gf won't acknowledge my mires

>be me exbeta nusigma gymmaxxing
>with long time gf of 5 years
>start getting mired when we walk together
>point it out to gf
>she laughs it out and makes fun of me

What the frick is her problem is this all the joke to her. By the way when I started working out she was all encouraging because she kept saying I would feel better if I worked out but then she never really told me she likes my new body and gets annoyed when I go to the gym instead of staying with her

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  1. 4 months ago

    Any pics of her breasts?

    • 4 months ago

      Can you keep it in for a few minutes and maybe try to help out a bit there are other things than sex in the world you know

      • 4 months ago

        Post your ass and I'll consider it

      • 4 months ago

        Not when women are involved. It is literally the only reason for their existing.

  2. 4 months ago

    >point it out to gf
    >she laughs it out and makes fun of me
    >What the frick is her problem is this all the joke to her.
    i can smell your insecurity through the screen, i can't imagine what it must be like to stand next to you

    • 4 months ago

      You're a moron

      • 4 months ago

        your use of the word moron here shows that you are insecure of your intelligence, i can't imagine what it must be like to stand next to you

    • 4 months ago

      You're a moron

      He's right. To actually verbalize a "mire' of yourself is beneath even women

      • 4 months ago

        This is it. You're supposed to act oblivious and not expect anyone to point it out. If you look good enough, people will assume you already know it, so they're less likely to compliment you or address any mires they happen to witness. Your partner may also try to put you down or completely ignore any improvements you make if they feel insecure about themselves. In general, people want you to succeed to a degree. If you're too successful, to a point where they feel you could be better than them, they'll hate you. No matter who it is.

        • 4 months ago

          sure that could happen, but it’d be a lot more obvious. after 5 years of being together OP should be able to decipher the emotional intent behind her every action. to be so quick witted and not react emotionally impulsive in a present situation where any insecure woman would slip up and respond in a jealous and territorial form is giving her too much credit. women don’t hide their emotions as well as men do and that’s why men are better at negging. to laugh and poke fun in that instance and going on about her day like nothing happened is likelier to be the case of her not feeling threatened

  3. 4 months ago

    shes jelly, make her go to the gym with you

    • 4 months ago

      You can't make another person commit to exercise and lifestyle changes in general. If they have to be persuaded at all they're not going to stick with it, you will just waste time and energy helping them before they quit.

  4. 4 months ago

    My wife doesn’t really acknowledge my gains from going to the gym for the last two years but I remember last summer she picked me up and I was wearing my gym stuff and she said “woah your physique is changed.” Honestly I’m doing it for myself and my kids and to get mired by other girls and to a lesser extent for her.

    • 4 months ago

      Lol does she not look at you during sex? What a weird thing to say

      • 4 months ago

        I mean she doesn’t compliment my muscles during sex if that’s what you’re asking.

        damn bro had to go back to last summer to recall the last compliment his partner gave him...

        Lol no that’s just the one that really sticks out because it marked the time I really noticed a change too. We’ve been together a long time and just don’t compliment each others’ appearance a lot besides “you look good” if we’re wearing nice clothes and that sort of thing. It’s not a negative or passive aggressive thing we’re just not kids and don’t treat each other like that. She’s not high maintenance and doesn’t need to be constantly coddled and I’m a man so I don’t expect it.

      • 4 months ago

        He's talking about his wife, not his gf

    • 4 months ago

      damn bro had to go back to last summer to recall the last compliment his partner gave him...

    • 4 months ago

      >she picked me up
      Holy cuck. It doesn't matter how fit you get, she will never feel attraction for a homosexual she has to pick up like one of her kids. I bet she makes more money than you too

      • 4 months ago

        Second car was at the mechanic and she dropped me off at work because she needed to take the kids somewhere. I make $120k and change and she’s a stay at home mom.

        You really need to explore why you feel the need to project such inadequacies and lack of confidence.

  5. 4 months ago

    Sounds like she's allowing her own securities bubble to the surface. Of course, it's difficult to tell, but that might be the reason she's essentially "ignoring" your mires. I'd recommend reading into "Forsch Barbie Doll" theory, and posting your gf's breasts so we can take a measure of how insecure she actually is/should be. Chop chop, op.

  6. 4 months ago

    She knows she has your ass leashed and bound. Literally not her problem.

  7. 4 months ago

    A few reasons

    1) Girls think it's insecure, cringe, gay, etc for a man to be "into himself" like that. You're just supposedly effortlessly, naturally be a ripped Chad and pretend it's nothing, never expect or get a compliment ever. Just exist in a state of 100% confident self-assured selt esteem 100% of the time. In sense this is good to be masculine and secure in yourself, but pretty ridiculous as a human

    2) She is threatened/jealous and trying to knock you down (it worked). She wants to be in control, you chasing her. This threatens the dynamic

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks bro. First logical and useful reply in this whole thread.

