smoke it so that it wears off before you go to sleep.

      >ruins appetite after long term use
      I don't have anything for this. Just stop eating I guess, fatty.

      >fricks lungs
      Vaporize it instead of rolling it into a joint and combusting it.

      >creates paranoia and anxiety
      THC just makes your head feel 'full' and happy and amplifies emotions. Work on your emotional state and you'll feel bliss.

      >fricks with memory
      I don't have anything for this.

      >high is not even that great
      You're not doing it right.

      >cant stop smoking this shit
      That's on you, you undisciplined swine.

      Sounds like the problem is you, you undisciplined piece of shit, not the weed.


      its a weird drug honestly
      very dependent on the person

      for me
      >destroyed my sleep
      >didnt frick my lungs up at all
      >lowered my appetite
      >made me paranoid as frick, especially when i was taking edibles
      >didnt mess with my memory at all really except very short term stuff, but then again i dont get memory loss from alcohol either
      >high is very variable depending on your tolerance, state of mind, interests etc, i had a religious experience on a weed high that changed my life
      >not addictive in the slightest to me but i have no trouble with addiction at all

      interesting, but sad to see that your experience was bad

      for me, I had a smoke-weed-everyday phase when i was 20 and 21. Then I stopped out of boredom, and because I wanted to focus on my creative hobbies. Weed basically...
      >makes me unproductive during daytime
      >sleep was good tho
      >higher apetite
      >sometimes very happy, sometimes paranoid
      >enjoyed a lot consooming media
      >sometimes got philosophical, sometimes funny. I wrote some cool ideas down when i was high as well

      • 1 year ago

        >Never start shit before 20
        Weed thins the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex if it isn't fully developed yet so make that 25.

      • 1 year ago

        >joe rogan is fine with weed tho
        He is rich and doesnt have a real job. Hes also stupid as frick.

        • 1 year ago

          he's also clearly gotten much dumber every year over the past 10 years. almost like weed is harming his brain or something

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah I don’t think Rogan is a good example. Once he turned into an alt right misinformation grifter who’s getting paid by far right media circuit to platform Chuds

            • 1 year ago

              rogan is not a great example but look i like this guy, i essentially imagine he is, as i think he may imagine, he is his newsradio character who is a composite of what traits he has shown anyway.

              there are better faces, right here, that demonstrate the hazards of drugs from people who could not be called successful let alone relevant etc


              my favorite part is listening to the velvet underground and laughing remembering how hard it used to be to score drugs. wthout cellphones? you kids have no idea how easy ya got yr endless foolery

        • 1 year ago
  9. 1 year ago

    everything in moderation anon

    • 1 year ago

      Can I murder orphans in moderation? Can I stab you in the face in moderation?

      • 1 year ago

        you sound a bit upset

        • 1 year ago

          Shoo Shoo Karen goblin

          When you mature you will stop being so hostile all the time.

          Not an argument.

          • 1 year ago

            >Can I murder orphans in moderation? Can I stab you in the face in moderation?
            This wasn't an argument either. You have to try to show why weed in moderation is bad for it to be an argument.

      • 1 year ago

        Shoo Shoo Karen goblin

      • 1 year ago

        When you mature you will stop being so hostile all the time.

        • 1 year ago

          What a load of crap. Being a harmless emasculated homosexual isn't a sign of maturity.

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Not an argument.

            Weak men have no control over their emotions. Little b***hs that are "hostile" to everyone around them show their weakness as men. I agree being harmless isn't a sign of maturity but having the capacity to be a savage and knowing when to use it is

            • 1 year ago

              >Little b***hs that are "hostile" to everyone around them show their weakness as men.

              Having 'control' over your emotions just means you don't punish people who are threatening you. What seems more alpha and 'manly' to you, a guy who sits there being yelled at, or a guy who destroys you in whatever way relevant when yelled at.

              If you'd be half as wise as you're sold on being a 'man' is being stoic and silent, then you'd realize that you should be more afraid of the guy who will ruin your life in whatever way he can, and preferably as slow, sudden and disastrous as possible.

              • 1 year ago

                *unsheathes katana*

            • 1 year ago

              >I agree being harmless isn't a sign of maturity but having the capacity to be a savage and knowing when to use it is
              correct enough

      • 1 year ago

        go away quentin

      • 1 year ago

        They hated him because he spoke the truth. Also 'moderation' to a stoner is like one joint a day.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah and weed is also as harmless as ibuprofen

          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              Cope. Get your test levels checked

              • 1 year ago

                I don't smoke weed so I know they're as high as you are.

