Getting stuff off your chest

Hey anons, something bothering you? Tell us about it.
I've said some very homosexual stuff here lately but after watching some gay vids on /gif/ I realized that I'm not into dudes. I want to be pretty like a girl but still frick b***hes, know what I mean? Digits can decide my workout penitence.
To keep this ISTness related, post your favorite exercise.
leg extension (love feeling the muscle contracting)

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  1. 7 months ago

    IST - Health & Fitness

  2. 7 months ago

    Guys are better than girls in every regard.They even suck dick better than women.

    • 7 months ago

      What bodyfat percentage is this? I have similar fat storage like this guy.

      • 7 months ago

        It's hard to tell when they don't have a lot of muscle. They look 20% because of lack of striations, but could be lower. Like 15-18%. But again, no striation = looks fatter even when they are not

    • 7 months ago

      this is no joke. the best handjob I ever got was from my best friend when we both were 14 and I had only kissed a girl before. when a gril gave me my first bj two years later I was disappointed asf

  3. 7 months ago

    It bothers me that girls' little wombs are maturing earlier every year.

    • 7 months ago

      this. elementary schoolers aren't supposed to have periods

    • 7 months ago

      this. elementary schoolers aren't supposed to have periods

      It’s related to obesity. Obese girls go through puberty earlier, I’m not sure what the biological reason is. It bothers me that our society just accepts obesity (even amount children) as just a normal thing.

      • 7 months ago

        i think it is widely accepted that the hormones in processed food, for example meat (since we need those chickens and calves to grow quickly), have trickled directly into consumers, and as such we are seeing unintended accelerated growth

    • 7 months ago

      Why on earth does that bother ~~*you*~~?

  4. 7 months ago

    I spent the day with a woman today. We held hands. We kissed a few times that felt really good. We saw a movie and she was very cuddly with me. Resting her hand on my thigh head on my chest and such. Its been years since I've experienced this kind of intimacy. It felt so fricking good. I've been grinning like a God damn idiot for hours. The only problem is that we don't speak the same language. Deep down I don't want to need anyone I don't want to care about anyone or have them care about me, but I'm working on it

    • 7 months ago

      cute. Just see where it goes, dude.

      >be me
      >35yo doomer boomer
      >average peen; bit on the girthy side
      >last breakup anno 2020
      >vapid c**ts everywhere
      >finally meet decent woman
      >kick it off well
      >checks all boxes
      >have sex
      >'this will be alright, have to get to know each other a little more'
      >6 months go by
      >sex still mid
      She is pretty skinny, but not small or fit. Her c**t is like nothing I have fricked before. There is no grip, not much pressure or sensation whatsoever. Wet, yes. Horny, yes. But I dont get the feeling she likes it too much either. She mentioned dick sizes occasionally when drunk at a friends party, etc. Can't shake the feeling, she has higher milage than any woman I've had. She is horny quite often, but I am not even enjoying it that much and evtly turn her down every third time or so.
      Are we just not matching from a dick x c**t perspective? Any anon with s similar story? How did anon go about it?

      • 7 months ago

        it's not about mileage. this one girl I used to frick ( and still sometimes do when I'm drunk) had 30+ dicks in her and one of the tightest most beautiful pussies I've ever seen. I had to train myself to not cum when I usually I have issues with not being able to

        she just has a big, loose pussy dude. or she had a kid or something. it happens. there's anatomical variety there too

        • 7 months ago

          Having kids doesn’t affect shit as long as the birth went fine. My wife and I just had our second, and her pussy is still so good that I *could* nut within 30 seconds from first penetration (assuming I wanted to). Different veganas feel different. Go figure.

      • 7 months ago

        Leave, then. Why are you making yourself suffer?

    • 7 months ago

      >The only problem is that we don't speak the same language
      That ain't a problem, boy.
      And keep it up. Eventually we all need someone. You just don't screw it.

  5. 7 months ago

    just trap mode and act normal like a guy.
    get lean, have a skincare routine and do lots of cardio, isolate glutes and abs and get really flexible. shave everywhere/use hair removal cream.

    consider skin care treatments on hands and feet to keep them gentle and not really thick skinned.
    you'll never look like a woman but you will have nice skin and look unique in tight clothing.

