>get below 25 BMI, decent mass, probably 15%bf, face gains

>get below 25 BMI, decent mass, probably 15%bf, face gains
>literally feels like the scene out of Shrek 2 where he becomes beautiful
Suddenly I am funny, interesting, and get eye contact
Why did I spend years of my life being a bitter moron? Was honestly too easy although my autism is still holding me back

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago



  2. 11 months ago

    welcome to IST
    The halo affect is real. Although we already knew this since we were blackpilled, but actually getting the positive end of it is unreal.
    God damn I wish i could go back in time to beat the shit out of my fat out of shape self.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, same here. I'm 32 and I feel like I wasted my entire 20's now.

      You were just insecure shitters. And you still are.

      I was. More or less look like OP pic but the shopped beard version. I'm nowhere near 15% bf, and I'm excited to see how it changes. With the attention and girls I get now I'm not sure how I'll handle anything more. I think i've had a girl nearly every night of the week for the past month, sometimes the same one. Didn't have a car when I first started dating, never had to drive. Got dinners paid for. Actually kind of easier cuz some girls just dont want to get in your car regardless.

      • 11 months ago

        Can I do the next LARP post?

    • 11 months ago

      >I wish i could go back in time to beat the shit out of my fat out of shape self
      I think about this way too often

    • 11 months ago

      Kek, my work place is 90% women, same thing is happening to me and im not even close to my final form. Now i can get away for saying purposedly moronic shit to make people laugh and people laughs even if its not funny. When i was a fatso people would have told me to stfu or just ignore me. Women claim to want lovable men around them but they just want men to be stupid buttholes. Dont get tricked by the veganal israelite. Also, its great to feel the hatred of full-of-themselves normies who arent unable to get fit.

      I was. More or less look like OP pic but the shopped beard version. I'm nowhere near 15% bf, and I'm excited to see how it changes. With the attention and girls I get now I'm not sure how I'll handle anything more. I think i've had a girl nearly every night of the week for the past month, sometimes the same one. Didn't have a car when I first started dating, never had to drive. Got dinners paid for. Actually kind of easier cuz some girls just dont want to get in your car regardless.

      It really is a mind blowing experience and I think it’s able to be more appreciated and realized if you were ugly/fat previously so that the contrast hits hard.
      One thing that blows my mind is exes.
      >get lean, halo effect amazing life socially during college
      >get gf, gym less, eat out more, slowly gain a ton of the fat back, back to the shitty side and painfully aware of it
      >spend years fat and ugly again
      >finally snap, get ass in gear, shred up super fast just eating wraps and walking a ton
      >halo effect again
      But out of the woodwork exes who wanted nothing to do with me, who treated me like shit purely because I didn’t look that good and had no problem blocking me, are suddenly DMing me and texting me, calling me at random times. “Hey can we talk?” Yeah okay b***h it’s been a good 7 years since we dated and you all but told me to kill myself before blocking me yeah okay.
      To make matters worse I have my money in order and I’ve inadvertently flexed it on social media just little Black personish things like $5k gold chains to put my grandfathers pendant on or other various shit in the background like my new car. Wasn’t until I got shredded again they began hmu, but it’s like a cat with a laser pointer. They can’t help but reach out. Way more infuriating than other b***hes suddenly being attracted to you.

    • 11 months ago

      >God damn I wish i could go back in time to beat the shit out of my fat out of shape self.
      I wasted my fricking youth playing dota and counterstrike. I was fat until 25. Thank frick it's never too late, but I wonder how different things could be.

  3. 11 months ago

    Kek, my work place is 90% women, same thing is happening to me and im not even close to my final form. Now i can get away for saying purposedly moronic shit to make people laugh and people laughs even if its not funny. When i was a fatso people would have told me to stfu or just ignore me. Women claim to want lovable men around them but they just want men to be stupid buttholes. Dont get tricked by the veganal israelite. Also, its great to feel the hatred of full-of-themselves normies who arent unable to get fit.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, same here. I'm 32 and I feel like I wasted my entire 20's now.

      You were just insecure shitters. And you still are.

  4. 11 months ago

    Yeah, same here. I'm 32 and I feel like I wasted my entire 20's now.

  5. 11 months ago

    >my autism
    Uh-oh. Prepare for a life of still never getting laid. Autism is the number 1 pussy repellent and will cancel out your looks. It's the reerse of charismatic men getting sex easily no matter their looks.

    t. knower

    • 11 months ago

      I'm a sperg and have fricked 6 girls so far and still have plenty giving me interest. I absolutely can't approach worth shit though, genuinely have zero clue how to do it. But if I get lucky enough to land a date or if a girl approaches me I keep the mantra of "don't say anything fricking moronic" on repeat in my brain and it'll usually turn out fine.

      • 11 months ago

        also on the spectrum and my current gf is 10 years younger than me. was fricking another girl at the same time i met her, both swiped on me. as long as you dont have anime gayshit in your house, have cool hobbies like motorcycles fitness and the outdoors, you're just seen as hypermasculine and eccentric. good luck anons

        Hate the tism, get approached, talk weirdly and girls think Im rejecting them fricking hell.