  10. 1 year ago

    I have terrible anxiety and it gives me relief I know everyone says something along those lines though and that can make it hard to believe. I dont smoke everyday but i keep some around i have panic attacks and days where it takes 3-4 hours laying in bed keeping my gf awake before i can sleep so it's really helpful to me compared to what a doctor might try on me.

    • 1 year ago

      >compared to what a doctor might try on me
      Is your doctor trying to rape you?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes but only figuratively speaking

    • 1 year ago

      If you have anxiety attacks, listen to what the anxiety is telling you. Anxiety is your brain trying to tell you there's danger. If you try to pay attention to what the danger might be, the anxiety goes away. If you try to calm it, it will only get worse.

      In other words, the anxiety is *trying* to get you to pay attention, that's why it feels so bad. Listen to it. Pay attention instead of zoning out.

      • 1 year ago

        This right here, pain avoidance is only gonna raise the interest on your suffering.

        • 1 year ago

          I know people tell me that to help but there is a lot more going on mentally with me and I resist medication and psychiatrists like the plague. I can't always just suffer through 3 hours on the floor hyperventilating its good to have something for relief. I'm talking about the kind of panic attacks where it takes me a solid 2 days to recover before I like mentally and emotionally back to normal.

  11. 1 year ago

    My 50 year old israeli coworker smokes weed and brought skunky ass weed in my car and showed me pictures of his fricking weed plants in between pngs of the star of david
    Also told me about a 6 figure smuggling operation his dealer did (200 pounds from california) for no reason, never asked anything of the sort, weed smokers will blab off about anything, can't be trusted

    • 1 year ago

      I think people do it to make themselves seem well connected and cool.

    • 1 year ago

      U let a israelite in ur car?

      • 1 year ago

        I'm wondering about this as well. Never let a israelite near you

  12. 1 year ago

    I love doing my pre-workout getting all hyped up and then taking 2 hits of the devils lettuce and I can throw super sets like a mad man

  13. 1 year ago

    truth thread.
    >be sitting at home after work/gym bored as shit
    >smoke weed
    >everything is interesting again
    hate the rest of the baggage

  14. 1 year ago

    >Not smoking weed on a Saturday evening when you're home alone

    It's not so bad when you just want to kick back and relax after a long week. Its like drinking a few beers in your own home

    • 1 year ago

      This is true but some people just can't control themselves and go overboard, whether it's with weed or alcohol. When used correctly these substances are supposed to be a cherry you put on top of an already good life on occasion. Using them as a reality escape or because you are bored can be very destructive to a persons life

  15. 1 year ago

    Das rite. You shouldn't take the herbal israelite

  16. 1 year ago

    23 here and I’ve never smoked weed, and I don’t want to. The whole “culture” of it annoys me since it feels like they can’t shut up about it, just like coffee. They have to have their fix, but are insistent that they’re not addicted, or try to play it off that’s it’s fine because it’s natural (even though they’re most definitely not getting the natural stuff, only processed). Why is coffee, weed, and alcohol socially acceptable to consume in large quantities?

    • 1 year ago

      Because society as a whole seems to be degrading and we all need a nice substance cope sometimes .

  17. 1 year ago

    >just bought my first clone
    feels good man, as a skinny homosexual this shit makes me go crazy eating food and helps me sleep cause I have a deviated septum. I only smoke at night however.
    It's bulking season bros, who cares if you smoke or not, if you're natty or not, let's get fricking HUGE!


  18. 1 year ago

    I live in Japan
    Weed is VERY illegal here
    Wish I could smoke sometimes
    Drinking makes me fat

    • 1 year ago

      Weed really isn't very fun

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I think the idea of getting high is better than getting high sometimes.

  19. 1 year ago

    when I first hit it I just felt drunk. I wondered why are people buying weed that's 100 times more expensive than alcohol when the effect is almost the same

    • 1 year ago

      >the effect is almost the same
      Anon I think you might be moronic if you struggle that hard to distinguish conscious experiences. Outside of feeling "relaxed", the way those substances affect your experience is vastly different.
      One of the more objective examples of this is that alcohol is a social lubricant that makes people confident. Weed tends to make people quiet, closed off, and in their own head.