    • 7 months ago

      agreed prob the best play, if you have genetics too it may actually look good.

    • 7 months ago

      aint no frickin way thats a man

      • 7 months ago

        IT isnt. It's aline dessine.

  6. 7 months ago

    The lack of intimacy in my life has created a void in my heart. Concerned that as it grows each day I will selfishly believe anyone will do. No idea how to address this. I run 10 miles each weekend. Ironically my only moments of catharsis are during my runner's high. You really can run away from your problems, if only for a short while. I need to get back into lifting

    • 7 months ago

      Work your ass off to get your own place. It doesn't need to be a palace. It doesn't need to be close to work. If intimacy is the key, you know you can make it happen.

      I am only now realizing how moronic I was in middle and high school with the sheer amount of signs that girls liked me that I was completely oblivious to, or purposely ignored for some reason or another. I want to blow my head off.

      welcome to the club

      It happens to everyone. Now go out and be a man.

      I can’t stop flirting with a young employee from my wage cuck job. She’s 19, I’m 31. There’s always this playful exchange between us, and she’s been dropping obvious hints like ,”I’ve always wanted to go to this place, but I have nobody to go with.” We’ll have lunch together and she always sits on my desk, playfully nudging me with her feet. I mean, the cat’s in the bag here, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m only accepting her moves because my social life is nonexistent outside of work. At the same time I don’t care because I hate my job and I’m halfway out the door, I also don’t care about the age gap thing. Thanks for reading my blog post

      Go on, man. You just wrote the facts.

      All good, man. Least you didn’t have your entire high school years taken out by the covid gayop. Didn’t even know most of the graduating class. I’m catching up now, but I missed so many of the things I was supposes to learn but I spent close to 3 school years forced be at home. At least I didn’t have to get the clotshot

      >3 years home-schooled due to COVID
      Where the frick do you live?

  7. 7 months ago

    That if i drop another 15 kgs when i dropped 50 already i still wont be dateable

  8. 7 months ago

    I am only now realizing how moronic I was in middle and high school with the sheer amount of signs that girls liked me that I was completely oblivious to, or purposely ignored for some reason or another. I want to blow my head off.

    • 7 months ago

      welcome to the club

    • 7 months ago

      All good, man. Least you didn’t have your entire high school years taken out by the covid gayop. Didn’t even know most of the graduating class. I’m catching up now, but I missed so many of the things I was supposes to learn but I spent close to 3 school years forced be at home. At least I didn’t have to get the clotshot

  9. 7 months ago

    I don’t know what to do in my free time, whenever i am not lifting, working or working on my hobbies, i just don’t what to do, I can’t relax, games are boring and i have no friends
    >inb4 just get friends bro
    I just don’t know how, i am sick of trying, i never know what to say or do with them, never knew how to keep contact, i just don’t understand.

    • 7 months ago

      Do what you want to do.

    • 7 months ago

      Start learning. Find a topic that interests you and start learning about it - articles, videos, textbooks.

      Sign up for some part-time studies, get a diploma or a cert in something you like and find out how to make money from it.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm starting to be a lil racist, shits getting out of control in the west bros

    • 7 months ago

      I'm racist against western women

  11. 7 months ago

    I could be now abroad making huge load of money, enough to buy my own house in 2 years, but I sperged for no reason like a moron and now am back to being broke and living with my parents. Soon I'll get a shit job, but pretty happy cause getting out of NEET, which is unbearable without money. Also will be able to actually talk with some people and have money for myself, so I'll finally be able to enjoy my free time without feelings of shame.
    Plan for now is to get a job asap, and in december I'll cope with being a wagie by replaying witcher games and lifting very heavy.
    Plan for long term is to BUY my own apartment before 30 (23 now). I'm not moving out from my parents to rent, no fricking way

    • 7 months ago

      i don't want to be a neet anymore, it's unbearable. i'm applying to jobs but nobody is getting back to me and it's been months since i started looking. my mum thinks i'm being lazy and is getting increasingly aggressive to me. i haven't left my bedroom today because i'm scared of getting yelled at again. it's fricking with my gains, i haven't eaten anything today, i'm so hungry but can't bring myself to leave my bedroom.