      • 4 months ago

        >First logical and useful reply in this whole thread.
        >multiple people before suggesting it makes you look insecure

      • 4 months ago

        How could you not even figure this out yourself? Women logic is literal child's play. Shame on you.

    • 4 months ago

      She has the beta by the balls. He lost the upper hand in the relationship long ago. You’re putting her mental prowess on a pedestal and overlooking women’s emotional reactivity during intense stress or challenging situations. Don’t think with men logic.

    • 4 months ago

      >You're just supposedly effortlessly, naturally be a ripped Chad
      This is why women make this moronic distinction between "fake" muscles gotten in a gym and "real" ones gotten by farming or working constructions or some shit like that. Ever heard a femoid say "I want a man with muscles he made tossing hales of bay, not lifting in a gym"? I have personally heard multiple foids say shit like this. They're repulsed by men trying to improve themselves because IT SIGNALS THAT THEIR GENETICS ISN'T 100% PERFECT. Self improvement is only allowed for women, according to them. (Even lying with makeup and padded bras is allowed for them, according to them.) Men need to be muscular without trying, otherwise it's icky.

      >Just exist in a state of 100% confident self-assured selt esteem 100% of the time.
      Indeed. Hilarious that women are constantly accusing any decent looking girl of being an "unrealistic" standard of feminine beauty pushed on women, but nobody ever mentions the absurdly IMPOSSIBLE standards women have for men.

  8. 4 months ago

    There's a certain type of people, getting a compliment unasked for is like pulling teeth out of them. And even worse, they get derisive if you attempt to communicate to them how you might like a kind word here and there and joke about how ''oh you need me to tell you? you need somebody to tell you you look nice, you look good?''

    You know? These people are dysfunctional, probably grew up in a hateful, hazing type of environment where no one in their family was being nice, sort of a locker room ''oh my way of showing affection is by being rude to you''.

    Anyways you can't change them, don't debase yourself to ask for them, trust me, you can communicate it once, twice, fifty times...Always they will forget about it, not make the change and you will never get what you asked for.

    What you need is either a. start actively getting it from somewhere else. As in, you start playing into the mires you're getting, check out the other girls looking at you, you know smile, get deep in the eye contact. Then if she notices, you would say ''oh so now this is getting checked out to you?''. Deep down, I found from experience the same people who turn a blind eye to their partner's wordly appearance are the one who seek out getting cucked.
    Why? Because they're not giving away recognition, and they fail to recognize how desirable their partner is as well in the eyes of others. So obviously, the partner is gonna become more and more tempted to actually get the validation and affection. And then the culprit will turn around and say ''I can't believe you cheated on me''.

    There is an agreement in a relationship that you must provide affection and care to your partner. IF you treat them like property and ignore their tending/caring to, they have every right to leave, or see someone else.

    But at the root of the matter, the problem is some people can't communicate affection and even worse, act creeped out if you ask for it in simple terms like ''compliment'' or ''nice rizz up'' etc.

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks anon yeah I know you're probably right I don't think I can change her, and now that I think about it it's true that she never compliments me, even small things like when I got promoted at work she was just joking about it

    • 4 months ago

      This assumes men and women are equal and are programmed to communicate the same way, especially sexual interest. They aren’t

      It’s like a parent being insecure their child doesn’t give them compliments while the parent showers their child with positivity. Same thing in a man to woman

      Also, affection like “I love you” coming from a wife isn’t the same as that same wife complimenting her husband’s attractiveness to his face, something that is usually rare. The fact that you’re fricking her is the validation you need, know that sucks given the amount of low self esteem late bloomers here

      • 4 months ago

        >The fact that you’re fricking her is the validation you need
        That's a really low bar.

    • 4 months ago

      I get annoyed when people compliment me. What the frick is wrong with me?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't much like recieving gifts.

        • 4 months ago

          Based. Receiving is for women and gays.

          • 4 months ago

            Maybe. I've never had a problem giving stuff but always tell them to get something for the kids or someone else, not me.

            • 4 months ago

              >they give you something in return anyway
              >the cycle of gift-violence continues

              I have enough ties, scarfs and snow globes you dumb fricks. STOP IT

    • 4 months ago

      stopped reading when I realized this post was written by a woman.

      • 4 months ago

        i think you're right, i cringed through its entirety.

  9. 4 months ago

    That's how most women are. Consider becoming gay if it bothers you that much

  10. 4 months ago

    She doesn't find you attractive.
    My ex was convinced everyone wanted to have sex with me.
    She was hyper territorial.

  11. 4 months ago

    >be me exbeta nusigma gymmaxxing

    Stopped reading there, you're a fricking autistic moron

  12. 4 months ago

    You probably mistake looks for mires and have an unimpressive physique

  13. 4 months ago

    A woman making fun of you is never serious. Dont take yourself so seriously

  14. 4 months ago

    Break up with her, date someone who mires you. She doesn't want you to improve so you don't find someone better.