  20. 1 year ago

    > Weed is a Black person drug that has only negative effects
    Yeah sure, the only examples you brought are potheads that smoke at least 3-4 times every day. Nobody says that is fine, except for redditors

    > Nooooooo... weed has only positive effects
    Yea, that is also bull. The reason I'm advocating moderation. Don't be a dumb hippie but also don't be a tight-ass straight edgelord. 2 times a week should be fine.

    Also - the sleep I get after one sesh is magnificent.

  21. 1 year ago

    Even worse than the effects is how weedsmokers act. They're all cookie cutter and act like they're some enlightened homosexuals plus they reek.

    • 1 year ago

      Shoo shoo shriveled up Karen

  22. 1 year ago

    Weed makes you moronic. If you want to be dumber toke up.

  23. 1 year ago

    >believing that inhaling smoke is good for your body

  24. 1 year ago

    I look like the stereotypical weed lmao dude because I have natural dreadlocks and stuff and am white but my actual drug of choice is meth.

    • 1 year ago

      Hell yeah brotherman , Trump 2024

  25. 1 year ago

    >smoke weed
    >life improves
    >straightedge autists get annoyed about it online

  26. 1 year ago

    not to mention the constant hazy state of ”brainfog” you’re in when you’re a daily/semi-daily smoker.
    i don’t have many complete memories from my time as a frequent smoker, but i remember being somewhat slow and out of it all the time, even the days i didn’t smoke.
    just a shitty drug that makes you feel fine with staying where you are and not progressing in life.

  27. 1 year ago

    just swap to edibles

    • 1 year ago

      >just swap to something that is 5 times more psychoactive than THC when smoked
      Edibles are a different beast because the THC is processed through the liver. If smoking is having a negative impact on somebody's life then edibles would wreck them even harder

  28. 1 year ago

    Weed has been great for me but I still smoke the cheap, Mexican low-thc weed constantly for over a decade and the good stuff definitely makes me stupid and lazy so I think the strain you smoke matters most. I am very healthy, look young, fit and I've probably avoided much worse substances that would be prescribed for depression, motivation or concentration.

  29. 1 year ago

    >improves sleep
    >doesn't really change appetite at all
    >fricks lungs if you are a chronic smoker
    >creates paranoi and anxiety if you are a sissy
    >fricks with short term memory WHEN you are high
    >high is great
    >can definitely stop smoking this shit

    Source: Weed smoker for 11 years, daily for past 6.

    • 1 year ago

      >use a drug every day for 6 years
      >"oh no, i'm not an addict, i could quit if i wanted to, i just dont want to, hehe"

      • 1 year ago

        Addicteds have a problem, I have a luxury

    • 1 year ago

      Factually incorrect. You might get to sleep more easily but your quality of sleep is diminished greatly, just like with alcohol.

      This is objectively the case and one of the absolute worst negatives of smoking weed, if not the worst, and should be enough to turn anyone away from daily usage, but you're an addict so you probably won't. Hell, you've probably already zonked out stoned with a belly of scooby snacks and will never even read this.

      Sweet dreams, anon. Oh wait you don't sleep you're just fall unconcsious lmao

      • 1 year ago

        that's why every time i quit smoking i start dreaming again. But i'm either always being chased through a large dark house or the woods at night. I usually end up getting torn to shreds. But after a few weeks i always end up sleeping much better than i did in the first place.

        • 1 year ago

          Since I quit I had more dreams the last month than in 6 years of smoking weed. Its insane. Feels so bizarre remembering all the dreams again

  30. 1 year ago

    There's only one patrician way of consuming THC and it's pic related

    • 1 year ago

      I've taken a liking to the beverages, can sip on them in a social setting or mix them with alcohol. The only downside is the calories.

  31. 1 year ago

    Weed is for Black folk and leftists

  32. 1 year ago

    I've always smoked daily and lifted for years. I wondered why my gains would never get past a certain point. Then one day I woke up, and it was like a switch flipped, and I no longer wanted the green israelite in my life (after 20+yrs). After 2 weeks, my sleep improved, and my appetite quadrupled. I never knew I could eat this much. It's like I never feel full and crave everything. Within 3 months, I put on 20lbs because I was eating nearly 5k calories a day. Now I have a better foundation for my lifting, and I am much stronger. It's crazy how much that shit drags you down.
    >In b4, it's natural
    Bull shit! Maybe 20 years ago, it was, but not nowadays. Nothing is natural about growing something in a bucket completely disconnected from the earth's soil, in a tent, under artificial light, and pumped full or "nutrients." The green israelite is only there to keep you too moronic to do anything constructive with yourself.