      • 7 months ago

        Night shift security guard. They hire anyone and more often than not, the posts are chill. You're welcome

  12. 7 months ago

    My wife does some crazy shit with her tongue and now I can’t hold it for more than 30sec before I blow my load during a bj.

  13. 7 months ago

    I can’t stop flirting with a young employee from my wage cuck job. She’s 19, I’m 31. There’s always this playful exchange between us, and she’s been dropping obvious hints like ,”I’ve always wanted to go to this place, but I have nobody to go with.” We’ll have lunch together and she always sits on my desk, playfully nudging me with her feet. I mean, the cat’s in the bag here, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m only accepting her moves because my social life is nonexistent outside of work. At the same time I don’t care because I hate my job and I’m halfway out the door, I also don’t care about the age gap thing. Thanks for reading my blog post

    • 7 months ago

      Who gives a frick man, as long as you both want it just be nice to her and play back

  14. 7 months ago

    I messed up my lead (guitar) but aced my rhythm.
    I'll have to start all over and redo the lead from scratch.

  15. 7 months ago

    I hope you're joking. Get off porn you dumb son of a b***h. Do not entertain those thoughts to any degree. There was a time that being gay was the absolute lowest that you could go in society. The most disgusting and degenerate shit-covered broken humans imaginable. Then transformers became a thing and replaced gays as the worst. You will never pass, you will never feel true happiness, you will be a laughing-stock. Put your energy into success, and stop watching porn!

  16. 7 months ago

    My wife doesn't respect me and I'm pretty sure at this point there's nothing I can do to change that.

  17. 7 months ago

    It feels like wherever I go, I always get disrespected and mocked by certain people in social settings after they know me for quite some time, and this shit is making me go fricking crazy. It's like I'm emitting this aura of "please come bully me" due to the mannerisms I portray, and this happened for as long as I remember. Being a 5'5 skinny fat (working on this) socially stunted nerd doesn't help at all.
    It happened in the workplace where I used to work by some extroverted piece of shit woman, who was good to me at first but with time started making fun of me indirectly to amuse herself, and at times I didn't know how to respond and turn things around. I also have a habit of tearing up whenever I'm in a heated argument with a manager or someone at work or whatever, and this shit is ruining my life.
    it's happening to me now in the dormitory where I live (I'm a masters student) by a dude that entered a relationship with one of my flatmates, whenever he sees me he'd say shit like "hey [name], I missed you! It's quite cold outside, so make sure you wear some warm clothes!", giving a subtle impression that I'm a child, at least that's what my gut is telling me, maybe I'm reading me since he never outright disrespected me.
    I'm 25 now and I honestly have no fricking clue how to solve this issue that made me socially crippled and depressed as frick. It's an issue that's been happening for all my life and I haven't felt happy in a very long time.
    Frick this garbage trash life, it's not worth living.

    • 7 months ago

      I don’t have any context other than what you’ve said but that can just be how some guys connect. They may not mean any harm. Try giving it back to them. Make a funny joke at their expense. Me and my guy friends so the same shit to each other but we’ve been close for 10+ years.

    • 7 months ago

      you teach people how to treat you

      • 7 months ago

        NTA, but some people are buttholes who will make your life difficult because they can.

    • 7 months ago

      Michael? Is that you?

  18. 7 months ago

    Planning on quitting my job soon and getting a part-time, zero stress job that I work a couple days a week and just focus on training. I mean, its not like I'm going to be actually training for a real competition or anything but I enjoy that routine and at least pretending that I am. It's fulfilling to me. My job isn't all bad, my boss is great and I have an outstanding reputation. But it's extremely busy and fairly stressful and I just don't want to give up the things I want to do for it at this point. I have plenty of money saved up and it's not like I'm getting laid anyways so why do I need an "adult" job for? I'm pretty sure it doesn't even matter anyways so I might as well just stock shelves part time and spend the rest of my time eating, sleeping and training and not mentally consumed with work shit.