        Have you been diagnosed by a professional?

    • 11 months ago

      I'm a sperg and have fricked 6 girls so far and still have plenty giving me interest. I absolutely can't approach worth shit though, genuinely have zero clue how to do it. But if I get lucky enough to land a date or if a girl approaches me I keep the mantra of "don't say anything fricking moronic" on repeat in my brain and it'll usually turn out fine.

      also on the spectrum and my current gf is 10 years younger than me. was fricking another girl at the same time i met her, both swiped on me. as long as you dont have anime gayshit in your house, have cool hobbies like motorcycles fitness and the outdoors, you're just seen as hypermasculine and eccentric. good luck anons

    • 11 months ago

      Hard agree
      I think i look good and it's not in my head and i have negative pussy because I'm a massive sperg

    • 11 months ago

      Hate the tism, get approached, talk weirdly and girls think Im rejecting them fricking hell.

      • 11 months ago

        This hurts. I once tismed my way out of a woman dragging me to the bathroom, it will sound fake but real Gs know it happens

        • 11 months ago

          Been there, but it was the women's dorms instead
          >girl walks up to talk
          >walking and talking, heading to the dorms
          >"hey I've got like 15 mins to class"
          >hmm OK
          >get there in short time
          >she's messing with random stuff
          >ask if she wants door left open
          >"...uh sure"
          >tell her I have class in 5 minutes, gotta go
          >mfw spaghetti

    • 11 months ago

      the difference between autism and being eccentric is how good you look man

    • 11 months ago

      I'm a sperg and have fricked 6 girls so far and still have plenty giving me interest. I absolutely can't approach worth shit though, genuinely have zero clue how to do it. But if I get lucky enough to land a date or if a girl approaches me I keep the mantra of "don't say anything fricking moronic" on repeat in my brain and it'll usually turn out fine.

      also on the spectrum and my current gf is 10 years younger than me. was fricking another girl at the same time i met her, both swiped on me. as long as you dont have anime gayshit in your house, have cool hobbies like motorcycles fitness and the outdoors, you're just seen as hypermasculine and eccentric. good luck anons

      Hard agree
      I think i look good and it's not in my head and i have negative pussy because I'm a massive sperg

      Hate the tism, get approached, talk weirdly and girls think Im rejecting them fricking hell.

      Do you guys actually have autism or are you just being hard on yourself? Being confident talking to girls takes practice. I highly doubt all of you legitimately have autism. Just because you stuttered once from being nervous doesn’t mean you are doomed to live a lonely autistic life

      • 11 months ago

        When I am LOW BODY FAT the b***hes want to meet up with me but I want to play chess 8 HOURS PER DAY. HOT b***hES want to be entertained and are hard to get for an AUTIST. UGLY b***hES are ugly and undesirable. Searching for my NERDY MID-TIER WIFE right now.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah and I got diagnosed as a kid too. Got reevaluated recently and the psyche said I was as normal as normal gets. Not only not autistic, nothing seemed awry except for "slightly elevated unconventional morality", I.e. psychopathy

  6. 11 months ago

    You have a full head of hair

  7. 11 months ago

    >Why did I spend years of my life being a bitter moron? Was honestly too easy although my autism is still holding me back
    They must wanna frick.

    • 11 months ago

      Sounds like fatty is still bitter. Don't worry you'll make it one day champ

      • 11 months ago

        Women making eye contact and smiling is a normal thing, you are overthinking it if you assume she wants to frick you just because she's locking eyes with you.

        • 11 months ago

          The transition of being 100% invisible to women to getting eye contact and smiles is pretty profound though

          • 11 months ago

            >loser and high body fat throughout school and college
            >covid happens
            >gyms start opening up and I change my training from purely straight to wanting to see my abs for the first time in my life
            >FF to at least a little more than half a year
            >job hires this 19yr old (hindsight pothead that got infatuated by an older dude and basically lives off him) cute, amazon type girl that's on the cusp of being fat but still holds it well since she's still young
            >immediately she latches onto me and manager every other employee (male) says she's annoying and female (she's alot)
            >she's super tiktok zoomer b***h constantly quoting tiktoks and shit but the clevage is pretty good
            >going well for me when out of nowhere she starts getting super touchy and playful
            >constantly wants to play and is very handsy basically constantly play wrestling with her that SHE initiates
            >she runs off with the manager as well so I don't look too much into this shit as she also has a boyfriend
            >place is dead due to a parade that all employees are just doing nothing we(girl and i) go to her truck cause she wants to sit down
            >confides that she's leaving in a few months and her bf is gone because he's like a construction worker that gets work seasonally upstate and she just follows
            >'so ur alone?'
            >yeah it's just me at the rv till he gets back then we leave
            >staring at her fat breasts when she notices
            >EW! Bro are you staring at my breasts! Jeez! starts laughing her ass off then literally leans her entire body over the armrest and has her breasts squished up on my lap as she's laughing
            >put hand on her back laughing as well
            >she sits back up then like super seriously says 'do u wanna see em?'
            >laughs her ass off as she givves me a 2 second flash
            After that she would constantly bump her butt into me or lean into me till she finally invited me over. Fricked for a month and a half till she just left. Never had this happen before and it was eyeopening.