  33. 1 year ago

    I grow pharmaceutical marijuana for a a living.
    Please continue buying my drugs, thanks.

  34. 1 year ago

    Weed also makes you lazy and apathetic. I'm glad I quit.

    • 1 year ago

      I started smoking because im lazying and apathetic but now i do think i need to quit to help make a change. It doesnt help for the most part.

      • 1 year ago

        I think you should. Weed causes nothing but harm long-term.

  35. 1 year ago

    >used to smoke basically every day, sometimes all day if nothing was going on
    >haven't smoked in 2+ months, started as a way of supporting my gf as she cleaned out to pass a drug test
    >appetite returns
    >disordered eating habits all but disappear
    >lifts have started increasing recently as well, making more progress than I have since I started
    >mental health is noticeably better
    >honestly thinking I will probably never return to my pre-clense smoking levels since drug tests are common in my field

    All that said, I don't think weed itself is inherently negative. I think problems occur when people use weed as an escape/distraction from their problems or as a solution to them, which it normally can't be. The anon who used it to fight panic attacks a few times a week is probably smart. Constant use can really change the way you interact with the world and perceive things.

    • 1 year ago

      >I think problems occur when people use weed as an escape/distraction from their problems or as a solution to them
      What if your problems have no solutions?

  36. 1 year ago

    I haven't smoked in a week. Last weekend I smoked all day since the time I got off until I had to go to work. My sleep was shit, my tear ducts were crusty and sealed, my lungs hurt and I had brain fog so bad I felt disassociated.

    I'm debating whether to have a couple smokes tonight. I'm just shit at moderation. I don't want to permanently quit but if I could stick to one night I'd be happy. I'm in the middle of my weekend so all I would have to do is smoke tonight and not tomorrow and then I'll have achieved my goal. I just know it's easier said than done because despite what people say, it's definitely addicting.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm just shit at moderation. I don't want to permanently quit but if I could stick to one night I'd be happy
      Dedicate one day of the week to getting high. Saturday night is usually good for that.

      If you feel like getting high more than that, just try really hard to fight it because it's the addicted part of your brain trying to trick you into giving it its fix

      • 1 year ago

        >I'm just shit at moderation
        From one addict to another, throw it out right now

        the duality of man

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm just shit at moderation
      From one addict to another, throw it out right now

    • 1 year ago

      for me its been 2 weeks since I quit, I finally feel normal again. You are at the hardest part, do not go back.

  37. 1 year ago

    I haven't smoked in so long because of job related reasons that now weed gives me a panic attack. All I can have is cbd.

  38. 1 year ago

    I haven't smoked weed in a month and I miss it so much holy frick I have the feeling of being sober

  39. 1 year ago

    but israelites told me weed is great and benefic and nothing like alcohol!

  40. 1 year ago

    Yeah it's frickin bullshit man. You become dependent on it to fall asleep and now your whole life is fricked

  41. 1 year ago

    Day 2 of noweed here, feeling surprisingly attentive and sharp

  42. 1 year ago

    >all lies

  43. 1 year ago

    >spoiler alert: substances have pros and cons
    Moderation is the true chad way.

    • 1 year ago

      i'm sure that viewpoint makes you feel all kinds of superior. bet you don't moderate yourself on all that internet harvested dopamine HUH smart guy?!

    • 1 year ago

      > Moderation is the true chad way

      Yeah just to some people moderation is harder, in these case is better nothing at all. Something you learn the hard way

      • 1 year ago

        Trash to trashier

    • 1 year ago

      Care to explain pro's of meth, and how often you use it for the benefits and how you keep it moderated

      • 1 year ago

        once, down the entire bottle to cheat death

  44. 1 year ago

    weed is meh but a dab of hashish every now and then is fun

  45. 1 year ago

    >fricks up sleep
    Smoke it so that it wears off before you go to sleep.

    >ruins appetite after long term use
    I don't have anything for this. Just stop eating I guess, fatty.

    >fricks lungs
    Vaporize it instead of rolling it into a joint and combusting it.