  19. 7 months ago

    I went back up to 240 without realizing it. Clothes still fit, my walking pace is at all time high, and my workout routine is clicking. Frick.

  20. 7 months ago

    Im single and have been for 8 years
    The only women I interact with regularly are my mother whom I care for and my boss who is a friend (and also married, before anyanon starts)
    I spend most of my time in a dead end job thats a waste of my time as I dont get paid for travel time, or time spent by the boss procrastinating or doing social calls to her family (to be fair thats rare), but it translates as 9 - 10 hours a day out for 5 - 6 hours paid. I hate the work, and I want out but I have no decent qualifications. Sure, I can work metal and carve wood, but I dont have a bit of paper that says I can.
    I contemplate suicide on a weekly basis. I feel lonely and shitty. Sometimes I imagine killing my mother. I wouldnt ever, but without having to care for her I know I would be in a far better position.
    I want a GF but I no longer know how to go out and meet someone. They say "be sociable" but I dont know how any more. I go to the gym and lift weights when I get the chance, I run when I have the time and energy and once a week I go to my tabletop games club to play bt. Thats it, thats my life. The only reprieve I have are the weekends I get to go hiking or craft wood, or just walking. My airrifle broke and I cant afford to repair or replace it so i cant go shooting, but I have my bow if I can just find the energy to fletch my arrows.
    I want to draw, I want to build and paint scale models, like I used to, but I dont have the time or space. I want to have a good fitness/gym routine but work saps my energy and time. At least I fixed my diet I guess.
    Im working on a project for /m/'s Plamo general now, 6 days till it has to be in. Ive had 3 months and barely had a single free day in all that time to work on it.
    Im tired of this, im 29. I want out of this life. Sometimes I just want to hike up to the old quarry, enjoy one last cider with the view, then jump, but im too much of a coward and still have some dreams I faintly hope to achieve
    Thanks for reading my blog

    • 7 months ago

      I understand what you mean. I don't have a solution but I hope that one day we will achieve what we aim to do.

    • 7 months ago

      You are lonely, socially isolated. Make friends, go out more. That is literally it. That is also how you get gf.

  21. 7 months ago

    I wish I was born white. I hate my stupid ugly face, skin, and name. I wish I was born white and christian.

    • 7 months ago

      Im Serbian (Serbia is poor compared to the west) and i heard a ton of people wishing they were born french or british or american. I realised that they are moronic homosexuals. Stop giving a shit about stuff you cant change, find a good shitskin wife and live a happy life

      • 7 months ago

        Serbians are lighter than me. Shitskin wives have wizened up on the fact that they can get a superior white husband, so they don’t want browns anymore. I would much rather be a scandinavian. In my dreams I was born in Iceland.

        • 7 months ago

          nah serbian and other slavs are whites poeple in europe after scandinavians

          • 7 months ago

            Yes, but they are more savage and less beautiful. I want to be a beautiful white, but I would settle for slavic.

            • 7 months ago

              Make the best of what was given to you. You obviously can’t change your race, but why not adopt what made the European people great since you admire them so much. Convert to Christianity, adopt the Prussian work ethic, study your home nation’s nationalist movement, build great and aesthetic building, get a wife that has lived in and understands your culture. No reason to change things that you aren’t responsible for. Shoot for greatness, and honour God in all that you do.

    • 7 months ago

      You can fix one of those problems… ever heard of michael Jackson?

  22. 7 months ago

    I recently got fit, upgraded my style and grooming etc, and now one of my female friends started picking on me all the time. Is it true what they say? Could she be interested? She's cute and shit but I don't wanna make things awkward.

    • 7 months ago

      Almost definitely, just play back and see what happens

  23. 7 months ago

    >favorite exercise
    Hammer curls at the moment
    >what’s bothering you
    Stressing about money. Buying a house by myself so my amazing kids have a nice play to grow up in. Money will be tight for a bit. I’ve also come to the conclusion that I will never have a healthy relationship with a woman and some nights are lonely. If anyone has any good winter hobby suggestions that won’t break the bank let me know.