        • 11 months ago

          I never said that moron

        • 11 months ago

          It's not overthinking. It's underthinking. Every single time a woman interacts with you, you should tell yourself "she wants me" and not think on it any further. Then you act accordingly. Either you're right and you win or you're wrong and you were gonna lose anyway.

  8. 11 months ago

    25bmi at 15% body fat isn't that great of a physique. You must have been an ugly motherfricker before if it makes you feel like this.

    • 11 months ago

      It’s better than at least 80% of the current population, so give OP some credit at least

      • 11 months ago

        Nobody cares about 80% of the population.

    • 11 months ago

      If he was that ugly, getting to 15% bodyfat wouldn't redpill him on female attraction

  9. 11 months ago

    Often obviously correct advise is hard to listen to, like "stop being fat"

  10. 11 months ago

    You were already tall and living on easymode, getting in shape just added to it

  11. 11 months ago

    I have only seen the first shrek.

    • 11 months ago

      Then go see the other ones.

      • 11 months ago

        Too bad they've never made anything after Shrek 2

  12. 11 months ago

    Bros, what the frick do I do if I'm objectively attractive but get no attention because I look mean? Yeah I know that sounds moronic, but I've had women throw themselves at me once they have some kind of first introduction or mutual friends but otherwise I don't get attention. I've had girls tell me before that they'd say hi but don't because I have a very intimidating look on my face. I try not to look so hostile all the time but I have an intimidating air about me that drives people away. I don't really want to be like this but I've had this issue since I was in middle school, kinda had to adopt this look to cope with bullying.

    • 11 months ago

      I've had the same thing and your best bet is to be disarmingly funny/goofy. Be looser and more relaxed than they are. If you're a relatively big dude it can have a really cool effect where you make people feel safe and free to be vulnerable, it's the best of both worlds. Ladies love it. But you may have to try to be more social than you typically are

      • 11 months ago

        Add the caveat that you'll have to do what feels natural to you. I'm a goofy nerd so indulging that part of my personality lets people know that I'm not the intimidating threat I might come across as. Maybe for you it's something different, but the point is, be more relaxed than other people, even if it means being okay with committing the occasional social faux pas. You want zero tension, give yourself permission to relax fully

        • 11 months ago

          Good advice, to add to this it's a lot easier to be relaxed around good friends somehow the idea of wingmen has been lost in current times

          • 11 months ago

            This is getting in the weeds, but being super relaxed around hot women is also attractive to them because they can feel:

            >I'm an attractive woman
            >He's relaxed around me
            >He must talk to a lot of attractive women
            >He gets attractive women

            So literally you can be an incel nerd but if you have 30 minutes of interrupted relaxation with a woman they'll think you're a stud because you're proving it by how you act around them

            Generally requires women who you've recently met. But there is always hope

            • 11 months ago

              This is also why any dude who puts women on a pedestal creeps them out. If they just met you, they want to feel like they're the 50th hot woman you talked to that day. And that happens in how relaxed you come across

      • 11 months ago

        The odd thing is, I've always been on the twinkier side of average. Never big enough to ever be physically intimidating but something about my face and body language gives off very strong mean energy even if I never actually DO anything like that. Part of the problem is, I can't really socialize since I never had the chance. Like I said, I got bullied a lot as a kid and my "friends" didn't treat me much better so I've always wound up being excluded or shut out from socializing despite making a lot of effort to reach out and do stuff. So now I'm really good at talking one on one with people, and can strike up conversations with strangers very easy but the moment it goes beyond 3 people I start shutting down since I don't know how to deal with actual social situations like parties. No idea how to fix any of this.

        • 11 months ago

          Well your response is an indication. You disagreed with every helpful tip I wrote out for you and then told me about how you're specially screwed. How about step one: give up the self-fulfilling woe-is-me garbage and start believing that it's achievable.

    • 11 months ago

      based romance anime protagonist. just wait my friend. you're about to have the time of your life

  13. 11 months ago

    I'm 28 and I'd give everything to start lifting seriously in college. I'd drown in pussy.
    The halo effect is fricking real. But I'd add that being swole is not enough, you have to be at least somewhat attractive at first (or at least try to improve). People don't give a shit to jacked ugly guys.
    People want to hag around me, regulars in the gym greet me for no reason even tho I never talked to them.
    I want to see how far it can go but I'm scared since the thing I want the most in my life right now is to bang full of collagen, silky smooth teenage pussy. There's this 17yo 10/10 in my gym that occasionally looks at me but I'm too afraid to make any moves and turn out as a creep (the age of consent in my country is 14yo).

  14. 11 months ago

    I'm the opposite. I look like a ghoul when I lose fat. Need a bit of chubbiness on my face

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