    >creates paranoia and anxiety
    THC just makes your head feel 'full' and happy and amplifies emotions. Work on your emotional state and you'll feel bliss.

    >fricks with memory
    I don't have anything for this.

    >high is not even that great
    You're not doing it right.

    >cant stop smoking this shit
    That's on you, you undisciplined swine.

    Sounds like the problem is you, you undisciplined piece of shit, not the weed.

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      going off Huberman vaporizing still has bade side effects for cardiovascular health but speaking from personal experience its still way better than smoking

    • 1 year ago

      >YoU'rE nOt DoInG iT rIgHt
      Or he just has a high tolerance to thc and doesn't get fricked up on weed or would need a shitload of the stuff to get high.
      I know I have a high tolerance for different substances and weed doesn't do shit for me unless I smoke a lot of it.

  46. 1 year ago

    I love low dosing cannabis oil. Body recovers better from exercise. I sleep better. I exercise more.

  47. 1 year ago

    Used to smoke before the gym and the focus was unreal.
    I'd go home, meal prep, shower then unwind with a podcast or book.
    Since quitting it's much the same but without the focus. Thanks ADHD but won't take any meds for it, no manufactured pharma israelite thanks.

    Nature's little buddy was best.
    Miss it but can live either way. I'm not a child

    • 1 year ago

      >Thanks ADHD but won't take any meds for it
      Based. Check out the Huberman podcast on ADHD if you haven't already, it's got lots of info and non-drug ways to improve focus for people with and without ADHD. Hilariously it's over 2 hours long, but broken into timestamped chapters at least.

      There's a great one on Cannabis too that btfo's all the addicts ITT, but they're probably too stoned to pay attention so frick em

  48. 1 year ago

    don't forget, it causes long term harm to your heart

  49. 1 year ago

    I’ve smoked weed everyday for almost 4 years now. I also have a gf, and a remote job that lets me continue to smoke all day. Imagine having all this doom and gloom placebo from a fricking plant

  50. 1 year ago

    Stoners are the most unreliable people, I play in a wedding band as a side gig and I've played with all kinds of druggies, stoners make everyone waste a lot of time. They don't need to steal shit like other druggies but if you count the hours you waste when you have to deal with them maybe being around a crackhead would be less annoying.

  51. 1 year ago

    >I've stolen cars for almost 4 years now. Imagine having all this doom and gloom placebo from a fricking vehicle

  52. 1 year ago

    >fricks up sleep
    Sleep like a baby after a bowl, sleep just fine without it.
    >ruins appetite after long term use
    Helps increase my appetite and gain weight finally.
    >fricks lungs
    >creates paranoia and anxiety
    Only if you're predisposed to it. I'm not.
    >fricks with memory
    Not really, not nearly as much as alcohol.
    >high is not even that great
    It's chill.
    >cant stop smoking this shit
    Non addictive

    Kind of uninformed analysis I would expect from a DARE program

    • 1 year ago

      >Non addictive
      I had physical symptoms (sweats+chills, insomnia, etc) when I was quitting, and these withdrawals would have gone away if I relapsed. Habit forming best case, addictive worst case.

    • 1 year ago

      >Sleep like a baby after a bowl, sleep just fine without it.
      Sleep quality and recovery is objectively worse than being sober.

      >Only if you're predisposed to it. I'm not.
      Incorrect. Long enough abuse will cause these problems.

      >muh not as bad as alcohol
      moronic comparison. A punch in the gut isn't as bad as a kick in the balls, but that doesn't justify getting punched in the gut.

      >Non addictive
      Yes it is.

      >uninformed analysis
      "Weed being bad for you has been debunked" has been debunked. You are coping.

      • 1 year ago

        your cause is noble, but trying to reason with addicts is a lost cause. maybe he'll figure it out in a few years when he gets anxiety attacks every time he smokes, but let him be stupid for now

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah you may be right but it plants the seed at least for epiphany and change further down the road, assuming he's not too sedated to even read it.

  53. 1 year ago

    Anything that fills your head with free and easy dopamine is probably not conducive to a healthy and balanced lifestyle as a human being in our natural world. However good you feel after a hit is how bad you'll feel later

  54. 1 year ago

    It's funny how all these people saying it's not addictive are currently "blazing" as they would say. Makes truly one ponder.