  24. 7 months ago

    >Getting stuff off your chest
    i do that while benching

    • 7 months ago

      also kys homosexual

  25. 7 months ago

    >up to 3x10 pull ups
    >proud of this
    >despite knowing I’m 5’6” at 145lbs
    It’s hard to feel as good about doing a difficult exercise when you’re doing it on easy mode.

  26. 7 months ago

    I have a plan that I've been delaying on for years because not only am I afraid that it won't work, but it'll actually set me back. I have no light at the end of the tunnel I've been running towards, no-one to truly back me up, but I have to keep moving because otherwise the darkness in that tunnel's just gonna catch up to me and take a hold of me all over again.
    I just wish that any light at the end of that tunnel would just quit being taken away from me, man.
    Anyway my favorite's the kettlebell swing, deadlifts, or pull-ups.

  27. 7 months ago

    I'm 29 and my current girl is 10 years younger and my friends have been giving me some grief over it. more than I expected. especially the women. it's playful but there's some real scorn underneath. which I find odd since it's not like I've groomed here nor am I abusive

  28. 7 months ago

    Fricking get overyourself and start making connections with people already, this social anxiety thing is getting really old. It's so FRICKING mentally draining flipping back and forth between wanting to not care and caring at all, I want to improve but thinking about my current standing depresses the shit out of me. Not enough to make me wanna quit trying all together but, man I sure do spend a lot of time thinking about dumb shit like that. God this feeling of being superior but at the same time being able to barely scrape by socially is so very much stupid I just wanna achieve inner peace already. Getting off this place would probably help but some of you Black folk are funny and normie humor doesnt do it for me lmfao.

  29. 7 months ago

    >Getting stuff off your chest
    Just bench brah

  30. 7 months ago

    >Getting stuff off your chest

    Here we go.

    I'm a 32 year old man, I've changed. I'm a different man now. But when I was in high-school, I was an butthole.

    I was 15 then, there was this attractive girl that I sort of have a crush on. I knew she was also attracted to me, since we casually steal glances off each other.

    Anyway, one afternoon, we were the last two students to leave the classroom, so I decided to be bold. I started flirting with her and she was very receptive. I asked for her number and if she wanted to hang out this weekend, she said yes and happily gave her number.

    Friday comes. I neither text nor call.
    The weekend passes, I still haven't messaged her.
    Monday comes, I avoid eye contact and never speak to her again.

    17 years later, I sometimes wonder if she's still waiting for my call, and when we'll go out.

    • 7 months ago

      Was prepared to be annoyed at you being hung up after she ghosted, but you ghosting fricking killed me. This was very funny. Thx anon wish you the best.

  31. 7 months ago

    i heard all the pros do lifts slow so i did some super slow benchpresses with 1 plate (usually my warmup) and my elbow has been hurting for like 2 weeks

  32. 7 months ago

    I don't know exactly what's happening but I think I'm having a mental break this week. I've been getting panic attacks, I'm super paranoid about my health and relationships. I haven't been to a doc yet but I'm fairly certain I have OCD and Ive experienced some trauma over the last year (lost a few people). I'm trying to keep my head on straight but my instincts are screaming fear, distrust. I'm sincerely considering seeing a psych or something.
    Anyone care to share their experience getting medicated so I know what I'm in for?

    • 7 months ago

      Oh and favorite lift, pullups

    • 7 months ago

      had panic attacks start around age 23... they were very rare, once in a while but progressively more common. around the age 25 it went to the point that I just lived in constant anxiety im gonna have a panic attack... It wasnt from any crazy events in my life, but rather I had anxiety over my heart. Never once had any issues with my heart, but i watched a shit of medical stuff and got interested in the topic... and everytime i had my heart skip a beat, or just feel my heart beat I would get into panic mode "Maybe this time its a heart attack"....

      I went to a psychologist, he kinda helped was okay. Flew to my friend in Edmonton, end in the constant fear of hoping not to have a panic attack/heart attack.... End up going to the hospital at like 3:00 am because I woke up with my heart racing. Sat there till like 8 or 9 oclock, gave me some benzos, did EKG, Chest xray, blood work... EVERYTHING is perfect.... talked to the doctor, told her eveyrhting and she said I should really go see my family doctor and try going on medication see how it works for me. She told me "you come here when you get a cut and we have to stich you, right? Its the same thing with the brain... sometimes it doesnt heal by itself and you need stiches. Ask your doctor to try you on sertraline, its very mild anti-anxiety/anti- depressent. See how you feel ". Gave me some extra benzos for few days and told me to go.