  15. 4 months ago

    another moron high on 6 month noob gains thinking that every single stare you catch now is a mire now when before they were looking at you in despise. your "gf" rightfully laughed and made fun of you, you fricking delusional creep

  16. 4 months ago

    >people are friendly and smile to others on walks
    >point it out to gf

    • 4 months ago

      This is essentially it. Women don't know the average man is treated like a subhuman so why would she acknowledge when you're being treated in a way that has been completely normal for her all her life?

  17. 4 months ago

    post body homosexual

  18. 4 months ago

    She knows you are a b***h and wont leave her. Its over for you, she will cuck you at some point

  19. 4 months ago

    She is unironically gaslighting you. Also, possibly insecure that you'll leave her but instead of communicating it like a human, she does it like a woman.
    Unless you make her admit it though healthy communication, attempts to make her feel safe will only work against you, because you'll be putting yourself down to appease her.
    Also, she knows you're her b***h. Turn that around ASAP.

    >t. never had a relationship but would be the perfect husband

  20. 4 months ago

    You're an actual social moron.
    >be fat girl
    >lose weight, start training and wear makeup
    >with long time bf of 5 years
    >guys start checking me out when we walk together
    >point it out to bf
    >he gets all defensive and tries to joke it away
    guise what's his fricking problem lmao ^^

    • 4 months ago

      One small problem

      >I'm feeling insecure and I don't want to lose you, is there anything I can do?

      If a woman does this she gets a good ending if she's willing to go to the gym. If a man does it it's joever

  21. 4 months ago

    People are nasty like that. Take note of those that have no problem with admitting it and pointing it out and being happy for you, the people that let you shine. It seems most people are selfish and will undermine others and ignore their good parts sadly. Your gf is probably insecure though and scared you will find someone better then her.

  22. 4 months ago

    you sounds like an insufferable egocentrical homosexual. why do you need to flex on your girlfriend so bad, are you so insecure?

  23. 4 months ago

    She's gaslighting you. It is what they do.

    • 4 months ago

      You do not know what gaslighting means.

      • 4 months ago

        I do. You are subtly doing it now and white knighting by proxy.

  24. 4 months ago

    She is in sexual competition with you and has to bring you down or you might leave her. She realizes you are above her and can't help but trip you.

  25. 4 months ago

    >point it out to gf
    Pathetic. Imagine being such a needy attention prostitute.

  26. 4 months ago

    Any man who must say 'I am getting mired' is not getting mired.

    Go cry in a corner

  27. 4 months ago

    >be me
    >fat, ugly prostitute hitting the wall harder than Dale Earnhardt (PBUH)
    >dating this scrawny nerd while waiting on my brad soulmate to rescue me
    >he tells me he is a meta-omicron on his cicocel story arc
    >have no idea what any of this means but believe I can get extra social media likes if I support him through his gender transition so stick around
    >he is constantly trying to show off to every woman he interacts with
    >sticks his chin out and squints, tells me these are his "hunter eyes"
    >looks vaguely like Billy Bob Thornton's character in Sling Blade
    >after he talks to women he tells me how they were flirting with him as I drive him around
    >"did you see her face Megan? she was totally miring my lateral abductors"
    >"all my mewing is paying off"
    >pretty sure she was being polite to him but tell him I'm happy and he's doing great with his transition
    >he gets quiet, pouts all the way to my apartment
    >tells me I'm making fun of him
    >"you're just jealous because I've been zyzzmaxing and the ladies love it. but you're the only one for me babe"
    >feel disgusted but he starts taking his clothes off before I can say anything
    >he flexes a 'cep, I know this because he mutters under his breath "yeah. flex a 'cep"
    >"I gotta warn you babe, I've been zincmaxing and I'm on a 12-hour nofap streak. but don't expect any kids because I'm on hard semen retention right now"
    >cums in me after 10 seconds
    >rolls over and goes to sleep
    >"gotta get that 12 hours babe or my gains are toast"
    >Can't wait until this guy finally cuts his dick off so I can post my story to Instagram then dump him for brad

    • 4 months ago

      bf is literally me

  28. 4 months ago

    ITT: moids and smooth brains seething.
    It is a now rigorously scientifically observed phenomenon that women hate self improvement and are total albatrosses about it. Count yourself lucky if you have a cheerleader gf. But I warn you anon, one day you will wake up and she will b***h AND NAG at you like your decrepit mother did when you first got up after it and tried to make it.
    I went through the same thing. I went from a pimpled geek to a varsity athlete. I went from no game no smooth operator. My woman actually explicitly asked me to fatten up and stay indoors and that she felt threatened when I was in public because that meant other women would get me.


    • 4 months ago

      I asked my gf to do this pic rel with me to any capacity and she complied in the most subversive way of resisting and making it awkward. She also fed me fattening foods. She was demoralizing af. I do not blame her individually because I think it is a hormonal venue response that is triggered in moids.

  29. 4 months ago

    She thinks you will leave her if your confidence gets higher.

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