  55. 1 year ago

    >fricks up sleep
    This right here, it's as bad as alcohol.

    But also you forgot one important point
    >destroys critical thinking ability and makes you actually think shit like Netflix is amazing

  56. 1 year ago

    I need to quit smoking it, because at this point my tolerance is so high that I don’t even really get high anymore, it has become a pointless activity I continue out of bad habits

  57. 1 year ago

    my dealer quit for more stable job, and he's the only guy I trusted and bought weed from and I'm too autistic too bother anyone else for it
    I guess some problems solve themselves

  58. 1 year ago

    its a weird drug honestly
    very dependent on the person

    for me
    >destroyed my sleep
    >didnt frick my lungs up at all
    >lowered my appetite
    >made me paranoid as frick, especially when i was taking edibles
    >didnt mess with my memory at all really except very short term stuff, but then again i dont get memory loss from alcohol either
    >high is very variable depending on your tolerance, state of mind, interests etc, i had a religious experience on a weed high that changed my life
    >not addictive in the slightest to me but i have no trouble with addiction at all

  59. 1 year ago

    Trumpgays vote against their own economic interests

  60. 1 year ago

    I take a wee bit of delta 8 maybe once a month but at this point I don't enjoy the "high". Just get paranoid and start cleaning up the house. Maybe cause i stopped being a daily stoner 5+ years ago and just not "used" to the feeling anymore. I'm also 31 so maybe i grew out of it.

  61. 1 year ago

    Anti weed karens are so insufferable. We get it, you didn’t get invited to parties so now you have a chip on your shoulder to ruin other peoples fun activity and escape from a grim hyper capitalistic reality

    • 1 year ago

      I don't get the hate. If someone is just doing it responsibly and not a huge annoyance what's the issue. They get mad about other people they'll never know doing it. These people probably don't mind alcohol so much. I don't mind if people do some shit as long as they keep it to themselves, don't push it on others or bring their shit to the public.

      • 1 year ago

        This. I've never really got into it but once in a while it's nice to chill out and listen to music. Also strangely motivated me to do weird shit around the house because it makes it more fun. Shit like making an antenna for my reciever and other stupid shit. I try not to get catatonic ally baked though as I dislike that feeling. Basically, if you treat it like you should alcohol (ie once in while, not too much) then I think it's fine. Less than optimal, but people arent robots. It's also legal here so I dont have to deal with skeezy drug dealers which also colors my perspective. Wouldnt bother if I had to deal with skeezeballs

      • 1 year ago

        the issue is a lot of people not only don't use it responsibly, but they promote others not using it responsibly and act like that's harmless too. moderation is good, but people will smoke every day for 15 years and ruin their life, neglect all their relationships and career prospects while developing an anxiety disorder and act it's fine. if you're responsible then good for you.

        • 1 year ago

          Everyone needs a valve to blow some steam off, some people use weed to medicate pre-existing anxiety conditions already who don’t want to through extremely expensive pharmaceuticals ( healthcare in Amerilard is broken also)
          Weed also makes people grateful for current relationships with family and friend it’s not like heroin or meth

          • 1 year ago

            I'm just telling you what I've seen people do over the years. Some of them were responsible, but some of them ruined their entire life smoking weed and doing everything I listed. Trying to convince me it's 100% good isn't going to work, Ive probably been smoking since before you were born. Blowing off steam is good, but people using it every day becomes a problem pretty quickly. I know it's not like heroin or meth, but people who use daily tend to gravitate towards doing nothing but smoking to blow off steam over time, neglect their friends and family because they just want to smoke, lose all other hobbies and interests, have no drive to learn new skills or go back to college, etc.

  62. 1 year ago

    Weed makes me more motivated and enthusiastic to do chores around the house

    I really don’t understand the hate , some peoples brains have been wrecked by years of CIA propaganda

  63. 1 year ago

    Weed is good for me, it keeps me healthy

  64. 1 year ago

    I smoke weed because there is really nothing else to do. I don't have problem with women, I lift regularly 5-6 days a week, I have a well paying job... and life is fricking boring.
    Ironically, when I was still in college and broke I never touched weed and instead worked hard to achieve my goals but now that I got it then there really is nothing to aspire to. I have enough money to buy shit that I want (except for a house, although I do qualify for slaving my life away to mortgage) and it doesn't interest me. I usually finish work, go lift, eat and smoke a few bowls, then go for a walk or just frick around on the internet until it's time for bed.
    I've tried quitting weed but instead started drinking alcohol, so my problem is not necessarily with the weed itself, but the lack of goals in life. I don't know man. I feel like every man has to have some sort of a crutch in life and I suppose mine is going to be weed. I do want to learn to moderate it because currently I'm pretty bad at it (smoke it 3-4 times a week but ideally would like to make it 1-2 every 2 weeks)

  65. 1 year ago

    Long-term weed usage fricks up your motivation.