      I end up going to my family doctor, and hes anti medication.... but after i told him the story he said lets give it a try but its gonna take few months, I said I just want it to be over.

      First month 50 mg
      Increased to 100 mg for 10 months
      last month 50 mg

      Pretty much, as soon as I started medication it went away. Now off it for a year and havent had one panic attack. I still keep a bottle of old benzos with me when I travel just in case but seriously never felt better. I'm fully alive, active, good job, frick b***hes, and travel without worries.

      Try it anon, they do work.

      • 7 months ago


        just fyi, first 2 weeks it makes you feel like you're moronic. You'll go to the kitchen to make yourself a coffee, youll get there and forget what you were gonna do... or youll be talking to someone and just compeltely lose your thought... But this is temporary.

        BIG PLUS of this medication is youll frick like a champ. If youre used to cumming fast, then that goes away. I used to frick for like 5-7 minutes on good days... with medication it didnt go below 20 minutes. Plus the nutting feels 30x better

        • 7 months ago

          had panic attacks start around age 23... they were very rare, once in a while but progressively more common. around the age 25 it went to the point that I just lived in constant anxiety im gonna have a panic attack... It wasnt from any crazy events in my life, but rather I had anxiety over my heart. Never once had any issues with my heart, but i watched a shit of medical stuff and got interested in the topic... and everytime i had my heart skip a beat, or just feel my heart beat I would get into panic mode "Maybe this time its a heart attack"....

          I went to a psychologist, he kinda helped was okay. Flew to my friend in Edmonton, end in the constant fear of hoping not to have a panic attack/heart attack.... End up going to the hospital at like 3:00 am because I woke up with my heart racing. Sat there till like 8 or 9 oclock, gave me some benzos, did EKG, Chest xray, blood work... EVERYTHING is perfect.... talked to the doctor, told her eveyrhting and she said I should really go see my family doctor and try going on medication see how it works for me. She told me "you come here when you get a cut and we have to stich you, right? Its the same thing with the brain... sometimes it doesnt heal by itself and you need stiches. Ask your doctor to try you on sertraline, its very mild anti-anxiety/anti- depressent. See how you feel ". Gave me some extra benzos for few days and told me to go.

          I end up going to my family doctor, and hes anti medication.... but after i told him the story he said lets give it a try but its gonna take few months, I said I just want it to be over.

          First month 50 mg
          Increased to 100 mg for 10 months
          last month 50 mg

          Pretty much, as soon as I started medication it went away. Now off it for a year and havent had one panic attack. I still keep a bottle of old benzos with me when I travel just in case but seriously never felt better. I'm fully alive, active, good job, frick b***hes, and travel without worries.

          Try it anon, they do work.

          It sounds too good to be true. The thought that I could be free of this shit with some silly little pills elates me, I can almost see the person Im supposed to be in my mind's eye. I'm gonna get and take my fricking meds. Thanks for sharing anon

          • 7 months ago

            Trust me, I was in your position... I didnt wanna take meds, I tried everything I could up untill a breaking point. I thought to myself.. "really am I that weak mentally? gonna become some kind of lunatic that has to take meds? what if im not the same after?"

            But i just said frick it... i cant live like this and went on the meds.

            Like I said first 2 weeks I wouldnt call bad or terrible experience... just fricking weird. Itll feel like you almost lose touch with yourself. But get through it and youll be fine.

            wish you the best of luck brother

  33. 7 months ago

    I have a tendency to get drunk as frick.
    It has been more or less under control the last few years, taking lots of precautions, and the past few months I've hardly drank at all. But this week I went on a ridiculous 4 day bender in which I spent pretty much the entire week blacked out. I feel like such a worthless idiot.
    My gf isn't mad, somehow despite sending a lot of cringe to her it didn't quite bother her. I have no idea if I pissed off anyone else. Hopefully not. There's some flashes of things that I'm not sure if I dreamed or not. That happens a lot to me, I get drunk/do drugs and remember things that never happened, so it's hard to properly asses the situation. At least I haven't gotten shit from anyone so far. Best case scenario I just wasted four days of my life and some change.
    In any case I've been feeling pretty fricking pathetic because of this. I had such a good streak of good habits and discipline and then go full moronic like I haven't in half a decade. And I fricking pray that in these four days I didn't get in trouble.