    Stoners will deny this fact.

    • 1 year ago

      >be me
      >don't try or get into weed until I'm 25
      >even then don't really smoke all that much
      >lockdowns happen
      >consumption goes way up because nothing else to do
      > realize being high makes me very aware how tense my body feels and how much I want to stretch
      >start getting really baked and doing yoga at home
      >lose 30lb
      Personally I'd say it doesn't make me less motivated, but changes what motivates me. Thankfully it's something I find productive. I'd also say the same thing with every other substance. Alcohol motivates me to say more of what's on my mind, but it's finding the right time, and setting. All drugs are tools, but not everyone need every tool in their workshop.

      • 1 year ago

        >>don't try or get into weed until I'm 25
        This is the only way to get into weed in any "healthy" way

        >Never start shit before 20
        Weed thins the gray matter in the prefrontal cortex if it isn't fully developed yet so make that 25.

        and even then it's incredibly easy to abuse and not devoid of negative effects

  66. 1 year ago

    Weed makes the Karen seethe

  67. 1 year ago

    >>cant stop smoking this shit
    Thats where you are wrong buddy
    You can. You just dont want to

  68. 1 year ago

    Try edibles then.

    • 1 year ago

      That’s what I do. I’ve never liked inhaling shit. Edibles last longer too. I only do them when I don’t have shit to do the next day, though. There is a hangover.

  69. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Lmao weed is not even expensive anymore I’m legal blue states. Must suck so much ass to live in a dumpy ass red state

  70. 1 year ago
  71. 1 year ago

    Weekend recreational smoker here. I mog all of you.

    • 1 year ago

      no one believes you, not even yourself, addict

  72. 1 year ago

    Underaged homosexuals or literally just started weed smokers in here and it shows. You start all controlled and shit, only doing it on events or in certain situations. Then it gets to "had a stressful day, wanna relax it's okay" phase. Then it gets to taking it daily. You WILL find excuses, especially if your social circle is also smoking weed. You get lazy, unmotivated and negatively self aware while "needing it" but telling yourself its just to chill and having a great time. This is how it goes most of the time. You may be calling me now a weak willed homosexual and that you are not but just you wait. If you dont have strict rules, you will get there in a few years. So glad I quit that shit. I may be getting high by an edible once a year if at all. Weed is nice and all but depending on the type of human you are it can frick you up long term.

  73. 1 year ago

    if I could stop fapping whenever I'm high it would be the coolest drug

  74. 1 year ago

    Are normies exaggerating weed?
    I tried it and it seems like a meme to me.
    I smoked it a few times in different ways and in different amounts to see what it's all about.
    I was just a bit more relaxed, my movements felt slower and my body felt a bit lighter.

    Yeah okay, memes aside, why are npcs so obsessed with this fricking cabbage?

    • 1 year ago

      >why are npcs so obsessed with this fricking cabbage?
      It's cheap, easy dopamine with the naturalistic fallacy of being a plant therefore good for you. Also the "dude weed lmao" meme is a real thing, culture has been shaped to make people think it's cool and healthy when in actual fact it's just like any other source of easy dopamine; incredibly destructive.

      I used to smoke a lot from teens to my mid twenties, I loved the high but I'm clean now because I realize that shit is poison and has done probably irreversible damage to my frontal lobe. I'm sure I'd love opiates too but just beacuse they come from a fricking plant doesn't make it good for you. I hate weed enablers so fricking much

  75. 1 year ago

    I do not get why weed is so popular.
    It's highly illegal in the country I live, but the few times I did get my hands on it one of two things happened. I got really hungry or became so sleepy I literally couldn't keep my eyes open despite 10 people partying in my house.

    I tried working out after smoking once and I felt weak as shit. I don't get the hype.
    Yes things were funnier but it's not like funny things didn't exist before I smoked week.

    Now acid. Acid was fricking amazing.

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