    • 7 months ago

      It happens. If you had issues with drugs and alcohol in the past those weird impulses never vanish. A few weeks back I ordered 2g of the best qualiry heroin I could find from a darknet market despite never using heroin before and not having touched opiates in 3 years. Just on an insane whim. I went on a week long binge, felt crappy for 2 days, and haven't touched anything since. My life was going fine too btw so it wasn't an escapist thing. It is what it is

      • 7 months ago

        Regularly I plan my drunkness. If I see I have a couple of days in which I can get away with drinking a lot or doing drugs in a controlled environment, I might use it to go on a binge. But this time it was like you describe, like my mind shut off and I just acted on crazy impulses.
        That's a bit worrying. Doing shit in a controlled, planned manner has zero consequences other than a hangover or whatever. No big deal. But going crazy out of nowhere is something no one needs in their lives.

        • 7 months ago

          Right it's certainly not ideal. But if 99% of your life is in control and during that 1% of madness you still have a semblance of self-preservation I can live with it personally. Just don't let it spiral

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I guess if it's an extremely unusual thing you can mostly get away with it. Most of my chats during that time frame were me unusually sociable, but I can't find anything on my phone that I would certainly regret. Some cringy stuff at most.
            I'm mostly afraid that during those binges I'll harass some random woman I have in my contacts or get in trouble with the law for stealing or walking with my dick out. But that never seems to happen.

  34. 7 months ago

    I don't actually hate women. I want to be loved by women but apparently I'm not worth it because of face bones, and me hating them is just me coping with the sad fact that I'll be deprived of a fubdamental human need all of my life due to things I can't change while they go for objectively inferior men. God I hate them so much.

    Sledgehammer swings.

    • 7 months ago

      >while they go for objectively inferior men
      idk 'man' sounds like you're admitting that you're the inferior one here

      • 7 months ago

        Boogie. Ethan Ralph. Do I need do keep going?

  35. 7 months ago

    Bros, this is the man we all aspire to be

    • 7 months ago

      Bret Ellis Easton probably thought he was going hard when he wrote his Patrick Bateman character. Little did he know..

      • 7 months ago

        >Bret Ellis Easton

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      damn, kino life..

    • 7 months ago

      >aspire to be
      I have a lovely, sexy wife and a 15yo kid. So maybe no.
      Also, this video recalls me about the scene in Fight Club where Ed Norton's character makes a resume of all the catalog shit he has in his apartment.
      An empty life of consumerism.

    • 7 months ago

      Basically my life, except I played Baldur's Gate 3 for 16 hours instead.

  36. 7 months ago

    how was your relationship with your father?

    • 7 months ago

      you rightly assumed something is wrong with our relationship. anything in particular you want to know?

  37. 7 months ago

    these are trans women on a lesbian dating site, you will be one of them.

  38. 7 months ago

    Been talking to a girl for about week now. First girl I’ve talked to this much in over 3 years. Thought things were going well, but then she leaves me on read and still hasn’t messaged back. My libido has skyrocketed to gorilla levels lately so it’s her loss really I guess, but still sucks.

  39. 7 months ago

    Family's actively discouraging me from going to the gym, not eating as much, etc. Saying my weight's perfectly fine (obese btw). Shit's getting annoying

  40. 7 months ago

    I just wish I had more time to do stuff, you know?
    I love drawing, been painting a lot more too. I've recently discovered sculpting in Blender/ZBrush which is all new to me and so much fun.

    Having a dayjob and exercising takes up so much of my time though.
    For now, I have to work or I don't get to eat. Exercise is a means-to-an-end, art is pretty harsh on the body so I have to take some time out or else I start getting nasty stuff like back pain and my old tendonitis rearing it's ugly head.

    Cardio is a lot more fun than lifting to me too. Cycling is the most bearable of the bunch because at least I get to go fast.
    I've been trying to get into strength stuff... I just can't stand it for some reason

    • 7 months ago

      I actually have recently been shifting away from lifting and doing cardio instead. I think its because it is burning calories and idk it gets me sweaty and tired fast. I am relatively strong and just need to lose weight so this may be the path.

      Point is you could do the bare minimum and still get some gains. Superset everything secondary after primary lift to get it done faster.

  41. 7 months ago

    How do i get tall?

  42. 7 months ago

    The amount of incels and homosexuals on IST

  43. 7 months ago

    Im probably the biggest loser to walk the face of this earth. Im average face, 5’7, bullied in school, never had sex, only friend group abandoned me, every job I’ve worked at my coworkers hate me, try to reach out and everyone despises me, no hobbies, no interests, minimum wage job, cant drive, porn addiction, ugly teeth, dyel despite lifting being the only thing I do in free time, fat, thinning hair, acne, small wiener, turning into a homosexual from the loneliness, edgy humour, racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, did I mention short. And im age 20 which is the prime of my life. It’s all going to get worse. Id honestly say most lolcows have had a happier and more fulfilling life than me. The only reason I haven’t killed myself is out of spite. I pray someone would just put me out of my misery I really dont deserve to live

    • 7 months ago

      Bro you’re already way more self aware than any of the other 20 year olds in your shoes. Which means you have plenty of time to attack it, and go into your late 20s as a king

      • 7 months ago

        I honestly dont have hope of getting better. Like I’ve tried joining clubs, volunteering, retail work, pubs, tinder. I have never met a person who has like me and I have like them mutually.

    • 7 months ago

      I used to think this way. I've still got a long way to go but I'm doing better. My advice: take one thing at a time and only worry about what you can change. I used to barrage myself with all these things that were wrong with me, but I accidentally found my way when I started lifting. All of my attention switched to lifting and everything else melted away because I wasn't paying attention to those things. Eventually lifting just became an unconscious habit, and I switched my attention to other things which I got better at. No need to burden yourself with tons of shit you can't possibly tackle in one year, one step at a time bro.

  44. 7 months ago

    I am a drug addict and i've been sober for idk 18-24 months; but i got tor again to buy steroids but every single time I go on there to buy steroids I find myself having to close the window because i'm gonna order meth. I literally do not know how to not order meth; and part of me wants to ask a friend to help me so they can keep me accountable but deep down i dont want that because I know they're gonna stop me buying meth and I want it so fricking badly anons, but i know i only think i want it because my life sucks so hard and rules so much on meth.

  45. 7 months ago

    I go around and drop fake lottery tickets in front of homeless people. If they return it, they get a reward from me but if they don;t (and none do) then i get to watch them flip absolute shit when they figure it fake xD

  46. 7 months ago

    I am planning to frick a prostitute but I fear that the room might have a hidden camera and someone will record my white fat ass bouncing up and down

    Sadly this is my only troublesome though about this

    • 7 months ago

      I also had this fear. The first time i went to a massage parlor i cancelled my credit cards straight after. I thought that maybe while one girl was massaging me another was crawling across the floor and copying my card numbers. Better to be safe in these situations.

  47. 7 months ago

    my pp is too smol nobody will ever love me 🙁

  48. 7 months ago

    Girl I fell in love with this summer and that I was pretty sure liked me back too moved away for half a year because of her studies (about 600km/370miles) and our chats gradually detorated. When I noticed that after some point it was mostly me trying to have a conversation with her, while she showed little to no effort, I fell into a short depression and then forced myself to move on after a few weeks. Recently she started out of nothing to message me again and I am honestly baffled what I should do. It's the first time I fell in love and I feel sick to the stomach knowing that she's away in another big city and doing god knows what. I can't get her out of my head and I often find myself thinking about the situations when we were together and reconsidering all of her signs and thinking that maybe she never really was interested romantically in me. I want to move on but I can't and it feels disgusting

    Favourite exercise is rowing, love listening to roman battle music in the background while imagining myself in the Roman fleet sailing towards Carthage

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